networking for learning

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Networking for LearningAmy Clark

EDLD 5362 SP 3 12 ET8040April 20, 2012


What is a Network? According to Mathews it “is a way to share

information or move it among locations efficiently and effectively” (2004).

The Two Network I Chose Are:The Two Network I Chose Are:

Diigo (Dee' go) allows users to bookmark favorite websites for access from any computer.'

Ning is a social network builder. go) allows users to bookmark favorite websites for access from any computer. I is a social network builder.


Diigo stands for Digest of Internet Information, Groups & Other Stuff

Diigo is two services in one

Research & collaborative research tool

Knowledge sharing community & social content site


Diigo Education Diigo is a social bookmarking website which allows individuals to save links

and then tag the links so other can benefit from the resources they find. Diigo includes the ability for networking with professionals who research like topics of interest. The users can also annotate them so their network members can see their thoughts on the resources.


Why Use Diigo Educator?Pitler (2007) encourages the use of social bookmarking sites

along with other collaborative tools for teacher & student cooperative learning in his book Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works.

As a librarian I like that this site allows tagging and

annotations. These are both very useful in finding & sharing information and resources. This is a valuable tool to research areas of personal interest as well as initiatives of a school district. Saving and tagging resources allows me to share with my fellow educators.


Diigo Educators ImpactUsing Diigo should lead educators to more informed

educational practices and recommendations.

Quality search results in less time than using sites such as Google.

Diigo also utilizes on site text highlighting & “stick note” annotations.


Network # 2 : Ning Ning is the world’s largest

platform for creating social websites. Top organizers, markets, influencers and activist use Ning to create an online destination that weaves social conversations in content and inspire action (Ning 2012).

Educause (2008) states Ning is a social network building site that allows users to have a public and private social networks or create their own.


• Ning empowers teachers to make curriculum relevant and students

succeed by taking advantages of new technologies & 21st century learning to

promote student success.

• Videos, photos, news, forums and events can be added.


Ning in Educational Settings

Advantages Disadvantages

Increased student engagement

Easy to useCreate a community

among students Can make it private

Takes time to set upMust become involved

in the communityThis is a paid service


Network Potential Robert Moore (2006) acknowledges a quote by Jim Collins (Good to Great), “Good-to-great organizations avoid technology fads and bandwagons, yet they become pioneers in the application of carefully selected technologies.”


The collaboration that comes from social networking options available are important to education & today’s 21st century learner.

Advocacy for inexpensive and open source social networks are available for teacher & student use is a valuable and vital asset for our school district.

The correct social network has the potential for both personal and professional growth.

A networked environment engages and benefits student learning and success.


ReferencesDiigo. (2012). About diigo. Retrieved on April 18, 2012 from

Educause. (2008). 7 things you should know about…ning. Educause learning initiative. Retrieved on April 18, 2012 from http://net.educause/edu/ir/.

Mathews, J.B. (2004, April). Why statewide educational networks are important to state and educational leaders. Southern Regional Education Board. Retrieved on April 18, 2012 from

Moore, R.J. (August, 2006). The five best accelerators in schools. School Administrator, 63.7, p. 8.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M. & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Ning, Inc. (2012). About ning. Retrieved on April 18, 2012 from

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