networking and their components. what is networking? in it’s simplest term, networking is when two...

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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NetworkingAnd their components

What is Networking?• In it’s simplest term, networking is when two or more things are

able to communicate and understand each other.

If you take an Ethernet cable from one pc and connect it to another pc, you have a network.

But because you may want to connect many pc’s together, there are many components involved.

Network Interface Card

The NIC is the component on the PC that connects the Ethernet cable and allows it to communicate on a network


The Hub connect multiple Ethernet cable from pc’s or network equipment together. The switch is not a smart device.


The Network switch is a smarted and larger version of the Hub. It connects many more devices and works to learn routes and traffic control the data to create a better flow of data. This increase speed, accuracy and error control


The Router is a specialized device that is used to connect a Local area network with a larger Wide area network. This device works mainly on routing and routing table to speed data between networks. It also work to connect dissimilar networks together regardless of protocols.


The Circuit is the physical link between Wide Area Networks. These circuits can be a public or private networks usual maintained by a utility company or private Internet Service Provider.

When they are all together,it looks like this


A stand-alone PC can do a tremendous amount , but when it is connected by a network, this increasesBy thousands and becomes seemingly endless to the data, information and work available.

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