network rail transparency challenge panel first meeting

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Network Rail Transparency Challenge Panel First Meeting. Agenda. 15.00 Welcome & Introductions 15.10 Background to transparency at Network Rail 15.30 Panel terms of reference 15.45 Our transparency programme so far 16.00 Perceptions of Network Rail’s transparency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Date 00.00.00 1

Network Rail Transparency Challenge Panel

First Meeting


15.00 Welcome & Introductions

15.10 Background to transparency at Network Rail

15.30 Panel terms of reference

15.45 Our transparency programme so far

16.00 Perceptions of Network Rail’s transparency

16.15 Challenging our transparency strategy

16.55 Next meeting & any other business

Panel members

• Chaired by Mark Farrow - Head of Transparency, Ethics & Data Protection, Network Rail

• Suzanne Wise - Group General Counsel and Company Secretary, Network Rail • Sim Harris – Managing Editor, Rail News• Nick Illsley – CEO, Transport Direct, Department for Transport• Oliver Morgans – Transparency Lead, Financial Conduct Authority• David Sidebottom – Passenger Team Director, Passenger Focus represented by

Sharon Hedges - Passenger Issues Manager • Rory Sutherland – Executive Creative Director and Vice Chairman, Ogilvy One

London• Emma Thwaites – Communications Associate, Open Data Institute• Peter van Veen – Director of Business Integrity, Transparency International

Apologies• Richard Thomas – member of the Committee on Standards in Public Life and former

Information Commissioner• Heidi Mottram – CEO, Northumbrian Water and former MD, Northern Rail

Background to transparency

Panel terms of referenceSection number to go here

Proposed panel terms of reference

• To challenge Network Rail’s transparency proposals and plans and our progress in delivering them

• To improve links between our transparency programme and related initiatives elsewhere

• To identify and share best practice in transparency and other areas to help us improve our programme and take advantage of new opportunities

• To help us identify and track key transparency benefits and success factors

Our programme so far

Our transparency vision

“To be a company respected for our openness, honesty and accessibility.”


What does “transparency” mean?

Other considerations

• Activity elsewhere – public & corporate sectors

• Prevailing Network Rail culture and appetite for doing different

• External demand

• Availability of key information & data internally

• Compliance or proactivity?

Proactive publication

Open data

The wider industry

Key future challenges

• Keeping our proactive publication relevant & interesting

• Broadening our open data offering

• Actively engaging with those who choose to contact us

• Defining & embedding a transparent culture

• Joined up industry transparency

• Measuring success

Perceptions of our transparency

Perceptions of Network Rail’s transparency

• How can we have an impact on the general public’s view of us? And how can we actively engage them?

• How do we give the communication teams at Network Rail the substance they need to enable clearer/better communications our stakeholders want?

• How can we demonstrate now the long term benefits of being transparent to the company?

Challenging our strategy

Key questions

• Is the focus of the strategy right?

• Have we missed anything? 

• How best can we “embed” transparency in Network Rail? 

• How can we maximise impact and benefits outside the company? 

• To what extent would you expect the rail industry to join up its various transparency initiatives?

Any other business

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