network brochure3

Post on 14-Mar-2016






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the ear2hear network

loving God | loving people | loving life

Contact us: Telephone: (+27) 083 429 1284

Website: | email:


The network is a non-denominational structure managed by EAR2HEAR MINISTRIES. We are organized as an organic grouping of missions, ministries, churches, individuals, cell groups and businesses. The network friends / partners work tirelessly to share the love of Jesus with the purpose of im-pacting their families, their communities and their world!

Our MAIN FOCUS is to share the Good News while at the same time we demonstrate Christ-like love in practical ways to the world. We work together, to improve our ability to reach people and to preach the Gospel. On our own we can impact the world, but we have limita-tions. With our resources pulled together we have a greater capacity to complete our man-date.


The formation of the ear2hear Network has been exciting and formidable. Our

team at EAR2HEAR MINISTRIES never imagine that it would have come so far!

We strive, according to Ephesians 4 verse 3, to do our best to preserve the

unity and love which Jesus gives. We believe that this unity which He gives is

possible for all who have Him in their hearts and we wish to apply every effort

to see it maintained. The other, more long-term unity which is spoken of in

verse 13 of the same chapter, namely that “…we all come into the unity of the

faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…” is something we look forward

to in the future (in this life or the life to come) Today we divide our Network op-

erations into 6 main categories namely:


Our heart’s desire is to provide as many resources to needy Christians; espe-

cially young Christians and Christians of poorer communities. We also love to

publish Bible studies and other materials to build Christians up in their most Holy

Faith. We will assist other mission groups and ministries partnering with us to im-

prove their image and multimedia profile. The Refreshing is our official semian-

nual MAGAZINE. Here we report back on all network operations taking place.


Missionaries and ministries often struggle endlessly with little or no resources,

limited contacts and poor exposure. The Network is a great platform to

change all those problems often experienced by these very hardworking or-

ganizations. Our desire is to help share the burden where we can. We work on

a barter system of skills. We try to keep things as free as possible within the net-



A network of cells groups / home groups / small house churches that have a

vision for Jesus and His Kingdom. This has become an important for us as a

Network. These small groups getting together are about love, intimate fellow-

ship, discipleship and evangelism. We openly support the concept of OPEN

SHARING and encourage this concept because of its biblical application.


The Network not only advertises and supports it’s partner’s events; but also

hosts several events and conferences of it’s own during the year.


Churches can also enjoy the opportunity of working within the Network. A net-

work is a great outlet for Church members to get involved in the wider world



We strongly believe that Christians should support one another in business. We

are slowly building a Christian business directory for that very purpose.

An ongoing story of

ordinary people in a

supernatural relationship

with Jesus Christ


extraordinary things

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