neptune (year 5) working from home sheet€¦ · and to you, my brothers and sisters, that i have...

Post on 16-Jul-2020






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Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Neptune Class- Mr Bucknall – 15th July 2020

Hello Neptune!

Here’s today’s work, please complete it to the best of your ability

and I’ll see you all back here tomorrow.

Physical Task

Option 1: Joe Wicks PE workout at 9am Option 2: You could login to our brand new ‘Fitter Future’ account and access lots of fitness activities! The login details are Username: year5 and Password: year5 Today I recommend the KS2 ultimate workout for 8 minutes. It’s tough with a lot of different exercises- challenge yourself to do it in the morning and again in the afternoon!

Maths Task

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Reading Task

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Now, here is a quick recap on sentence structure:

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Now, can you highlight the different sentences in this extract

depending on what type of sentence they are, so underline red

if they are simple, blue if compound, green if complex:

The water truck came a little after sunrise. Stanley finished his

last drop of water and stepped up out of his hole. At this time

of day, Stanley sometimes could see some distant hills or

mountains on the other side of the lake. They were only visible

for a short while, soon disappearing behind the haze of heat

and dirt.

The truck stopped and the dust cloud drifted past it. X-Ray took

his place at the front of the line. Mr. Pendanski filled his

canteen. "Thanks, Mom, " X-Ray said. He didn't mention the


Writing Task

Write a profile on yourself for Miss Hall to read. Include: Your strengths What you are looking forward to What you might be nervous about Your interests/hobbies Your family details Anything else she might need to know!

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Spelling Task

Please learn and practise the following 3 spelling words today, and then write 3 sentences containing the words: Programme Pronunciation recognise

Daily Prayer to practise and learn

Each week I will give you a new prayer to work on. This week please practise I confess, which is usually said at the start of Mass:

I confess (Penitential Act) I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do; through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Daily Music Task

This week, being our last week of this school year, why not celebrate and sing your favourite songs and have a dance to welcome in the summer!

RE Task

We have been looking into Stewardship. I want you to recall the Good Samaritan and explain how he was a good a steward of God.

Neptune (Year 5) Working from Home Sheet

Daily Something Extra you could try…

Today, why not use Duolingo’s free app (download from your chosen app store) or webpage: to learn some Spanish or another language for free.

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