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NEGES 2018: Workshop on Negation in Spanish

NEGES 2018: Taller de Negacion en Espanol

Salud Marıa Jimenez-Zafra1, Noa P. Cruz Dıaz2,Roser Morante3, Marıa Teresa Martın-Valdivia1

1SINAI, Centro de Estudios Avanzados en TIC (CEATIC), Universidad de Jaen{sjzafra, maite}

2Savana Medica,

3CLTL Lab, Computational Linguistics, VU University

Abstract: This paper presents the 2018 edition of NEGES, Workshop on Nega-tion in Spanish, that took place on September 18 as part of the 34th InternationalConference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing. In this edition,three tasks were proposed: Task 1: “Annotation guidelines”, Task 2: “Negationcues detection”, and Task 3: “Sentiment analysis”. The dataset used for Task 2 andTask 3 was the SFU ReviewSP-NEG corpus. About 10 teams showed interest in thetasks and 4 teams finally submitted results.Keywords: NEGES 2018, negation, annotation guidelines, negation processing,cue detection, sentiment analysis

Resumen: Este artıculo presenta la edicion 2018 de NEGES, Taller de NEGacionen ESpanol, que tuvo lugar el 18 de septiembre como parte de la 34 edicion dela Conferencia Internacional de la Sociedad Espanola para el Procesamiento delLenguaje Natural. En esta edicion se propusieron 3 tareas: Tarea 1: “Guıas deanotacion”, Tarea 2: “Deteccion de claves de negacion”, y Tarea 3: “Analisis desentimientos”. El conjunto de datos utilizado para la Tarea 2 y para la Tarea 3 fueel corpus SFU ReviewSP-NEG. Unos 10 equipos mostraron interes por las tareas y4 equipos presentaron resultados.Palabras clave: NEGES 2018, negacion, guıas de anotacion, procesamiento de lanegacion, deteccion de claves, analisis de sentimientos

1 Introduction

Negation is a complex linguistic phenomenonof growing interest in computational linguis-tics. Detection and treatment of negationis relevant in a wide range of applicationssuch as sentiment analysis or information re-trieval, where it is crucial to know when apart of the text should have a different mean-ing due to the presence of negation. If wewant to develop systems that approach hu-man understanding, it is necessary to incor-porate the treatment of negation, a linguis-tic phenomenon that we use constantly. Inrecent years, several challenges and sharedtasks have focused on processing negation(Morante and Sporleder, 2010; Farkas et al.,2010; Morante and Blanco, 2012). However,most of the research on negation has beendone for English. Therefore, the 2018 edi-

tion of the NEGES Workshop1 aimed to ad-vance the study of this phenomenon in Span-ish, the second most widely spoken languagein the world and the third most widely usedon the Internet. The main objective was tobring together the scientific community thatis working on negation to discuss how it isbeing addressed, what are the main problemsencountered, as well as sharing resources andtools aimed at processing negation in Span-ish.

The rest of this paper is organized as fol-lows. The proposed tasks are described inSection 2, and the data used in Section 3.Evaluation measures are introduced in Sec-tion 4. Participating systems and their re-sults are summarized in Section 5. Finally,Section 6 concludes the paper.


Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, Revista nº 62, marzo de 2019, pp. 21-28 recibido 15-11-2018 revisado 07-01-2019 aceptado 01-02-2019

ISSN 1135-5948. DOI 10.26342/2019-62-2 © 2019 Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural

Corpus Domain Annotation guidelines

UAM Spanish TreeBank News pp. 51-55 (Sandoval and Salazar, 2013)

IxaMed-GS Clinical reports pp. 322 (Oronoz et al., 2015)

SFU ReviewSP-NEG Product reviews pp. 538-559 (Jimenez-Zafra et al., 2018)

UHU-HUVR Clinical reports pp. 54-57 (Cruz Dıaz et al., 2017)

IULA Spanish Clinical Record Clinical reports pp. 45-49 (Marimon, Vivaldi, and Bel, 2017)

Table 1: Annotation guidelines provided for Task 1

2 Tasks description

In the 2018 edition of the Workshop on Nega-tion in Spanish, three tasks were proposed:

• Task 1: “Annotation guidelines”

• Task 2: “Negation cues detection”

• Task 3: “Sentiment analysis”

The following is a description of each task.

2.1 Task 1

Task 1 of NEGES 2018, “Annotation guide-lines”, had as goal to reach an agreement onthe guidelines to follow for the annotation ofnegation in Spanish texts. Although therehave already been several annotation efforts,the community lacks a standard for the an-notation of negation, contrary to what hap-pens with other phenomena, such as semanticroles.

The corpora annotated so far in Spanishbelong to 3 domains (news, clinical reportsand product reviews) and are based on dif-ferent guidelines. In this task, the guide-lines used for the annotation of the corporawere made available to the participants sothat they could analyze them (Table 1). Aperiod of analysis was provided and once itwas over, participants sent a document indi-cating which aspects of the guidelines theyagreed with and which they did not, all dulyjustified. The documents describing the per-spective of each team were sent to the rest ofparticipants prior to the workshop in order toenhance a discussion about the main aspectsof interest and try to reach a consensus.

2.2 Task 2

Task 2 of NEGES 2018, “Negation cues de-tection”, had the aim to promote the develop-ment and evaluation of systems for identify-ing negation cues in Spanish. For example, insentence [1] the systems had to identify threenegation cues: i) En mi vida, ii) no and iii)sin.

[1] En mi vida he hecho una reserva contanta antelacion, no querıa quedarmesin sitio.

Participants received a set of training anddevelopment data to build their systems dur-ing the development phase. The manual an-notation of the negation cues was performedby domain experts, following well-definedannotation guidelines (Jimenez-Zafra et al.,2018; Martı et al., 2016). At a later stage,a set of tests were made available for eval-uation. The participant’s submissions wereevaluated against the gold standard annota-tions. Negation cues could be single words(e.g., “no” [no/not]), multiwords (e.g., “nisiquiera” [not even]) or discontinuous words(e.g., “no...apenas” [not...hardly]).

2.3 Task 3

Task 3 of NEGES 2018, “Sentiment analy-sis”, was proposed to evaluate the role ofnegation in sentiment analysis. In this task,participants had to develop a system thatused the negation information contained in acorpus of reviews of movies, books and prod-ucts (Jimenez-Zafra et al., 2018) to improvethe task of polarity classification. They hadto classify each review as positive or negativeusing an heuristic that incorporated negationprocessing.

3 Data

The SFU ReviewSP-NEG corpus2 (Jimenez-Zafra et al., 2018) was the collection of doc-uments used to train and test the systemspresented in Task 2 and Task 3 3. This cor-pus is an extension of the Spanish part of theSFU Review corpus (Taboada, Anthony, andVoll, 2006) and it could be considered the

2 download the data in the format provided

for Task 2 and Task 3 go to or sendan email to the organizers

Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, Noa P. Cruz Díaz, Roser Morante, María Teresa Martín-Valdivia


counterpart of the SFU Review Corpus withnegation and speculation annotations (Kon-stantinova et al., 2012).

The Spanish SFU Review corpus(Taboada, Anthony, and Voll, 2006) consistsof 400 reviews extracted from the that belong to 8 different domains:cars, hotels, washing machines, books, cellphones, music, computers, and movies. Foreach domain there are 50 positive and 50negative reviews, defined as positive ornegative based on the number of stars givenby the reviewer (1-2=negative; 4-5=positive;3-star review were not included). Later, itwas extended to the SFU ReviewSP-NEGcorpus (Jimenez-Zafra et al., 2018) in whicheach review was automatically annotated atthe token level with PoS-tags and lemmasusing Freeling (Padro and Stanilovsky, 2012),and manually annotated at the sentence levelwith negation cues and their correspondingscopes and events. Moreover, it is thefirst corpus in which it was annotated hownegation affects the words within its scope,that is, whether there is a change in thepolarity or an increase or decrease of itsvalue. Finally, it is important to note thatthe corpus is in XML format and it is freelyavailable for research purposes.

3.1 Datasets Task 2

The SFU ReviewSP-NEG corpus was ran-domly splitted into development, trainingand test sets with 33 reviews per domain intraining, 7 reviews per domain in develop-ment and 10 reviews per domain in test. Thedata was converted to CoNLL format (Buch-holz and Marsi, 2006) where each line cor-responds to a token, each annotation is pro-vided in a column and empty lines indicatethe end of the sentence. The content of thegiven columns is:

• Column 1: domain filename

• Column 2: sentence number within do-main filename

• Column 3: token number within sen-tence

• Column 4: word

• Column 5: lemma

• Column 6: part-of-speech

• Column 7: part-of-speech type

• Columns 8 to last: if the sentence has nonegations, column 8 has a “***” valueand there are no more columns. Else,if the sentence has negations, the anno-tation for each negation is provided inthree columns. The first column con-tains the word that belongs to the nega-tion cue. The second and third columnscontain “-”.

The distribution of reviews and negationcues in the datasets is provided in Table 2.Moreover, in Figure 1 and Figure 2, we show2 examples of the format of the files with dif-ferent types of sentences. In the first exam-ple (Figure 1) there is no negation so the 8thcolumn is “***” for all tokens, whereas thesecond example (Figure 2) is a sentence withtwo negation cues in which information forthe first negation is provided in columns 8-10, and for the second in columns 11-13.

Reviews Negation cues

Training 264 2,511Development 56 594

Test 80 836

Table 2: Distribution of reviews and negationcues in the datasets of Task 2

3.2 Datasets Task 3

For this task, we provided the SFUReviewSP-NEG corpus with the original for-mat (XML). The meaning of the labels usedare the following:

• <review polarity=“positive/negative”>.It describes the polarity of the review,which can be “positive” or “negative”.

• <sentence complex=“yes/no”>. Thislabel corresponds to a complete phraseor fragment thereof in which a negationstructure can appear. It has associatedthe complex attribute that can take oneof the following values:

– “yes”, if the sentence containsmore than one negation structure(<neg structure>).

– “no”, if the sentence only has anegation structure.

• <neg structure>. This label corre-sponds to a syntactic structure in whicha negation cue appears. It has 4 possible

NEGES 2018: workshop on negation in Spanish


Figure 1: Sentence without negation in CoNLL format

Figure 2: Sentence with two negations in CoNLL format

attributes, two of which (change and po-larity modifier) are mutually exclusive.

– polarity: it presents the seman-tic orientation of the negationstructure (“positive”, “negative” or“neutral”).

– change: it indicates whether thepolarity or meaning of the nega-tion structure has been com-pletely changed because of thenegation (change=“yes”) or not(change=“no”).

– polarity modifier: it states whetherthe negation structure contains anelement that nuances its polarity. Itcan take the value “increment” ifthere is an increment in the inten-sity of the polarity or, on the con-trary, it can take the value “reduc-tion” if there is a reduction.

– value: it reflects the type of thenegation structure, that is, “neg”if it expresses negation, “contrast”if it indicates contrast or opposi-tion between terms, “comp” if itexpresses a comparison or inequal-

ity between terms or “noneg” if itdoes not negate despite containinga negation cue.

• <scope>. This label delimits the part ofthe negation structure that is within thescope of negation. It includes both, thenegation cue (<negexp>) and the event(<event>).

• <negexp>. It contains the word(s) thatconstitute(s) the negation cue. It canhave associated the attribute discid ifnegation is represented by discontinuouswords.

• <event>. It contains the words thatare directly affected by negation (usuallyverbs, nouns or adjectives).

The distribution of reviews in the train-ing, development and test sets is provided inTable 3, as well as the distribution of the dif-ferent negation structures per dataset. Thetotal of positive and negative reviews can beseen in the rows named as + Reviews and -Reviews, respectively.

Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, Noa P. Cruz Díaz, Roser Morante, María Teresa Martín-Valdivia


Total Training Devel. Test

Reviews 264 56 80+ Reviews 134 22 44- Reviews 130 34 36

neg 2.511 594 836noneg 104 22 55

contrast 100 23 52comp 18 6 6

Table 3: Distribution of reviews and negationcues in the datasets of Task 3

4 Evaluation measures

The evaluation script used to evaluate Task2 was the same used to evaluate the *SEM2012 Shared Task: “Resolving the Scope andFocus of Negation” (Morante and Blanco,2012). It is based on the following criteria:

• Punctuation tokens are ignored.

• A True Positive (TP) requires all tokensof the negation element have to be cor-rectly identified.

• To evaluate cues, partial matches are notcounted as False Positive (FP), only asFalse Negative (FN). This is to avoidpenalizing partial matches more thanmissed matches.

The measures used to evaluate the sys-tems were Precision (P), Recall (R) and F-score (F1). In the proposed evaluation, FNare counted either by the system not iden-tifying negation elements present in the goldannotations, or by identifying them partially,i.e., not all tokens have been correctly identi-fied or the word forms are incorrect. FP arecounted when the system produces a nega-tion element not present in the gold annota-tions and TP are counted when the systemproduces negation elements exactly as theyare in the gold annotations.

For evaluating Task 3, the traditionalmeasures used in text classification were ap-plied: Precision (P), Recall (R), F-score (F1)and Accuracy (Acc). P, R and F-scorewere measured per class and averaged usingmacro-average method.


TP + FP(1)


TP + FN(2)

F1 =2PR

P + R(3)

Acc =TP + TN

TP + TN + FP + FN(4)

5 Participants

10 teams showed interested and 4 teams sub-mitted results.

Task 1 had two participants: theCLiC team composed of M. Antonia Martıand Mariona Taule from the University ofBarcelona, and Lucia Donatelli from theGeorgetown University.

Martı and Taule (2018) carry out an anal-ysis of 5 fundamental aspects of the corporaanalyzed: i) the negation cue, ii) the scopeand the inclusion of the subject in the scope,iii) the coordinated structures, iv) the neg-ative locutions and v) the lexical and mor-phological negation. Taking into account thedifferences observed in the annotation of thecorpora, they proposed the following guide-lines:

• Annotate the negation cue wheneverpossible, as it will allow to use it when-ever necessary or to ignore it otherwise.Moreover, they consider that it shouldbe distinguished between simple mark-ers (e.g. “no” [no/not], “sin” [without])and complex markers (e.g. “no...nadie”[no...nobody]), where one implies thepresence of the other. They propose tomake use of the typology defined for theannotation of the SFU ReviewSP-NEGcorpus.

• Annotate the scope including the subjectwithin it. They mention that in manycases the focus of negation correspondsto the subject and this would facilitatefuture annotations of the corpus.

• Perform coordinated negation treat-ment. They propose to distinguish be-tween coordinated structures affected bythe same predicate and negation marker[2] and coordinated structures with in-dependent negation cues and predicates[3], so that in the first case a single nega-tion marker is considered and the restof the negation structure as scope and,in the second case, a separate scope isannotated for each coordinated negationmarker.

NEGES 2018: workshop on negation in Spanish


• Annotate negative locutions (e.g. “enabsoluto” [not at all]), even if they donot contain explicit negation markers.

• Annotate lexical and morphologicalnegation, which have only been ad-dressed restrictively in the UHU-HUVRand IULA Spanish Clinical Record cor-pora.

• Annotate the focus of negation, whichis not deal with in any of the guidelinesanalyzed.

[2] No [es ni muy pesado ni muy ligero](SFU ReviewSP-NEG)

[3] No [soy muy alta] tampoco [un pitufo](SFU ReviewSP-NEG)

Donatelli (2018) describes each corpus in-dividually and indicates which elements aremissing in the annotation of each of them andthose aspects that should have been takeninto account. She considers that some com-ponents of the different guidelines can becombined in order to set linguistically preciseguidelines and neutral guidelines with regardto the domain. She indicates that in order torepresent the semantic of negation, the fol-lowing elements must be annotated:

• The negation cue: lexical item that ex-presses negation.

• The scope: part of the text that isnegated.

• The focus: part of the scope that isprominently or explicitly negated.

• The reinforcement (if exists): auxiliarynegation or element of negative polarity,known as NPI (Negative Polarity Item)(Altuna, Minard, and Speranza, 2017).

Below we can see, in an example providedby the author [4], the different elementsexplained above. The negation cue appearsin bold, the scope in brackets, the focus initalics, and the reinforcement underlined.

[4] John no [come carne sino verduras].

Donatelli considers that the scheme pro-posed by Jimenez-Zafra et al. (2018) for theannotation of the SFU ReviewSP-NEG cor-pus is suitable for capturing the layers of

negation complexity and proposes to com-bine it with the use of the label NegPolItemused by Marimon, Vivaldi, and Bel (2017) inthe annotation of the IULA Spanish ClinicalRecord corpus to annotate items of negativepolarity (NPI) or auxiliary negations.

Task 2 also had two participants: theUPC team composed of Henry Loharja, LluısPadro and Jordi Turmo from the UniversitatPolitecnica de Catalunya (Loharja, Padro,and Turmo, 2018), and Hermenegildo Fab-regat, Juan Martınez-Romo and LourdesAraujo from the National Distance Educa-tion University of Spain (UNED) (Fabregat,Martınez-Romo, and Araujo, 2018). The of-ficial results are shown in Tables 4, 5 and 6,evaluated in terms of P, R and F1.

Domain P R F1

Cars 94.23 72.06 81.67Hotels 97.67 71.19 82.35

Washing machines 92.00 66.67 77.31Books 79.52 66.27 72.29

Cell phones 93.33 73.68 82.35Music 92.59 57.47 70.92

Computers - - -Movies 86.26 69.33 76.87Total 79.45 59.58 67.97

Table 4: Official results by domain for theUNED team

Domain P R F1

Cars 95.08 85.29 89.92Hotels 94.00 79.66 86.24

Washing machines 94.74 78.26 85.72Books 84.19 84.52 84.35

Cell phones 89.80 77.19 83.02Music 92.96 75.86 83.54

Computers 91.36 91.36 91.36Movies 89.68 85.28 87.42Total 91.48 82.18 86.45

Table 5: Official results by domain for theUPC team

The results by domain, described in Ta-bles 4 and 5, show that there are sub-collections such as books and music in whichboth systems obtain worse results comparedto the rest of the sub-collections. The sys-tem developed by the UNED team obtainsthe highest performance in cell phones andhotels sub-collections, while the UPC system

Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, Noa P. Cruz Díaz, Roser Morante, María Teresa Martín-Valdivia


shows a better detection of negation cues inthe computers sub-collection, in particular, itobtains an F1 of 91.36%.

The overall results presented in Table6 correspond to the performances withoutconsidering the computers subset, since theUNED team could not submit the resultsfor computers due to technical problems. Interms of overall performance, both systemsobtain similar precision. However, the re-call achieved by the UNED system is lower.Therefore, the best result is obtained by theUPC team with an F1 of 85.74%.

Team P R F1

UNED 90.80 68.10 77.68UPC 91.49 80.87 85.74

Table 6: Overall official results for Task 2

In terms of the approaches applied, bothproposals use the standard labelling schemeBIO where the first word of a negation struc-ture denotes by B and the remaining wordsby I. The label O indicates that the worddoes not correspond with a negation cue.

The UNED team applies a model of deeplearning inspired by named entity recognitionarchitectures and negation detection models.Specifically, this system is focused on the useof several neural networks together with abidirectional LSTM (Long Short-Term Mem-ory). This supervised approach is based onpretrained word embeddings for Spanish. Forits part, the UPC team uses Conditional Ran-dom Fields with a set of features such as thepart-of-speech of the word and informationabout how the words are written.

Finally, the resources used by the partic-ipants are diverse. The UNED team usesKeras (Chollet and others, 2015) and Ten-sorFlow (Abadi et al., 2016) libraries, as wellas pretrained word embeddings for Spanish(Cardellino, 2016), and the UPC team usesNLTK (Loper and Bird, 2002).

Task 3 had no participants. Some of theteams registered for the workshop showed in-terest in the task, but expressed that theydid not participate due to lack of time.

6 Conclusions

This paper presents the description of the2018 edition of NEGES, which consisted ofthree different tasks related to different as-pects of negation: Task 1 on reaching an

agreement on the guidelines to follow for theannotation of negation in Spanish, Task 2 onidentifying negation cues, and Task 3 on eval-uating the role of negation in sentiment anal-ysis. The SFU ReviewSP-NEG corpus wasthe collection of documents used to train andtest the systems presented in Task 2 and Task3. As far as we know, this is the first taskthat focuses on the development and evalua-tion of systems for identifying negation cuesin Spanish in the area of sentiment analysis.

A total of 4 teams participated in theworkshop, 2 for developing annotation guide-lines and 2 for cues detection. Task 3 hadno participants. For a future edition of theworkshop we would like to continue workingon the unification of the annotation schemesand propose different tasks to detect negationin other domains such as biomedical.


This work has been partially supported bya grant from the Ministerio de EducacionCultura y Deporte (MECD - scholarshipFPU014/00983), Fondo Europeo de Desar-rollo Regional (FEDER) and REDES project(TIN2015-65136-C2-1-R) from the SpanishGovernment. RM is supported by theNetherlands Organization for Scientific Re-search (NWO) via the Spinoza-prize awardedto Piek Vossen (SPI 30-673, 2014-2019).


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Salud María Jiménez-Zafra, Noa P. Cruz Díaz, Roser Morante, María Teresa Martín-Valdivia


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