nazi propaganda - mr lang's holocaust...

Post on 22-May-2020






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Transpa rency Master Lesson 2 Antisemitism


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The caprion in rh is picru re reads: " H ere my lirrlc one, you ger so mething very sweer, bur as a reward you borh musr come wirh me." T his caricatu re porr rays an elderly Jew rrying ro poison small children wirh candy. Ir relies on one of rhe basic fears of all parenrs and rhe co mmon insrrucrion ro lirrle children nor ro rake candy from a stranger. There are links made between "a stranger," "danger," "poison," and "a Jew." T he Jew is porrrayed as a dark, evil , threatening, manipulative stranger, as opposed ro rhe innocent, pure, na'ive Aryan children.

Transparency Master Lesson 2 Antisemitism


A caricature from a book entitled The Poisonous M ushroom. Inside the book, the comparison to the mush room is explained when a mother tel ls her child: "Just as it is difficult to distinguish between a poisonous m ushroom and

an edible mushroom, it is difficult to distinguish ben.veen a good Jew and a lying, th ieving Jew."

Transparency Master Lesson 2 Antisemitism


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The caption in this picture reads: "Whenever you see a crucifix, think of the horrible murder of Jesus by the Jews." T he Nazis used this common belief among Ch ristians ro furrher alienate Jews. Nazi ideology, however, was against all rel igions and viewed C h ristianiry as a t ransferred form of J udaism. Some Aryan symbols appear in this picture such as the bright hair, the connection to nature, children , and the conrinui ry of the race.

Transparency Master Lesson 2 Antisemitism


The inscri ption in this picture reads: "The Jewish nose is wide at the end and looks like the number six ... " The number six is connected to Saran and this explanation of the "Jewish nose" gives it a devilish meaning. Even though the message of this caricature is of a mythological nature, it is presented as truth in that is being taught by a respectable Aryan reacher in a normal class. It ca n also refer to a si tuation known by the children in 1930s Germany when special instructors came to their classes ro explain Nazi racial ideology.

More abou t this picture and a suggested act ivity is available on the Yad Vashem Web sire, http:! /www /lesson pl ans/antisemi tism january27.asp.

Transparency Master Lesson 2 Antisemitism





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The Jew in this caricature is portrayed as ugly, greedy, and controll ing rhe media and stock exchange (the newspaper in his pocket with the ride "Burse"). His eyes are made to look suspicious. Overall he is to be seen as unproductive, exploitive, unstable, and evil. By conrrasr, rhe German or Aryan is portrayed as hard-working, strong, stable, and honest. He is tall , in good physical shape, and has a direct look in his eyes.

Transparency Master Lesson 2 Antisemitism


Masses parade with Nazi flags in honor of the dead on Reichsparreitag.

Transparency Master Lesson 2 Antisemitism


A woman reads a boycott sign posted in rhe window of a Jewish-owned deparrmenr srore in Berlin, April 1, 1933. The sign reads: "Germans defend yourselves againsr Jewish arrociry propaganda, buy only ar German shops!"


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