nature and characteristics of intelligence and testing

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Nature and Characteristics

of Intelligence and Testing

Reporter: Eloisa Alvaro-Rivera

Have you ever consciously considered these questions?

•• Am I an intelligent person?•• How intelligent am I?•• How do we judge if someone is

intelligent or not?•• How can we measure the

intelligence of a person??

There are some other questions too:

•What is intelligence?•Is intelligence how one deals with

others? or•Is intelligence how precisely we learn a

new task? or•Is it how good we are in our studies? Or•Is intelligence how well we can solve

problems? or

There are some other questions too:•Is it how we accurately judge people? Or

•Is intelligence all of this, or even more than all this?

•Different people may understand intelligence differently.

If you think intelligence is all of this or even more than all this, then you are right.

Intelligence“The capacity to acquire

and apply knowledge”


According to Feldman “intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges”


Definition:capacity for learning, reasoning,

understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping

truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.

Theories / types / explanations of intelligence:

1. Sir Francis Galton’s theory2. James McKeen Cattell3. Spearman’s Theory of Intelligence 4. Thorndike’s Theory: Social Intelligence5. Thurstone’s Theory of Intelligence: Seven Primary

Mental Abilities6. R.B Cattell and J.L Horn’s Theory; Crystalline and

Fluid Intelligence7. Gardner’s multiple intelligence8. Information processing approaches9. Practical intelligence10. Emotional intelligence

Theories / types / explanations of intelligence:1. Sir Francis Galton’s theory

“hereditary genius” Concluded that traits like intelligence were

inherited2. James McKeen Cattell

American psychologist who gave more importance to the mental processes.

First ever to use the term “mental test” for devices used to measure intelligence.

Developed tasks that were aimed to measure reaction time, word association test, keenness of vision and weight discrimination.

These tests were proved to be a failure as they were not comprehensive and complex enough to measure intelligence

Theories / types / explanations of intelligence:3. R.B Cattell and J.L Horn’s Theory;

Crystalline and Fluid Intelligence.Fluid intelligence: Intelligence that reflects

information processing capabilities, reasoning, and memory. E.g. solve puzzle, analogy, or remember a set of numbers etc

Crystallized intelligence: The accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that are learned through experience and can be applied in problem solving situations. E.g. solution to poverty, unemployment etc

Theories / types / explanations of intelligence:

4. Spearman’s Theory of Intelligence

-g factor: the ability to reason and solve problems; general intelligence.

-s factor: the ability to excel in certain areas.

Theories / types / explanations of intelligence:

5. Thurstone’s Theory of Intelligence-There’s no evidence of general

intelligence-There are 7 primary mental abilities -Intelligence needs to be measured on

all 7 mental abilities

Thurstone’s theory of intelligence

Theories / types / explanations of intelligence:

6. Gardner’s multiple intelligence

A theory that proposes that there are eight distinct spheres of intelligence.

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence

(Catlin, n.d.)

Theories / types / explanations of intelligence:

7. Information processing approaches.- Cognitive psychologist- Examine the processes underlying

intelligent behaviors rather than focusing on the structure intelligence.

- More time on initial encoding

Theories / types / explanations of intelligence:8. Practical intelligence

“The art of common sense”individuals applying their abilities to the kinds of problems that confront them in everyday life

Sternberg’s Theory of Practical



Theories / types / explanations of intelligence•10. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

capacity of individuals to recognize their own and other peoples emotions.

What is Emotional Quotient?

EQ is said to be a measure of a person’s emotional intelligence

The ability to Understand the needs and feelings of oneself and

other people Manage one’s own Feeling Respond to others in appropriate way

EI is largely learnt, developed throughout life and conditioned by life's experience.

Improved by training, coaching, experience.20

Goleman’s Theory of Emotional Intelligence



IQ VS EQ(Intelligent Quotient Vs Emotional Quotient )

Two different kinds of intelligenceIntellectual Emotional

Is intelligence inherited?Intelligence is inherited but can also be related to the environment.

Studies showed that heredity is an important factor.

Eg: If a person is a singer then it is assumed that any one of his/her family member might be a good singer like LATA MANGESHKAR.

Can we increase our intelligence?Increasing intelligence can also know as amplification/enhancing.

Techniques to increase our intelligence are as follows:

Deep thinking.Good reasoning.Learning from past experience.Practice.


Intelligence test

Individual intelligence test vs. Group TestIndividual Intelligence Testgiven one on one and provide a picture of an individuals intellectual abilityEx. IQ test commonly used Weschler Intelligence Test for Children (WISC) and Weschler Intelligence Test for Adults Group Test can be administered to group of persons at a timeEx. Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Scale

Verbal Test vs. Performance Test•Verbal IQ Test measures the capacity to

use language inorder to express yourself, comprehend stories and understand other people.

•Performance Test is a score resulting from a test that assess your childs mental capacity in dealing nonverbal skills.

•Assessing intelligence

Achievement testA test designed to determine a person’s level

of knowledge in a given subject area.

Aptitude testA test designed to predict a person’s ability

in a particular area or line of work.


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