national youth achievement award association

Post on 04-Oct-2021






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The National Youth Achievement Award Association was registered on 12 September 1991 under the Societies Act. The Association was approved as a Charity on 12 October 1991. ROS Registration Number: ROS 238/91 UEN No: S91SS0104L Charity Registration Number: 000840 IPC Registration No: 000721 Registered address: 151 Lorong Chuan #06-01B (Lobby A) New Tech Park Singapore 556741 INTRODUCTION The National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) was officially launched on 9 May 1992 by the President of the Republic of Singapore at the Istana. ADVISORY BOARD The NYAA Council is advised by an Advisory Board chaired by Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance. (Please see Appendix 2) NATIONAL COUNCIL The Award Scheme is managed by a National Council chaired by Mr Teo Ser Luck, Member of Parliament for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, Entrepreneur and Investor and an Award Secretariat headed by an Executive Director, Mr James Soh. (Please see Appendix 3) BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman: Mr Guy Harvey-Samuel (Please see Appendix 4) INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC CHARACTER The National Youth Achievement Award Association was approved as an institution of public character (IPC) under section 37 (2) (c) of the Income Tax Act since 1992. All donations to the National Youth Achievement Award Association are tax-deductible. BANKERS The DBS Bank Ltd HSBC AUDITORS PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP


OBJECTIVES The aims of the Association are: • To encourage young people between the ages of 13 and 30 years to develop personal

qualities of self-reliance, perseverance and a sense of responsibility to themselves, to society and the nation.

• To promote and present to the young people of Singapore a balanced, non-competitive

programme that encourages self-development to the maximum without regard to gender, race, religion or physical impediment.

POLICIES Finance and Funding The NYAA Association is a self-supportive, not-for-profit organisation. Funding comes from corporate and public donations. The Association also collects nominal registration fees from the young people who participate in the NYAA Programme (Bronze: S$7.00, Silver: S$12.00 and Gold: S$17.00). Participation in the NYAA Programme (New Structure from January 2018) The National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) Youth Leadership Development Programme is an exciting self-development programme for young people between the ages of 13 and 30 years old. It is a holistic, balanced and non-competitive programme of voluntary leisure time activities, designed to provide our young people with a platform to develop personal qualities and skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and the world. The new NYAA programme is designed in line with the Ministry of Education's Levels of Attainment, focusing on effort and merit of the individual. There are three levels in the NYAA Programme: Bronze Level: For those who are 13 and under 30 years old Minimum period of involvement: 6 months Silver Level: For those who are 15 and under 30 years old Minimum period of involvement: 12 months Gold Level: For those who are 16 and under 30 years old Minimum period of involvement: 18 months The NYAA Programme has three key components, which all participants are required to complete, namely: Service Learning (Touching Lives, Making a Difference) This component recognises young people's development as socially responsible citizens who understand the issues faced by the community and explore how they can contribute actively to find a solution. They can choose to undertake a Values-In-Action project or any community service projects of their interest.


Objective: To learn how to give useful service to others in the community and to understand the meaning behind voluntary service. Bronze: At least 20 hours of regular activities spread over a minimum period of 4 months. Silver: At least 40 hours of regular activities spread over a minimum period of 8 months. Gold: At least 60 hours of regular activities spread over a minimum period of 12 months. Outdoor Appreciation (To be at Ease with Nature) Outdoor learning supports the development of confidence-building as young people are placed in unfamiliar environments outside of the classroom. It also develops young people's problem-solving skills, enhances teamwork, strengthens understanding of the natural environment and inculcates in young people a sense of stewardship for our environment. Objective: To be at ease with nature and develop stewardship for our environment. Bronze: At least 15 hours of outdoor activities with a specific learning goal. Silver: At least 24 hours of outdoor activities with a specific learning goal. Gold: At least 36 hours of outdoor activities with a specific learning goal. Healthy Living (Physical & Mental Wellness) Healthy living aims to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle that allows us to get through our daily activities. It also hopes to develop a healthy body and mind. Our behaviour has a significant impact on our wellness and adopting healthy habits with a balanced diet and exercise while avoiding destructive habits such as tobacco, drugs, and alcohol will improve both our physical and emotional well-being. Objective: To develop physical and mental wellness through healthy living Bronze: At least 24 hours of regular activities spread over six months. Silver: At least 32 hours of regular activities spread over twelve months. Gold: At least 48 hours of regular activities spread over eighteen months. For Gold Level Only For the NYAA Gold Level, participants are required to undertake the fourth component: Community Leadership Initiative (Creating an Impact, Delivering Change) This component challenges participants to take on leadership roles in their community service projects. Participants are to identify a need in our community, and through the understanding of cultural differences, find solutions to contribute effectively to bring about a positive outcome. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their leadership skills as they work in partnership with people from various backgrounds. They need to undertake a community project that will not only broaden their horizons but also trains them into culturally sensitive, service-oriented and holistic leaders. The newly remodelled section hopes to see more student/youth-initiated activities that bring positive and meaningful contributions to the community, be it on the national or international level.


Objective: To build leadership skills while serving the needs of the community. The Gold Level participant can embark on the initiative individually or in small groups. POLICY RELATING TO MANAGEMENT AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Association's Constitution states that a Director should ensure he does not place himself in a position whereby, directly or indirectly, his duties or interests might conflict with his duties or interests as a Director. Disclosure of interests is required should a Director conflict with his duties and interests. He should not participate or vote on the matter. The Association has put in place a Conflict of Interest Policy for Staff and a Code of Ethics for Council Members. In the year 2019, there are no reports nor cases involving conflicts of interest among council members or staff. Should there be any issues, members and staff are required to declare their interest and abstain from decision-making related to the case. Issues and processes relating to management and hiring of staff are open and transparent. The NYAA advertised the job vacancies in internet portals such as Jobstreet, JobsDB and Indeed. Matters relating to remunerations, increments and bonuses are set and decided by the Finance Committee chaired by Dr Ken Ong and Council Members of the National Youth Achievement Award, chaired by Mr Teo Ser Luck, Chairman of the NYAA National Council. FUTURE PLANS The NYAA is developing an online registration system and recording of activities through mobile apps for Award participants, moving away from the original traditional recording system on printed materials. Award participants will be able to record their NYAA journey through mobile apps. We will see a reduced workload, increased accessibility and more effective facilitation for teachers coordinating the NYAA Programme in schools and the NYAA Secretariat. The mobile apps will allow the participant to take responsibility and monitor their progress on the spot. The NYAA also embarked on a leadership development programme to prepare them for the ever-changing and diverse job market in the future. These programmes include leadership training workshops, elevator pitches and presentation skills that are usually not covered through books and syllabuses in schools. Programmes aim to guide participants to grow and develop through exposure and hands-on experience. These skills will help prepare our young people to be more confident and sensitive, in dealing with the community and their workplace. The NYAA Council will be working closely with government agencies in areas of mental wellness and healthy living. Award participants will be encouraged to participate in physical movement with proper diets to keep fit and healthy to serve the community more effectively. A healthy mind and body are essential for everyone.


The NYAA Council also aims to strengthen and promote active ageing, encouraging participants to engage with the elderly by initiating community projects that promote awareness and improves the relationship between the young and the elderly. With the number of elderly Singaporeans set to double by 2030, there is a need to increase the support provided for the elderly. As society moves into the digital age, we need to support the elderly in closing the digital divide, such that they will feel comfortable in e-payments and other e platforms. The NYAA Gold Award Holders' Alumni and participants are working on an active ageing programme to support the elderly, allowing them to feel connected with society and remain socially-active during their twilight years. The NYAA plays an important bridging role between the young and the elderly by initiating community projects that promote awareness and improves the relationship between the young and the elderly. These community bonding projects and activities have great potential in cultivating more excellent care and compassion for the elderly, mostly when young people are made aware of the needs of the aged. This programme thus provides our youth with the opportunity to understand older people better, and actively engage with the elderly and improve their quality of life through their twilight years. The NYAA Junior Programme has also been revamped with input from the Ministry of Education for primary four to primary six. The programme will provide young students with a holistic development through three key domains such as Developing Personal Qualities, Learning New Skills and Serving the Community. The NYAA will launch a pilot programme among ten primary schools and youth organisations. The NYAA Council will evaluate the NYAA Junior programme to fine-tune the programme before we launch it to all primary schools. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 2019 Staffing and Volunteers The NYAA Secretariat is headed by an Executive Director, Mr James Soh and six other full-time staff. The Secretariat is assisted by a large pool of volunteers, mainly the NYAA Gold Award holders and Award Co-ordinators. As of 31 December 2019, the breakdown of the staff strength and volunteers are as follows: Total Number of Full Time Staff: 7 Total Number of Award Operating Authorities: 214 (Please see Appendix 5) Total Number of Award Co-ordinators and volunteers: 2,545 Total Number of Gold Award Holders: 3,866 Total Number of New Award Participants for 2019: 23,109 REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STATUS The National Youth Achievement Award Association recorded a deficit of S$170,040 in the year 2019. 5

For the year 2019, the Association received thirty donations, amounting to S$619,911.65. The NYAA continued to receive strong support from the foundations, corporations and the business community. (Please see Appendix 6 for list of donors and supporters.)


Please see attached audited financial report from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

FUNDRAISING ACTIVITY In the year 2019, the NYAA did not embark on any fundraising event but continued to appeal to foundations, corporations and supporters of the NYAA for donations.

NYAA INVESTMENT PROPERTY The NYAA owns an office space at 20 Kramat Lane #04-12 United House, Singapore 228773, which house the NYAA Secretariat from 1994 – 2001. The NYAA rented out the office space to generate income. As of 31 December 2019, the property is valued at S$1.6 million by an independent valuation company, Realty International Associates Pte Ltd. (Please see Appendix 7 for the valuation report.)

GOVERNANCE EVALUATION CHECKLISTDISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCYThe NYAA governing Council Members are not reimbursed for their services to the NYAA except for two members who are also the full-time staff of the Association. They are:

Mr James Soh Nga Kok, Secretary and Executive DirectorMs Aileen Yap Leng Lee, Assistant Sectary and Deputy Executive Director

No governing Council members are involved in setting their remuneration.

The following information relates to the remuneration of the key management of the Association during the financial year:

The number of key management personnel of the Association in remuneration bands:

2019 2018$100,000 - $149,999 1 --$150,000 - $199,999 -- 1

$200,000 - $249,999 1 1

Total: 2 2

There is no paid staff, being a close member of the family belonging to the Executive Director or a governing council member of the Association, who has received remuneration exceeding $50,000 during the financial year.

CHAIRMAN'S REPORT 2019 Please see Appendix 8

NYAA ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Please see Appendix 9.


______ _____

______ ______

National Council Meetings 2019There were 3 meetings and 1 AGM during the year 2019 with 21 council members and 2 observers. The average attendance is 63.8%. Please see attached attendance list.




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Appendix 1



NYAA Advisory Board Chairman: Mr Heng Swee Keat

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance

Board of Trustees Chairman: Mr Guy Harvey-Samuel

Independent Director

NYAA National Council Chairman: Mr Teo Ser Luck

MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC Entrepreneur, Investor Nufin Data Pte Ltd

NYAA Secretariat Headed by: Mr James Soh

Executive Director NYAA Council

NYAA Gold Award Holders Alumni (GAHA)

Chairperson: Dr Mala Satku NYAA Gold Award Holder

NYAA Award Co-ordinators Network (ACN)

Chairman: Vacant

NYAA Operating Partners Secondary Schools, Institutes of Technical Education, Junior Colleges, Polytechnics,

Universities, Uniformed Groups, Youth and Self-Help groups)

Young People (13 – 30 years old) Award participants

Computerisation Task Force

Chairman: Mr Sunny Chan NYAA Council Member

Fund-Raising Task Force Chairman: Mr Eugene Seah

Acting Deputy Chairman

NYAA Young Photographers’ Network (YPN)

Chairman: Mr Andass Teu, NYAA Gold Award Holder

NYAA Youth Environmental Network (YEN) Chairman: Mr

Kenneth Wong NYAA Gold Award Holder

Finance Committee Chairman: Dr Ken Ong NYAA Council Member


Appendix 2


Chairman: Mr Heng Swee Keat Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Members: Dr Janil Puthucheary Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications and Information and Ministry of Transport Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mayor, South-East District Mr Sam Tan Chin Siong Minister of State, Ministry of Social and Family Development and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Baey Yam Keng Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and Ministry of Transport Mr Amrin Amin Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Health Ms Tin Pei Ling Member of Parliament for MacPherson SMC and Chief Executive, Business China Mr Louis Ng Member of Parliament for Nee Soon GRC and Founder, Animal Concerns Research and Education Society (ACRES) Mr Teo Ser Luck Member of Parliament for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC and Co-Founder Nufin Data and Chairman, National Youth Achievement Award Council Mr Guy Harvey- Samuel Independent Director: JTC Corporation, Surbana Jurong Private Limited, Wing Tai Holdings Ltd, Mapletree Industrial Trust Management Ltd, M1 Limited and Chairman, NYAA Board of Trustees Prof Leo Tan Wee Hin Director (Special Projects) Faculty of Science National University of Singapore

Mr Ameer Jumabhoy Chairman, AR Jumbahoy Foundation


Lt-Gen (Ret'd) Winston Choo Chairman, Metro Holdings Limited Mr Boon Yoon Chiang Chairman, Jardine Matheson (Singapore) Ltd Mr Chim Hou Yan Managing Director, Hilborne Law LLP Mr Alex Hungate Chief Executive Officer & President, SATS Limited Mr Noel Hon Chia Chun Board Member, Singapore Pools Pte Ltd Dr Anamah Tan Advocate & Solicitor, Ann Tan & Associates Mr Desmond Tan Kok Ming Chief Executive Director, People's Association Mr Tony Cripps Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Singapore Mr Ong Keng Yong Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Executive Deputy Chairman, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies Nanyang Technological University Mr Teng Theng Dar Hub Honcho, OIIO Hub Pte Ltd, Founder, Business Compass Consultancy, Chairman, Astorise Medical Pte Ltd, Singapore Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman Mr Terrence Donald O'Connor Chief Executive Officer, Courts Asia Ltd Mr Ho Meng Kit Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Business Federation Mr Edmund Koh Group Managing Director, UBS and Head, Wealth Management Asia Pacific Dr Noeleen Heyzer UN Under-Secretary-General, Executive Secretary, UN ESCAP (2007-2015), Member, UN Secretary-General's High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation Secretary: Mr James Soh Nga Kok Executive Director, National Youth Achievement Award Council Assistant Secretary: Ms Aileen Yap Leng Lee Deputy Executive Director, National Youth Achievement Award Council


Appendix 3


Chairman: Mr Teo Ser Luck Member of Parliament for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC Co-Founder, Nufin Data Acting Deputy Chairman: Mr Eugene Seah Hsiu-Min Senior Director, Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd NYAA Gold Award Holder (1995) Hon Secretary: Mr James Soh Nga Kok Executive Director National Youth Achievement Award Council Hon Treasurer: Mr Alec Ang Swee Nam Managing Director RVMS International Pte Ltd Members: Dr Ken Ong Kian Pin Managing Director Chuan Fa Auto Pte Ltd NYAA Gold Award Holder (1995) Mr Sunny Chan Han Tiong Chairman, Cyberguide & Silver IT Care RSVP Singapore Dr Tan Chi Chiu Consultant Gastroenterologist & Physician Gastroenterology & Medicine International Dato' Seri Dr Derek Goh Bak Heng Executive Chairman Serial System Ltd Mr Izzuddin Taherally President, Malay Youth Literary Association Mr John Ting Kang Chung Principal Architect A.I.M. Associates Mr Viswa Sadasivan Chief Executive Officer Strategic Moves Pte Ltd


Dr Kevin Tan Yew Lee Director Equilibrium Consulting Pte Ltd Mr Bryan Tan Suan Tiu Partner, Pinsent Masons LLP NYAA Gold Award Holder (1995) Mr Patrick Han Chi Kwang General Manager Workplace Safety & Health Council Ministry of Manpower Mr Jonathan Yeo Hung Chuan Senior General Manager, Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd Ms Lau Joon-Nie Executive Producer / Managing Partner Factual TV (Singapore) LLP and Vice-President, Singapore Press Club Mr Benedict Seetoh Hon Wei Executive Director Rates Sales Financial Markets Standard Chartered Bank Mr Edward Chia Bing Hui Managing Director Timbre Group NYAA Gold Award Holder (2004) Mr Sim Hwee Cher Company Director of: - Community Chest - Mandai Park Holdings Pte Ltd - Duke-NUS Medical School - The Centre for Ageing Research and Education - National Youth Achievement Award Association - NTUC Income Co-operative Limited - The Esplanade Co Ltd - UOL Group Ltd - Board Member – ACR Capital Holdings Pte. Ltd. - Board Member – Asia Capital Reinsurance Group Pte. Ltd. Miss Aileen Yap Leng Lee Deputy Executive Director National Youth Achievement Award Council


Representatives: Ms Pearly Seah Director, Youth & Sports People's Association Observer: Dr Mala Satkunanantham Consultant, Hand and Microsurgery Section, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Chairperson, NYAA Gold Award Holder's Alumni NYAA Gold Award Holder (2008) As of 31 Dec 2019


Appendix 4


Chairman: Mr Guy Harvey- Samuel Independent Director: JTC Corporation, Surbana Jurong Private Limited, Wing Tai Holdings Ltd, Mapletree Industrial Trust Management Ltd, M1 Limited and Chairman, NYAA Board of Trustees Members: Mr Alec Ang Swee Nam Managing Director RVMS International Pte Ltd Mr Eugene Seah Hsiu-Min Senior Director, Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd NYAA Gold Award Holder, 1995 Mr John Ting Kang Chung Principal Architect A.I.M. Associates Secretary: Mr James Soh Nga Kok Executive Director National Youth Achievement Award Council Assistant Secretary: Miss Aileen Yap Leng Lee Deputy Executive Director National Youth Achievement Award Council As of 31 Dec 2019



OPERATING PARTNERS Admiralty Secondary School Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary school Anderson Serangoon Junior College Anderson Secondary School Anglican High School Anglo-Chinese Junior College Anglo-Chinese School (Barker Road) Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) Anglo-Chinese School (International) Singapore Ang Mo Kio Secondary School APSN, Tanglin School Assumption English School Australian International School Singapore Bartley Secondary School Beatty Secondary School Bedok Green Secondary School Bedok South Secondary School Bedok View Secondary School Bendemeer Secondary School BCA Academy Boon Lay Secondary School Bowen Secondary School Broadrick Secondary School Bukit Batok Secondary School Bukit Merah Secondary School Bukit Panjang Govt High School Bukit View Secondary School CAMP CHALLENGE Pte Ltd Canberra Secondary School Care Corner Family Service Centre (Admiralty) Care Corner Family Service Centre (Woodlands) Catholic High School Catholic Junior College Cedar Girls' Secondary School Changkat Changi Secondary School CHIJ Katong Convent CHIJ Secondary (Toa Payoh) CHIJ St Joseph's Convent CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School CHIJ St Theresa's Convent Christ Church Secondary School Chua Chu Kang Secondary School Chung Cheng High School (Main) Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) Clementi Town Secondary School Commonwealth Secondary School Compassvale Secondary School Crescent Girls' School Crest Secondary School Damai Secondary School


Deyi Secondary School Dulwich College (Singapore) Dunearn Secondary School Dunman High School Dunman Secondary School East Spring Secondary School Edgefield Secondary School Eunoia Junior College Evergreen Secondary School Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary) Fajar Secondary School Fuchun Secondary School Fuhua Secondary School Gan Eng Seng School Geylang Methodist School (Secondary) Girl Guides Singapore Global Indian International School Greendale Secondary School Greenridge Secondary School Guangyang Secondary School Hai Sing Catholic School Hillgrove Secondary School Holy Innocents' High School Hougang Secondary School Hua Yi Secondary School Hwa Chong Institution Independent – Singapore American School Institute of Technical Education College Central Institute of Technical Education College East Institute of Technical Education College West Junyuan Secondary School Jurong Pioneer Junior College Jurong Secondary School Jurongville Secondary School Jurong West Secondary School Juying Secondary School Kent Ridge Secondary School Kranji Secondary School Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School Loyang View Secondary School Madrasah Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah Malay Youth Literary Association (4 PM) Manjusri Secondary School Maris Stella High School Marsiling Secondary School Mayflower Secondary School Meridian Secondary School Methodist Girls' School (Secondary) Metta School Millennia Institute Montfort Secondary School Nan Chiau High School Nan Hua High School Nanyang Girls' High School Nanyang Junior College


Nanyang Polytechnic Nanyang Technological University National Cadet Corps National Civil Defence Cadet Corps National Junior College National Police Cadet Corps National University of Singapore Naval Base Secondary School New Town Secondary School Nexus International School Ngee Ann Polytechnic Ngee Ann Secondary School Northbrooks Secondary School Northland Secondary School Northlight School North Vista Secondary School NPS International School NUS High School of Mathematics and Science Orchid Park Secondary School Outram Secondary School Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School Pasir Ris Secondary School Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Secondary) Peicai Secondary School Pei Hwa Secondary School Peirce Secondary School People's Association Youth Movement (PAYM) Ping Yi Secondary School Presbyterian High School Punggol Secondary School Queenstown Secondary School Queensway Secondary School Raffles Girls' School (Secondary) Raffles Institution Regent Secondary School Republic Polytechnic Riverside Secondary School River Valley High School Royal Rangers Singapore School of Science and Technology, Singapore School of the Arts, Singapore Sembawang Secondary School Seng Kang Secondary School Serangoon Garden Secondary School Serangoon Secondary School Singapore Boys' Home Singapore Chinese Girls' School Singapore Girls' Home Singapore Indian Development Association Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) Singapore Management University Singapore Polytechnic Singapore Prison Service Singapore Red Cross Society Singapore Scout Association


Singapore Sports School Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Spectra Secondary School Springfield Secondary School St Andrew's Junior College St Andrew's Secondary School St Anthony's Canossian Secondary School St Gabriel's Secondary School St Hilda's Secondary School St John Singapore St Joseph's Institution St Joseph's Institution International St Margaret's Secondary School St Patrick's School Stamford America International School Swiss Cottage Secondary School Tampines East Community Club Youth Executive Committee Tampines Meridian Junior College Tampines Secondary School Tanglin Secondary School Tanglin Trust School Tanjong Katong Girls' School Tanjong Katong Secondary School Teck Whye Secondary School Temasek Junior College Temasek Polytechnic Temasek Secondary School The Boys' Brigade in Singapore The Girls' Brigade, Singapore United World College of South East Asia, Dover Campus United World College of South East Asia, East Campus Unity Secondary School Victoria Junior College Victoria School West Spring Secondary School Westwood Secondary School Whitley Secondary School Woodgrove Secondary School Woodlands Ring Secondary School Woodlands Secondary School Xinmin Secondary School Yayasan MENDAKI Yio Chu Kang Secondary School Yishun Innova Junior College Yishun Secondary School Yishun Town Secondary School YMCA of Singapore Yuan Ching Secondary School Yuhua Secondary School Yusof Ishak Secondary School Yuying Secondary School Zhenghua Secondary School Zhonghua Secondary School Total: 214

As of 31 December 2019 17

Appendix 6

DONATIONS 2019 In 2019, the NYAA Association received a total of 30 donations, amounting to S$619,911.65. Below are the details:



Receipt Name of Company/Organisation Amount S$ Serial Nos 0099 Sunray Woodcraft Construction Pte Ltd 15,000.00 00100 Lee Foundation 150,000.00 0101 Serial System Ltd 10,000.00 0102 Sunray Woodcraft Construction Pte Ltd 10,000.00 0103 Wing Tai Foundation 10,000.00 0104 Ju-I Properties Pte Ltd 100,000.00 0106 Wong Hin Sun, Eugene 5,000.00 0107 CEI Limited 4,000.00 0108 Guy Harvey-Samuel 10,000.00 0109 Mohamed Abbas s/o Sheyed Ebramsa 888.00 0110 Mitsubishi Electric Asia Pte Ltd 10,000.00 0111 Gary Shen Wei Ren 1,000.00 0112 Bryan Tan Suan Tiu 1,000.00 0113 Lim En 2,000.00 0114 Phoebe Liew Peh Jean 1,000.00 0115 Wanhe International Singapore Pte Ltd 10,000.00 0116 Mala Satkunanantham 1,500.00



FOR PERIOD JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2019 Receipt Name of Company/Organisation Amount S$ Serial Nos 0117 Lee Hui Mien 1,000.00 0118 Chuan-Fa Auto Pte Ltd 10,000.00 0119 Select Group Pte Limited 10,000.00 0120 Eugene Seah Hsiu-Min 10,000.00 0121 KPMG LLP 5,000.00 0122 SymAsia Singapore Fund 50,000.00 0123 Mark Ong En Hui 1,000.00 0124 City Developments Limited 30,000.00 0125 HSBC 118,195.47 0126 Jacqueline Koh Lai Choon 10,000.00 Total: 586,583.47




Receipt Name of Company/Organisation Amount Serial Nos S$ 13359 Sabana Real Estate Investment Management 3,328.18 Pte Ltd 13360 The Community Foundation of Singapore – 20,000.00 UBS 13361 NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative Ltd 10,000.00

Total: 33,328.18 Total Donations (30): S$619,911.65

Soh Nga Kok, James BBM PBM MBE Executive Director & Secretary


Appendix 7


Appendix 8



The National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA) programme aims to develop in our youth self-reliance, perseverance, and a sense of responsibility to society and nation. In our next phase of development, we commit to be our best and to do our best for one and another continued. Each of us can make a unique contribution by realising our potential, using our talents and abilities to benefit others and to bring out and build upon the best natural traits of our young people. As a self-directed programme, it encourages young people to be independent and to take ownership of your journey of growth and discovery. The year twenty nineteen has been an exciting year for the NYAA as we continued to witness tremendous development and contributions of our NYAA participants who are actively serving our community in Singapore and the international arena. NYAA's continued to strengthen its partnership with our Operating Partners, shareholders and supporters have paid off in terms of providing opportunities and platforms for your young people to develop further their interpersonal and leadership skills in preparing them for service to our community. Each year, we need to review our existing programme and strategy to prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead. With a new generation of young people coming on board, the NYAA Council and its Secretariat work hard to strengthen our critical programmes as we create a new one that will resonate with the millennials. In 2019, the number of participants dropped slightly compared with 2018 as we embarked on the new programme, and our Operating Partners needs time to re-adjust their activities to stay inline with the NYAA's unique criteria. Despite the dropped in numbers, the NYAA Programme remains one of the critical character and leadership development programmes in schools and institutions of higher learning in Singapore. The total enrollment is 23,109, with 10,622 bronze level, 10,194 silver Level and 2,293 gold level. The NYAA continues to provide a wide range of activities for our young people to develop and excel, regardless of their background or station in life. We are delighted that many of our young people who did very well in the NYAA programme come from our neighbourhood schools. Through their NYAA journey, they gained confidence and get motivated to put in their best and excel, and more importantly, remain humble and willing to serve the community, especially those that need help. A total of 682 heads of department and teachers attended the NYAA workshops from March to November. These workshops were well received by the schools, institutions of higher learning, and national uniformed organisations.


On the local front, the NYAA Secretariat continues to develop a wide range of leadership development programmes to address a spectrum of issues we faced today, such as Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, to address the damage caused to our environment. We are encouraged that our young people are taking the lead through their leadership and action, both the local and international levels. NYAA Continued to play an active role in Singapore throughout the partnership with the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources and continued to serve on the Selection Panel of the President's Award for the Environment, EcoFriend Selection Panel, Clean and Green Singapore Selection Panel and HSBC/NYAA Youth Environmental Leadership Development Programme. In the international arena, NYAA played an active role in the Civil SocietyGroup of the United Nations Environment Assembly, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the UNE South East Asia Youth Environment NetworkYouth. With the increasing number of elderly in Singapore, NYAA provided young people with many opportunities and platforms to work with the elderly through the NYAA Youth and the Integration Programme. A project such as Bridging the Digital Challenges play an essential role for the elderly to learn and benefit from this technology to improve their lives through the Elderly Integration Programmes. Boredom is also an issue faced by the elderly, and NYAA provides our young people with a platform to integrate with the elderly through meaningful activities and promote community bonding. NYAA also uses visual arts to contribute to our society through the NYAA Young Photographers' Network, which has trained hundreds of young photographers each year. The young photographers are playing an essential role in contributing to society through their talents and skills and highlighted many social issues through their lenses. NYAA works very closely with foreign embassies and high commissions based in Singapore to promote and enhance bilateral relations between Singapore and various countries. In 2019, the NYAA organised a competition for the design of the Israel-Singapore 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations' logo and the Chile-Singapore 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Nets Flash Card Design Competition to commemorate these two special occasions. For the international arenas, NYAA and China also work closely to promote tourism and investment in Harbin, Heilongjiang province that attracted more than 70 tourism sector leaders to visit Harbin Ice and Snow Festival in January 2020. NYAA also plays a significant role at the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, in March 2019representing the UNE South East Asia Youth Environment Network, where young environmentalists in ASEAN contributed significantly to their Climate Change Mitigation. NYAA Continued to play a leadership role at the annual St. Gallen Symposium, where the Leaders of Tomorrow meet the Leaders of Today for a dialogue on issues facing the world today and find possible solutions. In May each year, about 1,200 political leaders, policymakers, captain of industries, academia, and civil society leaders attended the annual event held at the University of St. Gallen. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr Heng Swee Keat represented Singapore as one of the Keynote Speaker at the Symposium. In May 2019, the NYAA and the St. Gallen Foundation celebrated its 20th Anniversary of partnership and collaboration at St. Gallen, Switzerland.


In December 2019, the NYAA represented Singapore as a Member of the Non-Governmental Organization and Civil Society at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference in Madrid, Spain. Youth played an essential role in combating Climate Change, and NYAA Gold Award Holders' Alumni has played an active role in this aspect. Ms Cheryl Lee, an NYAA Gold Award holder and young environmentalist, represented the NYAA at the COP25 Conference in Madrid, Spain, from 2 to 13 December 2019. She moderated many youth sessions at COP25 and was a sought after youth speaker at various sideline events held during the UNFCCC Meetings. NYAA is very proud that these young leaders had contributed and make a difference in our society and at various overseas events, flying our Singapore flag high. The close partnership and collaboration with like-minded organisations both in Singapore and overseas has provided us with an excellent platform for our young leaders to develop and enhance their leadership skills, and prepare them for a leadership role in the future. The NYAA is grateful to our Life Benefactors: The Tote Board and Singapore Pools Pte Ltd for their financial support. We are also very thankful to the Lee Foundation, HSBC, government ministries and agencies, and all our corporate partners and sponsors for their support in our national youth development work. We are also grateful to all our donors who supported us for the Bicenntenial Community Fundraising Project. In total, we raised S$586,583. Donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar through the Bicentennial Community Fund, up to a cap of S$400,000 per Institution of Public Character. I want to express our most profound appreciation and gratitude to Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Chairman, NYAA Advisory Board and Members of the NYAA Advisory Board for their advice, guidance, and support. I would also like to thank members of the NYAA Council for their leadership, guidance, and contributions and support to the NYAA Secretariat. We are indeed grateful to our lean team of staff from the NYAA Secretariat. They have gone beyond their call-of-duties to nurture and develop our young people through the NYAA Programme with our Operating Partners. To all heads of education institutions, principals, teachers, and youth workers thank you for your partnership and continued support. Your immense support and contributions have enabled the NYAA to grow from strength to strength to greater heights. Thank you. Teo Ser Luck Chairman National Youth Achievement Award Council



Since 1992, NYAA has facilitated and witnessed a powerful transformation of more than half a million youths. Many of them have successfully gone through the various levels of the NYAA Programme and are now physically and mentally poised to help drive positive change in our society.

Each year, the NYAA nurtures many boys and girls, transforming them into passionate and responsible young men and women. The holistic nature of the programmes provides participants with the opportunity to gain unique experiences that stretch their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses.

It’s an increasingly interconnected and complex world and presents enormous opportunities and challenges that may appear impossible. We want our youths to have the money not just to survive but thrive in this world. They need self and situational awareness, and the courage and self-belief to trust their instincts. They need passion, zest and drive to weather the odds. Above all, our youths need to become a lot more purpose-driven if they want to triumph and make a difference to the community. This is at the core of what NYAA stands for and is determined to transmit to our young.

Empathy and a penchant for causes are two driving factors for developing this sense of purpose. Throughout their NYAA journey, participants gain meaningful exposure to issues in society, disadvantaged groups, others who are doing good work in protecting the environment and promoting sustainability. The idea is to continually pique curiosity and compassion so that they become passionate volunteer leaders desiring to serve at all levels.


Appendix 9

In 2019, 23,109 young people registered for the NYAA Programme (Bronze 10,622, Silver 10,194, and Gold 2,293). There is a slight decrease compared with 2018. This is partly due to the falling birth rate and declining enrolment rates in our education institutions. Despite the lower participation rate, we are encouraged by the quality of participation. Many NYAA recipients and participants did exceptionally well in both their studies and leadership development – one complementing the other. They have all gone on to make a difference in their unique ways, and have experienced an awakening that will energise them for years to come as they serve.

Like in the previous years, in 2019, our NYAA recipients and participants have made their schools, families, NYAA and Singapore proud. We wish them well.


The NYAA Secretariat continued to build and strengthen our partnerships with government and other partners such as:• Ministry of Education• Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources• Ministry of Foreign Affairs• Ministry of Culture, Community, and Youth• Ministry of Social and Family Development• Ministry of Home Affairs

Statutory Boards and Agencies:• People’s Association (PA)• Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)• National Environment Agency (NEA)• PUB• Community Development Councils (CDCs)

NYAA Orientation/Training Workshops

A total of 682 heads of department and teachers attended the NYAA Orientation and Training Workshops in 2019. These workshops were well received by the schools, institutions of higher learning and national uniformed organisation.

Total no of participants: 23,109

Orientation cum training workshop for NYAA Co-ordinators.




The NYAA’s partnership at the International Level remains strong. Many foreign governments and international agencies praised NYAA Singapore for its leadership and contributions to the success of programmes such as the annual APEC Voices of the Future, Y20 of the G20, United Nations Environment Assembly, United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change, Asia-Europe Foundation, United Nations Environment South East Asian Youth Environmental Networks (UNE SEAYEN).

Partnerships (Countries): • Australia • Philippines • Brunei Darussalam • Peru • Canada • Papua New Guinea • Chile • Russia • People’s Republic of China • Switzerland • Hong Kong • Thailand • Chinese Taipei • United States of Ameria • Indonesia • Vietnam • Japan • ASEAN • Korea • European Union • Malaysia • Mexico • New Zealand

The NYAA’s Executive Director continued to serve on the various Award Committees and panels of the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources. They are President’s Award for the Environment 2019, EcoFriend Award 2019, Clean and Green Singapore Award 2019.

NYAA also represented Singapore at the 3rd United Nations Environment Asia-Pacific Regional Ministerial Meeting 2019, Zero Waste Launch 2019, Singapore International Water Day 2019, PUB Photography Competition 2019, Take A Shot, Save the Drop Photo Competition 2019 and GoBlue4SG Project.


NEA’s EcoFriend Award 2019 Selection Panel.

Prize Presentation Ceremony for the PUB Photography Competition.

Zero Waste Launch 2019.


Arctic Unplugged

The NYAA helped nurture many young environmentalists who are sought after by international agencies, foreign embassies, and local educational institutions. Ms Cheryl Lee, NYAA Gold Award holder (2018 Cohort) was invited by the Embassy of Norway to share her experience on Climate Change at the Arctic Unplugged Forum 2019 on 7 October 2019.

E-Waste Project at CASA Clementi

About 200 NYAA Gold Award participants and 25 NYAA GoldAward holders embarked on an E-Waste Project at CASA Clementi on 14 September 2019. Dr Tan Wu Meng, Member of Parliament for Jurong GRC and Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Trade and Industry, visited the E-Waste Project and had a brief interaction with the young people.

West Coast GRC E-Waste Recycling Drop-Off Project

About 150 NYAA participants led by Mr Calvin Tan, NYAA Gold Award holder and Councillor with South West District set up an E-Waste Recycling Point at West Coast GRC. On 3 November 2019, the NYAA participants managed the collection centre at West Coast Vista and also visited homes to collect used electronic and raise awareness on responsible disposal of e-waste.

ITE Eco-Sustainability Conference 2019

Three hundred students from ITE three mega campus and their lecturers attended the ITE Eco-Sustainability Conference on 1 November 2019 at ITE College East. The CEO of ITE, Ms Low Khah Gek, and the Principals of ITE Central, ITE College West, and ITE College East, visited the exhibition and various booths set up by the students. The NYAA assisted with the invitation of Speakers for the Conference. The ITE students also put up an impressive exhibition ranging from photographs to creative eco-innovations and environmental sustainability projects.

Climate Change at the Arctic Unplugged Forum 2019.

E-Waste Collection Project at CASA Clementi.

West Coast GRC E-Waste Recycling Drop-Off Project.

ITE Eco-Sustainability Conference 2019.


Capture Carbon Technology Presentation

The NYAA hosted the visit of Sir Peter Gregson, Vice-Chancellor of Granfield University, to Singapore from 21 to 23 October 2019. During Sir Peter Gregson’s visit, NYAA and the National University of Singapore Faculty of Engineering jointly hosted a Dialogue Session on Capture Carbon Technology at the National University of Singapore. On 22 October 2019, the NYAA also helped to facilitate a meeting with Dr Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information and Transport at the Ministry of Communications and Information on 21 October 2019. The meeting with the Senior Minister of State went very well. Sir Peter Gregson and his team of researchers are looking forward to collaborating with Singapore.

Carbon Trust Launch

On 30 October 2019, the Carbon Trust was launched at the National Gallery Singapore. H.E. Kara Owen, British High Commissioner to Singapore, and Mr Joseph Teo, Chief Negotiator for Climate Change Singapore jointly graced the launch. Both NYAA Executive Director and Mr Tom Delay, Chief Executive Officer of Carbon Trust had agreed in principle to work in partnership to raise awareness on Climate Change. They will discuss the collaboration details in Edinburgh, Scotland, in November 2020 when the United Kingdom is scheduled to host the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Dialogue with Dr Jane Gooddall

In November 2019, Dr Jane Goodall visited Singapore and shared her experience of Living in Harmony with Nature and Wildlife at the University Cultural Centre, National University of Singapore. Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, was the Guest-of-Honour for the event. Dr Goodall shared her amazing stories with a full house audience. She wished to inspire more people in Singapore to respect and appreciate nature and wildlife.

AICHR Workshop on the Environment and Human Rights: Urban Pollution.

NYAA Gold Award holder Ms Cheryl Lee was extremely busy in 2019. Ms Lee shared her experience on the protection of the environment and Climate Change by various institutions and organisations. She was also a guest speaker at the AICHR Workshop on the Environment and Human Rights at one of the ASEAN Workshops on 10 September 2019.

Capture Carbon Technology Presentation at NUS.

Launch of the Carbon Trust in Singapore.

Dialogue with Dr Jane Goodall.

AICHR Workshop on the Environment and Human Rights: Urban Pollution.


Arctic Frontiers: Knowledge for Ocean Sustainability

The Arctic Frontiers; Knowledge for Ocean Sustainability was held at the National University of Singapore. Mr Sam Tan, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Social and Family Development and Ms Liv Lennum, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy of Norway were the Guests-of-Honour. Experts from Norway jointly graced the event and shared their thoughts on Innovation and Smart Ocean Solutions. It was an engaging session.


NYAA Singapore continued to play a crucial role at the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, and Food Security Conference.

COP25, Madrid, Spain

The NYAA represented Singapore as a non-governmental and civil society organisation at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Madrid, Spain, from 2 to 13 December 2019. Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources and Mr Joseph Teo, Chief Negotiator for Climate Change, Singapore, and officials from Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Climate Change Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office attended the meetings.

Ms Cheryl Lee, NYAA Gold Award holder, represented the NYAA and shared her experience on Climate Change mitigation at various events at COP25. Both officials and youth delegates from all over the worldlike her sharings.

NYAA Executive Director also has many fruitful meetings with the President of COP25, Ms Carolina Schmidt, Minister of the Environment of Chile, the United States delegation led by USA Senator Rob Wieckkowski of the State of California, Ms Isabella Loevin, Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden, Dr Hoesung Lee, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Mrs Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland, Mr Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Minister for the Environment and Energy of Costa Rica.

Arctic Frontiers: Knowledge for Ocean Sustainability.

Third Forum of Ministers and the Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific.

Singapore delegation at COP25, Madrid, Spain.

Chairman of COP25, H.E. Caroline Schmidt, Minister of the Environment, Chile. Dr Hoesung Lee, Chair,

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Youth for Climate Change Dialogue at COP25, Madrid, Spain.



NYAA with the support of GAHA, organised many community initiatives from January to June 2019 with grassroots organisations of Radin Mas, Yuhua, Bedok and Chai Chee. More than 5,000 residents and GAHA were involved.

Yuhua NYAA Exhibition 2019

The Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Ms Grace Fu, invited the NYAA to share the NYAA Programme at Yuhua Community Club Edusave Ceremony on 26 October 2019. The young people of Yuhua Ward attended the NYAA Exhibition.

Kampong Chai Chee PAassioNation

GAHA, in partnership with the Kampong Chai Chee Community Club Youth Executive Committee, organised a PAassioNation Community Engagement Programme where citizens could learn and participate in traditional kampong games, quizzes, and concert put up by the various ethnic groups. It was a day of fun and discovery for the residents who enjoyed the event held on 21 September 2019.

Visit the Republic of Singapore Navy’s Frigate RSS Supreme

A group of NYAA Council Members and Gold Award holders and their families visited the RSN Frigate RSS Supreme at Vivocity harbour front on 13 November 2019. Major Sam Tan, Deputy Commander of RSS Supreme, and an NYAA Gold Award holder hosted the NYAA group. The visit to RSS Supreme provided the NYAA Members with a glimpse of the life of or our Naval personal. We gained a better understanding of the naval defence of Singapore waters, both near and beyond.

St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital Charity Gala Dinner

Many NYAA participants served as volunteers with the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital. The NYAA attended the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital Charity Gala Dinner, held on 25 October 2019. Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance graced the Charity Gala Dinner as the Guest-of-Honour. The Right Reverend Rennis Ponniah, Anglican Bishop of Singapore and President of the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital and Singapore Anglican Community Service, Ms Denise Phua, Mayor, Central Community Development District and Board Members of the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital and Singapore Anglican Community attended the Gala Dinner held at the Ritz-Carlton, Millennia Singapore.

The NYAA Gold Award Holders’ Alumni was represented at the event to show support for the excellent work by the Andrew’s Mission Hospital and the Singapore Anglican Community Service.

Yuhua NYAA Exhibition 2019.

Kampong Chai Chee PAassioNation 2019.

Visit the Republic of Singapore Navy’s Frigate RSS Supreme.

St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital Charity Gala Dinner.



Smart Phone Applications for Senior Citizens

The NYAA GAHA conducted a very successful Smart Phone Applications Workshop for the senior citizens at Teck Ghee Constituency, Ang Mo Kio GRC, on 3 August 2019. More than 30 senior citizens attended the workshop and learned how to use their applications to communicate with each other. After the workshop, GAHA organised an outdoor trip to the Changi Jewel, where they had hands-on practice applications to communicate with each other. They also learn how to access information on their mobile phone directions and meeting places.

NYAA/ITE/SUSS Gerontology Project

The NYAA Gold Award participants from ITE College Central participated in an NYAA/ITE/SUSS Gerontology Project at Ang Mo Kio Community Club. SportSG supports the pilot project as part of their Healthy Living Programme for senior citizens. The three month pilot from September to December 2019 will provide Dr Carol Ma, Gerontology Researcher at Singapore University of Social Science, information to design a national programme to encourage senior citizens to stay active and healthy.


NYAA Young Photographers’ Network (YPN)

The NYAA YPN organised many ground-up initiatives involving many young people who are keen on photography. NYAA continues to support the Singapore Young Photographer’s Convention 2019, developing more than 400 young photographers each year. More importantly, these young photographers are using their skills and talents to serve the community through photography.

NYAA also organised talks and workshops involving world-class photographers who visited Singapore. Barbara Davidson’s presentation held at the Temasek Polytechnic was very well attended. More than 300 students, lecturers and friends participated in the workshop.

NYAA Young Filmmakers’ Network

Schools and NYAA partners very well received the NYAA Young Filmmakers’ Network. More than 400 students attended the annual event from secondary schools, ITEs, Junior Colleges and polytechnics. Held in partnership with NYAA partner, ACS(Independent) each year, the event produced many young filmmakers for Singapore.

Smartphone applications workshop for senior citizens at Teck Ghee Constituency.

NYAA/ITE/SUSS Gerontology Pilot Project.

NYAA Young Photographers’ Network workshop at URA Centre.

NYAA Young Filmmakers’ Network Prize Giving Ceremony.


URA Kampong Glam Project Judging & Selection Panel

Darren Soh, NYAA Gold Award holder, and founding member of the NYAA Young Photographers’ Network (YPN) together with five renowned photographers from Singapore gone through thousands of images captured by students who participated in the Kampong Glam Project from February to July 2019 at the URA Centre on 18 September 2019. The selected images were be exhibited at the Malay Heritage Centre at Sultan Gate as part of the URA Festival.


4th St Gallen Symposium Singapore Forum 2019 with Ms Ho Ching, CEO, Temasek Holdings

The St. Gallen Symposium Singapore Forum 2019 was held at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House Auditorium, the National University of Singapore on 19 January 2019. Guest of Honour and Keynote Speaker were Ms Ho Ching, Chief Executive Officer, Temasek Holdings, who addressed the topic: Capital for Purpose.

Panellists for the dialogue are Mr Piyush Gupta, Chief Executive Officer, DBS Bank, Ms Anita Fam, President, National Council of Social Service and Mr Seah Chin Siong, Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Pools Pte Ltd. Mr Viswa Sadasivan, Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Moves Pte Ltd and Former Nominated Member of Parliament moderated the dialogue session. More than 300 taught leaders, CEOs and university students attended the event.

Total Defence Day Youth Forum 2019

Total Defence Day Youth Forum 2019 held at the Enterprise Development Centre at ITE College Central on 16 February 2019 with the support of Ministry of Defence, was graced by Mr Heng Chee How, Senior Minister of State for Defence. Panellists for the dialogue were NYAA Gold Award holders, Major Lim En, Staff Officer, G5 Army, Ministry of Defence, Supt Sergius Wat, Deputy Director, Operations Management, Singapore Police Force, Ministry of Home Affairs and Mr Terence Chia, Senior Director, National Security Coordination Centre, Prime Minister’s Office. Captain (NS) Desmond Chong, Senior Consultant, Mastercard Asia and the Middle East moderated the dialogue. More than 300 participants attended the event. Minister Heng also officially launched the NYAA Book, “Stories from our Grandparents”. The stories were compiled through 6 months of interviews by NYAA participants with their grandparents.

URA-NYAA Kampong Glam Photography Project Judging &Selection Panel.

4th St. Gallen Symposium Singapore Forum 2019 at NUS.

Dialogue and panellists discussion at the 4th St. Gallen Symposium Singapore Forum.

Book Launch: Stories from our Grandparents.

Total Defence Day Youth Forum 2019.


YSEALI Youth Social Enterprise Conference 2019

The NYAA Council organised the YSEALI Youth Social Enterprise Conference 2019 with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America from 18 to 20 March 2019. Mr Louis Ng, Member of Parliament for Nee Soon GRC graced the Conference at the Enterprise Development Centre, ITE College Central on 18 March 2019. Over the next three days, NYAA speakers Mr Viswa Sadasivan, Former Nominated Member of Parliament and Chief Executive Officer, Strategic Moves Pte Ltd spoke on Essential Skills for Social Enterprise. Mr Charles Phua, Founder and President, Singapore Global League of Intrapreneurs and Chairman, Solaris Consortium of Management Consultancies spoke on Trisector Entrepreneurship. Mr Mohd Abbas, Fintech Entrepreneur and Co-Founder, Rely spoke on service to the Community through Social Enterprise, and Ambassador Teng Theng Dar and Chairman, Hub Honcho – 0110 Hub Pte Ltd spoke on Industry Transformation for Sustainable Growth.

Dialogue on leadership with former United Nations Senator Michael Brubaker and Ambassador-at-Large Ong Keng Yong

“A Dialogue on Leadership with Mr Michael Brubaker”, former State Senator of Pennsylvania was held at the Student Activity Centre, ITE College East on 27 April 2019. With Senator Brubaker at the dialogue, the session was Singapore’s Ambassador-at-Large, Mr Ong Keng Yong, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The topics for the dialogue was “Leadership for the Next Generation” moderated by Dr Mustafa Izzuddin, Adjunct Lecturer, National University of Singapore, University Scholars Programme and Research Fellow of Yusof-Ishak Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. More than 300 students and youth leaders attended the event.

Besides the speakers from the NYAA Council, four overseas trainers from Deloitte were at hand to run the workshop. They are Mr Greg Cooper, Senior Consultant, Government and Public Services, Deloitte, USA, Mr Lekan Awotedu, Cyber Risk Professional, Federal Strategy & Risk, Deloitte, USA, Ms Justine Asoudikpan, Strategy & Analytics, Deloitte, USA and Ms Ebony Beverly, Management Consultant, Deloitte, USA. More than 300 young leaders from the NYAA Operating Partners attended the Conference.

YSEALI Youth Social Enterprise Conference 2019.

Presentation by Though Leaders at NYAA Youth Forum.

Talk on Social Enterprise by young entrepreneur.

A Dialogue on Leadership with a U.S. Senator and Singapore Ambassador-at-Large.

World News Day 2019 Singapore

World News Day 2019 Prize Presentation Ceremony in Hong Kong

NYAA and WAN-IFRA jointly organized the World News Day Photography Competition to commemorate the World News Day 2019. More than 30 countries participated in the competition.

The winning teams were from the Yuen Long Merchant Association Secondary School of Hong Kong. Mr Warren Fernandez, Editor of the Straits Times and Editor-in-Chief of the English, Malay and Tamil Media Group, Singapore Press Holdings and President of the World Editors Forum presented the prizes at the South China Morning Post headquarters in Hong Kong.

The NYAA and WAN-IFRA jointly organised the World News Day Dialogue with the support of the Singapore Press Holdings on 28 September 2019 at the Enterprise Development Center, ITE College Central. The theme for the dialogue was: “Real News Matters”.

Seasoned journalists from Myanmar, the Philippines and Sri Lanka shared their experiences in covering civil and ethnic strife in their home countries and the length they go to ensure accuracy, balance and service to their communities and audiences.

Warren Fernandez, President, World Editors Forum and Editor-in-Chief, The Straits Times and Shefali Rekhi, Asian News Network Editor, The Straits Times were present to share handy tips and hacks in a news verification and stories that impacted the public. More than 200 young leaders and public attended the dialogue.


Lau Joon-Nie, Director, Asia, WAN IFRA moderating the news editors panel discussion at the World News Day 2019.

Youth panel discussion at the World News Day 2019 in Singapore.More than 200 young people attended the World News

Day 2019 Singapore Forum.

Kung Ka Hei of Hong Kong received the cash prize of US$800 for winning the First Prize in the WND2019 Photography Competition.

The winners of the WDN2019 with Warren Fernandez, Editor of the Straits Times and Editor-In-Chief of the English, Malay and Tamil Media Group, Singapore Press Holdings and President of World Editors Forum and officials at the South China Morning Post Headquarters. Visiting the post-press area at the South China Morning

News in Hong Kong.



The NYAA organised many projects for young people in 2019. These projects are very well attended and strongly supported by our schools, ITEs, Junior Colleges, Polytechnics and universities.

NYAA would like to highlight some of the key projects:

Launch of TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre

NYAA Council hosted a senior management delegation from Harbin Robotic Innovation Centre in February 2018.

During their visit to Singapore, NYAA Council arranged for the delegation to visit IE Singapore, A*STARS and Singapore Economic Development Centre. The delegation also met Singapore’s Chief Robotic Officer Prof Quek Tong Boon at the Ministry of Trade and Industry.

The successful visit led to the set-up of the TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre at Temasek Polytechnic. The TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre was launched by Mr Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Education on 21 February 2019. Mr Roddy Mu, NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort) who was instrumental in the setting up of the HRG Robotics Innovation Centre in Singapore was appointed Vice Chairman, TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre at Temasek Polytechnic.

Girl Guides Singapore Special Project

Girl Guides Singapore, a close partner of the NYAA Council celebrated their Special Project event Gala Dinner on 19 March 2019 held at The Clifford Pier. The Gala Dinner was graced by President Halimah Yacob and attended by Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Finance. NYAA Executive Director represented the NYAA at this special event.

Building Our Future Singapore Together

The 4G leadership will strive to harness Singapore’s diverse strengths and partner Singaporeans to take the country forward in its next phase of nation-building. Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat addressed some 400 participants at the “Building Our Future, Singapore Together” dialogue session on 15 June 2019 at the Singapore Management University. During the Q&A session on leadership development, DPM Heng mentioned NYAA as a useful programme for youth engagement as he was impressed with the NYAA Gold Award Holders’ Alumni Members during his interaction with them.

Signing Ceremony of the partnership between Temasek Polytechnic and HRG Robotics Innovation Centre.

Touring the TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre, Temasek Polytechnic.

Girl Guides Singapore Special Gala Dinner.

“Building Our Future, Singapore Together” Dialogue.


Singapore Youth Action Plan

Singapore Youth Action Plan is a platform for Singapore’s youths to shape their vision for the country and develop plans for youth, community organisations, businesses and the government to realise this vision together. Members of the NYAA Gold Award Holders’ Alumni played an active role by contributing their ideas and time to support the initiative.

Pre-49th St. Gallen Symposium 2019 Dinner Reception

A pre-49th St. Gallen Symposium 2019 Dinner Reception was hosted by H.E. Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador of Switzerland to Singapore on 24 April 2019. The dinner reception was attended by past participants of the St. Gallen Symposium including former Minister for National Development, Mr Mah Bow Tan. Students selected for the 49th St. Gallen Symposium were also present. The annual event organised by the Embassy of Switzerland provided an excellent platform for past and current participants to network and explore possibilities for projects soon.

Chile-Singapore 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations

Chile-Singapore celebrated its 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations in 2019. NYAA Council and the Embassy of Chile jointly organised a NETS Ez-link Card Design Competition to commemorate the occasion. The design competition attracted more than 100 over entries and the winner for the national competition was Ms Vanessa Lim Zhi Yan, a student from the School of Design and Media, ITE College Central. Ms Vanessa Lim received her prize from the Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information and Transport, Dr Janil Puthucheary onboard the Chilean Navy Training ship, Esmeralda during the Chile National Day reception on 11 October 2019 hosted by Ambassador of Chile to Singapore H.E. James Sinclair.

Donation of Sculpture at Gardens by the Bay

The Chilean government donated the Chemamull sculpture, which was shipped by the Chilean Navy Training Ship The Esmeralda to Singapore. To commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Chile and Singapore Diplomatic Relations, the unveiling of the sculpture was launched at the Gardens by the Bay jointly by H.E. James Sinclair, Ambassador of Chile to Singapore, and Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Singapore on 10 September 2019. NYAA Executive Director Mr James Soh represented the NYAA at the Ceremony.

Singapore Youth Action Plan.

Pre-49th St. Gallen Symposium 2019 Dinner Reception.

Winning entry of NETS Ez-link Card Design Compeition.

Donation of Sculpture at Gardens by the Bay.


Launch of the NETS Flashpay Card

The Launch of the Chile-Singapore 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations was held onboard the Chilean Navy Tall Ship The Esmeralda. During the Chilean National Day Reception, Dr Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information and Transport, represented the Singapore Government with two Members of Parliament, Mr Teo Ser Luck, and Mr Ang Wei Neng. Minister Janil officially launched the winning design of the Nets Flashpay Card and presented the prize to the winner, Ms Vanessa Lim Zhi Yan. NYAA Council Members, NYAA Gold Award holders and staff of ITE Central attended the Ceremony.

Farewell Dinner for H.E. Simona Halpine, Ambassador of Israel

The NYAA and the Embassy of Israel enjoy close relations for many years. H.E. Simona Halpine, Ambassador of Israel, provided many opportunities for NYAA participants to attend events organised by the Israeli Embassy. The Ambassador also supported many of NYAA’s events with her presence. NYAA is very grateful for her support in the NYAA youth development in Singapore.

NYAA hosted a farewell dinner on 18 July 2019 at the Amber@West Restaurant, where the ITE culinary students specially prepare the menu for her. NYAA also presented Ambassador Halpine an Appreciation Plaque signed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Chairman of the NYAA Advisory Board Mr Heng Swee Keat, to thank her for her support during her tenure as Ambassador of Israel to Singapore.

49th St. Gallen Symposium 2019 Reception

The 49th St. Gallen Symposium held in May 2019 in Switzerland was a great success. More than 1,200 business and political leaders, academia, civil society, and leaders of tomorrow attended the Symposium held at the University of St. Gallen.

The 49th St. Gallen Symposium Singapore reception was held on 12 November 2019 at the Tanglin Club, where the Leaders of Tomorrow from Singapore shared their experience and thoughts with the young leaders in Singapore. The NYAA and the St. Gallen Foundation found such a platform useful for young Singaporean leaders who did not have an opportunity to attend the St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland.

H.E. Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador of Switzerland to Singapore, Mr Alex Melcher, General Manager and Managing Director of Melchers Singapore and Adviser to the St. Gallen Symposium hosted the event. Mr James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council and Singapore’s Co-ordinator of the St. Gallen Symposium, attended the event.

Launch of the NETS Flashpay Card at the National Day of Chile onboard The Esmeralda.

Farewell Dinner for H.E. Simona Halpine, Ambassador of Israel to Singapore.

Post 49th St. Gallen Symposium 2019 Reception at the Tanglin Club.


Pre-APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Singapore

The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders Meeting was scheduled to be hosted by the Chilean Government in Santiago, Chile in November 2019. A pre-APEC Meeting was held at the Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore to brief Ambassadors and High Commissioners of the APEC Member Economies based in Singapore on the agenda of the APEC Summit 2019. The APEC Secretariat Executive Director Tan Sri Datuk Fatima Sta Maria conducted the briefing. SOM Chair of Chile Mr Mathias Francke reported on the latest progress with the APEC year. He also reported on the results of the first two Senior Official Meetings held in Santiago and Vina del Mar. For the first time in several years, APEC Ministers responsible for Trade Development had reached a consensus on the Ministerial Declaration. The members of the APEC Business Advisory Council also recognised the importance and significance of the Ministerial Declaration because APEC again has placed free trade and support for WTO and the rules at the centre of its work.

NYAA Singapore was represented by its Executive Director, Mr James Soh, who is one of the two chairs of the APEC Voices Leadership Council. The meeting focused on Chile’s goal of expanding cooperation and convergence between the private sector and the APEC region government. The APEC Meeting also addressed the concern of young people in the Asia-Pacific region concerning employment and job opportunities.

People’s Republic of China’s Liberation Army 92nd Anniversary

Representatives from the NYAA attended the People’s Republic of China’s Liberation Army 92nd Anniversary dinner held at the Shangri-La Hotel Ballroom. H.E.Hong Xiaoyong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Singapore, hosted the event. Amongst the guests were Singapore’s Chief of Defence Force, Lt-Gen Melvyn Ong and senior officers from the Singapore Armed Forces.

Since 1955, the NYAA and the People’s Republic of China had enjoyed a very warm relationship with the All-China Youth Federation and the Children’s Palace. NYAA also established a close relationship with the Harbin Municipal People’s Government, Heilongjiang Province, in the development of friendship between the young people of Singapore and China as part of the NYAA’s People to People programmes. Over the years, many youth leaders exchange programmes were organised between Singapore and China. Next year, Singapore and the People’s Republic of China will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations, and NYAA will organise various youth events to commemorate this special occasion.

APEC SOM Chair of Malaysia Hairil Yahri Yaacob at the Pre-APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Singapore.

APEC SOM Chair of Chile Mathias Francke and Tan Sri Datuk Fatima Sta Maria, Executive Director, APEC Secretariat.

With Singapore Chief of Defence Forces, Lt-Gen Melvyn Ong at the People’s Republic of China’s Liberation Army 92nd Anniversary celebration.

With H.E. Hong Xiayong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, NYAA Gold Award holder Roddy Mu and James Soh.


Harbin Tourism & Investment Promotion Presentation in Singapore

A senior trade delegation from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, People’s Republic of China, visited Singapore from 19 to 22 November 2019. The Chinese delegation led by Ms Gong Xiamei, Director-General of the Department of the Communist Party of China, Harbin Committee, called on NYAA Executive Director, Mr James Soh, at the NYAA secretariat on 20 November 2019.

NYAA also helped facilitated a Harbin Tourism, and Investment Promotion Presentation Night-cum-Dinner held at the Conrad Centennial Singapore on 21 November 2019. Guests from the Singapore Tourism Industry, and businesses attended the dinner. The Harbin Delegation presented a fantastic video on the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival held each year in January, and they extended an invitation to the guests from the Singapore Tourism Industry at the event.

Launch of Chile-Singapore 40th Anniversary Book

For the finale of the Chile-Singapore 40th Anniversary Celebration in Singapore, the Embassy of Chile in Singapore launched two unique books to commemorate 40 years of relations and ties. When Chilean poet and Nobel Prize Winner Pablo Neruda visited Singapore in the 1930s, he always chose to stay at the iconic Raffles Hotel. While in Singapore, he would often write poems and books on the veranda of his hotel room while he sipped on gin cocktails. In 1996, the hotel named one of its suites after him, and the Pablo Neruda Suite remains the hotel to this day.

So it was very appropriate for the Embassy of Chile in Singapore to launch the two books to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between Chile and Singapore at the Raffles Hotel on 10 December 2019. In his address, H.E. James Sinclair, Ambassador of Chile to Singapore, was happy to present the two books to guests attending the event, which reflect the richness and diversity of the bilateral relationship between both countries.

The NYAA was represented by two Council Members, Mr John Ting and Dr Ken Ong as the Executive Director, Mr James Soh was in Madrid, Spain for the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Gong Xiamei, Director-General, Department of the Communist Party of China, Harbin Committee.

Launch of Harbin Tourism & Investment Promotion Presentation Dinner in Singapore.

Launch of the Commemorative Book of the Chile-Singapore 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations.

HSBC/NYAA Sustainable Development Goals Innovation Solutions Initiatives with ITE and SMEs

The NYAA Executive Director, James Soh, served as a Member of the annual Bestari Award Selection Panel. The selection panel met on 8 November 2019 at the 4PM Hubelia to interview and select the winner for the Bestari Award 2019. Zainal Sapari, Member of Parliament for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC chaired the selection panel.

Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Education and Finance graced the Ceremony at the ITE College Central on 12 November 2019. Forty-five outstanding ITE students from the three mega ITE Colleges were selected for the Final. The Minister presented the 4PM Bestari Award to one winner.

The NYAA will be launching the HSBC/NYAA Sustainable Development Goals Innovation Solutions Initiatives with ITE and SMEs in January 2020. Students from the three ITE Colleges will work in partnership with 15 Small and Medium Enterprises to find solution to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in their business operations.

The year-long programme will be funded by HSBC Singapore as part of the HSBC-NYAA partnership and collaborations to motivate and empower youths to take an interest and ownership in caring for our environment and our community.

4PM Bestari Award 2019

The meeting with ITE and business owners of Small and Medium Enterprises on the UN SDG Innovation Solutions Initiatives.

Malay Youth Literary Association (4 PM) Bestari Award 2019 Ceremony.




International Swiss Talent Forum 2019, Nottwil, Switzerland

The International Swiss Talent Forum (ISTF) was launched by the Foundation Swiss Youth in Science in 2009. It is a politically independent think-tank for young leaders aged 18 to 23 years old from more than 20 countries around the world to engage and work alongside thought-leaders, decision-makers and lateral-thinkers in addressing the universal and long-term challenges of our time.

Two outstanding NYAA Gold Awardees, Ms Cassandra Yip and Ms Seraphina Chia represented NYAA Singapore at the forum held in Nottwil, Switzerland from 6 to 9 February 2019. The theme for 2019 was “Artificial Intelligence”. The Singapore representatives did very well, and their presentations were very well received. After the forum, Cassandra and Seraphina called on Mr Foo Kok Jwee, Singapore Permanent Representative at the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations in Geneva.

InternationalSwiss Talent Forum 2019 in Nottwil, Switzerland.

Singapore’s representatives with the Swiss Organisers.

Singapore representatives with Ambassador Foo Kok Jwee, Singapore Permanent Representative at the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the United Nations in Geneva.

Delegates interacting at the International Swiss Talent Forum 2019.


G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Summit 2019

The G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance (G20YEA) is a global network of approximately 500,000 young entrepreneurs and the organisations that support them. Hundreds of young entrepreneurs met in Fukuoka, Japan for the annual G20 YEA Summit in May 2019.

This alliance summit is a collaboration between the world’s young entrepreneurs that began in Italy at the 2009 G8 Summit and continued at successive G20 YEA Summits in Canada, France, Mexico, Russia, Australia, Turkey, China, Germany, and Argentina. Each Summit released a detailed communique to engage the G20 Leaders and other bodies, deepening the shared understanding of the importance of entrepreneurship and presenting ideas to advance it. Many NYAA groomed young leaders from the Asia-Pacific region participated in the event.

49th St Gallen Symposium 2019 with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat

Mr Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance attended the 49th St. Gallen Symposium from 8 May to 10 May 2019. At the Symposium, DPM Heng shared how Singapore prepares our citizens for future challenges, as well as Asia’s growth and its implications. He was very impressed with the range of people from all over the world who shared their views and thinking, and this brought vibrancy to the annual St. Gallen Symposium. DPM Heng also participated in a one-on-one interview moderated by Mr Dominic Barton, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company and met the Singapore delegation led by NYAA Singapore.

Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat addressing the 49th St. Gallen Symposium 2019 in Switzerland.

Singapore delegation at the 49th St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland.

DPM Heng and Singapore officials at the 49th St. Gallen Symposium. With the Singapore’s officials is H.E. Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador of Switzerland to Singapore.

G20 Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance Summit 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan.



In 2019, many NYAA recipients and participants did exceptionally both locally as well as in the international arena. Their leadership and contributions have not only benefitted their personal growth and development but the community-at-large as well, making a significant impact on those they served. We saw many NYAA recipients and participants doing what they do best – making a difference. They have made us proud. Here are some of their key achievements and contributions.

“Digital Wave in Education” Television Programme, Korea

The Korean Broadcasting Network (KBN) invited Norway, India, Singapore and South Korea was featured in the above television programme, produced in Seoul. The participants: Wong Hong Liang and Sharifah Roshani Bte M S J gave an excellent presentation on their NYAA journey. “Digital Wave in Education” was voted the Best Programme of the month by the Korea Communications Standards Commission when it was broadcast on the country’s national television channel in January 2019.

Both participants and their two teachers Mr Jonny Wee Hong Shen and Ms Selena Jew Mei Li, were commended by the NYAA for making Singapore proud with their contributions. Each one of them received a Certificate of Achievement, personally signed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat. It was presented to them by Central Singapore District Mayor Denise Phua on 25 June 2019 at the SWIRL II @ The Esplanade Concert.

50th Anniversary of Singapore Singapore-Israel Diplomatic Relations

The Embassy of Israel organised the above competition to commemorate this momentous occasion. Mr Eric Liang is from the School of Media and Design, ITE College Central. He came out tops and received a Citation Certificate and an Apple iPhone. He also received a fully-sponsored trip to Haifa, Israel for an internship with The NB Haifa School of Design which is a top design school in Israel. H.E. Simona Halperin, Israel Ambassador to Singapore, hosted the prize presentation ceremony at her official residence on 31 January 2019.

Competition judges praised Eric’s well-designed logo which captured the close and vital ties between Israel and Singapore.

Singapore student representatives, Wong Hong Liang and Sharifah Roshani Bte M S J at the “Digital Wave In Education” project in Seoul, South Korea.

H.E. Simona Halperin, Ambassador of Israel to Singapore presenting the Citation Certificate and Prize to Eric Liang at her Official Residence.

“NYAA provided ITE students like me the opportunity to enhance my skills and to contribute to society.”

Eric LiangNYAA Gold Award participantITE College Central

Republic of Singapore Navy Video Documentary

MINDEF and RSN selected Major Sam Tan, for the Republic of Singapore Navy Video Documentary because of his outstanding leadership qualities. He was an alumnus of Hwa Chong Institution and a recipient of the Singapore Armed Forces Merit Scholarship.

Major Tan is also an active youth community leader. Besides being an active member of the NYAA Gold Award Holders’Alumni (NYAA GAHA), Major Tan also serves on the Bukit Merah Community Centre Youth Executive Committee (YEC). He has spearheaded many youth community projects reaching out to the elderly through both the NYAA GAHA and the People’s Association YEC.

The video-documentary went live on 1 February 2019 on both MINDEF and the RSN’s websites and was very well-received by the public.

Temasek Polytechnic -Harbin Robotics Innovation Centre

Roddy Mu Liguo, a graduate of Singapore Polytechnic, played a significant role in introducing the artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence) technology from Harbin into our eco-system. He initiated the setting up of the Joint Venture with Temasek Polytechnic. The TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre now serves as a platform for training students pursuing studies in Artificial Intelligence technology at Temasek Polytechnic.

The TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre was officially launched by Mr Chee Hong Tat, Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Education on 21 February 2019. Mr Roddy Mu has been appointed Vice-Chairman of the TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre.

Top Scorer for GCE ‘O” Level Results

Chin Peng Cheng is an alumnus pf Ping Yi Secondary School. He made history in 2018 for being the top scorer for the GCE ‘O’ Levels results by achieving a perfect score of 7 A1s and an A1 in CCA. Through his involvement in the NYAA programme, he has grown from being a soft-spoken and relatively shy student to an individual with confidence in his speech and thought.

On 26 April 2019, Peng Cheng received a Certificate of Recognition signed by the Chairman of the NYAA Advisory Board, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat at a special ceremony held at the Ping Yi Secondary School. He is currently pursuing his NYAA Gold Award at Singapore Polytechnic.

Major Sam Tan, Executive Officer, RSS Supreme, Republic of Singapore Navy.

Signing of MOU between Temasek Poytechnic and Harbin Institute of Technology Robot Group witnessed by Senior Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Education Chee Hong Tat and H.E. Hong Xiaoyong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Singapore.

Chin Peng Cheng and his mother Tey Qwee Fang during the presentation of Certificate of Achievement by James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council. Witnessing the presentation is Ang Chee Seng, Principal of Ping Yi Secondary School.


Apple’s Shot on iPhone Challenge 2019

Photographers from around the world competed – capturing remarkable moments. A panel of top international judges was formed by Apple to select 10 top images from around the world.

Darren Soh, a former student of Catholic High School, and graduate from the National University of Singapore were named one of the ten winners and the only winner from Asia. Also a founding member of the NYAA Young Photographers’ Network (2003), Darren had the rare honour of hosting Apple’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Cook, during his visit to Singapore in December 2019. Mr Cook showed keen interest in Darren’s photography and Tiong Bahru housing estate – a principal subject of Darren’s photography.

Darren has also won accolades for his architectural photography - such as the International Photography Award, the Commonwealth Photographic Award, the Prix de la Photographic Award and the Architectural Photography Award. He is also the author of many photography books, and his works have been featured in many international magazines such as DestinAsian, Gourmet Traveller, Harper’s Bazaar and Silver Kris. By his involvement in the NYAA Young Photographers’ Network, Darren has been actively serving the Singapore community through his photography skills.

United Nations Anti-Drugs and Crime Youth Forum 2019

Javier Ng, who studies at ITE College Central, is passionate about fighting drug abuse mainly because he witnessed first-hand the effects of drug abuse on his family. As a fervent advocate in our anti-drug campaigns, Javier was selected by the Ministry of Home Affairs to represent Singapore at the United Nations Youth Forum in Vienna, Austria. United Nations Anti-Drugs & Crime Youth Forum from 11 to 14 March 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

Javier did Singapore and the NYAA proud through his leadership, passion and contributions in fighting drug abuse. He won praise from United Nations officials and delegates at the forum. On 28 September last year, Javier shared his experiences with the anti-drug campaign in Singapore at the inaugural World News Day Youth Conference jointly organised by the NYAA and the Straits Times.

Javier Ng, Singapore’s Youth Representative at the United Nations Anti-Drugs & Crime Youth Forum in Vienna, Austria.

Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer of Apple with Darren Soh, Founding Member, NYAA Young Photographers’ Network.

“NYAA taught me to step out of my comfort zone in whatever I do. Through helping others, I also learnt that everyone has an opportunity to be a positive influence on the people we come into contact with, and that all of us can make a difference.”

Javier NgNYAA Gold Award participantITE College Central


The Capitaland Award for All Rounded Excellence 2019 – Temasek Polytechnic

Cassandra Yip, a strong advocate for environmental protection and nature conservation, was awarded the CapitaLand Award for All Rounded Excellence at the Temasek Polytechnic Graduation Ceremony on 3 May 2019. The award was presented to her by the Minister for Education, Mr Ong Ye Kung. On 11 June 2019, Cassandra was invited to share her NYAA journey at the NYAA Advisory Board Meeting chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Heng Swee Keat.

Cassandra also represented Singapore at the 8th International Swiss Talent Forum 2019 held at Nottwil, Switzerland. Currently, Cassandra is actively pursuing her passion in environmental protection, conservation and climate change mitigation through an undergraduate degree course on Environmental Studies at the National University of Singapore.

SG Youth Action Plan 2019

The SG Youth Action Plan is a platform for Singapore’s youth to shape their vision for the country and to develop plans for youth community organisations, businesses and the government to realise this vision together. More than 100 youth leaders came together to kick off engagements under the SG Youth Action Plan and envision the future of Singapore in 2025.

A panel of 16 members co-led by Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth, Sim Ann and Edward Chia, Co-founder and Managing Director of Timbre, initiated the SG Youth Action Plan 2019.

Mohamad Abbas, Co-founder of Rely, a member of the NYAA Gold Award Holders’ Alumni Exco, was also appointed a member of the SG Youth Action Plan on 18 May 2019.

The President’s Award for the Boys’ Brigade 2019

The President’s Award for The Boys’ Brigade (BB) is the highest award in the BB Programme. Many NYAA Gold Award recipients who were also BB Primers have received this top award from the President of the Republic of Singapore. Last year, Senior Cadet Lieutenant Timothy Pan, from Anglo Chinese School (Independent) was one of five winners of this coveted award. He received the Award from President Halimah Yacob at the Istana on 9 July 2019.

Timothy had spearheaded an unusual project to research cattle farming in Indonesia. Visiting Indonesia to learn more about cattle farming, he went on to help raise funds to purchase cows for an orphanage and taught the children at the orphanage how to look after the cows so that they could be sold later to raise funds for the home.

Edward Chia, Co-founder and Managing Director, Timbre Group co-chaired the SG Youth Action Plan 2019 together with Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth.

Cassandra Yip receiving the CapitaLand Award for All Rounded Excellence from Ong Ye Kung, Minister for Education at the Temasek Polytechnic Graduation Ceremony.

Senior Cadet Lieutenant Timothy Pan Jia-Cheng receiving the Boys’ Brigade President’s Award from President Halimah Yacob at the Istana.


49th St, Gallen Symposium, Switzerland

The St. Gallen Symposium is well-known for its unusual openness and willingness to engage political, business and civil society leaders as well as youth from around the world. World leaders and critical policy-makers from around the world attended the annual Symposium held at St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Since 1999, both the NYAA Singapore and the St. Gallen Foundation, the Symposium’s organiser, have been working in close partnership. The NYAA helped established the Leaders of Tomorrow Programme for the St. Gallen Foundation in 2016 and the same year initiated the St. Gallen Symposium Singapore Forum in partnership with the National University of Singapore. In 2019, the two organisations celebrated the 20th anniversary of the close relationship with each other.

At the 49th St. Gallen Symposium held in Switzerland on 8 May 2019, NYAA Singapore received an Appreciation Award from Peter Voser, Chairman, St. Gallen Foundation, in honour of its outstanding leadership and contributions to the annual St. Gallen Symposium for the last 20 years (1999 to 2019). The Chairman of the NYAA Advisory Board, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat was present at the event.

Many NYAA Gold Award holders have made Singapore proud by their leadership and contributions at the annual St. Gallen Symposium’s Leaders of Tomorrow programme. In 2019, Tommy Koh, a former student of Raffles Institution and a President’s Scholar (2014) won accolades as he represented Singapore at the 49th St. Gallen Symposium as a Leader of Tomorrow.

ASEAN Youth Award 2019

Mohamad Abbas, the co-founder of fintech startup Rely, grew up seeing his parents work long hours at their hawker stall to make ends meet. Life was far from easy. The family often worried about how to bring the next meal to the table. This sense of uncertainty motivated Abbas to search for holistic youth development programmes that could give him confidence in life and allow him to serve the community at the same time. The NYAA Programme helped fulfil this goal.

For his outstanding leadership and service to the community, Abbas was awarded the ASEAN Youth Award 2019 in a special ceremony held in Vientiane, Laos on 19 July 2019. Grace Fu, Singapore’s Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, witnessed the Award Presentation Ceremony which was held in conjunction with the 11th ASEAN Youth Ministerial Meeting.

Tommy Koh at the Leaders of Tomorrow programme at the 49th St. Gallen Symposium, Switzerland.

“Being selected as a youth delegate for the Leaders of Tomorrow at the St. Gallen Symposium challenged me to be relentless in pursuing the best ideals. Through a combination of dialogue and greater mutual understanding, our communities can work together to be better.”

Tommy KohNYAA Gold Award participant and

Member, Leaders of TomorrowSt. Gallen Symposium

Mohamad Abbas, Co-Founder of Onelyst and Rely and NYAA Gold Award holder receiving the ASEAN Youth Award in Vientiane, Laos. Witnessing the presentation are Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and David Chua, Chief Executive Officer, National Youth Council.


United Nations Mediation Convention 2019

In 2019, 46 countries from around the world signed the United Nations (UN) Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation. This treaty will provide for the enforcement of mediated settlement agreements across nations. As Singapore had played a vital role in the negotiations and drafting of the treaty, the mediation treaty was also named the Singapore Convention on Mediation.

The Chairperson of the working group that negotiated the treaty was Mrs Natalie Morris-Sharma, Director of the International Legal Division at the Ministry of Law. She was a former Chairperson of the NYAA Gold Award Holders Alumni. Natalie played an essential role in sealing the deal for the above convention that was signed in Singapore on 7 August 2019. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong personally congratulated Natalie on her contributions.

40th Anniversary of Singapore-Chile Diplomatic Relations

Vanessa Lim Zhiyan, a student from the School of Media and Design, ITE College Central, was the winner of the national NETS Flashcard Design Competition that was held in 2019 to mark the 40th Anniversary of Singapore-Chile Diplomatic Relations. She received a Citation Plaque and a $1000.00 prize money in a ceremony held onboard the Chilean Navy Tall Ship, Esmeralda on 10 September 2019. The award was jointly presented to her by the Chilean Ambassador to Singapore H.E. James Sinclair and the Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information and Transport, Dr Janil Puthucheary.

The Chilean Embassy in Singapore adopted Vanessa’s winning design for all the Embassy’s 40th-anniversary publicity materials. It was also featured on the commemorative book, marking the 40th anniversary of Singapore-Chile diplomatic ties which was launched on 10 December 2019.

ITE Outstanding Teacher Award 2019

Choo Pui San, a lecturer at ITE College West, was awarded the ITE Outstanding Teacher Award 2019 for her dedication, leadership and contributions to the development of her students. Bob Tan, Chairman, Institute of Technical Education (ITE), presented the award at an Award Ceremony held on 11 October 2019.

The Institute of Technical Education (ITE) is a public vocational education institution that provides pre-employment training to secondary school graduates and continuing education and training to working adults.

Natalie Morris-Sharma, Director, International Legal Division, Ministry of Law and NYAA Gold Award holder (in grey jacket) with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and K. Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Law.

Vanessa Lim Zhiyan receiving her prize from Dr Janil Puthucheary, Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information and Transport and H.E. James Sinclair, Ambassador of Chile to Singapore on board the Esmeralda.Witnessing the presentation are Members of Parliament Teo Ser Luck and Ang Wei Neng.

Choo Pui San, Lecturer, ITE College West receiving the ITE Outstanding Teacher Award 2019 from Bob Tan, Chairman, Institute of Technical Education.


Junior Chamber International’s Ten Outstanding Young Leaders Award Ceremony 2019

A total of 3 NYAA Gold Award holders received the coveted award in 2019:

Mohamed Abbas is a former student at Outram Secondary School, Singapore Polytechnic and Nanyang Technological University. He co-founded Onelyst, a loan decision-making platform enabling consumers to discover personalised and sustainable loan options within seconds. While Onelyst has processed over $100 million worth of loans in the first year of its operations, its primary goal is not to entice people to borrow money, but more about helping people make informed financial decisions and managing their finances well.

Dr Mustafa Izzuddin is a research fellow and lecturer at the National University of Singapore. He was previously a Fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute. He was also a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies in Malaysia, as well as a Global Public Policy Network Fellow at the School of International Studies at the Peking University in Beijing. His area of research focuses on foreign policy analysis with an interest in Southeast Asian affairs. Dr Mustafa’s views have been well-received in the research and academic field.

Jeremy Lim Hon Lee, an alumnus of Tampines Junior College, was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease. Despite his physical disability, Jeremy has been very active in serving the community. He initiated many projects such as collecting old newspapers and recyclable items from households to raise funds for charity, as well as visiting old folks’ homes and talking to residents there to cheer them up. He also contributes articles regularly to the “Inspiring People” monthly column on the Yahoo! Singapore website, highlighting the incredible journeys of people who overcame tremendous odds to achieve success. His book “Beyond Bone Breaking”, launched by Singapore’s former President, the late Mr S.R. Nathan, has been widely read and well-received.

The awards ceremony was held on 3 October 2019 at the Shangri-La Grand Ballroom at the Hotel Jen Tanglin, officiated by Dr Teo Ho Pin, Mayor of North West Community Development Council and the Deputy Government Whip.

NYAA Gold Award holders Mohamad Abbas, Dr Mustafa Izzuddin and Jeremy Lim, recipients of the JCI’s Ten Outstanding Young Leaders Award, in a group photograph together with members of the NYAA Gold Award Holders’ Alumni.

“The NYAA Programme allows me to channel my energy and resourcefulness positively despite my disability. It also provides me with the opportunity to fortify my character and resolve while honing my leadership skills.”

Jeremy Lim Hon LeeNYAA Gold Award Holder (2009)

PhD CandidateNational University of Singapore

• Mohamad Abbas(NYAA Gold Award holder, 2015)• Dr Mustafa Izzuddin(NYAA Gold Award holder, 2002)• Jeremy Lim Hon Lee(NYAA Gold Award holder, 2009)


Major (National Service) Terence Chia, a PSC Scholar from Anglo Chinese Junior College, is Senior Director, National Security Coordination Centre, Prime Minister’s Office. He received the Top Leaders Graduate Award in the 20th Command and Staff Course (National Service). It was presented at the Istana on 30 October 2019 by the Minister for Defence, Dr Ng Eng Hen.

Besides his contributions to National Service, Major Chia is also active in his community work. He represented Singapore and NYAA in many international conferences, and his leadership and contributions have bought much credit to Singapore.

[The CSC, CSC (National Service) and CSC (Executive) prepare officers for senior command and staff appointments in the SAF, and are the highest level of formal military education offered in Singapore for regular, National Service and international officers. The 2019 cohort of the CSC saw representatives from some 15 countries – namely Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, The United States of America and Vietnam - the highest number of international officer attendance to date.]

Goh Keng Swee Command and Staff College 2019 Graduation Ceremony – 20th Command and Staff Course (National Service)

National University of Singapore Alumni Awards 2019

Dr Mustafa Izzuddin, Research Fellow at the NUS Institute of South Asian Studies and University Scholars Programme, received the Outstanding Young Alumni Award from the National University of Singapore (NUS) on 27 November 2020 for his immense contributions towards the study of Southeast Asia. He received the award at the prestigious NUS Alumni Awards Ceremony.

Major (NS) Terence Chia Yong Wei, Senior Director, National Security Coordination Centre, Prime Minister’s Office receiving the Top Leaders Graduate Award from Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defence at the Istana.

“I was fortunate to have had the opportunity, through the NYAA journey, to not only progress but also to grow and to learn what it means to give back to the community.”

Terence Chia Yong WeiNYAA Gold Award holder (1998)

Dr Mustafa Izzuddin receiving the prestigious NUS Outstanding Young Alumni Award from Mr Johnny Tan Khoon Hui, Co-Chairman, NUS Alumni Advisory Board at the NUS Alumni Awards Ceremony held at the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum.

“NYAA changed my life for the better by helping me to internalise the values of leadership, balanced judgement, perseverance, self-confidence, selflessness, sincerity, hard work and above all, humility.”

Dr Mustafa IzzuddinNYAA Gold Award holder (2002)Research FellowNational University of Singapore


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2019, COP25, Madrid, Spain

Cheryl Lee Jue Lei, a former student of Serangoon Secondary School and a graduate of Nanyang Polytechnic, represented Singapore at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Madrid, Spain from 2 to 10 December 2019.Cheryl is a strong advocate for environmental protection and climate change mitigation. She was invited by many United Nations member states including Switzerland, Japan, Thailand as well as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), to share her experiences at numerous international conferences, including the COP25 Conference. Besides the COP25 meetings, Cheryl spoke at various events in Portugal, Italy and the University of California, Irvine (UCI).A much sought-after youth advocate and speaker in Singapore and the region, Cheryl gives regular talks on environmental issues via the online TED Talks platform and at various foreign embassy events in Singapore. For her outstanding environmental work, she received several accolades such as the HSBC/NYAA Youth Environmental Award 2016 and The EcoFriend Award 2018. She is currently a leader with the United Nations Environment South East Asian Youth Environment Network (SEAYEN).

The President Scout Award 2019

President Halimah Yacob awarded Wong Yu An, a student of Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) the President’s Scout Award 2019 at the Istana on 5 December 2019

The President’s Scout Award is the highest honour in the Singapore Scout Association and awarded to outstanding Scouts who have shown leadership after completing a determined list of accomplishments.

Over the years, several NYAA Gold Award holders have received the President’s Scout Award.

New Zealand Defence Command and Staff College’s Commandant’s Writing Prize 2019

Major Lim En, was an alumnus of Hwa Chong Institution, a SAF Merit Scholarship recipient and served as an artillery officer with the Singapore Armed Forces. She attended the Command and Staff Course at the New Zealand Defence Command and Staff College from February to December 2019. On 5 December 2019, she was awarded the New Zealand Defence Command and Staff College’s Commandant’s Writing Prize 2019.

Major Lim also served as Chairperson of the NYAA Gold Award Holders’ Alumni and had spearheaded many community engagement projects. On 3 March 2020, Major Lim will assume the responsibility of Commanding Officer, 24th Battalion Singapore Artillery, Singapore Armed Forces.

Wong Yu An receiving the President’s Scout Award from President Halimah Yacob at the Istana.

Cheryl Lee Jue Lei, with Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Masagos Zulkifli and Joseph Teo, Singapore’s Chief Negotiator for Climate Change at the UN Climate Change Meeting in Madrid, Spain.

Cheryl Lee moderating a session on youth and climate Change at COP 25.

Major Lim En receiving her New Zealand Defence Command and Staff College’s Commandant’s Writing Prize 2019 from the Commandant of the New Zealand Defence Command and Staff College Dr Richard Taylor.



Ping Yi Secondary School Advisory Board

Sear Hock Rong, NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 cohort) has been appointed Vice-Chairman of Ping Yi Secondary School Advisory Board on 4 January 2019.

Advisory Board of Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland

James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council, was appointed as a member of the Advisory Board of Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland. Mr Soh looks forward to contributing ideas in the development of students at Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, of Switzerland.

The NYAA hosted many dignitaries, groups and visitors during the year 2019. They are:


The Hong Kong School Leaders Delegation

A delegation of school principals, vice-principals, heads of department from the Quality Schools in Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research visited Singapore from 27 to 31 January 2019.

The NYAA Council arranged the visitation to Singapore. The objective of the visit was to provide school leaders in Hong Kong an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Singapore’s school system and how Singapore provides students with a conducive environment for learning, nurturing and developing leadership, and character-building in partnership with NYAA Council to achieve our desired outcome.

During their visit, the delegation was briefed on our education system by Chua-Lim Yen Ching, Deputy Director-General of Education and Executive Director, Academy of Singapore Teachers. They also visited the NYAA Council to learn about how young people are nurtured and developed through the NYAA’s youth development programme. Besides MOE and NYAA, the delegation also visited Springfield Secondary School, Chung Cheng High School, ESSEC Business School and the Institute of Technical Education, College Central.


With NYAA Gold Award holder Sear Hock Rong.

James Soh, appointed as Board Member, Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland.

The Hong Kong School Leaders’ Delegation.

Hong Kong School Leaders visited the Academy of Singapore Teachers.

The Chief Executive Officer, St. Gallen Foundation

Beat Ulrich, Chief Executive Officer, St. Gallen Foundation, H.E. Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador of Switzerland to Singapore and James Soh, NYAA Executive Director called on Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Finance at the Ministry of Finance on 19 January 2019 to brief Minister on the 49th St. Gallen Symposium Programme.

Hon Shane Jones, Minister of Trade, New Zealand

H.E. Hon Shane Jones, Minister of Trade of New Zealand, visited Singapore on 18 March 2019. James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council and Chair, APEC Voices Leadership Council met Minister Jones at the New Zealand High Commission to update the Minister on the APEC Voices Programme held in Papua New Guinea in November 2018. Mr Soh also presented the Minister the APEC Voices 20th Anniversary Book.

Mr Han Tianqi, Chief Executive Officer, APEC Voices, China

Han Tianqi, Chief Executive Officer, APEC Voices, China paid a courtesy call on James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council and Co-Chair, APEC Voices Leadership Council on 6 June 2019. Mr Han was in Singapore to invite Mr Soh as Guest-of-Honour for the APEC Voices China 2019 Finals to be held in Beijing, the People’s Republic of China. Mr Soh will consider the invitation and revert in due course.

Mr Dinesh Gajendran, Founder and Executive Director, Audacious Dreams Foundation, India

Dinesh Gajendran, Founder and Executive Director, Audacious Dreams Foundation of India led an Indian young leaders’ delegation to Singapore. The Indian delegation visited the NYAA Secretariat on 4 March 2019 for a presentation on the NYAA’s Youth Leadership Development Programme.

ISC 2019-2020 Organising ChairmanSeverin Schmugge, Organising Chairman of the St. Gallen Symposium’s ISC 2019, paid a courtesy call on James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council on 12 June 2019 to thank Mr Soh for his leadership and contributions to the success of the 49th St. Gallen Symposium. He also introduced the new Chairman for the 50th St. Gallen Symposium, Leonard Castritius.


Courtesy call on Minister for Finance, Heng Swee Keat at the Ministry of Finance by Beat Ulrich, Chief Executive Officer, St. Gallen Foundation with H.E. Fabrice Filliez, Ambassador of Switzerland to Singapore.

Visit of Hon Shane Jones, Minister of Trade, New Zealand to Singapore.

Visit of Han Tianqi, Chief Executive Officer, APEC Voices, People’s Republic of China.

Visit of Dinesh Gajendran, Founder and Executive Director, Audacious Dreams Foundation, India.

Visit of the Organising Chairman of the ISC 2019 and 2020.

H.E. George Katrougalos, Foreign Minister of Greece

H.E. George Katrougalos, Foreign Minister of Greece, visited Singapore from 28 to 30 May 2019. During his visit, Mr Soh met the Foreign Minister on 29 May 2019 to discuss bilateral youth leadership exchange programme between the European Union and NYAA Singapore. Mr Soh also took the opportunity to share with the Minister on NYAA’s youth development work.

Thomas Kupfer, Chairman, Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland

Thomas Kupfer, Chairman, Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland, visited Singapore on 8 February 2019. Mr Kupfer met James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council and invited Mr Soh to serve as a Member of the Advisory Board at Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne. Mr Soh accepted the invitation and looks forward to working in partnership with Mr Kupfer to set up the Singapore Campus in 2020.

Canadian Ambassador to Sweden, H.E. Heather Grant

H.E. Heather Grant, former High Commissioner of Canada to Singapore and currently serving as the Canadian Ambassador to Sweden visited Singapore on 1 February 2019. Mr Soh met H.E. Heather Grant over dinner to catch up on the latest development both in Singapore and Sweden.

Visit by the Indian Youth Delegation

A delegation of youth leaders from the Audacious Dreams Foundation of India led by its Executive Director, Dinesh Gajendran, visited Singapore from 2 to 5 October 2019. During their visit, the NYAA arranged for the Indian young leaders to call on Dr Mustafa Izzuddin at the National University of Singapore. The NYAA invited the Indian delegation to the NYAA Gold Award Ceremony on 4 October 2019, held at the Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre. The Indian delegation had the honour to meet President Halimah Yacob, who was the Guest-of-Honour at the Award Ceremony.


Visit of H.E. George Katrougalos, Foreign Minister of Greece.

Visit of Chairman of Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne, Switzerland Thomas Kupfer.

Visit of former High Commissioner of Canada to Singapore H.E. Heather Grant, currently the Ambassador of Canada to Sweden.

Visit of the Indian Youth Delegation from the Audacious Dreams Foundation of India.

Visit by Global Vision, Canada

A fifteen-member Junior Team Canada Ambassadors representing each region of Canada visited Malaysia and Singapore from 25 July to 11 August 2019. The Canadian Delegation was in Singapore from 28 July to 1 August 2019. During their visit, the Canadian delegation called on Edwin Tong, Senior Minister of State for Health and Law, on 28 July 2019 at Siglap South Community Club. The meeting with Minister Tong was engaging as the young Canadian Delegation was keen to understand how the political system works in Singapore. The issues discussed were wide-ranging from job prospects and opportunities for personal development. The meeting ended with the Canadians joining the residents of Siglap for a durian party. The Canadian try the durians bravely.

During the visit, the Canadian delegation also called on the Trade Representative of Canada at the High Commission of Canada in Singapore. They had a meeting with NYAA Executive Director, James Soh at the NYAA Secretariat, visited the ITE College Central to learn about skills development and the TP-HRG Robotics Innovation Centre at Temasek Polytechnic.

Chongqing Economic Trade Cooperation

The Singapore-China (Chongqing) Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum, jointly organised by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Enterprise Singapore, and Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, was held in Singapore on 11 September 2019at the Shangri-La Hotel Ballroom. Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Trade and Industry, and Chen Min’er, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and Party Secretary of Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, jointly graced the forum.

H.E. Hong Xiaoyong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Singapore, Wu Cunrong, Member of the Standing Committee, the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, Executive Vice Mayor of the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, and Teo Siong Seng, Chairman of the Singapore Business Federation spoke at the event to support the Singapore-China Economic and Trade Cooperation. Minister Chan and Party Secretary Mr Chen also launched the China-Singapore International Date Channel, which is China’s first point-to-point international date channel with another country. More than 500 Singapore and Chongqing business leaders and government officials attended the forum.

NYAA was invited by H.E. Hong Xiaoyong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, to the event in the hope that these bilateral agreements will benefit NYAA leaders who are interested in doing business with China. NYAA Executive Director, James Soh, who attended the forum at the invitation of the Chinese Ambassador, thanked the Chinese Embassy for providing such a network to the NYAA leaders who are keen to explore the opportunity in China.


Visit of the Canadian delegation Global Vision.

Addresses by Chen Min’er, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and Party Secretary of Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Chan Chun Sing, Singapore Minister for Trade and Industry.

Singapore guests, Teo Eng Cheong, CEO of Surbana Jurong, Lee Chee Koon, CEO of CapitaLand Ltd and James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA.

Visit by H.E. Ban Ki-moon, 8th United Nations Secretary-General to Singapore

H.E.Ban Ki-moon, the 8th United Nations Secretary-General, visited Singapore in June 2019. Mr Ban thanked the NYAA for its leadership and contributions to the success of the UNEP South East Asian Youth Environment Network since it was established in 2007. To thank H.E. Ban Ki-moon for his support to the NYAA, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Heng Swee Keat presented an Appreciation Plaque signed by him to H.E. Ban Ki-moon on 7 June 2019.

NYAA CEREMONIES19th NYAA Gold Award Ceremony

The 19th NYAA Gold Award Ceremony was held on 4 October 2019 at the Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre, ITE College Central. The NYAA Ceremony was graced by President Halimah Yacob and hosted by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance and Education, Indranee Rajah at the Tay Eng Soon Convention Center Auditorium. 180 NYAA recipients received their NYAA Gold Award from the President of the Republic of Singapore.

President Halimah Yacob and Minister Indranee met the Award recipients at the reception, where they shared their NYAA journey with the President and Minister. More than 800 guests including foreign Ambassadors, High Commissioners, heads of industry and community leaders, attended the Ceremony.

Ping Yi Secondary School Bronze and Silver Award Ceremony

Louis Ng, Member of Parliament for Nee Soon GRC graced the NYAA Bronze and Silver Award Ceremony for 2019. More than 300 students received their NYAA Bronze and Silver Awards at the Ceremony.


Presenting an Appreciation Plaque to the 8th United Nations Secretary-General, H.E. Ban Ki-moon for his support of the UNE South East Asian Youth Environment Network (SEAYEN) hosted by the NYAA.

NYAA Gold Award recipients with President Halimah Yacob and Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance and Education.

Silver Award recipients from Ping Yi Secondary School receiving their award from Louis Ng, Member of Parliament for Nee Soon GRC AND Member, NYAA Advisory Board.

United World College South East Asia NYAA Ceremony

The United World College South East Asia NYAA Ceremony was held at the UWC SEA Dover Campus. On 29 November 2019, Guest-of-Honour, Ambassador Teng Theng Dar, Member of the NYAA Advisory Board presented the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards to more than 350 students.


New Appointment

Ho Peng, Advisor to the Ministry of Education, has been appointed as a Member of the NYAA Advisory Board by Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance and Chairman, NYAA Advisory Board on 11 June 2019 at the NYAA Advisory Board Meeting.


New Appointment

Sim Hwee Cher, Former Senior Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP has been elected as a Member of the NYAA National Council on 20 June 2019 at the NYAA Annual General Meeting for a term of two years.


NYAA Award recipients with Ambassador Teng Theng Dar at the NYAA Ceremony at the United World College of Southeast Asia Dover Campus.

Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat presenting Ho Peng, Adviser, Ministry of Education her NYAA Advisory Board Certificate of Appointment.

Sim Hwee Cher, newly appointed Member of the NYAA Council.

Reported by James Soh BBM PBM MBEExecutive DirectorNational Youth Achievement Award Council



The NYAA Council would like to thank our Life Benefactors: Singapore Totalisator Board and Singapore Pools Pte Ltd, the Lee Foundation and our corporate supporters, HSBC Singapore, among many others, for their valuable support and contribution.

We would also like to thank the following donors and supporters for the Bicenntenial Fund Raising Project for 2019:

CEI LimitedChuan-Fa Auto Pte LtdCity Developments LimitedGuy Harvey-SamuelHSBCJu-I Properties Pte LtdKoh Lai Choon, JacquelineKPMG LLPLee FoundationLee Hui MienLiew Peh Jean, PhoebeLim EnMala SatkunananthamMitsubishi Electric Asia Pte LtdMohamed Abbas s/o Sheyed Ebramsa

NTUC Income Insurance Co-operative LtdOng En Hui, MarkSabana Real Estate Investment Management Pte LtdSeah Hsiu-Min, EugeneSelect Group Pte LimitedSerial System LtdShen Wei Ren, GarySunray Woodcraft Construction Pte LtdSymAsia Singapore FundTan Suan Tiu, BryanThe Community Foundation of Singapore for UBSWanhe International Singapore Pte LtdWing Tai FoundationWong Hin Sun, Eugene

We are very grateful to our Chairman, NYAA Advisory Board, Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance; Members of the NYAA Advisory Board; Teo Ser Luck, Chairman, NYAA Council and Members of the Council for their leadership, advice, guidance and support.

We would also like to thank all Principals, Heads of Department, Teachers and NYAA Coordinators, Chairman and Members of the Gold Award Holders’ Alumni (GAHA) Executive Committee and all volunteers for their partnership and support in the development of our youth through the NYAA Programme, and members of the press and media for their support in our youth development work.

National Youth Achievement Award Association151 Lorong Chuan#06-01B Lobby A New Tech ParkSingapore 556741Tel: +65 67336753 Fax: +65 67336754email:

NYAA Life Benefactor & Partner in Youth Development

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