national hr report february, 2016 - · data available as at 25 th february, 2016 page 1...

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Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 1

National HR Report

February, 2016

People Strategy 2015 – 2018 Leaders in People Services (Priority Action 1.1)

Leadership Strategy (Priority Action 1.1)

The Director General, Tony O’Brien will officially launch the People Strategy on the 9th


2016. Materials to help support Line Managers in Service Delivery Units and also raise

awareness of the Strategy will be circulated following the launch.

A communication session was held with HR Leadership Team on Monday, 1st

February for HR

Managers on People Strategy 2015 - 2018 Leaders in People Services.

The People Strategy, associated Workplans and People Strategy presentation are available on

the following link:

HR Leadership Team – who are we?

• Rosarii Mannion, Overall Strategy Lead, HR Professional Services

• Francis Rogers, Acutes Partner, Lead Leadership and Culture

• Dr. Lynda Sisson, Clinical Lead Occupational Health & Wellbeing

• Frank O’ Leary, Finance Partner, Lead Workforce Planning

• Tess O Donovan, Community HR Partner

• Caroline O'Regan, Leadership Education & Training

• Libby Kinneen, National Lead Staff Engagement

• Prof. Eilis Mc Govern, NDTP (National Doctors Training Planning)

• Mary Gorry, HBS Partner ( Lead evidence and knowledge)

• John Delamere, AND ER & Partnering & Performance

• Catriona Mc Connellogue, Communications and Improvement

• Siobhan Patten, National Lead Diversity, Inclusion and Equality

• Hilary Dolan, HR Projects

• OD support re Strategy implementation

• Audrey Doyle, HR Quality Assurance Lead

• HR Future Leaders will join team on various projects

Health and Social Care Professions (Priority Actions 1.5, 1.11, 2.8, 3.6, 3.15)

Discipline specific and interprofessional CPD proposals have been received from 16 professions

for 2016 –these are currently under review with a view to notifying decisions by end of quarter



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February, 2016 Page 2

The HSCP annual Consultative Workshop was held on 4th

February in Our Lady’s Hospice,

Harold’s Cross. 18 professions were represented with a total of 38 attendees. Participants were

updated in relation to developments in the past year in the areas of CPD, Supervision, Advanced

Practice, Research and Practice Education. The professions also provided updates on key

developments and issues. The main focus of the day was the HSCP Education and Development

Strategy 2016 – 2019 which is nearing completion and has already been informed by

consultation and survey data. At the workshop input on the draft Strategy was gathered

through a World Café methodology.

• The 4th

annual HSCPs research conference will take place in the Conference Centre, Dublin

Castle on Wednesday 16th

Nov. ’16. The title of this year’s conference is ‘Improving Health –

Research driving innovations in healthcare’.

• Following on from the successful HSCP Multidisciplinary Leadership and Management

Development Programme, three of the participants are being supported to undertake

coaching programmes to build capacity and a coaching panel of health and social care


HR Future Leaders update (Priority Action 1.7.2)

Module 2 of the HR Future Leadership programme was held on 4th

and 5th

February for Group 1

and 8th

& 9th

February for Group 2. The focus was on Service User panel review of the

participant projects and perception of HR from a service user perspective.

A further HR Future Leaders Programme will commence in March.

Succession Management Development Programme (Priority Action 1.7.2)

The second CHO 9 Succession Management programme started on the 16th

February 2016. It is

planned to pull the 2 Management Development Centre (MDC) Groups from CHO 9 together in

March to commence their Action Learning Set (ALS) journey

Irish Institute of Training and Development Awards 2016

Congratulations to Leadership, Development and Education Team on being shortlisted for the

Best Leadership Development Initiative at the IITD awards 2016.

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February, 2016 Page 3

Development of Staff Engagement Strategy working across divisions and delivery units

(Priority Action 2.1)

We have continued to engage with senior stakeholders, collecting data on current staff

engagement approaches / initiatives. We have collated list of all staff engagement related

projects at corporate level for circulation across divisions to inform planning, share learning and

encourage more collaborative working.

Equality, Diversion and Inclusion Update (Priority Action 2.3, 2.4, 2.4.1 and 2.9)

As part of the People Strategy 2015-2018, staff engagement actions are central to the effective

roll-out of changes required across the organisation. Actions 2.3, 2.4, 2.4.1 and action 2.9

specifically promote diversity, equality and inclusion across the system valuing different

perspectives, depth of experience and the strengths and potential of individuals and teams.

Using International Women’s Day as a forum, and engaging with people across the organisation

in relation to exploring the issues affecting their engagement within the workforce, HR will be

hosting an event on Tuesday 8th

March to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Nominations have been requested from each division. Please contact Siobhan Patten, National

HR Lead, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion if you require any further information or support.

Siobhan can be contacted at

HR Twitter (Priority Action 2.3)

For most up todate HR News and People Strategy developments, please feel free to follow us on

(@HSE_HR) – twitter.

HR Newsletter (Priority Action 2.3.1)

The next edition of the HR Newsletter will issue on 9th


HR section on HSE Website (Priority Action 2.3.2)

Work is on-going on redesigning the Employee Information Section of the HSE Website, in

collaboration with our colleagues in Internal Communications.

HR User Group (Priority Action 2.5)

HR Service User Forum established with a representative group of HR service users throughout

the system. Terms of Reference agreed whilst we are expanding membership to include wider



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February, 2016 Page 4

HSE Disability Census 2015 (Priority Action 2.9)

The annual HSE Disability Census is due to commence in early March. The HSE is legally

required to report, on an annual basis, to the Department of Health and the National Disability

Authority, on the number and percentage of HSE employees with disabilities.

The Disability Act 2005 places significant obligations on public service bodies to employ people

with disabilities. This Act requires the HSE to take all reasonable measures to promote and

support the employment of people with disabilities and requires that at least 3% of employees

must be people with disabilities. The 3% target for the employment of people with disabilities in

the public service is a positive action measure designed to ensure that public service employers

are proactive in providing employment and career opportunities for persons with a disability.

The survey (and FAQ document) will be distributed electronically in early March via the email

broadcast facility. Managers will be required to give a hard copy to employees who do not have

access to email or intranet facilities and to notify employees who are currently on leave.

The co-operation of all employees with the Census is very important as every completed Census

form will be counted as part of the HSE’s total return. Managers are being asked to lend their

support by bringing it to their employees’ attention and asking them to take a few minutes to

complete the form.

The Workplace and Staff Health and Wellbeing Unit (Formerly Staff Health and Wellbeing)

(Priority Action – 2.10 – 2.14.1)

The Unit has been set up headed by Dr Lynda Sisson. The following plans are currently in play or

are being laid down for 2016 and are in line with the People Strategy:

(a) Leadership and Culture

In response to recent studies about stress amongst doctors a Doctors Digital HUB is planned for

launch in June 2016. This is an online resource for doctors working in our organisation with

information on what supports are available to them and with links to key internal and external

supports. It is hoped to emphasis the Human Side of Medicine with general advice from

established medial figures around the country about their personal experiences, challenges etc.

It is also hoped to have a Humans of Medicine Facebook Page to feature doctors working in the

organisation and highlight successes and challenges.

A National HCW Wellbeing Strategy is planned for Q1 2017.

(b) Staff Engagement

The Unit has now met with a national group of OHP OHN and Clerical/admin staff in separate

workshops over a period of the last four weeks. These were advertised as scoping/ information

sessions and have brought all of our key staff to the table to advise and inform the Unit on key

issues at ground level.

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February, 2016 Page 5

From our perspective these have been very positive and enlightening and we are currently

feeding back to these groups with priorities for 2016.

A meeting was subsequently held with Libby Kinneen and a plan to carry out a National

Mapping Process has now been formed. It is envisaged that a combination of information

gathering, site visits and a national workshop in June 2016 will be necessary to complete these

essential piece of work.

A mapping process of all EAP services in the country has been completed and a request has

been made for a National Frontline Phone Service to be available 24/7 for distressed workers

around the clock.

Other meetings have been planned with Organisational Psychology for the national roll out of

the Management of Stress, training for managers, Coaching and Mentoring services.

A meeting is also planned with the CEO of Gaisce Ireland to discuss the development of a

Workplace based Gaisce Program to encourage physical activity and community involvement

amongst our workers. This will be piloted in Dublin NE this year as part of Masters’ Program by

one of the Occupational Physiotherapists based in CHB. This workplace programme is line with

the HSE responsibilities under Healthy Ireland. Get Ireland Active Strategy.

(c) Learning and Development

There is huge scope for liaison with Learning and Development. In the first instance we are

planning a leadership programme for newly appointed consultants and will be requesting

nominees for this program from Medical Directors. A second programme that will be developed

a matter of priority and as a result of our engagement of a training program for clerical admin

staff in OHD to deal with distressed employees and to learn about resilience and self-care. One

of the key priorities for 2016/2017 is the development of an Occupational Health Nurse

Education and Training Strategy.

(d) Workforce Planning

A Medical Manpower Review is planned for 2016 whilst discussions are on-going with the

Department of Health and OHP contracts.

(e) Evidence and Knowledge

Work continues on the day to day area of Occupational Health Clinical services and standards

are being reviewed and updated. On the agenda for this year is the standardisation of doctor’s

medicals and management of TB for HCW amongst others.

The flu vaccination programme is to be delivered by Peer Vaccinators for Season 16/17

Meetings are underway with Dr Carroll’s team and the NIO to identify and train staff to deliver

flu vaccine locally to increase uptake. Although our national figures are still low, there are

Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 6

increases across the board. In some areas of excellence in Dublin NE, and under the Peer

Vaccination Programs, levels are as high as 80 % and rising.

(f) Performance

The Unit will report the KPIs set by Healthy Ireland for Staff Health and Wellbeing for 2016. The

new strategy will set KPIs nationally for 2017.

(g) Partnering

The unit continues to partner with almost all other units in HR partnership. A meeting to

introduce the Unit to Joint Information Consultation Forum was held last week and was warmly


Health & Safety Update (Priority Action 2.12 to 2.14)

Information and

Advisory Team

Staff Safety and Wellbeing


• OSH Newsletter -Winter edition issued via

communications and is now available on


• Involved in development of guidance

documents for the Physical Activities Group

Helpdesk • Collaborated with the Audit and Inspection

team to identify a process to capture all HSA

correspondence, tab created on safety and

wellbeing web page, safety alert issued re


• A total of 60 helpdesk queries have been

processed for January 2016.

• Helpdesk LANDesk project continues – OGCIO

approval granted and contractor identified.

Stress Management


• Stress information seminars continue- a

further two sessions scheduled in Galway and


Policy Team National Policy development • In line with the HSE HR Policy Consultation

Process, met with the NJC to discuss the

following PPPG’s:

o Draft HSE Corporate Safety


o Draft HSE Policy for Statutory

Occupational Health and Safety


o Draft HSE Policy on the Prevention of

Sharps Injuries

o Draft HSE Safe Driving for Work


• The following policies were reviewed and

amended following consultation with National

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February, 2016 Page 7

Directors and are ready for NJC consultation.

o Draft HSE Guideline on the Safe

Handling and Use of Cytotoxic Drugs

o Draft Policy on the Management of

Health and Safety in Contract Work:

Co-operation and Coordination with

Contractors and Others.

In line with the National H&S Policy Team Work

plan 2016, commenced the review of the

following PPPG’s

• HSE National Manual Handling and People

Handling Policy

• HSE Guideline for Developing a Biological

Agents Risk Assessment for Healthcare Sector

Review of National Policies • Conducted audits of key national health and

safety policies within identified service areas.

National HSE PPPG Project


• Participated as the HR nominee on National

HSE Project Group to develop a National HSE

PPPG Framework.

Dangerous Goods


• In line with Dangerous Goods Legislation,

commenced the collation of information for

inclusion in the Dangerous Goods Annual

Report 2015.

• In Collaboration with the Quality

Improvement Division, commenced the

development of guidance for the safe

transport of contaminated medical devices.

Audit and

Inspection Team

Auditing • Work continuing to identify key people in

acute locations in Dublin Midlands Hospital

and Ireland East groups to assist with

coordination of level 1 audit programme.

• Level 1 auditing of National HR office and

AND offices nationwide to begin shortly.

• Level 1 Audit Tool mapped against Excellence

Through People Criteria 1-6. While

concentration of health and safety related

questions are in criteria 6, a number of other

questions in criteria 1-5 are also health and

safety related.

Anaesthetic Gases • National Questionnaire on use and

monitoring of anaesthetic gases completed.

75% response rate so far from dental clinics.

Work continues on gathering remaining


HSA inspections • Work continues to develop system of

gathering information on HSA Inspections

throughout the HSE.

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February, 2016 Page 8

NIMS • Work ongoing on project to determine how

best to assist managers in recording

employee related incidents on NIMS form.

HSA Correspondence • Procedure agreed with Information and

Advisory Team for uploading of all HSA

related correspondence to national website.

New “ HSA “ tab in place.

Training Team Development of Training


• Ongoing development of National Training

Brochure and Schedule 2016.

• Commenced sub-group to review training in

area of Violence and Aggression.

• Met OGP re: HSE specific framework of

Health and Safety trainers. Further

development of training needs matrix


• Developing Training Needs Matrix and

Guidelines/Checklist on Training Venues.

Training Providers • Review of delivery of training arrangements

with HSE employees currently ongoing from a

national perspective.

Learning Management


• Work ongoing by sub-group on Managing

Health and Safety in Healthcare setting.

• Reviewed Curriculum Plan and Proposal

document and fed back to HSELanD to


• Trialled delivery of Risk Assessment course by


Other National Health & Safety

Work Plan 2016

• In line with National H&S Function

requirements, all Teams have commenced

the development of the Health and Safety

Work Plan for 2016

Health Service Excellence Awards (Priority Action 2.13.1)

Projects are shortlisted to meet the Selection panel on 1st


We would like to acknowledge all projects, the hard work and contribution to improving the

health service and in this regard we will be organising a series of Showcase Events to give each

project an opportunity to showcase their work in their area.

Showcase Events dates are as follows:

DATE Area:


May 2016

Ireland East Hospitals Group, Dublin Midlands Hospital Group,

Children’s Hospital Group, CHO Areas 6 & 7 & relevant

voluntary providers


June 2016

West / North West Hospitals Group, CHO Areas 1 & 2 and

relevant voluntary providers


June 2016 South / South West Hospitals Group, UL Hospitals Group, CHO

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February, 2016 Page 9

Areas 3, 4 & 5 and relevant voluntary providers


September 2016

RCSI Hospitals Group, CHO Areas 8 & 9 and relevant voluntary



October 2016 National Ambulance Service, PCRS, Corporate, Health Business

Services, Health & Wellbeing and relevant voluntary providers

The presentation ceremony for the Awards will take place on Wednesday, 27th

April, 2016.

Staff Survey (Priority Action 2.2)

We have commenced preparation for second staff survey – commenced discussions with

Procurement and Communications, currently collecting information on learning from previous

survey to inform improved design and delivery of 2016 survey.

Develop more effective two way communication as enabler of staff engagement (Priority

Action 2.3 and 2.3.2)

We have two Staff Engagement Workshops on HR Future Leaders programmes to encourage

more inclusive whole system approach to HR practice. Staff engagement personnel are working

with communications and other stakeholders e.g. QID in the development of more effective

organisational communication systems.

Increase visibility / connection between leaders and staff (Priority Action 2.4.1)

Work was completed corporate Risk Register – identified gap between Leadership and staff as

highest risk for staff engagement.

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February, 2016 Page 10

Alignment of former Performance and Development into a single consolidated function

(Priority Action 3.7)

A workshop took place in Tullamore on January 25th to commence the process of consolidation

of a single delivery service. The former Performance and Development (P&D) functions have

been aligned to HR Division, Leadership, Education and Development (L.E.D.) function. This

central focus will ensure consistency of approach in the delivery and provision of services and

support the successful implementation of the People Strategy 2015-2018. Employees from the

four former HR Area Performance & Development (P&D) Departments met with their new

colleagues form the central LED Department to begin the transformation/consolidation process;

combining the resources of the very experienced HR Learning & Development professionals

from the frontline service areas and corporate division. It is planned to build on the individual

strengths of former service units, to provide key services based on the Corporate Plan / People

Strategy, tailored where possible to meet local service requirements.

HR Masterclasses 2016 (Priority Action 3.8.2)

Dr. Michael Leiter will host a Masterclass on 14th

April on “Engagement – Resilience and

Avoiding Burnout” Workplace. Based on the feedback to-date there is overwhelming request

to host some of the HR Masterclasses outside Dublin. In response to this the event will take

place at Mullingar Park Hotel, Mullingar.

Coaching and Mentoring (Priority Action 3.14)

The coaching and Mentoring Governance Group was established in January with each lead from

the former regions. The aim in bringing Coaching leads together in reviewing existing coaching

practices will ensure Quality standards. The group will examine current coaching standards;

specifically professional accreditation; coach supervision; the development of materials and

similar levels of access to coaching supports nationally. The recently revised guidelines will be

further improved to demonstrate good practice.

HSEland (Priority Action 3.18, 8.19)

HSELanD has become the dominant online medium for developing e-training initiatives for

health service staff in Ireland. There are currently 77,000 active users on HSELanD. Almost

163,000 e leaning programmes have been completed to date. 135 e-learning programmes are

hosted on Of these, more than 50% have been developed internally as bespoke

learning solutions. Thousands of more learners visit regularly to access shorter

learning nuggets, video materials, clinical programmes, check on new developments and update

their skills. This learning is supported through the 17 Practice Development Hubs on which provide an online environment where professionals can share knowledge and

skills across sectors.


Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 11

Some key staffing features as at the end of 2015 and some comparisons with employment peak

at end of September 2007:

• 118,795 staff excluding home helps with a WTE value of 103,884 WTEs down from peak in

September 2007 of 131,869 staff with a WTE value of 112,771. This represents a reduction

of staff 13,074 (-9.9%) or 8,887 WTEs (-7.9%).

• Gender ratio: 77.8% female overall, relatively unchanged since September 2007 with

Nursing, highest at 91.1% female, unchanged from 2014. The lowest is medical/dental at

52.3% female up from 42% in 2007 and 49% in 2014, a growing feminisation of the medical

workforce. Management/admin is at 82.9%, with management grades (grades V and higher)

at 72%. Health and Social Care Professionals have a female gender profile of 77.6% at the

end of 2015. General Support Staff are lower at 54.4% female.

• Medical Consultants at end of 2015 were 37.5% female up from 30.3% in 2007 and 36.6% in

2014, while NCHDs were 52% female, up from 43.7% in 2007.

• Overall growth of medical consultants over this time was +19.4% (+442 WTEs) and NCHDs

+17.5% (+853 WTEs). Consultants now constitute 2.62% of total workforce, up from 2.02% in


• The staff category of management/admin reduced by 2,257 WTEs or -12.25% since

September 2007. Clerical officers to Grade VII make up 91.3% of this overall staff category. 1

in 78 people working in the public health services is a manager (grade VIII and higher). Their

average salary in 2015 was €61,100.

• Some 32% or 38,010 staff worked less than full hours with greatest proportion in the staff

category of Other Patients and Client Care at 36.7% or 8,040 staff, followed by nursing at

36% or 14,690 staff. The lowest was in Medical/Dental at 12.6% or 1,300 staff.

• Skill-mix ratio in respect of HCAs to Staff Nurses at end of 2015 was 1:1.42 up from 1:1.62 at

end of September 2007 and is showing upward movement from 2014 when it was 1:1.42. In

the case of the ratio of NCHDs to Nursing, this was 1:6.2 down from 1:8 respectively, a

further reduction was seen from 2014 where the ratio was 1:6.5. The situation with regard

to the ratio of Consultants to NCHDs was 1:2.01 (marginally down from 2014) down from

1:2.13 in September 2007.

• Staff turnover in 2015 was 5.78% up from 5.2% in 2014, highest turnover rate was in Health

and Social Care Professionals at 8%, followed by General Support Staff at 7.95% and the

lowest was in Medical/Dental at 3.55%. Nursing was at 7.14% up from 5% in 2014. Acute

Hospitals had a staff turnover rate of 6.15% in 2015, slightly down on recorded turnover rate

in 2014.

• National Absence rate in 2015 was 4.21% down from 4.27% in 2014 a reduction of 1.4%.

Some key changes from October 2013 (with Tusla/Children and Families excluded), when

recorded employment levels bottomed-out


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February, 2016 Page 12

• Overall employment grew by 7,124 WTEs or +7.4%.

• Largest percentage increases were in Other Patient and Client Care +13.95% (+2,322 WTEs),

followed by Medical/Dental +12.7% (+1,052 WTEs) and Health and Social Care Professionals

+11.4% (+1,493 WTEs). The three main therapy grades; Physiotherapist, Occupational

Therapists and Speech and Language Therapists grew by 12.75% (+453 WTEs) during this


• Nursing recorded an increase of 1,338 WTEs from that time.

Some of the key changes seen in 2015 were as follows:

• Employment levels increased by 4,557 WTEs +4.59% and December 2015 was the

seventeenth month in a row to record increased employment.

• Medical/Dental increased by 519 WTEs; Consultants +89 WTEs and NCHDs +415 WTEs.

• Nursing increased by 1,338 WTEs from end of 2014.

• Support Staff Intern Scheme - 1,930 WTEs (2,051 staff) increased by 692 WTEs (752 staff) in

2015, where as the Nurse Graduate Programme reduced by 252 WTEs (256 staff) to 46 WTEs

(49 staff).

Attached are a number of pie-charts depicting other aspects of our workforce at the end of

2015 as well as a depiction of the age profile by staff category - Appendix 1.

Development of an Integrated Strategic Workforce Planning Framework for the Health Sector

(Priority Action 4.1)

The Workforce Planning section of the 2016 National Service Plan (see attached Appendix 2&3),

sets out the DoH’s commitment to establishing a cross-sectoral Workforce Planning Group to

develop an Integrated Strategic Workforce Planning Framework for the health sector. This

group will address the workforce planning and development requirements contained in Future

Health, Healthy Ireland and the HSE’s Corporate Plan 2015-2017. The primary goal of this action

is to develop a framework that will support the HSE to:

“.develop the capacity to undertake operational, programme and strategic workforce planning

and design.”

To maximise the HSE’s involvement and contribution to the development of the proposed

Workforce Planning Framework for the health sector it is important that the HSE develops an

understanding of its current workforce force planning capability as well as gaining an

appreciation of workforce planning policy and system developments in other health system in

Europe and internationally.

To gain an appreciation of the “as is” situation and to inform the development of the HSE’s

operational and strategic workforce planning proposals, this unit will facilitate a number of

workshop during February, March and April. The proposed workshops themes and desired

outcomes are as follows:

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February, 2016 Page 13

Workshops Outcomes required

1. HSE current WFP projects 1. Understanding the “as is” process and


2. WFP Masterclass: European and

international WPP policy and


2. Appreciation of the experiences of

other health system

3. Workforce data and data systems 3. Current capability identified and

future capability identified

4. Building internal WFP capacity and


4. Resources, structures and skills


Collectively these workshops will address a range of themes guided by the relevant work

streams in the People Strategy, Priority 4 Workforce Planning and Priority 5 Evidence and

Knowledge. The cumulative output of the workshops will not only equip the HSE to make a

relevant and structured contribution to the DoH lead project but also strengthen the

organisations internal capability to develop comprehensive workforce plans based on current

and predicted service needs.

Workshop 1

The projects selected for this workshop were previously presented during the initial WFP

workshop in July 2103. These projects were a response to a variety of situations, use different

project structures and used or developed a range of workforce planning models.

Project Driven by

1. NCCP Oncology Project;

2. NDTP Medical Workforce

3. Midwifery

4. Clinical Redesign and Workload Measurement: CReW

5. Health Promotion and Improvement

6. Mental Health

7. National Ambulance Service

Cancer Strategy

Fottrell/MacCraith reports

CMO report on perinatal deaths

Model of Care and Clinical practice



Vision for Change strategy/restructuring


Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 14

Development of the Consultants Module of the Medical Practitioners System (MPS) (Priority

Action 4.1, 4.5)

The Medical Practitioners System (MPS), being developed by NDTP, is a web based database

containing three modules as follows; the Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors (NCHD) Module, the

National Employment Record and the Consultants Module. Each of the modules is at a different

stage of development with some aspects already devolved to hospital sites. The Consultants

Module contains details of all approved consultant posts and is currently maintained by the

Consultants Division in NDTP. In addition to recording the details of the consultant post, the

module contains the functionality to match individual consultants to the consultant post in

which they are employed. While some work has been done on this matching process to date, it

is not complete as it is actually the hospital sites/CHOs that are best positioned to complete this

matching process. Part of the project to further develop the Consultants Module includes

devolving the Consultants Module to clinical sites on a phased basis during 2016.

Objectives for the development of the Consultants Module

1. Have every consultant on the MPS matched to a consultant post.

2. Be able to tell who the consultants are working in the Irish health system, where they work

and what the tenure of their employment is.

3. Be able to tell the status of the consultant posts, whether they are approved or unapproved

and whether they are filled or vacant.

4. Be able to report on both consultant posts and consultants to present a variety of

information such as breakdowns by clinical site, hospital group, community healthcare

organisation, medical discipline (including speciality and sub-speciality) etc.

5. Devolve the use of the consultant module to the clinical sites.

Reporting functionality of the Consultants Module

We envisage having reports available for the clinical site level, the hospital group/CHO level, HSE

Division level and at national level. We are currently finalising the spec for the Consultants

Module with the developer and the final suite of reports will be agreed as part of it. From

discussions to date the following are the reports that we anticipate being available:

1. Detailed Report on Consultant Posts and Consultants Employed

2. Number of Consultant Posts and Number of Consultants by Clinical Site and Medical


3. Number of Consultant Posts and Number of Consultants and WTE by Medical Discipline

4. Number of Consultant Posts and Number of Consultants for each Medical Discipline by

Contract Class and Contract Type.

Consultants Division Update

The Consultants Appointments Unit became part of National Doctors Training and Planning in

early 2014 and is now known as the Consultants Division of NDTP. The Division is staffed by a

new team who commenced in the second half of 2015.

Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 15

The work of the Consultants Division has increased during 2015 with the number of applications

for consultant posts continuing to rise each month. The Consultants Division has received and

processed 182 applications for new additional consultant posts and 106 applications for

replacement posts, totalling 288 applications processed during 2015. Table 1 below illustrates

the increase in activity within the Division from 2011-2015. Activity has increased by almost 22%

between 2014 and 2015 and by almost 90% between 2011 and 2015.

Table 1: Consultants Division Activity 2015

� Of the 288 applications received and processed by the Consultants Division for review by the

Consultants Application Advisory Committee in 2015, 231 were recommended for approval.

� Type C Applications are also processed by the Division and 40 applications for change to a

Type C contract were received during 2015.

The Division are involved in a number of new developments including; devising a set of Key

Performance Indicators for the processing of consultant applications. It is planned that these

will go live in 2016 and that reports will be published and available to view on the NDTP

website. The introduction of a simplified and more streamlined consultant post application

process and also the further development and rollout of the Consultants Module of NDTP’s

medical practitioner system to clinical sites (see above).

Induction Guidelines & Employee Handbook (Priority Actions 4.9, 8.8, 1.15)

A revised and up-to-date HSE Induction guide and Employee Handbook are at the final stages of

sign off and are planned to be launched before the end of February. Significant structural and

operational and policy changes have occurred over the last 12-15 months. The revised

documentation will give a fresh perspective and act as a useful set of guides to assist with

inducting and on-boarding new employees as well as providing a useful resource for existing

employees. These documents will be also available via HSELand.

Year Additional Replacement Restructure Contract Title Quals Type C Total

2015 182 106 5 2 3 2 40 340

2014 98 95 15 8 10 5 49 280

2013 101 93 6 8 1 1 10 220

2012 54 111 13 4 4 1 8 195

2011 77 62 8 32 1 0 1 181

Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 16

Service Employment Levels - January, 2016 (Priority Action 5.1 – 5.13)

Overview of Workforce Position – January 2016

Each Division is currently working on funded staffing plans for 2016. HR host a workshop on 25th

February with the delivery system to work through same and issues arising.

Update on EWTD Compliance (Priority Action 5.1, 5.8)

Some key points:

• The data deals with 5,226 NCHDs;

WTE Overview WTE Dec






since Dec


Total Health Service 103,884 104,160 +276

WTE Overview by Division WTE Dec






since Dec


Acute Services 52,539 52,698 +158.89

Mental Health 9,405.16 9,436.04 +30.88

Primary Care 10,441.78 10,480.77 +38.99

Social Care 25,785.88 25,852.96 +67.08

Health & Wellbeing 1,282.87 1,277.81 -5.06

Ambulance Services 1,694.29 1,686.73 -7.56

Corporate & HBS 2,734.89 2,727.79 -7.10

Total Health Service 103,884.34 104,160.46 +276.12


Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 17

• Compliance with a maximum 48 hour week is at 80% as of end January – up 1% since

December. This may indicate that additional NCHDs recruited in January have improved

overall compliance;

• Compliance with 30 minute breaks is at 100% - up 1% since December;

• Compliance with weekly / fortnightly rest is at 99% - unchanged from December;

• Compliance with a maximum 24 hour shift (not an EWTD target) is at 95% - down 1%


• Compliance with a daily 11 hour rest period is at 97% - up 1% since December. This is closely

linked to the 24 hour shift compliance above.

• Update on EWTD compliance for January attached at Appendix 4.

Pay and Staff Numbers Strategy

Over 80 delegates, across the Divisions, Hospital Groups, Community Healthcare Organisations,

National Ambulance Service, other national functions, and HR and Finance Directorates,

attended a HR hosted workshop on Thursday 25th

February in Dr Steeven’s Hospital. It provided

an opportunity to update delegates on where the 2016 Pay and Staff Numbers Strategy was at

and looked back at what happened in 2015. It also provided an opportunity to engage and get

feedback from delegates and build on shared learning.

The workshop was addressed by the Director General, the National Director of Human

Resources, and the Chief Financial Officer. The critical nature of this strategy was emphasised

and the need for funded workforce plans to deliver within pay envelopes in 2016. Funded

workforce plans by Divisions are required to be sent to the Department of Health by the end of

March, to allow for Departmental sanction of the 2016 strategy.

Attendance Management – December 2015 (Priority Action 5.6)







2015 December


YTD 2015

% Medically




% Medically


(YTD 2015)











Latest monthly figures (December 2015)

• The December rate at 4.42% is up on the November rate. Previous December rates were 5.77%

(2008), 5.03% (2009), 4.86% (2010), 5.09% (2011), 4.78% (2012), 4.71% (2013) and 4.33% (2014).

• Annual rates; 2008 – 5.76%, 2009 – 5.05%, 2010 – 4.70%, 2011 – 4.90%, 2012 – 4.79%, 2013 –

4.73%, 2014 – 4.27%, 2015 – 4.21%.

• Annual attendance management rate for 2015 is the lowest recorded rate since national

reporting was introduced in 2008.

Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 18

Mediation (Priority Action 6.1)

Mediation places a key role in the early resolution of conflicts in the workplace and the

mediation panel provides an important resource for the HSE. Work is ongoing to determine

how best the mediation service can support an Alternative Disputes Resolutions Framework

within the HR National Investigations Unit.

Performance Achievement (Priority Action 6.4)

The process of formalising arrangements of the full roll out of performance achievement is close

to completion. Further direct engagement between HSE and staff representative bodies will

take place within the next week at which it is hoped there will be formal sign off on the

proposals which were issued to the staff side towards the end of 2015. A HR workshop will be

held in March 2016 with Service Delivery Units to engage and communicate with the system on

the new process and plans for implementation.

National Investigation Unit update (Priority Action 6.6)

Establishment of the Human Resources National Investigations Unit is a fundamental

component of the Health Services People Strategy 2015-2018 Leaders in People Services.

A Working Group has been established to assist with the establishment of the Human Resources

National Investigations Unit. The Working Group are currently focused on addressing the

following areas: -

• Draft Guidelines on Establishing and Conducting Human Resources Investigation Teams

• Details on current Investigators (new applicants and current list)

• Trade Union participation for shortlisting new investigators

• National Pre-Screening Investigation Document

• National Investigation Advocacy Committee

• Draft Human Resources Investigation Process Flow

• Mediation improvements and organisational shared learning – Update from December 2015

National Panel of Mediators meeting

• Human Resources Investigators Listening Sessions 21st March 2016

• Human Resources Investigators – Accreditation and Regulatory Body

• Human Resources National Investigation Unit – Online Project

• Dedicated Investigators Proposal

Draft Human Resources Investigation Guidelines

The first draft of the National Human Resources Guidelines on Establishing and Conducting

Human Resources Investigations has been legally screened and is currently being reviewed by

the Working Group.


Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 19

Accreditation and Regulatory Body for HSE Investigators

Work has commenced in relation to Accreditation for HSE Investigators and also the setting up

of a Regulatory Body. Initial discussions have been had with CORU and the Department of

Health regarding this issue. Essentially the plan is to have all HSE Investigators Accredited and

aligned to a Regulatory Body.

Shortlisting of New Investigators

Two representatives from the Staff Associations have been nominated to sit on a shortlisting

panel which will review Investigator training applications received. This is due to take place in

March 2016.

National Pre-Screening Document

A National Pre-screening document is currently in draft format. Employee Relations Managers

have submitted their Screening Documents used in the former HSE areas and it is intended that

one standard document will be compiled from these documents.

National Human Resources Investigations Unit - Advocacy Group

This Group will be set up and will comprise of Advocacy Group representatives together with

patients/families who have been involved in HSE Investigations. This will enable us learn from

their experiences and to look at our investigations through their eyes. A meeting was held with

the HSE National Advocacy Unit with a view to setting up the above committee which will

inform the Human Resources National Investigations Unit in relation to shared learning from

investigations. A nomination has been received from the HSE National Advocacy Unit to lead in

this area.


Working is continuing with the NHS UK in relation to Workplace Investigation methods, policies

and procedures that are in place. A significant amount of collaborative learning is being

achieved, in this area, in relation to a national standard approach on Human Resources

Workplace Investigations.

Quality and Verification Division

Collaborative working has started with the Quality and Verification Division, National Incident

Management and Learning Team (NIMLT) with a view to sharing investigation approaches.

A meeting was held in February 2016to discuss the Human Resources National Investigations

Unit accessing the NIMLT Incident Information and Management Systems (IIMS). This will

enable us ascertain if this system is suitable to HR Investigations work, with some adaptations,

and also help up to learn to commonalities with co-joint investigations.

Human Resources National Investigations Unit – online project

In addition to the IIMS system above contact has been made with the State Claims Agency and a

meeting will be held in March 2016 in relation to the National Incident Management and

Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 20

Information System (NIMIS) to ascertain if this system is also suitable for Human Resources

investigation work.

Further Information/Ideas

All contributions /suggestions to

Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 21

Emergency Departments

The INMO have formally accepted the revised set of proposals, worked out under the aegis of

the Workplace Relations Commission at hearings which concluded on December 14th


January 11th


An implementation team comprising of representatives from the HSE and the INMO has now

been established and is tasked with putting in place the various measures which were agreed on

that occasion.

Separately, under a separate WRC process an agreement was brokered between

representatives of the HSE, SIPTU, IMPACT and the IMO. The arrangements agreed under this

process provide for the establishment of a parallel ED forum which will operate on the same

basis recently established by the group wide executive forum and will incorporate members of

the unions set out. Initial meetings with regards to same have taken place.

Task Transfer

Formal sanction has now issued from the Department of Health with regard to the agreement

concluded between the HSE, nursing unions in December in relation to the task transfer issues

involving the transfer of four identified tasks from Junior Doctors to Nurses. A key element of

the sanction is the establishment of a National Verification and Implementation Group (NVIG)

which will be tasked with ensuring that all tasks are verified as being transferred and are being

undertaken in individual locations, prior to any payments being made.

This process will begin immediately and will involve visits to the various hospitals and meetings

with relevant personnel to ensure the provisions of the agreement are being undertaken in full.

Student Nurse Pay

Arising from the provisions of the LRA, a business case was agreed between HSE and nursing

unions and forwarded to the Department of Health and DPER for consideration. Arising from

same DPER have now approved increase in the rate of pay payable to student nurses during

their clinical placements of 36 week period at a rate of 70% of that applying to a first year staff


This rate will only apply to the current cohort of students and will be effective from 1st


2016. This group of staff will also be given incremental credit for the 36 week period on

obtaining of a staff nurse position subsequent to their qualification.

Issues pertaining to the granting of incremental credit for Graduates in the period 2011-2015

inclusive will be reviewed at the end of 2016. (Copy of the formal sanction from DPER is

attached at Appendix 5).


Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 22

LCR 21125

The Labour Court has recommended that the grades of Senior Environmental Health Officer and

Neurophysiological Technician Chief II should be covered by the provisions of the HRA, and work

increased hours set out in that agreement.

This case concerns a dispute between HSE and IMPACT in relation to the interpretation and

application of Appendix 9 of the HRA.

The dispute relates specifically to the implementation of increased working hours resulting a

weekly total of 37 hours (copy of LCR 21125 is attached at Appendix 6).

Voluntary Hospital Group

A process of monthly engagement with the Voluntary Hospital Groups has resumed since

February. The meeting involved a positive engagement on all issues of current relevance, with

particular relevance on many issues that are of current importance in the medical related field,

including claims of various third party fora for claims of restoration of pay, recruitment etc. this

revised process will continue on a monthly basis and will always be attended by one

representative of CERS with further backup as necessary.

HOSPEEM Activity

At its most recent meeting, the HOSPEEM general assembly re-elected Mr. Tjitte Alkema, who is

the Dutch representative on the assembly, to the position of General Secretary for a further 3

year period.

Mr. Alkema is hoping to pay a visit to Ireland during 2016 and would be anxious to meet with

representatives of HSE and Department of Health during this process.

A social dialogue conference which involves HOSPEEM representatives and representatives

from the various union associations throughout the EU will take place on Wednesday next.

Full report will be provided in the next monthly report.

Joint Information and Consultation Forum (Priority Action 7.8)

The JICF is a Forum for consultation and engagement with Staff Associations on change issues of

organisational and staff significance. Dates for remainder of 2016 are as follows: Thursday 14th

April, Friday 1st

July and Thursday 20th


Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 23

National HR Helpline (Priority Action 8.5.1)

As a HR family, while we have access to a range of HR resources in each delivery unit & ERAS

and have communication channels in place, feedback from staff is that we can improve when it

comes to communication and engagement. We recognise that our staff are and should be "at

the centre of everything" we do - so too should be our system for managing queries, connecting

people, processes and data. We need to identify every opportunity to improve

communications, optimise social media and remember that for some of us, nothing beats that

one to one conversation.

To keep ahead, we need to collect, analyze and use data to make more informed decisions

about how to engage with our employees, demonstrate how we can adapt to this dynamic new

environment and how we can enable staff to access much more information about HR services

than ever before. Between social media, Web sites, ever-smarter search engines and 24/7

mobile Internet access, staff have a plethora of data at their fingertips but for some, it's more

about that personal touch. Working in tandem with line managers and HR staff in each service,

our message is the same as yours, our agenda, rationale and principles are the same as yours -

to support staff.

Our National HR Helpline launched on 4th January last, has a dedicated low call telephone

number : 1850 444 925 and is open for staff Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm. To complement this

we also have a dedicated email account which is available to staff 24/7 and we

have recently launched a Facebook page with a closed group confined to HSE employees. We

have also commenced work on the HR element of the website to make it more user friendly.

Either way we can be contacted by staff 24/7 and in the coming weeks will be embarking on a

nationwide marketing exercise. In the meantime, it is important that as a HR family, we

embrace this additional resource and bring it to the attention of all staff.

HR Circulars (Priority Action 8.8)

HR Circular 001/2016 - DOH Circular 01/2016 Increase in State Pension (Contributory) effective

from 8th

January, 2016.

HR Circular 002/2016 – DOH Circular 02/2016 Expiry of Increment Measures under the Terms of

the Haddington Road Agreement.

HR Circular 003/2016 – Transfer of Tasks from Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors to

Nurses/Midwives under the Nursing/Medical Section of the Haddington Road Agreement.

All of the above Circulars are available on the following link:


Data available as at 25th

February, 2016 Page 24

Excellence through People Accreditation for HR Service (Priority Action 8.12)

Work continues across the Division with each Working Groups preparing for initial audit in April


Awaiting F

Rosarii Mannion

National Director Human Resources

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