· 2013. 4. 2. · 7 at that time the...

Post on 10-Sep-2020






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(Anna is having lunch with her sister Barbara. Anna has just ac-cepted a position as an Administrative Assistant. Her boss is an ex-ecutive with a firm that manufactures heavy machinery used in con-struction.)

Barbara You’ve got a new job, Anna. My congratulations. Anna Thanks, Barbara. Barbara Tell me a few words about your boss. What does he do? Anna Well, he is one of the vice-presidents of the company, so

he’s rather important. He is an executive. Barbara Do you know the difference between an executive, a man-

ager and an administrator? Anna I am afraid I can hardly tell you the difference, I think these

words are interchangable and they really aren’t different in many companies.

Barbara What about your company? Anna In our company the top officers are called administrators.

The next highest group — the vice-presidents, the heads of major departments and branch plant managers — are executives like my boss.

Barbara Is that all? Anna The group below consists of managers, they are general

managers and foremen. Barbara So I see that an organisation has a number of positions

and some people have more authority than others. Anna You are right. Barbara But it would be interesting to know more about the func-

tions of an executive like your boss. Anna I’d say he makes a lot of important decisions. He sets ob-

jectives, coordinates work, delegates authority, makes hiring, firing, evaluating and just general leading.

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Barbara It seems to be important. Anna It is important. It’s evident that making careful decisions is

the basis of good management. Barbara But do you work under much pressure? Anna Barbara, you know I am quite used to working under pres-

sure from my last job. I am also accustomed to lots of pa-per work and red tape.

Barbara Good for you. Anna And what’s more important I feel that I can learn a lot be-

cause my boss is very competent. Barbara Good, I think we’d be in a hurry not to get late for the



executive — ðóêîâîäèòåëü, àäìèíèñòðàòîð

vice-president — âèöå-ïðåçè-äåíò

manager — óïðàâëÿþùèé, àä-ìèíèñòðàòîð

administrator — óïðàâëÿþùèé, àäìèíèñòðàòîð

head of department — ðóêîâî-äèòåëü îòäåëà

foreman (pl. foremen) — ìàñ-òåð, ðóêîâîäèòåëü

position — äîëæíîñòü to set objectives — ñòàâèòü

öåëè to delegate authority — ðàñ-

ïðåäåëÿòü îáÿçàííîñòè to work under pressure — ðà-

áîòàòü ïî ïðèíóæäåíèþ red tape — çä. áþðîêðàòè÷å-

ñêàÿ, êàíöåëÿðñêàÿ ðàáîòà to be competent — áûòü êîì-



Exercise 1. Transform the sentences according to the model. Mode l : I’m accustomed to setting objectives.

I’m used to setting objectives. 1. We are accustomed to having unlimited liability. 2. He is accustomed to delegating authority. 3. They are accustomed to hiring and firing people. 4. She is accustomed to working as a head of the department. 5. You are accustomed to working under pressure. 6. The executive is accustomed to making decisions.

Exercise 2. Change the modal verb according to the model. Mode l : We ought to set objectives this month.

We should set objectives this month. 1. They ought to talk about the functions of an executive. 2. A manager ought to make careful decisions.

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3. An executive ought to be very competent. 4. A vice-president ought to decide on hiring, firing, vacation, working

hours. 5. The board of directors ought to plan objectives and changes. 6. They ought to have a meeting with the head of the department.

Exercise 3. Your executive is a very tough man. What should his staff do to please him?

For ideas: to be creative — òâîð÷åñêè îòíîñèòüñÿ ê äåëó to be well-organized — áûòü õîðîøî îðãàíèçîâàííûì to keep fit — äåðæàòü ñåáÿ â ôîðìå to be punctual — áûòü ïóíêòóàëüíûì to be enthusiastic — áûòü ýíòóçèàñòîì to obey the rules — ïîä÷èíÿòüñÿ ïðàâèëàì

Exercise 4. Answer the questions. 1. What working position is the best for you? 2. Are you accustomed to working under pressure? 3. Are you accustomed to a red tape job? 4. Do you want to be an executive or an administrator of a big com-

pany? What should you do for it? 5. What qualities do you need to be an executive of the company? 6. What does it mean to be a competent manager?

Exercise 5. Supply the articles where necessary. Translate. ... principal trends of our activities are: — training, retraining, enhancing skills and establishing ... system of

... continuous education of ... managers and specialists in ... field of ... personnel management as ... whole;

— establishing ... criteria and methods of ... personnel selection and qualification of ... personnel and ... social development work;

— providing ... personnel activities with ... effective personnel technologies, developing and putting into ... practice ... modern forms and methods of ... personnel management;

— studying and sharing ... world experience of ... personnel ma-nagement, consulting in ... field of ... personnel management.

Exercise 6. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs. Translate.

To be engaged in such activities (to be) necessary to have an or-ganization sufficiently independent of state structures, free to carry out its plans that (to unite) qualified specialists on the work with per-sonnel. The prototype of such an organization (to be) the cooperative «The Kyiv Inculcation Centre “Personnel”» which (to be) created in 1989.

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At that time the organization (to establish) its branches in Ukraine, Byelorussia and Russia which (to train) more than one thousand staff workers early.

The work of the People’s University (to make) possible to extend the research conducted, master the system of training, improve and perfect a scientific and methodical provision of the process of studies.


1. An employer has several options to consider when he wants to hire a new employee. First of all, he may look within his own company. But if he can’t find anybody suitable for the position, he will have to look outside the company. If there is a personnel office in the com-pany, he can ask them to help him to find a qualified applicant. The employer can also use other valuable sources, for example, employ-ment agencies, consulting firms, placement offices and professional societies. He can also advertise in a newspaper or in a magazine and request candidates to send in resumes.

2. The employer has two sets of qualifications to consider if he wants to choose from among the applicants. He must consider both professional qualifications and personal characteristics. A candidate’s education, experience and skills are included in his professional quali-fications. These can be listed on a resume. Personal characteristics or personality traits must be evaluated through interviews.


employer — íàíèìàòåëü, ðàáîòî-äàòåëü

option — âûáîð to consider — ðàññìàòðèâàòü,

ïðèíèìàòü âî âíèìàíèå employee — ñëóæàùèé, ðàáî-

òàþùèé ïî íàéìó to be suitable for the positi-

on — ñîîòâåòñòâîâàòü äîëæ-íîñòè

personnel office — îòäåë êàäðîâ

applicant — êàíäèäàò íà äîëæ-íîñòü

valuable source — öåííûé èñòî÷íèê

employment agency — àãåíò-ñòâî ïî íàéìó

consulting firm — êîíñóëüòà-öèîííàÿ ôèðìà

to advertise — ïîìåùàòü îáúÿâëåíèå, ðåêëàìèðîâàòü

resume — ðåçþìå two sets of qualifications —

äâà âèäà õàðàêòåðèñòèê experience — îïûò, âïå÷àòëå-

íèå evaluate through interviews —

îöåíèâàòü ÷åðåç èíòåðâüþ, ñîáåñåäîâàíèå

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COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. Which options should an employer first consider when he wants to

hire a new employee? 2. What services does a personnel department provide? 3. In what way can the new employees be found outside one’s com-

pany? 4. What qualifications does the employer consider in choosing an

employee? 5. What is meant by "professional qualification" for a job? 6. What personal characteristics does the administrator consider

when choosing an employee?


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen-tence (to advertise, resume, employee, applicant, personnel office, qualification, agency, personal).

1. We are going to interview three ... on the position. 2. If you need applications for this position, ... in a special section of

the local newspaper. 3. Personnel office will help you to find a new ... . 4. All the information about the staff of the firm can be found

in ... . 5. She has a good ... for the position: a college degree, good work

experience. 6. I want to find a new secretary, so I’ll call an employment ... . 7. If you are an applicant for the position, you have to write your ... 8. Don’t ask him ... questions, it will be impolite.

Exercise 2. Translate into English. 1. Åãî äîëæíîñòü â êîìïàíèè î÷åíü âàæíà. 2. Àäìèíèñòðàòîð ñòàâèò öåëè, ïðèíèìàåò íà ðàáîòó, óâîëüíÿåò. 3. Îíà íå ëþáèò ðàáîòàòü ïî ïðèíóæäåíèþ. 4. ß ïðèâû÷åí ê êàíöåëÿðñêîé ðàáîòå. 5. Óïðàâëÿþùèé äîëæåí áûòü êîìïåòåíòíûì. 6. Ðóêîâîäèòåëü ýòîé ãðóïïû — î÷åíü òàëàíòëèâûé ñïåöèàëèñò. 7. Íàì íóæíî íàíÿòü íîâîãî ñëóæàùåãî. 8. Ïîìåñòèòå îáúÿâëåíèå â ãàçåòó. 9. Ýòîò ðóêîâîäèòåëü ñ áîëüøèì îïûòîì.

10. Ìû äîëæíû ðàññìîòðåòü äâà âèäà õàðàêòåðèñòèê. 11. Êàíäèäàòû íà äîëæíîñòü äîëæíû ïîñëàòü ðåçþìå. 12. Âû íàéäåòå âñþ èíôîðìàöèþ â îòäåëå êàäðîâ. 13. Îáðàòèòåñü â àãåíòñòâî ïî íàéìó. 14. Íàíèìàòåëü äîëæåí îáðàòèòüñÿ â êîíñóëüòàöèîííóþ ôèðìó.

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Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the proper present tense (Present Indefenite, Present Continuous or Present Perfect).

1. The vice-president usually (to set) objectives for the staff. 2. Don’t disturb me, please, I (to work) with the annual report. 3. This firm often (to advertise) in different newspapers and maga-

zines. 4. We advertised in a special section of the newspaper but we (not to

receive) the resumes yet. 5. We (to evaluate) already the candidates through the interview. 6. We (to look for) a specialist suitable for the position at the present

moment. 7. He (to sent) just his resume and the letter of interest. 8. They (to fire) the manager. He was not suitable for the position. 9. You have to wait a little. He (to consult) with the executive.


If you decide to apply for a job in the western countries, you will probably need to form two documents: a letter of interest and a re-sume. This is the way how to do it. Read the letter of interest and a resume and try to write your own documents of the same kind.

a) a letter of interest

Dear Sir or Madame,

I graduated from Kyiv State University in 1985. Now I am finishing my post-graduate studies to defend my candidate thesis this winter. My major subject is called the theory of literature, which includes the study of the history of Ukrainian and foreign literature. I am interested in working in the Ukrainian department of your Uni-versity as a teacher of Ukrainian and Ukrainian literature for the school year 1998—1999. In high school I gained experience teaching Ukrainian to foreign students. In your department I could assist in the teaching of grammar, conduct a class in Ukrainian conversation or give lectures on Ukrainian literature. If you are interested, please write me at the above address. I will look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Petrenko I. I.

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b) a resume

EDUCATION Kyiv State University, Philological Faculty, English Department (1983). Kyiv State University. Post-graduate course (1990).

EXPERIENCE Kyiv State University. Philological Faculty. I deliv-ered lectures on European Literature of the 17–18th centuries (Fall 1988 Present). Kyiv State University. Philological Faculty Depart- ment of Ukrainian language. Lecturer on Ukrainian Literature of the 19–20th centuries (Fall 1988 — Summer 1994). Kyiv State University. Summer Courses of Ukrainian Language for Foreign Stu-dents. Teacher of Ukrainian Language (Summer 1989, 1990, 1991). Kyiv State University. Depart-ment of English. Teacher of English (1988–1994).

ACTIVITIES Intercontact Co-operative Firm. Courses of intensive studies of foreign languages. Teacher of English. Kyiv State University Exchange program by Kyiv and Eastern Washington Universities. Tutor of American postgraduates in Ukrainian conversa-tional skills (Fall 1989 — winter 1990). Private English lessons (Fall 1989 — Present).

PUBLICATIONS I am the author of 6 articles published in different editions of collections of articles. The topic of these articles is related to folk and romantic British bal-ladry, the latter being the subject of my candidate thesis which I am going to defend this year.

LANGUAGES Ukrainian (native language), English, French.

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Text In business organization structure means the relationship between

positions and people who hold the positions. Organization struc-ture is very important because it provides an efficient work system as well as a system of communication.

Historically, line structure is the oldest type of organization struc-ture. The main idea of it is direct vertical relationship between the po-sitions and tasks of each level, and the positions and tasks above and bellow each level. For example, a sales manager may be in a line po-sition between a vice-president of marketing and a salesman. Thus a vice-president of marketing has direct authority over a salesman. This chain of command simplifies the problems of giving and taking orders.

When a business grows in size and becomes more complex, there is a need for specialists. In such a case administrators may organize staff departments and add staff specialists to do specific work. These people are usually busy with services, they are not tied in with the company product. The activities of the staff departments include an accounting, personnel, credit and advertising. Generally, they do not give orders to other departments.


relationship — âçàèìîîòíîøå-íèå

to hold a position — çàíèìàòü äîëæíîñòü

organization structure — îð-ãàíèçàöèîííàÿ ñòðóêòóðà

level — óðîâåíü sales manager — óïðàâëÿþùèé

ïî òîðãîâëå, ìàðêåòèíãó salesman — ïðîäàâåö, òîðãîâåö to have direct authority over

smb. — èìåòü ïðÿìóþ âëàñòü

íàä êåì-ëèáî to give orders — îòäàâàòü ïðè-

êàçû to take orders — ïðèíèìàòü

ïðèêàçû complex — ñëîæíûé staff — øòàò; óïðàâëåíèå staff department — óïðàâëåí-

÷åñêèé îòäåë (íå èìåþùèé ïðÿìîãî îòíîøåíèÿ ê ïðîèç-âîäñòâó, íî åãî îáñëóæè-âàþùèé)

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line department — ëèíåéíûé îòäåë (èìåþùèé íåïîñðåä-ñòâåííîå îòíîøåíèå ê êî-íå÷íîìó ïðîäóêòó)

to be tied in with the company product — èìåòü îòíîøåíèå ê êîíå÷íîìó ïðîäóêòó

COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. What does the organization structure mean? 2. What does the organization structure provide? 3. What is historically the oldest type of organization structure? 4. In what position is a sales manager in attitude to a vice-president of

marketing and a salesman? 5. What is the difference between line and staff departments? 6. Why is an advertising department or a credit department considered

staff structure rather than line structure?


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen-tence (relationships, to hold a position, authority, complex, task, a line department, a staff department).

1. Organization structure shows ... between each position and po-sitions above and below.

2. A sales manager has direct ... over a salesman. 3. As a rule a ... usually does not give orders to other departments. 4. When the business gets more ... there is a need for staff de-

partments. 5. My friend ... ... of sales manager. 6. The ... of staff departments is to do different services. 7. My friend works in a ... ..., he is responsible for the company pro-



(Peggy Forman is talking with Jaff Downing, another administrative assistant in her company.)

Jaff How are you today, Peggy? Peggy Oh, fine, thanks. Jaff Glad to hear that. By the way, are you familiar with the or-

ganizational chart for the company? Peggy No, I am not. What is it like actually? Jaff Well, the chart shows how the employees are devided into

groups. It gives one an overview of the chain of command in the company.

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Peggy I see. The positions can be line and staff ones. Jaff Yes. The subject is not new to you. What else do you know

about it? Peggy As far as I know a worker in a line position receives or-

ders from his immediate subordinate. Jaff Exactly, that’s the line chain of command. Peggy A worker in a staff position reports directly to a line

worker but he neither gives nor receives orders for line workers. Am I right?

Jaff Yes, you are. But someone may have line authority over people in his department and not be considered a line ad-ministrator.

Peggy How can it be? Jaff That’s possible when a whole department is a staff de-

partment. For example, in our company the head of the credit department or the personnel department can hardly ever be president of the company.

Peggy And what do the people in staff departments do, how is their work different?

Jaff Well, they are usually busy with services and they could do the same service for any company. So they are not in the line.

Peggy It seems to be rather complicated. Jaff It only seems so. I think the chart should help. Peggy Oh, sure. But, Jaff, would you explain me what span of

control is? Jaff Oh, span of control refers to the number of people whom

one manages directly. Peggy Can you give me an example? Jaff Well. The President of our company directly manages the

Vice-President of Production, the Vice-President of Marketing and the Controller. Thus, his span of control includes three people.

Peggy Yes, now I see. Thank you for your help. Jaff Not at all. Why don’t we go to the coffee stall and have a

snack together?


organizational chart — îðãàíè-çàöèîííàÿ ñõåìà

line position — ëèíåéíàÿ äîëæ-íîñòü

immediate subordinate — íå-ïîñðåäñòâåííûé ïîä÷èíåííûé

line chain of command — ëè-íåéíàÿ ñòðóêòóðà ïîä÷èíåíèÿ

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immediate superior — íåïî-ñðåäñòâåííûé íà÷àëüíèê

staff position — óïðàâëåí÷å-ñêàÿ äîëæíîñòü

to report — çä. ïîä÷èíÿòüñÿ; ïðåäñòàâëÿòüñÿ

credit department — êðåäèò-íûé îòäåë

span of control — ñôåðà íåïî-ñðåäñòâåííîãî ïîä÷èíåíèÿ

vice-president of produc-tion — âèöå-ïðåçèäåíò ïî ïðîèçâîäñòâó

vice-president of marketing — âèöå-ïðåçèäåíò ïî ñáûòó

controller — ãëàâíûé ôèíàíñèñò


Exercise 1. Give affirmative and negative answers to the questions.

Mode l : Have you examined the organizational structure of the company yet? Yes, I have already examined it. No, I haven’t examined it yet.

1. Have you reported to the controller yet? 2. Have you settled this problem with the manager yet? 3. Have you learned line and staff positions of the company yet? 4. Have you got acquainted with your immediate superior yet? 5. Have you heard about his span of control yet? 6. Have you met your immediate subordinates yet? 7. Have you passed your report to the credit department yet?

Exercise 2. Change the sentences according to the model. Mode l : A staff employee doesn’t give orders.

A staff employee doesn’t receive orders. A staff employee neither gives, nor receives orders.

1. He isn’t a Controller. He isn’t a sales manager. 2. The head of the credit department doesn’t advise the President. The

head of the credit department doesn’t report to controller. 3. He doesn’t want to hold a position of vice-president of marketing.

He doesn’t want to hold a position of general manager. 4. A credit department doesn’t have direct authority over a line de-

partment. A personnel department doesn’t have direct authority over a line department.

5. I don’t want to talk with the Boss. I don’t want to talk with the Con-troller.

6. She doesn’t like to give orders. She doesn’t like to receive orders. 7. Jecky doesn’t want to attend annual meetings of shareholders. Susan

doesn’t want to attend annual meetings of shareholders either.

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Exercise 3. Answer the questions. 1. What is your relationship with your immediate superior? 2. What position in your company do you want to hold? 3. Do you want to be a sales-manager or a vice-president of mar-

keting? Give your reasons. 4. Over what positions do you have direct authority in your company? 5. What do you like more: to give orders or to receive orders? 6. Do you want to work in a staff department or in a line department?

Give your reasons.

Exercise 4. Have a look at the organizational chart of the company.




ControllerSales Manager

Chief of theCredit




Researsh andDevelopment


What line and staff positions can you discern? Speak about the or-ganizational structure of this enterprise.

Exercise 5. Translate into English. 1. Ìîè âçàèìîîòíîøåíèÿ ñ íà÷àëüíèêîì î÷åíü õîðîøèå. 2. Ìîé äðóã çàíèìàåò äîëæíîñòü ãëàâíîãî ôèíàíñèñòà. 3. ß íå çíàêîì ñ îðãàíèçàöèîííîé ñòðóêòóðîé íàøåãî ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ. 4. Îí áîëüøå ëþáèò îòäàâàòü ïðèêàçàíèÿ, ÷åì ïîëó÷àòü èõ. 5. ß ïðåäïî÷èòàþ ðàáîòàòü â ëèíåéíîì îòäåëå. 6. Óïðàâëåí÷åñêèå îòäåëû íå ñâÿçàíû ñ êîíå÷íûì ïðîäóêòîì. 7. Ñòðóêòóðà íàøåãî ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ ñëîæíà. 8. ß áîëüøå ïîäõîæó ê óïðàâëåí÷åñêîé äîëæíîñòè, ÷åì ê ëèíåéíîé. 9. Ìîé íåïîñðåäñòâåííûé íà÷àëüíèê î÷åíü ïóíêòóàëåí.

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10.  ñôåðó ìîåãî íåïîñðåäñòâåííîãî ïîä÷èíåíèÿ âõîäÿò òðè ðó- êîâîäèòåëÿ ãðóïï.

11. Ãëàâíûé ôèíàíñèñò íåñåò î÷åíü áîëüøóþ îòâåòñòâåííîñòü. 12. ß óâîëþ ìîåãî íåïîñðåäñòâåííîãî ïîä÷èíåííîãî. Îí ëåíèâ.


Exercise 1. Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive. Mode l : The manager examines organizational structure of the

firm. Organizational structure of the firm is examined by the manager.

1. Vice-president gives orders to his employees. 2. I receive orders from the sales manager. 3. My friend holds a position of general manager. 4. Personnel office receives resumes from prospective candidates. 5. Staff departments do different services to line departments. 6. Usually he takes the orders and fulfils the tasks very quickly.

Mode l : My friend is examining the organizational chart. The organizational chart is being examined by my friend.

1. I am sending my annual report to my immediate superior. 2. The foreman is firing his immediate subordinate. 3. Controller is giving the orders to his employees. 4. We are changing the organizational structure of our company. 5. The board of directors is enlarging the staff of the company.

Mode l : I have invested my money in real estate. My money has been invested in real estate.

1. We have considered advantages and disadvantages of partnership. 2. I have bought the shares of IBM company. 3. This business has involved big financial resources. 4. We have elected the board of directors. 5. The board of directors have chosen the company officers.

Exercise 2. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary. 1. I’m sorry to say we are not satisfied ... the quality of your goods. 2. Model A is ... great demand ... the world market. 3. We look forward ... establishing business relations with your com-

pany. 4. Your prices are not acceptable ... us. We find them too high. 5. ... what price do you sell your machines? We quote $ 1,000

... unit. 6. You are to open a Letter ... Credit ... Ukrainian Bank ... Foreign

Trade after you receive our Notification ... Readiness.

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Exercise 3. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs. 1. Last month we (to place) a trial order with Brown and Co whom we

(not to do) business before. 2. In June we (to be going) to make a transaction with Bell and Co.

We (not to have) any business relations with them before. 3. "Why you (can, not to go) to the theatre with me now?" "Well, you

see, I (not finish) my work yet". 4. "Why you (not to go) to the manufacturing plant yesterday after-

noon?" "I (can, not to go) this because we (not to complete) the talks by that time".

Exercise 4. Supply modal verbs or their equivalents in the correct tense-form.

1. We ... to go to the plant with Mr Brown this Monday, but he hasn’t arrived in Kyiv yet. We ... to go to the plant next week.

2. There is no stop near this building, you ... to get off at the next stop.

3. These things are not duty-free. You ... to pay for them. 4. If you don’t leave now, you ... not come to the concert on time. 5. When ... the Sellers to deliver the goods? 6. We ... to reserve accomodations for Mr Brown tomorrow. 7. As the Buyer ... not provide shipping facilities the Seller ... to de-

liver the goods on these terms.

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Text The number of new products coming into the market of western

countries every year is overwhelming. A lot of these products are not new, but adaptations. It means that these products are not new, they are existing items to which a modification has been made. Only few products are really original or innovations. For instance, a clock-television is an adaptation, but TV-set itself, the refrigerator — each was an innovation. A great number of innovations and adaptations are designed, produced and marketed by small businesses. Very often a new product is formed on the basis of new business. Sometimes there is a patent to make the business more successful. But it happens very often that market research hasn’t been done carefully.

Even in case larger scale producers do more research and testing there is no sure success. A promising new product may be also robbed of success by unreasonable prices, inadequate promotion and poor selling methods. Generally, less than one fifth of all new products turn out to be profitable.


product development — ðàçâè-òèå ïðîèçâîäñòâà

adaptation — ÷òî-ëèáî ïåðå-äåëàííîå, ïðèñïîñîáëåííîå

modification — ìîäèôèêàöèÿ, âèäîèçìåíåíèå

innovation — íîâîââåäåíèå, íîâøåñòâî

patent — ïàòåíò

large scale producer — êðóï-íûé ïðîèçâîäèòåëü

promising product — ïåðñïåê-òèâíûé ïðîäóêò, òîâàð

unreasonable price — íåðàçóì-íàÿ öåíà

inadequate — íåäîñòàòî÷íûé, íå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé òðåáîâà-íèÿì


1. How can you explain the term "adaptation"? 2. What is an innovation? 3. Give your own examples of innovations and adaptations.

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4. Why are many innovations and adaptations manufactured and mar-keted by small businesses?

5. Why is it so important to obtain a patent? 6. Why does the failure of a new product take place?


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen-tence (adaption, innovation, inadequate, patent, fail-ure, success, unreasonable).

1. Though market research tries to predict the trends, there is no sure ... .

2. This product isn’t original, it is an ... . 3. ... office receives applications from many young inventors. 4. If the price is ..., the product won’t be sold out. 5. A clock-television is an adaptation but the television itself is an... . 6. If a sure ... is stopped, money and time can be saved. 7. They failed because of ... promotion campaign.


(Dick and Jack are having lunch. Dick is Vice-President in charge of Product Development. And Jack is Vice-President in charge of the Le-gal Department).

Dick How are the things? Jack Great. We are busy with a new line of clock-television. Dick Sounds interesting. Are you going to apply for a patent

soon? Jack Yes, we are. We are preparing the necessary papers now. Dick And what did the Market Research say by the way? Jack They think there is fair market for the product at the mo-

ment but it will take a few years to catch on. Dick I see. We’ll have to turn a good promotional campaign. Jack Without doubt. Dick Well, it will be our advantage to have the patent on it as

well. You have decided on the size, haven’t you? Jack We’ll start with a small screen model. It will have a wake-up

button and go-to-sleep button with timers. Market Research says that the automatic go-to-sleep button may be the bigger selling point.

Dick Yes, the idea of a set that turns itself off is great. To tell you the truth I’m always falling asleep in the middle of the show. Now it can be done.

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Jack Well, in future we’ll probably expand the line to include dif-ferent size screens and colour.

Dick That’s good. Jack I think we are close to a big success. Dick That is why we must be very careful. Before we begin

to market television we must fulfil the most complete testing.

Jack You are right. Dick What about the pricing? Has it been worked out? Jack Not completely. Market Research Department says we can’t

have too high price on this kind of item. Dick It’s evident we must be very careful. Maybe this time con-

sumers will really surprise us. Jack Let’s hope for the best.


to apply for a patent — ïîäàòü çàÿâëåíèå íà ïàòåíò

fair market — çä. áëàãîïðèÿò-íûå ðûíî÷íûå óñëîâèÿ

to catch on — ñòàòü ìîäíûì

to be a big selling point — áûòü ïðèâëåêàòåëüíûì äëÿ ïî-êóïàòåëåé

to market — ïðîäàâàòü to fulfil the testing — çàâåð-

øèòü èññëåäîâàíèå


Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model. Mode l : We must fulfil complete testing.

Complete testing must be fulfilled. 1. They must expand the line. 2. You could apply for a patent. 3. They should work out the details. 4. I must develop a new trend. 5. We should design a line of clock-television. 6. You should start market research.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. Why is it so important for a producer to apply for a patent? 2. How much time does it usually take for a new product to catch on? 3. What is a big selling point of the items which you produce? 4. In what way can a consumer surprise the producer? 5. Would you like to produce something original or an adaptation? Ex-

plain why.

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6. What are the conditions of successful product development? 7. What products are the market conditions fair for in this country?

Exercise 3. Translate into English. 1. Ýòîò ïðîäóêò — ìîäèôèêàöèÿ ñòàðîãî. 2. Ìåëêèå ïðîèçâîäèòåëè âûïóñêàþò áîëüøîå êîëè÷åñòâî òîâàðîâ. 3. Âàì íåîáõîäèìî ïîëó÷èòü ïàòåíò íà ïðîèçâîäñòâî äàííîãî

òîâàðà. 4. Òùàòåëüíîå èññëåäîâàíèå ðûíêà íåîáõîäèìî, ÷òîáû ãàðàíòèðî-

âàòü óñïåõ. 5. Ïîòðåáóåòñÿ ïÿòü ëåò íà òî, ÷òîáû âàø ïðîäóêò çàâîåâàë ïðè-

çíàíèå. 6. Îòêëþ÷àþùåå óñòðîéñòâî ñ òàéìåðîì — èìåííî òî, ÷òî ïðèâëå÷åò

ïîòðåáèòåëÿ. 7. Íàäî çàâåðøèòü âñå èññëåäîâàíèÿ, ïðåæäå ÷åì ìû íà÷íåì

ïðîäàâàòü íàø ïðîäóêò. 8. Íàì íåîáõîäèìî ðàñøèðèòü ëèíèþ.

Exercise 4. Speak about product development of your busi-ness. Ask your colleague how he would plan product development.


Exercise 1. Make the sentences negative. Mode l : I will have the drawings prepared very soon.

I won’t have the drawings prepared very soon. 1. It will take much time to catch on. 2. I am sure this thing will be the biggest selling point. 3. They will run a good advertising company. 4. They will make a new modification of electronic watch. 5. This price will be inadequate.

Exercise 2. Put four questions of different types to each sen-tence (general, special, alternative, disjunctive).

Mode l : They will influence the consumer to buy their automobiles. a) Will they influence the consumer to buy their auto-

mobiles? b) Who will influence the consumer to buy their auto- mo-

biles? c) They will influence the consumer to buy their auto-

mobiles, won’t they?

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d) Will they influence the consumer to buy their auto-mobiles or other goods?

1. Their products will be available in every shop. 2. The company will start their promotion campaign very soon. 3. Our bank will make a loan to this corporation. 4. They will need a lawyer to form their business. 5. I will consult my partner.

Exercise 3. Supply the correct prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

1. Which platform does the train start ... ? 2. Which platform is the train to arrive ...? 3. The train is due to arrive ... Manchester ... 4.20. 4. The train is due to arrive ... 20 minutes. 5. This train stops ... every small station. 6. You can go ... London ... an overnight train. 7. There is no sleeping accomodation ... this train. 8. Don’t get ... the train, it stops ... this station ... three minutes.

Exercise 4. Choose and use many, much. 1. There is ... furniture in my sitting-room but there are not ... things in

my bedroom. 2. We sell ... equipment to different countries of the world. ... foreign

companies are interested in buying our machines. 3. We have received ... information on the model AB pump from the

Sellers lately. 4. There are always ... dishes on the menu at the Dnipro restaurant.

Exercise 5. Supply the articles where necessary. ... process of ... studies is based on ... independent work. Each stu-

dent is provided with ... curriculums and training methodical plans, schedules of ... independent work and ... qualification characteristics where ... designation of specialist is defined in ... detail. ... methods of remote training adopted at our university, following ... example of our colleges, substantially differ from ... traditional methods of ... educa-tion. ... given methods are also convenient because one should not come to ... Academy by all means to attend ... training meetings and sessions.

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Marketing includes all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers. Sometimes it is called distribution. On the one hand, marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods and, on the other hand, a series of decisions you make during the pro-cess of moving goods from producer to user. Marketing operations include product planning, buying, storage, pricing, promotion, sell-ing, credit, traffic and marketing research.

The ability to recognize early trends is very important. Producers must know why, where, for what purpose the consumers buy. Market research helps the producer to predict what the people will want. And through advertising he attempts to influence the customer to buy. Marketing operations are very expensive. They take up more than half of the customer’s dollar. The trend in the USA has been to high mass consumption. The construction of good shopping centres has made goods available to consumers. It provided a wide range of merchandize and plenty of parking facilities.


marketing — ïðîäàæà, ñáûò, ìàðêåòèíã

producer — ïðîèçâîäèòåëü consumer — ïîòðåáèòåëü distribution — ñáûò, ðàñïðåäå-

ëåíèå transporting — òðàíñïîðòè-

ðîâêà storing — ñêëàäèðîâàíèå, õðà-

íåíèå user — ïîòðåáèòåëü product planning — ðàçðàáîòêà

íîâûõ ïðîäóêòîâ

storage — õðàíåíèå pricing — êàëüêóëÿöèÿ öåí promotion — ñîäåéñòâèå â ïðî-

äàæå òîâàðà, íàïðèìåð, ñ ïî-ìîùüþ ðåêëàìû

traffic — òîðãîâëÿ marketing research — èçó÷åíèå

ðûíêà ñáûòà trend — òåíäåíöèÿ, îáùåå íà-

ïðàâëåíèå to predict — ïðåäñêàçûâàòü to influence — âëèÿòü

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COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. What does marketing mean? 2. What activities does marketing consist of? 3. What do marketing operations include? 4. Why is it so important for the producer to predict the trends? 5. How was mass consumption possible in the USA?


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen-tence (predict, influence, promote, marketing, trends, distribution, market research, product planning, con-sumer).

1. One of the aims of market research is to indicate new ... among people.

2. Advertising must ... the consumer and make him buy the goods pro-duced.

3. Often marketing is called ... . 4. In order to sell a new product, a producer has to consider how to ...

it. 5. The goods of this company are not sold very well, they must think

about ... . 6. Sometimes it is difficult to ... through advertising. 7. If you want to produce something new, you should start with ... . 8. A producer wants to ... the new trends and then tries to influence

them. 9. ... includes product development and pricing among other things.


(Sally and Don work in the Marketing Department of a company that makes different meal products.)

Don Hey, Sally, look at these figures. The price of sugar is go-

ing up 10% during the next year. Sally Oh, that’s bad. That means trouble for our jam line. Don I think so too. Sugar is the main ingredient, you know.

What’s your opinion? Sally Well, we are not the price leaders in the field and jam is a

very price sensitive item. According to our marketing re-search information consumers aren’t particularly brand loyal about jam.

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Don I have a brilliant idea. You know, this could be a great mar-keting opportunity for us.

Sally What do you mean? Don Well, because of the price rise on sugar we know that price

of jam will go up too. The increase will pass on the con-sumer, won’t it?

Sally Right. Don Imagine, we find the possibility of changing the ingredients

in the jam so that we wouldn’t have to raise the price. Sally Then we wouldn’t trouble about the price rise on sugar be-

cause we’ll be able to sell jam at the same price. The idea is that we could market less expensive jam. What a promo-tional campaign we could have!

Don Sure. If we do it right we’ll sell more and become the leader in the market.

Sally Now the first thing is to talk to Research and Development. Don Right and we’ll see when they’ll have some samples of new

formulars ready. Sally What about marketing research? I think we should schedule

some tests for responses to the R & D samples. Don Well, there is a lot to do. I think we should also change

packaging. Now, Sally, that would be great. Sally Oh, Don, let’s hope for the best. If we don’t lose the

chance, the competitors products will stay on the super-market shelves.

Don Oh, it’s time for lunch. Let’s discuss our business in cafe-teria.

Sally Oh, sure, we’ve got a lot to discuss — distribution, adver-tising...


to go up — ðàñòè (î öåíå) price leader — ïðîèçâîäèòåëü,

óñòàíàâëèâàþùèé ñàìóþ íèç-êóþ öåíó íà îïðåäåëåííûé òîâàð

price sensitive item — òîâàð, óðîâåíü ïðîäàæè êîòîðîãî î÷åíü çàâèñèò îò öåíû

to be brand loyal — îòäàâàòü ïðåäïî÷òåíèå

to ràise the price — ïîäíèìàòü öåíó

to market — ïðîäàâàòü promotional campaign —

ðåêëàìíàÿ êaìïàíèÿ to schedule — ðàçðàáàòûâàòü

ïëàí packaging — óïàêîâêà competitor — êîíêóðåíò

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Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen-tence (go up, schedule, packaging, competitor, price leader, price sensitive item).

1. If the price on this product ... nobody will buy it. 2. They should ... some tests and pass results to R.D. 3. This company is the ... in this field, they can sell this product at the

lowest price. 4. Customers do care about the price on this product, it is

very ... . 5. ... influences the desire of a customer to buy. 6. Our ... has become the price leader in selling computer programmes.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions. 1. Who is the price leader in your business? 2. How can you become a price leader? What should you do for this? 3. How should one start a promotional campaign? 4. Why is it dangerous to produce price sensitive goods? 5. Why is it important to have competitors in business? 6. What should you do to leave your competitors behind? 7. What knowledge must you have to be good at marketing?

Exercise 3. Translate into English. 1. Ìàðêåòèíã âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáÿ äåéñòâèÿ, ñâÿçàííûå ñ äâèæåíèåì

òîâàðà îò ïðîèçâîäèòåëÿ ê ïîòðåáèòåëþ. 2. Ìàðêåòèíã âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáÿ òðàíñïîðòèðîâêó, õðàíåíèå, ðåêëàìó,

êàëüêóëÿöèþ öåí, ïðîäàæó. 3. Èçó÷åíèå ðûíêà ïîìîãàåò ïðåäñêàçûâàòü îáùèå íàïðàâëåíèÿ

ñïðîñà. 4. Ðåêëàìà îêàçûâàåò ñèëüíîå âëèÿíèå íà ïîêóïàòåëÿ. 5. Ìû íå ìîæåì óñòàíàâëèâàòü ñàìóþ íèçêóþ öåíó íà ýòîò òîâàð. 6. Ìû äîëæíû ðàçðàáîòàòü ïëàí ïðîèçâîäñòâà íîâûõ ïðîäóêòîâ. 7. Ñáûò ýòîãî òîâàðà î÷åíü ðåàãèðóåò íà èçìåíåíèå öåíû.

GRAMMAR EXERCISES Exercise 1. Transform the sentences of real condition into the

sentences of unreal condition. Mode l : If we promote this right, we will (we’ll) get more sales.

a) If we promoted this right, we would get more sales. b) If we had promoted this right, we would have got more sales.

1. If we are careful we will leave behind our competitors. 2. If we phone R.D., we will get the necessary information.

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3. If we change the ingredients, we will be ready for the price rise. 4. If the price of jam goes up, the increase will be passed on the con-

sumer. 5. If they work hard, they won’t lose any customers. 6. If we schedule the product development in time we will be ready for

the change of the demand. 7. If we don’t lose the chance, the competitors products will stay on

the super-market shelves.

Exercise 2. Make transformations according to the model. Mode l : Consumers wish prices would go down.

Consumers hope that prices will go down. I wish I could work harder. I hope I can work harder.

1. The head of the department wishes that competition would lessen. 2. The Market Research Department wishes the test results would be

ready soon. 3. The Manager wishes that sales would improve. 4. We wish all the departments could fulfil their tasks. 5. Sally wishes that the Packaging Department could hurry up.

Exercise 3. Translate into English. 1. Íàøà ôèðìà åæåãîäíî ïðèíèìàåò ó÷àñòèå â Ëåéïöèãñêîé ÿðìàðêå. 2.  ñåíòÿáðå ýòîãî ãîäà â ñòîëèöå Èíäèè ñîñòîèòñÿ âûñòàâêà

óêðàèíñêèõ òîâàðîâ. Îíà ðàññêàæåò ïîñåòèòåëÿì î ïðîìûøëåí-íîñòè è ñåëüñêîì õîçÿéñòâå Óêðàèíû, à òàêæå î íàóêå è êóëüòóðå íàøåé ñòðàíû.

3. Ìíå íåîáõîäèìî ñâÿçàòüñÿ ñ ôèðìîé "Áðàóí è Êo" êàê ìîæíî ñêîðåå.

4. Â ýòîì ãîäó ìû ñîáèðàåìñÿ ïðåäñòàâèòü íà ìèðîâîé ðûíîê íàøó ïîñëåäíþþ ìîäåëü êîìïðåññîðà.

5. Òîâàðû ýòîé óêðàèíñêîé ôèðìû ïîëüçóþòñÿ áîëüøèì ñïðîñîì íà ìèðîâîì ðûíêå.

6. Îòäåë êàäðîâ íàøåé ôèðìû íàíÿë íà ðàáîòó ìíîãî êâàëèôèöèðîâàííûõ ñïåöèàëèñòîâ.

Exercise 4. Supply the articles where necessary. 1. This actress has been ... success in all performances. 2. All the Ukrainian newspapers wrote about ... success of the ex-

hibition. 3. We are proud of ... progress which is made by our country in the

field of heavy industry. 4. The fair was held under the motto: Peace and ... progress to all na-

tions of the world.

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5. Ukraine has made much progress in the field of ... heavy industry. 6. ... industry of ... western part of Ukraine has grown as compared

with previous years.

Exercise 5. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs. 1. The power of the queen of Great Britain (to limit) by Parliament. 2. "Who (to control) the power of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet?"

"It (to control) by Parliament". 3. Lately our company (to send) an invitation to take part in an ex-

hibition of electronic equipment which (to hold) in London. 4. It (to give) me a lot of pleasure to read a very interesting book on

the history of Ukrainian towns. 5. Mr Bell (to appoint) manager of the company lately.

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Text Wholesaling is a part of marketing system. It provides channels

of distribution which help to bring goods to the market. Generally, in-direct channels are used to market manufactured consumer goods. It could be from the manufacturer to the wholesaler, from the retailer to the consumer or through more complicated channels. A direct chan-nel moves goods from the manufacturer or producer to the consumer.

Wholesaling is often a field of small business, but there is a growing chain movement in the western countries. About a quarter of whole-saling units account for the one-third of total sales.

Two-third of the wholesaling middlemen are merchant wholesa- lers who take title to the goods they deal in. There are also agent middlemen who negotiate purchases or sales or both. They don’t take title to the goods they deal in. Sometimes they take possession though. These agents don’t earn salaries. They receive commissions. This is a percentage of the value of the goods they sell.

Wholesalers simplify the process of distribution. For example, the average supermarket stocks 5,000 items in groceries alone, a retail druggist can have more than 6,000 items. As a wholesaler handles a large assortment of items from numerous manufacturers he reduces the problem of both manufacturer and retailer. The store keeper does not have to deal directly with thousands of different people. He usually has a well-stocked store and deals with only a few wholesalers.


wholesaling — îïòîâàÿ òîðãîâ-ëÿ

to provide channels — îáåñïå-÷èâàòü ñèñòåìîé (ñáûòà)

indirect channels — íåïðÿ- ìàÿ, îïîñðåäîâàííàÿ ñèñòåìà (ñáûòà)

wholesaling middleman — îï-òîâûé ïîñðåäíèê (ñêóïùèê)

retailer — ðîçíè÷íûé òîðãîâåö complicated channels — ñëîæ-

íàÿ ñèñòåìà (ñáûòà) chain movement — äâèæåíèå ê

îáúeäèíåíèþ wholesale unit — çä. êîíòîðà

ïî îïòîâîé òîðãîâëå to earn salary — çàðàáàòûâàòü


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merchant wholesaler — îïòî-âûé ñêóïùèê

to take title to the goods — ïðèîáðåòàòü òîâàð êàê ñîáñò-âåííîñòü

agent middleman — ïîñðåäíèê ìåæäó ïðîèçâîäèòåëåì è ïîêóïàòåëåì

to negotiate purchases or sa-les — âåñòè ïåðåãîâîðû ïî ïîâîäó êóïëè èëè ïðîäàæè

to receive commissions — ïîëó÷àòü êîìèññèîííûå (ïðî-öåíò îò ïðîäàæè)

grocery — áàêàëåéíàÿ òîðãîâëÿ to handle — 1) óïðàâëÿòü,

2) òîðãîâàòü (àìåð.) assortment — àññîðòèìåíò total sales — ñîâîêóïíàÿ ïðî-

äàæà middleman — ïîñðåäíèê, êî-



1. What is the aim of the wholesaling? 2. How can you describe a direct channel of distribution? 3. What is an indirect channel of distribution? 4. What channel of distribution is preferable? 5. Is there any difference between a merchant wholesaler and an agent

middleman? What is this difference? 6. How does a wholesaler simplify the process of distribution? 7. What would a retailer have to do without wholesalers?


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen-tence (wholesalers, take title, retailer, stock, chan-nels, assortment, to receive commissions, middleman).

1. They use both direct and indirect ... of distribution. 2. Agent middlemen do not ... to the goods they deal in. 3. Usually wholesaling ... stands between the producer and the retailer. 4. A supermarket may ... thousands of commissions items. 5. Usually a wholesaler handles a large ... of items of numerous manu-

facturers. 6. Agent middlemen don’t earn salaries, they ... . 7. A wholesaler doesn’t deal with the customers, he does with ... 8. ... simplify the problems of manufacturers.


(John is explaining his new job to his wife, Susan. He is a sales trainee for a company.)

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John It’s a great job, you know. The salesmen are paid salaries

instead of being on commission. Susan Why do you find it great? You can earn less money. John Well, it’s regular weekly salary. And besides we get reim-

bursed for everything — lunches and dinners, even the football tickets, the car, gasoline, tolls.

Susan That’s really great. John And I’m going to get a raise in three months. Susan And what are you going to see? John Foam rubber. Susan What is it used for? John It is used to make couches and beds generally ideal with

furniture manufacturers. Susan So you will travel much, won’t you? John No. Delivery is a part of our wholesaling operation. Foam

is sold and delivered by the truckloads. It is rather bulky and it is expensive to have it shipped a long distance. We are going to deal with buyers who are in this region.

Susan That’s fine. I don’t want you to travel too much. By the way I want to know more about sales procedure.

John At first I go to see a buyer. We discuss what he needs. Af-ter that I send him a written quote. If our prices suit him, he’ll call us and send an order.

Susan Do you take orders over the phone? John Yes. The buyers are always in a hurry and a letter would

take too much time to come. If it’s a verbal agreement we call it gentleman’s agreement.

Susan And what happens after the verbal agreement? John We receive a written purchase order. It is called p. o. —

and it has a number that we use for all future corre-spondence on that order. The office then retypes the order

form and the p.o. and order form are stapled together and filed.

Susan It sounds organized. Whom do you usually deal with in a company?

John Well, I’ll deal with purchasing agents. But I could deal with any administrator from the president on down, in some cases.

Susan Good. Soon you’ll get your raise. John Yes. Selling is usually a stepping stone to higher positions

in management.

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Susan Don’t worry, dear. If it doesn’t work out, we still have my job.


sales trainee — ñòàæåð ïî òîð-ãîâëå

to be on commission — ïîëó-÷àòü êîìèññèîííûå ñ ïðîäàæè

to reimburse — âîçìåùàòü, âîñïîëíÿòü

toll — ïîøëèíà, ïëàòà çà óñëóãè to get a raise — ïîëó÷èòü ïî-

âûøåíèå delivery — äîñòàâêà to deliver — äîñòàâëÿòü

quote — íàçíà÷åíèå öåíû verbal agreement — óñòíîå ñî-

ãëàøåíèå gentleman’s agreement —

äæåíòåëüìåíñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå purchase order (p. o.) — çàêàç

íà ïîêóïêó to staple— çä. ïðîâåðÿòü to file — ïîäøèâàòü, õðàíèòü stepping stone — ñðåäñòâî äëÿ

äîñòèæåíèÿ öåëè


Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model. Mode l : When did they want to reimburse for our expenses?

(I don’t remember.) I don’t remember when they wanted to reimburse for our expenses.

1. How will you get a raise? (They don’t care.) 2. When did they send you the purchase order? (I don’t know.) 3. Who are the purchasing agents? (I can’t recall.) 4. Why didn’t they get verbal agreement? (I’ll try to find out.) 5. Did they staple and file the p.o.? (I don’t know.) 6. How large is the sales region? (They don’t care.) 7. How much is the toll? (It doesn’t matter.) 8. When will she get commission? (She doesn’t know.)

Exercise 2. Make up the conditional sentences. Mode l : consult the middleman / he is smart

If he were smart, he would consult the middleman. 1. Be a wholesaling middleman / he — interested. 2. Work for themselves / men — independent. 3. Earn a good salary / he — happy. 4. Use direct channels / business — successful. 5. Have the secretary do it / she — there. 6. Handle it well / he — fail. 7. Order it next month / I — rich.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

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1. Would you like to be on commission? 2. What expenses do you get reimbursed for at your job? 3. What factors do you need to get a raise? 4. Why isn’t a verbal agreement always sufficient? 5. What would you prefer to be: a wholesaler or a retailer? 6. What is a stepping stone to higher positions in your business?

Exercise 4. Translate into English. 1. Îïòîâàÿ òîðãîâëÿ — âàæíûé ýëåìåíò ðûíî÷íîé ñèñòåìû. 2. Òîâàðû èäóò îò îïòîâîãî ïîñðåäíèêà ê ïîòðåáèòåëþ ÷åðåç

ðîçíè÷íîãî òîðãîâöà. 3. Íåïðÿìàÿ ñèñòåìà ñáûòà áîëåå ïðåäïî÷òèòåëüíà. 4. Îïòîâûå ñêóïùèêè ïðèîáðåòàþò òîâàð. 5. Ïîñðåäíèê ïîëó÷àåò ïðîöåíòû îò ïðîäàæè. 6. Ïîñðåäíèê îáû÷íî âåäåò ïåðåãîâîðû ïî ïîâîäó êóïëè èëè

ïðîäàæè. 7.  ýòîì ìàãàçèíå õîðîøèé àññîðòèìåíò òîâàðîâ. 8. Ìåíåäæåð ïî ìàðêåòèíãó ñêîðî ïîëó÷èò ïîâûøåíèå. 9. Ìû âûíóæäåíû äîðîãî ïëàòèòü çà äîñòàâêó.

10. Íàøà ôèðìà âîçìåùàåò íàì ðàñõîäû çà îáåäû è ïðîåçä. 11. Ýòî áûëî äæåíòëüìåíñêîå ñîãëàøåíèå.


Exercise 1. Supply the articles or possessive pronouns where necessary.

1. "We’ve received ... invitation to visit the Houses of Parliament". "Have you received ... invitation?". "Yes, of course. You don’t often receive ... invitations like this one".

2. Do you export ... wool? 3. The second lot of ... wool arrived with some delay. 4. The quality of ... wool does not meet our requirements. It’s lower

than we expected. 5. People outside Great Britain believe, that if a man is elected to sit

in ... Parliament he must have a seat. Indeed, most Parliaments give members not only a seat, but a seat which is reserved. Some-times there is even a desk where members of ... Parliament can keep documents. You can’t say that about ... British Parliament. In the House of Commons, for example, only about two-thirds of its members have seats.

Exercise 2. Supply prepositions where necessary. 1. Elections ... our country are held ... by secret ballot. 2. Where is your wife? I haven’t seen her ... last month.

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3. A lot ... delegations arrive ... Ukraine ... the invitations of the Trade Unions.

4. The man couldn’t tell ... me how to get ... the National Gallery. 5. We thanked Mr.Turner ... an enjoyable time ... the Houses ... Parlia-

ment. 6. The decision was taken ... the agreement ... the company manager.

Exercise 3. Supply the correct forms of the verbs. 1. The goods can (to deliver) only six months after we (to sign) the

contract. 2. From the quotation which (to enclose) with the letter you (can, to

get) all particulars concerning the model. 3. New features (to develop) in our machines not long ago, and now

they quite (to satisfy) market demands. 4. Export packing (to be, to include) into the price. 5. You (to be, to open) a Letter of Credit after (to receive) our Noti-

fication of Readiness. 6. Shipment of goods (can, to make) from Kyiv within three weeks af-

ter your order (to receive). 7. The customers (must, to supply) with the first lot of goods not later

than June this year.

Exercise 4. Choose and use to expect, to wait for. 1. — What discount do you ... to get?

— We ... at least a 5% discount. 2. Please ... me here. 3. Come in, please. The President ... you. 4. I didn’t ... you today, I thought you were coming tomorrow. 5. I didn’t ... that the company would increase their order to 25 ma-

chines. 6. We ... the bus for half an hour. 7. Why are you so late? I ... you for an hour and a half.

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Retailing is selling goods and services to the ultimate consumer. Thus, the retailer is the most expensive link in the chain of distribu-tion. Being middlemen, they make their profit by charging the customer 25 to 100 per cent more than the price they paid for the item.

The retailers operate through stores, mail-order houses, vending machine operators. There are different types of retail stores: depart-ment stores, discount houses, cooperatives, single line retailers. The major part (over 95 per cent) of retail establishments concentrate on a single line of merchandise for example, food hardware, etc. But nowadays there is a trend for many single line stores to take on a greater variety of supplies.

The retailer performs many necessary functions. First, he may pro-vide a convenient location. Second, he often guarantees and services the merchandise he sells. Third, the retailer helps to promote the prod-uct through displays, advertising or sales. Fourth, the retailer can fi-nance the customer by extending credit. Also the retailer stores the goods in his outlet by having goods available.


retailing — ðîçíè÷íàÿ ïðîäàæà ultimate consumer — êîíå÷íûé

ïîòðåáèòåëü link — çâåíî, ñâÿçü mail-order house — ïîñûëî÷íàÿ

ôèðìà vending machine operator —

îïåðàòîð òîðãîâûõ àâòîìàòè-÷åñêèõ ìàøèí (ïðîäàþùèõ ìåëêèå òîâàðû: ãàçåòû, ñèãàðåòû è ò. ä.)

discount house — ìàãàçèí ñ îòíîñèòåëüíî íèçêèìè öåíàìè íà òîâàðû

cooperative — êîîïåðàòèâ single line retailer — ðîç-

íè÷íûé òîðãîâåö, ïðîäàþùèé êàêîé-ëèáî îäèí òîâàð

to perform functions — âûïîë-íÿòü ôóíêöèè

extending credit — äëèòåëüíûé êðåäèò

outlet — ðûíîê ñáûòà, òîðãîâàÿ òî÷êà

discount — ñêèäêà

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1. What is retailing? 2. What are four different types of retail stores? 3. What are at least two types of retailing that do not include the use

of a store? 4. In what way does a retailer serve a customer? 5. In what way does a retailer serve a manufacturer? 6. Which per cent of the price of the goods sold goes to the retailer? 7. What is the trend with a single line retailer now?


Exercise 1. Put the necessary word in the sentence (mail-order, discount, vending machine, guarantees, retailer, extending credit, link).

1. ... is one function a retailer may perform. 2. You can buy newspapers, cigarettes, cookies from a ... . 3. ... is the most expensive link in the chain between a producer and a

consumer. 4. The firm ... good quality of the product. 5. She doesn’t like to go shopping, she prefers to do it by ... . 6. The department store is having a sale and there is a 20 per cent ...

on all light dresses. 7. Wholesaler is an important ... between a producer and a customer.


(Jean has just moved into a new house. Her neighbour, Liz, has come over to welcome her.)

Jean I am very glad to see you here. Liz How do you like the new place? Jean It’s marvelous. I am sure we are going to love living here. Liz Well, have a look, here it’s a shopping guide for the

neighbourhood and a booklet of discount coupons. New neighbours always receive them. There is one coupon for every store in this shopping guide.

Jean Oh, thank you. It’s come in time. I have a lot of shopping to do.

Liz I can imagine, having just moved in. Not far from here there is a very good shopping center. You can also find a huge supermarket, a drugstore, some department stores in the neighbourhood.

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Jean Great. Are there any small stores nearby? Liz Oh, yes. The map is right here in the shopping guide. There

is a little drugstore a few blocks away, a little grocery store next to it, a little boutique, an ice-cream parlor, a pizza place. You can find a plant store not far from here too.

Jean Are there any good discount houses nearby? We terribly need a new toaster. Everybody in my family likes toasts for breakfasts very much. I’d like to buy it.

Liz Oh, sure. There is a good discount store in the shopping centre. If you like, I’ll come with you.

Jean Oh, you needn’t. I don’t want to trouble you. Liz No trouble at all. I’d like to do some shopping too. If you

go to the discount center I can go to that little cheese shop. I don’t want to bother you.

Jean It’s no bother at all. Make out your shopping list and I’ll be your guide. By the way, you can use your discount coupon for the toaster.

Liz I am sure you’ll buy a good one. Jean Well, it’ll take some time to make a shopping list. I’ll have

to buy a lot at the grocer’s. Liz This is a good idea. I should have gone shopping yesterday,

so I’ll make up my list too. Jean By the way, I like your dress very much. It’s a perfect fit.

Where did you buy it, if you don’t mind my asking? Liz Thank you for the compliment. I got it at a very nice little

boutique. It’s a bit expensive, but there are many interesting and original things. If you are interested we can stop there.

Jean I’m afraid I can’t. I have to cook dinner. Liz Oh, don’t trouble yourself with the dinner. Look over the

coupons I’ve given you. You can go out to dinner at a dis-count store.


shopping guide — ñïðàâî÷íèê ìàãàçèíîâ

discount coupon — òàëîí, äàþ-ùèé ïðàâî ïðèîáðåòåíèÿ òîâàðà ïî áîëåå íèçêîé öåíå, ñî ñêèäêîé

store — ìàãàçèí department store — óíèâåðìàã supermarket — ñóïåðìàðêåò grocery — áàêàëåÿ shopping centre — òîðãîâûé


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Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model. Mode l : My wife usually asks the children to do shopping.

My wife usually makes children do shopping. 1. He’ll ask single line retailers to take part in the promotion campaign. 2. The chief usually asks his immediate subordinates to perform dif-

ferent functions. 3. It’s necessary to ask him to recognize his wholesaling units. 4. It’s important to influence ultimate consumer to buy this product. 5. Ask him to buy all these things in the discount house.

Exercise 2. Make responses to the sentences according to the model.

Mode l : I want to ask your brother to do shopping today. Let me do shopping today myself.

1. I want my secretary to prepare the financial statement. 2. The board of directors wants the officers to plan product devel-

opment. 3. He wants to speak with my friend about their possible partnership. 4. I want a lawyer to clarify this matter. 5. The executive wants this manager to start market research.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions. 1. What kind of shops in this country do you know? 2. What shops are situated not far from your house? 3. What goods can be bought there? 4. What specific features do channels of distribution have in this coun-

try? 5. What reforms does this country need to recognize the channels of


Exercise 4. Translate into English. 1. Ðîçíè÷íàÿ òîðãîâëÿ — ýòî ïðîäàæà òîâàðà êîíå÷íîìó ïîò-

ðåáèòåëþ. 2.  çàïàäíûõ ñòðàíàõ åñòü ðàçëè÷íûå òèïû òîðãîâûõ ó÷ðåæäåíèé:

óíèâåðìàãè, ñóïåðìàðêåòû, ìàãàçèíû ñ íèçêèìè öåíàìè, ïîñûëòîðãè è ò. ä.

3. Íà ýòîò òîâàð ìîæíî ïîëó÷èòü 10% ñêèäêó. 4. Ðîçíè÷íàÿ òîðãîâëÿ ìîæåò ïðåäoñòàâèòü ïîêóïàòåëþ äëèòåëüíûé

êðåäèò. 5. Ýòà ôèðìà èìååò ìíîæåñòâî òîðãîâûõ òî÷åê ïî âñåé ñòðàíå. 6. Ðîçíè÷íûé òîðãîâåö âûïîëíÿåò ìíîãî âàæíûõ ôóíêöèé.

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7. ß íå çíàþ öåíòðà ãîðîäà, ìíå íåîáõîäèì ñïðàâî÷íèê ìàãàçèíîâ. 8.  òîðãîâîì öåíòðå âû íàéäåòå âñå íåîáõîäèìûå âàì òîâàðû. 9.  ýòîì ìàãàçèíå íåò áàêàëåéíîãî îòäåëà.

Exercise 5. a) speak about the differences between the channels of distribution of this country and western countries.

direct method of distribution:

indirect method of distribution:

Producer Wholesaler Retailer

Producer Consumer


b) look at this chart and say in what industries different methods of distribution are possible.


Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model.

Mode l : I should go shopping today. I should have gone shopping yesterday.

1. The firm should apply for credit very soon. 2. They should see about the new refrigerator today. 3. I should take my wife shopping a bit later. 4. They should get groceries at the supermarket this afternoon. 5. You should order a new car. 6. He should buy a computer today. 7. He should speak with the manager today.

Exercise 2. Change the sentences according to the model. Mode l : If there is a shopping center nearby, we will go there

together. If there had been a shopping center nearby, we would have gone there.

1. If she buys too much, she won’t be able to carry it herself. 2. If there is ice-cream in this store, we will bring the children some.

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3. If she tries the new boutique today, she will come very late. 4. If the shop offers home delivery, he will ask them to deliver. 5. If you shop downtown, you will find the shopping center.

Exercise 3. Supply the articles where necessary. 1. ...time plays an important part in the daily life of business people.

They usually say that ... time is ... money. 2. ... money is on the table. Go and buy some food with it. 3. Ukrainian television programmes show a lot of documentaries about

... industry, ... science and ... culture. 4. A lot of books have been written about ... Greek culture. 5. My friend studies ... culture of Ukraine. 6. ... channels of Ukrainian television offer a lot of programmes which

are both informative and entertaining. 7. New films and performances are usually broadcast on ... Chan-

nel 1.

Exercise 4. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs. 1. The training at the university (to be provided) on the basis of an in-

terdependent approach to actual problems of personnel management. 2. A major requirement for working out scientific, practical and training

appliences at the Academy of Personnel Management (to consist) in the fact that a concrete problem of personnel management (to be elucidated) integrally and systematically.

3. For the period of existence of our Academy more than 100 meth- odical recommendations and training appliences (to be) published.

4. In 1993 the Academy (to complete) the preparation and publishment of the ten-volume "Personnel Management Encyclopedia".

5. About 50 leading scientists and specialists in different fields of per-sonnel management (to work) at and (to collaborate) with the Academy.

Exercise 5. Supply the preposition where necessary. 1. The guarantee period which the company offered ... their computers

was 12 months ... the date ... putting them ... operation and 15 months ... date ... delivery. The Buyer found it rather short and wanted it to be extended ... two and four months respectively. But the company agreed to extend it only ... 13 and 17 months.

2. As the Seller was responsible ... the defects which were found ... the equipment, they had to correct them ... their expense.

3. The machines were put ... operation ... a delay ... the Seller’s fault.

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4. The new model ... pump was introduced ... the world market six months ago. It is ... the latest design and has excellent technical characteristics. The customers are very pleased ... its performance.

5. I’d like to describe ... you my last visit ... the manufacturing plant ... Glasgow.

Exercise 6. Choose and use a number, the number. 1. I have got ... of books about the places of interest of London. 2. ... of goods we sell to foreign companies is very large. 3. ... of machines have serious defects and the Seller will have to re-

place them. 4. ... of countries Ukraine is doing business whith is growing from year

to year. 5. ... large ... of people came from all parts of the country to see the

exhibition. 6. The businessmen’s sightseeing programme included visits to ... of

museums in Kyiv.

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All products and all services have prices. The price depends on dif-ferent things such as credit terms, delivery, trade-in allowance, guarantees, quality and other forms of service, which price can produce the biggest profit during a long period of time. It’s hardly possible to determine such a price. The price may be too high to produce a large volume or too low to cover costs. No other area of marketing opera-tions has been a subject to bad practice. Many businesses pursue un-sound price policies for long periods of time and are not aware about it.

Prices can be determined in different ways. For example, the prices on meat, cotton and other agricultural products can be decided in a large central market where forces of supply and demand exist. This is pure price competition. The prices on industrial products (iron, steel, etc.) are usually decided by large companies. As a rule the amount and price of goods sold to a large number of buyers are controlled by a few competing sellers. Prices also can be set by the government, usu-ally for different public services — railroads, electricity, manufactured gas, bus services, etc.

If demand increases, prices rise, profits expand and new investment is attracted. But other factors may be involved as well. Prices are re-lated to each other in different ways. Ultimately, everything is related by price, since the consumer can buy and must pay for everything out of a particular, limited amount of money.


credit terms — êðåäèòíûå óñ- ëîâèÿ

trade-in allowance — ñóììà äåíåã, îòäàííàÿ çà ñòàðóþ âåùü è âêëþ÷åííàÿ â ñ÷åò ïîêóïêè íîâîé

to cover costs — ïîêðûâàòü çàòðàòû

to pursue unsound price poli-cies — âåñòè íåðàçóìíóþ öå-íîîáðàçîâàòåëüíóþ ïîëèòèêó

supply and demand — ïðåäëî-æåíèå è ñïðîñ

price competition — êîíêóðåí-öèÿ â öåíîîáðàçîâàíèè

to set prices — óñòàíàâëèâàòü öåíû

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1. Why is it difficult to determine the right price? 2. Why is the seller interested in the price that produces the highest

volume of sales at the lowest unit cost? 3. Why do many businesses follow unsound pricing policies? 4. In what way are agricultural prices decided? 5. How are industrial products usually priced? 6. Why does the government usually set the prices for public utility

services? 7. Why is it so important to know the levels of supply and demand

when dealing with pricing? 8. Why is everything related by price?


Exercise 1. Put the necessary word in the sentence (supply and demand, volume of sales, trade-in allowance, complete, price policies, credit terms, to set prices).

1. It is very difficult ... without sound price policy. 2. Of course we are interested in producing the ... with the lowest unit

costs. 3. I decided to buy a new car at this company because they offered the

best ... on my old model. 4. The ... of this store are very beneficial for a customer. 5. Their business will fail if they pursue unsound ... . 6. The government usually ... for public utility services. 7. In pure competition the forces of ... operate.


(Dick is introducing a new line of products and is talking to his friend Tom, a business consultant, about it.)

Dick It’s the first time when I’m in business for myself. Tom Don’t worry. The store has always been doing well. It has a

great location and as far as your new line of merchandise... Dick That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Can you give

some ideas how to charge the prices? Tom With pleasure. Generally, there are two types of pricing

policies. There is price emphasis and price de-emphasis. Dick What’s the difference?

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Tom The price emphasis policy emphasizes low prices. This en-courages sales. But low price doesn’t give extra services.

Dick So, a really low price means no credit, home delivery, re-pair, installation and other services.

Tom That’s what I mean. But many people are interested only in the low price and not in the extra services.

Dick Yes, and vice versa. The price which I set determines the number of sales. I must think thoroughly about it.

Tom A good example of price emphasis is loss-leader pricing. It means that you choose one item — let’s say an electric ra-zor — at a price just above the cost. The customers will come to your shop to buy this loss-leader item. But since they are inside they can decide to buy a few other things they need.

Dick It sounds interesting. What other things can you tell? Tom There is also off-even pricing. Let’s say you sell a tape re-

corder for $ 69.95 instead of $ 70.00. Though it is in fact about the same, the low price can produce a favourable psychological effect.

Dick What are the other ways to attract the customers? Tom First of all, remember that you are going to compete with

well-known products, so you should start with specially low prices. It’s important to advertise this. You should use newspaper aids, maybe a radio spot, maybe do a big win-dow and floor display.

Dick It makes sense. Tom And you can raise the price after your customers try a new

brand, get to know it and like it. They will continue to buy it.

Dick I see. And what is the price de-emphasis you mentioned be-fore?

Tom It concerns high quality expensive items. Price de-em-phasis means that you don’t call attention to the price at all.

Dick I know, it concerns our fine jewelry department or designer fashions.

Tom Yes, I see you are going to do very well. Dick Your suggestions seem to be very useful. Don’t forget you

have a discount on any shopping you do in my shop. Tom In such a case I’ll be back tomorrow with my wife.

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location — ìåñòî ðàñïîëîæåíèÿ to charge the prices — óñòà-

íàâëèâàòü, íàçíà÷àòü öåíû price emphasis — ïðîäàæà òî-

âàðà çà ñ÷åò íèçêîé öåíû extra services — äîïîëíè-

òåëüíûå óñëóãè installation services — óñëóãè

ïî óñòàíîâêå loss-leader item — òîâàð,

ïðîäàâàåìûé ïî î÷åíü íèçêîé öåíå, ñëóæàùåé äëÿ ïðèâëå-÷åíèÿ ïîêóïàòåëÿ

off-even pricing — öåíà, íå äîõîäÿùàÿ äî êðóãëîé öèôðû è ñòèìóëèðóþùàÿ æåëàíèå ïîêóïàòåëÿ êóïèòü

favourable psychological ef-fect — áëàãîïðèÿòíûé ïñèõî-ëîãè÷åñêèé ýôôåêò

to start with especially low prices — íà÷èíàòü ñ îñîáî íèçêèõ öåí

new brand — íîâàÿ ìàðêà (òîâàðà)

high quality expensive item — âûñîêîêà÷åñòâåííûé äîðîãîé òîâàð

price de-emphasis — ïîïûòêà ïðîäàæè òîâàðà íå çà ñ÷åò íèçêîé öåíû, à çà ñ÷åò äðóãèõ ôàêòîðîâ


Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model. Mode l : The tape recorder is inexpensive. Your store sells the

tape recorder. The tape recorder that your store sells is inexpensive.

1. The dresses are fashionable. The store introduced the new dresses last week.

2. The store has many refrigerators. Dick owns the store. 3. The stereo is high-priced. My daughter wants the stereo. 4. The price determines the number of sales. A retailer sets the price. 5. Very often the people don’t want extra services. Many supermarkets

offer extra services. 6. Your shop should have loss-leader item. Loss-leader item will attract

the customers. 7. Price de-emphasis works with high quality expensive items. Price de-

emphasis means that you don’t call attention to the price at all.

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Exercise 2. Change the sentences according to the model. Mode l : We won’t introduce a new line of merchandise unless you

suggest it. We will introduce a new line of merchandise if you don’t suggest it.

1. Tape recorders are popular unless the price is too high. 2. The consumers will continue to buy unless they don’t like the item. 3. The buyer can get installation services unless he wants to pay for it. 4. The salesman will help you unless he is too busy. 5. People won’t try a new product unless there is advertising. 6. Customers won’t buy the new brand unless the price is low. 7. They won’t raise the price unless it is necessary.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions. 1. In what way were the prices charged in this country? 2. What is your idea of the term market price? 3. What type of pricing policy works with the majority of consumer

goods? (price emphasis, price de-emphasis). 4. What is more preferable for you in pricing: low prices with no ex-

tra services or high prices with home delivery, repair and other services?

5. Why is it so important to have loss-leader item in a shop? 6. What is off-even pricing made for? 7. How can your pricing policy help to complete with well known


Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Ýòîò ìàãàçèí ïðåäîñòàâëÿåò ïîêóïàòåëþ âûãîäíûå êðåäèòíûå óñëîâèÿ.

2. Òîâàð èìååò íèçêóþ öåíó. Îíà ïîêðîåò çàòðàòû. 3. Ýòà ôèðìà âåäåò íåðàçóìíóþ öåíîîáðàçîâàòåëüíóþ ïîëèòèêó. 4. Ïðåæäå ÷åì âûïóñêàòü òîâàð, íåîáõîäèìî òùàòåëüíî èçó÷èòü

ñïðîñ è ïðåäëîæåíèå. 5. Ãîñóäàðñòâî óñòàíàâëèâàåò öåíû íà ðÿä ïðîäóêòîâ. 6. Ìàãàçèí èìååò ïðåâîñõîäíîå ìåñòî ðàñïîëîæåíèÿ. 7. Ñóïåðìàðêåò ïðåäîñòàâëÿåò ïîêóïàòåëþ ìíîãî äîïîëíèòåëüíûõ

óñëóã: äîñòàâêó òîâàðîâ íà äîì, êðåäèò, óñòàíîâêó è ò. ä. 8. Íîâàÿ ìàðêà íåñîìíåííî ïðèâëå÷åò ïîêóïàòåëåé. 9. Íà÷èíàéòå ñ íèçêîé öåíû.

10. Ïðîäàæà çà ñ÷åò íèçêîé öåíû äåéñòâóåò ïðè ïðîäàæå òîâàðîâ íàðîäíîãî ïîòðåáëåíèÿ.

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Exercise 5. Set your imagination free. You are a journalist and you are to interview the minister of finance

about the pricing policy in this country. What questions would you ask him?


Exercise 1. Make sentences interrogative and negative. Mode l : They can change your credit terms at once.

Can they change your credit terms at once? They can’t change your credit terms.

1. They must research supply and demand before they start to produce the new item.

2. The company has to cover the costs by all means. 3. The middlemen may set the new price. 4. They can pursue unsound price policies. 5. They must choose another location for their shop.

Exercise 2. Choose the necessary modal verb and put it in the sentence.

1. Off-even pricing ... undoubtedly produce favorable psychological effect on a consumer.

2. I spoke with the chief. Now you ... change the credit terms. 3. They are very talanted specialists. I think they ... design the new line

very quickly. 4. The situation has changed, so we ... start with specially low prices. 5. We ... choose price emphasis policy for this item.

Exercise 3. Supply the articles where necessary.

— Do your children go to ... school? — Yes, they do. — How often do you go to ... school to speak to ... teacher? — Every week. — Your children go to ... English school, don’t they? — No, they go to ... French school. It’s ... very good school. — Is ... school far from your house? — No, not very. — What building is it over there? — It’s ... hospital. — Is it ... out-patient or ... in-patient hospital? — It’s ... out-patient hospital. And ... in-patient hospital is round the


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Exercise 4. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs. Nicsa Ltd, Kyiv, Ukraine

Dear Sirs,

You just kindly (to advise) us that you (to have) to buy machines of another company. We (to be sorry) that your order (to place) with our competitors because our delivery time (to be) not suitable to you and you (to find) our prices too high.

We would like to explain to you first that we (to be) heavy with or-ders now and the deliveries as a result (to extend). Besides, some modifications (to make) in the machines to achieve higher capacities. That is why our prices (to be) higher than our competitors’ prices.

Nevertherless, we (to feel) that if you (to take into consideration) the high quality of our machines you (to agree) that they (to price) rea-sonably.

We hope that you (to be able) to place your future orders with us.

Yours faithfully,

C. Deadle

Sales Manager

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The computer industry is one of the largest in western countries and especially in the USA. It includes companies that manufacture, sell and lease computers, as well as companies that supply products and ser- vices for people working with computers.

A computer cannot think. A human operator puts data into the computer and gives instructions.The operator writes instructions which determine the mathematical operations on information. A com-puter solves mathematical problems very rapidly. Traditionally, the computer in business is used to process data. This involves different administrative functions such as preparation of payrolls, inventory control in manufacturing, warehousing and distribution operations, customer accounting, billing by banks, insurance companies, public utilities and mass circulation magazines. Now the computer takes on new kinds of jobs. It has become more involved in business operations as an essential tool in making decisions at the highest administrative level.


to put data — çàêëàäûâàòü äàííûå

to give instructions — äàâàòü èíñòðóêöèè

to solve mathematical prob-lems — ðåøàòü ìàòåìàòè÷å-ñêèå çàäà÷è

to process data — îáðàáàòû-âàòü äàííûå

preparation of payrolls — ïîä-ãîòîâêà âåäîìîñòåé (íà äå-íåæíîå ñîäåðæàíèå)

inventory control — èíâåíòàðè-çàöèîííûé êîíòðîëü

warehousing — ñêëàäèðîâàíèå òîâàðîâ

distribution operations — ðàñ-ïðåäåëèòåëüíûå îïåðàöèè

customer accounting — ðàñ÷åò ñ êëèåíòîì


1. What does the computer industry include? 2. In what way does a computer operate?

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3. How was the computer traditionally used in business? 4. What new kinds of jobs is the computer taking on?


Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sen-tence (process data, lease, inventory control, proc-essing, administrative, data and instructions).

1. Distribution operations, preparation of payrolls are ... functions that the computer performs for business.

2. Computer is programmed to ... fast and accurately. 3. If a small company cannot afford to buy a computer, they can ... the

services of computer. 4. A programmer feeds the ... into the computer. 5. Many companies use the computers for their... . 6. A computer solves problems by ... information.


(Simona and Berg work in a large supermarket. Berg is the Manager and Simona is the Head Buyer.)

Berg I’m so glad you had this business trip. I also would have liked to go but it’s a problem for me to get away. Tell me everything about your business trip.

Simona It was really great, Berg. It was worth looking over the op-erations of the store. It’s very well organized and I believe we should consider adopting some of the methods.

Berg Is it really so? Simona Absolutely, Berg, their computer system is remarkable. Berg Can you tell me more about it? Simona Oh, sure. First, they’ve replaced their cash registers with

special terminals. Berg What for? Simona They record on tape the department number, classification

of items, amount of sale and name of salesclerk for each sale.

Berg Do you think we really need all that information on tape? Simona We put on the same information on our sales checks. Berg Yes, but in cases of exchanges we need to know all that. Simona And for other things too. Berg Well?

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Simona For inventory control, for example. During the night, the tapes containing the information are fed into the com-puter.

Berg And then what? Simona Every morning the computer prepares reports on the sales

of the day before, classified by department and buyer. Berg So, it is possible to have almost instant records. Simona You are right. The inventory is kept up to date automati-

cally. Imagine, how efficient we could be. Berg It is great. But I think with the help of the computer we

could offer more personal services to our customers. Simona What do you mean? Berg Having such up-to-date records and complete inventory we

could keep records of birthdays and anniversaries and have gift suggestions based on customer records, and a million of other things.

Simona Don’t hurry. Let’s get going on first things first.


Head Buyer — íà÷àëüíèê îòäå-ëà ñíàáæåíèÿ ìàãàçèíà

to adopt methods — âíåäðÿòü ìåòîäû

terminal — òåðìèíàë, âûâîä, êîíåö, ãðàíèöà

to feed the information in the computer — çàêëàäûâàòü èíôîðìàöèþ â êîìïüþòåð

to date — âû÷èñëÿòü, ïîäñ÷è-òûâàòü; îáíîâëÿòü


Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model. Mode l : It was worth looking over the operations of the

supermarket. It was worth looking them over.

1. They picked out the new merchandise. 2. They talked over the new software. 3. The manager tried out new sales checks. 4. She filled out the payroll form. 5. They look down the statistical data. 6. She put off her work. 7. He had to look over the new programme.

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Exercise 2. Change the sentence according to the model. Mode l : The sales are numerous. I can’t mention them all.

They are too numerous for me to mention. 1. This software is very expensive. The company can’t buy it. 2. The results are numerous. They can’t remember them all. 3. The computers are complicated. I can’t use them. 4. Processing this data is difficult. John can’t learn it. 5. I’m tired. I can’t do the billing right now. 6. I am busy. I can’t go on a business trip right now. 7. The data is complicated. I can’t explain it. 8. The situation is difficult. We can’t overcome it at once.

Exercise 3. Read the text and put 10 questions to it. Lorrain Weller from Modern English International warns us. However

hard the manufacturers and advertisers of personal computers try to convince us of friendliness of their product, it is still a fact that if you want to programme your own computer, you have to learn its language. It doesn’t understand yours. This simple fact is the reason why so many home computers are underused. It also prevents lots of people from buying their own computer. Rather than licking your hand the computer quite often bites.

Imagine yourself having a conversation with an English person. You make one small grammar mistake, maybe you say "have" instead of "has". It doesn’t matter. The person understands your meaning and the conversation continues. This doesn’t happen with a computer. If you make even the smallest mistake in its language, the conversation breaks down completely and you have to go back to the beginning. It can be very frustrating.

In the United States, in Japan, in Britain specialists are trying to de-velop a computer that will understand human language.

to convince — óáåæäàòü to underuse — íå èñïîëüçîâàòü

íà ïîëíóþ ìîùíîñòü to prevent — çä. îñòàíàâëèâàòü,


to lick — ëèçàòü to bite — êóñàòü frustrating — èçíóðèòåëüíûé

Exercise 4. Translate into English. 1. Íåêîòîðûå êîìïàíèè íå ïðîèçâîäÿò è íå ïðîäàþò êîìïüþòåðû, à

ñäàþò èõ â ïðîêàò. 2. Ïðîãðàììèñò çàêëàäûâàåò äàííûå â êîìïüþòåð. 3. Â áèçíåñå êîìïüþòåð èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ îáðàáîòêè äàííûõ.

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4. Ïðîãðàììíîå îáåñïå÷åíèå î÷åíü äîðîãî. 5. Êîìïüþòåð ïîìîãàåò ïðèíèìàòü ðåøåíèÿ íà âûñøåì àäìè-

íèñòðàòèâíîì óðîâíå. 6. Êîìïüþòåð èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ îñóùåñòâëåíèÿ ìíîãèõ àäìè-

íèñòðàòèâíûõ ôóíêöèé, ïîäãîòîâêè âåäîìîñòåé, èíâåíòàðèçàöè-îííîãî êîíòðîëÿ.

Exercise 5. a) Make a speech in favour of modern electronic equipment (personal computers, electronic print-ing aids). Why can’t a modern enterprise do with-out them? b) You are the Head of a firm producing com-puters. Advertise your product.


Exercise 1. Transform the sentences from Future Indefinite into Future-in-the-Past.

Mode l : The accountant says that she will prepare the financial statement very soon. The accountant said that she would prepare the financial statement very soon.

1. He confesses that their business will fail. 2. The government says that they will increase the taxes. 3. The secretary says that she will get credit reference letter in two

days. 4. The lawyer states that the company won’t be eligible for a loan. 5. He is sure that he will get a credit. 6. They suppose that the new product will not be so expensive. 7. He thinks he will buy the stove in the discount house. 8. He is happy that he will go on this business trip.

Exercise 2. Supply prepositions where necessary.

1. Payment was to be made ... cash ... 30 days ... receipt ... all ship-ping documents.

2. The customers sent an enquiry ... women’s shoes ... autumn wear but were informed that the company could not supply them.

3. ... the past this company supplied us ... their chemicals. Now they want us to advise them ... our current requirements.

4. The Seller’s offer was valid ... a period ... 90 days ... the date ... their quîtation.

5. ... accordance ... Mr Ranson’s letter his company is going to increase their prices ... 6% ... May.

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Exercise 3. Supply the articles where necessary. 1. ... world exposition is usually ... great event. 2. ... Poznan Fair is held once a year. 3. ... world Trade Centre provides ... necessary facilities. 4. ... world exposition of 1989 attracted thousands of visitors. 5. We are inviting you to participate in ... International Exposition of ...

Food Industry. 6. ... London Radio Show is held every year. 7. ... chemical exhibition which was held last year was ... great success.

Exercise 4. Choose and use: a) people, peoples

1. There were three ... in the room — two men and one woman. 2. Some ... prefer to stay at home on New Year’s Eve. 3. The... of Tsarist Russia could not develop their national cultures. 4. Look at the ... in the street. They are laughing and dancing. 5. The ... of South East Asia led a long struggle against colonialism.

b) sometimes, sometime 1. ... fireworks are set off in small towns. 2. ... they go on picnics. 3. This street was named Bogdan Khmelnitsky street ... ago. 4. ... they welcome New Year’s Day in a restaurant. 5. Evidently, he has a cold today. He will come to us ... .

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(Ukrimport was interested in bying pumps from Bond and Co. After Mr Stanley and Mr Petrenko had discussed the time of ship-

ment, the terms of delivery and the number of pumps they started discussing the price and terms of payment.)

Stanley Good morning, Mr Petrenko. Petrenko Good morning, Mr Stanley. Stanley Happy to meet you again. Petrenko The pleasure is mine. Stanley Sunny morning, isn’t it? Petrenko Yes, it’s beautiful. Stanley The weather will keep fine, I hope. Petrenko I hope so too. Stanley Good weather is a good way to start business, isn’t it? Petrenko That’s right. Let’s get down to business then. I’d like to

start with the prices. Mr Stanley, I’m sorry to say it is not acceptable to us. You have quoted a very high price.

Stanley Oh, ‡ ... per unit is quite a reasonable price. As you know we have improved the model. And besides the price in-cludes export packing.

Petrenko Yes, we know that. But we also know that the prices on the world market for this type of pumps are lower than yours.

Stanley But the quality of our pumps is higher and we’ve delivered a lot of pumps to different countries of the world at that price.

Petrenko And still, Mr Stanley, we find the price a bit high. I’d like to stress that it’s our trial order with your company and if we are satisfied with our transaction you can expect repeat orders from us.

Stanley Well, the only thing we can do is to give you a discount of 2% off the value of the contract.

Petrenko Fine. That settles the price problem.

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Stanley And how about the manner of payment? I hope payment by a letter of credit against shipping documents suits you, doesn’t it?

Petrenko Yes, it does. Stanley Good. You are to open a L/C with the National Bank of

Ukraine after our Notification of Readiness of the goods for shipment.

Petrenko All right. One more thing, Mr Stanley. Our people would like to visit your manufacturing plant, if possible.

Stanley No problem. We can easily arrange it and I myself will take you here.

Petrenko Thank you, Mr Stanley. Stanley Thank you, Mr Petrenko. We are looking forward to es-

tablishing good business relations with your company.


shipment — îòïðàâêà terms — óñëîâèÿ delivery — ïîñòàâêà payment — îïëàòà to get down to business —

ïðèñòóïèòü ê äåëó acceptable — ïðèåìëåìûé to quote — íàçíà÷àòü, îïðåäå-

ëÿòü, óñòàíàâëèâàòü (öåíó) to improve — óñîâåðøåíñò-

âîâàòü, ìîäèôèöèðîâàòü model — ìîäåëü packing — óïàêîâêà world market — ìèðîâîé ðûíîê

and still — íî âñå æå trial order — ïðîáíûé çàêàç repeat order — ïîâòîðíûé çà-

êàç discount — ñêèäêà notification — óâåäîìëåíèå letter of credit (L/C) — àê-

êðåäèòèâ to open a L/C (letter of cre-

dit) — îòêðûòü àêêðåäèòèâ to establish business rela-

tions — óñòàíîâèòü äåëîâûå îòíîøåíèÿ

to be satisfied with — áûòü óäîâëåòâîðåííûì ÷åì-ëèáî


Exercise 1. Agree or disagree. Give your reasons. 1. When Mr Stanley and Mr Petrenko met, the weather was very bad. It

was raining heavily. 2. The company quoted quite a reasonable price. 3. Bond and Co delivered a lot of pumps to different countries of the

world. 4. Their customers were quite satisfied with the quality of the pumps.

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5. The Buyers were to make payment for collection. 6. It was difficult for Mr Stanley to arrange a visit to the manufacturing


Exercise 2. Say what you have learned from the dialogue above:

a) the discussion of the price; b) the sellers’ manner of payment.

Exercise 3. Think and answer. 1. Why was Ukrimport interested in the pumps of Bond and Co? 2. Why were Bond and Co interested in doing business with Ukrim-

port? 3. Why did Bond and Co improve the model? 4. Why did Bond and Co give a discount to the Buyers? 5. Why did Mr Petrenko want to visit the manufacturing plant?

Exercise 4. Ask and answer as in the model. Mode l : Did you accept the Seller’s prices?

No, we didn’t. They are not acceptable to us. a) terms of shipment; b) terms of delivery; c) terms of payment; d) payment for collection; e) payment by a L/C.

Exercise 5. Ask your friends: a) if the Sellers’ prices are always acceptable to the Buyers or they of-

ten find them high; b) what the Sellers usually do if the prices are not acceptable to them; c) if the Sellers sometimes give a discount of the value of the contract

if the prices are not acceptable to their Buyers; d) if the Sellers sometimes change terms of delivery if they are not ac-

ceptable to the Buyers.


Exercise 1. Supply the articles where necessary. Johnson and Sons, ... British company, were interested in ... ma-

chine tools of ... Ukrexport. Mr Walker, ... manager of ... company, ar-rived in Kyiv to have ... talks with ... engineers of Ukrexport. Before he

came to our country he had contacted Ukrexport and ... secretary of ... company arranged his visit to ... Ministry of ... Foreign Trade.

On ... 5th of March Mr Walker and ... representatives of ... Sellers met to discuss ... business.

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Ukrexport was ready to offer Mr Walker 20 machine-tools of ... la- test model at ... price of ‡ ... per unit. But Mr Walker could not accept ... price. He found it higher than ... prices on ... world market for this type of ... machine tools.

As it was ... trial order Ukrexport found it possible to give ... Buy-ers 2% discount off ... value of ... contract. That settled ... price prob-lem. After ... engineers had discussed all ... matters... General Director of Ukrexport invited Mr Walker to visit ... National Opera of Ukraine to see ... ballet performance there. Mr Walker was happy to go there as he had never been to ... Ukrainian opera.

Exercise 2. Supply the correct tense-form of the verb. Mr Smith, the manager of a small furniture company (to speak) with

his regular and very important customer. C. All right. I (to give) one last chance. That’s this order. No more

mistakes. You last (to deliver) the furniture which I even (not to or-der).

M. Oh, I’m very sorry. We (not to do) that again. C. I (to hope) not. Remember! This order (to be) very important

and I’d like to stress that I must have it next week. Any other delivery time (to be not acceptable) to me.

M. Yes, certainly. We (to send) it on time. We always (to send) you your orders on time, ... we?

C. No, you ... You once (to deliver) me an order with a six months’ delay. Another thing, packing must be excellent.

M. Yes, of course. I think you (to agree) that this (to be) one thing we always (to do) in the past.

C. One last thing, write my name clearly, please. M. Certainly I (to do) that myself this time. The goods (to come) to

the right address and at the time you (to require) them.

Exercise 3. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary. Mr White is speaking ... Mr Black, the manager ... a carpet shop. W. Good morning. My name is White. Have you got any Turkish car-

pets? B. Yes, of course. W. How about sizes? B. ... very large and small ones. W. Are there carpets ... different quality? B. No, all of them are ... the same quality. W. ... what price do you sell them? B. ... 10 pounds ... square meter.

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W. Oh, I’m afraid the price is not acceptable ... me. It’s very high. B. I can’t agree ... you here, Mr. White. All our customers find our

price quite reasonable. W. But we have bought some carpets lately ... a lower price. B. Then I’m sure their quality is worse than the quality ... our car-

pets. You will see it yourself, Mr White, if you come ... our shop. We are open ... 7 o’clock ... the evening. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied ... the quality.

W. All right. I’ll be ... you ... 6. B. Fine. I look forward ... meeting you ... that time.

Exercise 4. Translate into English. Íå òàê äàâíî ìû óñòàíîâèëè äåëîâûå îòíîøåíèÿ ñ àíãëèéñêîé

ôèðìîé "Áðàóí ýíä Êo". Ìû íèêîãäà íå òîðãîâàëè ñ ýòîé ôèðìîé ðàíüøå, íî ìíîãî î íåé ñëûøàëè. Ìû ðåøèëè ðàçìåñòèòü ó íåå çàêàç íà äâà êîìïðåññîðà. Ìû çàèíòåðåñîâàëèñü ýòîé ìîäåëüþ êîìïðåññîðîâ, òàê êàê èõ êà÷åñòâî âïîëíå îòâå÷àëî íàøèì òðå-áîâàíèÿì, è öåíó ìû ñî÷ëè âïîëíå ïðèåìëåìîé. Óñëîâèÿ ïîñòàâêè íàñ òàêæå óñòðàèâàëè. Êðîìå òîãî, âî âðåìÿ ïåðåãîâîðîâ ïðîäàâöû äàëè íàì 2 % ñêèäêó ñ öåíû, òàê êàê ýòî áûë íàø ïðîáíûé çàêàç è ôèðìà áûëà çàèíòåðåñîâàíà â òîðãîâûõ êîíòàêòàõ ñ íàìè. Óñëîâèÿ ïëàòåæà íàñ óñòðàèâàëè, è ìû ñîãëàñèëèñü ïðîèçâåñòè ïëàòåæ ïî àêêðåäèòèâó ïðîòèâ îòãðóçî÷íûõ äîêóìåíòîâ. Íàøà ôèðìà äîëæíà áûëà îòêðûòü àêêðåäèòèâ â îäíîì èç Ëîíäîíñêèõ áàíêîâ íà ïîëíóþ ñòîèìîñòü òîâàðà ïîñëå ïîëó÷åíèÿ óâåäîìëåíèÿ î ãîòîâíîñòè òîâàðà ê îòãðóçêå. Ìû áûëè âïîëíå óäîâëåòâîðåíû ïåðåãîâîðàìè è â áó-äóùåì æäåì õîðîøèõ äåëîâûõ îòíîøåíèé ñ ôèðìîé "Áðàóí ýíä Êo".

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In foreign trade transactions a contract is drawn up to give legal expression to the intentions of the partners and to guarantee that the obligations contained in the contract will be fulfilled. According to the purpose and contents, contracts can cover: goods, services, licences, patents, technology and know-how. Here is an example of an export contract:

Contract ¹ 25/31

London 15th January, 1998

Ukrexport, Kyiv, herein after referred to as the Seller and British Manganese Ltd, London, herein after referred to as the Buyer, hereby agreed as follows:

1. The Seller has sold and the Buyer has bought manganese of Ukraine origin on FOB terms from one of the Black Sea ports at the Seller’s option. The grades, price and quality are as stated below:

Grade Qaulity in metric tons

Price per metric ton in US dollars

Time of delivery

... ... ... ... on 2—3 lots within second and

third quarters of 1998 starting in the first half of May...

The price for the goods is understood to be per metric ton, packing included, FOB one of the Ukraine’s Black Sea ports. The quantity is understood to be up to 5% more or less at the Seller’s option.

2. Within five days after the receipt of the Seller’s notification by cable that the goods are ready for shipment, the Buyer shall open by cable with the Ukrainian Bank for Foreign Trade, Kyiv, an irrevocable, confirmed and divisible Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller for the full value of the goods plus 5% to cover the option. The Letter of Credit is to be valid for 90 days, with the right of extension, if re-quired, by the Seller. The payment for the goods is to be made in US dollars for 100% (hundred per cent) of the invoice value of manga-nese on presentation to the Ukrainian Bank for Foreign Trade, Kyiv, of the following documents:

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Invoice in 3 copies Seller’s Certificate of Weight Set of Bills of Lading. In the event of devaluation of the US dollar on or before the date of payment under the present Contract both parties have the right to re-negotiate the price of the goods.


transaction — ñäåëêà to draw up a contract — ñî-

ñòàâèòü êîíòðàêò intentions — íàìåðåíèÿ partner — ïàðòíåð to guarantee — ãàðàíòèðîâàòü obligations — îáÿçàòåëüñòâà service — ñëóæáà, óñëóãà license — ëèöåíçèÿ patent — ïàòåíò technology— òåõíîëîãèÿ know-how — íîó-õàó, òåõíî-

ëîãèÿ ïðîèçâîäñòâà herein after referred to

as ... — èìåíóåìûé â äàëü-íåéøåì ...

Seller — ïðîäàâåö Buyer — ïîêóïàòåëü hereby agreed as follows ... —

äîãîâîðèëèñü î ñëåäóþùåì ... manganese — ìàðãàíåö delivery FOB terms — ïîñòàâêà

íà óñëîâèÿõ ÔÎÁ option — âûáîð, ïðàâî âûáîðà grade — ñîðò metric ton — ìåòðè÷åñêàÿ òîí-

íà delivery — ïîñòàâêà

packing — óïàêîâêà the quantity is understood to

be up to 5% more or less — èìååòñÿ â âèäó, ÷òî êîëè÷åñòâî (ìàðãàíöà) íà 5% áîëüøå èëè ìåíüøå (÷åì îãîâîðåíî â êîíòðàêòå)

receipt — ïîëó÷åíèå notification — óâåäîìëåíèå the Buyer shall open — ãëàãîë

shall â äîêóìåíòàõ îçíà÷àåò äîëæåíñòâîâàíèå

irrevocable — áåçîòçûâíûé to confirm — ïîäòâåðæäàòü divisible — äåëèìûé invoice — ñ÷åò, ðàñ÷åò invoice value — ñòîèìîñòü

ñ÷åòà-ôàêòóðû Certificate of Weight — ñâè-

äåòåëüñòâî î âåñå Bill of Lading, B/L — êîíî-

ñàìeíò (òðàíñïîðòíàÿ íàêëàä-íàÿ)

devaluation — äåâàëüâàöèÿ to conclude a contract —

çàêëþ÷èòü êîíòðàêò to sign a contract — ïîäïèñàòü



(Mr Antonenko, engineer of Ukrexport, is having talks in Kyiv with Mr Brake of British Manganese Ltd. The British company is a regular

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importer of manganese from Ukraine and has often dealt with the Ukrainian trading organization. Mr Brake has been instructed by his firm to sign another contract for manganese.)

Brake Good afternoon! Nice to see you again, Mr Antonenko! You are looking well, I must say. How are things with you?

Antonenko Not bad, thank you. And how are you? Brake Fine, just fine. I always feel well in beautiful weather like

this. We’re having such a lot of rain in England now. I am happy to be away. Well, I suppose we had better get down to business.

Antonenko Yes, certainly. You have come to sign another contract, haven’t you?

Brake That’s right. For next year, actually. Antonenko Are you happy with our usual terms of delivery and pay-

ment? Brake Yes, quite. As a matter of fact, I’ve come here to talk

about the price. I’d like to say that the volume of busi-ness on steel production in our country has dropped con-siderably. This affected the prices of a number of materi-als. In this situation it’s quite natural we expect you to re-vise your prices for manganese.

Antonenko I’m afraid this is not a sufficient reason for us to lower the price.

Brake But may I draw your attention to the fact that we wish to increase the purchases by a few thousand tons if you could offer us reduction in the price.

Antonenko I’m sorry to say, Mr Brake, but we could not be able to make extra supplies available to you. We are planning to develop more industrial and housing projects. Besides, we’re already tied up to contracts with other partners. Taking these factors into account, we could offer you the same amount as last year.

Brake Mr Antonenko, we’ve been in business with you for a long time. Also we’ve doubled our purchases over the past two years. Therefore we would be grateful to you if, in view of all this, you could reduce the price.

Antonenko All right. I think we could reduce it by 2%. But only on condition that the price is subject to further negotia-tions for the second half of the year.

Brake That’s fine. I suppose that’s the best we can do today.

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talks — ïåðåãîâîðû to instruct — èíñòðóêòèðîâàòü volume — îáúåì to drop — ïàäàòü, ñîêðàùàòüñÿ to affect — îêàçûâàòü âëèÿíèå,

âëèÿòü sufficient reason — äîñòàòî÷-

íàÿ ïðè÷èíà

to draw smb’s attention — ïðèâëå÷ü ÷üå-ëèáî âíèìàíèå

to double — óäâàèâàòü in view of — ââèäó ÷åãî-ëèáî to reduce — ñîêðàùàòü subject to ... (adj) — ïîäëå-

æàùèé, çàâèñÿùèé, îáóñëîâ-ëåííûé

negotiations — ïåðåãîâîðû


Exercise 1. Say and write down what information the text gives about:

a) the purpose of drawing up contracts in foreign trade; b) the main types of contracts in business; c) the object of this particular contract; d) the terms of delivery stated in the contract; e) the price and terms of payment, stipulated in the contract; f) the factor which may affect the price of the contract.

Exercise 2. Think and answer: 1. Why did the Sellers have an option to ship 5% more or less of the

stated quantity of manganese? 2. In what case were the Buyers supposed to extend the Letter of

Credit? 3. Why did the contract state the right of both parties to renegotiate

the price?

Exercise 3. Read the dialogue and say what you have learned about:

a) the business relations between Ukrexport and British Manganese Ltd;

b) the main point discussed by the representatives of both parties; c) the reason why the Buyer asked for a reduction in the prices; d) the economic plans of our country for the future; e) the factors which allowed Antonenko to reduce the price.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions. 1. What factors can affect the prices for manganese (equipment, cof-

fee, nylon, chemicals, etc.)? 2. What can affect the construction of projects? 3. What factors can affect the production capacity of the plant (the de-

livery schedule, production programme, etc.)?

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Exercise 1. Open the brackets.

Ukrimport 16th September 1998

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your letter (to date) August 18th, and your interest in A3 tractors. The A3 tractors (to indicate) in your letter is not for export. We have prepared the quotations on the new A4 tractor: see sale literature (to attach) to the letter. The A4 is the latest and largest tractor in our ag-ricultural range and we are sure that you will find it of interest. The best delivery promise we can quote is 20 weeks from receipt of a firm order (to place) by your company till the end of this month. Our pro-forma invoice shows a value for spare parts, including those (to list) by you. We hope to mail the proforma within three weeks.

Yours faithfully, Brake and Co

Exercise 2. Supply the prepositions where necessary. 1. According ... the contract payment is to be made ... a Letter ...

Credit opened ... full value ... the goods. 2. The Sellers advised us that the goods were ready ... shipment. 3. The Buyers made presentation ... the following documents. 4. The Seller has the right to extend the period ... validity ... Letter of

Credit. 5. The payment ... the goods is to be made ... US dollars ... full value

... the goods ... presentation ... the Bank ... Foreign Trade ... Ukraine, Kyiv, ... the shipping documents.

6. ... the event ... devaluation ... US dollar both parties have the right to renegotiate the price ... the goods.

Exercise 3. Choose and use interesting, interested. 1. They were... in the latest motors designed by our engineers. 2. We are pleased indeed that you are ... in our suggestion of re-

presentation in this country. 3. The current assortment of equipment exported throughout the world

was ... to the Buyers. 4. They were ... in our offer and the most ... point for them is a pos-

sible reduction in the price. 5. All the pictures on display were very ... and we were ... in buying

some of them.

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6. They were not ... in extending the guarantee period as it will in-crease their expenses.

7. The information received by yesterday’s mail is extremely ... and may be important for our future contracts.

Exercise 4. Supply the correct tense-forms of the verbs. 1. You will be able to see the machines if you (to come) to our pre-

mises. 2. I am looking forward to our meeting and if you (to have) any ques-

tions, please, do not hesitate to contact us. 3. We are not sure if the repairs (to complete) in two weeks. 4. If you (to approve) the model, we shall make a contract. 5. Please let us know if you (to be) able to make a draft contract next

week. 6. We don’t know if the results of the talks which are to end next

Monday (to be) encouraging. 7. They will send the Contract for signature if all the matters (to ana-

lize) during the negotiations.

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(The other day Mr Pavlenko, General Director of Ukrimport, and Mr Turnball, a representative of Lindon Tools Ltd met at the Ministry for Foreign Trade to negotiate the purchase of a Flight Information Display System for a new airport being built in Kyiv.)

Pavlenko Good morning, Mr.Turnball. Happy to see you in Kyiv again. Turnball Good morning, Mr.Pavlenko. I’m also pleased to meet you. Pavlenko Will you take a seat, please. Did you have a nice journey? Turnball Yes, thank you. I enjoyed the trip. It was very pleasant in-

deed. Pavlenko I’m glad to hear it. Now I’d like to discuss with you some

particulars of our transaction. Our customers have stu- died all the technical characteristics of your system and concluded that they meet their requirements.

Turnball I’m happy to hear it. We have been selling our equipment to many western countries. It’s up to world standards and is in great demand on the world market.

Pavlenko Well, now we can get down to discussing the commercial side of our transaction, can’t we? The first thing I’d like to clarify is the prices.

Turnball Don’t you find them attractive? Pavlenko On the whole we do, but the prices for items 3 and 9 are

a bit high. Turnball I’m afraid I can’t agree with you here. These items are com-

pletely new in design and they are the best on the world market.

Pavlenko The competitors offer lower prices for such items and they are 30—40% lower than yours. Could you find it possible to reduce the prices?

Turnball I’m afraid I must get in touch with my company and I’ll give you the answer tomorrow.

Pavlenko Good. Now comes the question of payment. Turnball I hope payment for collection suits you.

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Pavlenko Yes, it does. And since your terms of delivery and deli- very time are acceptable, we’d like to offer you our con-tract form to study. Could you come here at 10.30 tomor-row?

Turnball No problem, Mr Pavlenko. Good bye. Pavlenko Good bye, Mr Turnball.


purchase — ïîêóïêà, çàêóïêà Flight Information System —

ñèñòåìà èíôîðìàöèè äëÿ àâèàïàññàæèðîâ

particulars — îñîáåííîñòè, äåòàëè

transaction — ñäåëêà technical characteristics —

òåõíè÷åñêèå õàðàêòåðèñòèêè to meet requirements — ñî-

îòâåòñòâîâàòü òðåáîâàíèÿì

to clarify prices — óòî÷íèòü öåíû

item — çä. ïîçèöèÿ competitor — êîíêóðåíò to get in touch with smb. —

ñâÿçàòüñÿ ñ êåì-ëèáî to suit — ïîäõîäèòü terms of delivery — óñëîâèÿ

ïîñòàâêè delivery time — âðåìÿ ïîñòàâêè acceptable — ïðèåìëåìûé


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions. 1. What is Mr Pavlenko’s working position at Ukrimport? 2. What firm does Mr Turnball represent? 3. What is the subject of negotiation between Mr Pavlenko and

Mr Turnball? 4. What does Mr Pavlenko inform his counterpart about concerning the

system which is purchased? 5. Why does not Mr Pavlenko agree with the prices for some items? 6. What prices do the competitors propose to the Ukrainian party? 7. Why cannot Mr Turnball solve the problem of prices himself?

Exercise 2. Say what you have learned from the dialogue about:

a) the goods Ukrimport was interested in; b) the price and terms of payment in the offer of Lindon Tools Ltd; c) subject of negotiation of both sides.

Exercise 3. Think and answer. 1. Why was Ukrimport interested in goods from Lindon Tools Ltd?

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2. Had the representatives of the two companies met before Mr Turn-ball came to Kyiv? Why do you think so?

3. Why didn’t all the prices of the company suit the Buyers? 4. Why did Pavlenko and Mr Turnball decide to meet again?

Exercise 4. Act out dialogues on the basis of the following situations.

1. Tell Mr White you have looked through their latest catalogues and quotation closely. The quality of the machines meets your require-ments but you cannot agree to their price. Tell him you will place a big order with the company if they give you a discount.

2. Green L Co are regular buyers of pumps. They would like to place an order with you. So their representative comes to your office. Dis-cuss the price and terms of delivery and payment.

3. You have just visited the Sellers’ plant and have seen the machines you are going to buy in operation. Tell Mr Blake about your impres-sions of the machines. Discuss with him delivery dates. You require the goods for immediate shipment.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences. 1. Mr Pavlenko ... Director of Ukrimport met Mr Turnball, ... of Lin-

don Tools Ltd. 2. They met at the Ministry of Foreign ... to negotiate the ... of an electronic system. 3. We have studied all the technical ... of the system and concluded that they ... our requirements. 4. The sys-tem is up to world ... and it is in great ... on the world ... . 5. I must get in ... with my company to ... the prices. 6. I think that our terms of ... and ... time ... you.

Exercise 6. Translate into English. 1. Íàì íåîáõîäèìî îáñóäèòü âîïðîñ î çàêóïêå ýòîé ýëåêòðîííîé ñè-

ñòåìû äëÿ íîâîãî àýðîïîðòà â Êèåâå. 2. Ïåðåãîâîðû ìåæäó ãåíåðàëüíûì äèðåêòîðîì ôèðìû "Óêðèìïîðò"

è ïðåäñòàâèòåëåì êîìïàíèè "Ëèíäîí Òóëç Ëèìèòåä" ñîñòîÿëèñü â Ìèíèñòåðñòâå âíåøíåé òîðãîâëè.

3. Ìû èçó÷èëè òåõíè÷åñêèå õàðàêòåðèñòèêè âàøåé ñèñòåìû è ïðèøëè ê âûâîäó, ÷òî îíè ñîîòâåòñòâóþò íàøèì òðåáîâàíèÿì.

4. Ñèñòåìà ñîîòâåòñòâóåò ìèðîâûì ñòàíäàðòàì è ïîëüçóåòñÿ áîëüøèì ñïðîñîì íà ìèðîâîì ðûíêå.

5. Ìû õîòèì îáñóäèòü êîììåð÷åñêóþ ñòîðîíó íàøåé ñäåëêè. 6. Ìíå íåîáõîäèìî ñâÿçàòüñÿ ñ ìîåé ôèðìîé, è ÿ âàì äàì îòâåò çà-

âòðà. 7. Êîíêóðåíòû ïðåäëàãàþò öåíû, êîòîðûå íà 30—40 % íèæå âàøèõ. 8. Âàøè óñëîâèÿ è âðåìÿ ïîñòàâêè ïðèåìëåìû äëÿ íàñ.

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Text A

(Here is an offer which was received by the Ukrainian Trade Delega-tion from a large British company.)

Ukrainian Trade Delegation, 25th September, 1998 London

For the attention of Mr Kravchuk

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your enquiry of 27th August 1998 concerning the supply of pumps and now we are pleased to submit our offer. With this offer we enclose drawings and specification together with our leaflet.

Price: The total price of a pump is ... which includes packing and delivery CIF Ukrainian port.

Delivery: Delivery of the pumps will begin three months after the con-tract is signed and will be completed within a period of four months.

Validity: This offer is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter. Payment: Payment is to be made in cash within 30 days of receipt of

the following shipment documents: an invoice, a Bill of Lading, an Insurance Policy and a Packing List.

We have quoted for the majority of spare parts in accordance with the details in your enquiry. But we cannot guarantee the supply of all items as in some cases our stocks of spares are limited.

We recommend you therefore to place an order as soon as possible to obtain the items you require.

I would personally very much like to visit you at the Trade Delegation and discuss our possible future business relations.

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Perhaps you will be kind enough to advise me on a suitable date and time for such a meeting.

Yours faithfully, on behalf of Blake & Co G.E. Fox Overseas Sales Manager



(Mr Kravchuk was favourably impressed by the technical specifica-tions of the pumps which were given by the company. During the first meeting with Mr Fox they discussed the terms of delivery and a pos- sible quantity discount. When the two businessmen met again the fol-lowing conversation took place.)

Kravchuk Mr Fox, I want to clarify the question of inspection and tests first. Since this is going to be our trial order we’d certainly like our inspectors to be present at the tests.

Fox Naturally. We’ll send you our Notification of Readiness for the test well in advance.

Kravchuk We’d like to be sent at least 45 days before the date of the test.

Fox Why so early? Kravchuk You know, in the past we had some troubles when Notifica-

tions were delayed and as a result our inspectors couldn’t arrive at the plant in due time.

Fox I see. In that case the contract will stipulate your require-ment. But I can guarantee that we won’t let you down, Mr Kravchuk. On our part, we expect a Release Note for Shipment to be signed immediately after the tests are carried out and a Test Report is submitted. Otherwise we won’t be able to arrange shipment of the goods on time.

Kravchuk Our inspectors will do that by all means if the results of the tests are satisfactory.

Fox Thank you. Kravchuk There is another matter I’d like to bring up, Mr Fox. What

kind of packing do you see? Fox Oh, we pay special attention to this matter. Our goods need

seaproof packing. So generally some parts are wrapped up in polythene and the whole units are then put into wooden boxes or crates.

Kravchuk I hope this ensures their safe delivery, doesn’t it?

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Fox Of course it does. We do our best to satisfy our cus-tomers and make our product really competitive and attrac-tive for overseas markets.

Kravchuk Thank you, Mr Fox. I think we’ve settled all the matters. Will it be possible for us to meet tomorrow morning and sign the contract?

Fox That will be fine.


to submit — ïðåäñòàâèòü íà ðàññìîòðåíèå

specification — ñïåöèôèêàöèÿ total price — ïîëíàÿ öåíà total value — ïîëíàÿ ñòîèìîñòü valid — èìåþùèé ñèëó validity — äåéñòâèòåëüíîñòü,

çàêîííîñòü receipt — ïîëó÷åíèå invoice — ñ÷åò-ôàêòóðà Bill of Lading — êîíîñàìåíò Insurance Policy — ñòðàõîâîé

ïîëèñ Packing List — óïàêîâî÷íûé

ëèñò stock — çàïàñ to be in stock — áûòü â

íàëè÷èè to be out of stock — íå

èìåòüñÿ â íàëè÷èè to advise — ñîîáùàòü suitable — ïîäõîäÿùèé

on behalf of ... — îò èìåíè, îò ëèöà

in due time — â íàçíà÷åííîå âðåìÿ

to stipulate — îáóñëîâëèâàòü, ñòàâèòü

on my part — ñ ìîåé ñòîðîíû on the part of Mr X — ñî

ñòîðîíû ãîñïîäèíà Õ Release Note for Shipment —

ðàçðåøåíèå íà ïîãðóçêó to carry out test — ïðîâîäèòü

èñïûòàíèÿ Test Report — àêò çàâîäñêîãî

èñïûòàíèÿ satisfactory results — óäîâ-

ëåòâîðèòåëüíûå ðåçóëüòàòû polythene — ïîëèýòèëåí overseas — çàãðàíè÷íûé, çà-

ìîðñêèé buyer — ïîêóïàòåëü



Exercise 1. Think and answer. 1. What information was there in the documents which were enclosed

with the offer? 2. Why did the Buyer ask the company to quote for the spare parts? 3. Why did Mr Fox want to establish personal contacts with the people

of the Ukrainian Trade Delegation?

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Exercise 2. Say what you have learned from the text above. a) the price, the terms of payment and delivery on which the goods

were offered to Ukrimport; b) the terms on which the spare parts were offered to the Ukrainian



Exercise 3. Say what you have learned about:

a) Mr Fox and Mr Kravchuk’s discussion on the question of inspection and test;

b) the kind of packing the company used for the pumps.

Exercise 4. Think and answer.

1. Why will the inspectors be able to sign a Release Note for Shipment only if the results of the tests were satisfactory?

2. What do Black and Co do to make their goods competitive?

Exercise 5. Think and answer as in the model.

Mode l : Do you need any further information about this company? Of course we do. We’d like to know more about it.

a) the technical characteristics of the pumps; b) the performance of the equipment; c) the results of the inspection and test; d) the range of the goods this company produces; e) the possible applications of the equipment; f) the modifications which were made in the machine.

Exercise 6. Think and answer as in the model using the expression "to do one’s best ".

Mode l : Is your company interested in advertising the goods in foreign journals? Yes, we do our best to advertise our goods in foreign journals as often as possible.

a) to introduce goods into new markets; b) to take part in fairs and exhibitions abroad; c) to establish new business contacts; d) to produce new models of equipment; e) to send engineers abroad for training; f) to increase sales to European countries.

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Exercise 1. Supply the articles or possesive pronouns where necessary.

1. What’s ... time? 2. It took me ... much time to go through these documents. 3. I always find it difficult to do my work if I try to listen to music at

... same time. 4. The inspectors arrived at the plant on ... time. 5. I don’t have ... time to go to the cinema today. 6. ... packing and ... attractive wrapping are very important for sales. 7. ... packing of the machines was very good and it ensured ... safe de-

livery. 8. ... payment was made 10 days after ... Bill of Lading was received. 9. ... Bill of Lading generally includes information about the goods

which are shipped.

Exercise 2. Supply the correct forms of the verbs. Ukrimport, Kyiv, Ukraine

Dear Sirs,

You just kindly (to advise) us that you (to have) to buy machines of another company. We (to be sorry) that your order (to place) with our competitors because our delivery time (to be) not suitable to you and you (to find) our prices too high. We would like to explain to you that we (to be) heavy with orders now and the deliveries as a result (to extend). Besides, some modifications (to make) in the machines to achieve higher capacities. That is why our prices (to be) higher than our competitors’ prices.

Nevertheless, we (to feel ) that if you (to take into consideration) the high quality of our machines you (to agree) that they (to price) rea-sonably.

We hope that you (to be able) to place your future orders with us.

Yours faithfully, C. Deadle Sales Manager

Exercise 3. Supply prepositions where necessary. 1. ... accordance ... Mr Ranson’s letter his company is going to in-

crease their prices ... 6 % ... May.

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2. ... the past this firm supplied us ... their chemicals. Now they want us to advise them ... our current requirements.

3. Ukrexport promised to submit ... the American company any samples of cameras they will require.

4. The Seller’s offer was valid ... a period ... 90 days ... the date ... their quotation.

5. Two inspectors arrived ... New York to be present ... the tests ... the new model ... equipment.

Exercise 4. Translate into English. 1. Ìû ðàäû ïðåäëîæèòü âàì íîâóþ ìîäåëü êîìïüþòåðà. 2. Íàøå ïðåäëîæåíèå áóäåò äåéñòâèòåëüíî â òå÷åíèå 30 äíåé

íà÷èíàÿ ñ äàòû äàííîãî ïèñüìà. 3.  ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ âàøèì çàïðîñîì ìû ïðèëàãàåì ê ïèñüìó êàòàëîã,

ãäå èìååòñÿ äîïîëíèòåëüíàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ î íàøåì îáîðóäîâàíèè. 4. Ïëàòåæ äîëæåí áûòü ïðîèçâåäåí â òå÷åíèå 10 äíåé ïîñëå

ïîëó÷åíèÿ ñëåäóþùèõ îòãðóçî÷íûõ äîêóìåíòîâ: ñ÷åòà-ôàêòóðû, êîíîñàìåíòà è óïàêîâî÷íîãî ëèñòà.

5. Ïðîäàâåö ñîîáùèë, ÷òî â ìàãàçèíå èìååòñÿ î÷åíü íåáîëüøîé ðåçåðâ çàïàñíûõ ÷àñòåé è ïîýòîìó îí ðåêîìåíäóåò íàì áåç ïðî-ìåäëåíèÿ ðàçìåñòèòü ó íèõ çàêàç.

6. Íå áóäåòå ëè âû òàê ëþáåçíû ñîîáùèòü íàì óäîáíóþ äëÿ âàñ äàòó íàøåé âñòðå÷è?

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(It is common for Buyers’ representatives to visit Sellers’ premises for technical or commercial discussions either before or after a con-tract has been made.

One day a Ukrainian trading organization received the following let-ter from Mrs Sweet & Co, their British business partners, concerning a contract agreed previously.)

Ukrimport March 3, 1998

for the attention of Mr Boychuk

Re: Contract ¹ ... Dear Mr Boychuk,

I am writing to inform you that our engineering department has found it necessary to improve the model which you ordered under the above Contract by making a few modifications as shown in the attached drawings. Although the modifications are very slight, they are very ef-fective and improve performance. Any alterations to the Contract become valid if they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties as per Clause 16.5 of the Contract.

Therefore in order to finalize the matter we would like to invite you to visit us at our premises. If you approve the modifications we shall make an appropriate amendment to the Contract.

We assure you there would be no difficulties in issuing a visa to you. We will provide an official invitation in support of your applica-tion for a visa. Perhaps you would be good enough to let us know if and when you are able to come over. If you require any other informa-tion concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely, A. K. Dodd International Marketing Manager

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(Ukrimport chose to authorize Mr Chaban, a senior engineer of the Ukrainian Trade Delegation in the UK, to settle the matter. After some preliminaries the businessmen came to the point.)

Chaban Can I see the modified pump units? Dodd Yes, certainly. We have a few units ready for our French

customers. We are now planning the final touch to the machines. Tomorrow we’ll start packing them.

Chaban I am lucky to have come here today. Dodd Oh, we are very glad to have you with us. Here is a pair of

safety glasses (çàùèòíûå î÷êè) and a helmet (çàùèòíûé øëåì) for you. Shall we go straight to the workshop?

Chaban Fine. Which way is it? Dodd This way, please. Watch the steps.

(After the workshop the businessmen are back in Mr Dodd’s office.)

Dodd Oh, Mr Chaban, you are back. Are you happy with what you’ve seen here?

Chaban Oh, yes. I consider your workshop technically very ad-vanced. I wish I could see the whole plant.

Dodd And what do you think of the modified pump you’ve seen? Chaban The modifications seem reasonable. I don’t think our cus-

tomers will object to them. Dodd That’s very encouraging. We’ll send you a draft amend-

ment for signature in a day or so. Chaban Good. I’ll sign it as soon as I get approval for it. Good bye

and thank you for your hospitality. Dodd Good bye. It’s been very nice to meet you.

(Some time later Mr Chaban sent the following letter to the British firm.)

Dear Mr Dodd,

I have pleasure in sending you a signed copy of the amendment. Ukrimport has approved the modifications and I hope this is to your satisfaction. Please inform our company in Kyiv of the progress of the contract in a month’s time.

Once again thank you for a most enjoyable and helpful visit.

Yours faithfully,

P. S. Chaban

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premises — ïîìåùåíèå either ... or... — èëè ... èëè,

ëèáî ... ëèáî modification — èçìåíåíèå, ìî-

äèôèêàöèÿ effective — ýôôåêòèâíûé alteration — èçìåíåíèå in writing — â ïèñüìåííîé

ôîðìå as per — ñîãëàñíî (â êîììåð-

÷åñêèõ ïèñüìàõ äàëåå ñòîèò ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå áåç àðòèêëÿ)

clause — ïóíêò êîíòðàêòà to finalize — äîãîâîðèòüñÿ î

÷åì-ëèáî îêîí÷àòåëüíî to approve — óòâåðæäàòü,

îäîáðÿòü appropriate — ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé amendment (in/to) — ïîïðàâêà to assure — çàâåðÿòü, óâåðÿòü difficulty (in) — òðóäíîñòü,

çàòðóäíåíèå visa — âèçà

application — çàÿâëåíèå, çàÿâêà enclosure — ïðèëîæåíèå International Marketing Mana-

ger — íà÷àëüíèê ýêñïîðòíîãî îòäåëà

to come to the point — ïåðå-õîäèòü ê äåëó (ñóùåñòâó âîïðîñà)

to put the final touch — çàêàí÷èâàòü ðàáîòó, äåëàòü "ïîñëåäíèé øòðèõ"

safety — áåçîïàñíîñòü advanced — ïåðåäîâîé to object (to) — âîçðàæàòü,

ïðîòåñòîâàòü draft — ïðîåêò (äîêóìåíòà) signature — ïîäïèñü impression — âïå÷àòëåíèå unfortunately — ê ñîæàëåíèþ repair — ðåìîíò reason (for) — ïðè÷èíà, ñî-

îáðàæåíèå, äîâîä, îñíîâàíèå concerning — îòíîñèòåëüíî;

î…; ÷òî êàñàåòñÿ... modest — ñêðîìíûé


Exercise 1. Say what you have learned about:

a) the reasons for the Buyers’ visits to the Sellers’ premises; b) business relations between Ukrimport and Mrs Sweet & Co; c) the modification offered by the Sellers; d) the reason why an amendment was necessary.

Exercise 2. Think and answer.

1. Why do Buyers often visit Sellers’ premises before (after) a contract is signed?

2. What clauses of the contract are more liable to changes? 3. What is the procedure of making amendments to contracts?

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Exercise 3. Say what you have learned about from the dia-logue (Section B):

a) the Buyers’ plan to finalize the matter; b) Mr Chaban’s impression of the modified pump unit and the work-

shop; c) the way the appropriate amendment was finalized; d) the general contents of Mr Chaban’s letter to Mr Dodd.

Exercise 4. a) Complete the dialogues. Choose either variant or give your own.

Chaban Can I see the modified units? Dodd ... French customers. Chaban I am lucky to have come here today. Dodd Shall ... workshop? Chaban Fine. Which way is it? Dodd ... way ... steps!

b) Act out a similar dialogue. Suppose Mr Dodd is offering to show the units intended for some other customers.

Exercise 5. Ask and answer as in the model. Mode l : Why didn’t you sign the contract?

We had some difficulties in negotiating the price. a) to ship the goods on time; b) to arrange the exhibition; c) to make extra supplies; d) to make alterations in the equipment; e) to exhibit the model; f) to reequip the workshop; g) to repair the unit.

Exercise 6. Translate into English. 1. Îíè ïðîâåëè ðåìîíò â äâóõ öåõàõ. 2. Ìû ïðîñèì âàñ ïðèñëàòü íàì óâåäîìëåíèå î âûïîëíåíèè çàêàçà

ïî òåëåãðàôó. 3. Ìû âîçðàæàåì ïðîòèâ âíåñåíèÿ âàìè êàêèõ-ëèáî èçìåíåíèé èëè

ïîïðàâoê â ïóíêò êîíòðàêòà î ãàðàíòèè. 4. Íîâîå ïîìåùåíèå ôèðìû ïðîèçâåëî íà íàñ î÷åíü õîðîøåå

âïå÷àòëåíèå. 5. Ê ñîæàëåíèþ, ó íàñ íå ñëîæèëîñü âïå÷àòëåíèÿ, ÷òî ýòî ïåðåäîâîé

â òåõíè÷åñêîì îòíîøåíèè çàâîä. 6. Ó íàñ íåò íèêàêèõ ïðè÷èí, ÷òîáû âîçðàæàòü ïðîòèâ ýòèõ ïîïðàâîê.

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7. Ýòî äîïîëíåíèå ê êîíòðàêòó äîëæíî áûòü ñäåëàíî â ïèñü-ìåííîì âèäå. Îíî äîëæíî áûòü ïîäïèñàíî ëèöàìè, èìåþùèìè ïðàâî íà ïîäïèñè.

8. Ìû ñ÷èòàåì, ÷òî ýòîò âîïðîñ ëó÷øå îáñóäèòü âî âðåìÿ ëè÷íûõ âñòðå÷ è ïîñåùåíèÿ âàøåãî çàâîäà.

9. Ã-í ×àáàí, ñîòðóäíèê íàøåãî òîðãïðåäñòâà â Ëîíäîíå, óïîëíîìî÷åí ðåøèòü äàííûé âîïðîñ.

10. Ìû ïîëó÷èëè âàøå ïèñüìî îò 13 àïðåëÿ ñ ïðåäëîæåíèåì î âíåñåíèè èçìåíåíèé â êîíñòðóêöèþ ìàøèíû, êîòîðóþ âû äîëæíû ïîñòàâèòü ïî Êîíòðàêòó 21/8.


Exercise 1. Supply the articles or possessive pronouns where necessary.

1. He will go on ... business to Italy either in March or April this year. 2. Not long ago he went on ... business trip to France. 3. I’ve got the impression he is still on ... vacation. 4. I hesitated to contact you when you were on ... holiday trip. 5. During ... business trip he finalized the Contract. 6. The visa for the trip was issued last week. 7. The repairs started when everybody was on ... holiday.

Exercise 2. Supply the correct forms of the verbs. 1. You will be able to see the machines if you (to come) to our prem-

ises. 2. I am looking forward to our meeting and if you (to have) any ques-

tions please do not hesitate to contact us. 3. We are not sure if the repairs (to complete) in two weeks. 4. If you (to approve) the model, we shall make a contract. 5. Please let us know if you (to be able) to make a draft contract

next month. 6. We do not know if the results of the talks which are to end next

Monday (to be) encouraging. 7. They will send the Contract for signature if all the matters (to fi-

nalize) during the negotiations.

Exercise 3. Supply the prepositions where necessary. 1. In our letter ... July 5th we invited a delegation ... Ukrainian spe-

cialists to visit ... our premises in Canada. 2. Thank you ... the hospitality shown ... our party during our recent

visit ... Paris.

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3. Some ... our senior engineers will also take the opportunity ... vis-iting ... you.

4. We extended an invitation ... you to visit ... our facilities in Bos-ton.

5. We have made very small modifications ... the machines. 6. We propose an amendment ... the Inspection Clause. 7. They have applied ... a visa ... their representatives. 8. After some preliminaries we came ... the point. 9. The workshop made a very good impression ... me.

10. Our prices are ... the level ... those of our competitors. 11. We don’t object ... some modifications. 12. Please send us one copy back ... signature. 13. We hope the visit will be ... your satisfaction.

Exercise 4. Choose and use: to make, to do. 1. We shall then apply for the visa and (make, do) travel arrange-

ments. 2. I am sure the progress of the order was (made, done) to your sat-

isfaction. 3. Very slight modifications have been (made, done) in this model. 4. We are (making, doing) some alterations in the design. 5. If you accept our proposal an amendment will have to be (made,

done). 6. A lot of work has been (made, done) for safety reasons. 7. He has (made, done) very good work. 8. I have to (make, do) a long-distance call to the USA today. 9. The testing facilities (made, did) a good impression on them.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions. 1. With what countries are Ukrainian trading organizations doing

business? 2. Are many contracts made in your organization every year? 3. Are amendments often made to the contracts made in your or-

ganization? 4. In what cases are amendments, alterations and modifications

made? 5. Is a lot of work done before a contract is concluded? (Support

your point). 6. What progress in English have you made by now? 7. Can you easily translate your mother tongue into English? 8. What types of exercises do you like doing?

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Business letters include all kinds of commercial letters, inquiries, replies to inquiries, Letters of Credit (L/C), invoices, Bills of Lading (B/L), Bills of Exchange or drafts, letters of insurance, explanatory letters, orders, letters of packing, letters of ship-ment, letters of delivery, offers, letters of complaint, replies to those of mentioned above, etc.

A business letter should be as short as possible, intelligible, polite, benevolent and its language must be simple.

Rules and traditions of correspondence vary in time but some basic principles of a commercial letter remain unchanged.

A private business letter is written by hand, each paragraph begins with an indented line. But if a letter is sent by an organization it is typed on the form of this organization. In this case it is not necessary to use indented lines.

A letter is composed of the following elements: heading, date, ad-dress, salutation text, subscription.

A letter can be typed on the organization’s form. Any form has its letter-head printed typographically. The letter-head bears the name of organization or firm, sending this letter, its address, address for tele-grams, telephone, telex, fax. If you do not use the form, write your address (as a sender) on the upper right side of the letter. Do not indicate your name here, it will follow your signature. Ukrainian names of foreign trade organizations are not translated into foreign lan-guages. They are written with Latin letters using English transcription. Your telephone number may be written below.

The date is written on the right side above (under your address if the letter is written on a form or under a typographical letter-head of the form).

In Great Britain the date may be indicated as follows: 7th April, 1998 or 23 March, 1998.

In the USA it is usually written like this: April 7, 1998. As a rule, before the address of the recipient a reference is indi-

cated which the sender asks to mention in the reply to the letter. A common reference represents the initials of the person who wrote the letter and those of the typist who typed it.

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In the samples of letters given below the references are as follows: Our Ref: MRE/JNK — (in the first letter ), Your Ref: BAT/SN — (in the second one after the reply has been

received ), MRE are the initials of the author of the letter (M. R. Erickson), JNK are the initials of the typist. The address of the recipient (inside address) is written on the left

above, under the reference. Lower, the name of the firm is written un-der which the number of the house, street, city or town, state or coun-try are indicated, the last element being the country.

The salutation is written on the left (not in the centre). The salutation "Dear Sir" is appropriate, when you write to a real

person if you do not know him. If you know this person, you should write "Dear Mr Jones", for example.

If the letter is addressed to a firm, the salutation should be "Dear Sirs". In modern business correspondence it is needless to use any other forms of politeness.

As was mentioned above, the text of the letter should be as short, simple and clear as possible.

In the subscription the expression "Yours faithfully" is usually used if you are not acquainted with the person(s) or "Yours sincerely" if you write to a man (woman) whom you know at least by correspon-dence. In American English the above expressions are rarely used. More common are the expressions "Sincerely yours", or simply "Sin-cerely", and sometimes "Very truly yours".

The signature is affixed by hand above the typed name of the au-thor. It is not obligatory to indicate your position. If near the signa-ture there are two letters "p.p." (per pro) it means that the letter is "by warrant".

The heading may be written above the main text of the letter. The heading indicates short contents of the letter or its subject.

If some material is added to the letter the words "Enclosure" ("En-closures") or the abbreviation "Encl" (ïðèëîæåíèå èëè ïðèëîæåíèÿ) are written in the left lower corner of the letter. You can also use the expression "We enclose..." (ïðèëàãàåì...).


inquiry — çàïðîñ reply to inquiry — îòâåò íà


Letter of Credit (L/C) — àê-êðåäèòèâ

invoice — ñ÷åò-ôàêòóðà

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Bill of Lading (B/L) — êîíî-ñàìåíò

Bill of Exchange (draft) — òðàòòà, ïåðåâîäíîé âåêñåëü

Letter of insurance — ñòðàõîâ-êà

explanatory letter — ðàçúÿñíè-òåëüíîå ïèñüìî

order — çàêàç letter of packing — ïèñüìî îá

óïàêîâêå letter of shipment — ïèñüìî

îá îòïðàâêå letter of delivery — ïèñüìî î

äîñòàâêå offer — ïðåäëîæåíèå letter of complaint — ðåêëà-

ìàöèÿ, æàëîáà indented line — êðàñíàÿ ñòðîêà form — áëàíê

heading — çàãîëîâîê ïèñüìà address — àäðåñ salutation — îáðàùåíèå subscription — ïîäïèñü, çà-

êëþ÷èòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà âåæëè-âîñòè

letter-head — çàãîëîâîê áëàíêà recipient — ïîëó÷àòåëü reference — çä. ññûëêà sender — îòïðàâèòåëü reply (to...) — îòâåò (íà ...) to affix signature — ñòàâèòü

ïîäïèñü, ïîäïèñûâàòü position — çä. äîëæíîñòü p. p. (per pro), by warrant —

ïî äîâåðåííîñòè subject — ïðåäìåò îáñóæäåíèÿ enclosure — ïðèëîæåíèå to enclose — ïðèëàãàòü


1. What letters are included into business correspondence? 2. What are the major elements of a business letter? 3. When is the letter-head used? 4. What does the reference mean in a letter? 5. What information is given in the address? 6. What are the requirements established for the text of a business

letter? 7. What expressions are used in the salutation of a business letter? 8. What should be indicated in the heading of a business letter? 9. What should be the subscription in a business letter?

10. What may be enclosed in a business letter?

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Exercise 1. Translate this sample of a business letter. Con-sider thoroughly all elements of the letter.

Mitchell Electronics Company Limited

St. Mirren Avenue, London E15 3ET

Telephone: 01-386 9239


Our Ref: MRE\JNK C. A. Atkins Esq. 147 Macduff Road, Thamesbank, London NW11 8HX 9th April, 1998 Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of the 4th April 1998, in which you re-quested a brochure on our latest stereo cassette/radio Model ECR/12. We do not supply brochures ourselves, as this can be done more cheaply and conveniently by our distributors. We have looked at our list of distributors and found that the nearest to your address is Scott’s of 137 High Street, Thamesbank. You may know it. They stock copies of the brochure you require, and they will give you a copy on demand, free of charge. We trust that they can be of assistance. Yours faithfully,

M. R. Erickson Sales Department Mitchell Electronics Co Ltd

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Exercise 2. Translate the second sample of a business letter. Consider thoroughly each element of the letter.

Mitchell Electronics Company Limited

St. Mirren Avenue, London E15 3ET

Telephone: 01-386 9239


Our Ref: MRE\JNK C. A. Atkins Esq. 147 Macduff Road, Thamesbank, London NW11 8HX 9th April, 1998 Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter of the 4th April 1998, in which you re-quested a brochure on our latest stereo cassette/radio Model ECR/12. We do not supply brochures ourselves, as this can be done more cheaply and conveniently by our distributors. We have looked at our list of distributors and found that the nearest to your address is Scott’s of 137 High Street, Thamesbank. You may know it. They stock copies of the brochure you require, and they will give you a copy on demand, free of charge. We trust that they can be of assistance. Yours faithfully, M. R. Erickson Sales Department Mitchell Electronics Co Ltd

Exercise 3. Translate the expressions most frequently used in business letters.

1. We refer to your advertisement in "Daily News". 2. We learn from your letter that you are manufacturers of the elec-

tronic equipment we need.

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3. We are interested in the equipment your firm produces. 4. We shall be obliged if you send us your latest catalogues, bro-

chures or any other publications containing a discription of your equipment.

5. Please let us know if you can offer us your equipment as per specification enclosed in your letter.

6. Please send us samples of your manufactures stating your lowest prices and best terms of payment.

7. We look forward to receiving our answer. 8. We expect to hear from you in the nearest future. 9. We wish to maintain cooperation with you.

10. Your prompt execution of our order will be appreciated. 11. We thank you for your letter of 20th May 1998 but regret to in-

form you that at the present time we cannot make you an offer for the goods required by you.




Telegraph is fast, convenient and effective means of communi-cation widely used both in internal trade and foreign trade.

There are some distinguishing features of a telegram. Contrary to a business letter, salutations, introductory as well as conclusive, are not used in a telegram. The text is as shortened as possible. To ex-press a request the words "please" and "kindly" are used. If possible, the articles and pronouns are omitted, the prepositions and service words are only used in the cases where it is difficult to understand a telegram without them. Punctuation marks are not usually placed except the cases where the sentences are too long or there might be a misunderstanding of the sense. In such cases a full stop is put which is transmitted with the word STOP.

It is recommended to write important dates, prices, sums and so on using words instead of figures to avoid a confusion. For example, the figure 77 can be read as 11 and so on. When transmitting figures using words numerals are often written together: 21 — twentyone, 1,000 — onethousand, etc.

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When filling in a telegraph form capital letters should be written, the words being separated by a sufficient space.

The address should be written completely without any abbreviation. Telegrams often contain such abbreviation as: OURLET — our letter YOURLET — your letter OURTEL — our telegram YOURTEL — your telegram RELET — reference to letter RECABLE — reffering to cable (telegram) REPHONE — reffering to telephone conversation REURLET — reffering to your letter REURTEL — reffering to your telegram BLADING — Bill of Lading

Let us consider the case when a telegram should be sent. The text of the letter would be as follows:

25th April, 1998 Dear Sirs, There has been engine failure on board the S/S LAGAN, which was due to leave on the 21st of April. Unfortunately it will not leave until tomorrow at the earliest. I will inform you of the new date of arrival as soon as I know it. In the meantime, could you contact your agents to tell them of this delay? Yours faithfully, (Signature)

The text of the telegram would be as follows:


It is probably the minimum number of words necessary to warn the agent and save his time.

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means of communication — ñðåäñòâà ñâÿçè

distinguishing features — îò-ëè÷èòåëüíûå ÷åðòû

to omit — îïóñêàòü punctuation mark — çíàê ïóíê-

òóàöèè misunderstanding — íåïðà-

âèëüíîå ïîíèìàíèå full stop — òî÷êà to transmit — ïåðåäàâàòü to recommend — ðåêîìåí-

äîâàòü to avoid — èçáåãàòü figure — öèôðà numeral — ÷èñëèòåëüíîå

to fill in the form — çàïîëíèòü áëàíê

S/S (steam ship) — ïàðîõîä, êîðàáëü

to leave — âûõîäèòü, îòïðàâ-ëÿòüñÿ

to inform smb. — èíôîðìè-ðîâàòü êîãî-ëèáî

to contact smb. — ñâÿçàòüñÿ ñ êåì-ëèáî

failure — íåèñïðàâíîñòü to advise — çä. ñîîáùàòü soonest — â áëèæàéøåå âðåìÿ

(â òåëåãðàììàõ) cable — ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ òåëå-


Exercise 4. Translate the texts of the following telegrams. 1. TEALEAF LONDON



(CIF — cost, insurance, freight — ïîñòàâùèê îïëà÷èâàåò ñòîèìîñòü ñòðàõîâêè è ôðàõòà â ïîðòó ðàçãðóçêè)



(îòâåò èç Ìèëàíà)


(èç Ëîíäîíà)


(èç Ìèëàíà)

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(Shipment — çä. ãðóç; B/L — êîíîñàìåíò)


(Motolife — æóðíàë "Ìîòîëàéô")

Exercise 5. Translate into English the following sentences. 1. Êàê òîëüêî êàòàëîãè áóäóò â íàëè÷èè, ìû îòïðàâèì âàì íåñ-

êîëüêî ýêçåìïëÿðîâ. 2. Ìû óâèäåëè âàøó ðåêëàìó â æóðíàëå "Òàéì". 3. Æäåì ïðèåçäà âûñøèõ ïðåäñòàâèòåëåé äëÿ äàëüíåéøèõ ïå-

ðåãîâîðîâ. 4. Íàäååìñÿ ïîääåðæèâàòü ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî ñ âàìè. 5. Áóäåì ïðèçíàòåëüíû çà áûñòðûé îòâåò. 6. Ïðîñèì îáðàòèòüñÿ ê íàì, åñëè ïîòðåáóåòñÿ ïîìîùü. 7. Ïî ïîëó÷åíèè ïèñüìà ïðîñèì òåëåãðàôèðîâàòü ïîäòâåðæäåíèå. 8. Ñîæàëååì, íî ìàøèíû òèïà ÀÂ14 â íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ íåò

â ïðîäàæå. 9. Áóäåì ðàäû îòâåòèòü íà ëþáûå âàøè äîïîëíèòåëüíûå âîïðîñû.

10. Ñîîáùèòå íàì, ïîæàëóéñòà, òåëåãðàììîé, ìîæåòå ëè âû ïî-ñòàâèòü òîâàð â àâãóñòå.

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I. Making a call: First check the code (if any) and number. Lift the receiver and listen to dialling tone (a continuous

purring). Dial carefully and allow the dial to return freely. Then wait for another tone:

• Ringing tone (burr-burr) means the number is being called. The line is free.

• Engaged tone (a repeated single tone), try again a few mi- nutes later.

• Number unobtainable tone (steady tone), replace the re-ceiver, recheck the code and number and then redial.

At the end of the call replace the receiver securely.

II. When answering the telephone: Always give your name or the name of the office or your tele-

phone number. If you hear a series of rapid pips, the call is coming from a

coinbox telephone. Wait until the pips stop and then give your name or telephone number.

III. When making a call from a coin-box telephone: First drop a coin piece (or pieces) into the slot. Lift the receiver and listen to dialling tone. Dial your number. On hearing ringing tone, which means that the line is free, wait

until your call is answered.

IV. Trunk-Calls via operator when booking a trunk-call: Give the country, the place concerned and the number you want

your call to be connected with. Say what kind of call you want to book. Indicate the duration of your call if possible. Give your name and telephone number.

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V. Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD): Keep in your personal telephone directory an up-to-date list of

dialling codes and/or number of people you are likely to call. This will save you time in future.

When you dial do not pause too long between digits. If your hear a recorded announcement telling you that the

trunk line is engaged, replace the receiver and try again later. Answer your telephone promptly, giving your name or the name

of the office or telephone number. This saves the time and helps the caller.

VI. International Subscriber Dialling (ISD). You can dial for yourself calls to most places in Europe and North

America. First dial the code of the country or the code of the place con-

cerned and then the subscriber’s number. If you wish to know the code for a place which is not shown in

the Telephone Directory, ask the exchange operator. When dialling to Europe or North America do not pause more

than two or three seconds between digits, especially the last few digits. You will often hear nothing for half a minute or a little longer after dialling.

Do not replace the receiver before you have given the equipment time to connect the call. Sometimes you may hear a series of very rapid pips. It means that the automatic equipment is put-ting your call through and asks you to hold on.

Note: Code is a system of figures used before telephone numbers of cities

and countries which have been changed to all-figure numbers. For example, a London all-figure number is 01-2222870. 01 is the code to be dialled if you make a call outside the London area. But if you make a call in London, you should dial only the last seven figures, those after the hyphen. For numbers in New York City dial: 0-01 212 followed by the last seven digits of the number of the customer you require.

WORDS AND PHRASES telephone òåëåôîí

to telephone (to phone) smb. to ring smb. up to call smb. up to call smb. to buzz smb. (Am.)

çâîíèòü ïî òåëåôîíó êîìó-ëèáî, êóäà-ëèáî.

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May I use your telephone? Ðàçðåøèòå ïîçâîíèòü ïî âàøåìó òåëåôîíó?

He is speaking over (on) the telephone now.

Îí ñåé÷àñ ãîâîðèò ïî òåëåôîíó.

The telephone is quite dead. Òåëåôîí íå ðàáîòàåò. I can’t get him on the phone. ß íå ìîãó äîçâîíèòüñÿ äî íåãî.

to make a call çâîíèòü ïî òåëåôîíó call òåëåôîííûé âûçîâ, çâîíîê

to give a call to give a ring to give a buzz (Am.)

ïîçâîíèòü ïî òåëåôîíó

There is a call for you. Âàì çâîíÿò. I’ll answer the call. I’ll answer the telephone. ß ïîäîéäó ê òåëåôîíó.

Where can I make a call? Îòêóäà ìîæíî ïîçâîíèòü?

receiver òåëåôîííàÿ òðóáêà to lift the receiver to take up the receiver to pick up the receiver

ïîäíèìàòü òåëåôîííóþ òðóáêó

to listen to dialling tone æäàòü ãóäêà to dial (dialled Br., dialed Am.) íàáèðàòü íîìåð dial äèñê íàáîðà (íà òåëåôîíå) I have dialled the number twice but there is no reply.

ß íàáèðàë íîìåð äâàæäû, íî íèêòî íå îòâå÷àåò.

dialling tone ïðîäîëæèòåëüíûé ãóäîê, îçíà-÷àþùèé, ÷òî ìîæíî íàáèðàòü íîìåð

ringing tone ðåäêèå ãóäêè, îçíà÷àþùèå, ÷òî ëèíèÿ ñâîáîäíà

the line is free íîìåð íå çàíÿò engaged tone ÷àñòûå ãóäêè (ëèíèÿ çàíÿòà) number unobtainable tone ãóäîê, îçíà÷àþùèé, ÷òî ñâÿçè

íåò to replace the receiver to hang up to ring off

ïîëîæèòü òðóáêó, çàêîí÷èòü ðàç-ãîâîð

a series of rapid pips ñåðèÿ ÷àñòûõ ñèãíàëîâ

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coin-box telephone telephone booth box phone


trunk-call long distance call (Am.)

ìåæäóãîðîäíûé òåëåôîííûé âû-çîâ

to pause çàäåðæèâàòü, äåëàòü ïàóçó digit öèôðà recorded announcement çàïèñàííîå íà ïëåíêó ñîîáùå-

íèå, îáúÿâëåíèå the line is engaged (Br.) the line is busy (Am.) íîìåð çàíÿò

caller çâîíÿùèé ïî òåëåôîíó International Subscriber Dial-ling (ISD)

ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ àâòîìàòè÷åñêàÿ òåëåôîííàÿ ñâÿçü

Subscriber Trunk Dialling (STD) ìåæäóãîðîäíaÿ àâòîìàòè÷åñêàÿ òåëåôîííàÿ ñâÿçü

The city is not on STD. Ñ ãîðîäîì íåò àâòîìàòè÷åñêîé òåëåôîííîé ñâÿçè.

subscriber àáîíåíò Telephone Directory Telephone Book òåëåôîííûé ñïðàâî÷íèê

to connect (Am.) to put a call through ñîåäèíÿòü àáîíåíòîâ

I’m putting your call through. Ñîåäèíÿþ âàñ. to hold on æäàòü ó òåëåôîíà code êîä charge ïëàòà çà òåëåôîííûé ðàçãîâîð switchboard êîììóòàòîð switchboard operator òåëåôîíèñòêà to make a call through the operator

ïîçâîíèòü ÷åðåç òåëåôîíèñòêó

to clear to disconnect ðàçúåäèíÿòü (àáîíåíòîâ)

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions. 1. What should you do if you want to make a call from your tele-

phone? 2. What do you say when you answer the telephone? 3. What do you do when you make a call from a coin-box telephone? 4. What should you do to get the best from STD?

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5. What are the advantages of Subcriber Trunk Dialling? 6. How do people have to make their calls if the numbers they are

calling are not on STD or ISD? 7. What information is to be given when a trunk-call is booked? 8. In what case would you book a personal call? 9. What is the charge for a trunk-call based on (STD)?

10. Will you define an ISD call?

Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations and sentences.

1. Check the code and number. 2. Ringing tone. 3. Engaged tone. 4. Number unobtainable tone. 5. Replace the receiver securely. 6. Wait for the switchboard operator to say. 7. To make sure she got it right. 8. And try to put you through. 9. This will save you time.

10. When you dial, don’t pause too long between digits. 11. International Subscriber Dialling. 12. The call may fail. 13. If you want the operator to get your call, dial the operator. 14. The three minutes minimum charge applies on all calls made

through the operator. 15. Say what kind of call you want to book. 16. Indicate the duration of your call.

Exercise 3. Translate into English. 1. Ïîäíèìèòå òåëåôîííóþ òðóáêó è æäèòå ãóäêà. 2. Ïîëîæèòå òðóáêó. 3. Íàáåðèòå íîìåð. 4. Îïóñòèòå ìîíåòó. 5. Íîìåð íå çàíÿò. 6. Ïîçâîíèòå ÷åðåç êîììóòàòîð. 7. Ïîäîæäèòå, ïîêà âàì íå îòâåòÿò. 8. ß ñäåëàë ìåæäóãîðîäíûé òåëåôîííûé âûçîâ. 9. Àáîíåíò íå îòâå÷àåò.

10. Ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ àâòîìàòè÷åñêàÿ òåëåôîííàÿ ñâÿçü î÷åíü ïîïóëÿðíà.

11. ß ñäåëàë îáúÿâëåíèå, çàïèñàííîå íà ïëåíêó. 12.  ãîðîäå åñòü ñòàíöèÿ ìåæäóíàðîäíîé àâòîìàòè÷åñêîé òåëå-

ôîííîé ñâÿçè.

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13. Íàçîâèòå äîïîëíèòåëüíûé íîìåð. 14. Ïîçâîíèòå òåëåôîíèñòêå è âàñ ñîåäèíÿò. 15. Íå êëàäèòå òðóáêó. 16. Çàêàæèòå ìåæäóãîðîäíûé òåëåôîííûé âûçîâ.

Exercise 4. Translate the following examples of the beginning of telephone conversation.

1. A. Hello! B. May I speak to Mr Stock, please? A. Speaking. B. Good morning, Mr Stock. This is Petrenko calling. A. Good morning Mr Petrenko.

2. A. Hello! B. Could I speak to Mr Stetsenko? A. Who is calling, please? B. This is Brown from the Foreign Office. A. Thank you. I’m putting you through. B. Stetsenko speaking.

3. A. Ukrainian Ambassy. Good morning. B. Good morning. Could you put me through to Mr Klitny? A. Sorry, the line is engaged. Can you hold on? B. All right. Thank you.

4. A. Five-seven-three; one-nine-three-four. B. Good evening. Can I speak to Mr Jones, please? A. Sorry. Mr Jones is on the other line. Will you wait, please? B. All right. A. Sorry to have kept you waiting. I’m putting Mr Jones on the line. B. Thank you.

5. A. Hello! B. Hello! David Black speaking. May I have a word with

Mr Osipenko? A. I’ll see if he is in. (A minute later). I’m afraid Mr Osipenko is out at

the moment.

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B. Could you take a message? A. Yes, of course.

6. A. Hello! This is Stakhiv from the Ukrainian Trade Delegation. Could you

put me through to Mr Russell, please? B. Hold on a moment, please. Sorry. Mr Russell is not in now and he

won’t be back until late this afternoon. A. Would you ask him to call me when he gets back? B. Certainly.

7. A. Number, please. B. 437-8181. Can I have a personal call to Manchester 645-9302 with

ADC, please? A. Will it be on credit? B. Yes, it will. A. Who are you calling? B. Mr Smith. A. Your number in Kyiv, please? B. 555-4005.

Exercise 5. Supply the prepositions where necessary. 1. Could you put me through ... Mr Stamp? 2. Could you hold ...? 3. I’m putting Mr Jones ... the line. 4. Mr Petrenko is out ... moment. 5. There is no reply (answer) ... his number. 6. There is no one ... name ... Smith here. 7. Then we have been out ... completely. 8. There seems to be some interruption ... our connection ... Chicago. 9. May I speak ... Mr Brown?

10. This is Stakhiv ... the Ukrainian Embassy. 11. I have been disconnected ... my caller. Could you help me? 12. I’d like to talk ... you ... your business. Can we meet early next

week? 13. Mr Lazarenko had to fly ... New York ... urgent business last night.

He asked me to get ... touch ... you instead and settle the matter. 14. I’m calling to confirm your appointment ... Mr Abbot ... next Friday

... 4 p. m.

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Exercise 6. Supply the articles where necessary. Translate the text.

FORMAL AND INFORMAL CONVERSATIONS ... language used for speaking on ... telephone is basically very simi-

lar to that of ... ordinary conversation, but limited in ... certain impor-tant respects by ... special situation which imposes ... number of re-strictions. Attention should be paid to some of ... essential differences between ... formal and informal telephone conversations ... most nota-ble difference is that ... formal telephone conversation is carried on at ... much more formal level because ... people speaking are taking care to maintain ... high level of politeness usually felt appropriate in this kind of discussion. Another difference is that ... formal discussion is very precise and factual, keeping to ... point and never straying off into ... chatty vagueness which is found at ... times in ... informal telephone conversations. Finally, there is of course ... considerable difference in ... vocabulary, with more technical terms than one would expect to find in ... average informal telephone conversation, and ... mixture of formal and informal words and phrases. ... informal chatty telephone calls usu-ally take place between friends who have nothing in particular to dis-cuss. In this kind of telephone conversation there is ... great deal of in-formal idioms.

Exercise 7. Make up telephone conversations considering these assignments.

1. Brown & Co for some reason or other have not delivered the goods in the stipulated time. Phone the Company and let them know that they are responsible for the delay and have either to make emer-gency delivery within a week or to pay you a penalty.

2. You are decorating your apartment. The work is progressing very slowly. Phone the manager of the Company and ask him to offer his workmen a spot of overtime over the week-end so that they could finish all the outstanding work within two days.

3. You have been up to your ears in work over the past two weeks and failed to send a book on Ukrainian art to your colleague. Phone him, offer your apologies and say that you do remember your promise and that you will get the book in the post this afternoon.

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I. Setting up a limited company Four men, Derek, Roger, Malcolm and John, have started a limited

company in Britain. They are all investors and shareholders. Roger invested 20,000 pounds. John put in 10,000 pounds. Derek’s contribu-tion was 55,000 pounds, the capital of Malcolm being 15,000 pounds. The company is called

DRMS Ltd £ 100.000


Derek is the majority shareholder (he owns the most shares). Derek also has a controlling interest (he owns more than 50% of

the shares). The company’s capital (the money it has for buying goods and equipment) is 100,000 pounds.

The company’s capital is divided into 100,000 shares of 1 pound each.

1 pound is the nominal value (or the par value, or the face value) of each share. Malcolm owns 15,000 shares. The nominal value of his shares is 15,000 pounds. After a year, the company makes 15,000 pound profit. This is divided between the shareholders. The company announces a dividend of 15 p. (pence) per share (15,000 pound profit — 100,000 shares).

Malcolm received 2,250 pounds (15,000 shares × 15 p.).

II. Investing in a limited company When a limited company has started trading, you do not invest in

shares by giving more capital to the company. You buy them from one of the Shareholders. If it is a private limited company, a shareholder can only sell shares if all the other shareholders agree. If it is a public limited company, shares can be bought and sold freely, usually at a

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Stock Exchange. If the company is doing well and paying high divi-dends, then you might pay more than the face value of the shares. If it is doing badly, you might pay less than the face value of the shares. The price you pay at the Stock Exchange (or to a shareholder) for your shares is their market value. If the company fails, it will stop trading and go into liquidation. This means that all the company’s property and equipment (its assets) must be sold and the money from the sale will be used to pay its debts to its creditors. The shareholders may lose the money they paid for the shares. If the company still does not have enough money to pay all its debts, the shareholders do not have to pay any more money. In other words, the shareholders’ liability for debts is limited to the value of their shares. On the other hand, if you are an owner of a business which is not limited, for example a sole proprietorship (owned by one person) or a partnership (owned by between 2 and 20 people) and your business fails, you will go bank-rupt. In this case you might have to sell your own private possessions (your house, car, furniture, etc.) to pay all your creditors. In other words, sole proprietors and partners have unlimited liability for their firm’s debts.


limited company— êîìïàíèÿ ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííî-ñòüþ

to set up a company — îñíî-âàòü êîìïàíèþ

investor — èíâåñòîð (âêëàä÷èê êàïèòàëà)

shareholder — âëàäåëåö àêöèé, àêöèîíåð, ïàéùèê

Ltd, ltd (ñîêð. îò limited) — ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåí-íîñòüþ (ïåðåä êðåäèòîðàìè)

majority shareholder — âëàäå-ëåö îñíîâíîãî ïàêåòà àêöèé

share — àêöèÿ controlling interest — çä. îñ-

íîâíîé ïðîöåíò àêöèé capital — êàïèòàë nominal value (the par value,

the face value) — íîìèíàëü-íàÿ ñòîèìîñòü

te own smth. — âëàäåòü ÷åì-ëèáî

dividend — äèâèäåíä trading — òîðãîâëÿ to invest — èíâåñòèðîâàòü,

âêëàäûâàòü êàïèòàë private limited company —

÷àñòíàÿ êîìïàíèÿ ñ îãðàíè-÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòüþ

public limited company — ãî-ñóäàðñòâåííàÿ êîìïàíèÿ ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííî-ñòüþ

Stock Exchange — áèðæà to do well — ïðåóñïåâàòü

(î äåÿòåëüíîñòè êîìïàíèè) to do badly — ðàáîòàòü ïëîõî

(î äåÿòåëüíîñòè êîìïàíèè) to go into liquidation — ïðè-

ñòóïèòü ê ëèêâèäàöèè (êîìïà-íèè)

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assets — àâóàðû (äåíåæíûå ñðåäñòâà); àêòèâû (ñðåäñò-âà, ôîíäû)

to pay debts — îïëàòèòü äîëãè debt — äîëã liability — îòâåòñòâåííîñòü sole proprietorship — ïðåä-

ïðèíèìàòåëüñêàÿ äåÿòåëü-íîñòü, îñóùåñòâëÿåìàÿ îäíèì ëèöîì

partnership — ïàðòíåðñòâî possession — ñîáñòâåííîñòü to go bankrupt — îáàíêðî-

òèòüñÿ unlimited company — êîìïàíèÿ

ñ íåîãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñò-âåííîñòüþ


1. What is it necessary to do to set up a limited company in Britain? 2. What capitals did the four men invest in the limited company? 3. Who was the majority shareholder among the founders of the

company? 4. Why did Derek have a controlling interest in the company? 5. What divident did the company announce after a year of activi-

ties? 6. What can a shareholder do if it is a private limited company? 7. Where can the shares be bought? 8. If the company is doing well, how will you pay for the shares? 9. What will the company do if it fails?

10. Why is the company called "limited"? 11. Why is the company called "unlimited"? 12. To whom and for what are the founders of a company responsible

in the case of the company’s liquidation?


Exercise 1. Use the clues to help you to complete the sen-tences. The words are all in the text above.

Clues: 1. The money shareholders put into a company to buy property and

equipment so that it can start is called ... . 2. One of the owners of a partnership is ... . 3. The price you pay for shares when the company has started

trading is their ... value. 4. To put money into a business or a bank account so that it will

make a profit is to ... . 5. The sole (only) owner of a business is ... .

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6. To buy and sell goods is ... . 7. The price written on a share is its ... value. 8. Something belonging to a person or a business which can be sold

is ... . 9. One of the owners of a limited company is ... .

10. Your legal duty to other people, e.g. to your creditors is ... . 11. If a sole proprietorship or a partnership fails, the owners will

go ... . 12. You can only buy or sell shares in a ... company if the other share-

holders agree. 13. A person you owe money to is ... . 14. The shares in a ... limited company can be bought and sold freely. 15. Another name for a business is ... . 16. When a limited company fails, it goes ... . 17. Money you owe to another person is ... . 18. Shares in public limited companies are usually bought and sold at a

... exchange (which is also called a ... market).

Exercise 2. Decide what sort of business you would start in these situations. There is no one correct answer in any case and your may be able to think of more than one possibility. Give your reasons.

1. You and your spouse (husband or wife) want to start a grocery shop in a small village. There is already one grocery shop in the village owned by an old lady. Your bank will lend you the money you need.

2. Two couples have enough money to buy a small hotel which they will all work in. One of the couples has two young children.

3. You want to sell fruit and vegetables from a stall at the market. You need 500 pound capital which you can borrow from your fa-ther.

Exercise 3. Translate the following "Business News in Brief ". 1. International Airways have improved their domestic service and

brought down their prices. IA now have regular flights between ten cities in this country and their fares are about the same as first class rail fares. Airfreight rates (ðàñöåíêè) are lower too.

2. The government have announced that trade figures — the Balance of Trade is in the red, but our Balance of Payments is in the black (to be in the red — âåñòè äåëà ñ óáûòêîì, óêàçûâàòü íà óáûòêè; to be in the black — âåñòè äåëà ñ ïðèáûëüþ; óêà-çûâàòü íà ïðèáûëüíîñòü). The trade deficit is £ 1.2 m, but be-cause of the large number of visitors to the country this year, our Balance of Payments surplus is just over two million pounds.

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3. The pound is standing strong against the dollar at 2.56. Last month the pound was only worth $2.1. As a result we expect to handle more exports than imports in the next few months.

4. We regret to announce that one of our customers has gone into liquidation. ABD plc was a building firm which worked mainly on private housing. About two thousand ABD workers are now unem-ployed.

5. The major credit card companies say that they lose about £ 3,000,000 a year in this country from stolen cards. The latest figures show that one in six people now holds at least one credit card and that 90% of credit card holders have two or more credit cards.

6. The Stock Exchange closed at 254.3 on the last day of the month. This is 5.4 points down on the previous month, but 10.2 points up on the same month last year.

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Ýòè ëþäè ÿâëÿþòñÿ èíâåñòîðàìè è âëàäåëüöàìè àêöèé. 2. Ãîñïîäèí Äæîíñîí ÿâëÿåòñÿ ãëàâíûì âëàäåëüöåì àêöèé. 3. ×òîáû íà÷àòü äåëî, íåîáõîäèìî âçÿòü êðåäèò â áàíêå. 4. Êàïèòàë êîìïàíèè äåëèòñÿ íà 50000 àêöèé, êàæäàÿ èç êîòîðûõ

èìååò öåíó â 1 äîëëàð. 5. Êîìïàíèÿ ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòüþ íàçûâàåòñÿ òàê

ïîòîìó, ÷òî îíà íåñåò îãðàíè÷åííóþ îòâåòñòâåííîñòü ïåðåä êðåäèòîðàìè â ñëó÷àå åå ëèêâèäàöèè èëè áàíêðîòñòâà.

6. Àêöèè ïðîäàþòñÿ íà áèðæå. 7. Åñëè êîìïàíèÿ ïðåóñïåâàåò è ïëàòèò âûñîêèå äèâèäåíäû, åå

àêöèè èìåþò âûñîêóþ öåíó. 8. Åñëè êîìïàíèÿ òåðïèò êðàõ, îíà ïðåêðàùàåò òîðãîâëþ è ëèêâè-

äèðóåòñÿ. 9. Êîìïàíèÿ ñ íåîãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòüþ â ñëó÷àå ëèêâè-

äàöèè èëè áàíêðîòñòâà ïðîäàåò âñå ñâîå èìóùåñòâî, âêëþ÷àÿ è ëè÷íîå èìóùåñòâî îñíîâàòåëåé, ÷òîáû îïëàòèòü äîëãè êðåäèòîðàì.

10. Îäèíî÷íûå ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëè íåñóò íåîãðàíè÷åííóþ îòâåò-ñòâåííîñòü çà äîëãè ñâîåé ôèðìû.


Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences with the modal verbs must or can. Take your information from the above-given text.

1. There ... be at least two partners in a partnership.

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2. A person who wants to start a business, but who has not got any partners ... start a sole proprietorship.

3. Two people starting a business together ... start a partnership or a private limited company.

4. You ... have as many as 20 people in a partnership. 5. A sole proprietor ... pay the firm’s debts with his/her own money

if necessary. 6. Each partner ... pay the firm’s debts with his/her own money if

necessary. 7. Anyone ... buy shares in a public limited company. 8. The name of a private limited company ... includes the word

"limited" or the abbreviation Ltd. 9. You ... only buy shares in a private limited company if the other

shareholders agree. 10. You ... draw up a Memorandum and Articles of Association (óñòàâ

àêöèîíåðíîãî îáùåñòâà) when you start a limited company.

Exercise 2. Transform the sentences in the First conditional (likely possibilities) into the Second conditional (unlikely possibilities) in the Present Indefinite Tense Form according to the following model.

Mode l : F.C. If you buy shares you will own part of the company. S.C. If you bought shares, you would own part of the company.

Translate the following. 1. If you start a business, you will need capital. 2. If the bank gives you a loan, you will pay interest on it (çä. ïðî-

öåíò). 3. You will have unlimited liability if you start a partnership. 4. If you buy shares, you will be a shareholder. 5. You will be a partner if you invest in a partnership. 6. If the limited company fails, you will only lose the value of your

shares. 7. If you buy a controlling interest, it will cost you several thousand


Exercise 3. Supply the definite or indefinite articles where necessary. Translate the text.

Memorandum of Association (Ìåìîðàíäóì îá àêöèîíåðíîì îáùåñòâå)

In order to start ... limited company, you must draw up two legal documents, ... Memorandum of Association and ... Articles of Associa-tion. In ... small groups, start your own company. Decide on ... name of

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... company, what you are going to do and how much capital each of you are going to invest. Then draw up ... Memorandum. Write ... full sentence for each of ... six clauses, which say the following:

1. ... name of ... company ("... name of ... company will be ..."). 2. ... country where ... company is ... 3. ... type of ... trade ... company will carry on ... 4. ... sentence saying that ... liability of shareholders is limited by

... amount invested in shares in ... company. 5. ... amount of ... capital ... company has and ... number and value

of ... shares. 6. ... sentence saying that ... shareholders wish to form this com-

pany. Each shareholder signs ... Memorandum and writes next to his/her name ... number of shares he/she is buying. Write ... date.

NB ... Articles (óñòàâ) are more complicated and give ... details of how ... company will be run, how often ... shareholders’ meetings will be held and so on.

Exercise 4. Supply the prepositions where necessary. Translate the sentences.

1. The person I owe money ... is my friend. 2. ... other words, sole proprietors and partners have unlimited liabi-

lity ... their firm’s debts. 3. If your firm fails, you will go ... bankrupt. 4. If a limited company fails, it goes ... liquidation. 5. It is your legal duty ... creditors to pay ... all debts. 6. The activities ... a limited company is to buy and sell ... goods. 7. Shares ... public limited companies are usually bought and sold ...

a stock exchange. 8. These must be ... least two partners ... a partnership. 9. You must draw ... a Memorandum and Articles of Association

when you start a limited company. 10. The shareholders may lose the money they paid ... the shares. 11. The company’s capital is divided ... 100,000 shares ... 1 pound

each. 12. The profit ... the company is divided ... the shareholders.

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When you travel by train, you need a ticket as proof that you have paid. When you send a consignment of goods by rail or road you also need a receipt to prove the transport company has taken the goods. A consignment note is both a ticket and a receipt. A consignment note for goods sent by air is called an air consignment note or an air way-bill. A consignment note for goods sent by sea is a Bill of Lading. A combined transport document is for goods sent by more than one means of transport.

When companies buy goods, they send an order to the suppliers. If the buyers are regular customers, the suppliers send the goods and then send an invoice. The buyers do not always pay the invoice imme-diately. Usually, the suppliers send a statement at the end of the month which shows all the transactions between the suppliers and the buyers in that month. The buyers then pay the amount outstanding on that statement.

Sometimes when the suppliers receive an enquiry, they send a pro-forma invoice. This is a quotation which looks like the final invoice so the buyers know how much they have to pay. If the suppliers do not know the buyers, the buyers might pay in advance against the pro-forma when placing their order.

If you have an account at a bank and you want to pay money to someone, you write a cheque. This is an order to the bank to pay money to someone from your account. You can write a cheque on anything (a man once wrote a cheque on a cow and the bank paid the money), but banks give standard cheque forms to customers who have accounts (account holders).

For example today is 23 March. You want to pay "Household De-signs Ltd" £100, but you only have £50 in your account. You will have enough money in your account next week, so you write a later date on the cheque (e.g. 31 March). This is called post-dating a cheque. It is now a post-dated cheque. The bank will not accept it before the date written.

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Suppose Nick Dawson gave Anne Bell (the payee) a cheque for £10. Anne wanted to pay Tom Rowe £10. On the back of Nick’s cheque she wrote, "Pay Tom Rowe or order" and then she signed her name. This is called endorsing a cheque. The cheque is endorsed to Tom Rowe. It is possible to endorse a cheque because of the words "or oder" written on the front. This means the cheque is negotiable.

Some shops do not like taking cheques because the customer might be dishonest. Banks give most account-holders a guarantee card (also called a cheque card or a banker’s card) which they sign. The shop assistant compares the signatute on the cheque and on the card and writes the guarantee card number on the back of the cheque. The bank guarantees payment (up to £50) even if the account holder does not have enough money in his/her account at the time.

Counts Bank plc Trafford Branch 89 Berry Road Manchester M152PQ Pay Anne Bell

28 March 1998 90.10.109

or order

Four hundred and ninety-two pounds twenty-eight pence


for and on behalf of Transworld Freight plc

Cheque no 621517

Branch no 90.10.109

Account no 013378234

(signature) Liz Shepherd


consignment — êîíñèãíàöèÿ; ãðóç, ïàðòèÿ òîâàðîâ; îòïðàâêà ãðóçîâ; òðàíñïîðòíàÿ íàê-ëàäíàÿ

receipt — êâèòàíöèÿ air waybill — òðàíñïîðòíàÿ íàê-

ëàäíàÿ ïðè îòïðàâêå ãðóçà ïî âîçäóõó

Bill of Lading, B/L — êîíî-ñàìåíò (òðàíñïîðòíàÿ íàêëàä-íàÿ)

order — çàêàç supplier — ïîêóïàòåëü buyer — ïîñòàâùèê customer — ïîêóïàòåëü, êëèåíò invoice — ñ÷åò (íà òîâàðû

è ïð.) to pay the invoice — îïëàòèòü

ñ÷åò statement — âåäîìîñòü; çàÿâ-

ëåíèå; âûïèñêà; âåäîìîñòü ïîäñ÷åòà

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enquiry (inquiry) — çàïðîñ pro-forma invoice — ïðåäâàðè-

òåëüíûé, îðèåíòèðîâî÷íûé ñ÷åò

quotation — êîòèðîâêà; êóðñ (íà ôîíäîâîé áèðæå); íàçíà-÷åíèå (öåí, ðàñöåíîê); ðàñ÷åò

account — ñ÷åò (â áàíêå) cheque on ... — ÷åê íà ... standard cheque form — ñòàí-

äàðòíûé áëàíê ÷åêà in the account — íà ñ÷åòó to post-date the cheque — ïî-

ñòàâèòü íà ÷åêå áîëåå ïîçä-íþþ äàòó, ÷åì òà, êîãäà ïîä-ïèñûâàåòñÿ ÷åê

payee — ïîëó÷àòåëü (äåíåã ïî ïåðåâîäó)

to endorse — èíäîññèðîâàòü (äåëàòü ïåðåäàòî÷íóþ íàä-ïèñü)

negotiable — îáîðîòíûé (ïåðå-óñòóïàåìûé)

banker’s card (cheque card, guarantee card) — ÷åêîâàÿ êàðòî÷êà

to compare — ñðàâíèâàòü internal — âíóòðåííèé (â ïðå-

äåëàõ îðãàíèçàöèè, ó÷ðåæ-äåíèÿ)

memorandum (memo) — ìåìî-ðàíäóì; äîêëàäíàÿ çàïèñêà

reception area — ïðèåìíàÿ (â ó÷ðåæäåíèè, îôèñå è ò. ï.)

Qty (quantity) — êîëè÷åñòâî unit price — öåíà çà åäèíèöó

òîâàðà amount — ñóììà ref (reference) — ññûëêà íà ... discount — ñêèäêà to submit payment — ïðåä-

ñòàâëÿòü ê îïëàòå total — èòîãî, âñåãî; îáùàÿ

ñóììà amount outstanding — íåîïëà-

÷åííàÿ ñóììà accîunt holder — âëàäåëåö

ñ÷åòà (â áàíêå)


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions on the text above. 1. Which documents are requests for payment? 2. Which documents are a sort of ticket for transporting goods? 3. Which document is a request for goods? 4. Which documents are reciepts for goods? 5. "Household Designs" sent goods by air to a regular customer in

France. Which documents do you think were used? 6. Who wrote the cheque shown in the text? 7. When did she write the cheque? 8. Who is the payee? 9. Who does Liz Shepherd work for?

10. Whose account number is 013378234?

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11. Who made out the cheque? 12. Who is the person receiving the money? 13. Who signed the cheque? 14. Whose signature is on the cheque? 15. What do you think the abbreviation a/c stands for? (The word is

on the cheque.)

Exercise 2. Translate the following memo. Pay attention to how it is written.

INTERNAL MEMORANDUM TO: Anne Bell FROM: Graham Davis DATE: 23 March 1997 SUBJECT: Office furniture We need new chairs for visitors in the reception area. Can you

arrange it? We need 10 comfortable chairs in either blue or green. Take maximum amount you can spend is £600

Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences with the words from the text. Translate the sentences.

1. A ... cheque has a later date on it. 2. You sign a cheque with your ... . 3. The payee writes the number of the ... on the back of the cheque

so that the bank will definitely pay the money. 4. You ... a cheque when you sign your name on the back. 5. An order to the bank to pay money to someone is a ... . 6. The money comes out of the ...’s account when he/she writes a

cheque. 7. If the cheque is ..., you can endorse it. 8. The words "or ..." mean you can endorse a cheque. 9. The person the cheque is made out to is the ... .

10. A person who has an account at a bank is an ... . 11. One of the offices of a bank where you can pay in or draw out

money is a ... . 12. To write a cheque is to ... a cheque. 13. A/c stands for ... .

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Exercise 4. Translate the following invoice paying attention to how it is written. Answer the following questions concerning the invoice.

INVOICE HOUSEHOLD DESIGNS & CO LTD Invoice no: 0455/0004 22 High St Manchester M1 2 BL Order no: 009762 Tel: (061)763 2555 Telex: 668542 Date: 05/04/93 Cables/Telegrams HODES MANCHESTER

TO: Transworld Freight plc 74 Dockside Manchester M15 7BJ

Qty Description Unit price


5 5

chairs ref C 299432B (blue) chairs ref C 299432G (green)

£66 £66

£330 £330

10% discount for payment received within one calendar month

Please quote invoice number when submitting payment

TOTAL £660

1. What is the name of the supplier? 2. What is the name of the buyer? 3. What date was the invoice sent? 4. How many chairs did Transworld buy? 5. How much did one chair cost? 6. If Transworld paid the invoice on 10 May 1998, how much did they

pay? 7. When Transworld paid, what number did they send with the pay-

ment? 8. If Transworld paid the invoice on 20 April 1998, how much did

they pay?

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Êîãäà âû åäåòå ïîåçäîì, âàì íóæåí áèëåò â êà÷åñòâå äîêàçà- òåëüñòâà, ÷òî âû çàïëàòèëè çà ïðîåçä.

2. Êîíñèãíàöèîííàÿ çàïèñêà ê òîâàðàì, îòïðàâëåííûì ìîðåì, íà-çûâàåòñÿ êîíîñàìåíòîì.

3. Êîãäà êîìïàíèÿ ïîêóïàåò òîâàðû, îíà ïîñûëàåò ïîñòàâùèêàì çàêàç.

4. Åñëè ïîêóïàòåëü ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïîñòîÿííûì êëèåíòîì, òî ïîñòàâùèê ñíà÷àëà ïîñûëàåò åìó òîâàðû, à çàòåì ïîñûëàåò ñ÷åò.

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5. Åñëè ó âàñ åñòü ñ÷åò â áàíêå è âû õîòèòå êîìó-ëèáî óïëàòèòü, âû âûïèñûâàåòå ÷åê.

6. Íàì íóæíî îïëàòèòü íåîïëà÷åííóþ ñóììó. 7. Èíîãäà êîãäà ïîñòàâùèêè ïîëó÷àþò çàïðîñ, îíè ïîñûëàþò

ïðåäâàðèòåëüíûé ñ÷åò. 8. Åñëè ïîñòàâùèêè íå çíàþò ïîêóïàòåëåé, ïîêóïàòåëè ìîãóò çàïëà-

òèòü çàðàíåå. 9. Èíäîññèðîâàòü ÷åê îçíà÷àåò ïåðåâåñòè äåíüãè íà äðóãîå

ëèöî. 10. Áàíêè äàþò áîëüøèíñòâó ñâîèõ âëàäåëüöåâ ñ÷åòîâ ãàðàíòèéíûå

êàðòî÷êè, íàçûâàåìûå ÷åêîâûìè êàðòî÷êàìè.


Exercise 1. Put the principal clause of the following sentences in the Past Simple Tense form and the subordinate clause in the Future in the Past according to the model.

Mode l : She says that she will send this letter tomorrow. She said that she would send this letter next day.

1. The company says that they will receive the goods as soon as possible.

2. The buyer says that he will be our regular customer. 3. The Manager Director says that he will send the statement at the

end of this month. 4. She says that she will pay the amount tomorrow. 5. They say that they will pay all their debts in several days’ time. 6. Our customer says he will pay in advance because we do not know

him well. 7. This man always says that he will open his account in our bank

soon. 8. Nick tells Anne he will give her a cheque for £10. 9. The company say they will guarantee their account holders.

10. Anne says that Nick’s cheque will be endorsed to him.

Exercise 2. Put the following sentences in the Passive form according to the model; translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold type.

Mode l : The suppliers sell goods to customers. Goods are sold to customers by the suppliers.

1. When you travel by train you need a ticket as proof that you paid.

2. When companies buy goods, they send an order to the suppliers.

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3. The suppliers send an invoice to the buyers. 4. The buyers do not pay the goods immediately. 5. The buyers then pay the amount outstanding. 6. Sometimes when the suppliers receive an enquiry, they send a

pro-forma invoice. 7. Anne sent an order to "Household Designs". 8. Jane made out an air waybill which is the ticket and receipt for

the goods sent by air. 9. Anne received the goods and paid the pro-forma invoice.

10. If the suppliers do not know the buyers, the buyers may pay in advance.

Exercise 3. Supply the prepositions in the following sentences where necessary.

1. Anne had passed her exams before she left ... school. 2. After that she went ... secretarial college and then she worked ... a

bank. 3. Later she lived ... London and finally she moved ... Manchester and

got a job ... Transworld. 4. Mr Perez received the goods ... air. 5. When companies and firms buy goods they send orders ... the

suppliers. 6. Usually the suppliers send a statement ... the end ... the month. 7. The cheque was endorsed ... Nick Blake. 8. The shop assistant compares the signature ... the cheque and ...

the card and writes the guarantee card number ... the back ... the cheque.

9. He has much money ... his account ... the bank. 10. Further ... our meeting ... yesterday, I would like to place an order

... your company ... 10 chairs (blue or green).

Exercise 4. Supply definite or indefinite articles where necessary in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.

1. What is different about ... roman numerals on ... clock face? 2. Why aren’t you answering ... phone? 3. This advertisement appeared in ... national paper recently. Can you

find ... ten typing errors they made? 4. ... large rise in ... price of oil means that ... most freight rates will

go up in ... next few weeks. 5. The new container ship which is being built in ... Sutton Docks has

brought ... employment to thousands of workers in ... area.

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6. Counts Bank have said that they will charge ... customers from other banks who cash ... cheques at their branches.

7. The Lutine Bell rang at Lloyd’s when SS (steam ship) "Eagle" sank in ... North Atlantic. Fortunately, ... "Arctic Queen" was near by and picked up all ... crew.

8. ... West Trucks Ltd have bought two super trailers from ... mystery company.

9. Don’t forget ... post code. 10. That’s ... message from ... post office.

Exercise 5. Used to do ... (Construction meaning that the action took place continuosly in the past). In pairs, talk about things in the past which are not true now. See the model.

Mode l : P : There isn’t an airport at Ayton nowadays. R : Did there use to be an airport at Ayton then? P : There used to be, but there isn’t any more. P : She has only worked for GLM since the takeover. R : Didn’t she use to work for GLM then? P : She didn’t use to, but she does now.

1. They don’t handle dangerous cargo since the accident. 2. Transworld send containerised goods nowadays. 3. There isn’t a railway line between Dutton and Norton any more. 4. He doesn’t export to Italy now. 5. Transworld arrage airfreight consignments these days. 6. They make stereo equipment since they expanded.

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"Chemical Machinery" is a company based in nothern France. It manufactures heavy machinery for the chemical industry, every depart-ment in "Chemical Machinery" uses computers, and as the organisation grows, the computer systems grow with it. The company now decides that it needs a Divisional Software Engineering Manager. This lesson is about finding the right person for this job.

Peter Field is a Staff Controller at "Chemical Machinery". Together with the Data Manager of the company he composes notes of the job description. Notice how careful he is to say exactly what the em-ployee will have to do.

Draft Job Description Divisional Software Engineering Manager (DSEM). The DSEM is

responsible to the Data Manager for: a) ensuring that all software used by the Company maintained in good

operational condition at all times; b) maintaining the strictest security with regard to computer pro-

grammes; c) liaising with manufacturers and consultants in keeping software up

to date and in overcoming problems or errors in programmes; d) writing new programmes, applications, etc. as required.

In several days the following advertisement appeared in a number of daily newspapers and special journals:


MACHINERY is an expanding multinational company, active in chemical engineer-ing and marketing its products and services to the petro-chemical industry. Our West European Division, located in France, is urgently seeking an ambitious Software En-gineer to build and take charge of an enthusiastic team.

The successful applicant is likely to be under 35 and to have an outstanding track record in the field of software engineering (not necessarily relating to the chemical industry). He or she currently holds a post of responsibility at middle mana-gement level and is fluent in French and English. Salary negotiable. Expense allow-ance, company car, fringe benefits.

Apply with C. V. and names of two referees to: Dept F, Chemical Machinery SA, Apdo 235, Lille, France, before 17 January 1992

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Raymond Roussel is a French computer programmer working in Great Britain. He read the "Chemical Machinery" advertisement. He de-cided to send an application letter to Peter Field. He phoned Mr Field telling him that he wanted to be an applicant for the post and that he would send an application letter and his curriculum vitae. Here is his application letter:

Flat 9, 25 Newcastle Road Conselt

Co Durham DU4 3ME England

5 January 1992 Mr Field Staff Controller Chemical Machinery Apdo 235, Lille, France

Dear Mr Field

Application for the post of Divisional Software Engineering Manager

Further to our telephone conversation this morning, I can confirm that I wish to apply for this post. I enclose a copy of my cv.

You will see that I have added the name of one of my referees, Mrs Helen Andrews. You may contact her at any time. If you require other referees, perhaps you will be so kind as to let me know.

I can come to Lille for interview at almost any time, provided I have at least three days’ notice.

Yours sincerely Raymond Roussel

Raymond also sent his c.v. There are many "right" ways to write a c.v. Raymond has made his short and simple. He knows that all busi-ness documents must be easy to read and understand. That is why he has divided it into sections and tabulated it: the main headings are on the left of the page, the sub-headings a little further to the right. We can see at once where each section starts and ends.

This is the c.v. that Raymond sent to Peter Field.

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(A) PERSONAL INFORMATION name: Raymond Roussel home address: Rue Moreau-Nelaton, 48, Apt 15a Paris, France present address Flat 9, 25 Newcastle Road Consett Co Durham DU4 3ME England date and place of birth: 14.5.61 in Paris, France nationality: French sex: male marital status: single

(B) EDUCATION secondary education: 1976—79 Senior High School in Paris High School Graduation Certificate further education: 1979—80 military service 1980—85 University of Lyon: BSc in Computer Studies 1985—87 University of Paris: PhD in Systems Engineering

(C) EMPLOYMENT 1987—88 I took a year off and, with some friends, sailed

round the world in a 12-metre sailing cruiser 1988—89 Franco-Italian Bank, Milan: Systems Analyst 1989—90 Imprimery Ledoux, Paris: Control Systems Supervisor 1990— Topdown Systems, UK: Client Consultant (promoted to Senior Software Development Engineer, July 1991) current salary: equivalent to $48,000 plus car and bonuses

(D) OTHER INFORMATION languages: French (native) English (fluent, spoken/written) Italian (fairly fluent)

(E) REFEREES Mrs Helen Andrews Manager, Industrial Clients Department, Topdown Systems Ltd Unit 37, Medomsley Road Consett County Durham DU 11 SAE, England (name of other referees will be supplied on request)

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Several days later Helen receives a reference request from the Staff Controller of Chemical Machinery. This is her reference letter:

"Chemical Machinery" had several applicants for the post of Divi-

sional Software Engineering Manager. All of them were interviewed (see below in the lesson). After the selection interview Raymond

TOPDOWN SYSTEMS LTD Unit 37 Medomsley Road Consett County Durham DU 11 SAE England

Mr P.Field Staff Controller Chemical Machinery Apdo 235 Lille, France 29 January 1992


Applicant for post of Divisional Software Engineering Manager:

Dr Raymond Roussel Thank you for your enquiry dated 24 Januar. Dr Roussel has worked for this company since October 1990, first as a Client Consultant, and since July 1992 as a Senior Software Development Engineer. Although appointed to the Marketing Department, he has been attached to the Industrial Clients Department since the date of his promotion. He is one of four SSDEs in my Department, who report direct to me. I have found him a willing and agreeable colleague and a very competent member of my team. He is dependable and hard working. On three occasions, as Project Leader of important client projects, he has shown effective leadership qualities. He has a natural apti-tude for understanding and solving problems. He is a good communicator, and although he sometimes appears to lack confidence in English, this has not been a serious obstacle in his work. Having studied the particulars of the post for which he has applied, I can confidently recommend him. Yours sincerely (Mrs) Helen Andrews Manager, Industrial Clients Department

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Roussel was accepted for this post while others were rejected. The following letter was sent to Dr Roussel:

CHEMICAL MACHINERY 21st February 1992 Dear Dr Roussel On behalf of Chemical Machinery, I am pleased to offer you the post of Divisional Software Engineering Manager, subject to the conditions specified in the enclosed contract. The starting salary will be US $4750 per month, payable in local currency. There will be a probationary period of six months, at which time the position and the salary will be reviewed. Thereafter the salary will be reviewed annually. Reasonable reloca-tion expenses will be met. You will be entitled to a company car. Further particu-lars of salary scales, fringe benefits and conditions of employment are enclosed. If you wish to accept the post, please let me have your acceptance in writing within seven days. I look forward to welcoming you to Chemical Machinery in the near future Yours sincerely P. Field Staff Controller

Having received this letter Dr Roussel sent his letter of acceptance to Mr Field, Personnel Department Controller, Chemical Machinery. Here is this letter:

Dear Mr Field Post of Divisional Software Engineering Manager I am writing to confirm what I told you in the telephone conversation today. I am pleased to accept your company’s offer of this post on terms outlined in your letter of 21 February 1992. I look forward to joining Chemical Machinery and to contribut-ing to the company’s work. Yours sincerely Raymond Roussel

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Then Dr Roussel notifies the company in which he worked before by the following letter:

Miss J. F. Matthews Personnel Department Topdown Systems Ltd

Dear Miss Matthews

I am writing to tell you that I have decided to accept an offer of employment with another company. I am therefore giving you my notice in accordance with the terms of my contract.

Yours sincerely Raymond Roussel Industrial Clients Department Chemical Machinery


Staff Controller — çä. èíñïåê-òîð îòäåëà êàäðîâ

Data Manager — íà÷àëüíèê îò-äåëà îáðàáîòêè äàííûõ

job description — îïèñàíèå äîëæíîñòíûõ îáÿçàííîñòåé

Divisional Software Enginee-ring Manager (DSEM) — íà-÷àëüíèê îòäåëà ïðîãðàììíîãî îáåñïå÷åíèÿ

to liaise with smb. — óñòàíàâ-ëèâàòü, ïîääåðæèâàòü ñâÿçü ñ êåì-ëèáî

to take charge of smb. — çä. âîçãëàâèòü ÷òî-ëèáî

team — çä. ãðóïïà, êîëëåêòèâ to be under 35 — áûòü â âîç-

ðàñòå äî 35 ëåò track record — ïîñëóæíîé ñïè-

ñîê fringe benefits — ïîáî÷íûå

âûãîäû, ïðèâèëåãèè cv; c.v. (curriculum vitae)—

àíêåòà, ñîñòàâëåííàÿ ïîñòó-ïàþùèì íà ðàáîòó

referee — ðåêîìåíäóþùåå ëè-öî; ëèöî, äàþùåå ðåêîìåíäà-öèþ

reference — ðåêîìåíäàöèÿ application letter — ïèñüìî ñ

çàÿâëåíèåì; çàÿâëåíèå, ïî-ñëàííîå ïèñüìîì

to phone (to telephone) smb. — ïîçâîíèòü ê.-ë. ïî òåëåôîíó

application — çàÿâëåíèå (ïðè ïîñòóïëåíèè íà ðàáîòó)

further to our telephone con-versation — ïîñëå íàøåãî òåëåôîííîãî ðàçãîâîðà ...; â ïðîäîëæåíèå íàøåãî òåëå-ôîííîãî ðàçãîâîðà ...

to apply for the post (po-sition) — ïîäàâàòü çàÿâëåíèå î ïðèåìå íà ðàáîòó (íà âàêàí-òíóþ äîëæíîñòü)

to enclose smth. — ïðèëàãàòü (êàêîé-ëèáî äîêóìåíò) ê ïèñüìó

notice — óâåäîìëåíèå heading — çàãîëîâîê sub-heading — ïîäçàãîëîâîê marital status — ñåìåéíîå

ïîëîæåíèå single — õîëîñòÿê; íåçàìóæåì married — æåíàòûé; çàìóæíÿÿ confidence — óâåðåííîñòü

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BSc (Bachelor of Science) — áàêàëàâð åñòåñòâåííûõ íàóê

computer studies — êîìïüþ-òåðíàÿ òåõíèêà

PhD (Philosophea Doctor) — äîêòîð ôèëîñîôèè

to take a year off — âçÿòü îòïóñê íà îäèí ãîä

sailing cruiser — çä. ïàðóñíàÿ ÿõòà

supervisor — çä. ðóêîâîäèòåëü, íà÷àëüíèê îòäåëà

to be promoted to... — ïîëó÷èòü ïîâûøåíèå íà äîëæíîñòü ...

salary — çàðàáîòíàÿ ïëàòà bonuses — ïðåìèàëüíûå reference request — çàïðîñ

äàòü êîìó-ëèáî ðåêîìåíäàöèþ enquiry — çàïðîñ Client Consultant — êîí-

ñóëüòàíò îòäåëà ïî îáñëóæè-âàíèþ êëèåíòîâ

to report to smb. — ïîä÷èíÿòüñÿ êîìó-ëèáî

dependable — íàäåæíûé, çà-ñëóæèâàþùèé äîâåðèÿ

hard-working — òðóäîëþáèâ to have a natural aptitude for

smth. — èìåòü ïðèðîäíóþ ñêëîííîñòü ê ÷åìó-ëèáî

to lack — íåäîñòàâàòü, íå õâà- òàòü

particulars — ïîëíûå äàííûå, ïîäðîáíîñòè

to interview smb. — ïðîâîäèòü ñîáåñåäîâàíèå ñ êåì-ëèáî

selection interview — ñîáåñåäîâàíèå ïðè îòáîðå êàíäèäàòîâ íà äîëæíîñòü

to accept smb. — ïðèíÿòü êîãî-ëèáî

to reject smb. — îòêàçàòü êîìó-ëèáî

subject to the conditions — ñ ñîáëþäåíèåì óñëîâèé, ïðè ñîãëàñèè íà óñëîâèÿ; åñëè áóäåò ñîãëàñèå íà óñëîâèÿ

probationary period — èñïû-òàòåëüíûé ñðîê

relocation expenses — ïîäúåì-íûå äåíüãè

to be entitled to... — èìåòü ïðàâî íà ...

in writing — â ïèñüìåííîì âèäå to confirm — ïîäòâåðæäàòü to notify smb. — óâåäîìëÿòü

êîãî-ëèáî in accordance with the terms

of the contract — â ñîîòâåò-ñòâèè ñ óñëîâèÿìè êîíòðàêòà

interview — èíòåðâüþ, ñîáåñå-äîâàíèå


1. What is a general scheme of applying for a job? 2. Why do "Chemical Machinery" need the post of a Divisional Soft-

ware Engineering Manager? 3. Who composed the draft job description? 4. What are the general functions of the DSEM according to the de-

scription? 5. Where are advertisements of companies and firms published?

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6. What are the requirements for the applicant set by "Chemical Ma-chinery" in accordance with the advertisement?

7. Who applies for the post of DSEM and what is he? 8. What documents has an applicant to present to apply for a pro-

posed post? 9. In what way is a curriculum vitae written?

10. What is a track record of an applicant? 11. What general headings and sub-heading does a c.v. have? What is

their layout? 12. What is a referee? What are his functions? 13. What is a reference? Who writes it and when? 14. Who usually sends a request to a referee to give his (her) refe-

rence for an applicant? 15. Who interviews applicants for a post of the company? 16. How are applicants selected? 17. If the company select one applicant, how do they notify him about

it? 18. What are the actions of the applicant, selected for the post, after

he receives a notification of the company? 19. What does the applicant write to the company in which he worked

before? 20. How long did it take Dr Roussel to change the place of work ac-

cording to the example given above?


Exercise 1. Use the clues to help you (to) complete the sentences. The words are all in text above:

Clues: 1. As the company grows, the computer systems ... 2. The Staff Controller together with the Data Manager ... ... of the

job description. 3. Chemical Machinery is an ... ... company. 4. Our West European Division is urgently ... an ambitious Software

Engineer. 5. The successful applicant is ... to be under 35. 6. He or she currently holds a post at middle management level and is

... in French and English. 7. Raymond Roussel decided to send ... ... to Mr Field. 8. Further to our ... ... this morning, I can confirm that I wish to apply

for this... .

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9. I can come to Lille for the interview any time, provided I have at least three das’ ... .

10. Several days later Helen receives a ... ... from the Staff Controller of Chemical Machinery.

11. He is one of four SSDEs in my Department, who ... ... to me. 12. He is ... and hard-working. 13. He has a natural ... for understanding and solving problems. 14. He sometimes appears to lack ... in English. 15. Having studied the ... of the post for which he has applied, I can

confidently ... him. 16. The starting ... will be US $4750 per month. 17. There will be a ... ... of six months. 18. Reasonable ... expenses will be met. 19. Further ... of salary scales, fringe benefits and conditions

are ... . 20. If you wish to accept the ... please let me have your ... in writing

within seven days.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to some structures and phrases used at an interview.

At an Interview Interviewer: Are there any questions you want to ask us? Applicant: Yes, I’d like to know more about the people I’ll be working

with. I: Well, this is a new post. We’re not quite sure which department it

will be in -- Marketing or Technical. A: The thig is, I see my career developing more towards marketing. I: Marketing’s rather a big jump. After all, as an engineer, you won’t

be directly involved in selling. A: You never know! Anyway, I’m certainly going to be involved in

product development. I: Well, maybe you have a point there. It depends on how you look at

it. A: OK, let’s say I’m going to be on the marketing side. Perhaps you

can tell me who I’ll be working with.

Exercise 3. Complete the following ideas with your own words.

1. As "Chemical Machinery" is expanding ... 2. The organisation uses computers and as it grows ... 3. Notice how carefully the Staff Controller ...

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4. The DSEM is responsible for ... 5. Chemical Machinery is seeking ... 6. The successful applicant is likely to ... 7. He or she currently holds ... 8. Further to our telephone conversation ... 9. He knows that business documents must be easy to read and un-

derstand. That is why ... 10. I took a year off and ... 11. Dr Roussel has worked for this company since October 1990 ... 12. He is one of four SSDE in my Department who report direct to

me. I have found ... 13. After the selection interview Raymond was ... 14. The starting salary will be ... 15. Further particulars of salary ... 16. I am writing to confirm ... 17. I am pleased to accept ... 18. I look forward to joining ...

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ôèðìà ïðîèçâîäèò ìàøèíû äëÿ õèìè÷åñêîé ïðîìûøëåííîñòè. 2. Îí ðàáîòàåò èíñïåêòîðîì îòäåëà êàäðîâ â íàøåé êîìïàíèè. 3. Ðàáîòíèêè îòäåëà êàäðîâ ñîñòàâèëè äîëæíîñòíóþ èíñòðóêöèþ

â ÷åðíîâèêå. 4. Ôèðìà ïîìåñòèëà îáúÿâëåíèå â íåñêîëüêèõ ãàçåòàõ îòíîñè-

òåëüíî íîâîé äîëæíîñòè èíæåíåðà ïî ïðîãðàììíîìó îáåñïå÷åíèþ.

5. Ðàéìîíä Ðóññåëü, êîìïüþòåðíûé ïðîãðàììèñò èç Ôðàíöèè, ïðåòåíäóåò íà ýòó äîëæíîñòü.

6. Â ïðîäîëæåíèå íàøåãî òåëåôîííîãî ðàçãîâîðà â ïÿòíèöó ÿ ïîäòâåðæäàþ, ÷òî ïðåòåíäóþ íà ýòó äîëæíîñòü è ïðèëàãàþ ñâîþ àíêåòó.

7. Ó ýòîãî êàíäèäàòà íà äîëæíîñòü õîðîøèé ïîñëóæíîé ñïèñîê. 8. ß ìîãó ïðèåõàòü ê âàì íà ñîáåñåäîâàíèå â ëþáîå âðåìÿ, åñëè

âû òîëüêî óâåäîìèòå ìåíÿ ïî ìåíüøåé ìåðå çà òðè äíÿ. 9. Ñîîáùàþ âàì ôàìèëèè è àäðåñà ëþäåé, êîòîðûå ìîãóò äàòü

ìíå ðåêîìåíäàöèè. 10. Ëþáûå äåëîâûå äîêóìåíòû ñîñòàâëÿþòñÿ òàê, ÷òîáû èõ ìîæíî

áûëî ëåãêî ïðî÷åñòü è ïîíÿòü. 11. Ñâîþ àíêåòó îí ðàçäåëèë íà ðàçäåëû, èìåþùèå çàãîëîâêè è

ïîäçàãîëîâêè. 12. Â ïåðâîì ðàçäåëå â âèäå èíôîðìàöèè î ñåáå îí óêàçàë ñâîè

èìÿ è ôàìèëèþ, äîìàøíèé àäðåñ, àäðåñ ïðîæèâàíèÿ, äàòó è ìåñòî ðîæäåíèÿ, íàöèîíàëüíîñòü, ïîë è ñåìåéíîå ïîëîæåíèå.

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13.  ðàçäåëå îá îáðàçîâàíèè îí óêàçàë âñå ó÷åáíûå çàâåäåíèÿ, êîòîðûå îêîí÷èë, è âñå ó÷åíûå ñòåïåíè, êîòîðûå ïîëó÷èë.

14.  ðàçäåëå î ðàáîòå îí óêàçàë âåñü ñâîé ïîñëóæíîé ñïèñîê ïîñëå îêîí÷àíèÿ ïîñëåäíåãî ó÷åáíîãî çàâåäåíèÿ.

15. Â ðàçäåëå î äðóãîé èíôîðìàöèè îí óêàçàë, êàêèìè èíî-ñòðàííûìè ÿçûêàìè âëàäååò è â êàêîé ñòåïåíè.

16. ×åðåç íåñêîëüêî äíåé íà÷àëüíèê îòäåëà êàäðîâ ïîñëàë çàïðîñû î ðåêîìåíäàöèÿõ óêàçàííûì êàíäèäàòîì íà äîëæíîñòü ëþäÿì.

17. Âñå òðè êàíäèäàòà íà äîëæíîñòü ïðîøëè ñîáåñåäîâàíèå ïî îòáîðó.

18. Ïîñëå ñîáåñåäîâàíèÿ îäèí êàíäèäàò áûë ïðèíÿò, îñòàëüíûå äâà ïîëó÷èëè îòêàç.

19. Ïîñëå ýòîãî íà÷àëüíèê îòäåëà êàäðîâ ïîïðîñèë ïðèíÿòîãî êàí-äèäàòà ïèñüìåííî óâåäîìèòü åãî î ñîãëàñèè çàíÿòü ïðåäëà-ãàåìóþ åìó äîëæíîñòü.

20. Íàïèñàâ î ñâîåì ñîãëàñèè çàíÿòü äîëæíîñòü, êàíäèäàò ñîîáùèë îá ýòîì íà÷àëüíèêó îòäåëà êàäðîâ êîìïàíèè, â êîòîðîé îí ïðåæäå ðàáîòàë.

Exercise 5. You are interviewing a candidate who does not appear to have the right qualifacations for the job. Read these examples:

I speak fluent Russian and Japanese. Yes, but what we need is someone who can speak Ukrainian.

And I have three years’ experience. Yes, but what we need is some-one with at least 5 years’ experience.

Now you go on in the same way. The notes show what sort of per-son you need for the job.

You need someone: a) who can speak French; b) with at least ten years’ experience; c) over thirty; d) with research experience; e) with an engineering degree; f) who can work in a team; g) who has worked overseas; h) who is willing to travel extensively; i) who can build an enthusiastic team; j) who can work as a computing programmer.

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Exercise 6. Fill in the following Interview Record for training:

Interview Record Name


Address Tel ¹ (Home) Tel ¹ (Business) Present employer Salary Address Position held Reason for leaving General knowledge Adaptability Reliability Technical knowledge Quality of work Career outlook Experience Management potential Team worker Attitude to overtime Initiative Remarks


Exercise 1. Supply the prepositions where necessary. A letter from an applicant for the secretarial post advertised in a

newspaper (home address)

Blake and Son Personnel Services PO Box 203 9 January 1998 London SW1, 6JN Dear Sir I am interested ... applying for the post of secretary ... your company, which was advertised ... the Daily Telegraph, 4 January 1998. I am ... present working ... Watson and Sons Ltd in Crawley, where I have been Personal Secretary ... the Head ... the Legal Department ... the past 2 years. This position also includes responsibility ... translating and occasional interpreting ... meetings ... overseas clients. I enclose my curriculum vitae and will be happy to give you any further information, should you require it. Yours faithfully, JOAN BELL

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Exercise 2. Supply the proper articles where necessary. Translate the text.

...Data Servicing Department had ... staff of ten, out of ... total staff in ... London office of 150. ... company had ... turnover, in 1998, in ... region of US $20m. I was responsible for ... staff of seven and for ... functioning of all data processing services within ... company and all data communication. In 1998 I also planned and supervised ... installa-tion of ... equipment and software, and organised ... training courses for all employees.

Del Conte is ... small, but successful, firm of ... financial and invest-ment consultants. We have ... clients in ... most European countries, North America and Japan. I am responsible for maintaining ... firm’s data processing system, which is in ... contact throughout ... day and night with ... world’s major stock exchanges and money markets. I also maintain ... software which processes ... portfolio values, clients’ ac-counts, etc.

Exercise 3. Use the adverbials "rather" or "quite" in the following sentences:

1. What do you think of the new manager? 2. Oh, I ... like him. He is ... good. 3. Are you sure? Yes, I’m ... sure. 4. You have made a mistake. You’re ... right. I’ve made a mistake. 5. Can I have a word with you? Well, I am ... busy at the moment. 6. Is it all important? Yes, it is ... . 7. Did she do it well? Yes, I thought she did .. well. 8. Are you surprised that Raymond decided to sail around the world?

Yes, I’m ... surprised that he did so. 9. Do you agree with him? No, I don’t ... agree with him.

10. Are you ... sure that he is good for this post? Yes, I’m ... sure. 11. Do you think your travel was useful? Yes. actually I think it was ...

useful for my career because I tested a new navigation equipment. In the examples given above before other words "quite" means

"completely" or "rather" also has two meanings. It can also mean "to a small degree".

Exercise 4. Transform the following questions into indirect speech in the Past Indefinite Tense form according to the model:

"My name is Raymond Roussel". He asked what my name was. "What post do you hold in the company now?" He asked what post I held in the company then.

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"Can you show me your certificate?" He asked me whether (if) I could show him my certificate. "Have you already written you track record?" He asked if I had already written my track record.

1. Have you been to France before? 2. How long have you been working for Blake and Son company? 3. When did you do your military service? 4. Have you travelled much? 5. When were you at university? 6. Are you applying for the post of secretary? 7. Can you send me your curriculum vitae? 8. What is your merital status? 9. What year did you get your PhD?

10. What other companies have you worked for? 11. Did your studies at the university lead to a degree? 12. Can I give your name as a referee? 13. Could I have a quick word with you? 14. Who do you report to in your department? 15. Have you already sent a reference request to him? 16. What is your salary in the firm at present? 17. Have you got a natural aptitude to this job? 18. Is he a dependable and hard-working man? 19. How many people were selected as applicants for this job? 20. How many applicants were rejected? 21. What are fringe benefits at your post? 22. Have you already confirmed that you accept this post? 23. How long was your probationary period at the post of personal

secretary? 24. What were the terms of the contract signed by two firms? 25. Did the boss ask you to notify him in writing?

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Ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ îáðàçóåòñÿ ïóòåì ïðèáàâëåíèÿ îêîí÷àíèÿ -s ê ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîìó â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå:

student ñòóäåíò students reserve ðåçåðâ reserves manager óïðàâëÿþùèé managers

Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, îêàí÷èâàþùèåñÿ íà -x, -ss, -sh, -ch è -o, îáðàçóþò ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ïðèáàâëåíèåì îêîí÷àíèÿ -es ê ôîðìå åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà:

box êîðîáêà boxes class êëàññ classes wish æåëàíèå wishes branch âåòâü branches Negro íåãð Negroes hero ãåðîé heroes

Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, îêàí÷èâàþùèåñÿ íà -y ñ ïðåäøåñòâóþùåé ñî-ãëàñíîé, îáðàçóþò ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ïóòåì çàìåíû y íà i è ïðèáàâëåíèåì îêîí÷àíèÿ -es:

country ñòðàíà countries university óíèâåðñèòåò universities

Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, îêàí÷èâàþùèåñÿ íà -f èëè -fe, îáû÷íî îáðà-çóþò ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ïóòåì çàìåíû f íà v è äîáàâëåíèåì îêîí÷àíèÿ -es èëè -s:

shelf ïîëêà shelves life æèçíü lives knife íîæ knives

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Ðÿä ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ, ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì ôðàíöóçñêîãî ïðîèñ-õîæäåíèÿ, îêàí÷èâàþùèõñÿ íà -f, îáðàçóþò ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ïóòåì äîáàâëåíèÿ s:

chief íà÷àëüíèê chiefs proof äîêàçàòåëüñòâî proofs serf êðåïîñòíîé serfs handkerchief íîñîâîé ïëàòîê handkerchiefs

Íåêîòîðûå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå îáðàçóþò ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ïóòåì èçìåíåíèÿ êîðíåâîé ãëàñíîé èëè ïðèáàâëåíèåì îêîí÷àíèÿ:

man ÷åëîâåê men woman æåíùèíà women child ðåáåíîê children foot ñòóïíÿ feet tooth çóá teeth

 ñëîæíûõ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ, êàê ïðàâèëî, ôîðìó ìíîæåñòâåí-íîãî ÷èñëà ïðèíèìàåò ïîñëåäíåå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå:

apple-tree ÿáëîíÿ apple-trees fellow-pupil ñîó÷åíèê fellow-pupils school-girl øêîëüíèöà school-girls

Åñëè ïåðâûì ñëîâîì â ñëîæíîì ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîì, ñîñòîÿùåì èç äâóõ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ, ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñëîâî man èëè woman, òî îáà ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ ïðèíèìàþò ôîðìó ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà:

man-servant ñëóãà men-servants woman-writer ïèñàòåëüíèöà women-writers

 ñîñòàâíûõ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ, ñîñòîÿùèõ èç ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî è íàðå÷èÿ èëè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî è ïðåäëîæíîãî îáîðîòà, ôîðìó ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà ïðèíèìàåò îñíîâíîå ñóùåñòâèòeëüíîå:

passer-by ïðîõîæèé passers-by man-of-war âîåííûé êîðàáëü men-of-war sister-in-law íåâåñòêà sisters-in-law

Ðÿä ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ ãðå÷åñêîãî è ëàòèíñêîãî ïðîèñõîæäåíèÿ èìåþò ñîâåðøåííî îñîáîå îáðàçîâàíèå ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà:

agendum ïîâåñòêà äíÿ agenda datum äàííàÿ âåëè÷èíà data medium ñðåäñòâî media criterion êðèòåðèé criteria axis îñü axes radius ðàäèóñ radii radix èñòî÷íèê radices index èíäåêñ indices

 ýòèõ ñëó÷àÿõ â ñëîâàðÿõ óêàçûâàåòñÿ ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî òàêèõ ñëîâ.

Îêîí÷àíèå ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà s ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ êàê [z] ïîñëå ãëàñíûõ è çâîíêèõ ñîãëàñíûõ è êàê [s] ïîñëå ãëóõèõ ñîãëàñíûõ; îêîí÷àíèå es ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [iz] ïîñëå s, ss, x, sh, ch, c, z, g.

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1. Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå news íîâîñòü, means ñðåäñòâî, series ðÿä, ñåðèÿ, species ðàçíîâèäíîñòü, works çàâîä è íàçâàíèÿ íå-êîòîðûõ íàóê, òàêèõ êàê physics ôèçèêà, mathematics ìàòåìà-òèêà, mechanics ìåõàíèêà, economics ýêîíîìèêà, íåñìîòðÿ íà ôîðìàëüíûå ïðèçíàêè ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà ÿâëÿþòñÿ ñóùåñòâè-òåëüíûìè â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå:

Our works is situated in the centre of the city.

Íàø çàâîä íàõîäèòñÿ â öåíòðå ãîðîäà

Mathematics is my favourite sub-ject.

Ìàòåìàòèêà — ìîé ëþáèìûé ïðåäìåò.

2. Íåêîòîðûå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå èìåþò ôîðìó òîëüêî ìíîæå-ñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà. Íàèáîëåå óïîòðåáèòåëüíûå èç íèõ: pincers êëåùè, tongs ùèïöû, scissors íîæíèöû, spectacles î÷êè, trousers áðþêè, goods òîâàðû, riches áîãàòñòâà.

3. Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå people â çíà÷åíèè ëþäè íå èìååò ìíîæå-ñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà, íî ñîãëàñóåòñÿ ñ ãëàãîëîì-ñêàçóåìûì â ôîðìå ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà.  çíà÷åíèè íàðîä, íàöèÿ îíî ìîæåò óïîò-ðåáëÿòüñÿ êàê â ôîðìå åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà one people, òàê è â ôîðìå ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà many peoples:

Many people study English. Ìíîãèå ëþäè èçó÷àþò àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê.

The people of Ukraine wants peace. Íàðîäó Óêðàèíû íóæåí ìèð. The peoples of all countries strug-

gle for peace. Íàðîäû âñåõ ñòðàí áîðþòñÿ çà


4. ×èñëî ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ â ðóññêîì è àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêàõ èíîãäà íå ñîâïàäàåò, íàïðèìåð:

åäèíñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî money äåíüãè hair âîëîñû information ñâåäåíèÿ waste îòõîäû, îòáðîñû

åäèíñòâåííîå ÷èñëî åäèíñòâåííîå è

ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî advice ñîâåò, ñîâåòû knowledge çíàíèå, çíàíèÿ strength ñèëà, ñèëû progress óñïåõ, óñïåõè

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ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî åäèíñòâåííîå ÷èñëî clothes îäåæäà wages çàðàáîòíàÿ ïëàòà contents ñîäåðæàíèå

åäèíñòâåííîå è ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî

ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî

watch, watches ÷àñû (íàðó÷íûå) clock, clocks ÷àñû (áîëüøèå) gate, gates âîðîòà

ÏÀÄÅÆÈ ÈÌÅÍ ÑÓÙÅÑÒÂÈÒÅËÜÍÛÕ Â ñîâðåìåííîì àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå èìåþò äâà

ïàäåæà: î á ù è é (The Common Case) è ï ð è ò ÿ æ à ò å ë ü í û é (The Possessive Case).

Îáùèé ïàäåæ (The Common Case)

Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå â îáùåì ïàäåæå íå èìåþò ñïåöèàëüíûõ îêîí÷àíèé.  ýòîì ïàäåæå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå ìîæåò âûïîëíÿòü â ïðåäëîæåíèè ðàçëè÷íûå ñèíòàêñè÷åñêèå ôóíêöèè. Îòíîøåíèÿ ìåæäó ñóùåñòâèòeëüíûìè è äðóãèìè ñëîâàìè â ïðåäëîæåíèè îïðåäåëÿþòñÿ ïîðÿäêîì ñëîâ è ïðåäëîãàìè.

Òàê, â îáû÷íîì ïðåäëîæåíèè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå â ôóíêöèè ïîä-ëåæàùåãî ñòîèò ïåðåä ãëàãîëîì-ñêàçóåìûì: The student studies English; â ôóíêöèè äîïîëíåíèÿ — ïîñëå ãëàãîëà-ñêàçóåìîãî: The man reads the book; â ôóíêöèè îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà ñóùåñòâèòeëüíîå ñî-ïðîâîæäàåòñÿ ïðåäëîãîì è ðÿäîì äðóãèõ îïðåäåëÿþùèõ åãî ñëîâ:

I like to have a rest in summer. Õî÷ó îòäîõíóòü ëåòîì. My friend prepares his homework

in the library. Ìîé ïðèÿòåëü ãîòîâèò äîìàøíèå

çàäàíèÿ â áèáëèîòåêå.

Îòíîøåíèÿ, âûðàæåííûå â ðóññêîì ÿçûêå âñåìè ïàäåæàìè, êðîìå èìåíèòåëüíîãî è âèíèòåëüíîãî, â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ïåðåäàþòñÿ ñî÷åòàíèÿìè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî â îáùåì ïàäåæå (ìåñòîèìåíèåì â îáúåêòíîì ïàäåæå) ñ îäíèì èç ñëåäóþùèõ ïðåäëîãîâ: of, to, with, by, about. Ñóùåñòâèòeëüíûå ñ òàêèìè ïðåäëîãàìè âûïîëíÿþò ôóíêöèè îïðåäåëåíèÿ èëè êîñâåííîãî äîïîëíåíèÿ.


The lectures of this professor are very interesting.

Ëåêöèè ýòîãî ïðîôåññîðà î÷åíü èíòåðåñíû.

He gave his personal record to the chief of the personnel depart-ment.

Îí îòäàë ñâîå ëè÷íîå äåëî íà÷àëüíèêó îòäåëà êàäðîâ.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


The students often speak with their teachers about various problems.

Ñòóäåíòû ÷àñòî ãîâîðÿò ñ ïðåïî-äàâàòåëÿìè î ðàçëè÷íûõ ïðî-áëåìàõ.

These methods of personnel man-agement were used by the ad-ministration.

Ýòè ìåòîäû óïðàâëåíèÿ ïåðñîíà-ëîì áûëè èñïîëüçîâàíû àäìè-íèñòðàöèåé.

Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæ (The Possessive Case)

Ñóùåñòâèòeëüíîå â ïðèòÿæàòåëüíîì ïàäåæå (Possessive Case) îòâå÷àåò íà âîïðîñ Whose? (÷åé?), îáîçíà÷àåò ïðèíàäëåæíîñòü ïðåäìåòà êàêîìó-ëèáî ëèöó (ïðåäìåòó) è ñëóæèò îïðåäåëåíèåì ê äðóãîìó ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîìó. Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå îáðàçóþò Possessive Case ïðèáàâëåíèåì àïîñòðîôà è îêîí÷àíèÿ -s (’s). Âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, îêàí÷èâàþùèåñÿ íà -s, ïðèíèìàþò â Possessive Case òîëüêî àïîñòðîô (’), à ñóùåñòâè-òåëüíûå, íå èìåþùèå îêîí÷àíèÿ -s, ïðèíèìàþò òàê æå, êàê â åäèí-ñòâåííîì ÷èñëå, îêîí÷àíèå ’s:

This student’s diploma. Äèïëîì ýòîãî ñòóäåíòà.

These students’ diplomas. Äèïëîìû ýòèõ ñòóäåíòîâ.

These children’s toys. Èãðóøêè ýòèõ äåòåé.

Îêîí÷àíèå -s ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ [s], [z] èëè [iz] ïî òåì æå ïðàâèëàì, ÷òî è îêîí÷àíèå -s ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ.

 Possessive Case â îñíîâíîì óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, îáîçíà÷àþùèå îäóøåâëåííûå ïðåäìåòû:

This scientist’s new invention is very important.

Íîâîå èçîáðåòåíèå ýòîãî ó÷åíîãî èìååò âàæíîå çíà÷åíèå.

John’s work must be corrected. Ðàáîòà Äæîíà äîëæíà áûòü èñïðàâëåíà.

The Ukrainian people’s aspirantion to obtain independence was demonstrated in 1991.

Ñòðåìëåíèå óêðàèíñêîãî íàðîäà ê íåçàâèñèìîñòè áûëî ïðîäåìîí-ñòðèðîâàíî â 1991 ãîäó.

Ïðè ïåðåâîäå ñî÷åòàíèÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ, ñòîÿùèõ â Common Case è Possessive Case, îñíîâíûì ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå â Common Case, ñ êîòîðîãî è íà÷èíàåòñÿ ïåðåâîä âñåé ãðóïïû:

Ivanenko’s book êíèãà Èâàíåíêî

the scientist’s invention èçîáðåòåíèå ó÷åíîãî

Èç ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ, îáîçíà÷àþùèõ íåîäóøåâëåííûå ïðåäìåòû, â Possessive Case óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, îáîçíà÷àþùèå: a) âðåìÿ, ðàññòîÿíèå, âåñ, ñòîèìîñòü: hour ÷àñ, day äåíü, week

íåäåëÿ, month ìåñÿö, year ãîä, morning óòðî, kilometre êè-ëîìåòð, shilling øèëëèíã è ò. ï.:

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


We have got a month’s leave. Ìû ïîëó÷èëè ìåñÿ÷íûé îòïóñê.

á) íàçâàíèÿ ñòðàí, ãîðîäîâ, ñóäîâ, à òàêæå òàêèå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, êàê world ìèð, earth çåìëÿ, nature ïðèðîäà, country ñòðàíà, city ãîðîä, ship êîðàáëü:

Ukraine’s human resources are be-ing studied at present.

×åëîâå÷åñêèå ðåñóðñû Óêðàèíû â íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ èçó÷àþòñÿ.

The world’s best sportsmen arrived here.

Ëó÷øèå ñïîðòñìåíû ìèðà ïðèåõàëè ñþäà.

â) íåêîòîðûå íàðå÷èÿ âðåìåíè, òàêèå êàê today ñåãîäíÿ, yes-terday â÷åðà, tomorrow çàâòðà:

yesterday’s newspaper â÷åðàøíÿÿ ãàçåòà

tomorrow’s meeting çàâòðàøíåå ñîáðàíèå

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Àðòèêëè — ýòî ñëóæåáíûå ñëîâà, íå èìåþùèå ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ è ñëóæàùèå îñîáûìè îïðåäåëèòåëÿìè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ.

 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå èìååòñÿ äâà àðòèêëÿ — í å î ï ð å ä å ë å í -í û é a (an) [], [n] è î ï ð å ä å ë å í í û é the [ði:, ð, ði].

Ñóùåñòâèòeëüíîå ñ íåîïðåäåëåííûì àðòèêëåì äàåò ïîíÿòèå î ïðåäìåòå, åãî íàçâàíèå, îïðåäåëÿåò åãî ïðèíàäëåæíîñòü ê êëàññó ïðåäìåòîâ: It is a pencil. This is a book. Ýòî êàðàíäàø. Ýòî êíèãà (íå

ðó÷êà, íå òåòðàäü è ò. ï.).

Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå ñ îïðåäåëåííûì àðòèêëåì îáû÷íî îáîçíà÷àåò îïðåäåëåííûé, êîíêðåòíûé ïðåäìåò: The pencil is red. Êàðàíäàø êðàñíûé (èìåííî ýòîò

êàðàíäàø, à íå êàêîé-ëèáî äðóãîé).


Íåîïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü à óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ñóùåñòâè-òåëüíûìè â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå (ýòîò àðòèêëü ïðîèçîøåë îò ÷èñ-ëèòåëüíîãî one, îçíà÷àþùåãî îäèí):

Give me a pen. Äàéòå ìíå ðó÷êó (ò. å. ïðåäìåò, êîòîðûé ïî ñâîèì îáùèì ïðè-çíàêàì íàçûâàåòñÿ ðó÷êîé; ðó÷êó, à íå êàðàíäàø, êíèãó è ò. ï.).

Ïîñêîëüêó çíà÷åíèå íåîïðåäåëåííîãî àðòèêëÿ ïðîèñõîäèò îò ÷èñëèòåëüíîãî îäèí, îí íå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå:

Give me pens. Äàéòå ìíå ðó÷êè.

Ôîíåòè÷åñêèì âàðèàíòîì íåîïðåäåëåííîãî àðòèêëÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ åãî ôîðìà an, êîòîðàÿ óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ, åñëè èìÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå íà÷èíàåòñÿ ñ ãëàñíîãî çâóêà. ×èòàåòñÿ [æn, n]:

an office ó÷ðåæäåíèå, îôèñ an arm ðóêà

Íåîïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ:

a) êîãäà î ïðåäìåòå ãîâîðèòñÿ âïåðâûå: It is a letter from my friend. Ýòî ïèñüìî îò ìîåãî äðóãà.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


á) ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè ïîñëå ãëàãîëîâ, âûñòóïàþùèõ â ðîëè ãë-àãîëîâ-ñâÿçîê to be/to become:

He is a manager of our company. Îí — óïðàâëÿþùèé íàøåé êîìïà-íèè.

He has become an executive in our firm.

Îí ñòàë ðóêîâîäèòåëåì íàøåé ôèðìû.

â) ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, ïåðåä êîòîðûìè ñòîèò ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå: He is a good worker. Îí — õîðîøèé ðàáîòíèê. Today it is a nice day. Ñåãîäíÿ õîðîøèé äåíü.

ã) ïîñëå îáîðîòîâ there is, there are: There is a lamp on this table. Íà ñòîëå — ëàìïà.

ä) â âûðàæåíèÿõ, óêàçûâàþùèõ öåíó, âåñ, ñêîðîñòü, ÷àñòîòó: Fifty miles an hour. Ïÿòüäåñÿò ìèëü â ÷àñ. Seventy dollars a ton. Ñåìüäåñÿò äîëëàðîâ çà òîííó. The company makes many products

a day. Êîìïàíèÿ ïðîèçâîäèò â äåíü ìíîãî


å) ñ íåêîòîðûìè ÷èñëèòåëüíûìè è ñëîâàìè, îçíà÷àþùèìè êî-ëè÷åñòâî: a dozen äþæèíà ; a hundred ñîòíÿ ; a thousand òûñÿ÷à ; a lot of ìíîãî ; a few, a little íåìíîãî è äð.


Îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ñ èìåíàìè ñóùåñòâè-òåëüíûìè êàê â åäèíñòâåííîì, òàê è âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå â òåõ ñëó÷àÿõ, êîãäà è ãîâîðÿùåìó, è ñëóøàþùåìó ïîíÿòíî, î êàêîì êîíêðåòíîì ïðåäìåòå èäåò ðå÷ü, êîãäà ñîîáùàþòñÿ äîïîëíèòåëüíûå äàííûå î êîíêðåòíîì ïðåäìåòå â äàííîé ñèòóàöèè, êîãäà ñóùåñòâè-òåëüíîå, êîòîðîå óïîòðåáëÿëîñü ñ íåîïðåäåëåííûì àðòèêëåì â íà÷à-ëå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, â êàêîé-ëèáî ñèòóàöèè óïîìèíàåòñÿ ïîâòîðíî:

This is a pen, the pen is good. Ýòî — ðó÷êà, (ýòà) ðó÷êà õîðîøàÿ.

Çíà÷åíèå îïðåäåëåííîãî àðòèêëÿ î÷åíü áëèçêî ê çíà÷åíèþ òàêèõ ñëîâ, êàê ýòîò, òîò, òîò ñàìûé, êîòîðûé, ïîñêîëüêó îïðå- äåëåííûé àðòèêëü ïðîèñõîäèò îò óêàçàòåëüíîãî ìåñòîèìåíèÿ that (òîò).

Îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü the óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ: a) ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, î êîòîðûõ óæå øëà ðå÷ü èëè êîãäà ñîáå-

ñåäíèêó èçâåñòíî, î êàêîì èìåííî ïðåäìåòå èäåò ðå÷ü:

Have you already read the letter I sent you last week?

Âû óæå ïðî÷èòàëè ïèñüìî, êîòîðîå ÿ âàì ïîñëàë íà ïðîøëîé íåäåëå?

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


á) ïåðåä ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, ïðåäñòàâëÿþùèìè îäèí èç ðÿäà ïðåäìåòîâ îäíîãî êëàññà:

The telephone is the best way of communication between people.

Òåëåôîí — ëó÷øèé âèä ñâÿçè ìåæäó íàðîäàìè.

â) ïåðåä ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè â ïðåâîñõîäíîé ñòåïåíè:

The best way of communication is the telephone.

Ëó÷øèì âèäîì ñâÿçè ÿâëÿåòñÿ òåëåôîí.

ã) ïåðåä ïîðÿäêîâûìè ÷èñëèòåëüíûìè:

The fifth of November, 1998. Ïÿòîãî íîÿáðÿ 1998 ãîäà.

ä) ïåðåä íàçâàíèÿìè ðåê, ìîðåé, îêåàíîâ, ãîð, íåêîòîðûõ ãåî-ãðàôè÷åñêèõ çîí:

the Thames, the Baltic, the Pa-cific, the Rockies, the Middle East

Òåìçà, Áàëòèêà, Òèõèé îêåàí, Ñêàëèñòûå ãîðû, Ñðåäíèé Âî-ñòîê

e) ñ íåêîòîðûìè ñëîâàìè, ñ êîòîðûìè îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü îáðà-çóåò óñòîé÷èâîå ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèå:

the ballet, the cinema, the thea-tre, the office, the market, the centre

áàëåò, êèíî, òåàòð, îôèñ, ðûíîê, öåíòð

Àðòèêëè íå óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ:

a) ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå, ââîäèìûìè âïåðâûå, ñ íåèñ÷èñëÿåìûìè è àáñòðàêòíûìè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè â îáùåì çíà÷åíèè:

Profits have risen by 40 per cent this year.

 ýòîì ãîäó ïðèáûëè âîçðîñëè íà 40 ïðîöåíòîâ.

We prefer women as secretaries. Ïðåäïî÷èòàåì, ÷òîáû ñåêðåòàðÿìè ðàáîòàëè æåíùèíû.

Punctuality is essential for this job. Äëÿ ýòîé ðàáîòû âàæíà ïóíêòó-àëüíîñòü.

á) ñ áîëüøèíñòâîì íàçâàíèé ñòðàí, ãîðîäîâ, óëèö:

Japan, Italy; Paris, Kyiv, New York; Khreshchatik street, Broadway

ßïîíèÿ, Èòàëèÿ; Ïàðèæ, Êèåâ, Íüþ-Éîðê; Êðåùàòèê, Áðîäâåé

â) â íåêîòîðûõ ôðàçàõ ñ ïðåäëîãàìè, îáðàçóþùèìè óñòîé÷èâûå ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèÿ:

in/to hospital, school â áîëüíèöå, øêîëå (â áîëüíèöó, øêîëó)

by car, tram, air íà àâòîìàøèíå, òðàìâàå, ñàìîëåòå at dawn, noon (midday), night,

school, university íà ðàññâåòå, â ïîëäåíü, íî÷üþ,

â øêîëå, óíèâåðñèòåòå

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Ëè÷íûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå èìåþò äâà ïàäåæà: èìåíè ò å ë ü íûé (The Nominative Case) è î á ú å ê ò íûé (The Objec-tive Case).

Ïàäåæ (The Case)

Åäèíñòâåííîå ÷èñëî

(The Singular)

Ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî

(The Plural)

Ôóíêöèè (Functions)

I. Èìåíèòåëüíûé I he she it

ÿ îí îíà îí, îíà, îíî

we you they

ìû âû îíè

Ïîäëåæàùåå; èìåííàÿ ÷àñòü ñêàçóåìîãî

II. Îáúåêòíûé me you them

ìåíÿ, ìíå âàñ, âàì èõ, èì

us you them

íàñ, íàì âàñ, âàì èõ, èì

Äîïîëíåíèå — ïðÿìîå, êîñâåí-íîå (áåñïðåä-ëîæíîå è ïðåä-ëîæíîå)

I. I have read your article. It was he who read this article.

ß ïðî÷èòàë âàøó ñòàòüþ. Èìåííî îí ïðî÷èòàë ýòó ñòàòüþ.

II. I saw him yesterday. He works with me. Your opinion is known to us. We shall speak about it.

ß âèäåë åãî â÷åðà. Îí ðàáîòàåò ñî ìíîé. Âàøå ìíåíèå íàì èçâåñòíî. Ìû ïîãîâîðèì îá ýòîì.

Ìåñòîèìåíèå it Ìåñòîèìåíèå it âûïîëíÿåò â ïðåäëîæåíèè ðàçíîîáðàçíûå ôóíê-

öèè, îò êîòîðûõ è çàâèñèò åãî ïåðåâîä. 1. Êàê ëè÷íîå ìåñòîèìåíèå it ìîæåò âûïîëíÿòü ôóíêöèþ ïîä-

ëåæàùåãî èëè äîïîëíåíèÿ.  êà÷åñòâå ïîäëåæàùåãî it ïåðåâîäèòñÿ îí, îíà, îíî; â êà÷åñòâå ïðÿìîãî äîïîëíåíèÿ — åãî, åå; â êà÷åñòâå êîñâåííîãî äîïîëíåíèÿ — ðóññêèì ëè÷íûì ìåñòîèìåíèåì â ñîîò-âåòñòâóþùåì ïàäåæå:

I have read this book. It is inte- resting.

The book is interesting, I want you to read it.

It is a lathe. Can you operate it?

ß ïðî÷èòàë ýòó êíèãó. Îíà èíòåðåñíàÿ. Êíèãà èíòåðåñíàÿ, õî÷ó, ÷òîáû âû ïðî÷èòàëè åå. Ýòî ñòàíîê. Âû ìîæåòå íà íåì ðàáîòàòü?

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


2. Ìåñòîèìåíèå it ìîæåò áûòü èñïîëüçîâàíî êàê óêàçàòåëüíîå.  òàêèõ ñëó÷àÿõ it ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ñëîâîì ýòî:

It is our Academy of Personnel Management.

Ýòî — íàøà Àêàäåìèÿ óïðàâëåíèÿ ïåðñîíàëîì.

What is it? It is our library. ×òî ýòî? Ýòî — íàøà áèáëè-îòåêà.

3. Ìåñòîèìåíèå it ââîäèòñÿ â êà÷åñòâå ôîðìàëüíîãî ïîäëåæà-ùåãî â áåçëè÷íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ è íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ. Òàêèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ñîîòâåòñòâóþò ðóññêèì áåçëè÷íûì è íåîïðåäå-ëåííî-ëè÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèÿì.  ýòîé ôóíêöèè it óïîòðå-áëÿåòñÿ: à) ïðè îïèñàíèè ÿâëåíèé è ñîñòîÿíèÿ ïðèðîäû, âpåìåíè, ðàñ-


It is dark here. Çäåñü òåìíî. It is 7 o’clock. Ñåìü ÷àñîâ. It was a sunny afternoon. Áûë ñîëíå÷íûé äåíü. It was a 5 kilometre run. Ýòî áûë 5-êèëîìåòðîâûé ïðîáåã.

á) ñ ãëàãîëàìè to snow èäòè (î ñíåãå); to rain èäòè (î äîæäå); to freeze ìîðîçèòü; to thunder ãðåìåòü:

It is raining now. Èäåò äîæäü. It was snowing when I left for the

station. Øåë ñíåã, êîãäà ÿ îòïðàâèëñÿ íà


â) ñ ãëàãîëàìè to seem êàçàòüñÿ, to happen ñëó÷àòüñÿ, to ap-pear ïîÿâëÿòüñÿ, to chance ñëó÷àòüñÿ, to turn out îêàçû- âàòüñÿ :

It seems to me that he works much.

Ìíå êàæåòñÿ, îí ìíîãî ðàáîòàåò.

4. Ìåñòîèìåíèå it óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â êà÷åñòâå ñòðóêòóðíîãî ïîä-ëåæàùåãî â ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ, ãäå çíà÷åíèå it êàê áû ðàñêðûâàåòñÿ âî âòîðîé ÷àñòè ïðåäëîæåíèÿ èíôèíèòèâîì, ãåðóíäèåì èëè äîïîëíè- òåëüíûì ïðèäàòî÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì:

It is high time to begin our meeting. Äàâíî ïîðà íà÷èíàòü íàøå ñîáðà-íèå.

It is worth reading this book. Ñòîèò ïðî÷èòàòü ýòó êíèãó. It is known that the University was

founded 50 years ago. Èçâåñòíî, ÷òî óíèâåðñèòåò áûë

îñíîâàí 50 ëåò òîìó íàçàä.

5. Ðàçíîâèäíîñòüþ óïîòðåáëåíèÿ it â çíà÷åíèè ñòðóêòóðíîãî ïîäëåæàùåãî ÿâëÿåòñÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèå åãî â ýìôàòè÷åñêèõ êîíñò-ðóêöèÿõ äëÿ âûäåëåíèÿ ðàçëè÷íûõ ÷ëåíîâ ïðåäëîæåíèÿ:

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It is this book that I want to give you.

Èìåííî ýòó êíèãó ÿ è õî÷ó òåáå äàòü.

It was Grushewsky who was Ukraine’s first President.

Èìåííî Ãðóøåâñêèé áûë ïåðâûì ïðåçèäåíòîì Óêðàèíû.

It is this deputy whom we want to elect.

Ìû õîòèì èçáðàòü èìåííî ýòîãî äåïóòàòà.

6. Ìåñòîèìåíèå it ïîñëå ðÿäà ãëàãîëîâ (to think äóìàòü, to consider ñ÷èòàòü, to believe ïîëàãàòü, to find íàõîäèòü è äð.) ÷àñòî óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â ôóíêöèè ñòðóêòóðíîãî äîïîëíåíèÿ. Ïðÿìîå äîïîëíåíèå ïðè ýòîì îáû÷íî âûðàæåíî èíôèíèòèâîì èëè ïðèäà-òî÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì.  ýòîì ñëó÷àå it íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ.

We find it necessary that the ex-periment be conducted.

Ìû ñ÷èòàåì íåîáõîäèìûì ïðî-âåñòè ýòîò ýêñïåðèìåíò.

I consider it important to answer this letter at once.

ß ñ÷èòàþ âàæíûì îòâåòèòü íà ýòî ïèñüìî ñðàçó.

We believe it expedient to take part in this discussion.

Ìû ñ÷èòàåì öåëåñîîáðàçíûì ïðè-íÿòü ó÷àñòèå â äèñêóññèè.


1. Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ çàâèñèìûå my ìîé, ìîÿ, ìîå, ìîè, his åãî, her åå, its åãî, åå, our íàø, íàøà, íàøå, íàøè, your âàø, âàøà, âàøå, âàøè, their èõ âñåãäà ïðåäøåñòâóþò ñóùåñòâèòeëüíîìó è âûñòóïàþò â ôóíêöèè îïðåäåëåíèÿ:

My work is very important. Ìîÿ ðàáîòà î÷åíü âàæíàÿ. You spoke to your friend yesterday. Âû ãîâîðèëè ñî ñâîèì äðóãîì â÷å-

ðà. Ann is speaking to her sister. Àííà ãîâîðèò ñî ñâîåé ñåñòðîé. Our work was discussed yesterday. Â÷åðà îáñóæäàëè íàøó ðàáîòó.

2. Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ íåçàâèñèìûå (àáñîëþòíàÿ ôîðìà ìåñòîèìåíèé) mine, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ áåç ïîñëåäóþùåãî ñóùåñòâèòeëüíîãî, çàìåíÿÿ ïðåä-øåñòâóþùåå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå, îïðåäåëÿåìîå ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûì ìåc-òîèìåíèåì:

He is reading his book while I am reading mine (my book).

Îí ÷èòàåò ñâîþ êíèãó, à ÿ — ñâîþ.

Your pen is bad, take mine (my pen).

Âàøà ðó÷êà ïëîõàÿ, âîçüìèòå ìîþ.

His answer is good. Hers (her an-swer) is better.

Åãî îòâåò õîðîøèé. Åå — ëó÷øå.

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Âîçâðàòíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ myself (ÿ) ñàì, ñåáÿ ; yourself (òû, âû) ñàì(è), ñåáÿ (åä. ÷èñëî); himself (îí) ñàì, ñåáÿ ; herself (îíà) ñàìà, ñåáÿ ; itself (îíî) ñàìî, ñåáÿ ; ourselves (ìû) ñàìè, ñåáÿ ; yourselves (âû) ñàìè, ñåáÿ (ìí. ÷èñëî); themselves óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ ñ ãëàãîëàìè äëÿ ïîä÷åðêèâàíèÿ âîçâðàòíîñòè äåéñò-âèÿ, à òàêæå â çíà÷åíèè ñåáÿ :

He looked at himself in the mirror. Îí ïîñìîòðåë íà ñåáÿ â çåðêàëî.

Ñî÷åòàíèå ãëàãîëà ñ âîçâðàòíûì ìåñòîèìåíèåì ïåðåâîäèòñÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê âîçâðàòíûì ãëàãîëîì:

He washed himself with cold wa-ter.

Îí óìûëñÿ õîëîäíîé âîäîé.

Ñëåäóåò èìåòü â âèäó, ÷òî â ñîâðåìåííîì àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå âîç-âðàòíîå ìåñòîèìåíèå ïðè ãëàãîëå ÷àñòî íå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ. Âîç-âðàòíîñòü ãëàãîëà îïðåäåëÿåòñÿ ïî ñìûñëó ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.


Ïî ôîðìå óñèëèòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ ïîëíîñòüþ ñîâïàäàþò ñ âî-çâðàòíûìè. Îíè âûïîëíÿþò ðîëü óñèëèâàþùåãî, ïîä÷åðêèâàþùåãî ñëîâà è ñëóæàò äëÿ óñèëåíèÿ èëè âûäåëåíèÿ ïîäëåæàùåãî èëè äîïîëíåíèÿ, ÿâëÿÿñü ñâîåîáðàçíûì ïðèëîæåíèåì ê íèì. Íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê îíè ïåðåâîäÿòñÿ ñëîâàìè ñàì, ñàì ïî ñåáå:

Do not help him, he can do it him-self.

Íå ïîìîãàéòå åìó, îí ìîæåò ñäå-ëàòü ýòî ñàì.

The rector himself was present at the meeting.

Ñàì ðåêòîð ïðèñóòñòâîâàë íà ñîáðàíèè.

The experiment itself is very inter-esting.

Îïûò ñàì ïî ñåáå èíòåðåñåí.


Ê ýòîìó ðàçðÿäó îòíîñÿòñÿ ìåñòîèìåíèÿ no íèêàêîé ; no one íèêòî ; nobody íèêòî ; neither íè îäèí (èç äâóõ), íèêòî; none íèêòî, íè÷òî, íè îäèí ; nothing íè÷òî, íè÷åãî.

Åñëè ïîäëåæàùåå èëè äîïîëíåíèå â ïðåäëîæåíèè âûðàæåíî îòðèöàòåëüíûì ìåñòîèìåíèåì, òî ãëàãîë-ñêàçóåìîå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â óòâåðäèòåëüíîé ôîðìå:

I have no objections. Ó ìåíÿ íåò âîçðàæåíèé. I met neither of them. ß íèêîãî èç íèõ íå âñòðåòèë.

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Ìåñòîèìåíèÿ neither (of), îçíà÷àþùåå íèêòî, íèêîãî (èç äâóõ), è none (of), îçíà÷àþùåå íèêòî, íèêîãî (èç ìíîãèõ), ñî÷åòàþòñÿ ñ ãëàãîëîì â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå:

Neither of us was present at the meeting.

Íèêîãî èç íàñ íà ñîáðàíèè íå áûëî.

None of us was there. Íè îäíîãî èç íàñ çäåñü íå áûëî.


Ìåñòîèìåíèå some íåñêîëüêî, êàêèå-òî, êàê ïðàâèëî, óïîòðåá-ëÿeòñÿ â óòâåðäèòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ:

I have read some articles on this subject.

ß ïðî÷èòàë íåñêîëüêî ñòàòåé ïî ýòîìó âîïðîñó.

Ìåñòîèìåíèå any, êàê ïðàâèëî, óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ: à) â âîïðîñè-òåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ, á) â îòðèöàòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ ïîñëå ãë-àãîëà â îòðèöàòåëüíîé ôîðìå:

Have you found any candidates for this working position?

Íàøëè ëè âû êàêèõ-ëèáî êàíäè-äàòîâ íà ýòó äîëæíîñòü?

No, I had not found any candidates for it.

Íåò, ÿ íå íàøåë íèêàêèõ êàíäèäà-òîâ íà íåå.

Ìåñòîèìåíèå any ìîæåò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ â óòâåðäèòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ ñî çíà÷åíèåì ëþáîé, âñÿêèé, êàæäûé :

You can take any book you like. Âû ìîæåòå âçÿòü ëþáóþ êíèãó, êî-òîðàÿ âàì íðàâèòñÿ.

Ìåñòîèìåíèÿ some, any, no ìîãóò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ ïåðåä ñóùå-ñòâèòåëüíûìè êàê â åäèíñòâåííîì, òàê è âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå:

some book êàêàÿ-òî êíèãà some books íåñêîëüêî êíèã

Ìåñòîèìåíèå every, êàê ïðàâèëî, óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ñ ñóùåñòâè-òåëüíûìè â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå:

every student êàæäûé ñòóäåíò

Ìåñòîèìåíèÿ some, any, no, every ìîãóò ñî÷åòàòüñÿ ñ -thing, -body, -where è óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ â çíà÷åíèè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå â ôóíêöèÿõ ïîäëåæàùåãî, äîïîëíåíèÿ è èìåííîé ÷àñòè ñêàçóåìîãî:

something ÷òî-òî anything ÷òî-òî somebody (someone) êòî-òî

anybody (anyone) êòî-òî

nothing íè÷òî everything âñå

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


nobody íèêòî everybody (everyone) êàæäûé

somewhere ãäå-òî anywhere ãäå-òî nowhere íèãäå everywhere âåçäå

Îñîáûå ñëó÷àè óïîòðåáëåíèÿ íåêîòîðûõ ìåñòîèìåíèé

Ìåñòîèìåíèå that è ñïîñîáû åãî ïåðåâîäà

1.  êà÷åñòâå óêàçàòåëüíîãî ìåñòîèìåíèÿ that (those) ïåðåâî-äèòñÿ òîò, òà, òî, òå èëè ýòîò, ýòà, ýòî, ýòè:

That house was built in 1955. Ýòîò äîì áûë ïîñòðîåí â 1955 ã. Those students study well. Òå ñòóäåíòû ó÷àòñÿ õîðîøî.

2. That â ôóíêöèè ïîäëåæàùåãî èëè äîïîëíåíèÿ ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ýòî:

That is clear to me. Ýòî ìíå ÿñíî. We know that. Ìû çíàåì ýòî.

3.  êà÷åñòâå îòíîñèòåëüíîãî ìåñòîèìåíèÿ â îïðåäåëèòåëüíûõ ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ that ïåðåâîäèòñÿ êîòîðûé, êîòîðàÿ, êîòîðîå, êîòîðûå:

The man that is sitting at that table is our student.

×åëîâåê, êîòîðûé ñèäèò çà òåì ñòîëîì, — íàø ñòóäåíò.

The diagram that you see on the wall shows the results of the ex-aminations.

Äèàãðàììà, êîòîðóþ âû âèäèòå íà ñòåíå, ïîêàçûâàåò ðåçóëüòàòû ýêçàìåíîâ.

4.  êà÷åñòâå ñîþçà â äîïîëíèòåëüíûõ ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ïðåäëîæå-íèÿõ that ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ÷òî:

He said that he would finish his work in a month.

Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî çàêîí÷èò ñâîþ ðàáîòó ÷åðåç ìåñÿö.

5.  êà÷åñòâå ñîþçà â ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ, ïîäëåæàùèõ è ñêàçóåìûõ that ïåðåâîäèòñÿ òî, ÷òî:

That Newton is a great scientist is known to all.

Òî, ÷òî Íüþòîí — âåëèêèé ó÷åíûé, èçâåñòíî âñåì.

The fact is that I cannot find this book anywhere.

Äåëî â òîì, ÷òî ÿ íèãäå íå ìîãó íàéòè ýòó êíèãó.

6.  êà÷åñòâå çàìåñòèòåëÿ ïðåäøåñòâóþùåãî ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî that (of), those (of) îáû÷íî ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ýòèì ñóùåñòâèòeëüíûì èëè ñîâñåì íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ:

The efficiency of the new engine is much higher than that of the old one.

Êîýôôèöèåíò ïîëåçíîãî äåéñòâèÿ íîâîãî äâèãàòåëÿ ãîðàçäî âûøå, ÷åì (ê. ï. ä.) ñòàðîãî.

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We have received some new ma-chines similar to those installed in our laboratory.

Ìû ïîëó÷èëè íåñêîëüêî íîâûõ ìàøèí, òàêèõ æå êàê ñòàíêè, óñòàíîâëåííûå â íàøåé ëàáî-ðàòîðèè.

7.  ýìôàòè÷åñêèõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ that íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ, à ëèøü óêàçûâàåò, êàêîé ÷ëåí ïðåäëîæåíèÿ âûäåëÿåòñÿ:

It was in the field of radiowaves and electronics that the development of physics ran parallel with that of industry.

(Èìåííî) â îáëàñòè ðàäèîâîëí è ýëåêòðîíèêè ðàçâèòèå ôèçèêè øëî ïàðàëëåëüíî ñ ðàçâèòèåì ïðîìûøëåííîñòè.

It was not until the end of the 19th century that X-rays found a practical use.

Ëèøü òîëüêî â êîíöå XIX âåêà ðåíòãåíîâñêèå ëó÷è íàøëè ïðàêòè÷åñêîå ïðèìåíåíèå.

8.  êà÷åñòâå ñîþçà îáñòîÿòåëüñòâåííîãî ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåä-ëîæåíèÿ:

a) ö å ë è , îáû÷íî â ñî÷åòàíèè ñ so èëè in order, ïåðåâîäèòñÿ äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû, èëè ÷òîáû :

He published the results of his work so (in order) that everyone might use them.

Îí îïóáëèêîâàë ðåçóëüòàòû ñâîåé ðàáîòû äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû âñå ìîãëè èìè âîñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ.

á) ñ ë å ä ñ ò â è ÿ , îáû÷íî â ñî÷åòàíèè ñ óñèëèòåëüíîé ÷àñòèöåé so â ãëàâíîì ïðåäëîæåíèè, ïåðåâîäèòñÿ òàê, ÷òî:

He is speaking so fast that it is dif-ficult to follow him.

Îí ãîâîðèò òàê áûñòðî, ÷òî åãî òðóäíî ïîíÿòü.

â) â ð åìåíè , â ñî÷åòàíèè ñ íàðå÷èåì now, ïåðåâîäèòñÿ òåïåðü, êîãäà:

Now, that he has finished his work, he can publish the results.

Òåïåðü, êîãäà îí îêîí÷èë ñâîþ ðàáîòó, îí ìîæåò îïóáëèêîâàòü ðåçóëüòàòû.

Ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèå that is = i. e. ââîäèò ïðèëîæåíèå è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ òî åñòü:

What do you know about the gas which is more or less rationally used, that is, about atmospheric air?

×òî âû çíàåòå î ãàçå, êîòîðûé áîëåå èëè ìåíåå ðàöèîíàëüíî èñïîëüçóåòñÿ, òî åñòü îá àòìî-ñôåðíîì âîçäóõå?

Ìåñòîèìåíèå one è ñïîñîáû åãî ïåðåâîäà Ìåñòîèìåíèå îne èìååò ñëåäóþùèå çíà÷åíèÿ è ôóíêöèè:

1. One ìîæåò áûòü íåîïðåäåëåííî-ëè÷íûì ìåñòîèìåíèåì è óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ â ôóíêöèè ïîäëåæàùåãî èëè äîïîëíåíèÿ.  ýòîì ñëó÷àå one íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ:

One does not know how to act in such circumstances.

Íå çíàåøü, êàê äåéñòâîâàòü â òàêèõ ñëó÷àÿõ.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Ïðåäëîæåíèe ñ ïîäëåæàùèì, âûðàæåííûì one, è ñ ìîäàëüíûì ñêàçóåìûì ïåðåâîäèòñÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê áåçëè÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì:

One must know one’s duties. Íóæíî çíàòü ñâîè îáÿçàííîñòè. One may take it for granted. Ìîæíî ïðèíÿòü ýòî çà íåïðåëîæ-

íóþ èñòèíó.

2. One ìîæåò áûòü ñëîâîì-çàìåñòèòåëåì, ò. å. óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ ïîñëå ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî äëÿ çàìåíû ðàíåå óïîìÿíóòîãî èñ÷èñëÿåìîãî ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå (äëÿ çàìåíû ñóùå-ñòâèòåëüíîãî âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ones).  ýòîé ôóíêöèè one (ones) ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ëèáî ñóùåñòâèòeëüíûì, êîòîðîå îí çàìåíÿåò, ëèáî ñîâñåì íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ:

You may take my dictionary. Thank you, I have got one.

Âû ìîæåòå âçÿòü ìîé ñëîâàðü. Ñïàñèáî, ó ìåíÿ åñòü (ñëîâàðü).

The book is not interesting, give me another one.

Ýòà êíèãà íåèíòåðåñíàÿ, äàéòå ìíå äðóãóþ (êíèãó).

Last year I read many English books, and my friend read some German ones.

 ïðîøëîì ãîäó ÿ ïðî÷èòàë ìíîãî àíãëèéñêèõ êíèã, à ìîé äðóã — íåñêîëüêî íåìåöêèõ (êíèã).

Ïðè íàëè÷èè îïðåäåëåííîãî àðòèêëÿ è èíäèâèäóàëèçèðóþùåãî îïðåäåëåíèÿ one ïåðåâîäèòñÿ òîò, êîòîðûé, òà, êîòîðàÿ è ò. ï.:

This book is more interesting than the one I read two months ago.

Ýòà êíèãà èíòåðåñíåå, ÷åì òà, êîòîðóþ ÿ ÷èòàë äâà ìåñÿöà íà-çàä.

One ìîæåò òàêæå ïðèìåíÿòüñÿ ïîñëå ìåñòîèìåíèé this, that, another, the other äëÿ çàìåíû ðàíåå óïîìÿíóòîãî èñ÷èñëÿåìîãî ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå è ïîñëå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ which äëÿ çàìåíû èñ÷èñëÿåìîãî ñóùåñòâèòeëüíîãî êàê â åäèíñòâåííîì, òàê è âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå:

I have read this book, give me an-other one.

ß ïðî÷èòàë ýòó êíèãó, äàéòå ìíå äðóãóþ.

I shall show you some books and you will tell me which ones you would like to read.

ß ïîêàæó âàì íåñêîëüêî êíèã, è âû ñêàæåòå ìíå, êàêèå (êíèãè) âû õîòåëè áû ïðî÷èòàòü.

3. One ìîæåò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ â ïðèòÿæàòåëüíîì ïàäåæå è ïå-ðåâîäèòüñÿ ìåñòîèìåíèåì ñâîé :

One should never forget one’s du-ties.

Íèêîãäà íå ñëåäóåò çàáûâàòü ñâîèõ îáÿçàííîñòåé.

4. One ìîæåò áûòü ÷èñëèòåëüíûì:

Give me one of your journals. Äàé ìíå îäèí èç òâîèõ æóðíàëîâ.

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 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå ìîãóò âûïîëíÿòü â ïðåä-ëîæåíèè ôóíêöèè îïðåäåëåíèÿ è èìåííîé ÷àñòè ñêàçóåìîãî.

 ôóíêöèè îïðåäåëåíèÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå îáû÷íî ñòîèò ïåðåä ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì:

We have a good laboratory. Ó íàñ õîðîøàÿ ëàáîðàòîðèÿ.

Ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå ìîæåò áûòü ÷àñòüþ èìåííîãî ñêàçóåìîãî, â òàêèõ ñëó÷àÿõ îíî ñòîèò ïîñëå ãëàãîëà-ñâÿçêè:

He is busy today. Îí ñåãîäíÿ çàíÿò.

Íåêîòîðûå ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå ìîãóò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ â çíà÷åíèè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî è âûïîëíÿòü åãî ôóíêöèè â ïðåäëîæåíèè.  ýòîì ñëó÷àå îíè îáîçíà÷àþò ãðóïïó ëèö, îáëàäàþùèõ îïðåäåëåííûì ïðè-çíàêîì, è óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ ñ îïðåäåëåííûì àðòèêëåì:

the poor áåäíûå the rich áîãàòûå the sick áîëüíûå the military âîåííûå


Ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå è íåêîòîðûå íàðå÷èÿ (â îñíîâíîì íàðå÷èÿ îáðàçà äåéñòâèÿ) ìîãóò èçìåíÿòüñÿ ïî ñòåïåíÿì ñðàâíåíèÿ:

Ïðàâèëà: 1. Îäíîñëîæíûå è ÷àñòü äâóõñëîæíûõ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ è íàðå÷èé îáðàçóþò ñðàâíèòåëüíóþ è ïðåâîñõîäíóþ ñòåïåíè ïóòåì äîáàâëåíèÿ ñóôôèêñà -er äëÿ ñðàâíèòåëüíîé ñòåïåíè è -est — äëÿ ïðåâîñõîäíîé.

Ïîëîæèòåëüíàÿ ñòåïåíü

(The Positive Degree)

Ñðàâíèòåëüíàÿ ñòåïåíü

(The Comparative De-gree)

Ïðåâîñõîäíàÿ ñòåïåíü

(The Superlative Degree)

1 2 3 small ìàëûé smaller ìåíüøèé smallest ñàìûé ìàëûé

large êðóïíûé larger áîëåå êðóïíûé largest ñàìûé êðóïíûé, êðóïíåéøèé

big áîëüøîé bigger áîëüøèé biggest ñàìûé áîëüøîé, íàèáîëüøèé

easy ëåãêèé easier áîëåå ëåãêèé easiest ñàìûé ëåãêèé soon ðàíî sooner ðàíüøå soonest êàê ìîæíî ðàíüøå

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


2. Ìíîãîñëîæíûå è áîëüøèíñòâî äâóõñëîæíûõ ïðèëà-ãàòåëüíûõ è ïðîèçâîäíûõ íàðå÷èé, îêàí÷èâàþùèõñÿ íà -ly, îáðàçóþò ñòåïåíè ñðàâíåíèÿ ñ ïîìîùüþ more äëÿ ñðàâíèòåëüíîé ñòåïåíè è most — äëÿ ïðåâîñõîäíîé.

1 2 3

active àêòèâíûé more active

áîëåå àêòèâíî

most active

ñàìûé àêòèâíûé,

powerful ìîùíûé more powerful

ìîùíåå most powerful

ñàìûé ìîùíûé, ìîùíåéøèé

correctly ïðàâèëüíî more correctly

áîëåå ïðàâèëüíûé

most correctly

ñàìûé ïðàâèëüíûé,

3. Äàííûå ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå è íàðå÷èÿ îáðàçóþò ñòåïå-

íè ñðàâíåíèÿ ïóòåì èçìåíåíèÿ êîðíÿ.

1 2 3 good well

õîðîøèé, õîðîøî

better ëó÷øèé, ëó÷øå

best ñàìûé ëó÷øèé, ëó÷øå âñåãî

bad badly

ïëîõîé, ïëîõî

worse õóäøèé, õóæå

worst ñàìûé ïëîõîé, íàèõóäøèé, õóæå âñåãî

little ìàëî less ìåíüøå least ìåíüøå âñåãî

much ìíîãî more áîëüøå most êàê ìîæíî áîëüøå, áîëüøå âñåãî

many ìíîãî áîëüøå êàê ìîæíî áîëüøå, áîëüøå âñåãî

Íåêîòîðûå ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå èìåþò äâå ïàðàëëåëüíûå ôîðìû â ñðàâíèòåëüíîé è ïðåâîñõîäíîé ñòåïåíÿõ, ðàçëè÷àþùèåñÿ ïî çíà÷åíèþ:


older — oldest áîëåå ñòàðûé; ñàìûé ñòàðûé

elder — eldest ñòàðøèé; ñòàðåéøèé (â ñåìüå)


later — latest áîëåå ïîçäíèé (ïîçæå), ñàìûé ïîçäíèé

latter — last ïîñëåäíèé èç äâóõ óïîìÿíóòûõ, ñàìûé ïîñëåäíèé (ïðîøëûé)


farther — farthest áîëåå äàëüíèé, ñàìûé äàëüíèé (î ðàññòîÿíèè)

further — furthest äàëüíåéøèé, ïîñëåäóþùèé (î ïîðÿäêå ñëåäîâàíèÿ)

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Êîëè÷åñòâåííûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå (The Cardinal Numerals)

Ïîðÿäêîâûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå (The Ordinal Numerals)

1 — one îäèí 1st, first ïåðâûé 2 — two äâà 2nd, second âòîðîé 3 — three òðè 3rd, third òðåòèé 4 — four ÷åòûðå 4th, fourth ÷åòâåðòûé 5 — five ïÿòü 5th, fifth ïÿòûé 6 — six øåñòü 6th, sixth øåñòîé 7 — seven ñåìü 7th, seventh ñåäüìîé 8 — eight âîñåìü 8th, eighth âîñüìîé 9 — nine äåâÿòü 9th, ninth äåâÿòûé

10 — ten äåñÿòü 10th, tenth äåñÿòûé 11 — eleven îäèííàäöàòü 11th, eleventh îäèííàäöàòûé 12 — twelve äâåíàäöàòü 12th, twelfth äâåíàäöàòûé 13 — thirteen òðèíàäöàòü 13th, thirteenth òðèíàäöàòûé 14 — fourteen ÷åòûðíàäöàòü 14th, fourteenth ÷åòûðíàäöàòûé 15 — fifteen ïÿòíàäöàòü 15th, fifteenth ïÿòíàäöàòûé 16 — sixteen øåñòíàäöàòü 16th, sixteenth øåñòíàäöàòûé 17 — seventeen ñåìíàäöàòü 17th, seventeenth ñåìíàäöàòûé 18 — eighteen âîñåìíàäöàòü 18th, eighteenth âîñåìíàäöàòûé 19 — nineteen äåâÿòíàäöàòü 19th, nineteenth äåâÿòíàäöàòûé 20 — twenty äâàäöàòü 20th, twentieth äâàäöàòûé 21 — twenty-one äâàäöàòü îäèí 21st, twenty-first äâàäöàòü ïåðâûé 22 — twenty-two äâàäöàòü äâà 22nd, twenty-second äâàäöàòü âòîðîé 30 — thirty òðèäöàòü 30th, thirtieth òðèäöàòûé 40 — forty ñîðîê 40th, fortieth ñîðîêîâîé 50 — fifty ïÿòüäåñÿò 50th, fiftieth ïÿòèäåñÿòûé 60 — sixty øåñòüäåñÿò 60th, sixtieth øåñòèäåñÿòûé 70 — seventy ñåìüäåñÿò 70th, seventieth ñåìèäåñÿòûé 80 — eighty âîñåìüäåñÿò 80th, eightieth âîñüìèäåñÿòûé 90 — ninety äåâÿíîñòî 90th, ninetieth äåâÿíîñòûé

100 — one hundred ñòî 100th, one hundredth ñîòûé 101 — one hundred

and one ñòî îäèí 101st, one hundred

and first ñòî ïåðâûé

1000 — a (one) thou-sand

òûñÿ÷à 1000th,

thousandth òûñÿ÷íûé


Êîëè÷åñòâåííûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå îò 13 äî 19 èìåþò ñóôôèêñ -teen, à ÷èñëèòåëüíûå 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 — ñóôôèêñ -ty.

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Ìåæäó ñîòíÿìè è åäèíèöàìè, ñîòíÿìè è äåñÿòêàìè ñòàâèòñÿ ñîþç and:

102 — one hundred and two ñòî äâà 125 — one hundred and twenty five ñòî äâàäöàòü ïÿòü

×èñëèòåëüíûå 100 — hundred è 1000 — thousand íå ïðèíèìàþò îêîí÷àíèÿ -s â ñî÷åòàíèÿõ òèïà

two hundred òðèñòà three thousand òðè òûñÿ÷è

Îäíàêî êîãäà ýòè ñëîâà âûïîëíÿþò ôóíêöèþ èìåí ñóùåñòâè-òåëüíûõ âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå, îíè ïðèíèìàþò îêîí÷àíèå -s:

Hundreds of students study at our Academy.

Ñîòíè ñòóäåíòîâ ó÷àòñÿ â íàøåé àêàäåìèè.

Thousands of people took part in the demonstration.

Òûñÿ÷è ëþäåé ïðèíÿëè ó÷àñòèå â äåìîíñòðàöèè.


Ïîðÿäêîâûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå îáðàçóþòñÿ ïóòåì ïðèáàâëåíèÿ ñóôôèêñà -th ê êîëè÷åñòâåííîìó ÷èñëèòåëüíîìó. Èñêëþ÷åíèÿìè ÿâëÿþòñÿ the first ïåðâûé, the second âòîðîé, the third òðåòèé.

×èñëèòåëüíûå, îêàí÷èâàþùèåñÿ íà -y, ìåíÿþò y íà ie è ïðèíè-ìàþò ñóôôèêñ th:

twenty äâàäöàòü — the twentieth äâàäöàòûé

 ÷èñëèòåëüíûõ five è twelve áóêâà v ïåðåõîäèò â f: the fifth, the twelfth; ÷èñëèòåëüíîå nine ìåíÿåò ñâîå íàèìåíîâàíèå: ninth.

Ïåðåä ïîðÿäêîâûì ÷èñëèòåëüíûì ñòàâèòñÿ îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü:

We live on the second floor. Ìû æèâåì íà âòîðîì ýòàæå.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version




 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå îñíîâíûìè ÿâëÿþòñÿ òàêèå ôîðìû ãëàãîëà: 1) èíôèíèòèâ (Infinitive); 2) ôîðìà ïðîøåäøåãî íåîïðåäåëåííîãî

âðåìåíè (Past Indefinite Tense); 3) ïðè÷àñòèå ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè II (Participle II); 4) ïðè÷àñòèå íàñòîÿùåãî âðåìåíè I (Participle I).

Ïî ñïîñîáó îáðàçîâàíèÿ II è III ôîðìû ãëàãîëû äåëÿòñÿ íà ñ ò à í ä à ð ò íûå è í å ñ ò à íä àð ò íûå (èëè ïðàâèëüíûå è íåïðà-âèëüíûå).

Îáðàçîâàíèå II è III ôîðì ãëàãîëîâ:

II è III ôîðìû ñ ò à í ä à ð ò íûõ ãëàãîëîâ îáðàçóþòñÿ ïóòåì ïðèáàâëåíèÿ îêîí÷àíèÿ -ed, -(e)d, êîòîðîå ÷èòàåòñÿ êàê [d] ïîñëå ãëàñíûõ è çâîíêèõ ñîãëàñíûõ, êðîìå d; êàê [t] — ïîñëå ãëóõèõ ñî-ãëàñíûõ, êðîìå t, è êàê [Id] — ïîñëå áóêâ t è d:

follow — followed — followed [d] help — helped — helped [t] divide — divided — divided [Id] repeat — repeated — repeated [Id] stop — stopped — stopped [t] study — studied — studied [Id] stay — stayed — stayed [d]

II è III ôîðìû í å ñ ò à íä àð ò íûõ ãëàãîëîâ îáðàçóþòñÿ íåñ-êîëüêèìè ñïîñîáàìè, ïðè êîòîðûõ ìåíÿåòñÿ êîðåíü ãëàãîëà:

to begin — began — begun to think — thought — thought to break — broke — broken to build — built — built to cut — cut — cut to be — was, were — been

IV ôîðìà ñòàíäàðòíûõ è íåñòàíäàðòíûõ ãëàãîëîâ îáðàçóåòñÿ ïóòåì ïðèáàâëåíèÿ ñóôôèêñà -ing:

Ñòàíòäàðòíûå — following; helping; dividing; repeating Íåñòàíäàðòíûå — beginning; thinking; breaking; building è ò. ï.


Ãëàãîëû äåëÿòñÿ íà: 1) ñìûñëîâûå; 2) âñïîìîãàòåëüíûå; 3) ãëà-ãîëû-ñâÿçêè; 4) ìîäàëüíûå.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


1. Ñìûñëî âûìè ÿâëÿþòñÿ ïîëíîçíà÷íûå ãëàãîëû, èìåþùèå ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîå çíà÷åíèå è âûñòóïàþùèå â ôóíêöèè ïðîñòîãî ãë-àãîëüíîãî ñêàçóåìîãî:

He learns English. Îí èçó÷àåò àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê. We study at the Academy. Ìû ó÷èìñÿ â àêàäåìèè.

2.  ñ ï îìî ã à ò å ë ü íûå ãëàãîëû ëèøåíû ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîãî ëåêñè÷åñêîãî çíà÷åíèÿ è íåñóò ÷èñòî ãðàììàòè÷åñêèå ôóíêöèè, ò. å. âûðàæàþò ëèöî, ÷èñëî, âðåìÿ, âèä, çàëîã.

Âñïîìîãàòåëüíûìè ãëàãîëàìè ÿâëÿþòñÿ to be áûòü, to have èìåòü, to do äåëàòü, shall (should), will (would).

We have finished our work. Ìû çàêîí÷èëè ðàáîòó. She is writing a letter. Îíà ïèøåò ïèñüìî. They do not know French. Îíè íå çíàþò ôðàíöóçñêîãî. You will see us soon. Âû ñêîðî íàñ óâèäèòå. He was invited to the lecture. Åãî ïðèãëàñèëè íà ëåêöèþ.

3. à ë à ã î ëû - ñ â ÿ ç ê è â ñî÷åòàíèè ñ ïðåäèêàòèâíûì ÷ëåíîì ñëóæàò äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ ñîñòàâíîãî èìåííîãî ñêàçóåìîãî. Îñí-îâíûì ãëàãîëîì-ñâÿçêîé ÿâëÿåòñÿ ãëàãîë to be.  ôóíêöèè ãëàãîëà-ñâÿçêè ìîãóò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ òàêæå ãëàãîëû to become, to get, to turn ñî çíà÷åíèåì ñòàíîâèòüñÿ è ãëàãîë to look ñî çíà÷åíèåì âûãëÿäåòü :

We are students. Ìû ñòóäåíòû. She got tired. Îíà óñòàëà. It became dark. Ñòàëî òåìíî.

4. Ìîä à ë ü íûå ãëàãîëû âûðàæàþò îòíîøåíèå ãîâîðÿùåãî ê äåéñòâèòåëüíîñòè. Ê ìîäàëüíûì îòíîñÿòñÿ ãëàãîëû can (could) ìî÷ü; may (might) ìî÷ü, áûòü äîçâîëåííûì ; must (âûðàæàåò äîëæåñòâîâàíèå), could, might, will (would); shall (should); ought äîëæåí, ñëåäóåò, ñëåäîâàëî áû; shall, will, dare ñìåòü, îòâàæèòüñÿ è ãëàãîëû to be è to have, âûïîëíÿþùèå ìîäàëüíûå ôóíêöèè. (Ïîäðîáíî î ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëàõ ñì. â ðàçäåëå "Ìîäàëü-íûå ãëàãîëû".)


Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû INDEFINITE

Íåîïðåäåëåííûå âðåìåíà óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ äåéñòâèÿ èëè ñîñòîÿíèÿ â íàñòîÿùåì, ïðîøåäøåì èëè áóäóùåì, íî íå óêà-çûâàþò íà èõ ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòü, çàâåðøåííîñòü, ïðåäøåñòâîâàíèå îïðåäåëåííîìó ìîìåíòó â ïðîøëîì èëè íàñòîÿùåì.

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1. Âûðàæàåò îáû÷íîå, ïîâòîðíîå äåéñòâèå â íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ãëàãîëîì íåñîâåðøåííîãî âèäà â íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè:

I work at a factory. ß ðàáîòàþ íà çàâîäå. He often goes to the library. Îí ÷àñòî õîäèò â áèáëèîòåêó. Spring follows winter. Âåñíà ñëåäóåò çà çèìîé.

2. Óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ñî çíà÷åíèåì Future Indefinite â îáñòîÿ-òåëüñòâåííûõ ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ âðåìåíè è óñëîâèÿ ïîñëå ñîþçîâ when êîãäà; after ïîñëå òîãî êàê; before ïåðåä, äî, ïðåæäå; till (until) äî òåõ ïîð ïîêà ... (íå); as soon as êàê òîëüêî; as long as ïîêà; äî òåõ ïîð ïîêà; if åñëè; unless åñëè íå; provided ïðè óñëîâèè, åñëè :

We shall work till it gets dark. Ìû áóäåì ðàáîòàòü, ïîêà íå ñòåì-íååò.

Ring me up when you come home. Ïîçâîíèòå ìíå, êîãäà ïðèäåòå äî-ìîé.

Óòâåðäèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Affirmative Form)

Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Interrogative Form)

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Negative Form)

I ask. Do I ask? I do not ask. He asks. Does he ask? He does not ask. She asks. Does she ask? She does not ask. It asks. Does it ask? It does not ask. We ask. Do we ask? We do not ask. You ask. Do you ask? You do not ask. They ask. Do they ask? They do not ask.


1. Past Indefinite Tense âûðàæàåò: a) îáû÷íîå îäíîêðàòíîå èëè ìíîãîêðàòíîå äåéñòâèå â ïðîøëîì,

êîòîðîå ìîæåò óòî÷íÿòüñÿ îáñòîÿòåëüñòâàìè òèïà — yester-day â÷åðà; last month (year) â ïðîøëîì ìåñÿöå (ãîäó); ago òîìó íàçàä è ò. ï., äàòîé èëè ïðèäàòî÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì ñ ãëàãîëüíûì ñêàçóåìûì â ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè:

He left for New York yesterday. Îí óåõàë â Íüþ-Éîðê â÷åðà. I was in a hurry when you met me. ß ñïåøèë, êîãäà âû ìåíÿ âñòðå-

òèëè. He often met his friends last year.  ïðîøëîì ãîäó îí ÷àñòî âñòðå-

÷àë ñâîèõ äðóçåé.

á) ðÿä ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíûõ äåéñòâèé â ïðîøëîì.

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The students entered the labora-tory, turned on the light, put the instruments on the tables and started to work.

Ñòóäåíòû âîøëè â ëàáîðàòîðèþ, âêëþ÷èëè ñâåò, ïîëîæèëè èí-ñòðóìåíòû íà ñòîëû è íà÷àëè ðàáîòàòü.

2. Ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ãëàãîëîì ñîâåðøåííîãî èëè íåñîâåðøåííîãî âèäà â ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè.

Óòâåðäèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Affirmative Form)

Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Interrogative Form)

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Negative Form)

I asked. Did I ask? I did not ask. He asked. Did he ask? He did not ask. She asked. Did she ask? She did not ask. It asked. Did it ask? It did not ask. We asked. Did we ask? We did not ask. You asked. Did you ask? You did not ask. They asked. Did they ask? They did not ask.


Âûðàæàåò îäíîêðàòíîå èëè ìíîãîêðàòíîå äåéñòâèå â áóäóùåì. Îáû÷íî óòî÷íÿåòñÿ îáñòîÿòåëüñòâàìè òèïà tomorrow çàâòðà; next month (year) â ñëåäóþùåì ìåñÿöå (ãîäó), äàòîé èëè ïðèäàòî÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì:

We shall meet him at the station. Ìû âñòðåòèì åãî íà âîêçàëå. They will work at the factory next

year. Îíè áóäóò ðàáîòàòü íà ôàáðèêå

â áóäóùåì ãîäó. We shall tell him our adress, when

he comes. Ìû ñîîáùèì åìó íàø àäðåñ,

êîãäà îí ïðèäåò.

Óòâåðäèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Affirmative Form)

Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Interrogative Form)

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Negative Form)

I shall ask. Shall I ask? I shall not ask. He will ask. Will he ask? He will not ask. She will ask. Will she ask? She will not ask. It will ask. Will it ask? It will not ask. We shall ask. Shall we ask? We shall not ask. You will ask. Will you ask? You will not ask. They will ask. Will they ask? They will not ask.

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Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû CONTINUOUS

Ãðóïïà âðåìåí Continuous ïðåäñòàâëÿåò äåéñòâèå êàê ïðîöåññ è ñëóæèò äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ ïðîäîëæàþùåãîñÿ, íåçàêîí÷åííîãî äåéñòâèÿ, ïðîèñõîäÿùåãî â êàêîé-ëèáî ìîìåíò â íàñòîÿùåì, ïðîøåäøåì èëè áóäóùåì. Ôîðìà Continuous îáðàçóåòñÿ èç âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãë-àãîëà to be â ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåì âðåìåíè è Participle I ñìûñëîâîãî ãëàãîëà.


1. Âûðàæàåò äëèòåëüíîå, íåïðåðûâíîå äåéñòâèå, ñîâåðøàþ-ùååñÿ â ìîìåíò ðå÷è â òå÷åíèå íåêîòîðîãî îòðåçêà âðåìåíè â íà-ñòîÿùåì. Ïåðåâîäèòñÿ íåñîâåðøåííûì âèäîì ãëàãîëà â íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè, èíîãäà ñ äîáàâëåíèåì ñëîâ ñåé÷àñ, â äàííûé ìîìåíò:

I am reading an interesting book. ß ÷èòàþ (ñåé÷àñ) èíòåðåñíóþ êíèãó.

2. Óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ: a) â çíà÷åíèè Future Continuous â ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ

âðåìåíè è óñëîâèÿ ïîñëå ñîþçîâ when êîãäà, after ïîñëå, before äî, ïðåæäå ÷åì è äð.:

We shall watch you when you are making this experiment.

Ìû áóäåì íàáëþäàòü çà âàìè, êîãäà âû áóäåòå äåëàòü ýòîò îïûò.

á) ñ ãëàãîëàìè äâèæåíèÿ òèïà to go èäòè, to start íà÷èíàòü, to leave óåçæàòü, to come ïðèõîäèòü, ïðèåçæàòü äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ áëèæàéøåãî áóäóùåãî:

We are leaving for London tomor-row.

Çàâòðà ìû óåçæàåì â Ëîíäîí.


ôîðìà (The Affirmative Form)

Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Interrogative Form)

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Negative Form)

I am asking. Am I asking? I am not asking. He (she, it) is asking. Is he (she, it) asking? He (she, it) is not

asking. You (we, they) are ask-ing.

Are you (we, they) ask-ing?

You (we, they) are not asking.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Âûðàæàåò íåïðåðûâíîå íåçàêîí÷åííîå äåéñòâèå: a) ñîâåðøàâøååñÿ â îïðåäåëåííûé ìîìåíò â ïðîøëîì, êîòîðûé

â ïðåäëîæåíèè ìîæåò îáîçíà÷èòüñÿ ëèáî îáñòîÿòåëüñòâàìè òèïà at ... o’clock â ... ÷àñîâ; at that moment â òîò ìî-ìåíò è ò. ï., ëèáî ïðèäàòî÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì âðåìåíè:

We were going to the Academy at 4 o’clock yesterday.

Â÷åðà â ÷åòûðå ÷àñà ìû øëè â Àêàäåìèþ.

They were discussing this prob-lem, when the bell rang.

Îíè îáñóæäàëè ýòîò âîïðîñ, êîãäà ïðîçâåíåë çâîíîê.

á) ïðîòåêàâøåå îäíîâðåìåííî ñ äðóãèì äëÿùèìñÿ äåéñòâèåì:

My friend was writing down the new words while I was reading a newspaper.

Ìîé äðóã çàïèñûâàë íîâûå ñëîâà, êîãäà ÿ ÷èòàë ãàçåòó.

Óòâåðäèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Affirmative Form)

Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Interrogative Form)

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Negative Form)

I (he, she, it) was asking.

Was I (he, she, it) asking?

I (he, she, it) was not asking.

You (we, they) were asking.

Were you (we, they) asking?

You (we, they) were not asking.


Âûðàæàåò íåïðåðûâíîå çàêîí÷åííîå äåéñòâèå, êîòîðîå áóäåò ñîâåðøàòüñÿ â îïðåäåëåííûé ìîìåíò èëè â îïðåäåëåííûé îòðåçîê âðåìåíè â áóäóùåì. Ìîìåíò â áóäóùåì ìîæåò áûòü îáîçíà÷åí îáñòîÿòåëüñòâàìè òèïà at ... o’clock â ... ÷àñîâ è ò. ï., ëèáî ïðèäà-òî÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì âðåìåíè:

I shall be working at the moment of your arrival and shall not be able to meet you.

ß áóäó ðàáîòàòü â ìîìåíò âàøåãî ïðèáûòèÿ è íå ñìîãó âàñ âñòðåòèòü.

She will be working till you come. Îíà áóäåò ðàáîòàòü äî âàøåãî ïðèõîäà.


ôîðìà (The Affirmative Form)

Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Interrogative Form)

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Negative Form)

I (we) shall be asking. Shall I (we) be asking? I (we) shall not be asking. He (she, it, you, they) will be asking.

Will he (she, it, you, they) be asking?

He (she, it, you, they) will not be asking.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû PERFECT

Ãðóïïà âðåìåí Perfect âûðàæàåò ñîâåðøåííîå äåéñòâèå, çà-êîí÷åííîå ê êàêîìó-òî ìîìåíòó â íàñòîÿùåì, ïðîøåäøåì èëè áó-äóùåì âðåìåíè.

Ôîðìà Perfect îáðàçóåòñÿ ïðè ïîìîùè âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà to have â ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåì âðåìåíè è Participle II ñìûñëîâîãî ãë-àãîëà.


1. Âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå, çàâåðøèâøååñÿ ê äàííîìó ìîìåíòó, ò. å. ê ìîìåíòó ðå÷è.  ïðåäëîæåíèè âðåìåííûå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà:

à) ìîãóò ñîâåðøåííî îòñóòñòâîâàòü:

I have read this book. ß ïðî÷èòàë ýòó êíèãó.

á) ìîãóò áûòü âûðàæåíû íàðå÷èÿìè íåîïðåäåëåííîãî âðåìåíè lately íåäàâíî; çà ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ; ever êîãäà-ëèáî; âñåãäà; never íèêîãäà; just òîëüêî ÷òî; often ÷àñòî; re-cently íåäàâíî; yet åùå; âñå åùå; åùå íå :

I have never met him. ß íèêîãäà íå âñòðå÷àë åãî.

â) ìîãóò áûòü âûðàæåíû íàðå÷èåì âðåìåíè to-day ñåãîäíÿ; this month, (year) â ýòîì ìåñÿöå (ãîäó) è äð.:

I have read many books this year.  ýòîì ãîäó ÿ ïðî÷èòàë ìíîãî êíèã.

Ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ãëàãîëîì ñîâåðøåííîãî èëè íåñîâåðøåííîãî âèäà â ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè ñ äîáàâëåíèåì íàðå÷èé óæå, åùå íå â îòðèöà-òåëüíîì ïðåäëîæåíèè.

2. Óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ñî ñëîâîì since c òåõ ïîð, êàê:

I have not met him since he re-turned from New York.

ß íå âñòðå÷àë åãî ñ òåõ ïîð, êàê îí âåðíóëñÿ èç Íüþ-Éîðêà.

She has not been to Kyiv since 1995.

Îíà íå áûëà â Êèåâå ñ 1995 ã.

3. Óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â çíà÷åíèè Future Perfect ïîñëå ñîþçîâ before ðàíüøå; óæå; after ïîñëå òîãî êàê; when êîãäà; till äî òåõ ïîð, ïîêà è ò. ï. â îáñòîÿòåëüñòâåííûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ âðåìåíè è óñëîâèÿ è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ãëàãîëîì ñîâåðøåííîãî âèäà áóäóùåãî âðåìåíè:

We shall go to the club when you have finished your work.

Ìû ïîéäåì â êëóá, êîãäà âû çàêîí÷èòå ðàáîòó.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Óòâåðäèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Affirmative Form)

Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Interrogative Form)

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Negative Form) I (we, you, they) have asked.

Have I (we, you, they) asked?

I (we, you, they) have not asked.

He (she, it) has asked.

Has he (she, it) asked?

He (she, it) has not asked.


Âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå, çàâåðøåííîå äî êàêîãî-ëèáî îïðåäåëåííîãî ìîìåíòà â ïðîøëîì, êîòîðûé ìîæåò áûòü îáîçíà÷åí ëèáî îáñòîÿ- òåëüñòâåííûìè ñëîâàìè ñ ïðåäëîãîì by äî, ëèáî ïðèäàòî÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì âðåìåíè ñ ãëàãîëîì â Past Indefinite:

By the 1st of September I had passed all my examinations.

Ê 1 ñåíòÿáðÿ ÿ ñäàë âñå ýêçàìåíû.

I had studied at school before I en-tered the Institute.

ß ó÷èëñÿ â øêîëå, ïðåæäå ÷åì ïîñòóïèë â èíñòèòóò.

Ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ãëàãîëîì ñîâåðøåííîãî èëè íåñîâåðøåííîãî âèäà â ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè, ÷àñòî ñ äîáàâëåíèåì íàðå÷èé óæå, åùå íå:

We had not translated all the text, when the bell rang.

Ìû (åùå) íå ïåðåâåëè âñåãî òåê-ñòà, êîãäà ïðîçâåíåë çâîíîê.


Âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå, êîòîðîå áóäåò çàâåðøåíî ê îïðåäåëåííîìó ìîìåíòó â áóäóùåì. Ýòîò ìîìåíò îáû÷íî óòî÷íÿåòñÿ îáñòîÿ-òåëüñòâåííûìè ñëîâàìè ñ ïðåäëîãîì by èëè ïðèäàòî÷íûì ïðåäëî-æåíèåì âðåìåíè ñ ãëàãîëîì â íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ãë-àãîëîì ñîâåðøåííîãî âèäà â áóäóùåì âðåìåíè:

By the 1st of July I shall have passed all my exams.

Ê 1 èþëÿ ÿ (óæå) ñäàì âñå ýê-çàìåíû.

He will have finished his work when you come.

Îí (óæå) çàêîí÷èò ñâîþ ðàáîòó, êîãäà âû ïðèäåòå.


ôîðìà (The Affirmative Form)

Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Interrogative Form)

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà

(The Negative Form) I (we) shall have asked.

Shall I (we) have asked?

I (we) shall not have asked.

He (she, it, you, they) will have asked.

Will he (she, it, you, they) have asked?

He (she, it, you, they) will not have asked.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version




Ãëàãîë â Present Perfect Continuous âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå, íà-÷àâøååñÿ ðàíåå è ïðîäîëæàþùååñÿ â ìîìåíò ðå÷è:

I have been translating this article for half an hour.

ß (óæå) ïåðåâîæó ýòó ñòàòüþ â òå÷åíèå ïîëó÷àñà.

He has been writing since 2 o’clock.

Îí (óæå) ïèøåò ñ 2 ÷àñîâ.


Ãëàãîë â Past Perfect Continuous âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå, íà÷àâøååñÿ ðàíåå è ïðîäîëæàâøååñÿ íåêîòîðûé ïåðèîä äî îïðåäåëåííîãî ìî-ìåíòà â ïðîøëîì:

I had been translating this article for half an hour before you came.

ß (óæå) ïåðåâîäèë ýòó ñòàòüþ â òå÷åíèå ïîëó÷àñà, ïðåæäå ÷åì âû ïðèøëè.


Ãëàãîë â Future Perfect Continuous (ýòî âðåìÿ óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ðåäêî) âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå, êîòîðîå áóäåò ïðîäîëæàòüñÿ íåêîòîðûé ïåðèîä äî îïðåäåëåííîãî ìîìåíòà â áóäóùåì:

I shall have been translating this article for half an hour before you come.

ß áóäó ïåðåâîäèòü ýòó ñòàòüþ â òå÷åíèå ïîëó÷àñà, ïðåæäå ÷åì âû ïðèäåòå.

By 1999 my father will have been working at the plant for 20 years.

Ê 1999 ãîäó ìîé îòåö ïðîðàáîòà-åò íà çàâîäå (óæå) 20 ëåò.


Îñíîâíûìè ìîäàëüíûìè ãëàãîëàìè ÿâëÿþòñÿ can (could — â Past Indefinite), may (might — â Past Indefinite), must, ought to.

Êðîìå òîãî, â êà÷åñòâå ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ ìîãóò âûñòóïàòü shall (should), will (would), needn’t, have (to), be (to).

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Îñîáåííîñòüþ ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ ÿâëÿåòñÿ òî, ÷òî îíè: a) íå èìåþò ïîëíîãî ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ è âûñòóïàþò â

ñî÷åòàíèè ñî ñìûñëîâûìè ãëàãîëàìè; á) íå èìåþò íåëè÷íûõ ôîðì (èíôèíèòèâà, ïðè÷àñòèÿ, ãåðóíäèÿ); â) íå èìåþò â íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè ëè÷íîãî îêîí÷àíèÿ -s â 3-ì

ëèöå åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà: He can help you. Îí ìîæåò âàì ïîìî÷ü.

ã) íå èìåþò ôîðìû ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè (êðîìå can ìî÷ü; óìåòü; may ìî÷ü; áûòü äîçâîëåííûì) è àíàëèòè÷åñêèõ ôîðì (áóäóùåãî âðåìåíè, ïðîäîëæåííîãî âðåìåíè, ïåðôåêòíûõ ôîðì è ñòðàäàòåëüíîãî çàëîãà);

ä) òðåáóþò ïîñëå ñåáÿ ñìûñëîâîãî ãëàãîëà áåç ÷àñòèöû to (çà èñêëþ÷åíèåì ãëàãîëîâ ought áûòü äîëæíûì; îáÿçàííûì; have èìåòü; áûòü îáÿçàííûì; be áûòü):

They must do this work in time. Îíè äîëæíû ñäåëàòü ýòó ðàáîòó âîâðåìÿ.

You ought to fulfil your task. Âû äîëæíû âûïîëíèòü ñâîå çàäàíèå.

e) îáðàçóþò âîïðîñèòåëüíóþ è îòðèöàòåëüíóþ ôîðìû áåç âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà:

May I take your book? Ìîæíî âçÿòü âàøó êíèãó? I cannot drive a car. ß íå óìåþ óïðàâëÿòü àâòîìî-



Can âûðàæàåò ôèçè÷åñêóþ âîçìîæíîñòü èëè ñïîñîáíîñòü ñî-âåðøèòü äåéñòâèå áëàãîäàðÿ íàëè÷èþ ðåàëüíûõ óñëîâèé èëè óìåíèþ. Îí ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ðóññêèìè ãëàãîëàìè ìî÷ü, óìåòü, áûòü â ñîñòîÿíèè :

I am free to-day. I can go to the cinema.

ß ñâîáîäåí ñåãîäíÿ. ß ìîãó èäòè â êèíî.

I can operate a lathe. ß óìåþ ðàáîòàòü íà òîêàðíîì ñòàíêå.

He can do it himself. Îí â ñîñòîÿíèè ñäåëàòü ýòî ñàì.

Can èìååò ôîðìó ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè — could: She could not come at 2. Îíà íå ìîãëà ïðèéòè â 2 ÷àñà.

May âûðàæàåò: 1) ðàçðåøåíèå è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ìîæíî, ðàçðåøàåòñÿ. Â ýòîì

çíà÷åíèè may óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ, êàê ïðàâèëî, â íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè: May I stay here a little longer? Ìîæíî ìíå ïîáûòü çäåñü åùå


PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


2) ïðåäïîëîæåíèå èëè ñîìíåíèå è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ âîçìîæíî, ìî-æåò áûòü.  ýòîì çíà÷åíèè may óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì â óòâåðäèòåëüíîé ôîðìå:

He may come. Îí, ìîæåò áûòü, ïðèäåò. She doesn’t write to me: she may

be busy. Îíà íå ïèøåò ìíå: âîçìîæíî, îíà


May èìååò ôîðìó ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè — might:

I thought she might come. ß äóìàë, ÷òî îíà ìîæåò ïðèéòè.

Must âûðàæàåò:

1) â óòâåðäèòåëüíîé è âîïðîñèòåëüíîé ôîðìàõ äîëæåíñòâîâàíèå, à òàêæå íåîáõîäèìîñòü, âûòåêàþùóþ èç îáÿçàííîñòè, è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ äîëæåí, íóæíî, íàäî, íåîáõîäèìî:

Must this part be replaced? Íóæíî ëè çàìåíèòü ýòó äåòàëü? I must be at the Institute at 8

o’clock tomorrow. ß äîëæåí áûòü çàâòðà â èíñòèòóòå

â 8 ÷àñîâ.

2) â îòðèöàòåëüíîé ôîðìå êàòåãîðè÷åñêîå çàïðåùåíèå è ïåðå-âîäèòñÿ íåëüçÿ, íå äîëæåí:

You must not be late for your les-sons.

Âû íå äîëæíû îïàçäûâàòü íà óðîêè.

Ought to âûðàæàåò îáÿçàòåëüíîñòü íðàâñòâåííîãî õàðàêòåðà, ìîðàëüíûé äîëã; óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì â óòâåðäèòåëüíîé è îòðèöàòåëüíîé ôîðìàõ è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ñëåäóåò, äîëæåí:

You ought to be more attentive to your sister.

Âàì ñëåäóåò áûòü áîëåå âíèìà-òåëüíûì ê ñâîåé ñåñòðå.

Needn’t óêàçûâàåò íà îòñóòñòâèå íåîáõîäèìîñòè ñîâåðøaòü äåé-ñòâèå è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ íå íóæíî, íå ñëåäóåò, íå íàäî, íåò íåîá-õîäèìîñòè, íå ñòîèò:

You needn’t come here tomorrow. Âàì íå íóæíî (íåò íåîáõîäè-ìîñòè, íå îáÿçàòåëüíî) ïðèõî-äèòü ñþäà çàâòðà.

Óïîòðåáëåíèå ãëàãîëîâ have, be, shall, should, will, would â ìîäàëüíîì çíà÷åíèè.

Shall ñî âñåìè ëèöàìè ìîæåò âûðàæàòü: 1) òðåáîâàíèå ñ îòòåíêîì ïðèêàçàíèÿ:

You shall start there at once. Âû îòïðàâèòåñü òóäà íåìåäëåí-íî.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


 ýòîì çíà÷åíèè shall óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â îôèöèàëüíûõ èíñòðóêöèÿõ, ïîñòàíîâëåíèÿõ, çàêîíàõ, óñòàâàõ, íàñòàâëåíèÿõ è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ íàñòîÿùèì âðåìåíåì;

2) îáåùàíèå, óâåðåííîñòü:

You needn’t worry. You shall get your leave.

Âàì íåçà÷åì áåñïîêîèòüñÿ: âû ïîëó÷èòå ñâîé îòïóñê.

Should âûðàæàåò: 1) áîëåå ñëàáóþ ñòåïåíü äîëæåíñòâîâàíèÿ (ïî ñðàâíåíèþ ñ

must) ñ îòòåíêîì ñîâåòà, ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. Ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ñëåäóåò, íàäëåæèò :

You should do it today. Âàì ñëåäóåò ñäåëàòü ýòî ñåãîäíÿ.

á) óäèâëåíèå, à òàêæå âîçðàæåíèå, ðàçî÷àðîâàíèå, ñîæàëåíèå.  ýòèõ ñëó÷àÿõ should îáû÷íî íå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ:

I don’t understand why you should be so inattentive!

Íå ïîíèìàþ, ïî÷åìó âû òàê íåâíè-ìàòåëüíû!

It is surprising why the door should be locked!

Óäèâèòåëüíî, ïî÷åìó äâåðü çàêðûòà!

Will ñ ïåðâûì ëèöîì åäèíñòâåííîãî è ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà ìîæåò âûðàæàòü íàìåðåíèå, óïîðíîå æåëàíèå èëè íåæåëàíèå (c not) âûïîëíèòü äåéñòâèå:

I will go there and find him! ß ïîéäó òóäà è íàéäó åãî! I will not do it! ß íå áóäó äåëàòü ýòîãî!

Will óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ îòñóòñòâèÿ èëè íàëè÷èÿ ïðè-çíàêà, ñâîéñòâåííîãî òîìó èëè èíîìó ïðåäìåòó è â òàêîì ñëó÷àå ïåðåâîäèòñÿ íàñòîÿùèì âðåìåíåì.  òàêîì çíà÷åíèè ÷àñòî âñòðå÷àåòñÿ â òåõíè÷åñêîé ëèòåðàòóðå:

Wet wood will not burn. Ìîêðîå äåðåâî íå ãîðèò. The door will not open. Äâåðü íå îòêðûâàåòñÿ. The knife won’t cut. Íîæ íå ðåæåò.

Would âûðàæàåò âîëþ, æåëàíèå èëè íåæåëàíèå (c not) âûïîëíèòü äåéñòâèå:

I asked him to do it, but he would not.

ß ïðîñèë åãî ñäåëàòü ýòî, íî îí (íè çà ÷òî) íå õîòåë.

Have (to) âûðàæàåò âûíóæäåííóþ íåîáõîäèìîñòü, âûçâàííóþ îáñòîÿòåëüñòâàìè. Ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ïðèõîäèòñÿ, âûíóæäåí, äîëæåí. Ýòîò ãëàãîë èìååò ôîðìó âðåìåíè, ëèöà, ÷èñëà:

You have to repeat this rule. Âû äîëæíû ïîâòîðèòü ýòî ïðà-âèëî.

They had to return home as it be-gan raining.

Èì ïðèøëîñü âåðíóòüñÿ äîìîé, ïîñêîëüêó íà÷àëñÿ äîæäü.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Be (to) âûðàæàåò äîëæåíñòâîâàíèå, îáóñëîâëåííîå êàêèìè-ëèáî îáñòîÿòåëüñòâàìè: ïðèêàçîì, çàðàíåå íàìå÷åííûì ïëàíîì, ðàñïèñàíèåì, ïðàâèëàìè è ò. ï. Óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â íàñòîÿùåì è ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ïðåäñòîÿòü, äîëæåí, íóæíî :

He is to translate the whole article. Åìó ïðåäñòîèò (îí äîëæåí) ïåðå-âåñòè âñþ ñòàòüþ.

The train was to come at 7 sharp. Ïîåçä äîëæåí áûë ïðèéòè òî÷íî â 7.

This machine is to be replaced. Ýòó ìàøèíó ñëåäóåò çàìåíèòü.


Ýêâèâàëåíòû ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ ìîãóò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ äëÿ çàìåíû êàê ñóùåñòâóþùèõ, òàê è íåäîñòàþùèõ âðåìåííûõ ôîðì.

Ìîäàëüíûé ãëàãîë

(The Modal Verbs)

Ýêâèâàëåíò (Equivalent)


can (could) to be able to He is able to run 3 kilometers.

Îí ìîæåò (â ñîñòîÿíèè) ïðîáåæàòü 3 êèëîìåòðà.

They were able to solve this problem.

Îíè ñìîãëè (áûëè â ñîñòîÿ-íèè) ðåøèòü ýòó çàäà÷ó.

I shall be able to join you tomorrow.

ß ñìîãó ïðèñîåäèíèòüñÿ ê âàì çàâòðà.

may (might) to be allowed to

It is not allowed to smoke here.

Çäåñü íåëüçÿ (íå ðàçðåøà-åòñÿ) êóðèòü.

He was allowed to use a dictionary.

Åìó ðàçðåøèëè ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ñëîâàðåì.

You will be allowed to go on leave in June.

Âàì ðàçðåøàò óéòè â îòïóñê â èþíå.

must to have (to)

We have to take part in this work.

Ìû äîëæíû ïðèíÿòü ó÷àñòèå â ýòîé ðàáîòå.

We had to come at 5.

Ìû äîëæíû áûëè ïðèéòè â 5 ÷àñîâ.

They will have to leave in advance.

Èì ïðèäåòñÿ óåõàòü çàðàíåå.

to be (to) We are to leave in a few days.

Ìû äîëæíû óåõàòü ÷åðåç íåñêîëüêî äíåé.

They were to begin the test yesterday.

Îíè äîëæíû áûëè íà÷àòü èñïûòàíèå â÷åðà.


Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû must è may ñ èíôèíèòèâîì â ëþáîé ôîðìå óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ îòíîøåíèÿ ãîâîðÿùåãî ê äåéñòâèþ, êîòîðîå äîëæíî èëè ìîæåò ïðîèñõîäèòü â íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè èëè â ïðîøëîì.  ýòîì ñëó÷àå must è may ïåðåâîäÿòñÿ ñëîâàìè âåðî-ÿòíî; äîëæíî áûòü; âîçìîæíî :

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


He must be somewhere here. Îí, äîëæíî áûòü, ãäå-òî çäåñü. They may be in that room. Îíè, âîçìîæíî, â òîé êîìíàòå. She must be finishing her work

now. Îíà, äîëæíî áûòü, çàêàí÷èâàåò

ñâîþ ðàáîòó ñåé÷àñ. My watch must have stopped dur-

ing the night. Ìîè ÷àñû, äîëæíî áûòü, îñòàíî-

âèëèñü íî÷üþ. She doesn’t write to me: she may

have lost my address. Îíà ìíå íå ïèøåò: îíà, âîçìîæíî,

ïîòåðÿëà ìîé àäðåñ. He must have been killed during

the war. Âîçìîæíî, åãî óáèëè âî âðåìÿ


Could, might, should ìîãóò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ ñî-æàëåíèÿ èëè óïðåêà ïî ïîâîäó íåâûïîëíåííîãî äåéñòâèÿ, ïðèäàþò ïðåäëîæåíèþ îòòåíîê ñîñëàãàòåëüíîñòè è, ñîîòâåòñòâåííî, ïåðå-âîäÿòñÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê ñëîâàìè ñëåäîâàëî áû; ìîã; ìîãëè áû è ò. ï.: You could have written your transla-

tion better. Âû ìîãëè áû ñäåëàòü ñâîé ïåðåâîä

ëó÷øå (íî íå ñäåëàëè). You might have asked me about it

yesterday. Âû áû ìîãëè ñïðîñèòü ìåíÿ îá ýòîì

â÷åðà (íî íå ñïðîñèëè). You should have come in time. Âàì ñëåäîâàëî áû ïðèéòè âîâðåìÿ

(íî âû îïîçäàëè).


Îñíîâíûå ïðàâèëà ñîãëàñîâàíèÿ âðåìåí çàêëþ÷àþòñÿ â ñëå-äóþùåì:

1. Åñëè ñêàçóåìîå ãëàâíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ âûðàæåíî ãëàãîëîì â îäíîé èç ôîðì íàñòîÿùåãî èëè áóäóùåãî âðåìåíè, òî ñêàçóåìîå (ãëàãîë) äîïîëíèòåëüíîãî ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ìîæåò ñòîÿòü â ëþáîì âðåìåíè ïî ñìûñëó:

I suppose he is there. ß ïîëàãàþ, ÷òî îí òàì. I suppose that you were present. ß ïîëàãàþ, ÷òî âû ïðèñóòñòâî-

âàëè. I suppose that you’ll be present. ß ïîëàãàþ, ÷òî âû áóäåòå ïðè-


2. Åñëè ñêàçóåìîå ãëàâíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ âûðàæåíî ãëàãîëîì â îäíîé èç ôîðì ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè, òî ñêàçóåìîå äîïîëíè-òåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ äîëæíî áûòü âûðàæåíî ãëàãîëîì â îäíîé èç ôîðì ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè.

3. Åñëè ãëàãîë ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå (èëè ñîñòîÿíèå), îäíîâðåìåííîå ñ äåéñòâèåì ãëàãîëà â ãëàâíîì ïðåäëîæåíèè, òî ãëàãîë ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ñòàâèòñÿ â Past Indefinite èëè Past Continuous.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê ãëàãîë ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, ïåðåäàþùèé îäíîâðåìåííîñòü äåéñòâèÿ, ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ãëàãîëîì â íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè:

He said that he worked much. Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî ìíîãî ðàáîòàåò. He said that he was working at

his design. Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî ðàáîòàåò íàä

ñâîèì ïðîåêòîì.

4. Åñëè ãëàãîë ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå, êîòîðîå ïðåäøåñòâîâàëî äåéñòâèþ, âûðàæåííîìó ãëàãîëîì ãëàâ-íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, òî ãëàãîë ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ óïîòðåá-ëÿåòñÿ â ôîðìå Past Perfect èëè Past Perfect Continuous è ïåðåâîäèòñÿ ãëàãîëîì â ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè:

He said that he had finished his design.

Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî (óæå) çàêîí÷èë ñâîé ïðîåêò.

He said that he had been working for half an hour when we came.

Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî (óæå) ðàáîòàë ïîë÷àñà, êîãäà ìû ïðèøëè.

5. Åñëè ãëàãîë ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ âûðàæàåò áóäóùåå äåéñòâèå ïî îòíîøåíèþ ê ãëàãîëó ãëàâíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, òî îí óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â ôîðìå Future-in-the Past (Indefinite, Conti-nuous Perfect):

He said he would translate the arti-cle.

Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî ïåðåâåäåò ñòàòüþ.

We said we should be translating it till 5 o’clock.

Ìû ñêàçàëè, ÷òî áóäåì ïåðåâîäèòü åå äî 5 ÷àñîâ.

She said she would have translated this text by the end of the day.

Îíà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî ïåðåâåäåò ýòîò òåêñò ê êîíöó äíÿ.

Ïðàâèëà ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòè âðåìåí íå ñîáëþäàþòñÿ, êîãäà â ïðèäàòî÷íîì (äîïîëíèòåëüíîì) ïðåäëîæåíèè ãîâîðèòñÿ îá îáùå-èçâåñòíûõ èñòèíàõ èëè î ÿâëåíèÿõ, îáúåêòèâíî ñóùåñòâóþùèõ â ïðèðîäå:

He said that in summer the sun rises early.

Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî ëåòíåå ñîëíöå âñòàåò ðàíî.

Ïðàâèëà ñîãëàñîâàíèÿ âðåìåí â îòíîøåíèè îïðåäåëèòåëüíûõ è îáñòîÿòåëüñòâåííûõ ïðåäëîæåíèé ñîáëþäàþòñÿ òîëüêî â òåõ ñëó-÷àÿõ, êîãäà òî, î ÷åì ãîâîðèòñÿ â ýòèõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ, îòíîñèòñÿ ê ïðîøåäøåìó âðåìåíè; â îñòàëüíûõ ñëó÷àÿõ âðåìÿ èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïî ñìûñëó:

We translated the article which you had given to us.

Ìû ïåðåâåëè ñòàòüþ, êîòîðóþ âû íàì äàëè.

I found the book which I shall give you soon.

ß íàøåë êíèãó, êîòîðóþ ÿ òåáå ñêîðî äàì.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Ïðÿìàÿ ðå÷ü òî÷íî âîñïðîèçâîäèò ñëîâà ãîâîðÿùåãî, â òî âðåìÿ êàê êîñâåííàÿ ðå÷ü ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïåðåäà÷åé ñëîâ ãîâîðÿùåãî äðóãèì ëèöîì.

 ïðÿìîé ðå÷è ìû èìååì äâà ïðîñòûõ ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíûõ ïðåä-ëîæåíèÿ, â êîñâåííîé ðå÷è — ñëîæíîïîä÷èíåííîå ïðåäëîæåíèå, ñîñòîÿùåå èç ãëàâíîãî è ïðèäàòî÷íîãî äîïîëíèòåëüíîãî.

Ñëîâà ãîâîðÿùåãî â êîñâåííîé ðå÷è ïåðåäàþòñÿ ïðèäàòî÷íûì äîïîëíèòåëüíûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì, êîòîðîå îáû÷íî ïðèñîåäèíÿåòñÿ ê ãëàâíîìó ñîþçàìè è ñîþçíûìè ñëîâàìè: that ÷òî; what ÷òî; where ãäå; when êîãäà, how êàê; why ïî÷åìó; whether ëè, èëè..., èëè...; if ëè èëè áåññîþçíî:

Ïðÿìàÿ ðå÷ü Êîñâåííàÿ ðå÷ü He says: "We are reading". He says (that) they are reading.

Îí ãîâîðèò: "Ìû ÷èòàåì". Îí ãîâîðèò, ÷òî îíè ÷èòàþò.

I said: "She will come at 5". I said (that) she would come at 5. ß ñêàçàë: "Îíà ïðèäåò â 5 ÷àñîâ". ß ñêàçàë, ÷òî îíà ïðèäåò

â 5 ÷àñîâ.

1. Ïðè ïåðåâîäå ïðÿìîé ðå÷è â êîñâåííóþ ãëàãîë to say, èìåþ-ùèé ïðè ñåáå äîïîëíåíèå ñ ïðåäëîãîì to, çàìåíÿåòñÿ ãëàãîëîì to tell, çà êîòîðûì âñåãäà ñëåäóåò áåñïðåäëîæíîå äîïîëíåíèå:

She said to me: "I have finished my work".

She told me she had finished her work.

Îíà ìíå ñêàçàëà: "Ñâîþ ðàáîòó ÿ çàêîí÷èëà".

Îíà ìíå ñêàçàëà, ÷òî ñâîþ ðàáîòó çàêîí÷èëà.

2. Åñëè ïðÿìàÿ ðå÷ü ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé âîïðîñ, òî â êîñâåííîé ðå÷è äîïîëíèòåëüíîå ïðèäàòî÷íîå ïðåäëîæåíèå èìååò ïðÿìîé ïîðÿäîê ñëîâ è ââîäèòñÿ ñîþçàìè whether èëè if:

He asked me: "Do you know Eng-lish?"

He asked me whether (if) I knew English.

Îí ìåíÿ ñïðîñèë: "Âû çíàåòå àíãëèéñêèé?"

Îí ñïðîñèë ìåíÿ, çíàþ ëè ÿ àí-ãëèéñêèé.

She asked him: "Are you busy?" Îíà åãî ñïðîñèëà: "Âû çàíÿòû?"

She asked him whether (if) he was busy.

Îíà ñïðîñèëà, çàíÿò ëè îí.

Åñëè ïðÿìàÿ ðå÷ü ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé ñïåöèàëüíûé âîïðîñ, òî â êîñâåííîé ðå÷è äîïîëíèòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå èìååò ïðÿìîé ïîðÿäîê ñëîâ è ïðèñîåäèíÿåòñÿ ê ãëàâíîìó ïðè ïîìîùè âîïðîñè-òåëüíûõ ñëîâ, êîòîðûå â ýòîì ñëó÷àå ïðåâðàùàþòñÿ â ñîþçíûå ñëîâà:

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


He asked me: "Where do you live?" He asked me where I lived. Îí ñïðîñèë ìåíÿ: "Ãäå Âû æèâ-åòå?"

Îí ñïðîñèë ìåíÿ, ãäå ÿ æèâó.

She asked them: "What are you do-ing?"

She asked them what they were do-ing.

Îíà ñïðîñèëà èõ: "×òî âû äåë-àåòå?"

Îíà ñïðîñèëà èõ î òîì, ÷òî îíè äåëàþò.

I asked him: "When will you go there?"

I asked him when he would go there.

ß ñïðîñèë åãî: "Êîãäà ìû òóäà ïîéäåì?"

ß ñïðîñèë åãî, êîãäà ìû òóäà ïîéäåì.

3. Åñëè ïðÿìàÿ ðå÷ü ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé ïîáóäèòåëüíîå ïðåä-ëîæåíèå, òî â êîñâåííîé ðå÷è ãëàãîë, ñòîÿùèé â ïîáóäèòåëüíîì íàêëîíåíèè, óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â ôîðìå èíôèíèòèâà, ïðè÷åì ïðèêà-çàíèå îáû÷íî ïåðåäàåòñÿ ãëàãîëàìè to tell ñêàçàòü; to order ïðèêàçûâàòü, à ïðîñüáà — ãëàãîëàìè to ask ïðîñèòü; to beg ïðîñèòü; to implore óìîëÿòü:

He said: "Give me this book". He asked to give him that book. Îí ñêàçàë: "Äàéòå ìíå ýòó êíèãó". Îí ñêàçàë äàòü åìó ýòó êíèãó.

The teacher said to us: "Stop writing!" Ïðåïîäàâàòåëü íàì ñêàçàë: "Íå ïèøèòå!".

The teacher told us to stop writing. Ïðåïîäàâàòåëü ñêàçàë, ÷òîáû ìû íå ïèñàëè.

Ïðè ïåðåâîäå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ èç ïðÿìîé ðå÷è â êîñâåííóþ ñî-áëþäàþòñÿ âñå ïðàâèëà ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòè âðåìåí, à òàêæå:

à) ñîîòâåòñòâåííî ñìûñëó èçìåíÿþòñÿ ëè÷íûå è ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ;

á) åñëè ãëàãîë ãëàâíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ñòîèò â ïðîøåäøåì âðå-ìåíè, òî ñëîâà è âûðàæåíèÿ, ïîêàçûâàþùèå âðåìÿ äåéñòâèÿ (èëè ìåñòî äåéñòâèÿ), áëèçêîå ê ãîâîðÿùåìó, â êîñâåííîé ðå÷è çàìå-íÿþòñÿ ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèìè ñëîâàìè, ïîêàçûâàþùèìè âðåìÿ (èëè ìåñòî) äåéñòâèÿ, áîëåå îòäàëeííîå. Òàêèì îáðàçîì: this ýòîò, ýòà, ýòî çàìåíÿåòñÿ íà that òîò, òà, òî :

these ýòè — those òå now ñåé÷àñ — then òîãäà here çäåñü — there òàì today ñåãîäíÿ — that day â òîò äåíü last night â÷åðà âå÷åðîì — the previous night, the night

before íàêàíóíå âå÷åðîì yesterday â÷åðà — the day before íàêàíóíå tomorrow çàâòðà — the next day íà ñëåäóþùèé

äåíü next week íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëå

— the following week íà ñëå-äóþùåé íåäåëå

ago òîìó íàçàä — before òîìó íàçàä

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


He said: "I wrote this report yes-terday".

He said (that) he had written that report the day before.

Îí ñêàçàë: "ß íàïèñàë ýòîò äîêëàä â÷åðà".

Îí ñêàçàë, ÷òî íàïèñàë ýòîò äîêëàä íàêàíóíå.


Ó àíãëèéñêîãî ãëàãîëà äâà çàëîãà: the Active Voice — äåéñòâè-òåëüíûé çàëîã è the Passive Voice — ñòðàäàòåëüíûé çàëîã.

1. Äåéñòâèòåëüíûé çàëîã ïîêàçûâàåò, ÷òî äåéñòâèå ñîâåðøàåòñÿ ïîäëåæàùèì è ïðè íàëè÷èè äîïîëíåíèÿ íàïðàâëåíî íà äîïîëíåíèå:

He sings well. Îí ïîåò õîðîøî. We have designed a new motor car. Ìû ñêîíñòðóèðîâàëè íîâûé àâòî-


2. Ñòðàäàòåëüíûé çàëîã ïîêàçûâàåò, ÷òî ïîäëåæàùåå íå ñîâåð-øàåò äåéñòâèå, à ñàìî ïîäâåðæåíî âîçäåéñòâèþ. Åñëè â ïðåäëî-æåíèè óêàçàíî ëèöî (èëè ïðåäìåò), ñîâåðøàþùåå äåéñòâèå, òî îíî âûðàæàåòñÿ äîïîëíåíèåì ñ ïðåäëîãîì by èëè with.

The Passive Voice îáðàçóåòñÿ èç âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà to be â ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåé ôîðìå è Participle II ñìûñëîâîãî ãëàãîëà:

The Kyiv University was built in the 19th century.

Êèåâñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò áûë ïî-ñòðîåí â XIX âåêå.

This letter is written by me with a pencil.

ß íàïèñàë ýòî ïèñüìî êàðàí-äàøîì. (Ïèñüìî íàïèñàíî ìíîé êàðàíäàøîì.)

The book is being read by him. Ñåé÷àñ îí ÷èòàåò ýòó êíèãó. (Áóê-âàëüíî: "Êíèãà ÷èòàåòñÿ èì ñåé÷àñ".)

Ñïðÿæåíèå ãëàãîëà to ask â ñòðàäàòåëüíîì çàëîãå (Infinitive "to be asked ")

Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû Indefinite

Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû Continuous

Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû Perfect

Íàñòîÿùåå íåîïðåäåëåííîå âðåìÿ

(The Present Indefinite Tense)

Íàñòîÿùåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

(The Present Continnous Tense)

Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ

(The Present Perfect Tense)

I am he, she, it is we, you, they are


I am he, she, it is we, you, they are

being asked

I have he, she, it has we, you, they have

been asked

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Ïðîøåäøåå íåîïðåäåëåííîå âðåìÿ

(The Past Indefinite Tense)

Ïðîøåäøåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

(The Past Continuons Tense)

Ïðîøåäøåå ñîâåðøåííîå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ

(The Past Perfect Continuons Tense)

I, he, she, it was we, you, they were


I, he, she, it was we, you, they were

being sked

I he she it we you they

had been asked

Áóäóùåå íåîïðåäåëåííîå âðåìÿ

(The Future Indefinite Tense)

Áóäóùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ

(The Future Perfect Tense)

I shall he, she, it will we shall you, they will

be asked

I shall he, she it will we shall you they will

have been asked


Íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê àíãëèéñêàÿ ïàññèâíàÿ êîíñòðóêöèÿ ìîæåò ïå-ðåâîäèòüñÿ îäíèì èç ñëåäóþùèõ ñïîñîáîâ:

à) ãëàãîëîì íà -ñÿ ñî ñòðàäàòåëüíûì çíà÷åíèåì; á) êðàòêîé ôîðìîé ñòðàäàòåëüíîãî ïðè÷àñòèÿ, à â ïðîøåäøåì è

áóäóùåì âðåìåíè â ñî÷åòàíèè ñ ãëàãîëîì áûòü; â) íåîïðåäåëåííî-ëè÷íîé êîíñòðóêöèåé ñ ãëàãîëîì â äåéñòâè-

òåëüíîì çàëîãå â 3-ì ëèöå ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà:

Many new houses are built in our

city every year.

Åæåãîäíî â íàøåì ãîðîäå ñòðîèòñÿ ìíîãî íîâûõ äîìîâ.

Åæåãîäíî â íàøåì ãîðîäå ñòðîÿò ìíîãî íîâûõ äîìîâ.

This house was built last year.

Ýòîò äîì áûë ïîñòðîåí â ïðîø-ëîì ãîäó.

Ýòîò äîì ïîñòðîèëè â ïðîøëîì ãîäó.

ã) ðóññêîé àêòèâíîé êîíñòðóêöèåé, â êîòîðîé ïîäëåæàùåå àí-ãëèéñêîé ïàññèâíîé êîíñòðóêöèè ñòàíîâèòñÿ ïðÿìûì èëè êîñ-âåííûì äîïîëíåíèåì, à êîñâåííîå äîïîëíåíèå ñ ïðåäëîãîì by — ïîäëåæàùèì:

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


He was offered the post of a head-teacher by the dean.

Äåêàí ïðåäëîæèë åìó äîëæíîñòü ñòàðøåãî ïðåïîäàâàòåëÿ.

ä) åñëè â àíãëèéñêîé ïàññèâíîé êîíñòðóêöèè äåéñòâèå íàïðàâ-ëåíî è íà ïîäëåæàùåå, è íà ïðÿìîå äîïîëíåíèå, òî ïðè ïåðå-âîäå àíãëèéñêîå ïðåäëîæåíèå ñòàíîâèòñÿ ðóññêèì êîñâåííûì äîïîëíåíèåì, âûðàæåííûì â äàòåëüíîì ïàäåæå:

We have been shown a new book. Íàì ïîêàçàëè íîâóþ êíèãó. She was given a good dictionary. Åé äàëè õîðîøèé ñëîâàðü.

e) cî÷åòàíèÿ ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ ñ Infinitive Passive ïåðåâî-äÿòñÿ íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê àêòèâíîé ôîðìîé èíôèíèòèâà:

Your translation must be corrected. Âàø ïåðåâîä íóæíî èñïðàâèòü. Her article can be published. Åå ñòàòüþ ìîæíî îïóáëèêîâàòü. This table may be used in your arti-

cle. Ýòó òàáëèöó ìîæíî èñïîëüçîâàòü â

âàøåé ñòàòüå.


 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ñóùåñòâóåò òðè íàêëîíåíèÿ: èçúÿâèòåëüíîå, ïîâåëèòåëüíîå è ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå.


Èçúÿâèòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå âûðàæàåò ðåàëüíîå äåéñòâèå â íà-ñòîÿùåì, ïðîøåäøåì è áóäóùåì âðåìåíè â ëþáîì ëèöå óòâåð-äèòåëüíîé, âîïðîñèòåëüíîé è îòðèöàòåëüíîé ôîðì, â äåéñòâè-òåëüíîì è ñòðàäàòåëüíîì çàëîãàõ:

We have just come home. Ìû òîëüêî ÷òî ïðèøëè äîìîé. The book is read by all students. Êíèãó ÷èòàþò âñå ñòóäåíòû. Your work will be published soon. Âàøà ðàáîòà áóäåò ñêîðî îïóáëè-



Îáîçíà÷àåò âñÿêîå ïîáóæäåíèå ê äåéñòâèþ è âûðàæàåò ïðèêà-çàíèå, ïðîñüáó, ñîâåò è ò. ä., îáðàùåííûå êî âòîðîìó ëèöó. Ïî ôîðìå ïîâåëèòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå îìîíèìè÷íî èíôèíèòèâó áåç ÷àñòèöû to:

Start the engine! Çàïóñòèòå ìîòîð! Give me your pencil, please. Äàéòå ìíå, ïîæàëóéñòà, âàø


PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà îáðàçóåòñÿ ïðè ïîìîùè âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà do è îòðèöàòåëüíîé ÷àñòèöû not (do not èëè don’t):

Don’t open the window. Íå îòêðûâàéòå îêíî.

Îñîáûì âèäîì ïîáóäèòåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ êîí-ñòðóêöèÿ ñ ãëàãîëîì let, êîòîðàÿ óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ñ ëè÷íûì ìåñòîè-ìåíèåì â îáúåêòíîì ïàäåæå I — me; he — him; she — her; it — it; we — us; you — you; they — them (èëè ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì â îáùåì ïàäåæå) è îáîçíà÷àåò:

a) ðàñïîðÿæåíèå, ïîâåëåíèå ïðè îáðàùåíèè ê 3-ìó ëèöó åäèí-ñòâåííîãî è ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà:

Let him speak. Ïóñòü îí ãîâîðèò. Let them come. Ïóñòü îíè ïðèäóò.

á) ïðèçûâ, ïîáóæäåíèå ê ñîâìåñòíîìó äåéñòâèþ íåñêîëüêèõ ëèö, âêëþ÷àÿ ãîâîðÿùåãî:

Let us begin the lesson! Íà÷íåì óðîê!

â) îáðàùåíèå ñ ïðîñüáîé îò ïåðâîãî ëèöà: Let me pass. Ðàçðåøèòå ïðîéòè. Let me say a few words. Äàéòå ìíå ñêàçàòü íåñêîëüêî



Ãëàãîë â ñîñëàãàòåëüíîì íàêëîíåíèè ïðåäñòàâëÿåò äåéñòâèå íå êàê ðåàëüíûé ôàêò, à êàê ïðåäïîëàãàåìîå èëè æåëàòåëüíîå äåéñòâèå, âïîëíå âîçìîæíîå ñ òî÷êè çðåíèÿ ãîâîðÿùåãî (ñîñë-àãàòåëüíîå ïåðâîå — Subjunctive I). Ãëàãîë â ñîñëàãàòåëüíîì íàêëîíåíèè ìîæåò òàêæå ïðåäñòàâëÿòü íåðåàëüíîå, íåâîçìîæíîå, ñ òî÷êè çðåíèÿ ãîâîðÿùåãî, äåéñòâèå (ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå âòîðîå — Sub-junctive II).

Ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå ïåðâîå (The Subjunctive I)

Ôîðìà ãëàãîëà â Subjunctive I ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé ñî÷åòàíèå âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà should (äëÿ âñåõ ëèö) ñ èíôèíèòèâîì ñìûñëîâîãî ãëàãîëà áåç ÷àñòèöû to.

Óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ïðåèìóùåñòâåííî â ñëîæíîïîä÷èíåííîì ïðåä-ëîæåíèè â ñîñòàâå ïðèäàòî÷íûõ: ïîäëåæàùèõ, ñêàçóåìûõ, äîïîë-íèòåëüíûõ, îáñòîÿòåëüñòâåííûõ (öåëè), óñëîâíûõ, êîãäà â ãëàâíîì ïðåäëîæåíèè ãëàãîë-ñêàçóåìîå íàõîäèòñÿ â èçúÿâèòåëüíîì èëè ïîâåëèòåëüíîì íàêëîíåíèè.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


1.  ï ð èä à ò î ÷ íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â ñî÷åòàíèè ñ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè strange ñòðàííûé ; doubtful ñîìíèòåëüíûé ; improbable íåâåðîÿòíûé ; impossible íåâîçìîæíûé ; unusual íåîáû÷íûé è äð., à òàêæå ñ Past Participle II îò ãëàãîëîâ to sug-gest ïðåäëàãàòü; to order ïðèêàçûâàòü; to demand òðåáîâàòü; to recommend ðåêîìåíäîâàòü; to propose ïðåäëàãàòü è äð.:

That he should fail at the exam is impossible.

Íåâîçìîæíî, ÷òîáû îí ìîã ïðîâà-ëèòüñÿ íà ýêçàìåíå.

Ïðèäàòî÷íîå ï îäë åæàùåå ñ Subjunctive I îáû÷íî ñòîèò ïîñëå ñêàçóåìîãî; â òàêèõ ñëó÷àÿõ âñå ïðåäëîæåíèå íà÷èíàåòñÿ ñî ñòðóêòóðíîãî it, êîòîðîå âûïîëíÿåò ðîëü ôîðìàëüíîãî ïîäëåæà- ùåãî:

It is impossible that he should fail at the exam.

Íåâîçìîæíî, ÷òîáû îí ïðîâàëèëñÿ íà ýêçàìåíå.

It is desirable that he should come here tomorrow.

Æåëàòåëüíî, ÷òîáû îí ïðèøåë ñþäà çàâòðà.

2.  ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ñ ê à ç ó åìûõ óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ïîñëå ñóùå-ñòâèòåëüíûõ, âûðàæàþùèõ êàêîå-òî âîëåèçúÿâëåíèå, à èìåííî: demand òðåáîâàíèå; request ïðîñüáà; suggestion ñîâåò; ïðåä-ëîæåíèå; proposal ïðåäëîæåíèå; order ïðèêàç; advice ñîâåò:

My proposal is that he should be-gin his work.

Ìîå ïðåäëîæåíèå çàêëþ÷àåòñÿ â òîì, ÷òîáû îí íà÷àë ñâîþ ðàáîòó.

Îäíàêî â ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ñêàçóåìûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ should ìîæåò îòñóòñòâîâàòü:

My proposal is that he begin his work.

Ìîå ïðåäëîæåíèå çàêëþ÷àåòñÿ â òîì, ÷òîáû îí íà÷àë ñâîþ ðàáîòó.

3.  ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ä î ï î ë í è ò å ë ü íûõ Subjunctive I óïîò-ðåáëÿåòñÿ ïîñëå ãëàãîëîâ, âûðàæàþùèõ ïðèêàçàíèå, ïðîñüáó, òðåáîâàíèå, ïðåäëîæåíèå, ñîâåò è ò. ä.:

The chief engineer insists that you should conduct this test.

Ãëàâíûé èíæåíåð íàñòàèâàåò, ÷òîáû âû ïðîâîäèëè ýòî èñ-ïûòàíèå.

 ýòèõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ should ìîæåò òàêæå îòñóòñòâîâàòü:

The chief engineer insists that you conduct this test.

Ãëàâíûé èíæåíåð íàñòàèâàåò, ÷òîáû âû ïðîâîäèëè ýòî èñ-ïûòàíèå.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


4.  ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ ö å ëè ïîñëå ñîþçà lest ÷òîáû íå; êàê áû íå èìååò âñåãäà îòðèöàòåëüíîå çíà÷åíèå:

I shall put down your address lest I should forget it.

ß çàïèøó âàø àäðåñ, ÷òîáû íå çàáûòü åãî.

5.  ïðèäàòî÷íûõ ó ñ ë î â íûõ , âûðàæàþùèõ âîçìîæíîå, íî ìàëîâåðîÿòíîå äåéñòâèå, îòíîñÿùååñÿ ê áóäóùåìó, ïðè÷åì â ãëàâ-íîì ïðåäëîæåíèè, ãëàãîë-ñêàçóåìîå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â èçúÿâèòåëüíîì èëè ïîâåëèòåëüíîì íàêëîíåíèè:

If you should see him, tell him about it.

Åñëè (ñëó÷àéíî) âû åãî òàì óâèäèòå, ñêàæèòå åìó îá ýòîì.

Êîãäà ñîþç if îòñóòñòâóåò, ïðèìåíÿåòñÿ îáðàòíûé ïîðÿäîê ñëîâ:

Should you see him tell him about it.

Åñëè âû åãî óâèäèòå, òî ñêàæèòå åìó îá ýòîì.

Ê Subjunctive I îòíîñÿòñÿ ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, âûðàæàþùèå ïðèçûâû, âîñêëèöàíèÿ, ïîæåëàíèÿ: Long live our country! Äà çäðàâñòâóåò íàøà ñòðàíà! Be happy! Áóäüòå ñ÷àñòëèâû! Success attend you! Äà ñîïóòñòâóåò âàì óñïåõ! God bless you! Áëàãîñëîâè âàñ Áîã!

Ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå âòîðîå (The Subjunctive II)

Ôîðìà Subjunctive II îò ãëàãîëà be äëÿ âñåõ ëèö — were. Ó äðóãèõ ãëàãîëîâ îíà èìååò ôîðìó Past Indefinite.

Subjunctive II ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé ñî÷åòàíèå should (äëÿ 1-ãî ëèöà åä. è ìí. ÷èñëà) èëè would (ñ äðóãèìè ëèöàìè) ñ èíôèíèòèâîì (ïðîñòûì èëè ïåðôåêòíûì) ñìûñëîâîãî ãëàãîëà.

Óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ êàê â ïðîñòîì, òàê è ñëîæíîì ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ. Ïðîñòîå ïðåäëîæåíèå  ýòîì ñëó÷àå Subjunctive II âûðàæàåò äåéñòâèå, êîòîðîå ìîãëî

áû ïðîèçîéòè ïðè êàêèõ-òî óñëîâèÿõ. Ýòè óñëîâèÿ ìîãóò óïî-ìèíàòüñÿ èëè ìîãóò áûòü ïîíÿòíûìè ïî êîíòåêñòó. Ïðè ïåðåâîäå íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ðóññêàÿ óñëîâíàÿ ÷àñòèöà áû:

She would help you. Îíà ïîìîãëà áû âàì (åñëè áû áûëà, ñêàæåì, çäåñü).

We should gladly go there. Ìû áû ñ óäîâîëüñòâèåì ïîøëè òóäà (åñëè áû ìîãëè).

It would be useful for him to read this book.

Åìó áûëî áû ïîëåçíî ïðî÷èòàòü ýòó êíèãó.

Ýòà ôîðìà âñòðå÷àåòñÿ ðåäêî.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Cëîæíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå  ñëîæíîïîä÷èíåííîì ïðåäëîæåíèè Subjunctive II óïîòðåáëÿ-

åòñÿ â ñîñòàâå ïðèäàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. 1.  ä î ï î ë í è ò å ë ü í îì ïðèäàòî÷íîì ïîñëå ãëàâíîãî,

ïðåäñòàâëÿþùåãî ñîáîþ âûðàæåíèå it is high time äàâíî ïîðà:

It is high time (that) he went there.

Åìó äàâíî ïîðà ïîéòè òóäà.

Ïîñëå ãëàãîëà wish (wish phrase): I wish he were here. ß õîòåë áû, ÷òîáû îí áûë çäåñü.

(Æàëü, ÷òî åãî íåò çäåñü.) I wish I knew him. Êàê áû ìíå õîòåëîñü çíàòü åãî.

(Æàëü, ÷òî ÿ íå çíàþ åãî.)

Äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ äåéñòâèÿ, îòíîñÿùåãîñÿ ê ïðîøåäøåìó, óïîò-ðåáëÿåòñÿ ôîðìà Past Perfect.

I wish he had been there on that day.

ß õîòåë, ÷òîáû îí áûë òàì â òîò äåíü. (Æàëü, ÷òî îí íå áûë òàì â òîò äåíü.)

 ïðèäàòî÷íîì ñ wish ìîãóò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ äåéñòâèÿ, îòíîñÿùåãîñÿ ê íañòîÿùåìó èëè áóäóùåìó âðåìåíè:

I wish I could (might) get this book.

Êàê áû ìíå õîòåëîñü äîñòàòü ýòó êíèãó.

I wish I would be more attentive next time.

Ìíå áû õîòåëîñü áûòü áîëåå âíèìàòåëüíûì â ñëåäóþùèé ðàç.

2. Â î á ñ ò î ÿ ò å ë ü ñ ò â å í íûõ ó ñ ò ó ï è ò å ë ü íûõ ïðåäëîæå-íèÿõ ïîñëå ñîþçîâ even if, even though äàæå åñëè:

Even if (though) he were here he wouldn’t tell you about it.

Äàæå åñëè áû îí áûë çäåñü, îí íå ñêàçàë áû âàì îá ýòîì.

3. Â ï ð èä à ò î ÷ íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ ñ ð à â í å í è ÿ ïîñëå ñîþçîâ as if, as though êàê áóäòî áû; êàê åñëè áû:

He speaks English as if he were an Englishman.

Îí ãîâîðèò ïî-àíãëèéñêè, êàê áóä-òî îí àíãëè÷àíèí.

4.  ó ñ ë î â íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ, îòíîñÿùèõñÿ ê íàñòîÿùåìó èëè áóäóùåìó âðåìåíè, â ïðèäàòî÷íûõ, âûðàæàþùèõ óñëîâèå:

If he were here, he would do it. Åñëè áû îí áûë çäåñü, îí ñäåëàë áû ýòî.

5.  ó ñ ë î â íûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ, îòíîñÿùèõñÿ ê ïðîøåäøåìó âðåìåíè, â ãëàâíîì ïðåäëîæåíèè ïðèìåíÿåòñÿ would èëè should ñ Present Perfect â ïðèäàòî÷íîì Past Perfect (äåéñòâèå ñîâåðøåííî íåðåàëüíîå):

If he had been here yesterday, he would have done it.

Åñëè áû îí áûë çäåñü â÷åðà, îí áû ñäåëàë ýòî.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Ïåð å õ îä íûå ãëàãîëû â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå, òàê æå êàê è â ðóñ-ñêîì, âûðàæàþò äåéñòâèå, ïåðåõîäÿùåå íåïîñðåäñòâåííî íà ïðåäìåò (èëè ëèöî), êîòîðîå â ïðåäëîæåíèè ÿâëÿåòñÿ ïðÿìûì äîïîëíåíèåì:

I have seen this play. ß âèäåë ýòó ïüåñó.

Íåï å ð å õ îä íûå ãëàãîëû âûðàæàþò äåéñòâèå, êîòîðîå íå ïåðåõîäèò íà ïðÿìîå äîïîëíåíèå:

I came here in the morning. ß ïðèøåë ñþäà óòðîì.

 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ìíîãèå ãëàãîëû, îáû÷íî ïåðåõîäíûå, ìîãóò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ â íåïåðåõîäíîì çíà÷åíèè, íàïðèìåð: to ask ñïðàøèâàòü; to drink ïèòü; to drop áðîñàòü; to grow ðàñòè; to open îòêðûâàòü; to see âèäåòü; to start íà÷èíàòü; to read ÷èòàòü; to write ïèñàòü; to understand ïîíèìàòü è äð.:

He writes good articles. Îí ïèøåò õîðîøèå ñòàòüè. He writes well. Îí ïèøåò õîðîøî. He began the lesson at 10. Îí íà÷àë óðîê â 10 ÷àñîâ. The lesson began at 10. Óðîê íà÷àëñÿ â 10 ÷àñîâ.




Âðåìÿ (The Tense)

Àêòèâíûé çàëîã (The Active Voice)

Ïàññèâíûé çàëîã (The Passive Voice) Âûðàæàåò

Indefinite to give to launch

to be given to be launched

äåéñòâèå, áåçîòíîñè-òåëüíî êî âðåìåíè äåé-ñòâèÿ ñêàçóåìîãî


to be giving to be launching

to be being given to be being launched

äåéñòâèå, ïðîèñõî- äÿùåå â ìîìåíò äåéñò-âèÿ ñêàçóåìîãî

Perfect to have given to have launched

to have been given to have been launched

äåéñòâèå, ïðåäøåñòâóþ-ùåå äåéñòâèþ ñêàçóå- ìîãî

Perfect Continu-ous

to have been giving to have been launch-ing

äåéñòâèå, äëèâøååñÿ íåêîòîðîå âðåìÿ äî âðåìåíè äåéñòâèÿ ñêà-çóåìîãî

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Ôóíêöèÿ: Ïðèìåð

Ïîäëåæàùåå To know everything is to know nothing.

Çíàòü âñå — íè÷åãî íå çíàòü.

Ñëîæíîå ïîäëåæàùåå (Complex Subject)

He is said to have graduated at the Institute.

Ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî îí îêîí÷èë èí-ñòèòóò.

×àñòü ñêàçóåìîãî To know everything is to know nothing.

Çíàòü âñå — íè÷åãî íå çíàòü.

Ïðÿìîå äîïîë-íåíèå

He wants to visit this country next year.

 áóäóùåì ãîäó îí õî÷åò ïî-áûâàòü â ýòîé ñòðàíå.

×àñòü ñëîæíîãî äîïîëíåíèÿ (Complex Object)

I remember him to have en-tered the Kyiv University a year ago.

Ìíå ïîìíèòñÿ, ÷òî ãîä íàçàä îí ïîñòóïèë â Êèåâñêèé óíèâåðñèòåò.

Îïðåäåëåíèå The "Appolo-10" crew was the first crew to land on the Moon in 1969.

Ýêèïàæåì, êîòîðûé ïåðâûì ñòóïèë íà Ëóíó â 1969 ãîäó, áûë ýêèïàæ (êîñìè÷åñêîãî êîðàáëÿ) "Àïîëëîí-10".

Îáñòîÿòåëüñòâî öåëè

The station was built to sup-ply electric energy to the town.

Ñòàíöèÿ áûëà ïîñòðîåíà äëÿ (ñ öåëüþ) ñíàáæåíèÿ ãîðîäà ýëåêòðîýíåðãèåé.

Îáñòîÿòåëüñòâî ñëåäñòâèÿ

Two elements are combined to form a system.

Äâà ýëåìåíòà ñîåäèíÿþòñÿ è îáðàçóþò ñèñòåìó.


Âðåìÿ (The Tense)

Àêòèâíûé çàëîã (The Active Voice)

Ïàññèâíûé çàëîã (The Passive Voice)

Infinitive keeping (asking) being kept (asked)

Perfect having kept (asked) having been kept (asked)


à. Ïðè÷àñòèÿ ïåðåõîäíûõ ãëàãîëîâ

Âèä ïðè÷àñòèÿ (Type of Participle)

Àêòèâíûé çàëîã (The Active Voice)

Ïàññèâíûé çàëîã (The Passive Voice)

Participle I (4-ÿ ôîðìà ãëàãîëà)

keeping inspecting

being kept being inspected

Participle II (3-ÿ ôîðìà ãëàãîëà)

— kept inspected

Perfect Participle having kept having inspected

having been kept having been inspected

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


á. Ïðè÷àñòèÿ íåïåðåõîäíûõ ãëàãîëîâ

Âèä ïðè÷àñòèÿ (Kind of Partisiple)

Àêòèâíûé çàëîã (The Active Voice)

Ïàññèâíûé çàëîã (The Passive Voice)

Participle I (4-ÿ ôîðìà ãëàãîëà)

going —

Participle II (3-ÿ ôîðìà ãëàãîëà)

gone —

Perfect Participle having gone —


Ôóíêöèÿ (The Function)

Ãåðóíäèé (The Gerund)

Ïðè÷àñòèå (The Participle)

1 2 3

Ñâîéñòâà ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî è ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî

Ïîäëåæàùåå Travelling is his pleasure. Ïóòåøåñòâèå — åãî óäîâîëüñòâèå.

Èìåííàÿ ÷àñòü ñîñòàâíîãî ñêà-çóåìîãî

His pleasure is travelling. Åãî óäîâîëüñòâèå — ïó- òåøåñòâèå.

Ïðÿìîå äîïîë-íåíèå

I remember having met him before. Ïîìíþ, ÷òî âñòðå÷àë åãî ðàíüøå.

Ïðåäëîæíîå êîñâåííîå äîïîëíåíèå

Did you find any difficulty in driving a car? Èñïûòûâàëè ëè âû òðóäíî-ñòè ïðè âîæäåíèè àâòî- ìîáèëÿ?

Îïðåäåëåíèå He had the pleasure of travelling with her. Îí èìåë óäîâîëüñòâèå ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü âìåñòå ñ íåé.

The travelling man sees many countries. Ïóòåøåñòâóþùèé ÷åëîâåê âèäèò ìíîãî ñòðàí.

The man travelling much sees many countries. Ìíîãî ïóòåøåñòâóþùèé ÷å-ëîâåê âèäèò íåìàëî ñòðàí.

Îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà: âðåìåíè On finding that her friend

wasn’t well she invited a doctor. Îáíàðóæèâ, ÷òî åå äðóã ïðèáîëåë, îíà âûçâàëà äîêòîðà.

While going to the South we saw many places of interest. Íàïðàâëÿÿñü íà þã, ìû ïî-ñåòèëè ìíîãî èíòåðåñíûõ ìåñò.

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1 2 3

ïðè÷èíû I’m sorry for my having been late. Ïðîøó ïðîùåíèÿ çà îïî-çäàíèå.

Having been late I decided to apologize. Îïîçäàâ, ÿ ðåøèë èçâèíèòüñÿ.

îáðàçà äåéñòâèÿ One can cross this river by using a boat. Ïåðåñå÷ü ðåêó ìîæíî â ëîäêå.

He used to sit in an arm-chair smoking a ciga-rette. Îí èìåë îáûêíîâåíèå ñè- äåòü â êðåñëå, ïîêóðèâàÿ ñèãàðåòó.

óñëîâèÿ è ñîïóò-ñòâóþùèõ îá-ñòîÿòåëüñòâ

One can’t buy anything without paying money. Íå çàïëàòèâ äåíåã, íè÷åãî íå êóïèøü.

They entered the shop speaking about the news. Îáìåíèâàÿñü íîâîñòÿìè, îíè âîøëè â ìàãàçèí.

Besides being strange, the English system of money is not simple. Àíãëèéñêàÿ äåíåæíàÿ ñè-ñòåìà íå òîëüêî ñòðàííàÿ, íî è íåïðîñòàÿ.

Ñâîéñòâà ãëàãîëà Ãëàãîëüíîå ñêàçóåìîå

I am travelling much. ß ìíîãî ïóòåøåñòâóþ.

I was travelling much. ß ìíîãî ïóòåøåñòâîâàë.

I shall be travelling much. ß áóäó ìíîãî ïóòåøåñò-âîâàòü.

×àñòü ñîñòàâíî-ãî ãëàãîëüíîãî ñêàçóåìîãî

He began travelling when he was young. Îí íà÷àë ïóòåøåñòâî- âàòü (åùå) â ìîëîäîñòè.

Ìîæåò èìåòü ïðÿìîå äîïîë-íåíèå

I remember his driving a car. Ïîìíþ, êàê îí âîäèë àâòîìîáèëü.

Knowing German, he worked as a translator. Çíàÿ íåìåöêèé ÿçûê, îí ðàáîòàë ïåðåâîä÷èêîì.

Ìîæåò îïðåäå-ëÿòüñÿ íàðå-÷èåì

I remember his driving a car well. Ïîìíþ, êàê õîðîøî îí âîäèë àâòîìîáèëü.

Knowing German well, he worked as a translator. Õîðîøî çíàÿ íåìåöêèé ÿçûê, îí ðàáîòàë ïåðå- âîä÷èêîì.

Èìåþò ôîðìû âðåìåíè

Indefinite (infinitive + ing) — travelling

Perfect — I remember his having travelled much.

Present — travelling Past — translated Perfect — Having tra-

velled much he returned home. Ìíîãî ïîïóòåøåñòâîâàâ, îí âåðíóëñÿ äîìîé.

Èìåþò ôîðìû çàëîãà

Àêòèâíûé è ïàññèâíûé çàëîãè Active and Passive Voices (Ñì. òàáëèöû âûøå)

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Íàðå÷èå óêàçûâàåò íà ïðèçíàê äåéñòâèÿ, ñîñòîÿíèÿ èëè êà÷åñòâà.  àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå îíî ñî÷åòàåòñÿ ñ ãëàãîëîì (â ëè÷íîé è íåëè÷íîé ôîðìàõ), ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì, äðóãèì íàðå÷èåì, ñëîâàìè êàòåãîðèè ñîñòîÿíèÿ, èíîãäà ñ ñóùåñòâèòeëüíûìè è âûïîëíÿåò ôóíêöèþ îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà.

Ïî çíà÷åíèþ ðàçëè÷àþò íàðå÷èÿ ìå ñ ò à , â ð åìåíè , ÷ à ñ ò î ò í î ñ ò è , î á ð à ç à ä å é ñ ò â è ÿ , ì åðû è ñ ò å ï å í è , ï ð è ÷ è íû è ñ ë å ä ñ ò â è ÿ :

In the evening they often come here.

Âå÷åðîì îíè ÷àñòî ñþäà ïðèõîäÿò.

She speaks English fluently. Îí áåãëî ãîâîðèò ïî-àíãëèéñêè. We know him very well. Ìû çíàåì åãî î÷åíü õîðîøî. It is a very difficult text. Ýòî î÷åíü òðóäíûé òåêñò.

ÔÎÐÌÛ ÍÀÐÅ×ÈÉ 1. Õàðàêòåðíûì ñóôôèêñîì íàðå÷èÿ, îáðàçîâàííîãî íà îñíîâå

ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî, ÿâëÿåòñÿ ñóôôèêñ -ly (quickly, slowly). Îäíàêî åñòü ðÿä íàðå÷èé, íå èìåþùèõ ýòîãî ñóôôèêñà: here çäåñü; well õîðîøî; soon ñêîðî; after ïîñëå; now òåïåðü è äð., à òàêæå íàðå÷èé, ñîâïàäàþùèõ ïî ôîðìå ñ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè: fast áûñòðî; long äîëãî; near âîçëå; far äàëåêî è äð.

2. Íåêîòîðûå íàðå÷èÿ èìåþò äâå ôîðìû. Îäíà èç íèõ ñîâïàäàåò ñ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì, äðóãàÿ — èìååò ñóôôèêñ -ly. Ôîðìà ñ ñóôôèêñîì -ly â ýòîì ñëó÷àå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â ïåðåíîñíîì ñìûñëå:

The plane flew high. Ñàìîëåò ïîäíÿëñÿ âûñîêî. He is a highly educated man. Îí âûñîêîîáðàçîâàííûé ÷åëîâåê.

Ðÿä íàðå÷èé, èìåþùèõ ïàðàëëåëüíóþ ôîðìó íà -ly, ïðèîáðåòàþò äðóãîå çíà÷åíèå.

Ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå (The Adjective)

Íàðå÷èå (The Adverb)

hard — òðóäíûé, òâåðäûé, óñåðäíûé

hard — ìíîãî, óñåðäíî

hardly — åäâà

late — ïîçäíèé late — ïîçäíî lately — â ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ

like — ïîõîæèé, ïîäîáíûé

like — ïîäîáíî likely — âåðîÿòíî

short — êîðîòêèé short — êðàòêî shortly — âñêîðå, íåçàäîëãî

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3. Íåêîòîðûå ïðîèçâîäíûå íàðå÷èÿ íà -ly ïåðåâîäÿòñÿ íå òàê, êàê ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå èì ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå.

Ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå (The Adjective)

Íàðå÷èå (The Adverb)

general — îáùèé, ãëàâíûé generally — âîîáùå, ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì

chief — ãëàâíûé chiefly — ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì

main — ãëàâíûé mainly — ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì

great — áîëüøîé, âåëèêèé greatly — çíà÷èòåëüíî, â çíà÷èòåëüíîé ñòåïåíè

large — áîëüøîé largely — î÷åíü øèðîêî, ãëàâíûì îáðàçîì

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Ïðåäëîã — ñëóæåáíîå ñëîâî, óïîòðåáëÿåìîå ïåðåä ñóùåñòâè-òåëüíûì èëè ìåñòîèìåíèåì äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ åãî îòíîøåíèé ê äðóãèì ñëîâàì â ïðåäëîæåíèè. Ïðè ñëàáî ðàçâèòîé ñèñòåìå ïàäåæíûõ îêîí÷àíèé ïðåäëîãè èãðàþò èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî âàæíóþ ðîëü äëÿ âûðà-æåíèÿ ãðàììàòè÷åñêèõ è ñìûñëîâûõ îòíîøåíèé, êîòîðûå â ðóññêîì ÿçûêå ïåðåäàþòñÿ ïîñðåäñòâîì ïàäåæíûõ îêîí÷àíèé.  ýòîì ñëó÷àå ïðåäëîãè íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê íå ïåðåâîäÿòñÿ. Ýòî ïðåäëîãè: of, to, by, with, êîòîðûå èìåþò ìíîãî çíà÷åíèé:

My table is in the middle of the room.

Ìîé ñòîë â ñåðåäèíå êîìíàòû (ðîä. ïàä.).

The article was translated by our student.

Ýòà ñòàòüÿ áûëà ïåðåâåäåíà íàøèì ñòóäåíòîì (òâîð. ïàä.).

 ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñî ñâîèì ëåêñè÷åñêèì çíà÷åíèåì ïðåäëîãè óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ äëÿ îáîçíà÷åíèÿ:

ìåñ ò à — in â, íà; on íà; at íà; ó; â; by ó; ïðè; îêîëî; âäîëü; near ó; îêîëî; íåäàëåêî îò; under ïîä; above íàä; below ïîä; íèæå; in front of âïåðåäè; ïåðåä;

íàïðàâëåíèÿ — to íà; â; ê; into â (âíóòðè ÷åãî-ëèáî); from ñ (ñî); èç; îò; out of èç; âíå; íàðóæó; through ÷åðåç; ñêâîçü; across ÷åðåç;

âðåìåíè — at â; in â; ÷åðåç; on â; till äî; about îêîëî; for â òå÷åíèå; íà; within â ïðåäåëàõ; ê;

îðóäèéíîñ òè ( èíñ ò ð óìåí ò àë üíîñ òè ) — by, with ÷åðåç; ïîñðåäñòâîì;

ïðè÷èííîñ òè — due to ïî (ïðè÷èíå); èç-çà; because of èç-çà; owing to èç-çà; áëàãîäàðÿ;

ñ îâìåñ òíîñ òè — with ñ; âìåñòå ñ; together with ñ; ñîâìåñòíî ñ.

Ïî ôîðìå ðàçëè÷àþò ïðåäëîãè: ïðîñ òûå — in â; íà (è äð.); at ó; çà; ïðè; â; íà (è äð.); ñ îñ ò àâíûå — within âíóòðè; â ïðåäåëàõ; outside âíå; ã ð óïïîâûå — by means of ïîñðåäñòâîì; in spite of

âîïðåêè; due to ïî (ïðè÷èíå); èç-çà; accord-ing to ñîãëàñíî; instead of âìåñòî; in addi-tion to ê òîìó æå; êðîìå òîãî; as to, as for ÷òî êàñàåòñÿ; ÷òî äî; by way of, in accor-dance with â êà÷åñòâå (÷åãî-ëèáî); in front of ñïåðåäè; âïåðåäè è äð.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Ñîþçû äåëÿòñÿ íà ñ î ÷ è í è ò å ë ü íûå (Coordinating Conjunctions) è ï îä ÷ è í è ò å ë ü íûå (Subordinating Conjunctions).

1. Ñî ÷èíè ò å ë ü íûå ñîþçû ñëóæàò äëÿ ñâÿçè îäíîðîäíûõ ÷ëåíîâ ïðåäëîæåíèÿ èëè ðàâíîïðàâíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèé.

Íàèáîëåå óïîòðåáèòåëüíûå ñî÷èíèòåëüíûå ñîþçû:

and è; à There are many English and Ukrainian

books here. Çäåñü ìíîãî àíãëèéñêèõ è

óêðàèíñêèõ êíèã. I am a teacher and my friend is a

doctor. ß — ïðåïîäàâàòåëü, à ìîé äðóã —


as well as òàê æå êàê (è); à òàêæå The internal combustion engines can

operate on oil as well as benzine. Äâèãàòåëè âíóòðåííåãî ñãîðàíèÿ

ìîãóò ðàáîòàòü íà íåôòè, à òàêæå íà áåíçèíå.

both ... and è ..., è; êàê ..., òàê è The engines differ — both in con-

struction and operation. Äâèãàòåëè îòëè÷àþòñÿ êàê ïî êîí-

ñòðóêöèè, òàê è ïî ðàáîòå.

but íî; à; êðîìå He is very busy, but he promised to

come. Îí î÷åíü çàíÿò, íî îáåùàë ïðèéòè.

not only ... but also íå òîëüêî ..., íî è Vernadsky was not only a great sci-

entist, but also an excellent lec-turer.

Âåðíàäñêèé áûë íå òîëüêî âåëèêèì ó÷åíûì, íî è ïðåêðàñíûì ëåêòîðîì.

or èëè; èíà÷å Hurry up or you will be late. Ïîòîðîïèòåñü, èëè âû îïîçäàåòå.

either ... or èëè ..., èëè He will make this report either at

this meeting or at the next one. Îí ñäåëàåò ýòîò äîêëàä èëè íà ýòîì

ñîáðàíèè, èëè íà ñëåäóþùåì.

neither ... nor íè ..., íè He was neither in Kyiv nor in

Odessa. Îí íå áûë íè â Êèåâå, íè â Îäåññå.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


yet âñå æå; òåì íå ìåíåå His report seems to have been good,

but yet he is not satisfied. Åãî äîêëàä, êàæåòñÿ, áûë õîðîøèì,

íî âñå æå îí íå óäîâëåòâîðåí.

2. Ï îä ÷ è í è ò å ë ü íû å ñîþçû ñëóæàò äëÿ ïðèñîåäèíåíèÿ ïðè- äàòî÷íîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ê ãëàâíîìó â ñëîæíîïîä÷èíåííûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ (äîïîëíèòåëüíûõ, âðåìåíè è äð.).

Íàèáîëåå óïîòðåáèòåëüíû ïîä÷èíèòåëüíûå ñîþçû:

that ÷òî; êîòîðûé I did not know that he was ill. ß íå çíàë, ÷òî îí áîëåí.

when êîãäà; â òî âðåìÿ êàê It happened when I was at the Acad-

emy. Ýòî ñëó÷èëîñü, êîãäà ÿ áûë â Àê-


while â òî âðåìÿ êàê While waiting at the dentist’s I read

a whole story. Îæèäàÿ ó ñòîìàòîëîãà, ÿ ïðî÷èòàë

âåñü ðàññêàç.

after ïîñëå òîãî êàê After reading the story, I did a

crossword puzzle. Ïðî÷èòàâ ðàññêàç, ÿ ðàçãàäàë


since ñ òåõ ïîð êàê Since leaving school, I have never

met him again. Îêîí÷èâ øêîëó, ÿ åãî áîëüøå íè-

êîãäà íå âñòðå÷àë.

before ïðåæäå ÷åì Before going to the dentist’s I had a

cup of tea. Ïåðåä òåì, êàê èäòè ê ñòîìàòîëîãó,

ÿ âûïèë ÷àøêó ÷àÿ.

as ïîñêîëüêó; òàê êàê As he was a specialist in this field,

he could easily solve this problem. Ïîñêîëüêó îí áûë ñïåöèàëèñòîì â

ýòîé îáëàñòè, îí ñìîã ëåãêî ðåøèòü ýòó çàäà÷ó.

although õîòÿ Our teacher was kind to us, although

he disapproved the way we dressed.

Íàø ó÷èòåëü õîðîøî îòíîñèëñÿ ê íàì, õîòÿ íå îäîáðÿë òîãî, êàê ìû îäåâàåìñÿ.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå èìåþòñÿ ñîþçû, ïðåäëîãè è íàðå÷èÿ, ñîâ-ïàäàþùèå ïî ôîðìå. Èõ çíà÷åíèå îïðåäåëÿåòñÿ ìåñòîì, çàíè-ìàåìûì èìè â ïðåäëîæåíèè, è ôóíêöèîíàëüíûìè îòíîøåíèÿìè.

Åñëè ñëîâî ñòîèò ïåðåä ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì èëè äðóãîé ÷àñòüþ ðå÷è, èìåþùåé èìåííûå ñâîéñòâà, òî ýòî ïðåäëîã.

Åñëè ñëîâî îòíîñèòñÿ ê ãëàãîëó (èëè ñëîâàì, èìåþùèì ãëà-ãîëüíóþ îñíîâó) è èìååò ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíîå çíà÷åíèå, âûïîëíÿÿ ôóíêöèþ îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà, òî ýòî — íàðå÷èå.

Åñëè ñëîâî ââîäèò ïðèäàòî÷íîå ïðåäëîæåíèå èëè ñâÿçûâàåò îäíîðîäíûå ÷ëåíû ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, òî ýòî — ñîþç.

Ïðåäëîã (The Preposition)

Íàðå÷èå (The Adverb)

Ñîþç (The Conjunction)

I shall speak with you after the lesson.

We shall discuss it af-ter.

I rang him up after he had left.

ß ïîãîâîðþ ñ âàìè ïîñëå óðîêà.

Ìû îáñóäèì ýòî ïîòîì.

ß ïîçâîíèë åìó ïîñëå òîãî, êàê îí óøåë.

Ê ñëîâàì, ñîâïàäàþùèì ïî ôîðìå ñ ïðåäëîãàìè, íàðå÷èÿìè è ñîþçàìè, îòíîñÿòñÿ before ïåðåä; ïåðåä òåì êàê; but íî; à; since ñ; ïîñêîëüêó; about î; îêîëî; above âûøå; across ÷åðåç; along âäîëü; around âîêðóã; behind çà; ïîçàäè; below âíèçó; ïîä; by (ñî çíà÷åíèåì îðóäèÿ äåéñòâèÿ, ëèöà äåéñòâèÿ); on íà; ïî; for äëÿ; till äî (ïî âðåìåíè).

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Ïî öåëè âûñêàçûâàíèÿ ðàçëè÷àþò ÷åòûðå âèäà ïðåäëîæåíèé: ï î â å ñ ò â î â à ò å ë ü íî å , â î ï ð î ñ è ò å ë ü í î å , â î ñ ê ë è ö à ò å ë ü -í î å è ï î â å ë è ò å ë ü í î å .

Êàæäîå èç íèõ õàðàêòåðèçóåòñÿ îïðåäåëåííûì ïîðÿäêîì ñëîâ. Âñå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, êðîìå âîïðîñèòåëüíûõ, ìîãóò èìåòü óòâåðäè-òåëüíóþ è îòðèöàòåëüíóþ ôîðìû.


Ïîâåñòâîâàòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå õàðàêòåðèçóåòñÿ òàêèì ïîðÿäêîì ñëîâ, ïðè êîòîðîì çà ïîäëåæàùèì ñëåäóåò ñêàçóåìîå, à çàòåì äîïîëíåíèÿ è îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà. Îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà ìîãóò ñòîÿòü ïåðåä ïîäëåæàùèì:

Many students study at the Academy of Personnel Management.

 Àêàäåìèè óïðàâëåíèÿ ïåðñîíàëîì ó÷èòñÿ ìíîãî ñòóäåíòîâ.

Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà îáðàçóåòñÿ òàê, êàê ïîêàçàíî â òàáëèöàõ ðàçäåëà "Ãëàãîë".


Âîïðîñèòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå ïðåäñòàâëåíî ÷åòûðüìÿ òèïàìè âîïðîñîâ: îáùèì, ñïåöèàëüíûì, àëüòåðíàòèâíûì è ðàçúåäèíèòåëü-íûì.

Âñå âèäû âîïðîñèòåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ õàðàêòåðèçóþòñÿ ÷à-ñòè÷íî îáðàòíûì ïîðÿäêîì ñëîâ (êðîìå ñïåöèàëüíîãî âîïðîñà ê ïî-äëåæàùåìó).  âîïðîñèòåëüíîì ïðåäëîæåíèè, ïðåäñòàâëÿþùåì ñîáîé îáùèé âîïðîñ, ïåðåä ïîäëåæàùèì ñòàâèòñÿ ÷àñòü ñêàçóåìîãî, âûðàæåííàÿ ëèáî âñïîìîãàòåëüíûì ãëàãîëîì, ëèáî ãëàãîëîì-ñâÿçêîé.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



Âîïðîñèòåëü-íîå ñëîâî (Question


Ñâÿçî÷íûé, âñïîìîãà-

òåëüíûé èëè ìîäàëüíûé

ãëàãîë (The Link-, Auxilliary or

Modal Verbs)


(The Subject)

Ñìûñëîâàÿ ÷àñòü


Âòîðîñòåïåííûå ÷ëåíû

ïðåäëîæåíèÿ (The Secondary

Parts of the Sentence)

Îáùèé âîïðîñ (The General Question) Are you a student? Âû — ñòóäåíò?

Is she sitting at the table? Ñèäèò ëè îíà çà ñòîëîì?

Does he go to school? Õîäèò ëè îí â øêîëó?

Can they speak English? Ìîãóò ëè îíè ãîâîðèòü ïî-àíãëèéñêè?

Will your friend be given this work tomorrow?

Äàäóò ëè çàâòðà âàøåìó äðóãó ýòó ðàáîòó?

Has this article been translated by you? Ïåðåâåäåíà ëè âàìè ýòà ñòàòüÿ?

Ñïåöèàëüíûé âîïðîñ (The Special Question) What are you?

Êòî âû ïî ïðîôåññèè?

Where is he sitting? Ãäå îí ñèäèò?

How often does she go to the theatre? Êàê ÷àñòî îí õîäèò â òåàòð?

What language can they speak? Íà êàêîì ÿçûêå îíè ìîãóò ãîâîðèòü?

When will your friend be given this work? Êîãäà äàäóò ðàáîòó âàøåìó ïðèÿòåëþ?

How many English books



have to read

this year?

Ñêîëüêî êíèã íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ìû äîëæíû ïðî÷èòàòü â ýòîì ãîäó?

By whom has this article been translated? Êåì ïåðåâåäåíà ýòà ñòàòüÿ?

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Ïðèìåðàìè àëüòåðíàòèâíîãî è ðàçúåäèíèòåëüíîãî âîïðîñîâ ìîãóò ñëóæèòü ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ:

Do you study English or German? Âû èçó÷àåòå àíãëèéñêèé èëè íåìå-öêèé?

You speak English, don’t you? Âû ãîâîðèòå ïî-àíãëèéñêè, íå òàê ëè?

You don’t speak French, do you? Âû íå ãîâîðèòå ïî-ôðàíöóçñêè, íå òàê ëè?


Ïîâåëèòåëüíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ âûðàæàþò: à) çàïðåùåíèå:

Don’t let him take a walk! Íå ðàçðåøàéòå åìó âûõîäèòü íà ïðîãóëêó!

Don’t go there! Íå õîäèòå òóäà!

á) ïðîñüáó:

Take a seat, please. Ñÿäüòå, ïîæàëóéñòà.

â) ïðèêàçàíèå:

Wait for my return. Æäèòå ìîåãî âîçâðàùåíèÿ. Don’t be late for the train! Íå îïîçäàéòå íà ïîåçä!

ã) ïîáóæäåíèå:

Let us wait for him in the station! Äàâàéòå ïîäîæäåì åãî íà âîê-çàëå.

Let’s invite him into the car! Äàâàéòå ïðèãëàñèì åãî ñåñòü â àâòîìîáèëü!

Ïîâåñòâîâàòåëüíîå, âîïðîñèòåëüíîå èëè ïîâåëèòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå ìîæåò ñòàòü âîñêëèöàòåëüíûì, åñëè âûñêàçûâàåìàÿ â íåì ìûñëü ñîïðîâîæäàåòñÿ ïðîÿâëåíèÿìè ýìîöèé.

Âîñêëèöàòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå íåðåäêî ôîðìèðóåòñÿ ïðè ïîìîùè ñëîâ how êàê; êàêîé è ò. ä. è what ÷òî çà, êîòîðûå ñòàâÿòñÿ â íà÷àëå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.  òàêèõ ñëó÷àÿõ â âîñêëèöàòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ ñîõðàíÿåòñÿ ïðÿìîé ïîðÿäîê ñëîâ:

How interesting this book is! Êàê èíòåðåñíà ýòà êíèãà! What a talanted man he is! Êàêîé îí òàëàíòëèâûé ÷åëîâåê! How hot it is here! Êàê æàðêî çäåñü!

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version




Ïîäëåæàùåå ìîæåò áûòü âûðàæåíî:

à) ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì:

The lesson is over. Óðîê îêîí÷åí.

á) ìåñòîèìåíèåì:

Nobody saw him here yesterday. Ñåãîäíÿ åãî íèêòî íå âèäåë.

â) èíôèíèòèâîì:

To study English is very useful. Î÷åíü ïîëåçíî ó÷èòü àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê.

ã) ãåðóíäèåì:

Smoking is not allowed here. Çäåñü êóðèòü íå ðàçðåøàåòñÿ.

ä) ÷èñëèòåëüíûì:

One today is worth two tomor-rows.

Îäèí ñåãîäíÿøíèé äåíü ñòîèò äâóõ çàâòðàøíèõ.

å) ëþáûì ñëîâîì èëè ñî÷åòàíèåì:

"Live and let live" — is not a bad principle.

"Ñàì æèâè è äðóãèì æèòü íå ìåøàé " — íåïëîõîé ïðèíöèï.

æ) áåçëè÷íûì it:

It is cold today. Ñåãîäíÿ õîëîäíî.

ç) íåîïðåäåëåííî-ëè÷íûì one; they:

In London one can see many mu-seums.

 Ëîíäîíå ìîæíî ïîáûâàòü âî ìíîãèõ ìóçåÿõ.

They say the crossing of the Channel is not very pleasant.

Ãîâîðÿò, ÷òî ïåðåïëûâàòü Ëà-Ìàíø — íå î÷åíü ïðèÿòíîå äåëî.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



1. Ï ðî ñ ò î å :

The luggage is examined by cus-toms officers.

Òàìîæåííèêè îñìàòðèâàþò áàãàæ.

He goes to school every day. Îí õîäèò â øêîëó åæåäíåâíî.

2. Ñî ñ ò à â íîå èìåííîå — ñîñòîèò èç ëè÷íîé ôîðìû ãë-àãîëà-ñâÿçêè è èìåííîé ÷àñòè ñêàçóåìîãî, êîòîðàÿ ìîæåò áûòü âûðàæåíà:

à) ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì: He is a scientist. Îí — ó÷åíûé.

á) ìåñòîèìåíèåì: This book is mine. Êíèãà — ìîÿ.

â) ïðåäëîæíûì îáîðîòîì èëè ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèåì, ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì èëè ïðè÷àñòèåì: She was in love. Îíà áûëà âëþáëåíà. The last journey was unpleasant. Ïîñëåäíÿÿ ïîåçäêà áûëà íåïðè-


ã) èíôèíèòèâîì: His intention was to visit

Ukraine. Îí íàìåðåâàëñÿ ïîáûâàòü â


ä) ïðèäàòî÷íûì ïðåäëîæåíèåì: The question is how to solve

the problem. Êàê ðàçðåøèòü ýòó ïðîáëå-

ìó — âîò â ÷åì âîïðîñ.

3. Ñî ñ ò à â í î å ã ë à ã î ë ü í î å — ýòî ñêàçóåìîå, âûðàæåííîå:

à) ìîäàëüíûì ãëàãîëîì ñ èíôèíèòèâîì: Can you speak German? Âû ìîæåòå ãîâîðèòü ïî-


á) èíôèíèòèâîì èëè ãåðóíäèåì îñíîâíîãî ãëàãîëà â ñî÷åòàíèè ñ ãëàãîëàìè: to want õîòåòü; to hope íàäåÿòüñÿ; to begin íà÷èíàòü; to finish çàêàí÷èâàòü è äð.: They don’t like to be asked

about their work. Èì íå íðàâèòñÿ, êîãäà (åñëè) èõ

ñïðàøèâàþò îá èõ ðàáîòå.

â) ãëàãîëîì-ñâÿçêîé + ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå ñ èíôèíèòèâîì èëè ãåðóíäèåì: He is happy to go to England. Îí ðàä ïîåçäêå â Àíãëèþ. This bar is worth entering. Â ýòîò áàð ñòîèò çàéòè.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


4. Îáîðî ò t he r e + ã ë à ã î ë â íóæíîì âðåìåíè (îñîáûé âèä ïðîñòîãî ãëàãîëüíîãî ñêàçóåìîãî):

There are many trains in the sta-tion.

Íà âîêçàëå (íàõîäèòñÿ) ìíîãî ïîåçäîâ.

There hasn’t been any rain lately.

Ïîñëåäíåå âðåìÿ íå áûëî äîæäÿ.

There can be no doubt about his coming.

Íåò ñîìíåíèÿ, ÷òî îí ïðèäåò.


Ñëîæíîå äîïîëíåíèå ìîæåò áûòü âûðàæåíî:

à) oáúåêòíûì ïàäåæîì ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî (êîñâåííûì ïàäåæîì ìåñòîèìåíèÿ) + èíôèíèòèâ ñ ÷àñòèöåé to ïîñëå ãëàãîëîâ to wish æåëàòü; to want õîòåòü; to like íðàâèòüñÿ; to allow ðàçðåøàòü è ò. ä.: I want you to be happy. ß õî÷ó, ÷òîáû òû áûë ñ÷àñòëèâ. We expected them to come in

time. Ìû îæèäàëè, ÷òî îíè ïðèäóò


á) îáúåêòíûì ïàäåæîì ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî (êîñâåííûì ïàäåæîì ìåñòîèìåíèÿ) + èíôèíèòèâ áåç ÷àñòèöû to ïîñëå ãëàãîëîâ to see âèäåòü; to watch ñëåäèòü; to observe íàáëþäàòü, çàìå÷àòü; to feel ÷óâñòâîâàòü è äð.: We heard the train enter the

station. Ìû ñëûøàëè, êàê ê ñòàíöèè ïî-

äúåõàë ïîåçä. They noticed a car appear on the

bridge. Îíè çàìåòèëè, ÷òî íà ìîñòó ïî-

ÿâèëñÿ àâòîìîáèëü.

â) îáúåêòíûì ïàäåæîì ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî (êîñâåííûì ïàäåæîì ìåñòîèìåíèÿ) + Participle I: I saw him packing his suit-cases. ß âèäåë, êàê (÷òî) îí óêë-

àäûâàë ñâîé ÷åìîäàí.

ã) îáúåêòíûì ïàäåæîì ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî (êîñâåííûì ïàäåæîì ìåñòîèìåíèÿ) + Participle II: I noticed the luggage put into

the car. ß çàìåòèë, ÷òî (êàê) â àâòîìî-

áèëü ïîëîæèëè áàãàæ.

ä) îáúåêòíûì ïàäåæîì ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî (êîñâåííûì ïàäåæîì ìåñòîèìåíèÿ) + Participle II ïîñëå ãëàãîëà to have: I’m going to have my hair done. Ñîáèðàþñü ñäåëàòü ñåáå ïðè-


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Ñëîâîîáðàçîâàíèå ïðè ïîìîùè ïðåôèêñîâ: à) íåêîòîðûå ïðåôèêñû ïðèäàþò ñëîâàì ïðîòèâîïîëîæíîå, îò-

ðèöàòåëüíîå çíà÷åíèå. Ê íèì îòíîñÿòñÿ i-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, un-, dis-:

pleasant ïðèÿòíûé — unpleasant íåïðèÿòíûé capable ñïîñîáíûé — incapable íåñïîñîáíûé logical ëîãè÷íûé — illogical íåëîãè÷íûé regular ðåãóëÿðíûé — irregular íåðåãóëÿðíûé possible âîçìîæíûé — impossible íåâîçìîæíûé conducting ïðîâîäÿùèé — non-conducting íåïðîâîäÿùèé to appear ïîÿâëÿòüñÿ — disappear èñ÷åçàòü

á) ïðåôèêñ under- ïðèäàåò ñëîâó çíà÷åíèå íåäîñòàòî÷íîñòè:

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â) ïðåôèêñ mis- — çíà÷åíèå íåïðàâèëüíîñòè:

to understand ïîíÿòü — misunderstand íåïðàâèëüíî ïîíÿòü

ã) ïðåôèêñ over- ñîîòâåòñòâóåò â ðóññêîì ïåðå- :

to estimate îöåíèâàòü — overestimate ïåðåîöåíèòü to fry æàðèòü — overfry ïåðåæàðèòü

ä) ïðåôèêñ re- èìååò çíà÷åíèå ïîâòîðíîñòè:

to melt ïëàâèòü — remelt ïåðåïëàâëÿòü to write ïèñàòü — rewrite ïåðåïèñàòü

å) ïðåôèêñ pre- ñîîòâåòñòâóåò â ðóññêîì äî-, ðàíåå, ïðåä-, ïðåäâàðèòåëüíî:

war âîéíà — pre-war äîâîåííûé

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æ) ïðåôèêñ post- îçíà÷àåò ïîñëå- : war âîéíà — post-war ïîñëåâîåííûé

ç) ïðåôèêñû anti- è counter- — îçíà÷àþò ïðîòèâî-, àíòè- : action äåéñòâèå — counteraction ïðîòèâîäåéñòâèå frictional ôðèêöèîííûé — antifrictional àíòèôðèêöèîííûé

è) ïðåôèêñ co- îçíà÷àåò ñî-, inter- — ìåæäó-, sub- — ïîä- : existence ñóùåñòâîâàíèå — co-existence ñîñóùåñòâîâàíèå regional ðåãèîíàëüíûé — inter-regional ìåæðåãèîíàëüíûé system ñèñòåìà — subsystem ïîäñèñòåìà

Ñëîâîîáðàçîâàíèå ïðè ïîìîùè ñóôôèêñîâ:

à) ñóôôèêñû ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ: -er, -or îáîçíà÷àþò äåéñòâóþùåå ëèöî èëè ïðåäìåò:

to teach ó÷èòü — teacher ó÷èòåëü to visit ïîñåòèòü — visitor ïîñåòèòåëü

-ist îçíà÷àåò ïðèíàäëåæíîñòü ê ïîëèòè÷åñêîìó èëè íàó÷íîìó íà-ïðàâëåíèþ:

physiñs ôèçèêà — physiñist ôèçèê nation íàöèÿ — nationalist íàöèîíàëèñò

-ion (-ation; -tion; -sion; ssion), -ment, -ure, -age, -ance, -ence îáðàçóþò ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå îò ãëàãîëüíîé îñíîâû:

to connect ñîåäèíÿòü — connection ñîåäèíåíèå to inform èíôîðìèðîâàòü — information èíôîðìàöèÿ to develop ðàçâèâàòü,

ðàçðàáàòûâàòü — development ðàçâèòèå, ðàçðàáîò-

êà to fail ïîòåðïåòü íåóäà÷ó — failure íåóäà÷à to break ëîìàòü(ñÿ) — breakage ïîëîìêà to resist ñîïðîòèâëÿòüñÿ — resistance ñîïðîòèâëåíèå to differ ðàçëè÷àòüñÿ — difference ðàçëè÷èå

-hood, -ship îáðàçóþò ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå îò ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ: neighbour ñîñåä — neighbourhood ñîñåäñòâî mother ìàòü — motherhood ìàòåðèíñòâî partner ïàðòíåð — partnership ïàðòíåðñòâî

-ness, -dom, -ity îáðàçóþò ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå îò ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ: dark òåìíûé — darkness òåìíîòà free ñâîáîäíûé — freedom ñâîáîäà similar ïîäîáíûé — similarity ïîäîáèå

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á) íàèáîëåå óïîòðåáèòåëüíûå ñóôôèêñû ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ: -al, -ful, -less, -ous, -y, -ic:

mathematics ìàòåìàòèêà — mathematical ìàòåìàòè÷åñêèé care çàáîòà — careful çàáîòëèâûé care çàáîòà — careless áåççàáîòíûé danger îïàñíîñòü — dangerous îïàñíûé sun ñîëíöå — sunny ñîëíå÷íûé hero ãåðîé — heroic ãåðîè÷åñêèé

-ive, -able, -ible, -ent, -ant îáðàçóþò ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå îò ãëàãî-ëîâ:

to talk ðàçãîâàðèâàòü — talkative ðàçãîâîð÷èâûé to suit ïîäõîäèòü — suitable ïîäõîäÿùèé to differ ðàçëè÷àòüñÿ — different ðàçëè÷íûé to resist ñîïðîòèâëÿòüñÿ — resistant ñïîñîáíûé ê ñîïðîòèâëå-


â) íåêîòîðûå ñóôôèêñû ãëàãîëîâ: -fy, -en îáðàçóþò ãëàãîëû îò ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ:

solid òâåðäûé — to solidify çàòâåðäåâàòü hard òâåðäûé — to harden çàòâåðäåâàòü

-en, -ize îáðàçóþò ãëàãîëû îò ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ:

length äëèíà — lengthen óäëèíÿòü sum ñóììà — summarize ñóììèðîâàòü

ã) ñóôôèêñ -ly îáðàçóåò íàðå÷èÿ îò ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ:

bad ïëîõîé — badly ïëîõî usual îáû÷íûé — usually îáû÷íî steady óñòîé÷èâûé — steadily óñòîé÷èâî


to live æèòü — life æèçíü to choose âûáèðàòü — choice âûáîð to sing ïåòü — song ïåñíÿ to use [z] èñïîëüçîâàòü — use [s] ïîëüçà to feed êîðìèòü — food ïèùà

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Ïîä êîíâåðñèåé ïîíèìàåòñÿ òàêîé ñïîñîá îáðàçîâàíèÿ íîâûõ ñëîâ, ïðè êîòîðîì ñëîâî îäíîé ÷àñòè ðå÷è èñïîëüçóåòñÿ â ôóíêöèè äðóãîé. Íàèáîëåå ÷àñòûì âèäîì êîíâåðñèè ÿâëÿåòñÿ îáðàçîâàíèå ãëàãîëîâ îò ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ è ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ, à òàêæå ñóùåñòâè- òåëüíûõ îò äðóãèõ ÷àñòåé ðå÷è:

We usually iron our clothes with a hot iron.

Ìû îáû÷íî ãëàäèì îäåæäó ãîðÿ-÷èì óòþãîì.

Hand me the book! Ïåðåäàé ìíå êíèãó! He fell down after the second

round. Îí óïàë ïîñëå âòîðîãî ðàóíäà.

The area of a square is calculated as follows.

Ïëîùàäü êâàäðàòà âû÷èñëÿåòñÿ ñëåäóþùèì îáðàçîì.

iron óòþã — to iron ãëàäèòü óòþãîì, óòþæèòü hand ðóêà — to hand ïåðåäàâàòü round êðóãëûé — round òóð; ðàóíä; ðåéñ è ò. ä. square êâàäðàòíûé — sguare êâàäðàò

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A abandonment — óòðàòà ñóäíà èëè

ïîëíûé îòêàç îò íåãî êàê èñòî÷-íèêà îïàñíîcòè

above-mentioned — âûøåóïîìÿ-íóòûé

accelerated depreciation — óñêî-ðåííàÿ àìîðòèçàöèÿ àêòèâîâ

accept — ïðèíèìàòü acceptable — ïðèåìëåìûé, ïîäõî-

äÿùèé acceptance — ïðèíÿòèå, ïðèçíàíèå,

îäîáðåíèå acceptance report — àêò î ïðèåì-

êå access — äîñòóï, ïðîõîä, ïîäõîä

to give (to grant, to have, to get ~ to smth.) — ïðåäîñòàâèòü (èìåòü, ïîëó÷àòü) äîñòóï ê ÷.-ë.

accident (incident, event) — ñëó-÷àé, ñëó÷àéíîñòü pure ~ — 1. ÷èñòàÿ ñëó÷àéíîñòü;

2. íåñ÷àñòíûé ñëó÷àé accomodation — 1. ïîìåùåíèå,

æèëüå; 2. ñîãëàñîâàíèå accomplish — ñîâåðøàòü, âûïîë-

íÿòü account — ñ÷åò

bank ~ — áàíêîâñêèé ñ÷åò current ~ — òåêóùèé ñ÷åò for ~ of smb. — çà ÷.-ë. ñ÷åò

accrued interest — íàêîïëåííûé ïðîöåíò

accumulate — ñîáèðàòü accumulation — íàêàïëèâàíèå

acquisition — ïðèîáðåòåíèå îäíîé êîìïàíèåé äðóãîé

actuals — íàëè÷íûå òîâàðû address — àäðåñ, îáðàùåíèå, ðå÷ü

àäðåñîâàòü, îáðàùàòüñÿ addressee — àäðåñàò add to — äîáàâëÿòü, óâåëè÷èâàòü adequate — äîñòàòî÷íûé, îòâå÷àþ-

ùèé òðåáîâàíèÿì, ñîîòâåòñòâóþ-ùèé

adequately — äîñòàòî÷íî, ñîîòâåò-ñòâåííî

ad hoc — äëÿ äàííîãî ñëó÷àÿ adjust — ðåãóëèðîâàòü, íàñòðàè-

âàòü, óñòàíàâëèâàòü, ïîïðàâëÿòü, ïðèâîäèòü â ñîîòâåòñòâèå

adjustment — 1. ñáîðêà, íàëàäêà; 2. ðåãóëèðîâàíèå îôèöèàëüíîãî êóðñà

admit new members — ïðèíèìàòü íîâûõ ÷ëåíîâ (êîíñîðöèóìà)

advance — àâàíñ advantageous — âûãîäíûé, áëàãî-

ïðèÿòíûé, ïîëåçíûé advertising — ëþáàÿ ôîðìà íå-

ïåðñîíàëüíîé ïðåçåíòàöèè advertising literature — ðåêëàì-

íûå ìàòåðèàëû advise — èçâåùàòü, ñîîáùàòü affect smth., smb. — äåéñòâîâàòü

íà ÷.-ë., âëèÿòü, îòðàæàòüñÿ íà ÷.-ë.

afford — èìåòü âîçìîæíîñòü ñäå-ëàòü ÷.-ë.

agenda — ïîâåñòêà äíÿ agency — àãåíòñòâî, àãåíòñêàÿ îð-

ãàíèçàöèÿ agent — àãåíò, ïîñðåäíèê aggregate demand — ñîâîêóïíûé


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aggregate supply — ñîâîêóïíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå

agreeable — ñîãëàñíûé to be ~ to ... — ñîãëàøàòüñÿ

íà ... agreement — ñîãëàøåíèå

seek agreement — ñòðåìèòüñÿ ê ñîãëàøåíèþ

airmail — ïîñûëàòü àâèàïî÷òîé all in cost — ñóììàðíûå (ïðÿìûå è

êîñâåííûå) èçäåðæêè allot — âûäåëÿòü, îòâîäèòü, ðàñ-

ïðåäåëÿòü, ïðåäíàçíà÷aòü allotment — ðàçìåùåíèå íîâûõ

àêöèé allowance — äåíüãè íà ñîäåðæàíèå

free ~ — íîðìà áåñïëàòíîãî ïðîåçäà

transfer ~ — ïîäúåìíûå leave ~ — äåíüãè íà îòïóñê

alter — èçìåíÿòü, ìåíÿòüñÿ alteration — èçìåíåíèå, ðåêîí-

ñòðóêöèÿ alternative — àëüòåðíàòèâà, âûáîð alternatively — â äðóãîì ñëó÷àå,

êàê àëüòåðíàòèâà amend — èçìåíÿòü, âíîñèòü ïî-

ïðàâêè (â äîêóìåíò) amendment — èçìåíåíèå, ïîïðàâêà

ê ... amicable — äðóæåñêèé

in an amicable way — äðóæåñêè amicably — äðóæåñêè amount — êîëè÷åñòâî, îáúåì, ñóì-

ìà to the ~ of — íà ñóììó

amount (to) — ñîñòàâëÿòü (ñóììó), äîõîäèòü äî ...

annual — åæåãîäíûé, ãîäîâîé anticipate — îæèäàòü, ïðåäâèäåòü,

ïðåä÷óâñòâîâàòü, ïðåäâêóøàòü application form — çàÿâêà,

çàÿâëåíèå apply — îáðàùàòüñÿ appreciate — öåíèòü, ïîíèìàòü appreciation — îöåíêà, ïðèçíà-


appropriate — ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé, ïîäõîäÿùèé ~ moment — ïîäõîäÿùèé ìî-

ìåíò ~ remark — óìåñòíîå çàìå÷àíèå ~ department — ñîîòâåòñòâóþ-

ùèé îòäåë approval — îäîáðåíèå approximate — ïðèáëèçèòåëüíûé approximately — ïðèáëèçèòåëüíî,

ïðèáëèæåííî arbitrage — àðáèòðàæíàÿ ñäåëêà arbitration — àðáèòðàæ arise (arose, arisen) — âîçíèêàòü,

ïîÿâëÿòüñÿ ~ out of, from — ïðîèñòåêàòü,

ÿâëÿòüñÿ ðåçóëüòàòîì ask for — ïðîñèòü î ÷åì-ëèáî

~ for information — çàïðàøè-âàòü èíôîðìàöèþ

~ for help — ïðîñèòü î ïîìîùè ~ for money — ïðîñèòü äåíüãè ~ for favour — ïðîñèòü îá

îäîëæåíèè as per — ñîãëàñíî assets — àêòèâû (êîìïàíèè) assign — íàçíà÷àòü, ïîðó÷àòü assosiated licence — ñîïóòñòâóþ-

ùàÿ ëèöåíçèÿ assume — ïðåäïîëàãàòü, äîïóñêàòü assure — óâåðÿòü, çàâåðÿòü as well as — êàê ..., òàê è attach — ïðèêðåïëÿòü, ïðèñîå-

äèíÿòü ~ to ... enclose with smth. —

ïðèëàãàòü ê ... (äîêóìåíòó, ïèñüìó)

attempt at reconciliation — ïî- ïûòêà äîñòè÷ü ïðèìèðåíèÿ

attention — âíèìàíèå call smb.’s ~ to ... — îáðàòèòü

÷.-ë. âíèìàíèå íà ... draw smb.’s ~ to ... — ïðèâëå÷ü

÷.-ë. âíèìàíèå ê ... attitude — ìíåíèå, îòíîøåíèå authority — âëàñòü, ïîëíîìî÷èå authorize — ðàçðåøàòü, ñàíê-


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authorized — óïîëíîìî÷åííûé to be ~ — èìåòü ïîëíîìî÷èÿ

avoid — èçáåãàòü, óêëîíÿòüñÿ, ñòî-ðîíèòüñÿ ~ smth. — óêëîíÿòüñÿ îò ÷.-ë. ~ doing smth. — èçáåãàòü ÷.-ë.

äåëàòü award — íàãðàäà, ïðåìèÿ, íàãðàæ-

äàòü, ïðèñóæäàòü

B back to back — êîìïåíñàöèîííûé balance — îñòàòîê ñ÷åòà balance sheet — áàëàíñ bale capacity — êóáàòóðà ãðóçîâûõ

ïîìåùåíèé bank rate — îôèöèàëüíàÿ ó÷åòíàÿ

ñòàâêà bank return — áàíêîâñêèé îò÷åò bargain — òîðãîâàÿ ñäåëêà, äîãî-

âîðåííîñòü barrel — îáúåì â 159 ëèòðîâ barter — áåçäåíåæíûé îáìåí òîâà-

ðàìè be liable (for) — áûòü îòâåòñò-

âåííûì çà ... be of the opinion — ïðèäåðæè-

âàòüñÿ ìíåíèÿ bear in mind — èìåòü â âèäó, íå

çàáûòü bear the cost — íåñòè ðàñõîäû benefit — ïîëüçà, âûãîäà, áëàãî benefit (by, from) — ïîëó÷àòü

âûãîäó, ïîëüçó, ïîìîùü berth — ñòàâèòü ñóäíî íà ÿêîðü,

ìåñòî ñòîÿíêè (ñóäíà, ñàìîëåòà) bid — çàÿâêà íà òîðãàõ

international ~s — ìåæäó-íàðîäíûå òîðãè

bidder — ó÷àñòíèê òåíäåðà bidding — òîðãè, ó÷àñòèå â òîðãàõ bidding deadline — îêîí÷àòåëüíûé

ñðîê ïðåäúÿâëåíèÿ çàÿâîê bill — ñ÷åò

~ of lading — êîíîñàìåíò, òðàíñïîðòíàÿ íàêëàäíàÿ

bill: clean ~ of lading — ÷èñòûé

êîíîñàìåíò, íå ñîäåðæàùèé îãîâîðîê î ïîâðåæäåíèè ãðóçà, óïàêîâêè è ò. ï.

direct ~ of lading — êîíî-ñàìåíò íà ãðóç, íå ïîäëåæà-ùèé ïåðåãðóçêå

freight collect ~ of lading — êîíîñàìåíò ñ îòìåòêîé "Freight Collect" — "ôðàõò ïî-äëåæèò îïëàòå ãðóçîïîëó÷à-òåëåì"

freight paid ~ of lading — êîíîñàìåíò ñ îòìåòêîé "Freight Paid" — "ôðàõò óïëà÷åí"

on board ~ of lading — áîðòîâîé êîíîñàìåíò íà ãðóç, ïðèíÿòûé íà áîðò ñóäíà

original ~ of lading — îðèãèíàë êîíîñàìåíòà

outward of lading — âíåøíèé êîíîñàìåíò íà ãðóç, îòïðàâ-ëÿåìûé çà ãðàíèöó

ship’s ~ of lading — ñóäîâoé ýêçåìïëÿð êîíîñàìåíòà

through ~ of lading — ñêâîçíîé êîíîñàìåíò íà ãðóç

black list — ñïèñîê ôèðì, ñ êîòîðûìè äàííàÿ ôèðìà íå ñîòðóäíè÷àåò

blanking — ðàñêðîé ëèñòîâîãî ìàòåðèàëà íà çàãîòîâêè

board meeting — çàñåäàíèå ñîâåòà ðóêîâîäèòåëåé, äèðåêòîðîâ

bond — îáëèãàöèÿ èëè äðóãàÿ öåí-íàÿ áóìàãà ñ ôèêñèðîâàííûì äîõîäîì

book value — áàëàíñîâàÿ ñòîè-ìîñòü

break-down — 1. àíàëèç, ðàçáèâêà íà ãðóïïû; 2. ïîëîìêà, àâàðèÿ

bridge — ìîñò bring (brought) down — ñíèæàòü bring up — ïîäíèìàòü (âîïðîñ) broker — àêêðåäèòîâàííûé, çàðå-

ãèñòðèðîâàííûé àãåíò, ïîñðåäíèê, äèëåð ïî òîðãîâûì îïåðàöèÿì

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build up a market — ñîçäàâàòü ðûíîê

building inspector — ïðàâèòåëüñò-âåííûé ñëóæàùèé, ñëåäÿùèé çà ñîáëþäåíèåì ñòðîèòåëüíûõ íîðì

built up — õàðàêòåðèñòèêà òîâàðîâ, îòãðóæàåìûõ â ñîáðàííîì âèäå

bulk order — áîëüøîé çàêàç buy in — çàêóïàòü

~ off — îòêóïàòüñÿ ~ out, back — âûêóïàòü ~ over — ïåðåìàíèâàòü íà

ñâîþ ñòîðîíó ~ up — ñêóïàòü

C c.a.f. (cost and freight) — êàô;

ñòîèìîñòü è ôðàõò calculate — âû÷èñëÿòü, ïîäñ÷è-

òûâàòü campaign — êàìïàíèÿ canvass — 1. äîáèâàòüñÿ çàêàçîâ;

2. òùàòåëüíî îáñóæäàòü capital — êàïèòàë

equity ~ — êàïèòàë â ôîðìå àêöèé

capitalization — êàïèòàëèçàöèÿ, ïðåâðàùåíèå â êàïèòàë

cargo (pl. cargoes) — ãðóç êîðàáëÿ

carrier — ïåðåâîç÷èê, òðàíñïîð-òèðóþùàÿ ôèðìà

carry out — âûïîëíÿòü, îñóùåñò-âëÿòü (ïëàí, èíñòðóêöèþ, ðàáîòó, çàêàç)

cash — íàëè÷íûå äåíüãè ~ down — çà íàëè÷íûé ðàñ÷åò pay in ~ — ïëàòèòü íàëè÷íûìè ~ against documents — ïëàòà

ïî ïîñòàâêå ~ commodity — íàëè÷íûé òîâàð ~ delivery — ïîñòàâêà íàëè÷íîãî

òîâàðà catalogue — ñïèñîê òîâàðîâ

(÷àñòî èëëþñòðèðîâàííûé)

cause — ïðè÷èíà, ÿâèòüñÿ ïðè÷èíîé ÷.-ë. ~ inconvenience — ïðè÷èíèòü

íåóäîáñòâî cement plant — öåìåíòíûé çàâîä cereals — ñúåäîáíûå (íå òåõíè-

÷åñêèå) çåðíîâûå certificate — ñåðòèôèêàò, ñâèäå-

òåëüñòâî ~ of damage — ñâèäåòåëüñòâî î

ïîâðåæäåíèè ~ of insurance — ñòðàõîâîå

ñâèäåòåëüñòâî ~ of origin — ñåðòèôèêàò ïðî-

èñõîæäåíèÿ ~ of quality (quality ~) — ñåð-

òèôèêàò êà÷åñòâà certificated (certified) stocks —

òîâàðû, îñâèäåòåëüñòâîâàííûå íà êà÷åñòâî

charge — íàçíà÷àòü, çàïðàøèâàòü öåíó, âçèìàòü ~ a commission — íàçíà÷àòü,

çàïðàøèâàòü êîìèññèîííûå ~ s — ðàñõîäû, èçäåðæêè

charter — ôðàõòîâàòü (ñóäíî), ñäà-âàòü âíàåì (ïî ÷àðòåðó)

charterer — ôðàõòîâàòåëü charter-party — ÷àðòåð-ïàðòèÿ, äî-

ãîâîð î ôðàõòîâàíèè ñóäíà check — 1. ïðîâåðÿòü; 2. ÷åê

(â ìàãàçèíå) cheque — ÷åê êàê ïðèêàç áàíêó

âûïëàòèòü äåíüãè c.i.f. (cost, insurance, freight) —

ñèô; ñòîèìîñòü, ñòðàõîâàíèå, ôðàõò

circularize — ðàçîñëàòü êîïèè äîêóìåíòà

civil commotion — áåñïîðÿäêè, âîëíåíèÿ

civil engineering work — ñòðîè-òåëüíûå ðàáîòû

claim — 1. ïðåòåíçèÿ; 2. òðåáîâàòü óïëàòû, ïðåäúÿâëÿòü ïðåòåíçèþ formal ~ — îôèöèàëüíàÿ


PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


claim: admit a ~ — ïðèçíàòü ïðåòåí-

çèþ decline (reject) ~ — îòêëîíèòü

ïðåòåíçèþ make a ~ — ïðåäúÿâèòü ïðåòåí-

çèþ withdraw a ~ — îòîçâàòü ïðå-

òåíçèþ ~ on, against — ïðåäúÿâèòü

ïðåòåíçèþ ê.-ë. clarification — ïîÿñíåíèå, ðàçúÿñ-

íåíèå clarify — ïîÿñíèòü, ðàçúÿñíèòü clause — ñòàòüÿ, ïóíêò (äîãîâîðà,

êîíòðàêòà) clear up smth. — âûÿñíèòü ÷.-ë. clear — ïðîâîäèòü òîâàð ÷åðåç

òàìîæíþ client country — ñòðàíà-çàêàç÷èê closing date — äåíü çàêðûòèÿ,

ïîñëåäíèé äåíü collaborate — ñîòðóäíè÷àòü collaboration — ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî collaborative work — ñîâìåñòíîå

äåëî collection — èíêàññî come to (amount to, reach) —

äîõîäèòü, äîñòèãàòü, ðàâíÿòüñÿ come to terms (about) — äîãîâî-

ðèòüñÿ î ... commence — íà÷èíàòü commencement — íà÷àëî comment — çàìå÷àíèå, êîììåíòà-

ðèé, äåëàòü çàìå÷àíèÿ, êîì-ìåíòèðîâàòü

commercial secrets — êîììåð-÷åñêàÿ òàéíà

commission — 1. ââîäèòü â ýêñïëó-àòàöèþ; 2. êîìèññèîííîå âîç-íàãðàæäåíèå ~ rate — ðàçìåð êîìèññèîííûõ sliding scale ~ — ñêîëüçÿùèå,

äèôôåðåíöèðîâàííûå êîìèñ-ñèîííûå

commissioning — ïóñê (îáúåêòà) compensate smb. for — âîç-

ìåñòèòü óáûòîê ê.-ë. compensation — êîìïåíñàöèÿ

~ basis — êîìïåíñàöèîííàÿ îñíîâà

~ deal — êîìïåíñàöèîííàÿ ñäåëêà

compete — êîíêóðèðîâàòü competent — êîìïåòåíòíûé competition — êîíêóðåíöèÿ competing — êîíêóðèðóþùèé, ñî-

ïåðíè÷àþùèé competitive — êîíêóðåíòîñïîñîá-

íûé competitiveness — êîíêóðåíòîñïî-

ñîáíîñòü competitor’s materials — êîíêó-

ðåíòíûé ìàòåðèàë complaint — æàëîáà

make a — æàëîâàòüñÿ complete — çàâåðøàòü, çàêàí÷èâàòü completion — çàâåðøåíèå compliance — ñîãëàñèå, ñîîòâåòñò-

âèå in ~ with ..., (in accordance

with) — â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ ..., âî èñïîëíåíèå

comply with — ñëåäîâàòü ÷.-ë., ïî-ñòóïàòü ñîãëàñíî ÷.-ë.

comprehensively — âñåñòîðîííå concern — áåñïîêîéñòâî, çàáîòà,

òðåâîãà, áåñïîêîèòüñÿ concerned — 1. èìåþùèé îòíîøå-

íèå ê ...; 2. çàèíòåðåñîâàííûé concerning — îòíîñèòåëüíî, êàñà-

òåëüíî conclude — çàêëþ÷àòü condition — óñëîâèå

in sound ~ — â õîðîøåì ñîñòîÿ-íèè

on ~ that — ïðè óñëîâèè confer — ïðîâåñòè ïåðåãîâîðû confidential — íå ïîäëåæàùèé

ðàçãëàøåíèþ, ñåêðåòíûé confirmation — ïîäòâåðæäåíèå,

äîêàçàòåëüñòâî congest — ïåðåïîëíÿòü, ïåðå-

ãðóæàòü, íàêîïëÿòü, ñêîïëÿòüñÿ congestion — ñêîïëåíèå (òîâàðîâ) consequence — ïîñëåäñòâèå consignment — 1. ãðóç, ïàðòèÿ òî-

âàðîâ; 2. êîíñèãíàöèÿ

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


in three ~ s — òðåìÿ ïàðòèÿìè consignee — êîíñèãíàòîð, ãðóçîïî-

ëó÷àòåëü consignor — êîíñèãíàíò, ãðóçî-

îòïðàâèòåëü consortium — êîíñîðöèóì

~ agreement — ñîãëàøåíèå î êîíñîðöèóìå, êîíñîðöèàëüíîå

ñîãëàøåíèå construct — ñòðîèòü construction — ñòðîèòåëüñòâî consulting company — êîíñóëüòà-

òèâíàÿ ôèðìà contact — îáðàòèòüñÿ ê ê.-ë., óñòà-

íîâèòü ñâÿçü (ïîçâîíèòü, íàïè-ñàòü ïèñüìî, ïîñëàòü òåëåêñ)

contents — ñîäåðæàíèå contract — êîíòðàêò contractor — ïîäðÿä÷èê contractual obligations — êîí-

òðàêòíûå îáÿçàòåëüñòâà controlling interest — êîíòðîëü-

íûé ïàêåò àêöèé convenå a meeting — ñîçûâàòü

ñîáðàíèå conventional — òðàäèöèîííûé conversion — ïåðåñ÷åò, ïåðåâîä cooperate — ñîòðóäíè÷àòü, ñïîñîá-

ñòâîâàòü, ñîäåéñòâîâàòü cooperation — ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâî coordinate — êîîðäèíèðîâàòü,

ïðèâîäèòü â ñîîòâåòñòâèå, ñîãëà-ñîâûâàòü

costs — ðàñõîäû, èçäåðæêè costly — äîðîãîé count — ñ÷èòàòü

~ on ... — ðàññ÷èòûâàòü íà ... countervailing duty — ïîøëèíà íà

èìïîðò cover — îõâàòûâàòü, âêëþ÷àòü

~ ed up (closed) works — ñêðûòûå ðàáîòû

crucial — æèçíåííî âàæíûé cumulative — îäíà èç ôîðì

ïðèâèëåãèðîâàííûõ àêöèé currency — âàëþòà

hard ~ — òâåðäàÿ âàëþòà

hard ~ costs — èçäåðæêè â òâåðäîé âàëþòå

current — íûíåøíèé, òåêóùèé customer — çàêàç÷èê (the) Customs — òàìîæåííîå

óïðàâëåíèå ~ exemption certificate —

äîêóìåíò, îñâîáîæäàþùèé îäíó èç ñòîðîí îò óïëàòû ïîøëèí, íàëîãîâ

~ charges — òàìîæåííûå ñáîðû ~ clearance — òàìîæåííàÿ

î÷èñòêà ~ duty — òàìîæåííàÿ ïîøëèíà

íà èìïîðòèðóåìûå òîâàðû cut — ñîêðàùàòü, ñíèæàòü

D damage — óùåðá, ïîëîìêà

agreed and liquidated ~ s — íåóñòîéêà

damaged — ïîâðåæäåííûé arrive ~ — ïðèáûòü â ïîâðåæ-

äåííîì ñîñòîÿíèè date — äàòà, ÷èñëî

preceding ~ — ïðåäøåñòâóþùàÿ äàòà

deadline — êðàéíèé ñðîê deal in — çàíèìàòüñÿ ÷.-ë., òîðãî-

âàòü debenture — ïèñüìåííîå äîëãîâîå

îáÿçàòåëüñòâî debt — äîëã

outstanding ~ — íåâûïëà÷åí-íûé äîëã

deduct — âû÷èòàòü, îòíèìàòü default — íåâûïîëíåíèå îáÿçàí-

íîñòåé defaulting member — ÷ëåí êîí-

ñîðöèóìà, íå âûïîëíÿþùèé ñâîèõ îáÿçàòåëüñòâ

define — îïðåäåëÿòü deliver — ïîñòàâëÿòü

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


delivery — ïîñòàâêà short ~ — íåäîïîñòàâêà ~ charges — ñòîèìîñòü ïåðå-

äà÷è òîâàðà îò ïðîèçâîäèòåëÿ ïîêóïàòåëþ

demurrage — äåìåðèäæ (ïðîñòîé ñóäíà), ïëàòà çà ïðîñòîé ñóäíà be on ~, be kept on — íàõî-

äèòüñÿ íà ïðîñòîå (äåìåðèä-æå)

rate of ~ — ðàçìåð øòðàôà çà ïðåâûøåíèå îãîâîðåííîãî âðåìåíè

deny — îòðèöàòü, îòâåðãàòü depend — çàâèñåòü depreciation — óìåíüøåíèå áàëàí-

ñîâîé ñòîèìîñòè ~ charges — àìîðòèçàöèîííûå

îò÷èñëåíèÿ design — 1. ïðîåêò, êîíñòðóêöèÿ;

2. ïðîåêòèðîâàòü ~ documents — ïðîåêòíûå äî-

êóìåíòû ~ work — ïðîåêòíûå ðàáîòû technical and execution ~ —

òåõíîðàáî÷èé ïðîåêò desk survey — èññëåäîâàíèå ðûíêà

ñòàòèñòè÷åñêèì àíàëèçîì èí-ôîðìàöèè (â ìàðêåòèíãå)

despatch (dispatch) — 1. îòïðàâ-êà; 2. áûñòðîòà âûïîëíåíèÿ ~ (money) — âîçíàãðàæäåíèå çà

äîñðî÷íóþ âûãðóçêó è ïî-ãðóçêó ãðóçà (ïî ñðàâíåíèþ ñî âðåìåíåì, óêàçàííûì â êîí-òðàêòå èëè ÷àðòåð-ïàðòèè)

rate of ~ — ðàçìåð âîçíàãðàæ-äåíèÿ çà äîñðî÷íóþ âûãðóçêó èëè ïîãðóçêó ãðóçà

~ service — îòäåë îòïðàâêè äîêóìåíòîâ

destination — ìåñòî íàçíà÷åíèÿ port of ~ — ïîðò íàçíà÷åíèÿ

detail — äåòàëü, ïîäðîáíîñòü in (more) ~ — (áîëåå) ïîäðîáíî

detail: ~-ed engineering and construc-

tion — ðàáî÷åå ïðîåêòèðî-âàíèå è ñòðîèòåëüñòâî

develop — 1. ðàçâèâàòü(ñÿ), ñîâåð-øåíñòâîâàòü; 2. ðàçðàáàòûâàòü (ïîëåçíûå èñêîïàåìûå); 3. ñîçäà-âàòü ~ a process — ðàçðàáàòûâàòü

òåõíîëîãèþ development — ðàçðàáîòêà, ñîçäà-

íèå, ðàçâòèå deviation — îòêëîíåíèå dimension — ðàçìåð, âåëè÷èíà, ãà-

áàðèò disburse — îïëà÷èâàòü èçäåðæêè

ïî îáñëóæèâàíèþ ñóäíà disbursement, disbursement ex-

penses — ðàñõîäû ïî îáñëóæè-âàíèþ ñóäíà

discount — ñêèäêà ask for a ~ — ïðîñèòü î ñêèäêå give a ~ — ïðåäîñòàâèòü ñêèäêó

discharge — ðàçãðóæàòü, âûãðó-æàòü, ðàçãðóçêà, âûãðóçêà rate of ~ — íîðìà âûãðóçêè

dismantle — ðàçáèðàòü, äåìîíòè-ðîâàòü

disrupt — ñðûâàòü, íàðóøàòü ãðà-ôèê

disruption — ñðûâ, íåâûïîëíåíèå, íàðóøåíèå ãðàôèêà

distribute — ðàñïðåäåëÿòü, ðàñïðî-ñòðàíÿòü, ïðîäàâàòü

distribution — ðàñïðåäåëåíèå, ïðîäàæà

divide — äåëèòü, ðàçäåëÿòü division of supplies —

ðàçäåëåíèå ïîñòàâîê do one’s share — âíåñòè ñâîé

âêëàä domestic (home) — âíóòðåííèé ~ market — âíóòðåííèé ðûíîê ~ policy — âíóòðåííÿÿ ïîëèòèêà ~ trade — âíóòðåííÿÿ òîðãîâëÿ

double time — ðàáî÷åå âðåìÿ, îïëà÷èâàåìîå äâîéíûì òàðèôîì

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


downtime — ïðîñòîé ïî îðãàíè-çàöèîííî-òåõíè÷åñêèì ïðè÷èíàì, âðåìÿ ïðîñòîÿ

draft — 1. òðàòòà, ïåðåâîäíîé âåê-ñåëü; 2. ïðîåêò; 3. ñîñòàâëÿòü ïëàí, ïðîåêò êîíòðàêòà ~ contract — ïðîåêò êîíòðàêòà

draught — îñàäêà ñóäíà draw out — ñíÿòü äåíüãè ñî ñ÷åòà draw up — âûïèñûâàòü

~ an invoice (a cheque) — âûïèñûâàòü ñ÷åò (÷åê)

~ a contract (a project, sche-me, report, document, shedu-le) — ñîñòàâëÿòü êîíòðàêò (ïðîåêò, ñõåìó, äîêëàä, äîêó-ìåíò, ãðàôèê)

drawing — ÷åðòåæ revise ~-s — âíåñòè èñïðàâëåíèÿ

â ÷åðòåæè due — ïîøëèíà, íàëîã

in ~ time — â ñâîå (ïîëîæåí-íîå) âðåìÿ

in ~ form — â íàäëåæàùåé ôîðìå

un~ haste — íåíóæíàÿ ñïåøêà dock ~-s — ïëàòà çà ïîëüçîâà-

íèå ïðè÷àëà ~ to — âñëåäñòâèå, ïî ïðè÷èíå

duplicating — ñíÿòèå êîïèé duration — ñðîê äåéñòâèÿ, ïðîäîë-

æèòåëüíîñòü dut|y — ïîøëèíà, ñáîð

~-free — áåñïîøëèííûé customs ~-ies — òàìîæåííûå

ïîøëèíû import ~-ies — èìïîðòíûå ïîø-

ëèíû stamp ~ — ãåðáîâûé ñáîð to be liable to ~ — ïîäëåæàùèé

îïëàòå to impose a ~ — îáëàãàòü

ïîøëèíîé to levy ~-ies — ñîáèðàòü, âçè-

ìàòü ïîøëèíó to pay ~-ies — ïëàòèòü ïîøëèíó

E economic benefit — ýêîíîìè÷å-

ñêèé ýôôåêò effect — ðåçóëüòàòû, ñëåäñòâèå

have an ~ on — ïîäåéñòâîâàòü to the ~ — ïî äàííîìó âîïðîñó

effective — ýôôåêòèâíûé, äåéñò-âåííûé

efficiency — ýôôåêòèâíîñòü, ïðî-èçâîäèòåëüíîñòü, óìåíèå

efficient — 1. êâàëèôèöèðîâàííûé; 2. ýôôåêòèâíûé, ðàöèîíàëüíûé

elaborate — ïîäãîòîâèòü, âûïîë-íèòü

elaboration — ïîäãîòîâêà, âûïîë-íåíèå

eliminate — ëèêâèäèðîâàòü, óñòðà-íÿòü

employment — ñëóæáà, çàíÿòèå, ðàáîòà

enable smb. to do smth. — äàâàòü âîçìîæíîñòü ê.-ë. ñäåëàòü ÷.-ë.

encounter — âñòðåòèòü endeavour — ïîïûòêà, ïðåäïðèÿòèå engage — íàíèìàòü, ïðèãëàøàòü engineering — "èíæèíèðèíã", ñîâî-

êóïíîñòü ïðîöåññîâ ïî ðàçðà-áîòêå ïðîåêòîâ basic and detailed ~ — òåõíî-

ðàáî÷åå ïðîåêòèðîâàíèå ~ firm — êîíñóëüòàöèîííàÿ

ôèðìà ~ services — êîíñóëüòàöèîííûå

óñëóãè enjoy reputation — ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ

ðåïóòàöèåé enquire (inquire) — ñïðàâëÿòüñÿ,

íàâîäèòü ñïðàâêè enquir|y (inquiry) — ðàññïðà-

øèâàíèå, íàâåäåíèå ñïðàâîê, îñ-âåäîìëåíèå î ÷.-ë. make ~-ies about smth. — äå-

ëàòü çàïðîñû, íàâîäèòü ñïðàâêè

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


ensure — îáåñïå÷èâàòü, ãàðàíòèðî-âàòü

entirely — âïîëíå, ñîâñåì entitle — äàâàòü ïðàâî

be (feel) ~-d — èìåòü ïðàâî, ïîëíîìî÷èÿ

equal — ðàâíûé(àÿ) equipment — îáîðóäîâàíèå

heavy and oversized ~ — íåãà-áàðèòíîå îáîðóäîâàíèå

erect — ìîíòèðîâàòü erection — ìîíòàæ

~ schedule — ãðàôèê ìîíòàæà essential — ñóùåñòâåííûé, ñóùåñò-

âåííî âàæíûé establish (set up) — îðãàíèçîâàòü,

îñíîâàòü, ó÷ðåæäàòü, ñîçäàâàòü ~ a business — îòêðûòü äåëî,

òîðãîâîå ïðåäïðèÿòèå ~ manufacture of smth. —

íà÷àòü ïðîèçâîäñòâî ÷.-ë. ~ relations — óñòàíîâèòü

îòíîøåíèÿ establishment — ââåäåíèå, îñíîâà-

íèå, ó÷ðåæäåíèå estimate — ïðîãíîç (öåíû) evergreen credit — âîçîáíîâ-

ëÿåìûé êðåäèò, áåç êîíêðåòíîé äàòû ïîãàøåíèÿ

evidence — äàííûå, äîêàçàòåëü-ñòâî, ñâèäåòåëüñòâî

exceed — ïðåâûøàòü exchange — âàëþòà

~ market — âàëþòíûé ðûíîê exclusive — èñêëþ÷èòåëüíûé

non-~ — îáû÷íûé, ðÿäîâîé execute — âûïîëíÿòü execution — âûïîëíåíèå, èñïîë-

íåíèå exist — áûòü, ñóùåñòâîâàòü existence — ñóùåñòâîâàíèå expel — èñêëþ÷àòü èç êîíñîðöèóìà expenses — ðàñõîäû

evacuation ~ — çàòðàòû ïî ýâà-êóàöèè

round travel ~ — ðàñõîäû ïî ïðîåçäó â îáà êîíöà

starting ~ — íà÷àëüíûå ðàñ-õîäû

experience — 1. æèçíåííûé îïûò, ïðàêòèêà, êâàëèôèêàöèÿ; 2. èñïû-òûâàòü, ïåðåæèâàòü

expert — ýêñïåðò expertise — 1. êîìïåòåíòíîñòü,

ñïåöèàëüíûå çíàíèÿ; 2. çàêëþ-÷åíèå ñïåöèàëèñòà

extend credit — ïðåäîñòàâèòü êðå-äèò

extention — 1. ðàñøèðåíèå (ñôåðû äåÿòåëüíîñòè); 2. ïðîäëåíèå ñðî-êà; 3. ïðèñòðàèâàåìîå çäàíèå

ex works — òîâàðû, ãîòîâûå ê îòãðóçêå ïîñëå èçãîòîâëåíèÿ

F face value — íîìèíàëüíàÿ ñòîè-

ìîñòü facilitate — îáëåã÷àòü facilities — óäîáñòâà, ñðåäñòâà

îáñëóæèâàíèÿ transport ~ — òðàíñïîðòíûå

ñðåäñòâà factor — àãåíò, êîìèññèîíåð fall behind — îòñòàòü îò ... f.a.s. (free alongside ship) — ôàñ,

ôðàíêî âäîëü áîðòà ñóäíà fault — âèíà

through no ~ of ours — íå ïî íàøåé âèíå

faulty — èìåþùèé íåäîñòàòêè, äåôåêòû

favour — ðàñïîëîæåíèå, áëàãî-ñêëîííîñòü in one’s ~ — â ÷üþ-ëèáî ïîëüçó

fee — âîçíàãðàæäåíèå, ãîíîðàð feed grains — êîðìîâûå, ôóðàæ-

íûå çåðíîâûå field — îáëàñòü, ñôåðà äåÿòåëü-

íîñòè in the ~ — â îáëàñòè, ñôåðå ~ of action — ïîëå äåÿòåëü-

íîñòè ~ survey — èññëåäîâàíèå ðûíêà

îïðîñîì íà ìåñòàõ (â ìàð-êåòèíãå)

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


finalize — çàêàí÷èâàòü îáñóæäåíèå, ñîãëàñîâûâàòü

finance — ôèíàíñèðîâàòü first:

~ option — ïðàâî ïåðâîãî âûáîðà

~ aid — ïåðâàÿ ïîìîùü fix — óñòàíàâëèâàòü, íàçíà÷àòü fleet — ôëîò

merchant ~ — òîðãîâûé ôëîò floor — îïåðàöèîííûé çàë áèðæè,

ðûíêà ~ trader — áèðæåâoé ìàêëåð

flow sheet — òåõíîëîãè÷åñêàÿ ñõåìà

f.o.b. (free on board) — ôîá; ôðàíêî-áîðò ñóäíà

f.o.r. (free on rail) — ôðàíêî-ðåëüñû; ôðàíêî-âàãîí

force majeure circumstances — ôîðñ-ìàæîðíûå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà (íåïðåîäîëèìîé ñèëû)

foreign currency — èíîñòðàííàÿ âàëþòà

foreman (pl. foremen) — ìàñòåð, ïðîðàá, áðèãàäèð

forward — íàïðàâëÿòü, ïîñûëàòü ~ goods — îòïðàâëÿòü òîâàðû

ïî ìåñòó íàçíà÷åíèÿ ~ a letter to a new address —

ïåðåñûëàòü ïèñüìî ïî íîâîìó àäðåñó

~ contract — ñðî÷íàÿ ñäåëêà foundation — ôóíäàìåíò framework — ðàìêè, ñòðóêòóðà

within the ~ of — â ðàìêàõ ÷.-ë., â ïðåäåëàõ ÷.-ë.

frank — øòàìïîâàòü êîíâåðò âìå-ñòî ìàðêè

free on site — ôðàíêî-ñòðîè-òåëüíàÿ ïëîùàäêà

freigh cargo manifest — ãðóçîâîé ìàíèôåñò

frequency — ÷àñòîòà fundamental — îñíîâíîé, ñóùåñò-

âåííûé furnished — ìåáëèðîâàííûé

a ~ house — äîì ñ îáñòàíîâêîé ~ rooms — ìåáëèðîâàííûå êîì-

íàòû futures — ñäåëêè íà ñðîê

G gantry — ïîðòàëüíûé gather — ñîáèðàòü give:

~ away commercial secrets — ðàçãëàøàòü êîììåð÷åñêóþ òàéíó

~ consent to — äàòü ñîãëàñèå íà ÷.-ë.

~ preference — îòäàâàòü ïðåä-ïî÷òåíèå

go: ~ by — ñëåäîâàòü, ðóêîâîäñòâî-

âàòüñÿ ~ contrary to — ïðîòèâîðå÷èòü

÷.-ë. govern — ïðàâèòü, óïðàâëÿòü

be ~-ed — ðóêîâîäñòâîâàòüñÿ grace period — ëüãîòíûé ïåðèîä grant — ïðåäîñòàâèòü

~ access to — äàâàòü äîïóñê ê ~ credit — ïðåäîñòàâèòü êðåäèò ~ extension — ïðåäîñòàâèòü

ïðîäëåíèå ñðîêà ~ a right — äàâàòü ïðàâî ~ the right to pay by instal-

ments — ïðåäîñòàâèòü ïðàâî ïëàòèòü â ðàññðî÷êó (êðåäèò)

gross: ~ price — öåíà áåç âû÷åòîâ ~ profit — ïðèáûëü äî âû÷åòà

íàëîãîâ è çàòðàò grow — ðàñòè, óâåëè÷èâàòüñÿ, óñè-

ëèâàòüñÿ growth — ðîñò, ðàçâèòèå, ïðèðîñò,

óâåëè÷åíèå guarantee — ãàðàíòèÿ, ãàðàíòè-

ðîâàòü conditional ~ — óñëîâíàÿ ãàðàí-

òèÿ unconditional ~ — áåçóñëîâíàÿ

ãàðàíòèÿ ~ maintenance — ãàðàíòèéíàÿ

ýêñïëóàòàöèÿ guarding — îõðàíà

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


H hand over — ïåðåäàâàòü handle — îáðàùàòüñÿ ñ ê.-ë., ÷.-ë.,

óïðàâëÿòü, ðåãóëèðîâàòü, îñóùå-ñòâëÿòü êîíòðîëü, èìåòü äåëî ñ ÷.-ë. cargo ~-ing equipment — îáî-

ðóäîâàíèå äëÿ ðàçãðóçêè è ïî-ãðóçêè

rough ~-ing — íåáðåæíîå îáðàùåíèå

shipboard ~-ing gear — ñîá-ñòâåííîå ïîãðóçî÷íî-ðàçãðó-çî÷íîå óñòðîéñòâî íà ñóäíå

harbour — ãàâàíü, ïîðò hatch — ëþê hedge — ñðî÷íàÿ ñäåëêà äëÿ ñòðà-

õîâàíèÿ îò âîçìîæíîãî ïàäåíèÿ öåí

hedging — ñòðàõîâàíèå îò ïîòåðü hence — òàêèì îáðàçîì hire — íàíèìàòü hold — òðþì holding company — õîëäèíãîâàÿ

êîìïàíèÿ (êîìïàíèÿ, êîíòðîëè-ðóþùàÿ äðóãèå êîìïàíèè ñ ïîìîùüþ èõ àêöèé, êîòîðûìè îíà âëàäååò)

I implementation — âûïîëíåíèå,

èñïîëíåíèå, îñóùåñòâëåíèå imponderables — íåïðåäâèäåííûå

îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà import duty — òàìîæåííàÿ ïîø-

ëèíà income — äîõîä incorporate — îáúåäèíÿòü, âêëþ-

÷àòü incur — íåñòè (ðàñõîäû)

~ great expenses — ïîíåñòè áîëüøèå ðàñõîäû

indelible paint — íåñòèðàþùàÿñÿ êðàñêà

indemnify — âîçìåùàòü óáûòîê indicate (point out, show) — óêà-

çûâàòü, îáîçíà÷àòü indigenous — ìåñòíûé, òóçåìíûé inform — ñîîáùàòü, èçâåùàòü, èí-

ôîðìèðîâàòü infrastructure — èíôðàñòðóêòóðà infringe — íàðóøàòü infringement — íàðóøåíèå initial — íà÷àëüíûé, èñõîäíûé

collect ~ data — ñîáèðàòü èñõîäíûå äàííûå

inland — ðàñïîëîæåííûé âíóòðè ñòðàíû ~ transportation — òðàíñïîð-

òèðîâêà ïî òåððèòîðèè inoculation — ïðèâèâêà inquire (enquire)— çàïðàøèâàòü inquiry (enquiry) — çàïðîñ

cable ~ — òåëåãðàôíûé çàïðîñ insolvent — íåïëàòåæåñïîñîáíûé inspect — ðàññìàòðèâàòü, ïðîâå-

ðÿòü, èíñïåêòèðîâàòü inspection — îñìîòð, ïðîâåðêà install — óñòàíàâëèâàòü, ìîíòè-

ðîâàòü, ñîáèðàòü installation — óñòàíîâêà, ñáîðêà,

ìîíòàæ instalment — ïëàòåæ, î÷åðåäíîé

âçíîñ instructor — èíñòðóêòîð, ðóêî-

âîäèòåëü insufficient — íåäîñòàòî÷íûé insure — ñòðàõîâàòü insurance — ñòðàõîâàíèå

~ cover — ñòðàõîâîå ïîêðûòèå to arrange for the ~ — îðãàíè-

çîâàòü ñòðàõîâàíèå intangible assets — íåìàòå-

ðèàëüíûå àêòèâû ("ñòîèìîñòü" ïàòåíòîâ, òîðãîâîé ìàðêè, ðåïó-òàöèè ôèðìû è äð.)

interest rate — ïðîöåíòíàÿ ñòàâêà intermediation — ïîñðåäíè÷åñòâî internal — âíóòðåííèé in transit — â ïóòè invite tenders — íàçíà÷àòü òîðãè

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


invoice — ñ÷åò to make out an ~ — âûñòàâèòü

ñ÷åò involve — âêëþ÷àòü â ñåáÿ, ïîä-

ðàçóìåâàòü, ïðåäïîëàãàòü íàëè÷èå ÷.-ë.

irrevocable credit — áåçîòçûâíûé êðåäèò (êîòîðûé íå ìîæåò áûòü îòîçâàí áàíêîì, åñëè óñëîâèÿ ñîáëþäàþòñÿ)

J jetty — ïðèñòàíü, ïèðñ job lot — îòäåëüíàÿ ïàðòèÿ òîâàðà joint venture — ñîâìåñòíîå ïðåä-

ïðèÿòèå jointly — ñîîáùà, ñîâìåñòíî justify — îïðàâäûâàòü, îáîñíî-

âûâàòü justified — îïðàâäàííûé

K keep:

~ smth. confidential — ñîõðà-íÿòü â òàéíå

~ up — äåðæàòüñÿ íà ïðåæíåì óðîâíå, íå ìåíÿòüñÿ, ïîääåð-æèâàòü, ïðîäîëæàòü, íå áðî-ñàòü

~ up interest — ïîääåðæèâàòü èíòåðåñ

~ up correspondence — ïîääåð-æèâàòü ïåðåïèñêó

knocked down — õàðàêòåðèñòèêà òîâàðîâ, îòãðóæàåìûõ â ðàçîá-ðàííîì âèäå

know-how — íîó-õàó, ñåêðåò ïðîè-çâîäñòâà

L labour — ðàáî÷àÿ ñèëà, òðóä,

ðàáîòà lack — íåäîñòàòîê, îòñóòñòâèå, íå

õâàòàòü, íåäîñòàâàòü ~ of raw materials — íåõâàòêà


large-scale — êðóïíîìàñøòàáíûé launch a product — âûïóñòèòü íà

ðûíîê íîâûé òîâàð lay time — âðåìÿ ñòîÿíêè áåç

îïëàòû ïðîñòîÿ ñóäíà layout — ðàñïîëîæåíèå îáîðóäî-

âàíèÿ, ïëàíèðîâêà, ïëàí leader of consortium — ðóêîâî-

äèòåëü êîíñîðöèóìà leadership fee — ëèäåðñêîå âîç-

íàãðàæäåíèå leave — îòïóñê legal — þðèäè÷åñêèé

~ tender — çàêîííîå ïëàòåæíîå ñðåäñòâî äëÿ îïëàòû çàäîë-æåííîñòè

leverage lease — ïðåäîñòàâëåíèå â àðåíäó ÷àñòè îáîðóäîâàíèÿ

levy — âçèìàòü (íàëîãè) liability — îòâåòñòâåííîñòü, îáÿçà-

òåëüñòâî liable — íåñóùèé îòâåòñòâåííîñòü to be ~ for ... — îòâå÷àòü çà ...

licence (license) — ëèöåíçèÿ ~ agreement — ëèöåíçèîííîå ñî-

ãëàøåíèå ~ product — ïðîäóêò ïî ëèöåíçèè

licensee — ëèöåíçèàò licensor — ëèöåíçèàð lifting capacity — ïîäúåìíàÿ ìîù-

íîñòü lighting — îñâåùåíèå limited circulation — äëÿ ñëóæåá-

íîãî ïîëüçîâàíèÿ limits of one’s powers — ïðåäåëû

ïîëíîìî÷èé line — àññîðòèìåíò, íàáîð òîâàðîâ

îäíîãî íàçíà÷åíèÿ line of cooperation — íàïðàâëåíèå

(ëèíèÿ) ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà list — ïåðå÷èñëÿòü, ñîñòàâëÿòü ñïè-

ñîê loan — çàåì local: ~ expenses — ðàñõîäû â ìåñòíîé

âàëþòå ~ costs — èçäåðæêè â ìåñòíîé

âàëþòå ~ firms — ìåñòíûå ôèðìû

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


look into (the matter) — ðàñ-ñìîòðåòü (âîïðîñ)

losses — óáûòêè, ïîòåðè currency ~ — âàëþòíûå ïîòåðè suffer ~ — òåðïåòü óáûòêè sustain ~ — íåñòè ïîòåðè

lot — ïàðòèÿ, ñåðèÿ, ëîò òîâàðà odd ~ — íåïîëíûé ëîò

lump sum — ïàóøàëüíàÿ ñóììà (îáùàÿ ñóììà, âûïëà÷èâàåìàÿ îäíîâðåìåííî) ~ price — ïàóøàëüíàÿ öåíà

M manually — âðó÷íóþ manufacturer — èçãîòîâèòåëü manufacturing works — çàâîä-

èçãîòîâèòåëü margin — ìàðæà, ðàçíèöà, ïðåäåë,

ãàðàíòèéíûé âçíîñ market — ðûíîê

~ research — èçó÷åíèå ðûíêà ~ value — óðîâåíü öåí íà ðûíêå

marketability — ðåàëèçóåìîñòü íà ðûíêå

marketing — ìàðêåòèíã marking — ìàðêèðîâêà

weather resistant ~ — ñòîéêàÿ ìàðêèðîâêà

master of the vessel — êàïèòàí, õîçÿèí ñóäíà

match up — ïðèâåñòè â ñîîò-âåòñòâèå, ñêîîðäèíèðîâàòü, ñî-ãëàñîâàòü

maturity date — ïîñëåäíÿÿ äàòà, èñòå÷åíèå ñðîêà ïîãàøåíèÿ êðåäèòà

means — ñðåäñòâî, ñïîñîá by one’s own ~ — ñîáñòâåííûìè

ñðåäñòâàìè mediator — ïîñðåäíèê meet a delivery date — ïîä-

ãîòîâèòü òîâàð ê ñîãëàñîâàííîìó ñðîêó

merchandise — òîâàðû, äîñòóïíûå äëÿ ðåàëèçàöèè, òîâàðû ïðîäàí-íûå è êóïëåííûå

method of payment — ôîðìà ðàñ÷åòà

minor — âòîðîñòåïåííûé, íåçíà-÷èòåëüíûé

minutes — ïðîòîêîë (ñîáðàíèÿ) misleading — ââîäÿùèé â çàáëóæ-

äåíèå, îáìàí÷èâûé missing — îòñóòñòâóþùèé, íåäîñòà-

þùèé mode — ìåòîä, ñïîñîá

~ of payment — ñïîñîá ïëàòåæà moreover — êðîìå òîãî, áîëåå òîãî

N negotiate — âåñòè ïåðåãîâîðû negotiation — ïåðåãîâîðû, îáñóæ-

äåíèå óñëîâèé non-observance — íåñîáëþäåíèå

÷.-ë. non-resident account — ñ÷åò ëèöà,

íå ÿâëÿþùåãîñÿ ðåçèäåíòîì òîé ñòðàíû, ãäå âåäåòñÿ ñ÷åò

non-standard equipment — íå-ñòàíäàðòèçèðîâàííîå îáîðóäî-âàíèå

note — îòìå÷àòü, çàïèñûâàòü notice — èçâåùåíèå, óâåäîìëåíèå,

ïðåäóïðåæäåíèå at short ~ — òîò÷àñ æå, íåçà-

ìåäëèòåëüíî number — ÷èñëî, êîëè÷åñòâî

a ~ of — íåêîòîðîå êîëè÷åñòâî, ðÿä

O objection — âîçðàæåíèå, ïðîòåñò

make an ~ to — âîçðàæàòü ïðîòèâ ÷.-ë.

obligations — îáÿçàòåëüñòâà breach of ~ — íàðóøåíèå îáÿ-

çàòåëüñòâ observe — 1. íàáëþäàòü, çàìå÷àòü,

ñëåäèòü; 2. ñîáëþäàòü çàêîíû

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observance — ñîáëþäåíèå ÷.-ë. observation — íàáëþäåíèå obtain — ïîëó÷àòü, äîñòàâàòü office block — êîìïëåêñ êîíòîð-

ñêèõ ïîìåùåíèé official confirmation — äîêóìåíò,

ïîäòâåðæäàþùèé (óñòíûé) çàêàç operation — äåéñòâèå, ðàáîòà,

ýêñïëóàòàöèÿ commercial ~ — êîììåð÷åñêàÿ

ýêñïëóàòàöèÿ, îïåðàöèÿ faultless ~ — áåçîøèáî÷íàÿ ðà-

áîòà trouble-free ~ — áåçîòêàçíàÿ

ðàáîòà uninterrupted ~ — áåñïåðåáîé-

íàÿ ðàáîòà organization — îðãàíèçàöèÿ original output — ïåðâûé, ïåðâî-

íà÷àëüíûé âûïóñê ïðîäóêöèè, ïðîäóêöèÿ, âûðàáîòêà

outstanding — ïðîñðî÷åííûé, íå-óïëà÷åííûé, íåâûïîëíåííûé, íå-ðàçðåøåííûé

over age — ñóäíî, ïîñòðîåííîå áîëåå 15 ëåò íàçàä è òðåáóþùåå äîïîëíèòåëüíîãî ñòðàõîâàíèÿ

overage — èçëèøåê ãðóçà ïî ñðàâ-íåíèþ ñ óêàçàííûì â äîêóìåíòàõ

over and above — ñâåðõ overall maximum liability — îáùàÿ

ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ ñóììà (äîëãà) overcome the circumstances —

ïðåîäîëåòü, óñòðàíèòü îáñòîÿ-òåëüñòâà

overdue — ïðîñðî÷åííûé, çàïîçäà-ëûé, íåñâîåâðåìåííûé

overestimated — çàâûøåííûé overlook — íåäîñìîòðåòü, ïðî-

ñìîòðåòü oversight — íåäîñìîòð

through one’s ~ — ïî íåäî-ñìîòðó

overtime — ñâåðõóðî÷íàÿ ðàáîòà owe — 1. áûòü îáÿçàííûì; 2. çà-

äîëæàòü owner — âëàäåëåö, ñîáñòâåííèê ownership — ñîáñòâåííîñòü, ïðàâî


P packing — óïàêîâêà

export ~ — ýêñïîðòíàÿ óïàêîâêà seaproof ~ — ìîðñêàÿ óïàêîâêà seaworthy — ìîðñêàÿ óïàêîâêà

palletise — ñêëàäûâàòü òîâàð íà äåðåâÿííûé ïîääîí

pallets — ïîääîí, ïîäíèìàåìûé ñ òîâàðîì ãîðèçîíòàëüíûìè âèëàìè ïîãðóç÷èêà

(the) party affected — ïîñòðà-äàâøàÿ ñòîðîíà

(the) party concerned — ó÷àñòâóþ-ùàÿ, çàèíòåðåñîâàííàÿ ñòîðîíà

patent — ïàòåíò pay in cash — ïëàòèòü íàëè÷íûìè payment — ïëàòåæ

to withhold ~ — ïðèîñòàíàâëè-âàòü ïëàòåæ

payroll — ñóììà çàòðàò ïåðñîíàëà ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ

penalties — øòðàôíûå ñàíêöèè penalty — øòðàô

~ clause — ïoëîæåíèå î øòðàô-íîé íåóñòîéêå

~ rales — ðàçìåð øòðàôíîé íå-óñòîéêè

percentage — ïðîöåíò, ïðîöåíòíîå ñîäåðæàíèå

performance — 1. âûïîëíåíèå äî-ãîâîðà; 2. ïîêàçàòåëè, õàðàêòå-ðèñòèêà ðàáîòû îáîðóäîâàíèÿ rated ~ — óðîâåíü, ðàñ÷åòíàÿ

ïðîèçâîäèòåëüíîñòü preliminary — ïðåäâàðèòåëüíûé presence — ïðèñóòñòâèå

in the ~ of — â ïðèñóòñòâèè present smth. to smb. — ïðåäî-

ñòàâèòü ÷.-ë. ê.-ë. íà ðàññìîò-ðåíèå

pressure — äàâëåíèå, âîçäåéñòâèå, íàïðÿæåíèå

price — öåíà ~ price — ïðîäàæíàÿ öåíà

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principal — ïðèíöèïàë priority percentage — ðàñïðåäå-

ëåíèå ãîäîâîé ïðèáûëè ïî ïðèî-ðèòåòíîñòè êàïèòàëà

performance bond — ãàðàíòèÿ ïîäðÿä÷èêà íà êà÷åñòâåííîå âûïîëíåíèå ðàáîò

permit — ïðîïóñê, ðàçðåøåíèå, ëèöåíçèÿ

pertaining — êàñàþùèéñÿ, ñâÿçàí-íûé

physicals — ðåàëüíûå òîâàðû pier — ïèðñ pilotage — ëîöìàíñêèé ñáîð place an order — ðàçìåùàòü çàêàç plenary — ïîëíûé, íåîãðàíè÷åííûé point — îäèí ïóíêò èçìåíåíèé â

öåíàõ íà àêöèè, â êóðñàõ âàëþò è ïðîöåíòíûõ ñòàâêàõ ~ out (indicate, show) — óêà-

çûâàòü, îáîçíà÷àòü pool — îáúåäèíÿòü port rates — îïëàòà óñëóã ïîðòà positive — ïîëîæèòåëüíûé, óòâåð-

äèòåëüíûé post — ïî÷òà

return ~ — îáðàòíàÿ ïî÷òà by return ~ — îáðàòíîé ïî÷òîé

postpone smth. — îòêëàäûâàòü ÷.-ë.

postponement — îòñðî÷êà powers of the leader — ïîëíî-

ìî÷èÿ ëèäåðà êîíñîðöèóìà practice — ïðàêòèêà practise — ïðèìåíÿòü, ïðàêòèêî-

âàòü, çàíèìàòüñÿ ê.-ë. äåÿòåëüíî-ñòüþ

procedure — ïðîöåäóðà, ïðîöåññ ïðîèçâîäñòâà ðàáîò

proceeds — ôèíàíñîâûå ñðåäñòâà process:

~ documentation — òåõíîëî-ãè÷åñêàÿ äîêóìåíòàöèÿ

~ engineering design pa-ckage — ïîëíàÿ ïðîåêòíàÿ äîêóìåíòàöèÿ ïî òåõíîëîãèè ïðîèçâîäñòâà

~ equipment — òåõíîëîãè÷åñêîå îáîðóäîâàíèå

procure — çàêóïàòü, ïðèîáðåòàòü, ïîñòàâëÿòü (îáîðóäîâàíèå)

procurement — çàêóïêà, ïîñòàâêà professional — ïðîôåññèîíàë, ñïå-

öèàëèñò profit margin — ïîêàçàòåëü ÷èñòî-

ãî äîõîäà â ïðîöåíòàõ ê îáúåìó ðåàëèçàöèè èëè êàïèòàëà

progress report — îò÷åò î õîäå âûïîëíåíèÿ ðàáîò

prohibition — çàïðåùåíèå project — 1. îáúåêò (ñòðîèòåëü-

íûé); 2. ïðîåêò take over a ~ — ïðèíÿòü îáúåêò

promotion — ðåêëàìíàÿ äåÿòåëü-íîñòü

prompt — áûñòðûé, ïðîâîðíûé propose — ïðåäëàãàòü, âíîñèòü

ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ~ smth. — ïðåäëîæèòü ÷.-ë. ~ to do (doing) smth. — ïðåä-

ëàãàòü ñäåëàòü ÷.-ë. ~ that someone should do

smth. — ïðåäëàãàòü, ÷òîáû ê.-ë. ñäåëàë ÷.-ë.

~ that smth. should be done — ïðåäëàãàòü, ÷òîáû ÷òî-òî áûëî ñäåëàíî

prospect — ïîòåíöèàëüíûé ïîêóïà-òåëü

prospective — áóäóùèé, âîçìîæ-íûé

protocol of division of supplies — ïðîòîêîë ðàçäåëåíèÿ ïîñòàâîê

provide — îáåñïå÷èâàòü, ñíàáæàòü, ïðåäîñòàâëÿòü ~ a construction site — ïðåäî-

ñòàâëÿòü ïëîùàäêó äëÿ ñòðîè-òåëüñòâà

~ for — ïðåäóñìàòðèâàòü ~ with — îáåñïå÷èâàòü, ñíàá-

æàòü provision — óñëîâèå, îãîâîðêà,

ïîëîæåíèå äîãîâîðà proxy — óïîëíîìî÷åííûé îò èìåíè

äðóãîãî ëèöà (ïðåäñòàâëÿòü, äåé-ñòâîâàòü, ãîëîñîâàòü)

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publicity — ðåêëàìà, ðåêëàìèðî-âàíèå

pull out — âûõîäèòü èç (îðãàíè-çàöèè)

purchase — ïîêóïàòü, çàêóïàòü, ïîêóïêà ~-r — ïîêóïàòåëü

put: ~ (smb.) in the picture —

îáúÿñíèòü ê.-ë., ÷òî ïðîèçîøëî ~ off — îòêëàäûâàòü ~ out — îïóáëèêîâàòü, èçäàâàòü

Q qualified — êâàëèôèöèðîâàííûé,

êîìïåòåíòíûé highly ~ — âûñîêîêâàëèôèöèðî-

âàííûé quarterly — ïîêâàðòàëüíî query — âîïðîñ questionnaire — îïðîñíûé ëèñò,

âîïðîñíèê quota — êîëè÷åñòâåííûå îãðàíè-

÷åíèÿ íà èìïîðò èëè âûïóñê ïðîäóêöèè

quotation — êîòèðîâêà, êóðñ, ñòîèìîñòü öåííîé áóìàãè, òåêó-ùàÿ öåíà è óñëîâèÿ ïîñòàâêè initial ~ — íà÷àëüíàÿ öåíà

quote — íàçíà÷àòü öåíó

R railway network — ñåòü æåëåçíûõ

äîðîã raise a point — ïîäíèìàòü âîïðîñ range of activity (-ies) — ìàñøòàá

(ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé) äåÿòåëüíîñòè rate — íîðìà, ðàçìåð, óðîâåíü

interest ~ — ïðîöåíòíàÿ ñòàâêà, ïðîöåíòû

at an annual interest ~ of ...% — èç ðàñ÷åòà ...% ãîäîâûõ

rates — ðàñöåíêè excessive ~ — çàâûøåííûå

ñòàâêè rating — îòíåñåíèå ê ðàçðÿäó,

êàòåãîðèè raw materials — ñûðüå, íåîáðà-

áîòàííûå ìàòåðèàëû êàê òîâàð ready for commercial operation —

ãîòîâûé ê êîììåð÷åñêîé ýêñ-ïëóàòàöèè

realize — îñîçíàâàòü, ïîíèìàòü, ïðåäñòàâëÿòü ñåáå

realise — ïðîäàæà àêòèâîâ recapitulate — ïîâòîðÿòü, ðåçþ-

ìèðîâàòü, ñóììèðîâàòü receipt — ïîëó÷åíèå

on ~ — ïî ïîëó÷åíèè recent — íåäàâíèé, ïîñëåäíèé,

ñâåæèé ~ developments — ïîñëåäíèå

ñîáûòèÿ ~ events — íåäàâíèå ñîáûòèÿ ~ information — ñâåæàÿ èíôîð-

ìàöèÿ ~ news — ïîñëåäíèå íîâîñòè

re-do — âíîâü ïîñòðîèòü, ïåðå-äåëàòü

reduce (to, by) — ñîêðàùàòü, ñíè-æàòü (äî, íà)

reduction — ñíèæåíèå, ñîêðàùåíèå re-exportation — ðåýêñïîðò

on the ~ basis — íà óñëîâèÿõ âðåìåííîãî ââîçà

refer (to) — 1. ññûëàòüñÿ (íà); 2. íàïðàâëÿòü, îòñûëàòü ~ to arbitration — ïåðåäàòü

äåëî â àðáèòðàæ reference — ññûëêà

~ to ... — óïîìèíàíèå, ññûëêà íà ...

with ~ to ... — ññûëàÿñü íà ... with further ~ — âíîâü ññû-

ëàÿñü íà ... regard — ñìîòðåòü, ñ÷èòàòü register — ðåãèñòðèðîâàòü, îòìå-

÷àòü ~-ed letter — çàêàçíîå ïèñüìî

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


registration — ðåãèñòðàöèÿ regular warehouse — ñêëàä äëÿ

ïîñòàâîê òîâàðîâ ïî êîíòðàêòàì regulations — ïðàâèëà, èíñòðóêöèÿ reimburse — âîçìåùàòü, âîçâðà-

ùàòü ñóììó ~-ment — ñòàâêà âîçìåùåíèÿ rate of ~-ment — ðàçìåð ñòàâêè

âîçìåùåíèÿ relate to — îòíîñèòüñÿ, èìåòü îò-

íîøåíèå ~-d services — ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå

óñëóãè ~-ing to — îòíîñèòåëüíî

relevant — óìåñòíûé, îòíîñÿùèéñÿ ê äåëó a ~ contract — ñîîòâåòñòâóþ-

ùèé êîíòðàêò a ~ remark — óìåñòíîå çàìå÷à-

íèå a ~ letter — ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåå

ïèñüìî reliable — íàäåæíûé remaining — îñòàëüíîé, îñòàâøèé-

ñÿ remind — íàïîìèíàòü êîìó-ëèáî

÷.-ë. remittance — ïåðåâîä

cash ~ — äåíåæíûé ïåðåâîä remoteness — óäàëåííîñòü remuneration — âîçíàãðàæäåíèå rent — 1. àðåíäíàÿ ïëàòà, ðåíòà,

ïëàòà çà ïðîêàò; 2. áðàòü èëè ñäàâàòü â àðåíäó, íàïðîêàò, âíàåì

repay — ïîãàøàòü (êðåäèò), âûïëà-÷èâàòü

replace smth. (smb.) by — çàìå-íÿòü, çàìåùàòü

replacement — çàìåíà reply — îòâåò

in reply to ... — â îòâåò íà ... representative, rep. — ïðåäñòà-

âèòåëü ôèðìû request — ïðîñüáà

at smb’s ~ — ïî ÷.-ë. ïðîñüáå require — íóæäàòüñÿ, òðåáîâàòü

~-ment — òðåáîâàíèå retailer — ðîçíè÷íûé òîðãîâåö reverse the right — îñòàâèòü çà

ñîáîé ïðàâî

revocable credit — îòçûâíîé êðåäèò (ïîä ïåðåâîäíîé âåêñåëü, ìîãóùèé áûòü îòîçâàííûì â ëþáîé ìîìåíò è áåç óâåäîìëåíèÿ)

resident representative — ïîñòî-ÿííûé ïðåäñòàâèòåëü

resources — ðåñóðñû, ñðåäñòâà, çàïàñû natural ~ — åñòåñòâåííûå ðå-

ñóðñû mineral ~ — çàïàñû ïîëåçíûõ

èñêîïàåìûõ responsible — îòâåòñòâåííûé

be ~ for — îòâå÷àòü çà ÷.-ë. hold smb. ~ — ñ÷èòàòü êîãî-

ëèáî îòâåòñòâåííûì re-state — óêàçûâàòü åùå ðàç resume — âîçîáíîâëÿòü, ïðîäîë-

æàòü ïîñëå ïåðåðûâà retain — óäåðæèâàòü, ñîõðàíÿòü retention amount, retention mo-

ney — ñóììà óäåðæàíèÿ, çàëîã retirement — âûõîä èç êîíñîð-

öèóìà revise — ïåðåñìàòðèâàòü,

èñïðàâëÿòü, ïðîâåðÿòü revision — ïðîâåðêà, èñïðàâëåíèå rise — ïîâûøåíèå, ïîäíèìàòüñÿ rough — ïðèáëèçèòåëüíûé, ãðóáûé royalt|y — ëèöåíçèîííûé ïëàòåæ,

ðîÿëòè running ~-ies — òåêóùèå ïëàòå-

æè, îò÷èñëåíèÿ rules — ïðàâèëà

work and safety ~ — ïðàâèëà òåõíèêè áåçîïàñíîñòè

run a business — âåñòè äåëî, ïðåäïðèÿòèå

S safety — áåçîïàñíîñòü, ñîõðàí-

íîñòü ~ precautions — ïðàâèëà îõðà-

íû òðóäà è òåõíèêè áåçîïàñ-íîñòè

sail — îòïëûâàòü, îòïðàâëÿòüñÿ salary — çàðïëàòà, ñòàâêà âîçìåùå-


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sale — ïðîäàæà, ñáûò ~-s resistance — îòñóòñòâèå

ñïðîñà salvage — íàãðàäà çà ñïàñåíèå

ãðóçà satisfaction — óäîâëåòâîðåíèå schedule — ãðàôèê, ðàñïèñàíèå

~ of payments — ãðàôèê ïëà-òåæåé

seat — ÷ëåíñòâî íà áèðæå service — îáñëóæèâàòü, ïðîâîäèòü

îñìîòð è ðåìîíò ~ a car — îáñëóæèâàòü àâòî-

ìîáèëü ~ equipment — îáñëóæèâàòü

îáîðóäîâàíèå serviceable — â ðàáî÷åì ñîñòîÿíèè set — êîìïëåêò, íàáîð

~ up (establish) — îðãàíèçî-âûâàòü, îñíîâàòü, ó÷ðåæäàòü, ñîçäàâàòü

settle (for, on) — äîãîâîðèòüñÿ î ÷.-ë., ñîãëàñèòüñÿ íà ÷.-ë.

share — 1. äîëÿ, äîëåâîå ó÷àñòèå; 2. àêöèÿ issue of ~-s — âûïóñê àêöèé ~-holder — äåðæàòåëü àêöèé

sheets of equipment — ñïåöèôè-êàöèÿ îáîðóäîâàíèÿ

ship — ãðóçèòü ~-ment — îòãðóçêà, îòïðàâêà ~-ping drawings and instruc-

tions — ïîãðóçî÷íûå ÷åðòåæè è èíñòðóêöèè

~-ping specification — îòãðó-çî÷íàÿ ñïåöèôèêàöèÿ

short: ~ bill — êðàòêîñðî÷íûé âåêñåëü ~ delivery — íåäîñòà÷à, íåäî-

ïîñòàâêà ~-delivered — íåäîïîñòàâëåí-

íûé ~ shipment — íåäîãðóç ~-shipped — îñòàâøèéñÿ íåäî-

ãðóæåííûì ~-term loan — êðàòêîñðî÷íûé

çàåì show (indicate, point out) — óêà-

çûâàòü, îáîçíà÷àòü signature — ïîäïèñü

over the ~ — çà ïîäïèñüþ to certify the ~ — óäîñòîâåðèòü


since — ïîñêîëüêó, òàê êàê skilled worker — êâàëèôèöèðî-

âàííûé ðàáî÷èé skimming (â ìàðêåòèíãå) — ïî-

ëèòèêà öåíîîáðàçîâàíèÿ äëÿ íî-âîãî òîâàðà (îñíîâàííàÿ íà åãî âûñîêîé íà÷àëüíîé ñòîèìîñòè)

slight — ñëàáûé, íåçíà÷èòåëüíûé soft goods — áûñòðîèçíàøè-

âàþùèéñÿ ìàëîöåííûé èíâåíòàðü sole — åäèíñòâåííûé, èñêëþ÷èòåëü-

íûé sophisticated — ñëîæíûé sound out — âûÿñíÿòü (ìíåíèå) speciality — ñïåöèàëüíîñòü specifically — îñîáåííî, ñïåöèàëü-

íî specification — ñïåöèôèêàöèÿ

as per ~ — â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñî ñïåöèôèêàöèåé

specify — òî÷íî îïðåäåëÿòü, óñòà-íàâëèâàòü

staff — 1. øòàò ñëóæàùèõ, ñëóæåá-íûé ïåðñîíàë; 2. îáåñïå÷èòü ñëó-æåáíûì ïåðñîíàëîì to be on the ~ — áûòü â øòàòå

stage — ñòàäèÿ at the ~ — íà ñòàäèè

stamp — øòàìï stand adjourned — îòñðî÷èâàòü,

îòêëàäûâàòü starting-up and adjustment ope-

rations — ïóñêî-íàëàäî÷íûå ðà-áîòû

stay — ïðåáûâàíèå a long, a short, a week’s ~ —

äëèòåëüíîå, êîðîòêîå, íåäåëü-íîå ïðåáûâàíèå

steady — óñòîé÷èâûé, òâåðäûé, ðîâíûé

step up work — ôîðñèðîâàòü ðàáîòû

stevedore — ñòèâèäîð, ïîðòîâûé ãðóç÷èê, ïîäðÿä÷èê, ïðîèçâîäÿ-ùèé ïîãðóçêó è ðàçãðóçêó ñóäîâ; ãðóçèòü, ðàçãðóæàòü ~-ing company — êîìïàíèÿ ïî

ïîãðóçêå è âûãðóçêå

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


stipulate — îáóñëîâëèâàòü, ñòàâèòü óñëîâèåì ~-tion — óñëîâèå, îãîâîðêà

stock exchange — ôîíäîâàÿ áèð-æà

storage — ñêëàäèðîâàíèå, õðàíå-íèå

store — õðàíèòü, ñêëàäèðîâàòü storehouse — ñêëàä stowage — ñêëàäèðîâàíèå, õðàíå-

íèå ~ of goods — õðàíåíèå òîâàðà

subcontractor — ñóáïîñòàâùèê, ñóáïîäðÿä÷èê

subject to ... — ïðè óñëîâèè, åñëè; íà òîò ñëó÷àé, åñëè; ïðè ñîáëþ-äåíèè ...

sublet — ïåðåäàâàòü â ñóáàðåíäó sub-licence — ñóáëèöåíçèÿ

grant a ~ — ïðåäîñòàâèòü ñóá-ëèöåíçèþ

submission — ïðåäñòàâëåíèå, ïî-äà÷à (äîêóìåíòîâ)

submit — ïðåäñòàâëÿòü (äîêóìåí-òû)

sufficient — äîñòàòî÷íûé suggest — ïðåäëàãàòü, ñîâåòîâàòü

~-ion — ïðåäëîæåíèå sum — ñóììà

balance ~ — îñòàòîê ñóììû invoice ~ — ñóììà, óêàçàííàÿ â

ñ÷åòå principal ~ — êàïèòàëüíàÿ ñóì-

ìà supervis|e — íàáëþäàòü, íàäçèðàòü,

êîíòðîëèðîâàòü ~-ion — íàäçîð, íàáëþäåíèå,

êîíòðîëü designer’s ~-ion — àâòîðñêèé

íàäçîð supplier — ïîñòàâùèê surplus — èçëèøíèé, èçáûòî÷íûé suspend — ïðèîñòàíàâëèâàòü, îòêë-


T tackle — áðàòüñÿ çà ÷òî-ëèáî, ðå-

øàòü ÷.-ë. talks — ïåðåãîâîðû

tariff — òàìîæåííàÿ ïîøëèíà èëè íàëîã íà èìïîðòèðóåìûå òîâàðû

tax — íàëîã indirect ~ (turnover) ~ — íàëîã

ñ îáîðîòà value-added ~ — íàëîã íà äî-

áàâëåííóþ ñòîèìîñòü ~-able — îáëàãàåìûé íàëîãîì

team — ãðóïïà technique(s) — ïðèåì, ìåòîä

assembly ~ — ïðèåìû, ìåòîäû ñáîðêè îáîðóäîâàíèÿ

throughput — ïðîïóñêíàÿ ñïî-ñîáíîñòü, ïðîèçâîäèòåëüíîñòü ïðåäïðèÿòèÿ çà ïåðèîä

time — âðåìÿ on ~ — âîâðåìÿ ~-limit — ïðåäîñòàâëåííîå âðå-

ìÿ, îïðåäåëåííûé ñðîê ~-sheet — òàéìøèò (âåäîìîñòü

ó÷åòà âðåìåíè, çàòðà÷åí-íîãî íà ïîãðóçêó è/èëè âû-ãðóçêó ñóäíà)

tonnage — òîííàæ, ãðóçîïîäúåì-íîñòü ñóäíà

total — îáùèé trace — ïðîñëåäèòü (õîä îáîðóäî-

âàíèÿ, äîêóìåíòà) traction unit — ïåðåäíÿÿ (òÿãîâàÿ)

÷àñòü ìîùíîãî òðàéëåðà trade date — äåíü, êîãäà çàêëþ-

÷àåòñÿ èëè èñïîëíÿåòñÿ ñäåëêà train — îáó÷àòü, ãîòîâèòü (ñïåöèà-

ëèñòà) trainee — ñòàæåð, ïðàêòèêàíò, ñïå-

öèàëèñò çàêàç÷èêà, êîìàíäè-ðîâàííûé â ñòðàíó ïîñòàâùèêà äëÿ îáó÷åíèÿ

training — îáó÷åíèå in plant ~ — îáó÷åíèå íà ïðåä-

ïðèÿòèè vocational ~ — ïðîèçâîäñòâåí-

íîå, ïðîôåññèîíàëüíîå îáó÷å-íèå

~ centre — ó÷åáíûé öåíòð transaction — ñäåëêà transfer — 1. ïåðåâîä, ïåðåâîäèòü,

ïåðå÷èñëÿòü äåíüãè; 2. ïåðåäà÷à ïðàâà, èìóùåñòâà, óñòóïàòü, ïåðå-äàâàòü ïðàâà cable (telegraphic) ~ — òåëå-

ãðàôíûé ïåðåâîä

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


weight: net and gross ~ — âåñ íåòòî è

áðóòòî wharf (pl. wharves) — âåðôü,

ïðè÷àë, ïðèñòàíü winch — ëåáåäêà

~-man — ëåáåä÷èê wind up (wound, wound) —

1. ñâåðíóòü (äåëà, ïåðåãîâîðû); 2. ëèêâèäèðîâàòü (ôèðìó)

wise — ðàçóìíûé withholding tax — ïîäîõîäíûé

íàëîã withstand (withstood) — óñòîÿòü,

âûñòîÿòü, âûäåðæàòü word — âûðàæàòü ñëîâàìè, ôîð-

ìóëèðîâàòü wording — ôîðìóëèðîâêà, ðåäàê-

öèÿ (ïàðàãðàôà)

work — ðàáîòà, ðàáîòàòü ~ according to schedule —

ðàáîòàòü ïî ãðàôèêó ~ out — ðàçðàáàòûâàòü, ñîñòàâ-

ëÿòü ~-ing capital — îáîðîòíûé

êàïèòàë ~-ing drawings — ðàáî÷èå

÷åðòåæè ~-ing model — ðàáî÷àÿ ìîäåëü

write off — ïîëíîå ñïèñàíèå àêòèâîâ ñ áàëàíñà, ñî ñ÷åòà

Y yield — äîõîä çà ãîä â âèäå

ïðîöåíòîâ íà âëîæåííûé êàïèòàë

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


transship — ïåðåãðóæàòü ~-ment — ïåðåãðóçêà, ïåðå-

îòïðàâêà, ïåðåâàëêà (ñ ñóäíà íà ñóäíî)

arrange for ~-ment — îðãàíè-çîâàòü ïåðåãðóçêó

transit — òðàíçèò in ~ — â ïóòè

transport vehicles — òðàíñïîðòíûå ñðåäñòâà

treasury bill — êàçíà÷åéñêèé âåê-ñåëü, êðàòêîñðî÷íàÿ öåííàÿ ïðà-âèòåëüñòâåííàÿ áóìàãà

trial run — ïðîáíàÿ ýêñïëóàòàöèÿ, îáêàòêà

turn-key construction — ñòðîè-òåëüñòâî íà óñëîâèÿõ "ïîä êëþ÷"

U unanimous — åäèíîäóøíûé, åäèíî-

ãëàñíûé unconventional — íåòðàäèöèîííûé,

íîâûé undertake — ïðåäïðèíèìàòü, áðàòü

íà ñåáÿ ~ responsibility to do smth. —

áðàòü îáÿçàòåëüñòâà, îáÿçàòüñÿ äåëàòü ÷.-ë.

undesirable — íåæåëàòåëüíûé unit — àãðåãàò, óñòàíîâêà

surface pump ~ — ñòàíîê-êà-÷àëêà, ïîìïà

~ of trading — ìèíèìàëüíàÿ

åäèíèöà ñäåëêè unload — ðàçãðóæàòü unloading — ðàçãðóçêà urge — ïîáóæäàòü usury — ÷ðåçìåðíàÿ èëè íåîáîñíî-

âàííàÿ ïðîöåíòíàÿ ñòàâêà, ðîñ-òîâùè÷åñêèé ïðîöåíò

utili|ty — ðàçëè÷íûå âèäû ýíåðãèè, ïîäâîäèìûå ê ðàáî÷åìó ìåñòó (ñòàíêó, ïðåäïðèÿòèþ) ~-zation — èñïîëüçîâàíèå ~-ze — èñïîëüçîâàòü

V vaccination — ïðèâèâêà vaccine — âàêöèíà valid — äåéñòâèòåëüíûé, äåéñòâåí-

íûé ~ claim — îáîñíîâàííàÿ ïðåòåí-

çèÿ ~ objection — óáåäèòåëüíîå

âîçðàæåíèå ~ argument (reason) — óáåäè-

òåëüíûé äîâîä ~-ity — äåéñòâèòåëüíîñòü, ëå-

ãàëüíîñòü, çàêîííîñòü, îáîñ-íîâàííîñòü

valuation — ïðîöåññ îöåíêè ÷.-ë. variable — èçìåí÷èâûé, íåïîñòî-

ÿííûé vary — èçìåíÿòüñÿ vendors’engineers — 1. êîìïàíèÿ

çàêàç÷èêà, îñóùåñòâëÿþùàÿ øåôìîíòàæ; 2. ñóáïîäðÿä÷èêè çàêàç÷èêà

venue — ìåñòî âñòðå÷è vessel — ñóäíî, êîðàáëü vot|e — ãîëîñ, ãîëîñîâàíèå, ãîëî-

ñîâàòü ~ing procedure — ïðîöåäóðà


W warehouse receipt — òîâàðíàÿ

êâèòàíöèÿ warranty — ãàðàíòèÿ, ðó÷àòåëüñòâî,

äîâåðåííîñòü, ðàñïèñêà watching — ñòîðîæåâàÿ îõðàíà way-bill — 1. æåëåçíîäîðîæíàÿ

íàêëàäíàÿ; 2. ñïèñîê òîâàðîâ äëÿ ïåðåâîç÷èêà ñ óêàçàíèåì ïóíêòîâ íàçíà÷åíèÿ

weather working day — ïîãîæèé ðàáî÷èé äåíü

weekly return — åæåíåäåëüíûé îò÷åò

weight — âåñ

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version



1. Àíòîíîâ Î. È. Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê äëÿ áèçíåñìåíîâ.— Ì.: Èíôîðìïå÷àòü, 1992.

2. Áîíê Í. À., Êîòèé Ã. À., Ëóêüÿíîâà Í. À. Ó÷åáíèê àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà.— Ì., 1992.

3. Êðàñèíñêàÿ Ì. Ñ., Ãîëîâèíà È. À. Ó÷åáíèê àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà äëÿ ÂÒÓ-Çîâ.— Ì.: Èçä-âî ëèò. íà èíîñòð. ÿç., 1977.

4. Ó÷åáíèê àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà äëÿ äåëîâîãî îáùåíèÿ.— Ì.: Âûñø. øê., 1982.

5. Ùåëêîâà Ò. Ã., Ìåëåõ È. ß. Êàê âåñòè áåñåäó ïî òåëåôîíó. Ïðàêòè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå ïî ðàçãîâîðíîìó àíãëèéñêîìó ÿçûêó.— Ì.: Âûñø. øê., 1989.

6. BBC Business English, Roger Owen. BBC English, PO Box 76, Bush House: London, 1992.

7. Close R. A. A Reference Grammar for Students of English.— M.: Prosve-shchenie, 1979.

8. Dear Sirs! Äåëîâàÿ ïåðåïèñêà ïî-àíãëèéñêè.— Ì.: Èçä. îáúåäèíåíèå "Êóëüòóðà", 1993.

9. Graver B. D. Advanced English Practice.— England: OXFORD, 1986. 10. In Business, Student’s Book Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd.— Walton-on-

Thames: UK, 1983. 11. Norman, Susan. We’re in Business. English for Commercial Practice and In-

ternational Trade: Students’ Book.— England: Longman, 1990. 12. O’Driscoll, Nina and Pilbeam, Adrian. Meetings and Discussions. Longman

Business English Skills.— England: Longman, 1990.

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ÏÐÅÄÈÑËÎÂÈÅ.................................................................................................................. 3

LESSONS (ÓÐÎÊÈ) ............................................................................................... 4

LESSON 1. The Functions of an Executive (Ôóíêöèè ðóêîâîäèòåëÿ)........ 4 LESSON 2. Line and Staff Positions (Ëèíåéíûå è øòàòíûå äîëæíîñòè) .. 11 LESSON 3. Product Development and Planning

(Ðàçâèòèå ïðîèçâîäñòâà è ïëàíèðîâàíèå) .................................. 18 LESSON 4. Marketing (Ðûíîê ñáûòà) .......................................................... 23 LESSON 5. Wholesaling (Îïòîâàÿ òîðãîâëÿ) ............................................... 29 LESSON 6. Retailing (Ðîçíè÷íàÿ ïðîäàæà) ................................................. 35 LESSON 7. Pricing (Öåíîîáðàçîâàíèå)........................................................ 42 LESSON 8. Computers (Êîìïüþòåðû).......................................................... 49 LESSON 9. Discussing Prices and Terms of Payment

(Îáñóæäåíèå öåí è ñðîêîâ ïëàòåæåé)........................................ 55 LESSON 10. Contract (Êîíòðàêò)................................................................... 60 LESSON 11. Talking Business (Ðàçãîâîð íà äåëîâóþ òåìó) ........................ 66 LESSON 12. An Offer (Äåëîâîå ïðåäëîæåíèå) ............................................. 69 LESSON 13. Visit to the Plant (Ïîñåùåíèå çàâîäà) .................................... 75 LESSON 14. Business Correspondence (Äåëîâàÿ ïåðåïèñêà) ...................... 81 LESSON 15. Speaking over the Telephone (Ðàçãîâîð ïî òåëåôîíó)........... 90 LESSON 16. Setting up a Limited Company and Investing in it

(Îñíîâàíèå êîìïàíèè ñ îãðàíè÷åííîé îòâåòñòâåííîñòüþ è åå èíâåñòèðîâàíèå) .................................... 98

LESSON 17. Sales and Finance Documentation (Òîðãîâàÿ è ôèíàíñîâàÿ äîêóìåíòàöèÿ)..................................... 105

LESSON 18. Applying for a Job (Óñòðîéñòâî íà ðàáîòó) ............................. 113

ÃÐÀÌÌÀÒÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉ ÑÏÐÀÂÎ×ÍÈÊ .......................................................... 127

ÈÌß CÓÙÅÑÒÂÈÒÅËÜÍÎÅ (THE NOUN) .............................................................. 127 Îáðàçîâàíèå ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà............................................................ 127 Îñîáûå ñëó÷àè óïîòðåáëåíèÿ ÷èñåë èìåí ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ ....................... 129 Ïàäåæè èìåí ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ.................................................................... 130

Îáùèé ïàäåæ (The Common Case) .............................................. 130 Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæ (The Possessive Case) ........................... 131

ÀÐÒÈÊËÜ (THE ARTICLE).................................................................................. 133 Íåîïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü (The Indefinite Article) ......................................... 133 Îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü (The Definite Article) ............................................... 134

ÌÅÑÒÎÈÌÅÍÈÅ (THE PRONOUN) ...................................................................... 136 Ëè÷íûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (The Personal Pronouns) ............................................. 136

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version


Ìåñòîèìåíèå it ............................................................................ 136 Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (The Possessive Pronouns)........................... 138 Âîçâðàòíûå ìåñòoèìåíèÿ (The Reflexive Pronouns) ..................................... 139 Óñèëèòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (The Emphasizing Pronouns)............................. 139 Îòðèöàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (The Negative Pronouns) ................................ 139 Íåîïðåäåëåííûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ (The Indefinite Pronouns) ............................. 140

Îñîáûå ñëó÷àè óïîòðåáëåíèÿ íåêîòîðûõ ìåñòîèìåíèé.............. 141 Ìåñòîèìåíèå one è ñïîñîáû åãî ïåðåâîäà ................................ 142

ÈÌß ÏÐÈËÀÃÀÒÅËÜÍÎÅ (THE ADJECTIVE) .......................................................... 144 Ñèíòàêñè÷åñêèå ôóíêöèè ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî .................................................. 144 Ñòåïåíè ñðàâíåíèÿ (The Degrees of Comparison)......................................... 144

ÈÌß ×ÈÑËÈÒÅËÜÍÎÅ (THE NUMERAL) ......................................................................... 146 Êîëè÷åñòâåííûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå (The Cardinal Numerals)............................... 146 Ïîðÿäêîâûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå (The Ordinal Numerals)....................................... 147

ÃËÀÃÎË (THE VERB) ....................................................................................................... 148 Îñíîâíûå ôîðìû ãëàãîëà ............................................................................ 148 Êëàññèôèêàöèÿ ãëàãîëîâ ïî íàçíà÷åíèþ è óïîòðåáëåíèþ .......................... 148 Ñèñòåìà âðåìåí............................................................................................ 149

Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû Indefinite ........................................................... 149 Íàñòîÿùåå íåîïðåäåëåííîå âðåìÿ (The Present Indefinite Tense) ..................................................................... 150 Ïðîøåäøåå íåîïðåäåëåííîå âðåìÿ (The Past Indefinite Tense) ..................................................................... 150 Áóäóùåå íåîïðåäåëåííîå âðåìÿ (The Future Indefinite Tense) ..................................................................................... 151

Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû Continuous......................................................... 152 Íàñòîÿùåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (The Present Continuous Tense) ..................................................................................... 152 Ïðîøåäøåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (The Past Continuous Tense) ..................................................................................... 153 Áóäóùåå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (The Future Continuous Tense) ..................................................................................... 153

Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû Perfect .............................................................. 154 Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ (The Present Perfect Tense) ........................................................................ 154 Ïðîøåäøåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ (The Past Perfect Tense) ........................................................................ 155 Áóäóùåå ñîâåðøåííîå âðåìÿ (The Future Perfect Tense) ........................................................................ 155

Âðåìåíà ãðóïïû Perfect Continuous ............................................ 156

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Íàñòîÿùåå ñîâåðøåííîå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (The Present Perfect Continuous Tense).................................. 156 Ïðîøåäøåå ñîâåðøåííîå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (The Past Perfect Continuous Tense) ...................................... 156 Áóäóùåå ñîâåðøåííîå ïðîäîëæåííîå âðåìÿ (The Future Perfect Continuous Tense) ................................... 156

Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû (The Modal Verbs) ........................................................ 156 Çíà÷åíèå ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ .................................................... 157 Ýêâèâàëåíòû ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ can, may, must .................... 160 Çíà÷åíèå íåêîòîðûõ ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ â ñî÷åòàíèè ñ ðàçëè÷íûìè ôîðìàìè èíôèíèòèâà........................................... 160

Ñîãëàñîâàíèå âðåìåí (The Sequence of Tenses) .......................................... 161 Ïðÿìàÿ è êîñâåííàÿ ðå÷ü (The Direct and Indirect Speech).......................... 163 Çàëîã (The Voice).......................................................................................... 165

Ñïîñîáû ïåðåâîäà àíãëèéñêîé ïàññèâíîé êîíñòðóêöèè.............. 166 Íàêëîíåíèå (The Mood)................................................................................ 167

Èçúÿâèòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå (The Indicative Mood)....................... 167 Ïîâåëèòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå (The Imperative Mood) ..................... 167 Ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå (The Subjunctive Mood) .................. 168

Ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå ïåðâîå (The Subjunctive I)............................ 168 Ñîñëàãàòåëüíîå âòîðîå (The Subjunctive II) ........................... 170

Ïåðåõîäíûå è íåïåðåõîäíûå ãëàãîëû (The Transitive and Intransitive Verbs) ......................................................................................... 172 Íåëè÷íûå ôîðìû ãëàãîëîâ (The Nov-Finite Forms of the Verb) ................... 172

Èíôèíèòèâ (The Infinitive) ...................................................... 172 Ãåðóíäèé (The Gerund) ........................................................... 173

Ïðè÷àñòèÿ ïåðåõîäíûõ è íåïåðåõîäíûõ ãëàãîëîâ (The Participles of the Transitive and Intransitive Verbs).............. 173 Ñõîäñòâî è ðàçëè÷èÿ ôóíêöèé ïðè÷àñòèÿ è ãåðóíäèÿ................. 174

ÍÀÐÅ÷ÈÅ (THE ADVERB) ............................................................................................... 176 Ôîðìû íàðå÷èé ............................................................................................ 176

ÏÐÅÄËÎÃ (THE PREPOSITION)....................................................................................... 178

ÑÎÞÇ (THE CONJUNCTION) .......................................................................................... 179

Ïðåäëîãè, íàðå÷èÿ è ñîþçû, ñîâïàäàþùèå ïî ôîðìå ................................ 181

ÏÐÅÄËÎÆÅÍÈÅ (THE SENTENCE) ................................................................................. 182

Ïîâåñòâîâàòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå (The Declarative Sentence) ...................... 182 Âîïðîñèòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå (The Interrogative Sentence) ........................ 182

Ïîðÿäîê ñëîâ â âîïðîñèòåëüíîì ïðåäëîæåíèè..................... 183 Ïîâåëèòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå (The Imperative Sentence) .............................. 184

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×ëåíû ïðåäëîæåíèÿ (The Parts of the Sentence) ......................................... 185 Ïîäëåæàùåå (The Subject) .......................................................... 185 Ñêàçóåìîå (The Predicate) ........................................................... 186 Ñëîæíîå äîïîëíåíèå (The Complex Object)................................ 187

Ñëîæíîïîä÷èíåííûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ (The Complex Sentences) ...................... 188

ÑËÎÂÎÎÁÐÀÇÎÂÀÍÈÅ (THE WORD BUILDING) ............................................................ 192 Àôôèêñàöèÿ (The Affixation) ....................................................................... 192 ×åðåäîâàíèå çâóêîâ (The Gradation) ............................................................ 194 Êîíâåðñèÿ (The Conversion) ......................................................................... 195

ÏÐÈËÎÆÅÍÈÅ ÀÍÃËÎ-ÐÓÑÑÊÈÉ ÑËÎÂÀÐÜ-ÌÈÍÈÌÓÌ ÄÅËÎÂÎÃÎ ßÇÛÊÀ ......................................... 196

ÑÏÈÑÎÊ ÈÑÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÍÎÉ È ÐÅÊÎÌÅÍÄÓÅÌÎÉ ËÈÒÅÐÀÒÓÐÛ ........................................ 217

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