nami texas board meeting agenda austin state hospital mission · 2018-06-24 · nami texas board...

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NAMI Texas Board Meeting Agenda Saturday, April 22, 2017

Austin State Hospital – Building 626 Conference Room


NAMI Texas is dedicated to improving the quality of life of all individuals living with mental illness and their families.

*Advocate * Educate * Eliminate Stigma * Support affiliate growth

9:00 am Board meeting called to order and quorum noted

Approval of the Agenda

Conflicts of interest noted

9:05 am Mission Moment – Linda Cantu

9:15 am NAMI Signature Programs - Adrienne Kennedy

9:30 a.m. Review of NAMI Texas Strategic Plan – Linda Cantu

9:45 am Group work by committees – strategic plan review and update

A – Nominating (Hal)

Hal, John, Linda D., Linda C.

B – Development/Fundraising/Conference (Yvonne)

Yvonne, David, Leah, Cindy, Ann, John

10:30 am C – Communication/Marketing/PR (David)

David, Yvonne, Leah, John, Hal

11:15 am D – Education (Cindy)

Cindy, David, Yvonne, Sherry, Linda D., Bill

When not in a committee, please sign thank you notes

11:45 am Lunch

12:30 pm Break

12:45 pm Review and approve the March 28 Board Minutes

12:55 pm Executive Director report – Holly Doggett

1:25 pm Public Policy Director report – Greg Hansch

▪ Request by Moms Demand Action to sign on to letter to oppose


1:40 pm Peer Policy Fellow report – Deborah Rosales-Elkins

1:50 pm Financial Status (Summary) – Bill Matthews

▪ Financial Reports: Balance Sheet, P&L for March 2017

▪ Recommendation from Audit Committee to hire Don Allman,

CPA to perform 2016 audit

2:00 pm Development/Fundraising/Conference Committee report – Yvonne


2:15 pm Education Committee report – Cindy Swain

2:30 pm Public Policy Committee report – Sherry Cusumano

2:50 pm Communications/Marketing/PR report – David Stine

3:05 pm Nominations Committee report – Hal Meyer

3:20 pm Unfinished Business

3:30 p.m. New Business

• NAMI Denton County requests the review and approval by NAMI Texas of an

amendment to their affiliate bylaws. The proposed amendment, which

consists of adding the underlined sentence at the end of Section 1, is as


"ARTICLE V: Directors' Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings

The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice a year at a time and place the

Board selects. Written notice shall be mailed or sent by electronic

communication to each member of the Board of Directors not less than ten

(10) days prior to the meeting. Meetings of the directors or committees may

be held by teleconferencing, provided that all the members participating can

hear and speak to each other simultaneously." (The additional sentence is

identical to one included in the NAMI Texas Bylaws.)

4:00 p.m. Adjourn


NAMI Texas Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 28, 2018

Austin, TX


NAMI Texas is dedicated to improving the quality of life of all individuals living with mental illness and their families.

*Advocate * Educate * Eliminate Stigma * Support affiliate growth 9:07 a.m. Board meeting called to order and quorum (minimum 7) noted BOD Attendance: Herb Cotner, Bill Matthews, Jesse Flores, Hal Meyer, Elise Banks,

Yvonne Broach, John Dornheim, Cindy Swain, Linda Denke, Andrew Horner, Sherry Cusumano and Diane Banks on phone.

Staff Attendance: Holly Doggett, Rebecca Koval, Greg Hansch, Deborah Rosales-Elkin (Patti on vacation)

Motion 1: Approval of the Agenda - Bill Matthews motioned and Hal Meyer seconded. Motion passed.

No conflicts of interest noted.

Motion 2: Review and approve the March 27, 2018 minutes. Bill Matthews motioned, and Elise Banks seconded. Motion passed.

Message from Chair – Board Expectations and Goals: We need unique topics and speakers for the annual conference to maintain status at forefront of mental health support and attract participants from across Texas and find ways to increase access to services in farthest reaches of rural Texas. One example is IESO, a telemedicine company funded through managed care carriers such as Beacon Health Care. Intensive evening outpatient therapy is available (through Hansen) and would be a possible example of new and exciting things that would attract new people to conference. Rural Health in the Crossroads by TexLa Telehealth Resource Center is devoted to telemedicine this year (Holly).

Executive Director Report – Holly Doggett will mail written report early next week. Patti

and Holly will be working on an online support group pilot approved by national. NT is under consideration for a direct mail pilot that would help pull back in lapsed members with message from national. NT will participate on military appreciation at RR Express Community Night game with table, pregame interview and ticket sales as contribution code and ticket sheet for $20 and NT keeps $10. Greg has been working on Hogg Foundation $400,000


joint NAMI Abilene and NAMI Texas effort. NT is on the short list of 20 and five of those will be chosen for $400K each over three years. Have requested $96,000 Meadows 2018 grant to support educational programming for NAMI Texas. Submitted $25 K grant request from Anderson Foundation. Applied for $500 from MHM for prison ministry. Greg has also applied for an outreach grant to address Central and East Texas from NIMH for $8000. Other potential grants being solicited by staff are Amgen, AMDEES, Magellan Healthcare Contract (Empowerment Symposium), Novartis. Financial Status (Summary) – approve – Bill Matthews

▪ Financial Reports – March and Y-T-D ▪ Notes:

See line 4351 restricted for annual conference; Empowerment Symposium is also restricted sponsorship and ticket sales as pass through funds like Suicide that cause distorted impression of financial 44800 funds will be used for 2018 MHM grant that goes partly to NT and partly to affiliates but is unrestricted. Some grant funds are totaled here but must last through 2020. Payroll taxes include a monthly and quarterly (three months). Expenses also reflect overages, but we are on budget considering the $60K that must be backed out for affiliates because of our accrual method of accounting. Travel and entertainment is from MHM grant staff expenses for conference reimbursements. Balance sheet includes funds we are holding for CHC Suicide Prevention and Symposium, etc., as assets. These are subtracted under liabilities less a 10% administrative fee to NT.

9:44 AM Motion 3: Herb Cotner motioned, and Linda Denke seconded to accept the financial reports. Motion passed.

Development/Fundraising – Andrew Horner

Board Development: 8 of 13 have made commitments. Donate what we can to support the board but also to express our approval of programs with a clear “ask.” Our goal is $15,000 through 100% participation as NT is in each board member’s top three charities. Reports one-third of the way there. See more information on this topic in the New Business and Annual Conference sections of the minutes.

Staff Updates:

The May 25 Empowerment Symposium in Corpus Christi has the goal to bring in $10,000 to reduce NAMI Texas debt. Holly and Andrew reported on the Empowerment Symposium. Holly listed several sponsorships in the range of $1500 to $2500 each. Andrew reports that Port Aransas and Rockport are almost back in


business so bring family and stay for the weekend. Rooms available now at $129 at the Emerald Beach Hotel. See flyer, session description, and schedule sent by Rebecca with a link to registration page. Holly reports all staff have contributed to the organizing for this one-day conference which is offered at a low registration price ($40 for NAMI members) by design to attract as many interest persons as possible. Bill asked about recording the conference and there is not enough budgeted, but all materials will be posted on the NAMI Texas website. NAMI Smarts teacher training is confirmed for Dallas (at a NAMI cost of $5-6K) for August 17-19, 2018. May is Mental Health Month – Cure Stigma is the NAMI Texas theme (see Marketing and Communication section for more on this report). Rebecca reported on Network for Good. She encouraged each board member to create a page on NFG (or to send an email to our contacts) explaining why we support NAMI Texas. Holly complimented all staff for their team work in discovering new grants that promote the NAMI Texas mission and the BOD expressed strong appreciation. Holly also announced this would be the last board meeting attended by Deborah Rosales-Elkin as her internship is ending. The board expressed appreciation and acknowledged she will be greatly missed for her excellent work for NAMI Texas.

Public Policy Committee – Sherry Cusumano. Presented by Greg Hansch. A written

report is forthcoming next week.

Top legislative planks from the committee for the next session starting in 2019: 1. Increase mental health system capacity, funding, and reduce waitlists. Texas is

lagging most of the rest of the country having not caught up to levels prior to the 2003 funding cuts for state agencies.

2. Expand programming to increase access to services and programs addressing first episode psychosis. Public policy director has written to HHS to expand programming from ten to twenty geographical sites across the state.

3. Establish a Medicaid reimbursement waiver for the collaborative care model (proven to reduce costs with better health outcomes) of services and care through building capacity in the primary care system to include behavioral health services, telemedical care, and other collateral services.

4. Other issues include prison outreach and criminal justice, substance use, children’s mental health, and health equity (Hogg’s focus on closing gap for populations who do not get health services and community conditions that result in inequity of access to care). NT is also concerned about prevention of adverse mental health conditions. The Public Policy Committee is suggesting Speaker Joe Strauss to be honorary chair of annual conference with Representative Four Price (Amarillo) and Senator John Whitmire (Harris County) as speakers or back up honorary chair. Bill also suggested


Oscar Kazen (former associate probate court judge anchoring Bexar County’s mental health docket - San Antonio) as a supportive speaker. Linda suggested Dallas jail diversion director (Keta Dickerson) as speaker and Greg suggested Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez.

Marketing and Communications – Elise Banks

May is Mental Health Month – Cure Stigma is the NAMI Texas theme. Elise Banks provided two handouts to the BOD, schedule and interview questions that might be responded to by board members. Communications Report will include an email requesting a response and photo from each board member. Andrew added that NAMI was able to convince the mayor in Corpus Christi to make a proclamation about May as mental health month. Alternatively, the information could be sent out by email by each board member. Patti Haynes has created an email advertisement and has raised money for NT. We are encouraged to participate using available tools to raise funds. Elisa continued reporting with the potential luncheon featuring a celebrity. Phone conference with Katrina Gay from NAMI national is pending.

Education Report:

Education Director Patti Haynes submitted written report including program updates, trainings, and research. Patti has taken over Affiliate Outreach and Standards of Excellence work because the grant supporting Stacy Hollingworth has been exhausted. Staff are working on reapplying for Meadows Grant to provide continued support for Patti’s excellent work. Greg and Herb provided information on trainings for police and peer support. NAMI Texas has been endorsed by the state to provide the forty-hour mental health training for officers, but the implementation has been loose, at best, and Herb reports that the training currently being promulgated is inferior to training previously required for mental health officers. This discussion will be added to a future agenda when NAMI Texas can discuss its options for addressing this important area.

2018 Annual Conference:

Andrew summarized contributions for speakers, honorees, sponsorships $10,000, 5000, 2500, 1500 levels, exhibiters. New this year will be the Caring Friend Table Host which is $2500 for a table including eight tickets at the awards gala and friend sponsorship. Net goal for the conference is $65,000 depending heavily on the awards dinner and contacts for sponsorships.

Affiliate Outreach: Discussed recent activities resulting in merging two of more affiliates with a larger affiliate. This practice enables the smaller affiliates to continue satellite identity by convening meetings, providing programming, and otherwise meeting national


Standard of Excellence obligations. The absorbing affiliate continues to provide valuable support to the smaller group.

New Business:

Executive Director, Holly Doggett, informed the BOD that even though the financials appear healthy, if revenue does not increase, at the current rate of expenses, NAMI Texas will not be able to meet payroll through the end of 2018. Jesse Flores recommended NAMI Texas determine ways it can assist affiliates that will create alternative and new revenue streams for NAMI Texas and affiliates. Aimee Turney added that this should be a coordinated strategy utilizing volunteers as much as possible. Holly described staff efforts to fund these types of NAMI Texas efforts, especially in bringing programming to unserved or underserved areas in Texas, through the HB 13 grant application. The results of that grant should be announced by June.

Action Taken: The Chair appointed an ad hoc subcommittee of the Development/Fundraising Committee to address these concerns. The subcommittee called the Revenue Discovery Committee members are Bill Matthews, Jesse Flores, Aimee Turney, and Andrew Horner. They will discuss ideas and bring a report on their progress to the May 22, 2018 BOD meeting.

Motion 4: Approve delaying start of phone conference board meetings to 5:30-7:20 to accommodate individual board members who may not get off work until 5 PM. Aimee Turney motioned, and Linda Denke seconded. Motion passed. Motion 5: Approve the request from the Greater Houston affiliate for NAMI Texas to endorse and participate in “Wear Orange” Day which promotes Gun Sense. Bill Matthews motioned that NAMI Texas issue a press release supporting this effort on the NAMI TX website. Jesse Flores seconded. Motion passed.

Chair invited motion to adjourn. Aimee Turney motioned the meeting be adjourned and Linda Denke seconded. Motion passed. Adjourned: 1:24 PM. Next meeting5:30, May 22, conference call/webinar.

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