my trailer timeline

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Moment of disequilibrium Period of equilibrium Period of disequilibrum

Start End

0.01sc Mid-angle shot of the protagonist Israel playing with him self, with diegetic sound of a littles girls voices singing a playground rhyme

0.03scCut scene, in a midshot angle of the foster mother looking up as if she hard something, while diegetic sound from the first shot continues through the scene becoming a non-diegetic sound

between scenes to build up tension between

non-diegetic sound still continues through shots, there is a glitchy effect to the shots making it seem an old video tape which jump-cuts fast


0.12scThe non-diegetic sound starts to fade to silence, and turn in to a rewinding sound effect, let the audience know that something is going to happen.

Non-diegetic sound of a piano playing, with the universal tone card


0.16scproduction companies Ident card ’Vision Production

0.17scNarration of the main protagonists Israel overlapping the non-diegetic sound of the piano, with a tracking shot of Israel and Social worker walking to the house letting the audience see the setting the environment

0.27scTone card ‘The truth has always been hidden’

0.18scThe scene mum cuts from Israel’s to Aishas face to show there emotions towards each other to make the audience feel sympathetic towards Israel

Gabriella a jump cut to the image off getting up looking at it then

Non-diegetic sound still continues, close up mid-shot of Israel looking up at a picture,which tracks him


0.41sc fast jump-cuts between the image of Gabriella and her standing outside with a glitch effect to it letting the audience know something had happened to her , and bilds up tension and fear within the audience

0.44scTone card

social worker Aisha calling the close-up shot of 0.50sc

0.55sc-fast jump-cuts with glitchy effects in some scene to show the paranormal genre, with a dramatic fast paste non-diegetic sound playing over the scenes, by doing this it starts to build fear within the audience

1.17Shown Gabriella laughing with an echoey effect to it making her seam very vileness

2.29Gabriella and israel are overlaying each other in a mid-shot but it loops creating paste within the scene

mid-shot of Aisha closing her eyes with a memory showing of her mother saying that she will never lover her then this fast cuts to israle holding a drawing which leads to Aisha to be angry and push him as he disturbed her


1.30midshot of Israel in Gabrella’s voice saying ‘mummy killed me’ which lets the audience know that there is a dark side to Aisha, making the audience want to know her back story

0.40Aisha wispering that ‘shes gone she dead’ over and over showing fear she does this while holding her phone ring to film what is happening

1.53Tone card ‘coming soon’

My Trailer Timeline

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