my photos and edited versions

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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My photos and edited versions

Front CoverI firstly cropped some of the background away leaving a smaller frame with just my model and some background on. Secondly, removed the background on Photoshop using the Quick Selection Tool. The reason this was so simple is because I had purposely used a plain white background so that it could be selected easily. If the background was multi-coloured it would have been far more complex. Once the background was removed I used the eraser tool to even out the sides of the polo shirt as some of the shadow was still on the photo after the Quick Selection Tool background removal. Turning the photo black and white was extremely easy, I simply used the “black and white tool.” I made sure that the photo was selected and literally clicked the black and white tool and it did all the hard work for me. This creates a vintage and stylish look effortlessly.

Contents pageMy contents page photo is a longshot with a plain white background. I have used the rule of thirds which creates space on the left of my model for any articles as this is for my contents page. My editing for this piece consisted of cropping my model completely out of the page and creating a separate document. The thinking behind this is that I can place the original photo on my InDesign page, add the “CONTENTS” text on top of this photo overlapping my models head. I can then add my cropped photo and place this directly over my model by scaling it perfectly. This will create the illusion that the photo’s are in fact one photo and I have almost peeled my models head off the page, inserted the text and then stuck it back on to the screen.

Contents page – part 2


This is how I plan on creating the overlapping effect. I will need to use tools such as cropping, resizing, adding text, removing backgrounds and so on. This may seem only a small idea but I believe that it will make my magazine look a lot more professional.

Double page spread – first photoI went for a medium close up with of three models, forming my fictional band. The camera is level with their eyes creating the illusion they are looking directly at the reader, drawing their attention Like a lot of bands, I decided that the band needs a lead performer and therefore positioned my models in a triangular shape with the point of this triangle being my main band member and therefore being closer to the camera.

Secondly, I realised that I had “overlit” my main band members face, this could effect the black and white effect. I therefore used the Photoshop “burn” tool to darken his face creating a more natural look.

Double page spread – second photo

My camera angle has changed and it is now a low-angle shot towards my fictional band with them looking down on the camera and also the reader. This displays dominance and power.

Double page spread - editingI selected everything bar the blue jumper using the quick selection tool on both photos. I then used the black and white tool, however for the photo where the camera is level with the eyes I instead of using the regular default settings I had to use the maximum black due to how bright the face is. By doing this it makes up for the bright face.

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