my essential email habits to boost productivity

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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I have learned my essential email habits the hard way. Just like many others I dealt with email related stress daily. I was overwhelmed but I have decided to learn how to manage my email so that it does not manage me. The email habits I present to you are universal and easy to implement, regardless of your work position or where you work. Just like with any other habit it is best to fight the old one by implementing the new healthier one. Give it a try. One by one and you’ll see the results fast.


Email Habitsto Boost Productivity




Essential Email Habits to Boost Productivity

I have learned my essential email habits the hard way. Just like many others I dealt with email related stress daily. I was overwhelmed but I have decided to learn how to manage my email so that it does not manage me. The email habits I present to you are universal and easy to implement, regardless of your work position or where you work. Just like with any other habit it is best to fight the old one by implementing the new healthier one. Give it a try. One by one and you’ll see the results fast.

Schedule and limit email processing timesKeeping email open and checking it frequently is totally counter productive. One of my essential email habits is scheduling “email processing time”. It’s not the same as “email reading time” though. I open my email and process it quickly. I turn emails into tasks, reference material and calendar events where they belong instead of reading through them.#1

Decide quickly and take action

Email management is about making decisions fast. I’ve learned to act quick. I open an email and I make a quick decision based on my altered GTD methodology. Turn email into ‘to dos’, calendar events, reference material or trash them. Simple!#2

Plan your time and add things to the calendar

I always keep my calendar open when I work on my emails. Why? Because this way I can easily turn some things into planned events. #3

Use keyboard shortcuts whenever you can

The key ones that I use to make email management more efficient are ‘gi’ to go back to the inbox, ‘a’ for archive, Shift-3 to delete, ‘c’ for compose, ‘r’ for reply, ‘f’ for forward, ‘a’ to reply to all, ‘gs’ to go to my starred messages, Tab Return when I’m composing a message to send and archive it.


Keep your emails short and sweet

I challenge myself to answer all emails with 1-5 sentences. Keeping emails short means it’s quick to reply. I have also observed that people usually adjust quickly to my communication and most often they are grateful they don’t have to wade through an essay to get the key information.


Turn emails into tasks quickly

Instead of looking for my todos that are mixed in with all kinds of other things, making it hard to figure out what needs to be done, I turn every actionable email into a task on a simple to do list.#6

Keep your inbox tidy and archive all you can

I instantly archive all the emails I’ve read or/and acted upon. This means that if I read an email and don’t act on it, it disappears from my inbox.#7

Bookmark, read later or leave for reference

turn all actionable emails into tasks and to turn all the reference material emails into… reference material . So if someone would send me something to read I open the link and add it to Instapaper or Pocket to read later.#8

Close email when done and skip notifications

Once I’ve decided to stick to my scheduled email time, I also made a conscious decision to keep email closed once it’s done. To brake the habit of constant checking it I have also decided to turn off all the notifications.#9

UNMESS YOUR LIFEstarting with your inbox

Email overload has got to you? You feel like the inbox is controling you and not the other way around. It’s time to unmess your life and learn to manage your inbox better. We want you to give UNMESS App a try. For those who want to reach mailbox zero without changing the habits and tools, UNMESS is an app that saves time daily organising your mailbox organically. Unlike other solutions, UNMESS doesn't require changes in account or learning new habits. It changes so that you don't have to.


ABOUT UNMESSan app to help you manage your inbox

UNMESS app helps you manage your inbox daily without changing your habits or settings of your inbox. Use your Gmail account to sign up for best to get exclusive access & benefits. Unmess is compatible with any Gmail account by one-click integration. It works with any email client, operating system and device. We take your privacy seriously and make sure your data stays secure. We never get and store your password and we do not store any of your emails. To learn more visit our blog.



By Alejandro Escamilla Photo Credit: @Doug88888 via Compfight cc Photo Credit: morberg via Compfight cc Photo Credit: photosteve101 via Compfight cc Photo Credit: lastquest via Compfight cc Photo Credit: Photography by Tiwago via Compfight cc Photo Credit: Daniel Kulinski via Compfight cc Photo Credit: pavlinajane via Compfight cc Photo Credit: {Zack} via Compfight cc Photo Credit: Mexicanwave via Compfight cc

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