my autobiography

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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Estefany Alejo Rocha. A01371733. Group 07.


Estefany Alejo Rocha.


Group 11.

Teacher Claudia Ivette Bustos.

My name is Estefany Alejo Rocha; I was born the

22th of April, 1997 in Mexico City. I have two sisters named Patricia and Elizabeth; my parents are Maria Dolores Rocha Picasso and Victor Alejo Muñoz. When I was four years old, I went to a kindergarten called ‘Loyola’.


I really liked that school, because I was able to play

with other children and there were a lot of different games. When I was six years old, I went to elementary school; it was a big change, because I was accustomed to my old school. I went to a lot of different schools to see what school I liked the most.


I visited many schools, but no school convinced me

until I visited the primary school named ‘Anne Sullivan’. I was really surprised at the structure of this school, because it was really big, there were many buildings with different colored pictures of popular kid shows like ‘Rugrats’. Immediately I told my mother that I wanted to enroll in that school. My mother liked the school too, so it was perfect for me.


When I entered to that school, I was really excited. I

met many children, I immediately talked to a girl near my seat,her name was Kenia. This girl had a friend called Aline, we spent every break together and talk about things we liked.


When I was on third grade, I decided to change to

another school, because the level of education was going down and I didn’t like it. I searched for other schools near my house and I found a beautiful school called ‘Colegio Piave’.


Since fourth grade I enrolled in that school and I

made a lot of friends. My best friend was Claudia, we used to do everything together, it was really cool. She was my best friend for the entire elementary school.


When I entered to secondary school, I found a girl

named Sharon, who went to my old school ‘Anne Sullivan’ it was really weird, because we didn’t even talk but when she enrolled in my school we had the opportunity to talk and to know better each other.


Sharon is a really good friend, I’m still in touch with

her. When I first met her, I didn’t believe we were going to establish a friendship, but I was wrong. She is like my sister, we both like the same things, we have the same ideas and goals and of course we look very alike.


When I was on first grade of secondary, I took up a

course on my school about classic music with my best friend, it was really fun because we had to sing classic music. I went to a contest representing my school, my school was the winner of that competition, I was really proud. At the end of my first grade of secondary I got a diploma.


Then, I entered to second grade and it was really

interesting, because I learned new topics. I switched to a ‘Cooking course’ it was amazing, because I learned how to cook a lot of different things including lasagne. At the end of my second grade, I got another diploma and I was in the escort of the school.


I entered to my last grade, third grade. There, I met

my boyfriend called Ricardo. We’ve been dating for 1 year and 2 months, he is really cute. My best memory of third grade is when I traveled to Europe, it was amazing.


I went to Spain to visit my sister, because she is

studying there. When I arrived to Spain I couldn’t believe how beautiful the airport was. I was tired because of the flight, but I still remember all the structure of the airport.


I spent 2 weeks in Spain with my family, I really like

Spain it is my favorite country. Spain has a lot of culture, beautiful buildings and I think Spanish people are nice.


I also enrolled in a Russian course, it was really

interesting. My teacher ‘Elvira Giniyatova’ was also my English teacher, she is very intelligent and she speaks 4 languages. Russian is very difficult, because they use a different alphabet, so it was hard to memorize the different symbols that represented the letters.


I practiced very night the language and that helped

me to improve my vocabulary. I know Russian thanks to my teacher Elvira, she has a kid called ‘Paul’, he is 4 years old and I am very close to him. I’m still in touch with her, because she is really supporting. She helped me a lot during my secondary and I really appreciate that.


My sister Elizabeth got married that year, I loved

her wedding, my sister looked beautiful with her white dress. Her husband named Edgar is a nice guy and I really like him. That year, my sister got pregnant, I was really excited because of the baby. My nephew Nicolas was born the 13 of February of 2012. He is really handsome and funny, I I love him a lot.


When I was on third grade, I didn’t think about my

high school, I was really focus on my secondary school. I was worried, because I was confused about my choice. Finally, I decided that I wanted to enroll in a high school named ‘Tecnológico de Monterrey’. I got a 50% scholarship because of my average. I was really excited, because the school was amazing.


I used to go to a gym near my house, to be honest I

don’t really like to do exercise, but I prefer to eat healthy food. My favorite food is Mexican food, it is really spicy sometimes and it has a lot of variety. I play 2 instruments the violin and the piano, but I don’t play them anymore because I don’t have enough time.


I listen to every type of music, but my favorite

genders are the rap,rock,and electronic. My favorite singers are Robbie Williams and Leon Larregui. I really like sports like tennis and soccer.


My favorite soccer player is Lionel Messi from FCB

Barcelona, I think he is an amazing person. He achieved his goals no matter the obstacles, now he is considered the best soccer player of the world, he is my role model in life.


I like tennis too, I am a fan of Rafael Nadal and Juan

Martin Del Potro. I like the style of Del Potro while he is playing, but definetely my favorite is Nadal. Rafael Nadal is a champion of tennis, he has won many trophies in one year, and even he has a lot of rivals he’s still the best.


Finally, I entered to high school, it was all different

from my secondary school. I was accustomed to other things but I really liked the structure and buildings of my new school.


There, I met my 5 friends: Antonio,

Jorge,Salvador,Aurelio,Uriel and Fernanda. Antonio is my closest friend, because we have the same humor and thoughts, even when we get mad at each other we try to fix the things quickly.


I liked my first semester, because I had a nice

schedule, good teachers and of course I really enjoy learning new things. One day, my teacher Dessi gave us our proyect for the first partial, that proyect was to made tortas in teams, immediately I got really excited because I really wanted to do that proyect. The day of the proyect, everybody in my team brought all the material to make tortas, the result was really positive, so we decided to take a photo.


At the end of my first semester, I went on vacation

with my family to ‘ La Riviera Maya’. I really like that place, because it is really nice and the weather is perfect. I stayed there for almost 4 days and it was amazing, because I practiced my English with foreign people, it was a new experience.


Finally, I entered to second semester. I was happy

about seeing my friends again, and learning new things. My schedule was perfect and my teachers too.


Actually, I am 15 years old, I’m still in second

semester. My full-fill dream is to become a doctor and my short-term goal is to finish my high school. That’s all for now.


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