music video treatment - light up the background, by the lafontaines

Post on 19-Jan-2015






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A video, shot in generally soft lighting, showing a boy being affected by and then

rejecting the negative influences in his life.

There will be action shots of him on his BMX, which will feature slow motion and essence machine shots to emphasise the

most important parts of the video. There will be lots of close ups some point of view


The scenes that will be shot on the beach will be soft and there may be some slow motion. I am wanting to do an over the

shoulder shot of Max looking out to sea. I may also feature him walking on the beach

to use later on in my music video.

These shots may be darker, as they will be shot around dusk to help convey them as

being dangerous, since dark is perceived as dangerous. I will be trying to get some close-

ups here of people’s feet and their interactions.

The lighting in these scenes will be fairly bright because of the fact the skatepark is lit with bright fluorescent lighting that I will not be able to change. I will edit the scenes to

make them look less stark but I don’t want to ruin them.

The bedroom will be used only a few times in my video, to show Max watching a viral

video that is going to be ‘negatively influencing’ him.

It will be dimly lit like in the photo below.

When we see the house, it will look warm and welcoming, to contrast with the things

that Max is feeling. It will have lots of subtle homey features, like fruit bowls, tea towels,

notebooks, etc.

The style of the video will be not be overly flashy. There will be a lot of close up shots as well as some slow motion aspects. The

cuts will be fairly frequent, and the beginning will be slower than the rest.

The mood of the video will be downcast towards the beginning and we will be feeling sorry for Max, as we see him be pressured and beaten up. However, the ending of the

video will be more uplifting as he overcomes these.

A video showing a difficult time in an average teenage life that the audience

should be able to relate to and empathise with.

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