muscles of the facial expressions

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Muscles of the Facial Expressions. Muscles of the Head & Neck. Include muscles that move the face, tongue, and larynx Responsible for verbal and nonverbal communication, eating, and control of eye movements Subdivided into groups: Muscles of facial expression Muscles of mastication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Muscles of the Head & Neck

Include muscles that move the face, tongue, and larynx

Responsible for verbal and nonverbal communication, eating, and control of eye movements Subdivided into groups:

Muscles of facial expression Muscles of mastication Muscles of the tongue Muscles of the pharynx & larynx Muscles of the eye

Muscles of Facial Expression

Originate on the surface of the skull Insertions are woven into the superficial

fascia and the dermis therefore, when they contract the skin moves

Innervated by the facial nerve

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Muscles of Facial Expression - Mouth

Buccinator – Compresses cheeks

Orbicularis oris - Compresses, purses lips

F:Depressor labii inferioris - Depresses lip A:Levator labii superioris – Elevates upper lip D:Risorius - Draws corner of mouth to the side E:Depressor anguli oris – Depresses corner of

mouth C:Zygomaticus major, B:Zygomaticus minor –

retracts and elevates corner of mouth

Mentalis – Elevates and protrudes lower lip

Muscles of Facial Expression - The Eye

B: Corrugator supercilii – Pulls skin inferiorly and anteriorly; wrinkles brow

C: Orbicularis oculi – Closes eye

Levator palpebrae superioris – Elevates upper eyelid

Muscles of Facial Expression -


Procerus – moves nose, changes position and shape of nostrils

•Nasalis – compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose; elevates corners of nostrils

Muscles of Facial Expression - Ear

Temporoparietalis – tenses scalp, moves pinna of ear

Muscles of Facial Expression - Scalp

Frontalis – Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead

•Occipitalis – Tenses and retracts scalp

Muscles of Facial Expression - Neck

Platysma – tenses skin of neck, depresses mandible

1. Orbicularis oris2. Orbicularis oculi3. Frontalis4. Buccinator5. Zygomaticus major & minor

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