muscle tissue practice questions

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

What are two alternative names for this tissue?

1. Involuntary, non-striated muscle

2. Visceral muscle

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Where is this tissue found?

Walls of the heart (the “myocardium”)

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

Describe the myofibril arrangement in this tissue.

Dense, orderly arrangement producing dark striations

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

Describe the “cell type” for this tissue

Elongated, tapered fibers arranged as bundles, sheets, or


What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What degree of control do we have over this tissue type?

Voluntary control

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What are two alternative names for this tissue?

1. Involuntary, striated muscle2. Heart muscle

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

Describe the nuclear arrangement for this tissue.

One nucleus in the center of the cell

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Describe the vascular supply for this tissue.

Dense capillary network, continuous supply

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

Where is this tissue found in the human body?

Usually attached to the bones of the skeleton on one or both ends.

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

Describe the nuclear arrangement for this tissue.

Multiple, peripheral nuclei

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

Describe the vascular supply for this tissue.

Good blood supply, but highly variable

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What microscopic “view” is seen in this picture?

Cross-section (short axis)

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Describe the “cell type” for this tissue.

Short fibers which form a branching & weaving network

with intercalated discs

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

How does this muscle tissue rank against the other two for blood


Ranks 2nd

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

Describe the contraction of this muscle tissue.

Rhythmic, powerful, yet slow to contract & relax

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What is an alternative name for this muscle tissue?

Voluntary, striated muscle

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What identifying characteristics (list primary & secondary) are

visible in this slide?

• 1. Primary – multiple, peripheral nuclei

• 2. Primary – long, cylindrical, parallel fibers

• 3. Secondary – dark striations

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Describe the myofibril arrangement in this tissue.

Dense (but less than skeletal), orderly producing faintly visible


What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

How does this muscle tissue rank against the other two for blood


Ranks 3rd

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What microscopic “view” is seen in this picture?

Longitudinal section (long axis)

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What are the “darker” lines called?

Intercalated discs

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

Describe the “cell type” for this tissue.

Long, cylindrical, parallel fibers arranged as bundles within


What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What degree of control do we have over this tissue type?

Involuntary control

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Describe the nuclear arrangement for this tissue.

One (sometimes two in larger cells) nucleus in center of cell

What tissue is this?


Skeletal muscle tissue

Describe the vascular supply for this tissue.

Good blood supply, varies with activity

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Describe the contraction of this muscle tissue.

Rhythmic, rapid, repeating, fibers show coordinated contraction

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

Where is this tissue found?

Walls of Internal Organs

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

Describe the contraction of this muscle tissue.

Vigorous, short duration,fibers contract independently (fatigue


What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

Describe the myofibril arrangement in this tissue.

Least dense, random arrangement producing no visible


What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

How does this muscle tissue rank against the other two for blood


Ranks 1st

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

What degree of control do we have over this tissue type?

Involuntary control

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What is the most prominent identifying characteristic visible?

Intercalated discs

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What is the “striped” or “banded” look seen in this slide called?

Striated or striations

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

Name an organ in the body where this tissue can be found.

Walls of stomach, intestines, esophagus, bladder, uterus,

arteries, and more

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

The cell membrane of the tissue is called what?


What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Name an organ in the body where this tissue can be found.

Only found in the walls of the heart called the myocardium

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What are these?

Multiple, peripheral nuclei

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

Name an organ in the body where this tissue can be found.

Name any muscle from the quiz lists such as biceps brachii,

trapezius, deltoid, etc.

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

Are there visible striations in this picture?


Skeletal muscle tissue

What is the structure between these arrows called?

The arrows point to the Z-lines. That makes what is between

them a sarcomere.

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

This tissue has parallel fibers, so why isn’t it skeletal muscle


Intercalated discs visible; single, centered nucleus per cell visible;

light striations visible

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue (cross section)

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue (cross section)

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue (cross section)

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Smooth muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Cardiac muscle tissue

What tissue is this?

Skeletal muscle tissue

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