multiple sequence alignment

Post on 10-Dec-2015






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Multiple Sequence Alignment With Minimum Spanning Tree

Multiple Sequence Alignment With Minimum Spanning TreeArya BrahmantyabogaApa Itu Minimum Spanning Tree?Weighted Graph setiap edge mempunyai angkaSeluruh vertice&edge dari weighted graph Minimum Spanning TreeMeminimalisasikan total weight dari weighted graphCara Membuat Minimum Spanning TreeAlgoritma KruskalList semua edge dan urutkan berdasarkan weightPilih edge dengan weight terkecil, jadikan initial edgeTambahkan edge-edge weight paling kecil lebih duluUlangi sampai semua edge sudah terkenaAlgoritmaInput: A set of sequences S = {S1, S2, Sn}Output: Multiple Sequence Alignment dari S

Step 0: If S1,then stop. Step 1: Compute the optimal alignment on each pair of sequences in S .Then construct the distance matrix for S Step 2: Create a Minimum Spanning Tree G= (V, E) for S. Graph G based on definition 5. Step 3: List the edges in MST G according to the order of weights increasing by degrees. Step 3.1: If V2,Step 5. AlgoritmaStep3.2 the longest edge will be splitted, MST G is divided into two descendant mimimum spanning trees G1 = (V1, E1), G2 = (V2, E2)Step 4: Recursively apply Step 3 by setting G=G1. Recursively apply Step 3 by setting G = G2.Step 5: Perform Feng-Doolittle progressive alignment algorithm on G1 and G2

Hasil Eksperimen & KesimpulanPerbandingan 3 algoritma :

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