multifunctional urban area in former zobor garrison in ... · available to nitra’s citizens as...

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Competition theme:


Multifunctional urban area in former Zobor Garrison in Nitra


MOTTO :"There is the need to resist erasure of history, the need to respond to history,the need to open up for the future"

(Daniel Libeskind, 1999)


Competition Organizer:Slovak Republic:

Xella Slovensko, spol. s r.o.,

Zápotočná 1004,

908 41 Šaštín-Stráže

Czech Republic:

Xella CZ, s. r.o.,

Registered address: Hrušovany

Vodní 550

664 62 Hrušovany u Brna

Secretariat of the Competition:Slovak Republic:

Mgr. Silvia Frimmelová,

Xella Slovensko, spol. s r.o.,



Bajkalská 25, 827 18 Bratislava

phone +421 2 581 030 58,

e-mail :

Czech Republic:

PaedDr.Hana Šimánová,

Xella CZ, s. r.o.,

U Keramičky 449,

334 42 Chlumčany

phone : +420 377 973 127,

e-mail :

Competition Secretaries: Slovak Republic:

Ing. arch. Ľubica Selcová, PhD.

Ústav architektúry obytných

a občianskych budov

FA STU Bratislava,

nám . Slobody 19,

812 45 Bratislava,

phone: +421 2 572 764 25,

e - mail :

Czech Republic:

Ing. arch., Ing. Petr Šikola,

katedra architektury FSv ČVUT


Office D-2111/Studio D

Thákurova 7, 166 34 Praha 6

phone : +420 2 243 548 51,

e - mail :

Professional Guidance:Ing. arch. Vladimír Hain

Fakulta architektúry STU

Bratislava, SR

Professional Supervisor:Ing. arch. Ľubica Selcová, PhD.

Fakulta architektúry STU

Bratislava, SR

Competition Objectives:are to support individual crea-

tive work of university students

by competitive confrontation of

ideas and views, search for and

presentation of contemporary

architecture, deepening of

knowledge concerning Ytong

construction system, Ytong Mul-

tipor heat-insulation boards and

Silka lime-sand building blocks,

and possibilities of their practi-

cal application.

Participants:Students (and/or students’-

working groups) of Architecture

and Structural Engineering at

technical colleges, art schools

and universities who have not

been granted diploma of 2nd

level of university studies in



The Organizer of the competition would like to thank Mr Stanislav Babčan,chief architect of the town of Nitra, and Mr Vladimír Hain, expert advisor, forvaluable information and cooperation in preparation of the 17th student com-petition


either of these fields of study.

Registration:Early registration: from the first

week of October to the first

week of November 2011

Later registration: from the

second week of January 2012 to

the last but one day prior to


Prizes and Awards:Prizes:

1st prize . . . . . . . . .1 500 EUR

2nd prize . . . . . . . .1 000 EUR

3rd prize . . . . . . . . . .500 EUR


Unless the jury decides other-

wise, three projects will be

awarded a gift worth 150.- EUR

based on a decision of the Orga-

nizer and the jury. The gift can

be awarded to any of the pro-

jects which met the competition

terms, regardless ranking. The

jury has the right not to award

some of the prizes and/or to dis-

tribute the allocated sum in a

different way.

Prizes of the Media:Media partners of the competi-

tion will award prizes to selec-

ted project based on their own

deliberation. The prize can thus

be awarded to any of the project

which met the competition

terms, regardless ranking.

Notification of Results:

The students will be informed

about results of the assessment

by the jury after the judging

panel session and notifying the

media thereof. Information on

venue and time of the award

ceremony will be sent to the

participants at least 14 days in


All competition prize-winners

are obliged to take part in the

award ceremony to give a brief

presentation of their projects.

Sponsor Gift to Faculties:Each faculty will receive finan-

cial contribution amounting to

35 EUR per project meeting

terms of the competition. This

financial contribution will cover

expenses incurred to the faculty

in relation with organization of

the competition and expenses of

the students who met the com-

petition terms. The sponsor gift

will be due based on a deed of

gift issued by the faculty and

signed by the Organizer by 20

April 2012 at the latest.

Jury:Aleš Brotánek . . . . . . . . . .(CR)

Stanislav Babčan . . . . . . .(SR)

Lubo Králik . . . . . . . . . . . .(SR)

Jaromír Kročák . . . . . . . . .(CR)

Ivan Kubík . . . . . . . . . . . . (SR)

David Mareš . . . . . . . . . . .(CR)

Vlado Milunić . . . . . . . . . .(CR)

Peter Moravčík . . . . . . . . .(SR)

Viktor Šabík . . . . . . . . . . . .(SR)

Matúš Vallo . . . . . . . . . . . .(SR)

Jaromír Veselák . . . . . . . . (CR)

Lubo Závodný . . . . . . . . . . (SR)

The jury membership is

arranged for by the Organizer.

The chairman of the jury will be

elected by the jurymen prior to

the beginning of the judging

panel’s session. All decisions of

the jury shall be final and there

is no legal appeal admissible.

Guidelines for Project Submission:For sake of anonymity each and

every part of a project must bear

six-digit identification code (1

cm high and 4 cm long) placed

in upper right-hand corner.

Inadmissible are the following

digital codes: a sequence of di-

gits 123456 and vice versa,

and/or a sequence of the same

digits, such as 111111 or

202020. Participant’s name,

surname, date of birth and valid

address (including telephone

number and e-mail address)

shall be submitted in a sealed

envelope bearing only the iden-

tification code. The university,

field of study and lecturer’s

name under whose guidance

the project originated, if appli-

cable, have to be mentioned,


Competition Background Information:Background information will be

given at disposal of the universi-

ties and through relevant lectu-

rers to the participants. Back-

ground information will also be

available on websites a

and/or on websites of individual



Questions and Information:Registered participants can

send their questions related to

the competition terms of refe-

rence to the Organizer or the

expert advisor by means of FAQ

in the course of the competition,

i.e. from the beginning of the

competition till mid-January


Deliverables:Competition projects shall be

submitted rolled not folded on

maximum two posters of A1 for-

mat without backing paper and

in electronic form on CD in PDF

format (size A1). The posters

must bear identification code.

Legends and all explanatory

notes on drawings must be only

in the English language, except

for local geographical names

given in the competition’s terms

of reference.

Copyright:Copyright belongs to the pro-

ject’s author. The Organizer

acquires the right to publish the

projects and mention the

author’s name without his/her

prior consent. Ownership of

prize-winning projects passes to

the Organizer. To enable copying

and publishing by the Organizer,

each participant shall submit

his/her project both in hard copy

and in digital form.

Judging Criteria:As per the terms of reference

(with precondition of using Ytong

construction system, Ytong Mul-

tipor heat-insulation boards

and/or Silka lime-sand building

blocks), individual anonymous

projects will be judged by an

independent jury based on ge-

nerally valid criteria applicable

to the approved architectural


Verdicts of the jury are out-

comes of close majority delibe-

ration of the jurymen; all deci-

sions of the jury are indepen-

dent and there is no legal appeal

admissible. Verdict of the jury

concerning winning projects,

including ranking and prize

award with brief reasoning is,

nevertheless, made public

together with the participant’s

identification data. The competi-

tion open evaluation session will

be held within 90 days after the

competition deadline at the


To ensure the right of participa-

tion in the competition, the

Organizer is obliged to publish

the date, time and venue of

announcement of the jury’s ver-

dict through individual faculties

7 days in advance. The Organi-

zer has the right to give publici-

ty to the award ceremony and

results of the competition based

on its deliberation.

Individual projects will bejudged according to following criteria: - Designed objects/buildings in

context of the area as a whole

- urban-planning design

- Idea solution

- Extent of impact on specific

environment, relation to the

environment and morphology

of the site

- Architectural solution

- General and functional layout

of designed objects

- Extent of application of Ytong

and Ytong Multipor construc-

tion system, and Silka

limesand building blocks

Submission Deadline:21 February 2012, 16.00 hours

Projects shall be delivered to the

competition secretariat:

in the Slovak Republic to:

Mgr. Silvia Frimmelová, obchod-

no-poradenská kancelária,

Bajkalská 25, 827 18 Bratislava,

in the Czech Republic to:

Ing. Arch., Ing. Petr Šikola,

katedra architektury FSv ČVUT

Praha, Thákurova 7, Praha 6,

místnost D-2111/ateliér D.

By submitting of the competition

project bearing the digital code

and the envelope containing per-

sonal data as per the above-men-

tioned terms the participant

expresses his/her unqualified

consent to given regulations and

terms of this competition and

waives his/her right to any legal




Task:Zobor Garrison ceased to fulfil its

military function and the Ministry of

Defence of the Slovak Republic

made it available to the majority

owner, the Town of Nitra. The Town

of Nitra#s intention and the task of

the competition are to design a mul-

tifunction use of the area so that it

could offer visitors and citizens a

whole-day programme with prevail-

ing cultural and social, scientific,

educational, recreational, and per-

haps even residential and commer-

cial function.

The main task of the competition

project is to prepare an idea urban-

planning and architectural study of a

new use of the whole former Zobor

Garrison area.

The first task is to generate an urban

plan of the whole area, the second

one is to propose creative ideas and

views of conversion of former garri-

son (listed military objects) to a pub-

lic space, and the third one is to

design a multifunctional hybrid.

Competition Idea Let us help the Town of Nitra to dis-

cover potential of the area and

demonstrate in a number of creative

ideas contained in competition pro-

jects how many possibilities and

options of use are hidden in the

Zobor Garrison area. Making it

available to Nitra’s citizens as well as

to the town’s visitors can help the

Town of Nitra to find its new image of

a city of the 21st century which is so

closely linked with history.

The area’s future lies in its multi-

spectral use.

The Town of NitraThe Town of Nitra is nowadays an

economic, cultural, religious,

sports and exhibition centre of

Nitra Region as well as a town of

youth - university town.

Nitra is noted for its rich history:

the town was closely linked with

the beginnings of Slovak history.

Nitra was founded on seven hills

and its origins date back as far as

to primeval ages.

Further key milestone in Nitra’s

history was Celtic settlement in the

4th century B.C.

Slovak history of Nitra starts in the

late 5th century by arrival of the

first Slavs, and continued by impor-

tant state formations with Nitra

being part of them - Samo’s

Empire and Great Moravian

Empire with prince Svätopluk, its

most significant ruler. Importance

and population of Nitra are docu-

mented in a number of Slavonic

fortified settlements, one of which

can be found on Martinský vrch. A

very important historical event was

the coming of Byzantine mission-

aries, brothers Constantine-Cyril

and Methodius, in 863, who are

founders of Slavonic literature and

developers of the Old Slavonic lan-

guage, which, as early as then,

started to be used as a liturgical

language. In the 13th century

medieval Nitra was promoted to a

free royal town and it became a

seat of bishop (for more detailed

information see: )

In the course of time Nitra had

been subject to ongoing changes

with evident impact on its current

image. Nowadays, the town under-

goes a process of searching for a

new identity which should not at

any costs overshadow its historical

importance; on the contrary, it

should underline this legacy and

enhance it with something new,

up-to-date, with a view of further

HORIZONTAL HYBRID AND PUBLIC SPACE CONVERSIONMultifunctional urban area in former Zobor Garrison in Nitra


development in the future.

Zobor GarrisonBeing inseparable part of the town,

the area in the surroundings of

Martinský vrch underwent similar

changes. The area in question -

Zobor Garrison on Martinský vrch -

offers undoubted qualities and

thanks to its location in the town

centre it may have significant impact

on aforementioned town’s identity.

Therefore, the out-coming solution

should be beneficial for the whole

town, its inhabitants, visitors as well

as the region itself. In 2010, Region-

al Institute for Care of Historical

Monuments in Nitra applied for lis-

ting historically attractive part of the

garrison area (former "Šiatortábor"

camp) a national cultural monu-

ment (see annexes on website).

Šiatortábor was originally built as

barrack camp in 1882-1883 (desig-

ner: J.Lyka). The camp was one of

five Hungarian concentration camps

and it consisted of 24 wooden bar-

racks and 10 brick buildings. The

camp capacity amounted to 300

men, 300 horses and 1200 tem-

porarily accommodated soldiers. It

is worth mentioning that in 1887

during field manoeuvres the camp

hosted the Emperor František Josef I.

Archaeological survey in the garri-

son area discovered relics of vast

Slavonic fortress dating back to the

beginning of the 9th century, and

surrounding settlement, including

foundations of a church, probably

also from the 9th century.

During socialist era the area fulfilled

a special function of military district.

Recently, the Ministry of Defence of

the SR has made the area available

to general public to serve all citizens,

not only the army.

Revitalisation of ZoborGarrison

Zobor Garrison area of 22

hectares located on Martinský

vrch, which was made available

to the public by the Ministry of

Defence of the SR, has been

waiting for a new use and space


It is the area which in the past

repeatedly played significant

historical role, lost its original

importance and started to serve

a new purpose, the last of which

was a military district of notable

history. Currently it is an area

yawning with emptiness, not

serving to anybody, but search-

ing for its new identity. The area

is located almost in the centre of

the Town of Nitra that cherishes

ambitious plans to enrich the

city centre’s functions by activi-

ties the town has been missing

so far. It will be materialized

through revitalisation and con-

version of preserved cultural

heritage and construction of

new facilities offering new pub-

lic spaces. One of these newly

designed objects will be a multi-

functional hybrid, an object able

to provide the town with func-

tions that are currently missing,

and together with public spaces

planned as part of it will improve

devastated environment of for-

mer garrison.

Conversion of PublicSpace of Listed Šiatortá-bor CampChanging use of the area breathing

with ancient as well as recent histo-

ry contributed to its "historical

stratification". Cultural heritage

from the period of Great Moravia,

which has been waiting for

research, disclosure and presenta-

tion, was, due to "stratification",

covered with a complex of listed

buildings of former Zobor Garrison,

originally from the 19th century,

known as Šiatortábor Camp.

Competition projects should select

the most typical of individual histo-

rical layers and create an idea base

and/or a key idea for contemplation

on what may be typical of public

space of today as yet the uppermost

layer of the "stratified" space.

A bit of theory to clarifythe terms of reference...public space

It is a space for everybody, a space

of vibrant life, and, as a paradox, it

is also a place for a rest, meeting,

living, communication, and recre-

ation of people passing through.

Street or a square are public

spaces provided there is some-

thing there worth staying, not just

places to pass through. "Priesto-" website reads that public

space is an outside area accessible

to the public where various activi-

ties (both organized and sponta-

neous) of different groups of people

as well as individuals take place.

These are, thus, gardens and small

parks, green areas, open spaces in


housing estates, smaller squares,

space around public buildings, and

the like.

Public space must be accessible to

the public free of charge and with-

out restrictions during major part

of the day. Idealistic idea dreams of

the space serving for certain pool -

group of potential users, i.e. people

who care about this open space

and bear relationship to it.

Public space is not just circulation

area; people should have some rea-

son for having a rest there, not only

pass through. Equally important is

location of public space in

urbanised area - either in a residen-

tial area or an area of mixed use.

...horizontal hybrid

Multifunctional hybrid shall provide

required multi-spectral use of the

development area.

The term of hybrid means a cross-

breed: a substance made of com-

bination of manifold components.

In professional architectural inter-

pretation it is a building for multi-

spectral use.

Horizontal hybrid represents a

"hovering" horizontal skyscraper;

permeable fortification; a meander

levitating over the public space,

and/or dropping under the terrain

level; it can be both a building and

a landscape, public space, delicate

mingling of sophisticated engi-

neering and the environment;

intelligent social space.

Horizontal hybrid multifunctional

construction can show new direc-

tions of movement - downward and

upward; it can incite social con-

tacts. It can create a kind of mean-

dering low-rise horizontal building.

It is an open town within a city.

Steven Hall in his book "This is

Hybrid" published by Spanish pub-

lisher A+T wrote as follows: "Con-

centration of more social activities

inside an architectural form

enriches a pure and mono-func-

tion type of a building. Modern city

acts like a fertilizer on growth and

conversion of architecture from

homogeneous to heterogeneous

taking into account its usability.

Density of a city and developing

technologies of buildings result in

mixing of functions, piling up one on

another, disregarding critics

holding the view that a building

should "look according to what it is".


Zobor Garrison is located at Martin-

ský vrch in Nitra and delimited by

Jelenecká, Dobšinského and

Chrenovská Street (see Annexes).

The area in question - a military

district - ceased to fulfil its original

function and the Ministry of

Defence of the SR made it available

for public use. It is fully in compli-

ance with Nitra city plan according

to which this area is intended for

development of social and recre-

ational activities. In view of this a

"Draft concept of functional use of

Zobor Garrison" was prepared (see

Annexes). From urban-planning

point of view the Town of Nitra

intends to incorporate the area into

urban structure of the town since it

is located in the focal point of

emerging Martinský vrch city cen-

tre. The main task of the competi-

tion projects will be to design mul-

tifunctional use of the area to be

able to offer its future visitors

(tourists or Nitra citizens) whole-

day programme attractive for fami-

lies as well as groups of visitors of

all age and social categories, being

a public space the life of which con-

tinues even after shopping malls

are closed and cultural events over.

Such an objective can only be

achieved by combination of com-

mercial, cultural, social, scientific,

and sports and recreational ameni-

ties providing temporary or perma-

nent living.

Owner of majority of lands is the

Roman Catholic Bishop Diocese of

Nitra. Buildings are in majority

ownership of the Town of Nitra (34

buildings) and Archaeological Insti-

tute of Slovak Academy of Science

in Nitra (12 buildings). Interest in

ownership or rent of lands was

expressed by Faculty of Philosophy

of Constantinus the Philosopher

University in Nitra (see Annexes).

Total available area is about 22 ha.

"Draft concept of functional use

of Zobor Garrison" divides the

whole area into 4 parts with

specified functional use (UPČ).

Characteristics of these four

parts of the area in question

represent binding regulatory

terms of the Town of Nitra con-

stituting thus a logic base for

the competition’s terms of

reference. (see Annex " Land

and Space Zoning")


UPČ 1 - Area intended for sports

and recreation - shall only be sub-

ject to general urban-planning

concept of the whole area

Prevailing functions:

Recreational green areas in form

of public gardens or parks with free

access, with street architecture

and integrated facilities for public

sports and relaxation activities

Admissible functions:

Complementary facilities of non-

productive services - sports

grounds and relaxation areas; pub-

lic catering; water elements and

street architecture

UPČ 2 - Area intended for higher-

standard amenities

Higher standard constructions and

facilities of regional importance

Prevailing functions: university

facilities not of a closed campus

type for Faculty of Philosophy of

Constantinus the Philosopher


Admissible functions:

Complementary facilities of non-

productive services - sports and

relaxation facilities; public cate-

ring, etc.; temporary accommoda-

tion; public and semi-public space

with parks; water elements; street

architecture; transport and techni-

cal infrastructure.

UPČ 3 - Area intended for specific


Constructions and facilities of

social, cultural and scientific orien-


Prevailing functions:

Presentation of archaeological,

historical and ethnographic arte-

facts; spaces for expositions and

exhibitions; archaeological site

open to the public; refurbishment

of former garrison buildings; com-

munity and religious buildings

from the oldest time and their

opening to the public with renewed

function; concentration of archaeo-

logical, artistic and historical fin-

dings and exhibits; staged shows of

period technologies and traditions

Admissible functions: Archaeo-

logical Institute of the Slovak Acad-

emy of Science workplaces; con-

servator’s laboratory; collection

depositories; works of art, public

gardens and parks with street

architecture; transport and techni-

cal infrastructure

UPČ 4 - Area intended for comple-

mentary commercial and non-

commercial amenities for

municipal and area needs

Prevailing functions:

Small shops; sports, recreational,

social and cultural facilities; public


Admissible functions:

Green areas with street architec-

ture, transport and technical infra-


Inadmissible functions for all


Construction activities and busi-

ness use of lands not related to

prevailing function


(see Annexes: Ortho-photomap +

Functions in the vicinity + Aerial

photograph + Accesses to the area)

- Meet street lines of Dobšinského,

Jelenecká and Chrenovská Street

- Study and take into consideration

functional use of adjoining


- Respect traffic regulatory terms

of the Town of Nitra applicable to

access to the area in question (entry

for pedestrians and closely related

location of planned three P+R car

parks as well as an entry for

service vehicles into the area)

- Respect principles of protection

of civil objects, authenticity of the

garrison area buildings, occurrence

of protected trees and bushes, site

morphology with a natural rampart

- probable location of Slavonic set-

tlement (more information about

protection of National Listed Monu-

ment in text and illustration annex)

- Consider height level of neigh-

bouring built-up area and respect

the height of existing historical

buildings - maximum height of

designed development is 4 - 5

above-ground floors. Height zoning

of the area (newly designed build-

ings mainly in ÚPČ 2 and 4) is also

limited by safety zone of Nitra -

Janíkovce airport.


Competition terms of reference

are divided into three tasks -

mandatory parts of each com-

petition project.






( ÚPČ 1, ÚPČ 2,ÚPČ 3, ÚPČ 4),

all parts into which the area de-

limited by Jelenecká, Dobšinského

and Chrenovská Street is divided.

Subject of Task no. 1 of the compe-

tition project is to prepare a gene-

ral urban-planning concept of the

area - general layout in scale

1:2000 or 1:5000 with stress on

incorporating newly designed

hybrid into the general concept

respecting functional and opera-

tional zoning.

Urban-planning concept of func-

tional and operational zoning of

the locality and making use of

public transport, service and

access roads, proposal of traffic at

stand-still: Park + Ride car parks,

pedestrian paths, pedestrian

accesses to the area in question,

public gardens, etc.





- general urban-planning and

architectural study of conversion

of former military area of Šiatortá-

bor Camp to public space with new

functional and space use.

(See Annexes)

Subject of Task no. 2 of the compe-

tition project is to prepare general

layout of territorial unit ÚPČ 3

showing design idea of a new use

of the public space - former garri-

son buildings’ vicinity in scale

1:2000 or 1:1000. It is advisable to

complete the urban plan with 3D

sketches and/or photo-collages of

the public space design showing

existing buildings.

Architectural and layout design of

individual buildings is not subject

of task no. 2 of the competition


After conversion, the public space

should, in addition to workplaces

for Archaeological Institute of the

Slovak Academy of Science

(referred to as AI SAS), accommo-

date mainly cultural and social

facilities for the general public.

Existing buildings of Šiatortábor

Camp shall not be subject to any

change of mass and architectural

solution, no extensions, super-

structures and/or penthouses are

admissible. Archaeological Insti-

tute of SAS has already specified

required options of use:

Two buildings placed symmetri-

cally around the main meeting

place of the garrison area shall

host workplaces of the AI SAS

(administration, conservator’s

laboratories, depositaries); for

other listed monuments (com-

mand building, officers’ pavilions I

and II, guard-house, restaurant,

duty stamp office, residential

houses I, II and III) (see Annexes)

possibility of hosting exhibitions

and expositions (presentation of

archaeological, historical and

ethnographic artefacts of indivi-

dual historical periods should be

considered: welcome are

advanced forms of history presen-

tation, such as multi-media pre-

sentation in exterior or interior,

presentation of authentic life of

army of those days); catering

establishments and street archi-

tecture in the public space.

Competition urban-planning pro-

jects solving tasks 1 and 2 will

serve for setting future regulatory

terms of possible functional use

and site layout of given locality, and

following changes and amend-

ments, if any, to valid urban-plan-

ning documentation.

(see Annexes).



architectonic study of multifunc-

tional urban area - "horizontal"

hybrid multifunctional skyscraper

in part UPČ 2

Construction site for multifunc-

tional object shall primarily be si-

tuated in part ÚPČ 2 in direct con-

tact with planned cultural and

social centre of the whole develop-

ment area - ÚPČ 3. Designed

object shall be mainly a horizontally

oriented mass with an ability to

meander; in some parts it can cre-

ate height landmarks (with respect

to height limits); it can gradually

reach as far as part ÚPČ 4.

Subject of Task 3 of the competition

project shall be a multifunctional

mainly horizontal low-rise building

(maximum 4-5 above-ground


floors as per regulatory terms, with

a possibility of max. 2 underground

floors). It shall begin at the closest

contact area with Dobšinského

Street and P+R car park. There is

also the main access point to the

whole former garrison area there,

and it is where a kind of main

entrance for visitors heading on

foot from the town centre and/or

for students coming from Con-

stantinus the Philosopher Univer-

sity should be designed. The object

may stretch through the whole

area of ÚPČ2, along Jelenecká

Street and it can grow as far as

ÚPČ 4 area.

Design of shape and dimensions of

the object as well as combination

of individual possibilities of its

functional use is fully on delibera-

tion of each competition partici-

pant. Each individual design should

provide the Town of Nitra with an

original view of shaping, architec-

ture and functional use of the


Horizontal hybrid should provide

temporary accommodation, space

for cultural, social and artistic,

scientific and research, commer-

cial, and sports and recreational

activities developed in compliance

with principles of universal design

for all and without barriers.

An example of possible locality

programme - options for multi-

functional hybrid

(To get better insight into missing

activities and opportunities for

Nitra’s citizens an opinion poll was

organized prior to developing a

concept of feasible and optional

hybrid functions. The spectrum of

possible functions is surely not

definite and competition projects

can enrich it with ideas not men-

tioned below.)

Spaces for different forms

of housing :

- Low-cost temporary accommo-

dation for students of Constanti-

nus the Philosopher University

in Nitra

- Specific housing for student

families of Constantinus the

Philosopher University,

- Start-up flats for young families

Apartments for visiting lecturers

of Constantinus the Philosopher


- Apartments for archaeological

teams working for AI SAS,

- Business hotel

- Art lofts - large-area flats with

free layout

Spaces for commerce

and services

Catering establishments

restaurants, bars, cafés

Spaces for work

Small office spaces for rent - SOHO

-Small Office /Home Office con-

nected with conference rooms and

housing / accommodation

Flexible spaces for various

forms of recreation:

Roof gardens, semi-public and pub-

lic yards with parks, fountains, sports

fields and children playgrounds

Spaces for culture and art

- Art centre for all, summer art

school, exhibition areas

- Performance centre for multi-

spectral art

- Studios, workshops, space for

outdoor painting open to the


- Painting wall for street-art

- Open-air cinema

- Museum of music, Music


- Circus

- Design centre

Spaces for science and techno-

logy centre, for support of scienti-

fic research and education

- Science and technology park

with experimental lab

- Multi-media centre

- Multi-purpose congress centre

Service spaces:

- Public conveniences

- Sports equipment rental shops

Spaces for technical infrastruc-

ture, utilities and services

- Underground car parks for area


- Boiler rooms / houses and



Construction and material solution

is not restricted at all and depends

on designer’s responsible and

professional assessment appropri-

ate to the concept and purpose of

the building. Employment of Xella -


Ytong, Silka, Fermacell construc-

tion materials assortment is wel-

come. (Drawings of construction

details are not required).


offer a possibility to apply intelligent

technologies and innovative mate-

rials, alternative ways of energy

generation and their efficient and

effective utilisation in compliance

with ecological principles and sus-

tainable development in construc-

tion engineering.


Documentation shall be prepared

in form of urban-planning and

architectural study on maximum 2

posters of A1 format (vertical

orientation) containing:

General layout of the whole devel-

opment area with urban-planning

links in wider context - sketches

(ÚPČ 1, ÚPČ 2,ÚPČ 3, ÚPČ 4), scale

1 : 2000 or 1: 50000,

General layout of part ÚPČ 3 -

design idea of a new use of public

space in former garrison area com-

plemented with 3D sketches and/or

photo-collage on the public space

design with existing buildings, scale


Urban-planning and architectural

study of multifunctional hybrid situ-

ated mainly in part ÚPČ 2 and/or

stretching to ÚPČ 4 containing:

ground plans of individual floors,

characteristic cross-sections,

views, visualisation or drawings in


Explanatory notes, legends and/or

brief author’s report, if any, shall be

part of the posters and written in the

English language (not applicable to

local names and titles mentioned in

competition terms of reference).

Competition projects shall be deli-

vered in data form on CD (pdf or jpg).

Submission of physical model of the

design or part of it is not obligatory,

but it is not excluded from the jury



Competition projects shall bear uni-

fied abridged English title of the

competition theme: HORIZONTAL



Scope of required documentation in


Graphic form of project documenta-

tion (digital/manual) is not specified.

- Ground plans and cross-sections

must show basic dimensions and/or

scale of reproduction

- Requirements of the competition

Organiser will be specified during

lectures held at individual faculties at

the beginning of winter semester.

Specific layout of required parts of

documentation on individual posters

of A1 format and scales of drawings

are given just for information:

Poster 1: A1 format - 700x1000 mm

- Urban-planning part: 50% of the

design (25 % general urban-plan-

ning design + 25 % conversion)

Poster 2: A1 format - 700x1000 mm

- Architectural part: 50% of the



Annexes are important part of the

terms of reference and they are

available on competition websites and

They contain complete detailed

maps and theoretical basis for

successful coping with the task:

CAD podklady.dwg (CAD background

information), 3D model, Ortho-pho-

tomap, Photo-gallery, Letecká sním-

ka_2006 (Aerial photograph_2006,

Lokalizácia územia_2006 (Area loca-

tion_2006), Funkcie v okolí (Function

in the vicinity), Kasárne_riešené

územie (Garrison _development

site), Kasárne_ing.siete (Garrison_

utilities), Kasárne_územný plan

(Garrison _urban plan), Územno-

priestorové členenie (Land-use and

space zoning plan), Vlastnícke vzťahy

(Ownership relations), Vstupy do

územia (Accesses to the area), His-

torické súvislosti (Historical rela-

tions), Ochrana národnej kultúrnej

pamiatky (Protection of National

Culture Monument), Návrh na

NKP_01_02_03, Mesto Nitra (Pro-

posal for NCM_021-02-03, Town of

Nitra), Horizontal hybrid.

Important links:



Basic Land-use and Space Zoning P

lan of Zobor Garrison in N



Development area - Accesses to the area

Development area - functions in the vicinity


Ortho-photomap with marked development area

Development area - location


Media partners Slovakia

Media partners Czech Republic



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Xella Slovensko, spol. s r. o.

Zápotočná 1004

908 41 Šaštín - Stráže

Contact person:

Mgr. Silvia Frimmelová

Phone: +421 2 581 030 58


Xella CZ, s.r.o.

Vodní 550

664 62 Hrušovany u Brna

Contact person:

PaedDr. Hana Šimánová

Phone: +420 377 973 127


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