multifaceted water dynamics in spherical nanocages

Post on 01-Dec-2021






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Multifaceted Water Dynamics in Spherical


Michael von Domaros,† Dusan Bratko,‡ Barbara Kirchner,¶ Gerhard Hummer,§ and

Alenka Luzar∗,‡

†Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA

‡Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284, USA

¶Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Bonn, 53127 Bonn, Germany

§Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany



We present a new method to study position-dependent, anisotropic diffusion tensors insidespherically confined systems—a geometry thatis common to many chemical nanoreactors. Weuse this method to elucidate the surprisingly richsolvent dynamics of confined water. The spatialvariation of the strongly anisotropic diffusionpredicted by the model agrees with the resultsof explicit molecular dynamics simulations. Thesame approach can be directly transferred tothe transport of solutes to and from reactionsites located at nanoreactor interfaces. We com-plement our study by a detailed analysis of wa-ter hydrogen bond kinetics, which is intimatelycoupled to diffusion. Despite the inhomogene-ity in structure and translational dynamics in-side our nanocages, a single set of well-definedrate constants is sufficient to accurately describethe kinetics of hydrogen bond breaking and for-mation. We find that once system size effectshave been eliminated, the residence times of wa-ter molecules inside the coordination shell of ahydrogen bond partner are well correlated toaverage diffusion constants obtained from theprocedure above.


With the continuing trend towards miniaturiza-tion, chemical nanoreactors have moved into thefocus of contemporary research. In a recent ACS

Select virtual issue,1 numerous exciting appli-cations of such systems have been highlighted,ranging from the selective control of molecularinteractions within metal-organic frameworks2

to the promotion of peptide bonding in lipo-somes.3 Like in any type of reactor, chemicaland transport dynamics of both solutes and sol-vent play a critical role in reactions taking placeat the nanoscale. Here, we present a detailedcomputational analysis of water dynamics in-side spherical nanocages, a geometry that isfrequently found in chemical nanoreactors4.

Motivated by the large variation in water–surface interactions and system geometries, sev-eral previous studies have already been dedi-cated to the properties of water inside nanocon-fined systems. For example, rapid waterflow was observed in narrow carbon nanotubesand other hydrophobic pores, which form low-friction conduits for water transport.5–9 Fur-thermore, prolonged hydrogen bond lifetime isassociated with that flow in narrow pores, whereonly small threads of water can pass.5 Similarresults were obtained close to planar hydropho-bic interfaces, where parallel diffusion is alsoexceptionally fast.10–12 Unlike in narrow confine-


Supporting Information: Multifaceted Water

Dynamics in Spherical Nanocages

Michael von Domaros,† Dusan Bratko,‡ Barbara Kirchner,¶ Gerhard Hummer,§ and

Alenka Luzar∗,‡

†Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA

‡Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284, USA

¶Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Bonn, 53127 Bonn, Germany

§Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Water Network Structure

For the lack of specialized metrics of hydrogen bond structure in anisotropic environments,we rely on hydrogen-bond criteria and a tetrahedral order parameter originally developed forisotropic systems. Similar approximations have proven to yield useful insights into structuralproperties of hydration water1 The order parameter we use is split into an angular (Sg) anddistance (Sk) part, according to the definition2 of Chau and Hardwick:

Sg =3







cosΨj,k +1




Sk =1




(rk − r̂)2

4r̂2. (S2)

Therein, the summation indices run over the four closest neighbors of a selected watermolecule, Ψj,k denotes the angle between the central molecule and its neighbors j and k,rk is the distance to the closest neighbor k, and r̂ is the arithmetic mean of the four radialdistances. Both values are zero for a perfect tetrahedron, but approach somewhat largervalues (Sg ≈ 0.1, Sk ≈ 1.3× 10−3) in bulk water at ambient conditions.2 The parameters areshown in Figures S1 and S2 and their discussion follows shortly.

Hydrogen bonds were detected by the same geometric criterion used in the discussionof hydrogen bond kinetics3,4 (main article). The ensemble average of the hydrogen bondpopulation operator 〈h〉 is closely related to the average number of hydrogen bonds per watermolecule 〈nhb〉, according to

〈nhb〉 =N − 1

2〈h〉 . (S3)


Table S1: Forward and backward rate constants k and k′ (in units of ps−1), describingthe hydrogen bond kinetics, as well as diffusive time scales τd and hydrogen bond lifetimesτhb = 1/k (in units of ps). Note that both k and k′ can be varied by ≈ 10%, while stillleading to acceptable model fits. Bulk values are k = 0.35 ps−1, k′ = 0.72 ps−1, τd = 0.46 ps,and τhb = 2.90 ps−1.

hydrophilic hydrophobick k′ τd τhb k k′ τd τhb

C320 0.21 0.54 0.77 4.76 0.30 0.89 0.56 3.33C500 0.19 0.40 0.66 5.26 0.33 0.82 0.52 3.08C720 0.26 0.57 0.59 3.92 0.33 0.76 0.52 3.08C1500 0.29 0.65 0.52 3.45 0.33 0.75 0.48 3.03



(1) Soper, A. K.; Castner, E. W.; Luzar, A. Impact of Urea on Water Structure: A Clue toits Properties as a Denaturant? Biophys. Chem. 2003, 105, 649–666.

(2) Chau, P.-L.; Hardwick, A. J. A New Order Parameter for Tetrahedral Configurations.Mol. Phys. 1998, 93, 511–518.

(3) Luzar, A.; Chandler, D. Hydrogen-Bond Kinetics in Liquid Water. Nature 1996, 379,55–57.

(4) Luzar, A. Resolving the Hydrogen Bond Dynamics Conundrum. J. Chem. Phys. 2000,113, 10663.

(5) Weiß, R. G.; Heyden, M.; Dzubiella, J. Curvature Dependence of Hydrophobic HydrationDynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2015, 114, 19–21.


ments, however, interfacial hydrogen bond dy-namics has been observed to accelerate.13 Theseresults can be transferred to the air/water inter-face,14,15 which may be considered as a specialcase of hydrophobic interfaces.

Drastically different results were observed inhydrophilic confinements, notably inside silica16

and graphene oxide17 nanopores, polyoxometa-late nanocages,18–21, at model interfaces,12 andinside reverse micelles.22–29 The latter two en-capsulate nanoscopic pools of water inside well-characterized geometries and are particularlypopular system choices in experimental stud-ies. Through numerous computational12,16,28,29

and experimental22–27 studies, the unanimouspicture of hindered translational motions acrossthe interface, decelerated reorientation dynam-ics, and prolonged hydrogen bond lifetime hasbeen established. These effects have often beenattributed to the presence of hydrogen bondsbetween water and the interface. Furthermore,a core/shell model has been found to accuratelydescribe many dynamic properties,22–24 whereinthe confined water molecules are divided intointerfacial and bulk-like subensembles.1 Insidepolyoxometalate cages, a broad distribution ofsingle particle relaxation times observed fromquasi-elastic neutron scattering was suggestedto originate from distinct local diffusivities.18

We performed molecular dynamics (MD)simulations of water inside nanoscopic modelfullerenes (see Figure 1 for an example). Thesesystems possess well-defined, almost sphericalstructures and can (with only minor modifi-cations) be used to model the polyoxometa-late cages investigated by other groups.18–21 Wechose a set of system sizes (C320 to C1500) andtwo confinement–water interaction sets (a hy-drophobic and a hydrophilic set) to shed lighton the impact of the chemical nature of theconfinement.

The study focuses on the calculation of dif-fusion tensors inside spherical nanocages, asprototypical nanoreactors. While various tech-

1Note that in these models, effects of the core en-semble diminish in nanoscopic micelles (. 1 nm), wheremost water molecules are interfacial, and effects of theshell ensemble diminish in mesoscopic cavities (& 10 nm),where most molecules are bulk-like.22

Figure 1: Snapshot of a C720 nanocage, filledwith 145 water molecules.

niques exist to treat diffusion close to planarinterfaces10,30 or across membranes,30 sphericalsymmetry has not been investigated before tothe best of our knowledge. Since diffusion inbulk water is intimately connected to hydrogenbond kinetics,31,32 we complement this article bya detailed discussion of this kinetics in sphericalnanoconfinements.


Systems Investigated and Models

The model systems employed in this study con-sist of SPC/E33 water molecules confined insiderigid structures that share their topology withthe icosahedral fullerenes C320, C500, C720, andC1500. The use of this force field is motivatedby our previous dynamic studies of confinedwater.34–38 Other force field choices are avail-able and equally valid. Our recent work showedconsiderable differences between mobilities ofconfined ions in nonpolarizable (SPC/E) andpolarizable (SWM4-NDP/AH)39 models, butcomparatively small effects of the force field onthe mobilities of water molecules.38 The latterobservation has been corroborated by a com-parison of mobilities of SPC/E water with po-larizable SWM4-NDP39 or BK3 water40 underexternal field.41 In the present work, the empha-sis is on the methodology for the calculation oflocal diffusivities, independently of the use ofa specific potential. While tests with differentforce fields may show quantitative differences,we do not expect them to alter any of the con-


clusions of our study.The confinement structures were generated

by the program Fullerene with default parame-ters for all settings.42 An overview of selectedgeometrical parameters and water occupationnumbers is given in Table 1.

Distinctions were made between two water–confinement interaction parameter sets: an at-tractive one that is called hydrophilic and aless attractive one termed hydrophobic. Theparameter sets are summarized in Table 2. Notethat the hydrophilic confinements derive theirhydrophilicity directly from enhanced Lennard-Jones interactions rather than by varied partialcharges44 on the confinement wall.

Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Sim-


In order to obtain the occupation numbers re-ported in Table 1, initially filled nanocages wereheld in apparent equilibrium with a bulk watersurrounding by means of GCMC simulations.In these simulations, particle number fluctua-tions at constant volume V , temperature T , andchemical potential µ are accounted for by trialinsertions and deletions of molecules in such away that the grand canonical probability den-sity is sampled.45 The method thus mimics theexperimental setup of an adsorption experiment.The chemical potential of water was chosen toobtain ambient pressure (P = 0 to 10 atm atT = 298K) in separate bulk phase simulations.Monte Carlo simulations were performed usingan in-house code. Methodological and algorith-mic details have been described elsewhere.46,47

Molecular Dynamics Simulations

MD simulations were performed in the micro-canonical (NVE) ensemble, which permits ahighly accurate description of dynamics, withoutbias by thermostats or barostats. This comes atthe cost of sacrificing the convenience of settingup the simulation at a specified temperature,which allows easy comparisons between simu-lations of differently sized nanocages and withexperiments. To circumvent this problem, carewas taken in setting up the initial velocities so

that the average temperature after equilibra-tion was within the range of (300± 3)K andthat the total angular momentum of the systemwas zero. Since the angular momentum is aconserved quantity in non-periodic NVE simu-lations, it remains zero if the time integrationis accurate enough. The equations of motionwere solved by Velocity-Verlet integration witha time step of 2 fs. Initial configurations weretaken from the Monte Carlo simulations. Watermolecules were kept rigid by the SHAKE algo-rithm. Fullerene atoms were not propagated,remaining at fixed positions. All quantities ex-cept for diffusion were calculated from 5 ns tra-jectories with snapshots written to file everysecond time step. Transition counts between ra-dial and angular bins needed for the calculationof diffusion constants were collected over 100 nswith snapshots written every 500th time step.In these long simulations, an energy drift inthe NVE ensemble is unavoidable (see Table 3).The chosen time step is a compromise betweenaccurate time integration needed to keep theenergy drift small and computational efficiency.Furthermore, the energy drift was minimized byrefraining from cutting off Lennard-Jones inter-actions and from using long-range electrostaticsolvers, such as the Ewald sum. Instead, the fullCoulomb sum was calculated, consistent withthe lack of periodicity in our finite-sized systems.All MD simulations were performed using theLammps molecular dynamics software.48


Spherical nanocages break the homogeneity andisotropy of the confined liquid, rendering conven-tional approaches to diffusion coefficients useless(i.e., fitting the mean-squared displacement as afunction of time). Instead of a single diffusioncoefficient D0 that describes the motions of wa-ter molecules within the averaged potential ex-erted by their surroundings, an anisotropic andposition dependent diffusion tensor D (r) mustbe employed. Spherical symmetry implies thatdiffusion in radial direction (orthogonal to theinterface, denoted by ⊥) differs from diffusionin angular direction (parallel to the interface,denoted by ‖) and both depend on the radial


Table 1: Maximum inner sphere radius rmis and cage volume Vcage of the fullerenes, as well aswater occupation numbers Nwater and their standard deviations σN in differently parameterized(hydrophilic and hydrophobic) systems. Geometrical parameters were calculated by the programFullerene.42

Fullerene rmis/nm Vcage/nm3 Nhydrophilic

water Nhydrophobicwater σN

C320 0.762 2.02 31 25 1C500 0.954 3.97 79 65 1C720 1.146 6.87 145 130 2C1500 1.641 20.73 501 473 3

Table 2: Lennard-Jones parameters σCO andεCO and the corresponding microscopic contactangles θm on a planar graphite-like surface, re-ported in ref.43.

σCO/nm εCO/kJmol−1 θm/deg

hydrophilic 0.319 0.6270 29.4hydrophobic 0.319 0.3762 101.2

Table 3: Average temperature 〈T 〉 of the 100 nstrajectories, the corresponding standard devia-tions σT , and the energy drift ∆T , calculatedfrom the difference between initial and final tem-peratures, which were determined by linear re-gression of the temperature time series.

〈T 〉 /K σT/K ∆T/K

hydrophilic C320 297.9 25.0 −3.1C500 298.6 15.9 −3.7C720 298.1 11.7 −3.5C1500 297.7 6.4 −3.5

hydrophobic C320 300.6 28.4 −3.3C500 300.7 17.8 −3.5C720 298.5 12.3 −3.2C1500 297.6 6.6 −3.6

position within the nanocage.The prediction of such diffusion tensors is con-

ceptually challenging, since it requires the solu-tion of the full Smoluchowski equation,

∂p (r, t)

∂t= ∇ ·


D (r) e−βF (r)∇


eβF (r)p (r, t))]


(1)where p (r, t) is the spatial probability density ofa tracer particle as a function of time, β = 1/kT ,and F (r) is the position dependent free en-ergy (potential of mean force). Fortunately, theproblem is formally equivalent to pair diffusion,which has received significant theoretical atten-tion.49

Here, we adopt the original approach of Hum-mer49,50 to self-consistently estimate local diffu-sion coefficients and free energies from simula-tion data. The method relies on separation ofthe Smoluchowski equation into a set of uncou-pled, one-dimensional differential equations andsubsequent solution by spatial discretization andinference of model parameters from simulationdata through Bayesian inference.50,51. The ap-proach is also applicable to the diffusion of guestsolute molecules52 in the present geometry.

The diffusion tensor D (r) shows sphericalsymmetry in the investigated nanocages, thatis,

D (r) =

D⊥ (r) 0 00 D‖ (r) 00 0 D‖ (r) ,


in spherical coordinates r, θ, φ. The Smolu-chowski equation (Equation 1) in such a coordi-nate system can be solved by means of Green’sfunctions P (r, cos θ, t|r′, 0) = r2p (r, θ, t|r′, 0, 0),


which measure the conditional probability offinding a tracer particle in the intervals (r, r+dr)and (cos θ, cos θ + d cos θ) starting from r′ andθ = 0 at time 0. As demonstrated by Mittaland Hummer,49 the diffusion equation for thesefunctions becomes

∂tP =



D⊥ (r)


βV ′ (r) +∂





+D‖ (r)


∂cos θ



1− cos2 θ) ∂

∂cos θP




where V (r) = F (r) − 2kT ln r and V ′ =dV (r) / dr. It can be further reduced by in-tegration over the angular part, leading to

∂rG =



D⊥ (r)


βV ′ (r) +∂



, (4)

wherein the radial propagator G (r, t|r′, 0) =1∫


P (r, cos θ, t|r′, 0) d cos θ measures the condi-

tional probability of finding a tracer particlein the interval (r, r + dr) at time t, startingfrom r′ at time 0, irrespective of angular mo-tion. The preceding equation permits the treat-ment of radial diffusion as a standard one-dimensional problem. After realizing that thebottom term in Equation 3 corresponds to theangular momentum operator in quantum me-chanics, angular diffusion can be treated by a setof uncoupled one-dimensional equations, whichare obtained after expanding the Green’s func-tion P (r, cos θ, t|r′, 0) in Legendre polynomialspl (x):

P (r, cos θ, t|r′, 0) =∞∑


2l + 1

2pl (cos θ)Ql (r, t|r

′, 0) .(5)

The associated evolution equations for each ofthe Ql are given by:

∂tQl =



D⊥ (r)


βV ′ (r) +∂




r2l (l + 1)Ql ,


which are equal to Equation 4 for l = 0 and

differ therefrom by sink terms for l > 0. Notethat for practical reasons, Equation 5 has tobe truncated after a finite number of terms incomputer codes. In this work, the sum wasterminated at lmax = 30. No significant changesin results could be observed by taking terms ofhigher order into account.

In the following, the algorithm to calculateradial diffusion coefficients D⊥ (r) shall be out-lined. To do so, simulation trajectories werediscretized by assigning radial positions r intocorresponding bins i along r, and then count-ing the number of events Nji when a particu-lar water molecule was in bin i at some timet during the simulation and in bin j at timet + ∆t later. In this work, bins of equal ra-dial width ∆r = 0.05 nm were chosen. Withinthe long (100 ns) equilibrium trajectories, tran-sition counts are symmetric (i.e., Nij = Nji),as demanded by microscopic time reversibility.Care must be taken in choosing the lag time ∆t,so that the influence of the free energy surfaceunderlying the particle dynamics has alreadybeen felt. In the present simulations, lag timesof 1 ps, 2 ps, 5 ps and 10 ps were used. Aftercounting the transitions, radial diffusion coef-ficients D⊥(ri) and free energies F (ri)

2 thatare consistent with the observed data were esti-mated by a Bayesian inference approach.50,51 Inthe Bayesian formalism, a posterior distributionp (parameters|data) of the model parameters isconstructed from the simulation data throughthe Bayes theorem

p (parameters|data) ∝

p (data|parameters) p (parameters) ,(7)

wherein p (parameters) is the prior distributionof parameters, which is assumed to be uniform,and p (data|parameters) is given by a likelihoodfunction, which is a product of Green’s functionsexpressed in terms of matrix exponentials.50

To construct posterior distributions, parame-ters were sampled using Metropolis Monte Carlosimulations in parameter space. For technicaldetails, the reader is referred to ref.51.

Once D⊥ (r) and F (r) have been determined,

2Evaluated at the position ri of the bin center forD⊥ and at the position of the bin edges for V .


angular diffusion coefficients D‖ (r) can be esti-mated in a similar fashion. Here, the numbersNjα,i for transitions of a particle from radial bini to radial bin j and angular bin α have to becounted. Angular bins were indexed accordingto the cosine of the azimuthal angle

cos θ (t) =r (t) · r (0)

r (t) r (0), (8)

with θ (0) = 0 by definition of the coordinatesystem and without loss of generality. Here, theazimuthal angle was divided into 50 bins of equalwidth. A second Bayesian inference approachcan be devised as outlined above to find the setof angular diffusion coefficients D‖ (ri) that ismost consistent with the observed simulationdata.

To enforce a certain degree of smoothness onthe resulting free energy and diffusion profiles,they were treated internally as a set of contin-uous cubic splines, with the number of splinenodes set to the number of distinct features(maxima + minima) seen in the radial densityprofiles. Finally, a procedure similar to shiftingthe origin of time in free diffusion (i.e., fittingthe mean-square displacement to 6D0 (t+ τ),with τ being the origin of time) was employedto account for the initial non-diffusive spread ofmolecules due to fast molecular motions. There-fore, transition counts were collected at severaldifferent lag times and the origin of time wasoptimized during the MC parameter sampling,as well.

Hydrogen Bond Kinetics

We invoked the Luzar/Chandler model31,32 (orig-inally developed for bulk water) to describe hy-drogen bond kinetics inside our model cavitiesby a set of well-defined rate constants k and k′,associated with hydrogen bond breaking and re-forming, respectively. Since most molecules areinterfacial in our confinements and since thereis only one type of hydrogen bonds present inthese systems (water–water hydrogen bonds),assuming a single set of rate constants shouldbe a reasonable approximation.

We measure the decay of hydrogen bond pop-

ulations in terms of the hydrogen bond time-correlation function

c (t) =〈δh (t) δh (0)〉⟨

[δh (0)]2⟩ , (9)

and its reactive flux k (t) = − dc/dt . Therein,the binary, dynamical hydrogen bond operatorh (t) equals one if a hydrogen bond exists be-tween a tagged pair of water molecules (and zerootherwise), and the term δh (t) measures fluctu-ations of h (t) around its equilibrium average.

The employed model assumes a reversiblechemical reaction between hydrogen bondedpairs of water molecules (measured in termsof c (t)) and those pairs that are not hydrogenbonded, but have not diffused apart (measuredin terms of n (t))

c (t)k


n (t) . (10)

The latter time-correlation function is definedthrough

n (t) =〈H (t) [1− δh (t)] δh (0)〉

[δh (0)]2⟩ , (11)

and its reactive flux is kin (t) = − dn/dt . Thebinary dynamical variable H (t) equals one ifboth tagged water molecules are within theirfirst solvation shell. For the model to be true,the following phenomenological relation musthold for times t larger than a transient periodttrans, wherein the decay of hydrogen bond pop-ulations is primarily driven by librations andinteroxygen vibrations:

−d c(t)

dt= k (t) = kc(t)− k′n(t) . (12)

The pair of rate constants (k, k′) is found byminimizing deviations between both sides of theequation.

The following geometric criteria were used todefine the binary operators h and H:

h = θ (Rc −R) θ (rc − r) θ (φc − φ) , (13)

H = θ (Rc −R) . (14)

Therein, R denotes the O · · ·O separation of


In order to judge the quality of the pro-posed diffusion model, we compare propagatorsG (r, t|r′, 0) and P (r, t, cos θ|r′, 0) (in radial andangular direction, respectively) to the actualtransition probabilities observed during our MDsimulations. These functions measure the condi-tional probability of finding a particle that wasinitially at radial position r′ at a new positionr, after a lag time t has passed. In angulardirection, the particle simultaneously performsan angular motion of θ degrees. Visualizingthe complete set of propagators is cumbersome—however, general trends can be demonstratedwith the aid of the selected examples presentedin the following. Further data (in particular allresults for the hydrophilic confinements) can befound in the Supplementary Information.

Radial propagators G (r, t|r′, 0) are shownin Figure 6 for the hydrophobic confinements.Therein, the color gradient indicates increas-ing values of r′, with purple lines correspondingto an initial position r′ at the center of thenanocage and yellow lines corresponding to theoutermost positions. The agreement betweenthe propagators predicted by our diffusion modeland the actual simulation results is remarkable,proving the model’s quantitative validity.

Angular propagators P (r, cos θ, t|r′, 0) areshown in Figure 7 for the hydrophobic confine-ments. Here, we only show propagators for par-ticle motions originating from the importantinterfacial density layer (i.e., propagators havebeen evaluated the location of the interfacialdensity maximum r′ = rmax). The color gradi-ent in Figure 7 indicates decreasing values ofcos θ, with purple lines corresponding to θ = 0and yellow lines corresponding to the value in-dicated in the different panels. Larger angularjumps than those shown in Figure 7 are very un-likely, as demonstrated by the cos θ dependenceof the angular propagators. Thus the shown setof propagators covers the most likely angularmotions of water molecules inside our nanocages.In angular direction, agreement between modeland simulation data is less precise, but still quan-titatively convincing. Discrepancies arise mostlyfor low-probability motions.

In conclusion, both radial and angular propa-gators demonstrate that diffusion is highly inho-

mogeneous within spherical nanocages and thatthe predicted diffusion coefficients (Figures 4, 5)are quantitatively accurate.

Hydrogen Bond Kinetics

Diffusion and hydrogen bond kinetics are in-timately connected.31,32 A hydrogen bond canonly break permanently if the bonding partnershave diffused apart. In bulk water, this cou-pling of dynamical processes operating on simi-lar timescales causes a non-exponential decay ofhydrogen bond populations, measured in termsof the hydrogen bond time-correlation functionc (t) and its reactive flux k (t). We observe aqualitatively similar, non-exponential decay inour nanocages (Figures 8, S9, S10).

We prove the validity of the phenomenologicaldescription (Equation 10) in Figure 9, left panel,(as well as in Figures S9, S10), which show di-rect correlations between model and simulationdata for transient times larger than ∼ 1.5 ps.The corresponding rate constants k and k′ arelisted in Table S1 and visualized in Figure 10.In all investigated nanocages, the rate constantsof hydrogen bond breaking k (or inverse hydro-gen bond lifetimes τhb = 1/k) are smaller thanin the bulk phase. Similar to the behavior ofthe densities, the slow-down is non-monotonic,because of the layered structure of water. Fur-thermore, all effects are more pronounced inhydrophilic confinement. These findings are incontrast, to a similar study, where acceleratedhydrogen bond dynamics has observed.53 Thedifferences can most likely be attributed to theneglect of diffusion-correction, as well as to thedifferent occupation numbers used in ref. 53.

Luzar and Chandler argued that if diffusion isindeed the cause of the non-exponential decayof c(t), then it should be possible to reconstructthe flux of both independent time- correlationfunctions, k(t) = −dc/dt and kin(t) = −dn/dt,from solutions of a coupled diffusion kinetic equa-tion.31,32 On time scales that are longer thanthe transient regime and on length scales thatare larger than the spatial extent of a hydrogenbond, the following modified Fick’s law for pair


Acknowledgement This work was sup-ported by the U.S. Department of Energy,Office of Basic Sciences (DE-SC 0004406) inthe early stage, and by the National ScienceFoundation (CHE-1800120) in the late stage.G. H. thanks the Max Planck society for sup-port. We also acknowledge supercomputingtime allocations from the Extreme Science andEngineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE),supported by NSF Grant No. OCI-1053575,and the National Energy Research ScientificComputing Center (NERSC), supported by theOffice of Science of the U.S. Department ofEnergy (DEAC02-05CH11231).

Supporting Information Available:

Structural and dynamical data for all inves-tigated systems and water–wall parameteri-zations not shown here. This material isavailable free of charge via the Internet at


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Graphical TOC Entry


Supporting Information: Multifaceted Water

Dynamics in Spherical Nanocages

Michael von Domaros,† Dusan Bratko,‡ Barbara Kirchner,¶ Gerhard Hummer,§ and

Alenka Luzar∗,‡

†Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA

‡Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284, USA

¶Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Bonn, 53127 Bonn, Germany

§Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Water Network Structure

For the lack of specialized metrics of hydrogen bond structure in anisotropic environments,we rely on hydrogen-bond criteria and a tetrahedral order parameter originally developed forisotropic systems. Similar approximations have proven to yield useful insights into structuralproperties of hydration water1 The order parameter we use is split into an angular (Sg) anddistance (Sk) part, according to the definition2 of Chau and Hardwick:

Sg =3







cosΨj,k +1




Sk =1




(rk − r̂)2

4r̂2. (S2)

Therein, the summation indices run over the four closest neighbors of a selected watermolecule, Ψj,k denotes the angle between the central molecule and its neighbors j and k,rk is the distance to the closest neighbor k, and r̂ is the arithmetic mean of the four radialdistances. Both values are zero for a perfect tetrahedron, but approach somewhat largervalues (Sg ≈ 0.1, Sk ≈ 1.3× 10−3) in bulk water at ambient conditions.2 The parameters areshown in Figures S1 and S2 and their discussion follows shortly.

Hydrogen bonds were detected by the same geometric criterion used in the discussionof hydrogen bond kinetics3,4 (main article). The ensemble average of the hydrogen bondpopulation operator 〈h〉 is closely related to the average number of hydrogen bonds per watermolecule 〈nhb〉, according to

〈nhb〉 =N − 1

2〈h〉 . (S3)


Table S1: Forward and backward rate constants k and k′ (in units of ps−1), describingthe hydrogen bond kinetics, as well as diffusive time scales τd and hydrogen bond lifetimesτhb = 1/k (in units of ps). Note that both k and k′ can be varied by ≈ 10%, while stillleading to acceptable model fits. Bulk values are k = 0.35 ps−1, k′ = 0.72 ps−1, τd = 0.46 ps,and τhb = 2.90 ps−1.

hydrophilic hydrophobick k′ τd τhb k k′ τd τhb

C320 0.21 0.54 0.77 4.76 0.30 0.89 0.56 3.33C500 0.19 0.40 0.66 5.26 0.33 0.82 0.52 3.08C720 0.26 0.57 0.59 3.92 0.33 0.76 0.52 3.08C1500 0.29 0.65 0.52 3.45 0.33 0.75 0.48 3.03



(1) Soper, A. K.; Castner, E. W.; Luzar, A. Impact of Urea on Water Structure: A Clue toits Properties as a Denaturant? Biophys. Chem. 2003, 105, 649–666.

(2) Chau, P.-L.; Hardwick, A. J. A New Order Parameter for Tetrahedral Configurations.Mol. Phys. 1998, 93, 511–518.

(3) Luzar, A.; Chandler, D. Hydrogen-Bond Kinetics in Liquid Water. Nature 1996, 379,55–57.

(4) Luzar, A. Resolving the Hydrogen Bond Dynamics Conundrum. J. Chem. Phys. 2000,113, 10663.

(5) Weiß, R. G.; Heyden, M.; Dzubiella, J. Curvature Dependence of Hydrophobic HydrationDynamics. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2015, 114, 19–21.


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