mtop lecture 4 29th sep 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 MTOP Lecture 4 29th Sep 2010



    Managing DiverseManaging DiverseEmployees in a DiverseEmployees in a Diverse


  • 8/8/2019 MTOP Lecture 4 29th Sep 2010


    Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

    After studying the chapter, you should be able to:After studying the chapter, you should be able to:

    Appreciate the increasing diversity of the workforceAppreciate the increasing diversity of the workforceand of the organization environment.and of the organization environment.

    Grasp the central role that managers play in theGrasp the central role that managers play in theeffective management of diversity.effective management of diversity.

    Understand why the effective management ofUnderstand why the effective management ofdiversity is both an ethical and a businessdiversity is both an ethical and a businessimperative.imperative.

    Appreciate how perception and the use of schemasAppreciate how perception and the use of schemascan result in unfair treatment.can result in unfair treatment.

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    Learning Objectives (contd)Learning Objectives (contd)

    Appreciate the steps managers can take toAppreciate the steps managers can take toeffectively manage diversityeffectively manage diversity

    Understand the two major forms of sexualUnderstand the two major forms of sexualharassment and how they can be eliminated.harassment and how they can be eliminated.

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    Chapter OutlineChapter Outline

    The Increasing Diversity of the Workforce andThe Increasing Diversity of the Workforce and

    the Environmentthe Environment



    Race and EthnicityRace and Ethnicity



    Socioeconomic BackgroundSocioeconomic Background

    Sexual OrientationSexual Orientation

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    Chapter Outline (contd)Chapter Outline (contd)

    Management of DiversityManagement of Diversity

    Critical Managerial RolesCritical Managerial Roles

    The Ethical Imperative to Manage DiversityThe Ethical Imperative to Manage DiversityEffectivelyEffectively

    Effectively Managing Diversity Makes GoodEffectively Managing Diversity Makes GoodBusiness SenseBusiness Sense


    Factors that Influence Managerial PerceptionFactors that Influence Managerial PerceptionPerception as a Determinant of Unfair TreatmentPerception as a Determinant of Unfair Treatment

    Overt DiscriminationOvert Discrimination

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    Chapter Outline (contd)Chapter Outline (contd)

    How to Manager Diversity EffectivelyHow to Manager Diversity Effectively

    Steps in Managing Diversity EffectivelySteps in Managing Diversity Effectively

    Sexual HarassmentSexual Harassment

    Forms of Sexual HarassmentForms of Sexual HarassmentSteps Managers Can Take to Eradicate SexualSteps Managers Can Take to Eradicate Sexual


    Summary and ReviewSummary and Review

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    The Increasing Diversity of theThe Increasing Diversity of theWorkforce and the EnvironmentWorkforce and the Environment


    Differences among people in age, gender, race,Differences among people in age, gender, race,ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomicethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic

    background, and capabilities/disabilitiesbackground, and capabilities/disabilities

    Diversity Concerns and IssuesDiversity Concerns and Issues

    The ethical imperative for equal opportunityThe ethical imperative for equal opportunity

    The illegality of unfair treatmentThe illegality of unfair treatmentDiversitys positive effect on organizationalDiversitys positive effect on organizationalperformanceperformance

    The continuing bias toward diverse individualsThe continuing bias toward diverse individuals

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    Sources of Diversity in the WorkplaceSources of Diversity in the Workplace

    Figure 4.1Source:

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    Workforce DiversityWorkforce Diversity

    Glass CeilingGlass Ceiling

    A metaphor alluding to the invisible barriers thatA metaphor alluding to the invisible barriers thatprevents minorities and women from beingprevents minorities and women from beingpromoted to top corporate positions.promoted to top corporate positions.

    Figure 4.2

    Source: Bureau ofLaborStatistics, Projections

    from Current Population Survey, 19881998.

    2008: Projected New Entrants

    in the U.S. LaborForce

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    Workforce Diversity: AgeWorkforce Diversity: Age

    Aging U.S. PopulationAging U.S. Population

    Median age in the United States is 35.3 years, upMedian age in the United States is 35.3 years, up2.5 years from 1990; 452.5 years from 1990; 45--54 age cohort contains54 age cohort contains37.7 million persons37.7 million persons

    Federal Age Discrimination LawsFederal Age Discrimination Laws

    19641964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

    19671967 Age Discrimination in EmploymentActAge Discrimination in EmploymentAct

    19781978 Pregnancy DiscriminationActPregnancy Discrimination Act19901990 Americans with Disabilities ActAmericans with Disabilities Act

    19911991 Civil Rights ActCivil Rights Act

    19931993 Family and Medical Leave ActFamily and Medical Leave Act

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    Workforce Diversity: GenderWorkforce Diversity: Gender

    Women in the Work PlaceWomen in the Work Place

    U.S. workforce is 46% percent femaleU.S. workforce is 46% percent female

    Womens median earnings are less than twoWomens median earnings are less than two--thirdsthirdsof the median earnings of men.of the median earnings of men.

    Women hold only 12% of corporate officerWomen hold only 12% of corporate officerpositionspositions

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    Workforce Diversity: Race and EthnicityWorkforce Diversity: Race and Ethnicity

    1998 to 2008 Growth Rates for the U.S.1998 to 2008 Growth Rates for the U.S.

    Working PopulationWorking Population









    White Black Hispanic

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    Workforce Diversity: ReligionWorkforce Diversity: Religion

    Accommodation for Religious BeliefsAccommodation for Religious Beliefs

    Scheduling of critical meetingsScheduling of critical meetings

    Providing flexible time off for holy daysProviding flexible time off for holy days

    Posting holy days for different religions on thePosting holy days for different religions on thecompany calendarcompany calendar

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    Workforce Diversity: Capabilities andWorkforce Diversity: Capabilities and

    DisabilitiesDisabilities Disability IssuesDisability Issues

    Providing reasonable accommodations forProviding reasonable accommodations forindividuals with disabilitiesindividuals with disabilities

    Promoting a nondiscriminatory workplacePromoting a nondiscriminatory workplaceenvironmentenvironment

    Educating the organizationEducating the organizationabout disabilities and AIDSabout disabilities and AIDS

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    Workforce Diversity: SocioeconomicWorkforce Diversity: Socioeconomic

    BackgroundBackground Socioeconomic Background IssuesSocioeconomic Background Issues

    Widening diversity in income levelsWidening diversity in income levels

    Single mothers and the working poorSingle mothers and the working poor

    Child and elder care for working parentsChild and elder care for working parents

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    Workforce Diversity: Sexual OrientationWorkforce Diversity: Sexual Orientation

    Sexual Orientation IssuesSexual Orientation Issues

    Employment and workplace discriminationEmployment and workplace discrimination

    Provision of domesticProvision of domestic--partner benefitspartner benefits

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    Managers and the Effective ManagementManagers and the Effective Management

    of Diversityof Diversity Critical Managerial RolesCritical Managerial Roles








    MonitorMonitor Disseminator Disseminator SpokespersonSpokesperson


    EntrepreneurEntrepreneur Disturbance Handler Disturbance Handler

    ResourceResource AllocatorAllocator Negotiator Negotiator

  • 8/8/2019 MTOP Lecture 4 29th Sep 2010


    The Ethical Imperative to ManagerThe Ethical Imperative to ManagerDiversity EffectivelyDiversity Effectively

    Distributive JusticeDistributive Justice

    A moral principle calling for the distribution ofpay,A moral principle calling for the distribution ofpay,raises, promotions, and other organizationalraises, promotions, and other organizational

    resources to be based on meaningful contributionresources to be based on meaningful contributionthat individuals have made and notpersonalthat individuals have made and notpersonalcharacteristics over which they have no control.characteristics over which they have no control.

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    WomenWomen--ofof--color Managers Cite Barriers tocolor Managers Cite Barriers toTheir AdvancementTheir Advancement

    Figure 4.3

    Source: 1999 Census of Women Corporate Officers and Top Earners and 1999 Census ofWomen Board of Directors ofFortune 1000, and Catalyst Women of Color in Corporate

    Management: Opportunities and Barriers, 1999,, October 21, 2001.

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    The Ethical Imperative to ManagerThe Ethical Imperative to ManagerDiversity Effectively (contd)Diversity Effectively (contd)

    Procedural JusticeProcedural Justice

    A moral principle calling for the use of fairA moral principle calling for the use of fairprocedures to determine how to distributeprocedures to determine how to distribute

    outcomes to organizational members.outcomes to organizational members.

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    Managing Diversity Effectively MakesManaging Diversity Effectively MakesGood Business SenseGood Business Sense

    What a Diversity of Employees ProvidesWhat a Diversity of Employees Provides

    A variety ofpoints of view and approaches toA variety ofpoints of view and approaches toproblems and opportunities can improve managerialproblems and opportunities can improve managerial

    decision making.decision making.Diverse employees can provide a wider range ofDiverse employees can provide a wider range of

    creative ideas.creative ideas.

    Diverse employees are more attuned to the needsDiverse employees are more attuned to the needs

    of diverse customers.of diverse customers.Diversity can increase the retention of valuedDiversity can increase the retention of valued

    organizational members.organizational members.

    Diversity is expected/required by other firmsDiversity is expected/required by other firms

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    The process through which people select, organize,The process through which people select, organize,and interpret what they see, hear, touch, smell, andand interpret what they see, hear, touch, smell, andtaste to give meaning and order to the worldtaste to give meaning and order to the world

    around them.around them.

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    Factors that Influence Managerial PerceptionFactors that Influence Managerial Perception


    An abstract knowledge structure that is stored inAn abstract knowledge structure that is stored in

    memory and makes possible the interpretation andmemory and makes possible the interpretation and

    organization of information about a person, event, ororganization of information about a person, event, orsituationsituation

    Gender SchemaGender Schema

    Preconceived beliefs or ideas about the nature ofPreconceived beliefs or ideas about the nature of

    men and women, their traits, attitudes, behaviors, andmen and women, their traits, attitudes, behaviors, andpreferencespreferences

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    Perception (contd)Perception (contd)

    Perception as a Determinant of UnfairPerception as a Determinant of UnfairTreatmentTreatment


    Simplistic and often inaccurate beliefs about theSimplistic and often inaccurate beliefs about the

    typical characteristics of particular groups of peopletypical characteristics of particular groups of people


    The systematic tendency to use information aboutThe systematic tendency to use information about

    others in ways that result in inaccurate perceptionsothers in ways that result in inaccurate perceptions

    Types of biases: similarTypes of biases: similar--toto--me, social status, salienceme, social status, salience

  • 8/8/2019 MTOP Lecture 4 29th Sep 2010


    Perception (contd)Perception (contd)

    Overt DiscriminationOvert Discrimination

    Knowingly and willingly denying diverse individualsKnowingly and willingly denying diverse individualsaccess to opportunities and outcomes in anaccess to opportunities and outcomes in anorganizationorganization

    Unethical and illegalUnethical and illegal

    Violation of the principles of distributive andViolation of the principles of distributive andprocedural justiceprocedural justice

    Subjects firm to lawsuitsSubjects firm to lawsuits

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    How to Manage DiversityHow to Manage Diversity

    Steps in Managing Diversity EffectivelySteps in Managing Diversity Effectively

    Secure top management commitmentSecure top management commitment

    Strive to increase the accuracy ofperceptionsStrive to increase the accuracy ofperceptions

    Increase diversity awarenessIncrease diversity awareness

    Increase diversity skillsIncrease diversity skills

    Encourage flexibilityEncourage flexibility

    Pay close attention to how organizational membersPay close attention to how organizational members

    are evaluatedare evaluatedConsider the numbersConsider the numbers

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    How to Manage Diversity (contd)How to Manage Diversity (contd)

    Steps in Managing Diversity Effectively (contd)Steps in Managing Diversity Effectively (contd)

    Empower employees to challenge discriminatoryEmpower employees to challenge discriminatorybehaviors, actions, and remarksbehaviors, actions, and remarks

    Reward employees for effectively managingReward employees for effectively managingdiversitydiversity

    Provide training utilizing a multipronged, ongoingProvide training utilizing a multipronged, ongoingapproachapproach

    Encourage mentoring of diverse employeesEncourage mentoring of diverse employees

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    How to Manage Diversity (contd)How to Manage Diversity (contd)


    Aprocess by which an experienced member of anAprocess by which an experienced member of anorganization (the mentor) provides advice andorganization (the mentor) provides advice andguidance to an less experienced member (theguidance to an less experienced member (the

    protg) and helps the less experienced memberprotg) and helps the less experienced memberlearn how to advance in the organization and in hislearn how to advance in the organization and in hisor her career.or her career.

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    Sexual HarassmentSexual Harassment

    Forms ofSexual HarassmentForms ofSexual Harassment

    Quid pro quoQuid pro quo

    Asking offorcing an employee to perform sexualAsking offorcing an employee to perform sexual

    favors in exchange for some reward or to avoidfavors in exchange for some reward or to avoid

    negative consequences.negative consequences.

    Hostile work environmentHostile work environment

    Telling lewd jokes, displaying pornography, makingTelling lewd jokes, displaying pornography, making

    sexually oriented remarks about someones personalsexually oriented remarks about someones personal

    appearance, and other sexappearance, and other sex--related actions that makerelated actions that makethe work environment unpleasant.the work environment unpleasant.

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    Avoiding HarassmentAvoiding Harassment

    Develop a zeroDevelop a zero--tolerance policy ontolerance policy onharassmentharassment

    Communicate the policy to all; pointing outCommunicate the policy to all; pointing out

    that these actions are unacceptable.that these actions are unacceptable. Implement a complaint system to investigateImplement a complaint system to investigate

    allegationsallegationsiif there are problems, correctf there are problems, correct

    them at once (reasonable).them at once (reasonable).

    Provide harassment training to employees andProvide harassment training to employees andmanagers.managers.

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