movin' on up!: episode 1

Post on 20-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Hello! Welcome to my new story, a Creation To Future challenge, created by joandsarah77 over at Desirable Discourses. The format is that of a cheesy 80’s-style sitcom starring actual Sims from my ’hood. Since it is not shot in a separate ’hood, you may see modern things or Sims you recognize from other stories.

Like most 80’s sitcoms, it is a little disjointed, and both Plot and Character Development are somewhere between stupid and non-existent.

On the left, we have Bryan Littledragon, who plays Urk. On the right, we have Bella Littledragon, who plays Akka. I will give their dialog markers as “BRYAN’” and “BELLA,” because I get less confused that way.

I will not be narrating, although there will probably be a note from me at the end of each episode. I hope you enjoy!

BRYAN: I’m digging things out of the ground for us to eat! What are you doing?

BELLA: I’m putting things in the ground for us to eat.

BRYAN: That’s silly! If you put it in the ground, how can we eat it?

BRYAN: Hey, I found something!

BELLA: Is it edible?

BRYAN: It’s a rock!

BELLA: Is that edible?

BRYAN: I dunno. (puts rock in his mouth and bites down with a very loud CRUNCH)


BELLA (OFF) (sleepily): What are you doing?

BRYAN: I’m making friends!

BELLA (OFF): With a stray canid?

BRYAN: With a walkby! Friends are very important for promotions and working your way up the career ladder!

BELLA (OFF): What do those words mean?

BRYAN: I have no idea.

BRYAN: I can’t dig anything worth eating out of the ground, and no matter how much you put in the ground, I still feel hungry. I’m going to try something else.

BELLA: Okay. What?

BRYAN: I’m going to tie a really pointy thing to this long thin whippy thing and then -- (stabs himself in the hand)

BELLA: Stab your self in the hand?

BRYAN: Noooooo. I’m going to -- (casts)

BELLA: Wow, that was impressive! But I’m still hungry.

BRYAN: That’s not what I was going to do. (sets his hand down to stand up) Aaaargh! Really pointy things hurt!

BELLA: That’s okay. I’ll make us some grilled tubes.

BRYAN: Can we have them in stale split soft things?

BELLA: Of course.

BRYAN: Ohboyohboyohboy!

BELLA: What is this?

BRYAN: It’s a waterfall.

BELLA: But this is coming from the sky.

BRYAN: So it’s a really big waterfall in the sky.

BELLA: But then why isn’t it going all the time? The other waterfall does.

BRYAN: Do not question the Big Waterfall in the Sky!

BELLAL Did you catch anything?

BRYAN (decisively): Yes.

BELLA: What is it?

BRYAN (decisively): It’s a Thing.

BELLA: Can we eat it?

BRYAN: I dunno. (sniffs the boot, then bit it with a suspicious SQUELTCH)


BRYAN: I tols you you shouldn’t question the Big Waterfall in the Sky! Now it’s angry at us. It’s punishing us!

BELLA: No it isn’t.

BRYAN: Yes it is! How do you know it isn’t!

BELLA: Er… Because the Big Waterfall in the Sky wouldn’t do that?

BRYAN: You’re right! The big Waterfall in the Sky is loving and generous.

BRYAN: See? The Big Waterfall in the Sky is putting the fire out!

BELLA: But we don’t want it to go out!

BRYAN: We don’t?

BELLA: No! Fire will let us grill more tubes.

BRYAN (wails): We are not worthy! The Big Waterfall in the Sky is punishing us!

BRYAN: I did it! I did it! I caught a fish! Ha ha! We can eat tonight! I am the sustainer of my family!

BELLA (warmly): Oh, that’s nice.

BRYAN: Bella, don’t! You’re supposed to keep the food in, not spit it out!

As you can see, I don’t have the wear-anything maternity hack, and I don’t have any caveman maternity wear, so you will be seeing less of Bella next time.

I hope this wasn’t too disjointed or unreadable, and that you will join me next time. Until then, Happy Simming!

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