moti^m, jmspatch. ^ialstolj)-ehtablisbed...rislnl.'.h hie pr. d.'iiiiii inc. of...

Post on 09-Jul-2020






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twa ISAILT liisr ATi'M ta eeMrara fl ta eab-aBiaasB al firrti* i bmx* ats- warn,payable to

tto esrvvrr wxatlT Mallee at M par bbbbib; SIMM*-BBftlbsl Sl.tlO for Ikres w-vn-hi; 80c.fer

SVk_1bM.-WFFi.LY DISPATCH Bl 83 per bb-

BflBt, ff Bl fe* SIB Bsniath*.TbeMFFSLV DISPATCH at Bl per bbbbbi.

Bslnelirl"- la all csa** paya.rl». Iii advaac-,

aaa fir. t*na e ntl nani siter lbs .iplrstmn of thc

tlese sal4 tm. Send paxM-sxfllne tnoney-ocdh-r.r-heck. or ratlMrreit Inter, t'arreacy sent by mallwilliwa! tb* flak of lb* lesser. s»l»»rrih*r***i*1,-iBfT Hail' | asst-..P. <.> laxnr.-d n.-a .Ive U.rlr old a*

Well b. Uielr Bew t>osi *.sBa-e. Bainultcop!.*" free.

adv»:bti*iin.i RAT-U,IIUHV.IH'"

I IIBllx..I BOB Hats. 1 0<»8 i.wes. 1 "0euaiea. 8 7(.

IS Uiaas. 8 vtoI ia l ii.... 8 BB8 a-vulBs. 85 00

BiaaUBsT tiollee. In rradlnr-mxller type, A lineaer (a*_a Bl: H> Barnie i«\x.k<1 7.1 cctita.lara el rales for nacre apace inrnlilie.! en app'l-

cai .*________

All Miers a«<1 teleSTifet must be a-lalrrteefl Ka

_|!K HIM'ATI ll <i'MI'AXY.n*_f-fir*l cfvaiBi«nlc»i:,ani will nest ls- return. 1.


Sectional tasnoB.Ib reproducing and commenting up.n

tbe unfriendly utterancee of northern Ita-

publtrsn Journal* concerning iii ol thcMouth, we bate Iwo object* in mind,

1. As we copy the snides from our ex-

chsnges. sud kBOM that our comment a willlie seer, by those unfriendly northern edi¬tors, we write these cnmmrnU to let themknow Ibat they ure daniarrin;. their own

cause In lins section. We hope thu. to

open their eve* lo the Impalley of de¬nouncing the southern people, aud altohope Ibu* to indue.- Diem to refrain fromabusing us. We seek to lead ibem bl dofor politic nason* what they seem not tolie willing to do for better nason*.

8. We strive to let our own jaeople knowthat they eannoi safely nor wisely eutrusttheir interests info lite keeping of a partywhose orators sud organs lu (benoni).rnSlates habitually bring thc most unjuttitia-Ide charge* against the peopl* ol nil thesouthern Hate*, t'p la the BRM winn

Geneisl laJAMsBB determined to make capl-t;d i Uh. r for or with the north' rn Kcpubli-cans by pleading Hie DaUvflte tmu'.le* nfIsat yisrns thc tulse nf hi* inglorious dc'eslin Virgin.*, ut the BRBM year, tlie Demo¬crats ol Virginia bad usually been cx-

irupied from Um eunsnu of easphiriagellhrr force or fi ind in order to carry theilections; sud i ven now we notice thatVirgin's I* MM always included aaaasg theStatis which Blsj mule tim subj,-ts m'north, rn stectloaeailBg lit el*. Hut stillit is true Hint \ irgtala li toe alica tactadedwiih them. Lei ii* tay, bowever, thatVirginia doe* md wish to eninv an BX-

emption nut accnnled lu her s'stef B0_th-cru State* so lang a* she beli.-v.-* ihein telie ss guilds** i* herself of suv tavaatouof the lights of Bm negro voter*.Am! bflRf appear.* th- BflUns Of nil our

trotibbs. It is Bm ih _;rn. Knr Mkaaflvi sr* Ihe norlin rn Itejaii'ili. iii press Bascoolly assumed that He fut thal a rotor NB is proof unsltfTa that BS i< a Be>publban.surely a poor reason, and, be*Kldes, a sorry compliment to the negri.t'lM.n this :.*»i'iii!'ti"ii are based moat o(tbe chart,-.'* which are brought BBRjafll theBillilli rn I »t i:uui ut* wlu-nev ra pre-l.l.ii-liai * lection, or a ssional election, or

an Important State election, is paadlngWas lier such Injustice heard of, Vptm(bis asvumpdon i* based Bm claim that tueMates cf I.diiisima, Suuth Caruliiia, Missis¬sippi, sud I luiidi are undeniably I.cpu!.li¬e-in. And what 1* Ibe teaching of this as¬

sumption:'' It teaches that the negro lsunlit to be entrusted with Ibu bsllot. lt isas clear a cballeng ol bis right to v >te as

wa* ever made by Hie most prejudice I "f.. Hom bun* " It Implies that all aJetuBoSMought to lie dune away with In theSlates named, and that tip-l!< publican can-

dul.-tei or iia.iiilnie* for public offices ou^ht to be d*-elar*-(I in 80-88not elect, d to them, fur Ihe c.-.u-iiptinnI, fat elictinis are RaneeflflflBiry, TheI ruieh chamber of licpulies SSMS ( r par-liai * nure than once) declared Itself cn r>«r-

BBARsfljjM, Tlie Long Parliament in acted as ll it vi a* entitled lu an luimnr-talily ur>on earth. s-o In Louisiana. Flor¬ida, Sa,nth Carolina, and Mi-.sis.ippl thoI'.-'iiblii'-ans uiight ta dei Inc (hem*, iv. -

BSSnSBSM nt ly in cilice if their assiiinpli rn

Ik- true Ibat those S"-..tcx are l.cpiihlican byrearon of the race, color,and UawTtoBR B0B>dltlon ol a majority of their vuters.For these reasons BM coiiadiile lint we

are doing a patriotic work win ti we showBBSS He party lin- upon pra-IBbMbRB engendered liv a iBBta of war. an JIbat if a genuine ira of i*ood feeling I* aver

lo dawn upon thi* country again, it mustIsp iish*n-d in I y (heetorttoa nf a Iiciip, ra!to bc rresldint ol the United (rtotffKorry ure ari nial any uotttofl nf Bmpoutbr rn people should Join bunds wiihtlie unju-t (tepid.ii.SUM *if tbe North,finally would we prefer that the lottie,white i"ml bink, nnrtlicrti and smithern,f.cpiihllcan and I), moa at ic, should divideupon any oilier line than that al seetiuiial-irni. Hut we of lin BUBRA: are not to becm-ure-d f)r the existing ei.nditi.m ofthings, lt ls a clear cw lhat the weak r

tectlon lt not going to Ih- the first In at¬tempt lo carry n election upon sectteaalBuMBa. Let ti- hoi* tJkM the BtawSRBM Ben-li' n will be taught next November that thewhole 1'nion ls stronger than any one partol Ibe I'uinn.


Delusive Hopes.Thc Providence (lt. Ll Jaaarmal s-.vs

.tbe Richmond Dispatch Ihiiik* the Val¬ley Virginian is Winn,' winn lt Hay* thatthe Itcpiildlcan* have ten thousand mdnrityc-I Ibe rolers of Virginia, but Hie D_4*aa._s.(ail. tn adduce svidemBJ to show the falsityof tbeisseitlon.*' Kvideni'c* Win ev ut BM1* si. ph ntifili as ld ii ie*. Th. BftoBteIieU that the wtiite voter* ol the Stitetrrgel; outnumber the eolon-d voters; thataiia-e the det-t *|U**H..n ha* BCBO ellmtnatedfrom our jml i: ie* the whites un- united, a*

demor.stn.ted kt BBS BnJ election, and thattbe msjnrby of the K-publican |aarly are

negitaea, afford, we tamk, evidence sutll-ctent. Hut spi-uking ol BVlisMlM, there j.

pretty goed evidence thal tbe .lourntt onlytook the JUtjxitch up in order to work it-sell up tn Ibe blowing off point. Li-ten:

.. Tbe Bepublicans are certainly imtwithout ie in.nat h- hops ol Cstrrylug tbeold IKiiuinlon, and, with an t-trna.«. 11-

vato and a tull and uutntim'.date.l vote,'Virvt'illi ought to give a suhnttntlal ms-Jerliy lor Itlaine and Logan. Su.ii a r*ault would be a H Luke lu the Bourbon fiu--lloi). w lilcb lu* at.that,,red to restrain tbeb'.-ovsnt snd prt'greisive element in ticsnetent OoaMtMmwealtb, to amut'ier lbs lib¬eral s'litimcut of the maj iriiv. and tRislnl.'.H Hie pr. d.'iiiiii inc. of arialoeiatic

*- and oligarchical Ideat and priadple..¦_ Viigini-i "intered too much in Hie war toMohr governed now by tbe ghost* .>! ih. h.u »

mWde, UU ,1 Ly ihe war. Ker people can sesaetr Into Baa with Hu-great BRBtotet* Hie N .rt'.,

ixdlHeally ss well tut industrially, aiid Wslieiiive tint they will. As for Weat Vir-Finis. every of gratitude Bad of ougbt to bind that mouutaii) state toMM Kt-piiblii-jii party, and il. alHbaliuiiwith tbe jany of slavery and of rebeUioflha* berti one of tbe |>otit Ii- tl ph* nniiPti 1 ofthe see. The l.ep.ihllcaii* appear to beeonddent of mk-ci %. in Weat Virginia, andtbey have at least good eau*, for hope ii.Ibe .Dottier Commonwealth."Bow we re*|* auteuil that such

-.taresakias m "a full aud uulntluiidi.cdtote," * to smother the liberal Mntimt*nt afthe mBjorlty," ..the parly of .lavery andletMlliou,'' i.e., tn wry ugly. Iu fact,they make cbargM by Implication that haveno teund-tion. Yet, esu*emiog tbe Jourunim we do for Ita many gemd qualities, weeitrsct eouaolation from the remark ofUm good old Jr'ricod who hesrd s younje

, iii '¦ rmi if "i .1" ' '*"

aaa tasBihttig if softs very blghh*eolor-ed hagiitsr. " It ls tetter sot ot thee thanto thee," hs said. Periodically the Jour¬nal geaerites . ipecluc imount ol venom

against tue South, and If lt did not get ridof lt lhere would !.*. an explosion. How-tvcr, as usiiil, tho Journal's pt*.lin re¬

coil* upon IL It come* with a very Indgr*.** from any organ of Hie Republicanpity, ind ptidcularly from the Journal,to talk about thc ghosts of tatura decidedby the war. In every campaign since tin-close of thc brm H,e BBRRfttflfff party hasts-en rlghllnfr the, war over. Kvcrv limeIhe ives) le of tho South have endeavored t

lay the gho«'« thc Journal refer* to, our

I'rovidcr.ce coutcnntiorary sud other Stibv'sri |)tper* baye pasSRSaRaf ff raise them

ly ii nvlng thcbliody shirt and Indulgiii*in certain political inctntstlon* oil-u-Isicel ls hie the northern heart. Itlt rretty well established that JffCeA. l.ooAM was put upon the Republics:,tlckft cn account of his supplied powerto (all (hem up. Certainly hi* Maurils*.mmi ns nest Incnntatton blink vcr.ic as

nnyibin-.'in modern literature.Aa to Ibf-liopo* of thc Republican* sfssr*

rylng Virgltiiatiid West Virginia, wc wouldsay to thc ./. Bras. Itel never wen- hope*likf ly lo prove more delusive. If thc/ournafw ill ( xainino tin- facia and BfOrSSlB OOttStatis for ilielf, and nive unprejudicedjudgment, if raaaot bat agrss with Bmfjjfsj Bsa) on Iiii* point at lc;t*t.

Mahone's Petition.Thc l'hilndclphls Time.* ot y.stordii BM

thc follow lng article :

In the Ttln.-t nf ali tte excitement alioutdu- ( cattaiutid yesterday two Aguie* werepoahef through thc Bintb-ttreet eatraaeewhieb nit flied d noe- attention. Tbs s-oMkteiiificniit ti: tn cf tte two wm GsaeralMahmie, of Vlrgtah The other oas OreenH Baan, ox-i oa-B-lsshaer of latoraajRevel lie. Roth TQftllSTSn tfd wore *cii!in rooms (.n tte first lloor. Very BSOflIbereiifbr Mahotic we* in (-(imul'tfltiou,willi S(nat'.r Don OSMSSBB snd Baum,with senile of Mr. Maim'» liianasror*. Theobjeel of Oeeetal Msbnaii*i ti*lt wm loj re»cnt lae sit'i-tioii in Virginia le tteleaders af tte partv. Bs stw tte atadl.dato and all tte Wadim, and both Cameron.-.pd Haiim s|Kiko for bate, What MshoBlsaid to nil of them may batt h) InferredTit .iii what BS said I the 'Timi's:"Yes, OM Iniic l .'O'ul ("hitlio I carr.'

IBS State ht HI tine. Oue batt tbs t-ffoi-.nntl money apeotea bobm Bortharn -Bat,put toto Virginia would Insure Ita ci el m!volo is tte Republican nonlneee, 1 bareih va r soi n our people i. better eoodltloanr Btore dst, iiiiino.i t> w in a victor*.".'How Bavay coagreatlooal dlatricUwill

you curry*""WoullL'ht !.. hllio lit OUt Of th) I').

nm! cniihi, pct timt BttRiber ll the Nationali oiBflttttes ii nu d take proper hold of tbelunation. We will -,'. t f.uir In any event."

.. w hat di.,-- ti,, (resend nf and Wiliam hick amount tor"

'. Nilibili--. '1 hoy h iv Leen acting withthe I>e|]ine|-'it:e party fat taroo V MIS BBhove in. indium e. Tip- discord imi beof tip her, i* a great deal nore importantthsn in lae Mni -. We are getting morem-nnN troM tbs DeOMHrTStlC pirti dunthere aro prodhals from os. We an- _¦ lin¬ing around and htre a good ch nice. Yir--ililit is nun h lin.!", Ih in a doub-fttl St i!¦-."Moaeyl Money I Moser I Bu! lu-won'!

get lt. Mr. Joass und Mr, i.'ik!*.*- knowino will the state of thin,'* in Virginia tolie misled by (ii ni ral MABOBS'SStatofl-Cat-:hi'i!<f lbs i'. ni'si ii.mi "haden" Mr.I'M- i* tte, of Nabobs'!tantlldalc, Ii-r "lii.-n s*,not moro Hi iii twowill bs i-l(cte,l, ws ire raa-adent, 'i']-'ir*t, Third, Fifth, sixth, thveotb,Eighth,r.nd in-think ive tiny add thc Vnthtad TSBlh dialri'!- aro safe for tbs Deno-crHts. fad as to tte food ebanee tbe Mi-teoettsa profeM to tera fur carrying vii--

gish for Rf.aim-', it i. all bosh. Tho Demo,erst* will carry the State by twenty, thirty,or j i rteffl forty thousand Majority,Bead: "Oas batt IteafAttl sod MONBT

-pt nt nu Koine northern state* put IntoVtrgtah mciilil insure if* electoral vote totin ld publican it iininees " |Was svrar saab boasting heard ot? Tes,

('ilieral M--BORB, ts IfBB, |Ott before thlj.r.-id. (lcc1ii.ii. at which hi* ticketrees hen only lt.0_fi vote*, tagged his Baststoa jxijier s.tiiii- forth that In* ticketwould cirri" tho Mite of Virginia. Tbsotter twa Uehxti sot respectively taLfOOmid SI,(HM) vadis!

Federal Interlerence.The Democrat- of the whole c-iuiitry

mayas well in.iko up llioir minds lintonor bi-forc tte 4tli dav of BoWB-tef next

tiny will everywhere have ttl submit tn tbsISOM humiliation* la which tte Republicanoii'i* ia!- tera already sB-drc-ted the electionu coi* in Now Ortesos, m ihown In our

BRSM Bl yesterday. Mr, BsBRSTBB, th)stale elcction-oiiioer. wa.- arrested by theesR,.pablhan otBcislsoa aaa_Bdavt< obargloghim with bh-tterlng sod prareatlBg thenfrom fftf attendiince st the place of ri_ri--triition of voters in tte psrishof Oilcan*,and from a frc- oxtininution BBd Inspect toaof the ncon'-imuk- of such res*btrathn<nnd frniii makin.,' true mid correct liststherefrom, and fruin verifying tbs sun-.

and from peifuinlBgsetsrcqalred of thena* such sapsrThar* of eteetha by tbs hwiSi tte 1 nit'd Spites.Thc jieoji'c of Bl-hS-Ond iitiU-r-1 uni ex¬

actly ivliat all that nn-aii*. Two yean agosome of our oleotluti-nllie rs wile arro.todnu a fiivnlniis ebsrge, sad arri -ted, loo, islbs middle of thc day of ehetton sadmari bod ott a mile or nore te 1.i-amiiieii " by other RepuhChan oftehb onIhat Mv-bhas ebsrge, These eteetiou-Hilels lo whom wo nf.r were reooiviii-"

votes ut IBS precinct iv hi-ll nive* a lar,'(-rwhite majiTity than any other precinct inlin- eily.Turn SOt the party which bueaponslbh

for these sufinges,Mr. Randall.

Wc sro vlad that the Cleveland. Hen-dricks, ami Daniel chili of Lynchburg,purpose to visit BsMBSMB) (ill :ls a body "ii

MM Mil (>f October ti hear Mr. I.tsntii.sjiak. Thc distinguished l'olipsvll alli in

i.a* mt tilt d all tte boaon thal tte psophrf tte 1 'lided States could bSBtOW UpOSLim. Particuhiriy dues thc South owe hima ddt of |*ratttod* whieb can Bern bc paidi.ur i von tiiiiilnisli'-d.

Air. IUM'ai.i. I* a man of tine jin* .ncc.

He i* thc foreum-i paTltanitBtarlSB bl tteworld, wc suppose; and, therefore, liutiri-vallcd ss a " S'le-nko, " 'willi a <. ijiit il S). Ruta* a s*,M-aker (with a small *) ho is inferior toeevcral of our Vir.-it:ta oratora, We mean

BMSSt] Iii 1'ollit ed BUBUMT. nd Battler,We mean that BS i* uni putioulark clo(|in-nt; sml yet hs doe* not nek ii int is

i ulled .' liia.iiotiMP." And M I ) ral merit,hi-. *| co-la, will comjiarc favorably withtfSRM cf any MSB i:, the I'liitcil Mat BS,Ile can .tStS a BtwfOSitiSfl of-l ind as clear-li i* any nliui niau can st_to HM sam- inwriting.Os sud heir tte hlitelB|n|B18 Rammi.i..

¦te BRM tir-t eba ted to (iMttfTSM tvvcntv-BfttySSnsffO] who has nil, i iH-t-n out ofthat bash ktOSS BS Vfl Irtt sent there:ulm wa* Mart biforc Hi um: iva*, and li i*

remained lhere for year* alter Hi.ainu's r,

tirement, but who is now pearn tealsrayiwas.

The Ctntrat Presbyterian ol thl* week isfull tf anti-evolu'ioti ttfRtflBaff, .. M."who claim* to bc only one of thc ile. an article which even Dr. Woon¬ton might with beuetR ponder. Tho dis¬ which bal grown out of Dr. WffttsKow'h teSSfBanfftel proved that HM CVnfrafPresbyterian ls a w atchmun upon the Ijwer.Ita .. science " tells now.We do not know that there- ls any State

a titi) can boast of religions BfBffl NfM*rior to these of th's city.

Non ho.sinim tantas ctmponere lites.But lt is (.oiernor C'AMKitus'b. It is his to'..ettie the bash " of Hm pt. lt 1* withinhit power to put an end to Mahonb'h ma¬chine politics by t-tkiug the stump foi thenan who hut for thc Governor* counte- end tnrwuraasjnMaiwould protjaMvbe now delivering letters and p^pari in

Peteisbnrg Instead of delivering srrei-lieito tbs «. colored troops" of tbe Fourth d!«*

IriPt._Tonrgee'a Latest Exploit.

If Bri lt I really deal rei to doIhe Bepuhllctn porty a service he will sendIhe Bear nnd thc Thetis In search of a de¬fender of Mr. Ui.AiMt who ha* no record.Judge IwSBnjSJfl sffordsthe latest ll lu itr.i-

lion of Ihe fsct Hint such RB expedllbnwou',1 be dcslrsble. A few days ag), at

Dunkirk. N. Y. Ibe Judge appeared asa

BURBS champion In a Jolatdiseusdoii withColonel Fas I ona, al New York, who ad-vocal ed (i.ivm.ANii. TotuoKi. ip.kelii-tand at lenrth. Fallows followed, andduring his speech read an edilorial publ-Ved In the Continent, TounoflK's magazineIn that article Tohruee sUrtMl off with thenat* inert Hint "if the Kcpubllcan party¦ k* to commit hari-kari, the ajntalMI I Bfl

«i:i.-t iinihed fur it to do soi* by fie nom¬ination o! lAMMd. aaUWBlBf the lire,i-demy." This was followed by the state-

m. nt ihaf'bl* dlsabilitl**s a.* a candidateire radlc.'.l and incurable." Thin cam.* a

bill of particulars, opening with this: '. InIke tirst pliee, lie ls the Incarnation of nfl the

reprehensible element* of the K'-pu'dicanuarfy, itel* apoBtieten in Hu- low bbuss inwhich theterm i* u-ed. To hi* mind *tati--

in:iii*!ilp I* synonymous with trickery."Tin Sprint'tlebl RepiJAicin says Hu'Hie

worthy aliidge " WM obliged to retire fromthe (rntest wor-ted and amid the derisive-I., er* and laughter of the audience." Th"

nepnblioin does not state where Bfl retiredto, bul the presumption is Hut aftf-rindiilg-lag in such B " Foul* Krrand " and SUek an

uttMiipi to aaake.«Brleka wlthonl straw,'-li, sought (I.vvvi.KV, IIo.vh, and Tc*BB-PB-.'ilie MclioNAii), and (ell OB their benURMBad want


A Straw.The New York Timi | *avs that among

Ihe unusual devetepnients <.f Um ra^esenlpolitical eaayaM i* te be noted the reeo_u>baa of the .M*thndist Cnnfareaw of Illinoislo give Its support a* a body to Sr. Joi is

and DaBIBL,This being true, it Insures tip- el. ii,..

of ('Aimil ii.vitiiisns to be QoTernor andsecures the electoral rote af Illinois furlu vi pam. if th''*" ate northern bfetbo-di*ts, ol Whoa nine tenth* iii- Bepubll-BUS,Hut thi* movctneal i* a straw thal Bkowi

how the wind i- Idewiii'.' In Ohio, Indi mi,

Killi-..-. Iowa, Bfld Wi-iiiii-in, m well a-

iiiinuis. We ii iv c nut recorded a riiore en¬couraging "devi..j iiiepi " ttoce the cnn-t rif_ii open. d. Burrah for (" an IBl KUBICSB.

TbM dd niblin, or clowa, or whslever( Ne yen i linu-e lo eal! hitn. l!.'ii*t BtTTLSBrec. eily Mid in a public speech"Pul anything like a man In tbe presW

dent lal chair and there would bc n .suchthing a* a I lui ville or copiili tn tasacre, sn.very n.aii engaged in one would iaprison."

Well. BtTTLKfl i* a* little 'Mik:' a lil in"


any other paadldate tbs! could be found laIbe Initial Ma!,*. Be i- a n.misler luv. iv resp. el

Hendricks cannot biol out hi* Be wm m disloyal m .1:1. Davis.('.i-i inna ¦¦ nette.Twenty gran after the war ead d. tnt

is tbe kind ol talk which northern Bepub-ileani Indulge In a* Ihe best means of

getting vniis for Bepublleau nominees.And tin-re are Virginians who are workingfor thc siieei -s ol the Bepublican pirtv.

HOB.TBQM-1 8. Huiiii K eilli'd ll'* Mi in

ye*1( rd..v.lite Hrs! mm we ever lie ir.1make b i>isi>ii<- speccb, and who then BM te'une ni the mn*t efTectlve we have everlistened t". There are few sn 'li oraton a*

BocncBWM lu hi* prtaM. Long may bsbc spari .11" ii- native State,

The Cincinnati Cnmmnrci,il'G<netl<' ofSeptember ___(! publisbM the Mn.muanletters. It tunk oar Buckeye oontemp .-

rai) a long time to screw* it* courage il]) tothe publishing pniiit.

Rea Hook.A NaturaHsfs Rammttt About Home, Hych im.ks C. Abbott. New York: D.Aiii.nnN A- Co. issi.The price is imt-tated, but the hoik i*

worth whatever is a.*ked for lt. It isaI.k nf what used to ho elle,1 " Anim it

Nature," *,r Nat nial Blstorv. Mr. Abbottwii'.s rn), an,,.rv concerning opoMums,' ird-, iniiik-, Ac. Ac. He writes

fl*om actual personal knowl-ul:-e. and Iii*i--:.vs are a* Interesting a, stell essaysoould be made,For sale by Wk*t, John-ids a) (!o,


Celine.- ieut is losing h.-r prestige.Thiie bu-iii been a myMerioui murder tathe State for a month.

'I h.- best way fur BELVA LOCAWOOO toget support i* to condini ber campaignwit!: a Bl ii' * ol feint-.

"l.AitnicHiiiK maka |10B,fajo a rear ontnf Truth." The Blasts organ, might1 retlt by this InformaMon.

Tin- Philadelphia Press preaeats a pfc>hire nf "Mr. Blaisb wi iewing the paradein thal eily." Mr. ibouldsuetbcPrtst for lil.i 1.

Wlthonl expreMlng anv opinion a- to tbemerits of tbe conflict between Mayor Cab*him.nv nil Councilman Bowin, vv thinktbs hiter ls to bs Mntnaended for gettlni.a* deep into the mud a* tbe workmen werein the mire.

A Phil-nidi bia oontemporary, irieaklngOl thc Hi.aink iliiiiuiistralinii in thal city.Mys Mr. Blairs wa* mular the electriclight. We hud thought that Mr. Hi.usi;wa* under the electric light all over Up¬country.

" Thc mure I told them I had." say*(icm ral Hi tl.ti:, "the iin.i',' they told UMtoots* out." Ya-, Bbtot. it wa* nu banns]crowd, and lhere i- supp- question ii, tnbow you -rut iii..«t ..( yours.silverwareparticularly." Nut the lens! ebeering *i'.'ht in fronl of

the l nioii Lea|tte las* nigh! wm thespee-tac'i ol Jambs <¦. B-abm quietly beatingHine willi lils loot In Hu- Ullisi,- nf thflbinni." vv s ii,,, h;iij,i phrytng the Multi-gas Qnardaf

The IJaliiinnri ARMTlOIB .»:iy-: "T!i-(.(.ininiiin uti, n Bon. Gnoaos Blipublished in our Hews e.,hunns tin,

tag, refntoa r*oaehitlrely the charge thalhas Leen linnie that Judge Foi.uki: wa* hus-tile to Mr. Hi.aisk'* candida-y." VTheBHu- .lH.iM'cin *. ii!.,.lnwn to the arel-of¦JftttBfl of a pice of frito satire ii ii

lally Mieii'd-.

Feraonal.The Bafsaael .state of the hate BMtoD

Sin.|ispn i* slated to be Tallied al irO.l.iJS.!.Cnn rn! Mae Adam*, who ls thought fn

11 Bm Bated .. Number One," kan rcit.Medst. Loni* (rom aRJBwpe.Father Hyacinthe, on bis return to Purl*

wiih his American m\m%\ wa. yelled andli.,, .1 at on hi* first appi-iranee in tbe pul-pi I ly a party af Paris rough*, who wantedbim lo "divide."A statue ol John Harvard, the benefactor

ol Harvard University, will be unveiledshortly al the college. It i« a bronze IgiSSau J has cost BVLUtXi. The bronze will Ik*

rmi In place on a base west of MemorialDil at Cambridge.Sarah Wlnncniiiera, daughter of a chief

of the Plutee, recently jrave a lecture ntVirginia City, Nevada, on "People I Metlull..- Kant." She wai dressed in Indi tncosiume. Not an Indian attended tbe lec¬ture. Thc Plutos are said to think that she

7%gTo%^tMLtr --R>*- -fvi-k-'rn

-Mi -¦ a iass*"' ¦**¦ ¦ ¦'" .¦¦¦-¦"

has descended in the tchotslvtltsiUon hywearing usually Hie ooatuSte of Williewomen. Hbe ls laboilngio fft money tocsiabllih *n Independent Indian scoool at

Pyramid Reservation.Ephraim Reiser, a voimr ardtt. who ic

home i* In BilHinurc. but who i* now InKt me, liss beef designated by Mr. I- relm-,-.biiivn ssthe wulplorof tbe monument tolls'roii Da Kalb, to Ik* ercct-d In Annapolisunder the net i-f Congress ot 18S.1.

Balor William DtekeT. who was a mem¬ber of Hie Maine LSfbilttSTI In lill lo.

foic ssfaf morttls of this dav and BSB-IB-Hon were Itorn. ls Ih* "Father of th-Hollie" now. Ile goes to Augusta In thewtnti r ss a Democrat of the hickory air..

Professor Dr. Foster, the wcll-.nnwnKut.H'h'1 iBtiBRahtttt,artedMdst Aix-li-( haisl'e. MM ti collection of lilied* winch.flem it* jwrfeclinn sad bSflOty, stiu,I* al¬li ssl unrivalled, the insect* not only _S)Bafpit pared in th* MB*f useful mumer, Im;ah** cn wetly dssnttksl in accordance wltisi icr.tiflc rules.


Ktiirlt of IB* BIBI* Prssis.Sum Ik Ht rolil: lt dies.. lifer* are illiM-

tratlons of what he (Blaine) did oath(tpesterof tba Boom, what would bs notm.a.* E-resMeal of tte Baited state**

I.jrcldmrg .Vrir.*.- The control w',i. hMr. Ulallie ba* over one set of hi- .. in¬stinctive slit inkings" HW the controlwhich untidier set nf hi* " InStlactlvasin inkings" ha* over dim arc truly rc-iniilkiible.Nfdfolk ljrth;er: The ikies aro hn.-ht

and brfghirniiig. and. if flfS du Bot ri 11 iv

nvor-conti'hnoo to Ix-trav BS into tho He¬

eled of those thin.'* (hat are absolutely11 *-:iry for lacOi -, vv. ihstl Steel our

presidential ticket, irn-i'- SM MU majorityIn thc House of HojtrosciiLi'ivos, and takecharge of die Senate.

I.vnolii urg Virginian: Wc see a rep<*tf-Hoi.'of lld* his'nrv, iv lii.h i- .. phil..* .;,iy-fi aching by oxatiiplo." in tte course of theIndependent (tepBlnlatas ol to-day. whoprefer tbe beoett Ooreiaorof Bew ToriUl tte bririaiit man sf their own party,vvhniii they di-'rus! bsCBOM of hi**. It is enough tu know thllJbbm-sG, Btt-hf mil never be tenta intith) "tltidolioo of lif'l-fnill" llli,linn* ol pf >.

j i,-. and i linn, i bo President Bf tbs UnitedStates, brilliant tteogh bs he.


BafMctas io OM Law nt frtaeilaa ttgaaBRM Views of Ihe Halter.

A PilBeetoii iN. J.) spcefal Myi: Tbsfaculty and tnttteeeof the college tor sometine have I.,, ii cushion:,- tin- expediencyi f a emir h tin- gymnasium com¬pulsory tor tte student*. To-day it wasl.l illloed thal tte nile WOUld bc ¦¦ I,and tte Irnbmen and sophoaiaBn will be¬gin work tn-ipiifrmi. Atnbers! wassmontthe i.i-t of .inn icm Institutions to takiii:i**itp in physical disctpHas, white In-petut totbe nov, men! wm given bj Prlnc .-

tonycansgo. In If70,woes ttegynna-«iiiiii WM built herc, a law WM in TOglln ((niling each atud. Bl to ip ad anumber ol basin s weal working h tbsbuilding, under the direction "f Br,(ioltlin, ibo Issttuctor. lor Mrerslyearstho arrangement, on tte who!", Stalisfactory. A proper Istercal vv i* no!lacking,: ml do n was bo particular ditli-nin- IngeUing il .¦ undenrr iduates t-i con-

form to Un reguhtiof. Just al dii- juno,inn- tho attoiiiiincc ii college rsi greatly

I,;, d. and then tbe ace intnodatl oi*

of the a] mnatiun were hun to be In ide-quote. Tbe hw, however, wm not rei)rel, altbough Itt efficacy had been p -r n i-

neatly balked, Tbe decision of the Is |In rgaln putting Hm compulsory hw inloreeervated nueb surprise. It wm wellt.i mvp ibat il re wa* sot roon ta thcbuilding for tte four ola-*--, and ¦*) tbe« i.,!. nts argue d that thc scheme would hilIII., II tl.i* fuel wa* lillee Ulldel'st'i'id. i'llf nin. bowen e. '"iiii'inmisod tbe natterhy making th ir decision -feel onlj tbe two(OW, I ol -,--, -.

A gr I iii niau ulm is'i'iihii-il I ip th OBIbetabjictssld: "TbeadTantegei ifcon-I'l'l-ni > exercises of tbli kind .¦ nnotl'-iiisiuil. To lome thc Idea larepnlslvc.'lin'< doubthM srlses fu-n thc fact tbhuman naturi-, and especially younghumannature, panrain a deep-rooted di-lik.-tibeing ii'id ll wiwf do anything, Tte aetionnf tte college otfenh ott so nuch h i',favor Ibat tl detent** a cheerful respoaill is -aid th i! nen a ill -eek and li ni exi .

che a* iln-y feel lt- Bord. Anongthoseiinw in college tin re areprobably ons hun¬dred of whom thia nigh! lie truthfully as--' Hi d. Hut to MSUne that it il true of allis ibaord. Tbs gynoaslun i» open be*Iwein toa lu,ur* of ll and i. .', aad ii.nnd during lteie iniii val* the teudcaey isto losf. A* a rah tbe tine hi 'hu* ip nt oroccupied hi r< itiliiiL'; sonctimes, per-uuM.In, which i* i: real phjttcaj, xerdon. This pjrognnBM !. followed oulby two thirds of tte -indents, while lherear* many who donut *,.- Hi in. Ide nf th"gynnaslun inure ihan ad,«/' ii tineas view,Tbe faculty, ai last, have bosm tu knowthese beta. Vigorous, vet aol rtohttt, ex-eia-i-i- insures -'nnd health, -itid grtally re-duels th,- ebsneesof sttudent'i luffertogfrom tte slab nlary life which i* alni .*'

thrust upon bim. Tb* faculty, I dunk,have utod llln*t ll i---'y."While tin re is lbs general feeling thal

flu- new law i* just, ii i* aaactted in" tomethat tho faculty lm* bo right ti Duke workin tte gynnasluo- extra work. Tbej ttythal tho sell, (lull-nf recitation requlrea acertain number ot Innis i wuk fur lec¬ture*, atudy, etc., and thal du- is all tin-is mi 'in o iiini ibotdd I"- m.uh' unless the

Bunbrrof redtttioni i- reduced.


be Pr rems (iel cn a Spree with it sm.I tin-Linii- Obs lirips if,, ip.

>. iv Tort ih rsl 1.1. 'orom r liv,ui .vu- rural toned to bo! I an

nquesl yesterday al Cteppaqui upon thedeath ol a four-year-old -mi ol Du id Bee,a .-hut maker, and th re be "Iii j h.i thdead bi dj he hand Blas Gabrielle Gre* ley,thc only -inliving daughter ol ll iraGreeter. She wai irranglnj. wUd flowersaround th corpse, which liv In a long pracbox, tbe parents being too poor . providea cidliii. Tte child bad died ..f tuc ibollsm,and tte Interest evinced bi .Mi** Greelev intte little ons wm nuteo br tbe fae! tintlbs WM ill godmother, .'ind tbs littleboy's lister Emma, ten yean old, waah.. in'.or of the Sunda] tt-bool ch a of whichMias Greeley i*a tJjaeher.Tho stnry told by thi- littl,- g\r\ before

tte coroner's j ..ry brought f.-sr* to theeynnf -lino ,,i ihe-lalwiirt jurvin-ii. She Baldthat un Saturday her father und mertberwo nt in While Phiaa sad easts boa*- verydraak, carrying s kerosene csa Oiled witsalcohol. .. All tiny Minday." abs -lil,.. papa and and Hiram Torkidrankileonol and -jot very drunk, snd I took laecaa sad hld it np-.fair* In tte coner bimy little bed. 1 hid tte licobol liecaoso.dithi'i srsol papa and Luanna to eli ink bb*illino. Mv little brother fouud tte caaaaddrank BOOM of tte SteOOOt, I MW himcoaM doors -tain, sod bs rttggered aero**lbs room and fell ea my Inp. 1 smelle_alcohol on hi* breath. 1 'raised him Up OBmv lip, .alni in nj *n.di be .pi! down todfell on tte ii'inr. Be went to steep therelilli! lieu I1 linke ||[ ."M-MGreeky took tte rsastiasof tteehM

to thc cid (irt-eliy f inii-lpaus vosterdiv if-fornccn. nm! the fiimr:.! will take placefrom Ibera to-dsy,Tte oiiniur's jurv rendered a rerdlci

i entunag the pr, ntl for criminal eai. --. rad a* Mn. Bee i* In rt detlesl eondl-lion ihe oas fldrissd to go lione to her

i' i. which -he will do to-dsy. Mi**(.rn ley will take ebsrge of tbe tarimalting children.caa a hauy, twa an l iball ti .in I'ld; i igbl yean,mid kinma, ag, d -..- and will lend th rnto sch o'.

< IteSSfBBf n lo rt ii ne ofB'.-'iO.OOO.A Hartford .< te i.) ip elsi sn -: Th ire

is il L n at -Hr BBMHlgtbe CuBBiagbant, ofHartford, eu account of a reper! that i for-loaeol a'1'iaiter nf aniUlondolbur i*ioe,lii idi d muong tte faitii'y. An adTrr-

!:«i n.eit appeared is s tVovldsn -.- pap r ifew months ago nkhg laforatittoa coo-eerahg the bein ol BstoCaBBtogbtu*, who(liiignited si,ii,,-yt ar* ago from Wsteriord,Irehnd, to Auttnlfai and reeeaUy died.hii'iig an .slit.-.,t i-.-iO.iKM). It st em- th ittte < nnninsbam hnily, nf Hard ird, eass*(iriL-itiallv Iron Waterford, and Inve-tig.i-1i< u h: d* then lo -BUSTS thal they ar.- therightful hers of the Amfrallun widow.Bte separated from lier husband and u-KBged in ttesbnp whlBf BfriBOM in Au«tr.dia, by which menu* she ann**,.<! her for¬tune anil died without heir*. One of the('.innipgliams, of Windsor, t onn., went totreated taJa-Mtlre into tbs rtSatiosshipbut bs gained no satisfactory infuromtion.Ti., Hartford branch will make every effortto'li-h their cl lim*.

T«ta«-1 A raoul In tba Rsa All Richi.A flaMMS) tpccisl »ays: On Saturdty Isit

a Ptuiii'.'iiese started in an open In nt, aboutfifteen feet long, from New Redford for Cut¬tyhunk, to tell another Portuguese, engagedIn lobstering, that hi* child in New Redfordwai drud. On hil way down thc boat waieai'ghi in a mjuall about 7 o'clock and cip-sl/eil. hut did not sink, and the man clungto tbe craft Hil the came tgalutt tbe outerstakes ot fleury Alteu'i tiihtrapi ott the

harbor s« NMbawena. The. .... .latin* fana( ll,. ,11....

FOILED BY I HF SHERIFF.A (lever Jail liVllsrif |. Raeklaad CeBtity

llrlrrlrd |D ih<< -.Irk of Tlmr.AMo'lMoor (New York) SfMSWH sass:

In the tittle barnie! nf >,,.., ,.,,,-. w!li .., j,th*-cnnnly town of Boekrand .'-oiiiily, arethecoiiniy building.. eoastettag af a eon-tr,i building, te iii.1 floor and bn-m-.itof which I* u-"l ni tba rsridaaoe af thettertft', and Hie Bflcead floor a, the ci-'i-t-i.i.iii. on iii- north i* x wing t aa storiesin height which i- flied ax i jul; on thexi.nih I* Hu- new wini.-, in which are.itu .nd Hie e..un!y OUMM and siirr.-C.iliN Coull, lil the J tri t!p,r,. ure Bl;i -.nt some pieven priaoaers, amonganani arc tames r -n, who wai <imta;.'-" st Moase- byBtaMT IL John-fan, A r.lerehilit ttl -illYen, WhOM M t

lad Imii br. k' ii lalo aa robb il br M u>pan; Mitel Bovie, wbo is to be traianslBUgbler in earning the death of a tel-I'.w-lalionr in ;. lu '-v .'-I MBtonv Polnlbv striking bim un tbe bead wltbaoord-v pal sii'k lu Alu us! Ii,t. and Knl.-.i M ,r.

mv. who mm eaughl ia cu- c itnmlaslon of* bnrghuT al the b* um "f Hr. .v. H. .1 wk-11 an. in Nvmk, un the '.'.'hi of A H'.-n-t li,t.1 I,.re are several then Who are e iiiiu Inu vii ii- ehar.'. *, iTim-ipilly drunk an Idisorderly.

l-'or Meerai dayi thc theriif, Jahn ,v.llniriiig. had noticed a growing intimacybetween Brassil, Murray, and _toyte,aadp. caine -uti-c. .1 (bal (he wounds of Reagsawell lint th- ell!', OBUM "f tin* a-sidu '-

aympatby dtspisyed, and thal bb old j ni-hlrvTl of ihe experience of li-' ena ism veryllki ;> io batch some ptel thal would resiiflin causing irnubic Far a few days theshel ii! kepi a careful a:d unsuspected- ali '1' 11 tl"' workings "t thens three w rr-(Mes,and suljeequeul eventi hive -'1 ex

t'ii hi* prudence did uni displayItself loo boob. Puring tbe absence.Of tl.e -lpn.r nil Sllll.liv ]. i'liliar ,

u. re h.:.rd like (he gn iwlngol rats, whichri I.- ri ported to tbe tbi riff on hi, rel ira,and lu-'. doubt, d bli ex. rti ins to peeve il¦i > m.. ri ob the |Mii el the m -

i.ui_; irs tad iiu;i'!'fi' from ky-tdlnr tosuccess. Everytbing wm qui. until1:80 .-'ci.. I, mi iiie,.lay morning, whenthe mv-i. r-nii- gnawins of rats wm agunb. srd, ind a -. ere! wal -ii n 1* se! oa Ibepi I. in vv i,ieii Murray and !'¦ ij le a ere co .-

tned. Abeu! I o'clock (bo cell-do r swunge|" 11 noiselessl) on n- bin rcs, snd Murrayl.-it (be .-ell. followed bv Boyle. Ilraised the (-rating from tbe register-pipe,inn1, arefully folding bil .'"at in tbeolpcsn as not i" scratch bli body, prepare 1to slide in the cellar and prospective

m. At this nc.':.- ni the sheriff 0tb. "in do* inri tl di* ipnointed |.1- oiled f'-r their cell Ukefrlghl rats.Ii iv-, found -hal Ihej tl li ... .11 someno -t. 1: -us w iy, -up;.li.-d with a b wc indiel a.f taws, fl i'i which Ur j ii id saweP.-lill.!-!-!,uli'-it.ell bull Which f l-l it'd thedoor ol ihe cell. The prisoner* have be in

placed in a. in te .-!;- and are to li-' lu¬ll) (h. grand Jory, noa In -

Although ll .ur .ii i- till suffering levere-|y from lu h."itii i-"-, ii is thought Iwould lu,ve attempted to mak hi-1vaiiii the ntl,1: t'.i " i tbe pipe.

Von *ii.:;..*¦ nt l!.t_r-t*.Vt iii lie!'' village ol Ba il :, dtuati

il Hie . hw Mid X'ii'il lille Ol I'.Ul'V iu i,':" anton "f st. G iii, tb. r i- so-


ki, wu. *.iv* a (.cn,-vi correspondenl ¦>( theLondon Daily Netts. Marshal von Moltke111,'. il iii Switz, rimd a feworder thal be mig it teki th w itenfinn-.-. Bag it/ -:-ri 11 ¦. iii- onlyconsist, d of two Ml ts, Hibi, personal hsggagc mlgh! easily haveLien .I in .t child's whe. i.irroa, vLondon morning papei recently state I thaith.' ri fn lunn ttrategisl wa* men-II x xml physically broken np. This islui tbe ca-e. for, -ave in those dgni whichtonis! :.mpaaj etgbty-four ie u-, ol ...'

he having b.. n born on tb Sri li nf 0 *©¦i..r. 1*.hi.( ..lint ron Moltks pres.nts nosjiciai symptoms "f decay, while bi* Int l«ii ci i, lienr, briflbL and unimpaired. A tilllunn, xii. vv bal bon e I, with a rugge I (ac -,I., en, il<. p»sel ye*overhung by sb iggy eye.brows, n.-.s-ire forehead, and a ii r.n. - il-dierly tread, von Moltke would bec. nspicu-niix vin among tbotuandi of other eon*.picuoufl (Jgurr*. lu bi, manner an Ihahn* Usiis taiiijjple and frugal as vv.;- iii -great "On!.'- of LVelllngton, un I li" has aborrer cf b. lng made a 1bow of. N iturailylacliuru, ll ls seldom he enters i'i eon-rersalton, especially with strjngers, andin.-, t bim win 11 you will he alway. he wrapped ta thought. Ile use-inly,md gm ,!' ndi d to t1. (Juellenh if,when the waler* are .Iran;., li iv In?I iii"i(he Brst gi ian, a* by mle pretcribe 1. hefolds bi* bands behind bis back andI ncc* up ind down, walebing with keen In-i.iast the wiiier-iirink.-r*, and .miling oc¬casion! Ill ss mme lyre t iking hi- Hrs! d <¦¦¦

puckers bil Ieee up in dlsgusi m the strongsulpburous fumes. These water- rise intin Pfsffer'i gorge, three mil- away, ltis one of tl. markahle gorges Inthe wi, le d Sn ii/, lani. The fiil'i' ul* riverTannin, lia* carved a waj for Itself througha -tup. ml. i- di Bl -. [fl no place i* tlilichasm mon than twelve yal ;, wide, whin..verb, ad tbe ns ..- mea t, 1 fi sj op.lure ami il.' rc admitting the li.'lit. H .-

;..vv the river bolls with Incredible fury,and *" i' rrtflc .1 ,1 un. uthly »eeon thenui*a', oa ing to the rea. rbei it lo .-

e. be. -. tii.t ii visitor 1 d' tbe _rs( tim canv n press .1 (. ling o( alarm.

one -ide ni tbi, weird r ivi rn 1 wooltralb ry bImhi! rlghti j inti In length basi",i ti built, "lin .' -111-.* utetl bj ni rn, ifimii black. 1- li I Into tbe p rp. n licularwall ol rock. Be wbo would traverse thi*

1. with dry skin mus! "lethe him* -iffmui bead t" fool in mackintosh, fortbs irater pours down (rom shovein endleu -11.ii.1-. The bot i|bubble Bp fl .HI) tin- ll ,,r ul' :, c i-vern at tin- end ol tl. gallery, and run Intoin enormous mervoir. Tbs cavern Ismin-! and the fun -1 i the sulphur -.. strong(bat tbe purioui vi-it.,,-. beta tpprebensivenf :.-j.ii\ Mi. in a! -1 -ji edy retreat. Fromthc gorge tbe watei are conveyed by

1::-'.'.,'iiiii -; 0 the v diane, and,owinglo tho ( real talland tbi rapidity with whichIbe winer flows, ii arrives at Its destinationwilli tin iou ol only 1 f .v degree* ol b iLli i-av.r.i nowt ifni lulpburaudlrona iter,j in I ls said to vvnrk mindel lue 1 ol rheu¬matism snd gout. Th'- village of Bigatzi- ilia.tiihceiiHy -lin! I in ac ,- llIrue Alpine grandeur, li itands l.ltJ-J foe!al,nve Hm- -1 a. and lo* (0 th< ip(he Tallinn i Bbine. lt- n ttu-ral ultra.-tiutis and Hi. repute ol Its watersannually Bttreel Bb n ten thousand .tran-_. i.. Conni viii Mo Ike bat been In thI.: lil .f visiting Bagatz for tome v. ,r-. IIgeneral.] srrives unexpectedli iii takestbe plainest bed-aroom he can geL for any-tbiag tike luxury be totally Mcti n

Vi n Melik.. i- an exec -dingly frugal.1. r, wine be »iid'.ni touches, but bow and

agata be takes a little beer, Hs i- a goodWilkel' -till ill spite nf hi* lulu,'' .!¦(our years, lie promenades, andwi'.l.eut even tbe BMlsteaee of a ttl ,.

Bit habitual attitude is with hi hands be¬hind I..I.'. I!'- walks stewly, ind with h -

th beni f irward. in the eve¬ning, lei ditiiii r, be spends sn boar in t .-

s lon ol Ibe i'm Hetih"!. where daaetag and-au - -tv ii 'ml.-' d iii. and though be I iki -

no art. in- manifests greal Interest in allIbat goM "... At 'i o'clock li" returns toi,1- hot. I, and hall au hour Later retktbe n'ghL

ll -,...-..1'* lire.-..I l*ri'2>ar_t!onit ibe cheapest baktag powder mtde.'1 iv it.

VI MlUlAl.l.a.vMu.Hs.'N- mill)-vi in ie i. mi the

il, reildeoceof the h'lde, r»y itu- in r.4.., e. a,U i- li.A VSI)KH*iiS"...l thli ci:-.. ID I. Bl l-l',, r vv.. Starry, vii. *

\| s|i>V-l)i)lV HTS.-Mirri.-], by ll,.- I.-.-,.r. ¦-¦ iii -I iy .< alfir. -- :. -. aber

i.i. I«,e4. at Ute n-uh la.-e of tbe bride's f*'.l-« ii,HS IL ALS Ii .%'. nf 11 .clim -ii I. I/a , aadMis IMII V ANN HOW L...V rilciiti ,,


pi,wu: -IMajsLatUM rrsi hil,.r Ita BVaatVii tl st .a!--, -liiiiies W.Neilin). .. Vlmiln, ,.

ii.|f) iniiiiiy. SeplemlH-r 88, Issi, |.i(_li-H!|. Ix VV.. Jr.. mill child r,f Kr-lcrl k VV uniM"l. ra ll. Pow, r; ajo-il Ave year, anal aeveu

*"i tfei BSllS (i.lldreu MSSSM bbM Mi!,fjrof.i.rii i- ii.* lianasa- of Masesa."Sm P.ll and I yiuiihttrir pip-rs pl.-a-ar VIITIX. .ld*"!. Sepleinh.r .1 1.1, ItORKHTA

HANLVl .Nl'hKL. infant ilauxiiler of Haltia-! Waller K. Marda.

fruneral at thc ruahttticr or her parent*. No. 8wail iranKiln .hui, Till* MoHMjUl at u

O'cOlt^_I_ .

.«¦.¦-..¦...}¦"¦^.¦.¦a^aaaaawa.aaaa.ll wiifk ni til H.

\V. PK'KltELL, LDMBBB-DBAL-Z_. w. ricaKEi.L.

Tara! oracr Brja.l aarl Lstuel iirva.-ts.iv(J-3-u

LJ-SJC-jTsB ' e«t7t 1CO*.



O 0 T AAA 1.OO T t AI.UJ

8BB a «¦ * '"ii w .iou

BBB t A KK [IS KIHII B AAA K K Bf RN'" OOtill *« -UN "* .»¦


i'll' o o w w w w n dis sssPO 5) WW WW 1) O V R H.-F oo w w dod mn a..

w li:MM.a.

Alf T1IE MBMBERsi OF M Ht. 'ivi 1 IV! ri ('Kv clan n. MBtt-

. ,- VivMill ar' DSMiiCKVTIC Cl.CH.

i d'a'f, .'.. in ,., V, io-auler* f.-rlli,. an ..Her-

,ii, n tic mi. -a-o * wt"- b.vj sot c't-

.¦.iJn't.e.ri.smJ.wi.l -..'ea.'- atSBI-«a.-,.of ,i,e ( lab al H.. lr hall. B '*, '''!',- ir....,.... w hall asd ( ny. 1.114.' . ,,.' fTr|.;V»MM..'iM'.'.»' e.-c:.A. *rl]_2^,^n,rt',.i Vcr Hi, l-i, no te,! ..Hi.r I'U.i"'-, -.1 Imf) ri-

s!,"r.'",V ,'..,...! ... Lei every DsMto et'" il"1 "i'"1 '.''' '"'¦

">¦¦.¦¦¦"¦. I'"'"!",':{,!KSH.TIV'.I)H..e.r.-ft

AV NH I'.KM: I'HI.Mi ABD SO-I f Cl VI. -iKlKTl .-(.Ulcers and monti-irs ..r

. ,,.,r-','-..'i'-a'i'|- *»;¦.""_merlina *. L*u»»'s ll'"i .'':""*-,v, '*,:,.,,ll,, ad-'.,-ia. THURSDAY 1 -lt V My- *'"lujr, l. al -* o'ttottt. IcU B "I iBMBrS *»'l

". '-"-I- .,.,

ttosattetv. af rrj

1./AWI Sl.WIHT*.

H UMONDMOZAB.'A." IATIOB.The rrsa-tt waskly soiree allljtoke

M./ar-. Il.lllllh (thursday) VKrsTMo-. .- .¦ I- ¦¦.lr »y iii-i'i'' .¦''¦¦;- " .

rltaU'iii-eanb. which moil I"- presented si tn-

.;, , vp |. ra rall bl III billi "a

inn m c. i v'r";;\vT jsin-ct.ur KV*-'* Av 1,01 j Rata ''.'.'. " -.' "



ma n » -loee, Mais stbbbt, i:i ins >*n-

tRl 0BPOR i run in l-sff,

ASH CAPITA!.Wi\,n:i> niiii.i.!M.-.-i'».:*.:-. Mi i: ll is'-


bbb! ii' .

Illina nut-:

j. p. in. -., Preil

i. ui Mci ¦¦

,i n i: -M u. iiaxj , Jambs Ai rasn **o.*ss,

BO. RH I'll:!' ."'*. JOH a B. OB \v- '¦'.

V nv'll

ll. i.. ".] '. i Bol

hm Bli rn all ii"- prom

HOPE.i vri;v rm. "".. -ii it ni: wi- i

e. rmriM


CARI V VI". I!'-.

lind tli-' l-l t¦¦

JOHN' lilli I)-.t ..i lu. ! tu, ,v


.;. Im Nave*, a v..inn.- maui near here.had seas--.-.ali -, h id i eil

pail ,,i lil* iiii*-., and iva, v.tca ,,,,_ np tn Illsv.... v ,' I"- vr*., pul

sj, rilli lin Iv enrol bi n. H.- s

I* all hew led ll.'-h and hi.I, .-.I'll I* .\o la l.t. |l,.'li."l'rl*v r

W. r". t KUM!.Kl . M. H .

v. ii 16,1881. (i-lctli.rp--... i.


riMlE RHANCIJ OFFICE OF THE1 v MNBU I DBI '. SET,. ,'.l-I'lNI eli n red frsi 1 IO -flt h *-. v.-n-l,

ill! MAIN s rK.:i r. * He Bank'¦eon can be Iad ll eta. * tn

tim wink* ni ill perrnaa liailn* b-alti-ntwA. M. tn ii I'. J.

¦ii., i iv nm:., hit. vMir cm;ini; t impa-vv. » mi iii, a r*.-.un.-...Uirlr lion-and Ile pu reaeratly. at the low-tat prti ' llr.rsl. I' -t -.

r.Dglh**. Ilnllrra, Ks*- .".! (irlsrM.II*, ll-um.t a

r inri tenrnl Mtrhli erv .v!w.,i _ tings nf eve-,v let' i.tlnn. Wnrl « ...

nail* >¦¦¦ l's ,-. i e-li. r. yr. nlnj pi the a*.- ia

_:. ile, '. ( ats! a.__. I.'.-'. ¦>.

VI ILLI Ml r I \ *4*-.ll. ltvi ii.i in ):. Itu;i iii.' \ '.mu i: li, i. m.'. , r nhmdsoli-ii'iH:-* lt mn.RI I'All: V ORK SOLICITED.Iw ALL nin:;: fsTKCIi. I'.-OIL.

101 l'.vii:;'- OLI) _. OIL.IV. I,-i re !"-i re -lt.-1 fr un stesmee a

i REBII LOT ul- TH'* CKLBBR vl.'.ii m.lVK-mi..

We hare mid rilli (in. for many year*] -. vv-Hauni. ri ,r 'pi tiny i, a* reentallieod-*"il '.. ol

-. fori.uI'HlII- 1-8 "I.IVI--CI,..

ni I .' .- .-il.:¦; lt LL, LAUD Jmi, Te n :, ilesale Dr-inn-ts.


CIIOOL- B no li .-.

v.. .;.. i :, r -ii-.iit ii.,- towan priees-s fall Um >f

¦ATHOOL-BOOKSpublic and pr!*,li

nr,:.i*. -ii,, iu -I tad r mptly tilca led p>.

WfsT, ii ill',-, Ti is iii,¦ ll 'Jil Main *lr-i.

I VT. BABDOLFU & EBGLlsTI.-4 i-i Mtreet, i. ildst IH Hi* BO 'Kr,

.- ie. Bm i-'i'.iii- aaa prtvsle sclt., beat luiw UV* Mrgetl a-,. rUu-iti lu Virginia.,: mv." ARD OLD in. >i. * la-van 'tpin-i-iu"i nt, i uiire.

fiea.ll ¦-.;.. IBO, malledtoani li .. Mfa

S_i HOOL BOOKS.i~We hat, ii' in Tiff ii"' - ass la Bi ibbS-

INiVBll -, hoolai c Bli iel price*, e Invite the at-

¦!' p-iriii,., I.-I. li. i. m.! pBECKWITH ,v lil'! m.

Mil.:.:.-ni mc.

la.Mii: I.i-Ml SIC.sri .*! Mi ck fa lix Hy. Uberal dlseooati to

les se I.. , alain)C. T.JOHR8TOX,

¦al* Mala rect,


I PollTtVf ( ii."i: ros lin.uni. kkvi'UAND AliC)!,sii...1,ii,.|l,... ,r,..l,- ,.- .-,v

ouiip.ain.l-. Im- sal,. py BODEKRHBROTHERS mid otBtt 'ir,i,.i,u :vt .;,) esau par

''!"'-_.__»u '.' i*«.w|mII ALI'S IMPBOVBD CLEANIBGlt RhAM.rorreeovsilBB etotlw*, remuvlDc*.."'...' " i vlrtis-jtliu .mt dealer* aen.rttlV. 1.. | hoi ,-. H.iDKKLlt lllt.iTIII li's.

I ADl^.Peooyroysl PlUs (MChhtes.t J n -t¦.* i DxUah 'ii,ie vtau th tpe,- w,.l<ul ,. r,.,,lui' ;. t, t:- ..1 ii--, le. iiu,-i....r (.-hetaiesi Col111. V eiram-.|,.i,e, l*lillii,|,.|,,tl,,.

"r,u,0*» -»-l

_._,_»u sf-Ts, I h.Sa.VSu 1 o,itV Lilli. AM) ItliAIN ritKATMEN-7!'II lt.: t.l.lVKvr-'.I'MtvNIKHl-iiK. llMl I*kept Iii stock mill ll,,- wl,.|..,,|e audr...Will adel) IMIDEKJIR B-tOTHERs, 1414 llsln

mrm* sa'J I

lOII.KT ARI14LK*.'Vv/Af\

11 Ml: Hill -lil's.fff Wff f-RfJ .IMKIHCAN-.


I.H.ill-Hin-in.s (IMBBBBR BM MtMBSlI sr.- -,1,1111,.ll un,I,- |. our .^^.ij ,|,,n|K-HIM siiri.,,,w .ti!.., plain and MBBMOMMIlilli.!« in. I'clVHKIl-HOXKS,P.iVVDKKl-l'Krt*te*** J- BLAIR, Draff|.i,

¦* ._tor^r Ninth and Broad .trivet*.

.l..\^l_S_sU>A,TU« Ws»AtCff l-Rt.NT-jm. inlett.

Bn«IA&MI|fM^^Vsyxers/^ialsTolJ)-EHTABLISBED HU-M



,, T( A*l(MKBKl*,lB Bil colnr_.Btl«V.»rwa

l£$$M,nWAW't\W*~^tfWllf.te fn^^-*__*..|l,,^w"-H,v,v.-e..s.Bn,.y.,f.!*'.>!..Us,stel.VJA a isair wutil. S- I ....^¦iv,^^!,vrn,:-vn;ni:^.v,.rn.w..yi--.^V^rvvA'sirVoi-Lis .i av- ar-r-

.ZT&arJ t,. ie. ism. "'.....-*». .<- .** ¦

,.,-/.',.',., ri.ARWF.LSM(Bi.B*»Bs*snS#xMalnfr;i',;,'ni,tv,--,:iUVMi,r.l1*'«rrn^S-F.''"^- *'HV.SL<»i,rV'n'l -<""

n\i itu-: ki inf i. Alli.;i,';:A,:.iH.V,'^..M^^vll.^^!Hal^e.w,,t..MtH-atrSLIN KK lit* .< ISB- firmerlVa-MtA^V&Mi* I. Cl FICHOB, B**"" ."''

M^^T.H.Vu.C^iv/^^-^a''^''''L.^r.^|,| I ... I *' 1.1 tl' ww"

nt ".. t;|.'¦<¦ V.'.';*¦.-ahini) bebe*!¦.¦«-i'^;^'e,v:^v.l.r.:u,,:r,v'u'ii^''-''-'1^.i-Jv^-'-iivvv^^iltV''--''-7-'..^riM'-i'i'. KKlThtD VVHUSTKH

KB^'fetfg^**^....,.. ... ... ml I"1 hi- HT-

t;< rjr*\\\,'.V'\v.^::-VM.%i:w.-..Ki.:viM;i/,,V^.iv^s1v:-i:'';-.V,,\;.,n'i-:vvr:-

i,.V^r^^h!-n,.v,i.''.' ;..,

TjT-THAi.iit-Mi:it MOTHBBal

paT,.! ...-ii r-c Iv:... l"'ils"<

NEW ami DI -H.'VLi.i: ..'»'»i)s

. sad am aaa rsa-tito rarer

llei p.i rn . -I "'

ni!''. "". kRD 8 '. LBS



P t\ IS:,;' iii' JK ? hooS aAa ii E !. Sun «FAf-:

RRR H <.'¦'¦ B*^Il K ll I '. "

KUI: U te|HUI .

lt K UTJ «, ". h:».s\

DOD HUH I' I" " '

ii :> i: ii c (1 '¦ '¦ RIii Bimi, rc o gu j1) ii h. UL' r I. i.e. (. (.'i ilDM. il il L'U OOO (MW Kl !' I 'V-aS

cute, i.i.1 h.-liig i"

l x.|i:i MM OW FIOUBI -.

CARPI 11 V ni AND LAID Al »!l Mil

v.ii i. i:.

, DRESS (."'H*. DBBS8 li" "H-.

ir, Mi. rtlE SI .v vmmii -ii: IBLEkTTLES,


I. VI!..1 I'll! li V i I. MH*

ll. ll

1.1 H( 1'-, ill. VU ')!.i.-xi.,)')!)*-

I-..!.xl ¦!"' S

va. ii IX x.

VI.VM Xl V, Bl Vi.l's.

Ci: Mi - IS (illili A! li* H. M VI VU l's V

LOWER FIG BF.8 in vs kv;::.

J KKK BRU ."als III V Y gSBfl., H il ¦. .,

B B V Y 5 ¦.' KK BRR SSS PK VY '-,s_.

j .i r ii ii . ,i! y _~2 m

J.1J KKK lt il ¦VS-' KKK V "ss"' _,

A 1 Mn.i LIM. vi I'H.i RI -\i!

EQUALLED.-ii -, -ii. ¦.-. -iii-.

IN Hi Vi i. ISH ( ll "ll! H.

I. M l STOCK,aarl S .VRL-

.1 n> I"ii I. vi: I'i:!'

in .LUIMER iiipiiiti BS',- 2 - i.i uAI ' 'vi*.

ni i'd f. mm; isjBMI v

(.1.(1 xl",, ii 1 F. I! xvi. ll iii, lr ia.|K-U ii :-- il 1848.1


.Vii mt,



Ofltecs In .-.ll Ihe piMal - Cai tata; la Lund a,Coulta, nra, ai.i .v. mallan com ¦.

V"Ii vuM 1-sM Ki> QUARTI BLT.Sheet! f Chant. semi-werklv. Constant rev

t ri ll.u-le lawyer, wu., nuke collei ti ni -i".

Ita null Italill.-r 11 ii .i

.. .' an.I limier m ,..,.

Tan :.u respectful!] anSll HU.'. -'. il. Billillirea.

lin BMORDOrm I B. .1018M vi*, * n.i i i.

J.H. WHIT IV.¦S 7 rliiteiialeiit.

valwin SlnOMIa

Jil.Al lil I 1. UlLT-BDOE WOOD.Bl .1, and ros xviii my it.

i'" M., U..u|l,.i.,,I I'livK.all kind-.Elba C. -ii-v Plas ,trrei«.

vv. -. i-ii h: i:, u LT.i

I WILL ( M.N11M i; TO SELL BEST1 vv un: vi n ken ii. u 13 par I ,,,: sTLIS i.a) I. '.. In *i.e' M.I r ii Ml*. 13.40 t. st.:-'..ali klnitSOl Vlllill) eel 1V..IM ..ii,-i prleeafor eaab. Broad .*_4 Mottoa a..-J j-'.'.

t. Telephuuc ld,',,ie -MCIIARLEB li. I'Vi.i

( '¦MAI. Il IV Aim;:.,1 V..Ii! OMI. FROM S. ll. ll WV KV,,. M.-M.l V Vin!!. CLI-AN COAL! * I t v VI

hi M*Ll M. FACTOBY! VV..,, savx. aual ipUlanv ila. ,,r li nilli mr kindling.-. tl. il IW fr¬

ill, p',1,,nc .',7. i m,e, Kl*.-!, ti* ulli ant rarv-t:'- I. -."il


din an.r vird and tlu,r,tuxlily BtrBtaM Isefnre ala-llvety to e.:-i.m.. r.. Ii. puull. I, invilr-1 I., cal!alDraw-Brlatet,fool of BevvtBlraatb -irc-i, aadWill i¦-, Hie >.|, and .1." I., ptirchise Meir.I.i-pix ..rc.iaL. with ile aasiirsBcr of .¦etna -alt*-faetoallv H. !'. I ATHKOI* A .'.).

1'iirelas.r, will bs slrrel-r.illwa) t. .'It¬el- P. rel urn. .eflc.') -sr. Tin: BBIUHT-#QF-/n;Ol). / tJ.lnil'K U4II.VV ayom-tO. / OPANT bara decided ui-flier tarli Ki.K.u: x TKXiUBATE COAL at88-78 per '..a.. -I, ,t«,¦,,. i. f,*Ile mouth of itrpteSfber, This li the L-ai andctsBBPa.t arate lael sear a_asM BS cnuxiiiiier* of.: ii. Kif liinond. Wc Kiuruntni y.>u Mtlafaa-Unaor Daa ".ale.

i.d.|.|...,ie Meas, SIS ard 177. OSaas. T08 SSS! .turi. li.i.i.i.i N. KORTHEM.E. ... THAW. ¦awWBBlPUl

I uiiinierrlal Aaetlt._ar.4-.Oe8/AL'klBBBLAND (OAL.-I am rjreaafi 1\j la BU erOers for heal iioalliy (1KOROUSCRE1K CCMHF.lLAM) COAL ba'll,,: cantu er111 Int* fn,tri l.-n ,. nriy p.ti, at llallliivirr a tdi,i..r«.lnwii ,|Uailatl>its. AN MIK Vt UK COALall na*! WISC V 111..IMA «l'I.INl' and CLO-V KL -HILL Mill' COAL ftirnlxrie.1 si Inweelmarket rate*. WIBT BOBEHTS.otBce anil yard coruer 1sevBUUs_ilU au'l CarsiUwt* TtkphDuo Ko., Ill, ly io-3m

_,__a_BS__Bfl *rrW.I»«'*'H'U'''U<..HSSMABBorttSBT. wmtmut,mt |>art*w.

-poTHBtlT A CO..


rasn a. IR'"T**<*ENT mMm


ia*fBf c««)WDED rKon bRWalfRJ tua

NlMlir. AND AIL (.rlTTIM.


Rewcmhet, we wl'l-eily-'..»"' "

0»t y>« may "

itrnitckk. c.ttnvi-. 'i.i.-is'inn

ci i.s. ISO .1 '.'.**.

et .otb low rf-U k* AMI -""lici-.

uiat bm ."« te' "'i"11""1 l »af <¦ " * ..! **.

f,*xU and lesrnl-it nor '.-rm*. Wi aft I

Of Ci"'J'-, sc-l MB**


, all tnt rs .no fi '".¦ ns co.



IC LEA I Etti in PRK Bf 1 '. ' ri BM*.- i

nu iti i¦-1 I U-i ;.i:ii-:irHY I !."-! Ll I INI..M IN' IM)

ii.I 1 IPI s


I I.NI l ,:


-l iLMl N -.

l.t.r I UK "M. I -!. U IH tl

vt,il. oNVINi lti H

il! MA Ul Mil . IC :. -


V ..I- AV' ShNv US! 11 ic:.

r'.x.llWc ai *-*<."

HW i' il)II.e.* »..

.Ti\\* I. *.' HI rilli il-- H iiVi

miller. Pirloi ll'


v-.,i i« i; TO Bl I, !'¦

W rous


.". i, '. N I, llRU llMlIND, 1 l.


," fl ( nv

Y'.'l (I K. i: Mil' PBOPOM M.---1 al1 ta* reeeived tl


I". '!..ii: -n

I i.i I-. PROV Miland il,

*> li v *.l

II. i ".


c-.ntl !¦ I r e '. .1 f

Siddi r ¦' rreTi r.K,n. ..'-.- . .

sill-. ill!.

etlOrrie* I I

I)i:ori-.\l- i'd: THE REMo\ vi,1 ni- ur .ii iMM il- irv

. n --- iv- 1 ai llTRIDAY. Kim v.i.hit Si

. M.Infer'

J. ti v'. liPre*] h-allh.

BEWBPAPKtt iou *>tl.t.

TCOBSALE, lill: riDEW UKI*. Lil'!.-

;: ii i'll"! i i.nii "i i. : i.

¦-,.:: .' n

j two i:, p I: n i ipi ri

tries. A|-! mi

i.rW'ftfc it ri: aim n vi i.i kv

1) I c il RES, Pl i (JUE : lt -MKs).MIRRORS, ta BttORZl *.;

a iii -- , -- ini.i; ii in ,, r n-sr-

IV.-. , ,'ATHR-COl * ..iii

w f!*eree ;

IstO l-l!' -1.... . lil rttAMI a '¦

lt_A«w I.-, i ARIKI )-. dllll.oi:-. p.

II,, /

IUrT.1 I a ai ! l.'"N/r . V

4">, il'.nl alf af --

QOODS tOBntol th ern

IM, ll BES FRAMED ll ,v-,y *i,

paMU t. Be «.. sud niniral w-

A **,,,; ...4-iiilttlit ,ef ARTIST ll PPsit DIBS. .. i i


J.1KM.Y C. Jo.M.-. i). D. s. grmDssta: "I .1. a: tl iv, ll i * ,1.*;ar _,,,.

HU*, i I,i.ur- !.¦ u. IA. Mat* c. ¦ M*.,-_.


(.' "n.r f WsTSf " iSs-TilOrrie t: asl Mst* ea sntii aa

tevsalB. Richmond. Va. -i

Wood .t (owAR!'IN sfjjm,bave rein,.i

N WT i-i Maia btri t ,.

_Ht, If*,..,.,!

Y I'AV I-i iN .v. goss,n ni I*I*.

OrsK k* Bes, *,.7 aaa ,, ...

,a«l Hat, ,i ^ ., ,M,


JOSEPH IV. I u (iiJfCltMelllN.. I SDRRTAR.RBcob.n.b vm*r ino Bs.iADatsBsra,

WWI) AMI UK."mm; BCKUI.-i !-__,and..u!,">'H> ****«- "'' *«Trleee. , !¦'"-O''si'i'MU at LBWBS * ITI*.Tdetraptilc aud cuuutrv ortUn wlJctle.!.

._.._--_-__-_-_-______^ an '.-.--II T. ( ll KIS PIAN,¦¦

' rMr?Nl'ailil5U ' H'»»--TAaKi:.^*-»''^

"u "tficVioSKvV.""''CA*s\'sr'T-V-Kl-SlV'li,',tf,^''H"'»".' BS-.T ALLICkKr1-.t:.Vi'i'iw;>,;;_!"u,,n uloth »a>

!..^1;Uv',l.e.:i';,,l.le«ri¦.5no,4*" *""UB*a!l -st*a*M*1

Mteet,patreiA eta.' I

V*J!m!!*USt""*'"Uic'. ^arnlabeti 'sl'vl ItltuZi^-»» ^'*"¦*¦ *d-r *c\_a*,.I J- BIN KoRD A BATTBMB^bSBBBMTAKHBn!^_artH*,S,,,*U - ^ o'H .**-t-SsB»-*nV_akl Kl_tvV1 IU,!' ""»". «*«.«»» .».¦


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