mothers are special

Post on 08-May-2015






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Appreciation of our mothers and mothers everywhere who give so miuch to their children.



Thank you mothers for doing what you do

They keep their families safe

They’re like a life boat

They defend their loved ones with their lives

They soldier for you

They listen to all the problems, cares and concerns of their children and give them the benefit of their wisdom and experience

They’re family psychiatrists

They encourage children to go to university to get a better job, to be better, to take what they did not have

Mothers want the best for your children

Mothers bask in the reflection of their children’s glory in selfless pleasure.

Mothers cheer leaders

Your happiness is their happiness. Mothers cook your favourite foods, buy your favour clothes, your favourite toys etc. Just to see that smile on your face

Mothers want their children to be happy

Mothers want more for you

Mothers see their job as holding the family together as a lifetime duty.

Mother’s job is eternal

A happy mother is one who sees her children gobbling up her food and asking for more

Mothers love to see their children eat heartily

They appreciate with time. They love all their children equally but practice giving more to the neediest.

Mother’s are like gold

You can’t fool your mother unless she wants to be fooled. A mother sees you and your faults but love them all.

To her you are the best, the brightest and the most beautiful person in the world.

Mother see into your soul

They will go hungry to feed her baby; wear rags to ensure her baby has good clothes.

Mothers are selfless

A mothers love is strong and deep. So strong that she would take your pain, your illness your death if these were tradable. She forgives readily because she sees the good in you.

There’s no love like a mother’s love

1. Tell her you love her 2. Hug her – older women are not hugged as

much. Human touch is important 3. Call her on the telephone 4. Remind her of what a good cook she is 5. Visit her often 6. Take her out for coffee or a meal once in a

while so she won’t have to cook. 7. Spend time alone with your mom, just you

and her as a treat. Mothers love this. 8. Tell her once in a while what a good mother

she is and again how much your appreciate that.

Things to appreciate your mom

To mothers with love

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