most beautiful places to park my mind in my memory

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Most beautiful places to park my mind in my memory


Most beautiful places to park my mind in my mem-ory

By Seung J. LeeMusic: San Francisco

Un-Moon-Sa temple and mountain where I took an excursion when I was an elementary school student and located near my hometown.

The Dal-Sung-Gong-Won park (Taegu City) where my elementary school located nearby.

Taegu city where I studied at the Middle School.

Beautiful Kyung-Ju Bul-Guk-Sa temple 중학교 때 이 먼 곳까지 수학여행도 갔지요 .

The High School where I studied for 3 years.

Beautiful Su-Seung-Mot Pond, Small Lake. 이곳까지 단축 마라톤도 했지요 .

The Korea Military Academy (Seoul City) where I was a cadet.

Royal Tomb Tae-Reung and Bul-Am-San mountain

Ranger course training was held at Dong-Bok Ranger Course Hwa-Soon

In cadet period I took most terrible Air-borne Training

Ul-Jin Juk-Byun Port nearby here I served as a platoon commander, 2nd Lieutenant.

Ul-Jin Juk-Byun Port

So-Baek-San Mountain. 연화봉 통신중계소 경비소대장도 했었지요 .

Ul-Jin Pyung-Hae Wol-Song-Jung nearby here I served as a S2/3 in 36XX 108RN 1BN as a Lieutenant. 동해안 경비사령부 .

Dong-Sung-Dong Campus of the Seoul National University where I studied for B.S.

Kwan-Ak-San Campus of the Seoul National University where I worked for M.S.

I went to study abroad to US and arrived first time in LA Santa Monica where my friend Ki-woong bought me Pizza for me. I will never forget.

그 당시 비행기는 GTR 승객에게는 미국을 가려면 일본 하네다 - 하와이 ( 입국신고 I-20)-LA 를 거쳐야 했습니다 .

University at Buffalo SUNY where I studied for PhD

Ellicott Complex at North Campus

Niagara Falls are located near my school. 저녁 식사 후 바람 쇠러도 갔었지요 .


Toronto is close to Buffalo. 여름 방학되면 냉면 먹으러 가끔 갔었지요 .

New York City

New York City, 8 hour drive from Buffalo 여름방학 때는 가끔 갔었지요 .

Washington D. C.Washington DC, 때로는 워싱턴 DC 까지 갔지요 .

L.A.- Las Vegas-Grand Canyon-San Diego학위 마치고 귀국하면서 잠시 들렸었지요 .

Grand Canyon

San Diego

Las Vegas

Princeton University N. J. USA, 다시 Post-Doc 연수를 위해 프린스턴으로 .

Springdale Golf Club, Princeton

International center for theoretical physics Trieste-Miramare castle, Italy

유럽을 처음 방문해 본 기관 , 도시 .

Part II will be continued. END

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