module i sacraments

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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S a n B a r t o l o m e H i g h S c h o o lM o d u l e I : S A C R A M E N T S1

SacramentsAll sacraments are gifts from our Heavenly Father, who desires to give us His very life, which we call grace. Sacraments are not earned or merited. For this reason, Confirmation should not be perceived as the sacrament of adult commitment to the Church. In fact, the Church even requires priests to confirm infants and children younger than the age of reason when they are in danger of death so that they may receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. An authentic mature commitment to Christ and the Church is expressed in full participation in the Eucharist and apostolic life of the Church. It is not achieved at a single moment but throughout the life-long deepening of our relationship with Christ. This begins in childhood and continues until death.The sacraments of initiation conclude the catechumenal journey to full membership in the body of Christ. They inaugurate the journey of the Christian, within the community called church, to the Father who calls each man and woman to salvation through Jesus Christ. The journey to God is lived in the power of baptism, the womb of the church and the tomb of Christ: "May all who are buried with Christ in the death of baptism rise also with him to newness of life."[footnoteRef:1] [1: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 215, R 97]

Sacraments of Initiation

1. Baptism2. Confirmation 3. Eucharist

The Effects of the Sacrament of Initiation

Through these sacraments:

1. We are freed from power of darkness by being baptized into Christs death and resurrection.2. We receive the Spirit, who:a. Makes us adopted sons and daughters of the Fatherb. Incorporates us into the church, the people of Godc. With whom we celebrate the Eucharistic memorial of Christs Paschal Mystery (RCIA 1)

Certain Parallelism with all the Sacraments towards our natural Human Growth

Our Christian spiritual growth reflects our stages also of our natural human development.

Thus it relates:

1. Physical generation with Baptism, our Spiritual regeneration2. Growing into maturity with Confirmation3. Physical nourishment with the Eucharist, the bread of life4. Physical and Psycological healing with Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick5. Community realities of family life and leadership with Matrimony and Holy Orders

Comparing the similarities between our natural growth process with the sacraments helps us appreciation how intrinsic our Christian spiritual growth is to our FULL human SELF BECOMING. But the comparison brings out the UNIQUENESS of the sacraments as an encounter with the Risen Christ, whom we share Gods own life of love as the member of His body, Church.

I. Baptism

a. Introduction

i. Family centeredness and love for children are strongly fostered by celebration in our country. (Implies significant role in creating and fostering important social relationship.)ii. Focused on the event itself losing what is the meaning of the sacrament itself. We are sometimes Nominal Catholics only in name not in action and deed.iii. The main evangelizing agent is the family - that would teach the individual person to be more active as Christians. Although the child does not have the capacity to hear and recognize the rite itself, it is the responsibility of the parents and the godparents to teach and make the word of God to be known to the child. It is also the responsibility of the people that are present at the rite to represent the child as the caretaker and agent.iv. We are shepherds and also have the mission to share what we know about Christ and how to be a Christian.

b. Dogma/Church Teachings

i. The CORE of Baptism is new life with Christ. It is not only on washing away the original sin. It is a sharing in Christ, a radical change of allegiance to Christ.

1. It is a new birth a birth unto hope which draws its life from the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead; a birth of imperishable inheritance (1 Peter 1:3f).2. Christ is the PRIMORDIAL Sacrament not only when anyone baptizes, it is really Christ himself who baptizes (SC 7). It is also means that Christ himself is the GOAL and the fullness for which baptism I administered.

ii. Unification with others as member of Christs Body, the Church. (cf. CCC 1267-70)1. Baptism confers a sharing in Christs very mission (CCC 1270).a. Prophetb. Priest c. King2. The baptized are called to exercise the priestly office of Christ and bear witness to Christ who is their light. But this can take place only in the spiritual house, the living community of members bonded together sacramentally in Baptism.

iii. Sacrament of Faith

Baptism is rightly called the sacrament of faith because in asking to be baptized we are asking Gods Church for the gift of faith. It is only within the community of believers, Christs Body and enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we can respond fully to the Gospel of Christ.

iv. Baptismal Zeal1. 3 sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation and Orders, imprint a permanent sign or seal, called the character in technical language. ( Please see CCC 1121). It is the reason why these sacraments can only be received once.2. It is a permanent mark on us, effecting real change in our relationship to him and to the church.

Church Teachings on BaptismPopular UnderstandingChurch Teachings

Baptism makes one think of1. A. water

B. washing away original sinBaptism truly means:1. A. New life in Christ,Sharing in His dying and rising with Him which includes the forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins.

B. through the cleansing power of water and the Spirit.

2. A. entry to the Church building;

B. babiesC. Passive receptionD. Clerical Ritual

E. Works Automatically2. a. Incorporation into the Christian community, Christ Body.B. of adults and babiesC. Sacrament of Churchs FaithD. a personal prayer of those celebrating the sacramentE. receiving the transforming grace of Baptism effecting conversion and drawing to an ever deeper Christian commitment.

3. A. once-for-all ritual

B. No active influencing power in ordinary life

C. Single past event3. A. A ritual calling for a life of Christian Discipleship B. Influencing our daily life bu being the permanent source of sharing in Gods own life in Christ. C. A single event grounding the baptized whole future life-process, as manifested in the yearly liturgical renewal of baptismal vows.

Important Details SUMMARY

Sacrament: BaptismSacramental Identification: Sacrament of InitiationMinimum Age: No minimum age for receptionCan be repeated? No.Sacramental Character imparted? Yes

MATTER: Water- poured on the head of the person or water in which a person may be immersed.

FORM: I baptized you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Ordinary Minister: Bishop, Priest, Deacon.

ExtraOrdinary Minister: In the case of an emergency, any person who carries out the rite of baptism and who intends to baptize according to the intent of the Church may do so.

nota bene: please provide summary for your overall discourse about the sacraments based on our module.

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