module 6 component of excel chart

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Module No. -5

Components of an Excel Chart:

An Excel-chart comprises of many components as shown in following figure.

The figure shows that an Excel-chart comprises of two areas i.e. Chart area and the

Plot area.

Chart area : Chart area is the entire area that is reserved for accommodating the

chart and other components such as legends, titles etc.

Plot area : Plot area is a part of chart area, which contains the chart.

Y axis : It is the vertical line whose length and segments represent different

values. The y-axis is used to show the variation of different


X axis : A horizontal line on which you show the variation of another

component of the chart. It's length and segments represent different

intervals of the values.

Y axis title : Y- axis title identifies the values that have been shown on Y- axis.

X axis title : X- axis conveys the full details of the X-axis values.

Grid lines : Grid lines are the lines that can be thought of as an extension of

tick marks. They help in reading the values of the data points.

They are scaled according to the values of the axes.

Chart Title

Data Point/Marker

Grid Lines


X Axis Title

Chart Area

Plot Area

Y Axis Title

Y Axis

Y Axis Values

X Axis

Data Label

Data Series : Data series is a collection of related values that are plotted on a

chart. For example, following are two data series :

A B C D1 Jan Feb Mar2 Sales 100 50 1503 Expenditure 150 1000 200

Data Point : It represents one value of the data series.

Data label : Data label is some piece of text, which is written near data point to

highlight some aspect of it.

Chart title : Chart title is the text written in chart area, which identifies the


Legends : Legends are some sort of labels that identify different series that have been plotted in the chart. Generally, these labels are attached to a symbol or color or pattern that is associated with the series of the chart. It is used to distinguish one data series from another.

Creating charts in Excel:

Excel chart is a graphical representation of Excel worksheet data. To represent the

data in the form of charts, first prepare the worksheet and then select the portion of the

worksheet that is to be represented in the form of chart. Select one of the following methods

for plotting the chart.

(a) Using Chart wizard

(b) Using Bar menu

(c) Using Chart bar

What is Wizard?

Wizard is a series of predefined sequence of steps, which are specially designed to

accomplish a task. Each step of Wizard provides you with necessary help, guidelines and lot

of options to choose from. Wizard displays a dialog box. Each dialog box has a Forward,

Backward buttons to move to the next or previous step respectively. It is a time consuming

process and hence, experts prefer to make charts independently using other methods.

A Sample Worksheet:

Following is the sample worksheet, which shows Sales, Expenditure, Tax and Profit figures of three

companies viz. Tek, Sun and Net.



1 Profit & Loss Comparison Sheet

2 Tek Sun Net

3 Sales 5000 12000 25000

4 Expend 4000 5000 7000

5 Tax 2000 3000 4000

6 Profit -1000 4000 14000


For making a chart by using wizard, following steps are to be performed:

(a) Select the range A2:D6 by dragging the mouse over it.

(b) Select the Chart Wizard button from Standard toolbar, following dialog box will be

displayed :

(c) This dialog box displays icons for all types of charts that can be plotted. Any chart

can be selected by clicking the mouse on the corresponding icon. Since we want to

plot a column chart, hence we will select Column option from Chart type list box.

(d) After selecting the chart type, select Next button, which will display the following

dialog box.


(e) The dialog box as illustrated in figure shows two radio buttons, viz. "Rows" and

"Column". If you select Rows option it would mean that the rows of the selected

range have to be treated as data series. On the other hand if you select Columns

option then this would mean that the columns of the worksheet would act as data

series. Click on appropriate radio button according to your requirements. After

supplying these details select Next button and it will display the following dialog box.

(f) There are six tab buttons in the above shown dialog box. Each tab button is capable of

performing an action. For example, using Titles tab button, you can add a title to your

chart. While if you select Gridlines tab, you can have the gridlines displayed in your


A detailed description of all these tab buttons is given below:



Using this tab button, you can add a title to you chart. When you select this button,

Excel will display a dialog box.

(a) Enter the title of your chart in "Chart title" text box. For example, enter the

title "Profit & Loss Chart".

(b) X-axis title can be entered in the "Category (X) axis" text box. Say we key-in


(c) In the "Value (Y) axis" text box enter the title for Y-axis. Say we key in "Rs".


This tab button is used to show/ hide the title or numbers written on to X-axis and Y-

axis. On selecting this tab, Excel displays the following dialog box.

(a) If you desire not to have value on X-axis, uncheck "Category (X) axis" check

box. If the axes were absent then clicking on to the check box again would add

the axis.

(b) Similarly if you do not want value on Y-axis, uncheck the "Value (Y) axis"

check box, while if you click on the check box again, it would add the values.


This option provides the facility to draw the gridlines on the chart. On selecting this

option, Excel displays the following dialog box.


(a) Draw the grid lines on X-axis check the corresponding check box otherwise

keep it unchecked.

(b) If you want gridlines on Y-axis check the corresponding check box, otherwise

keep it unchecked.


This tab identifies the pattern or color assigned to the data series or categories in a

chart. For example, in our example the blue color bar shows the data relating to "Sales".

While brown color bar shows the data related to the expenditure etc.

You also have the option for placing the legend. You can place the legend at the

bottom, top, left, right etc according to your, own requirements. On selecting this tab Excel

shows the following dialog box.


(a) if you want to display the legends on the charts check the "Show legend"

check box.

(b) Select the appropriate place where you want the legend to be placed, from the

"Placement radio button list.

Data Label:

Data labels are the labels that provide additional information about the data marker.

When you select this tab then Excel displays following dialog box.

If you do not want data label, click on the "None" option. If you want to display the

values along with the column charts, select "Show value" option. While if you wish to

display the corresponding labels along with the chart, selects "Show label" radio button. To

display the legend along with the label next to it, click on the "Legend key next to label"


Assignment No. 15

Q.1. State any three types of chart that can be prepared with the help of chart wizard?

Q.2. What is the purpose of drawing the gridlines in a chart?

Q.3. What is the significance of legend in a chart?

Q.4. Write short notes on the following?7

a. Legend

b. Data label

Q.5. Write the components of an Excel Chart?


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