module 5 year 5

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    Module 5- TechnologySECTION A

    Answer all questions.

    Every question is followed by four answerA, B, CandD. Choose the correct answer. Then,blacken your answer on the answer sheet provided. The suggested time for this section is 45minutes. If you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the next question.

    1 The diagram shows the shape of a structure.

    It is a

    A cylinderB sphereC cuboidsD cone

    2 Which is the most stable?






  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    3 The diagram shows apartment.

    What can be done to make the apartment more stable?

    A Use heavy materialsB Use light materialsC Make the base widerD

    Increase the number of floors

    4 The following diagrams show three different shapes. Name the object.

    X Y Z

    X Y Z

    A Cone Cylinder PyramidB Cube Sphere Cylinder C Cube Cylinder SphereD Pyramid Cube Cone

    5 Which of the following structure is the most stable?

    A B C D


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    6 The strength of an object depends on the

    A size of objectB type of objectC

    height of the objectD base area of object

    7 Which of the following is most stable?

    A B

    C D

    8 The diagram below shows a model of a building .

    How many shapes of structures are there in the model?

    A 3B 4C 5D 6


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    9 The diagram below shows three types of models P, Q and R.

    P Q R

    Which is the correct sequence that shows the stability of the models in decreasingorder?

    A Q P RB

    Q R PC R Q PD R P Q

    10 The table below shows the results of an investigation that was carried out bya pupil.

    Model Time taken for model to fall ( s )

    P 10

    Q 4

    R 6

    Which of the following shows the arrangement of models from the most stable to theleast stable?

    A P, Q, RB P, R, QC Q, R, PD R, P, R


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    11 The diagram shows three different of cuboids K, L and M.

    K L MChoose the correct statements about K, L and M.

    I K is less stable than LII L is more stable than MIII M is the most stable

    A I and II onlyB I and III only

    C II and III onlyD III only

    12 Why is it important to build stable and strong building?

    A To ensure people safetyB To use less landC To prevent lost of property and human livesD To maximize the number of people using the building

    13 Diagram below shows some animals.

    Which of the following animals is the most stable?

    A TurtleB GiraffeC HenD Cow


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    14 The diagrams below show the diagram of four stools.

    P Q R S

    Arrange the stools in increasing order of stability.

    A P, Q, R, SB R, S, P, QC Q, S, P, RD S, Q, R, P

    15 The diagram below shows two structures.

    Which of the following about the shape of P and Q is true?

    P Q

    A Cylinder. cone Cube, pyramidB Pyramid, cube Cone, cuboidsC Sphere, cylinder Pyramid, cylinder D Cuboids, cylinder Sphere, cube


    P Q

  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    16 Three different toy cars were placed on a board. The board was lifted up wards andthe toy cars were observed. Which statement is true?

    A The tallest car will be the last to toppleB The most stable car will be the last to toppleC The biggest car will be the first to toppleD The shortest car will be the first to topple


    The stability of a building depends on the factors of:

    I Shape of the buildingII Colour of the buildingIII The area of the baseIV The height of the building

    A I and II onlyB III and IV onlyC I, III and IV onlyD I, II, III and IV

    18 Arrange the glasses P, Q, R and S in decreasing order of stability.

    P Q R S

    A R, P, S, Q B Q, P, S, R C R, P, S, Q D Q, R, P, S


    Lift up

  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    19 Of the following structures of buildings, which is the most stable?

    A C

    B D

    20 Diagram shows the height of towers W, X, Y and Z which have the same shape.

    If all of them have the same base area, which of the following statements is true?

    A TowerYis the most stableB TowerXis more stable than towerW

    C TowerZis the easiest to fallD TowerWis more stable than towerZ

    21 Four legged animals like the giraffes increase their stability by

    A standing uprightB bending their legsC standing with their legs closed togetherD standing with their legs opened apart


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    22 What can be done to increase the stability of the bench below?

    I Increase the heights of the legsII Increase the base area of the legsIII Lower the benchIV Increase the top of the bench

    A I and IV onlyB II and III onlyC I, II and III onlyD I, III and IV only

    23 The diagram below shows the common shapes that are used in designing a structure.

    What are the names of the shapes, X, Y and Z shown above?

    X Y Z

    A Pyramid Cuboids SphereB Cone Cube Cylinder C Sphere Cone Cylinder D Cylinder Pyramid cone




  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    24 The diagram below shows a skeletal structure for a construction.

    When the construction of the structure is finished, what shape does the structuretake?

    A ConeB SphereC Cuboids

    D Pyramid

    25 Which of the following structures is cuboid in shape?

    A B

    C D

    26 The vibrations of an earthquake are more dangerous to high-rise buildings thanlow- rise buildings because

    A a lower structure is more stable.B a high structure can increase the vibrations of an earthquake.C higher buildings make rescue work more difficult.D the stability of building structures is not related to height.


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    27 Which of the following shapes is the least stable?

    A B

    C D

    28Which of the following can make a structure more stable?

    A Raise the height of the structureB Reduce its diameterC Increase its base areaD Construct a spherical roof

    29 The picture below shows three vehicles.



    TWhich statements are true?

    I R is more stable than S.II R is more stable than T.III T is more stable than S.

    A I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and III onlyD I, II and III


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5



    The suggested time for this section is 30 minutes. If you are unable to answer a questionproceed to the question.

    Answerallquestion, Write your answers in the spaces provided.



    P Q

    Structures P and Q are made from cardboard of similar size and material. Both were used tosupport bar of soap. Figure shows the number of soap that each structure could support.

    a) What is the aim of this investigation ?


    [ 1 mark ]

    b) State two controlled variables.


    [ 2 mark ]

    c) State an inference to explain the observation made.


    [ 1 mark ]

    d) Make a hypothesis for this investigation.


    [ 1 mark ]


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    2. Three similar object, Y, X and Z, are placed on three stools as shown in thediagram below.

    Y Z X

    i. Model Z toppled over first, followed by model Y.ii. Model Y toppled over first, followed by model X.

    (a) State the aim of this investigation.

    ________________________________________________________________[ 1 Markh ]

    (b) Write a relationships based on the aim of your investigation stated in (a).

    ________________________________________________________________[ 1 Markh ]

    (c) State

    i. What is changed:

    ________________________________________________[ 1 Markh ]

    ii. what is observed:

    ________________________________________________[ 1 Markh ]

    (d) What is conclusion of this investigation?

    ________________________________________________________________[ 1 Markh ]


  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    3. The diagram shows a model that is built by a pupil, using coins.

    (a) What is the basic shape of the model?


    [ 1 Markh ](b) What makes the model stable?


    [ 1 Markh ]

    (c) Another model is built by the pupil, as shown in the diagram below.

    What can you say about the stability of this model?


    [ 1 Markh ](d) Give a reason for you opinion in (c).

    ________________________________________________________________[ 1 Markh ]

    (e) What is the conclusion of this investigation?________________________________________________________________

    [ 1 Markh ]


    5 sen coin

    10 sen coin

    20 sen coin

    50 sen coin

  • 7/30/2019 Module 5 Year 5


    4. A group of students built three towers, K,L and M, as shown in diagram below.

    K L M

    Towers K, L and M are of the same height and was made from the same plastic bricks. Thethree towers were placed on a table. The table was shaken.

    a) What was observed when the table was shaken ?


    [ Markh ]

    b) State the relationship between the manipulated variable and responding variable.


    [ Markh ]

    c) State a controlled variable in eksperiment.


    [ Markh ]

    d) What is the conclusion of this activity ?


    [ Markh ]

    e) A fourth tower, N, was built using the same plastic bricks. Tower N has the samebase area as Towel L, but Tower N is taller than Tower L. Predict which will fall first,when the table will be shaken as before.



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