module 4 clarifying part 2 · aims/objectives •discuss questions for the stages of change as they...

Post on 21-Sep-2020






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Module 4Clarifying Part 2


• Discuss questions for the stages of change as they relate to making change

• Discuss the impact of beliefs, attitudes and emotions on behavioral change

• Compare and contrast competence and confidence spaces in associate success

• Describe the connection between excuses and misaligned behaviors

• Discuss best practices for integration of change strategies into coaching


Learning Outcomes

• Assess the associate based upon the cycle of beliefs

• Integrate the impact of beliefs, attitudes and emotions on behavior adoption when assessing associates

• Evaluate level of confidence and competence making change

• Recognize and redirect misaligned behaviors and excuses

• Demonstrate integration of best practices into coaching


Review Stages of Change

Questions for Getting Psyched Up

Steps for Success:

• Raise Awareness

• Arousing Emotion

• Committing – What’s your “Why”

Example of Questions:

• What do you really really want?

• Are you the dreamer of your dream?

• How will your life be different when you are successful with this change?

• If you go forward three-five years and don’t make this change, how will your life be different?


Questions For Planning

Steps for Success:

• Tracking/SMART Goals

• Change Team

• Reminders and Notes

• Practice

Example of Questions:

• What needs to be different in your life in order for you to be


• What are competing demands in your life right now that will impact

this change?

• Who will support you with this change?

• How will your track progress?6

Questions for Perspire

Steps for Success:

• Rewards

• Helping Relationships

• Contingency Contracts

Example of Questions:

• What will keep you going towards your goals?

• What contingency contracts will you need to make to be successful?

• Who/what in your life might derail success?


Questions for Persevere

Steps for Success:

• Slip “Not” a Fall

• Avoid High Risk Triggers

• Respond Constructively to Slips

Example of Questions:

• Have you identified and avoided the triggers?

• What do you need to get back on the path to success?

• When have you been successful in the past with avoiding triggers?

• What is your self-talk around this “slip”


Questions for Persist

Steps for Success:

• Celebrate!

• Back up plans for inevitable slips

• Maintain strategies (tracking, logs)

Example of Questions:

• How will you continue to mitigate triggers?

• How does your why continue to motivate you? Do you need to expand upon your why?

• What future challenges could impact your continued success?

• What does celebration look like for you?


Think About……

• What are other questions for stage of change?

• How can you move your clients though stages of change?

• What are the challenges and opportunities for clients in each stage?



Competence Model


Courtesy of Will Taylor, Chair, Department of Homeopathic Medicine, National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, Oregon, USA, March 2007.

Competence-Confidence Loop

Understand, perform, master

Challenges of team

Competence level:

-Determines focus

-Determines choice of tasks

-Determines effort level

-Determines adaptability

-Determines leading or following

Assess and Direct Desire to Learn

Why learn, what’s in the way, choosing learning challenges

Find intrinsic value

Utilitarian value and opportunity cost

Delay time

Personal control/agency

Social support

Resource availability

Think About……

• A current client you are working with….How would assess whether it is a confidence orcompetence block?What guidance would you give in each space?

• How will you guide your clients through the process of making the unconscious conscious when it relatesto competence?


Action Cycle

Action Cycle

Beliefs and Attitudes

• Beliefs come from real experiences but often we forget that the original experience is not the same as what is happening in life now. Our values and beliefs affect the quality of our work and all our relationships because what you believe is what you experience. We tend to think that our beliefs are based on reality, but it is our beliefs that govern our experiences.

• The beliefs that we hold are an important part of our identity.

• Attitudes have three components: Affect – how we feel about the attitude object/personBehavior – how we act towards the attitude object Cognition – what we think/believe about the attitude object




Impact on Action




-Liked, Competent, Own Way, Victims,Avoiding, Stuck in Past



Prejudices: unexamined perceptions of self/others/the world

Self Talk

Self-talk is ongoing.

Self-talk happens in the moment yet creates the future.

The mind-body reaction interprets self-talk as being real.

The higher the stress, the more likely that negative self-talk is increasing.

You very rarely push back on yourself when talking negatively.

Negative self-talk can increase toxins in your body.

“Is it True….Is it Absolutely True?”



-Say/Do, Self-View/Other-View, Goals/Behaviors

Predictable dishonesties of everyday life-white lies and blame

Games, tricks, and smoke screens-yes…but, moving the issue,


Think About……

• A current client you are working with….Do they have any beliefs, attitudes or emotions thatare in their way?How can you discuss the topics while still maintainingyour connection to the client?

• What does your own self talk sound like? How can youelevate or enhance it?



Dyer’s Major Excuses

It Will Be DifficultIt’s Too RiskyIt Will Take a Long TimeIt’s Not My NatureI Can’t Afford ItNo One Will Help MeIt Has Never Happened BeforeI Am Not Strong EnoughI Am Too BusyIt’s Too BigI Don’t Have the EnergyThe Rules Won’t Let Me

Think About……

• What excuses have you heard so far from clients?

• What is your favorite excuse?

• How can you use a turnaround strategy when your clients are giving you excuses?


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