module 21 - shaping sustainable energy systems

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Anhang B, Kapitel 1: Modulhandbuch M. Eng. EUM 39

Modul 21: Shaping Sustainable Energy Systems

Studiengang/course: M. Eng. Energie- und Umweltmanagement / M. Eng. Energy and Environmental Management

Modulbezeichnung / module name:

Shaping Sustainable Energy Systems

ggf. Kürzel / abbreviation SSES

ggf. Untertitel / subtitle

ggf. Lehrveranstaltungen / seminar:

Shaping Sustainable Energy Systems

Semester / semester: 2nd semester

Modulverantwortliche(r) / person in charge of module:

Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer

Dozent(in) / person teaching the seminar:

Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer

Sprache / language: English

Zuordnung zum Curriculum / attribution to courses:

M. Eng. Energie- und Umweltmanagement / M. Eng. Energy and Environmental Management Core Elective Course for the second semester M. Eng.

Lehrform / SWS / form of seminar / teaching hours per week:


Arbeitsaufwand / student workload:

45 hours of teaching and 105 hours of student work

Kreditpunkte / credit points: 5

Voraussetzungen / preconditions:

Foundations of Sustainable Energy Systems

Lernziele / Kompetenzen / aims of the module / competencies:

Students will learn to design consistent scenarios of sustainable energy systems avoiding major interference with the global climate system and avoiding large and long term risks and irreversible damages. Students will be able to identify necessary energy policy measures to secure such sustainable energy development and to compare the internal and external costs of different energy systems. Competencies covered:

problem solving ability to act strategically analytical thinking life-long learning interdisciplinary knowledge economic competence technical competence ecologic competence political competence methodological competence

social and ethical responsibility self organisation and teamwork project organising skills conflict solving skills interdisciplinary communication

Inhalt / subjects covered: The following topics will be covered in the module:

40 Anhang B, Kapitel 1: Modulhandbuch M. Eng. EUM

How does sustainable development relate to properties of the energy system?

Basic scenario techniques Analysis of driving factors of the development of

energy systems Analysis of existing status quo scenarios for


Analysis of existing sustainable energy scenarios for Germany

Building a consistent sustainable energy sceanario for Germany

Building a consistent sustainable energy scenario for a selected develping country (like India)

Analysis of the internal and external costs of the different scenarios

Analysis of the necessary energy policies and instruments to secure a sustainable energy system

Studien- Prüfungsleistungen / form of examination:

Continuous presentation of the results of the different teams in the seminar and a final written report by each team

Medienformen / media used: Group work and lectures with beamer based presentations

Literatur / basic literature for the module:

Robert Costanza, John Cumberland, Herman Daly, Robert Goodland, and Richard Norgaard: Introduction to Ecological Economics, , forthcoming.

Enquete-Kommission Nachhaltige Energieversorgung unter den Bedingungen der Globalisierung und der Liberalisierung: Endbericht. 2002 (PDF verfügbar)

OECD: World Energy Outlook 2004. Paris 2004

World Energy Council : Drivers of the Energy Scene. London, 2003

Plus specialised literature and statistics on the countries analysed.

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