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Post on 20-Aug-2015



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He was born in Italy from Sephardic ancestry; his wanton behavior ended his life in tragedy.

He lived only 35 years (1884-1920)

Amedeo Modigliani “The cursed painter”

He was born in Italy from Sephardic ancestry; his wanton behavior ended his life in tragedy.

He lived only 35 years (1884-1920)

Modigliani emigrated to France when he was 20 and settled in the Parisian neighborhood of Montmartre where many of his colleagues, including Picasso, satirized his name and shortened the "Modigliani" for "Modí", with accent on the last vowel.

"Modí" in French sounds "maudit" meaning "cursed“, a well-deserved nickname as Modigliani is still remembered not only for his talented paintings... but also for their wickedness.

Modigliani was tremendously successful with the opposite sex, his stormy love affairs were as famous as the cruel treatment given to “his” women.

Modigliani emigrated to France when he was 20 and settled in the Parisian neighborhood of Montmartre where many of his colleagues, including Picasso, satirized his name and shortened the "Modigliani" for "Modí", with accent on the last vowel.

"Modí" in French sounds "maudit" meaning "cursed“, a well-deserved nickname as Modigliani is still remembered not only for his talented paintings... but also for their wickedness.

Modigliani was tremendously successful with the opposite sex, his stormy love affairs were as famous as the cruel treatment given to “his” women.

He used to say that to paint a naked woman was like possessing her.He painted to undress them; he undressed to paint them.

Immersed in the occult and intoxicated by drugs and alcohol, was a ruthless destroyer of the women he loved.

None of them managed to recover after the devastating separations. Many of them died young, two committed suicide.

None of them managed to recover after the devastating separations. Many of them died young, two committed suicide.

Portrait of Anna Akhmatova

Beatrice Hastings, South African writer and journalist, remembered in the magazine New Age the two years she lived with Modigliani: "…He was a swine and a pearl… hashish and brandy… ferocious and greedy…" Some years later, Beatrice Hastings opened a gas valve and took her own life.

He had a son with Canadian Simone Thiroux. He denied paternity and she ended up giving him up for adoption, after "Modí" marked her face with the bottom of a broken glass.

Portrait of Beatrice Hastings

In 1911 he seduced the Russian poet Anna Akhmatova. He met her in Paris where she spent the honeymoon (...) with her husband, poet Nikolai Gumilev. Modi was then 26 years old and she was 21. They lived together throughout the summer and under that influence, she wrote violent poems part of her first book, "Sunset".

Those who modeled for him used to comment that they felt as if he had “stripped them the soul.”

He painted with remarkable speed and never doctored his paintings.Always portraits. Always nudes. Faces and bodies expressing the eagerness to expose the flesh.

In 1911 he seduced the Russian poet Anna Akhmatova. He met her in Paris where she spent the honeymoon (...) with her husband, poet Nikolai Gumilev. Modi was then 26 years old and she was 21. They lived together throughout the summer and under that influence, she wrote violent poems part of her first book, "Sunset".

Those who modeled for him used to comment that they felt as if he had “stripped them the soul.”

He painted with remarkable speed and never doctored his paintings.Always portraits. Always nudes. Faces and bodies expressing the eagerness to expose the flesh.

In its days, these exceptional nudes were considered “unacceptable because of their incendiary sexuality” and, when the famous Berthe Weill Gallery from Paris encouraged to expose them, the exhibition was immediately closed by

the police “as offensive against modesty”.

The success was so great that the first week the show was visited by more than 200,000 visitors and remained open for close to five months.

Almost a century later in October 2006, the Museum of Luxembourg, which Modigliani had never dreamed of accessing devoted a room exclusively

to his works.

Nowadays a "Modigliani" is worth a fortune. One of his famous nudes has reached as high as US$ 27,000,000

Nowadays a "Modigliani" is worth a fortune. One of his famous nudes has reached as high as US$ 27,000,000

Chaim SoutinePaul GuillaumeJean CocteauJuan GrisDiego riveraLéopold Zborowski, Max Jacob

"Modi" was in demand as a portraitist and did portraits of many artists, writers and dealers wandering the Parisian bohemia.

Today, each of these portraits is worth millions as well.

Chaim SoutinePaul GuillaumeJean CocteauJuan GrisDiego riveraLéopold Zborowski, Max Jacob

Jeanne Hébuterne was the only one with whom Modigliani had a daughter recognized by him. He painted Jeanne 27 times but never naked, as if his morbid sickness had ended.

Jeanne’s affectionate relationship with the "cursed painter" broke her own family ties, because her parents never accepted her attachment to a “painter that was poor, Jew and foreigner.”

This Modigliani's 1919 portrait shows her in a visible second pregnancy that never realized.

Portrait of Jeanne Hébuterne

Jeanne Hébuterne was the only one with whom Modigliani had a daughter recognized by him. He painted Jeanne 27 times but never naked, as if his morbid sickness had ended.

Jeanne’s affectionate relationship with the "cursed painter" broke her own family ties, because her parents never accepted her attachment to a “painter that was poor, Jew and foreigner.”

This Modigliani's 1919 portrait shows her in a visible second pregnancy that never realized.

Portrait of Jeanne Hébuterne

It could not be otherwise; bohemia, drugs, alcohol and lewdness

led both Modigliani and his lover, to tragic endings.

It was winter and snowing in Paris.

An eight months pregnant twenty year old mother of a two year old girl, jumped from a fifth floor balcony.

Her name was Jeanne Hébuterne and she could not endure her anguish.

Her lover, painter Amedeo Modigliani had died the day before holding her hands. He was a victim of tuberculosis and meningitis which was passed to her.

Photo of Jeanne Hébuterne, Modigliani latest love affair

Her name was Jeanne Hébuterne and she could not endure her anguish.

Her lover, painter Amedeo Modigliani had died the day before holding her hands. He was a victim of tuberculosis and meningitis which was passed to her.

Photo of Jeanne Hébuterne, Modigliani latest love affair


¡Modí..! and images from Internet. My thanks to Mary and Al<> proofreaders of this version in English

¡Modí..!Investigation and images from Internet. My thanks to Mary and Al<> proofreaders of this version in English

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