mj equality and diversity policy community cohesion policy

Post on 02-Apr-2016






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MJTS is an Equal Opportunities Training School, we welcome people from all

backgrounds. Treating people fairly according to their needs. MJTS is committed

to a whole organisational approach to ‘Every Child Matters’.

michaeljohntraining @MJTS_Mcr

Equality Policy &

Community Cohesion Policy

Equality Statement

Michaeljohn Training School embraces a culture of equality and diversity throughout all

aspects of its business in order to reflect the community at large, because we value

everybody’s individual contribution.

This is regardless of an individual’s gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, age*, size,

sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership status, nationality, national origin,

caste, colour, religion or beliefs, political affiliation, social class, gender reassignment,

spent or irrelevant convictions, employment status, pregnancy and whether they are on

maternity, paternity, adoption, parental or emergency leave or have caring


Our Equality Promise

Michaeljohn Training School aims to be an equal

opportunities employer and provider of training.

We are committed to making sure that all our

employees, learners and employers understand the

principles of equal opportunities and have a duty to

co-operate with MJTS to ensure that this policy is


We will treat all employees fairly and on the basis of

their abilities in all areas of their employment

– recruitment, training, promotion, career

development, terms of employment.

We will treat all learners fairly and on the

basis of their abilities in all areas of their

training – selection, training, support, and


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Equality Pack

MJTS is an Equal Opportunities Training School, we welcome people from all

backgrounds. Treating people fairly according to their needs. MJTS is committed

to a whole organisational approach to ‘Every Child Matters’.

michaeljohntraining @MJTS_Mcr

We will make sure that all employees and learners have access to the same opportunities

regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, age*, size, sexual orientation,

marriage and civil partnership status, nationality, national origin, caste, colour, religion

or beliefs, political affiliation, social class, gender reassignment, spent or irrelevant

convictions, employment status, pregnancy and whether they are on maternity/

paternity/ adoption/parental or emergency leave or have caring responsibilities.

*Some of our courses are government funded and have age restrictions as they are

targeted at young people.

Our wish for a diverse workforce

Michaeljohn wishes its learners and employees to reflect the wider community. We aim

to take positive steps to encourage individuals, who are currently under-represented at

Michaeljohn, to join us.

We recognise that everyone is different and has a right to be so. We believe that a

diverse workforce can be of great benefit to us. We wish to encourage an inclusive

place of work and training in which everyone is respected as an individual and feels

comfortable enough to be themselves.

The company monitors its workforce through EDIM (Employment Diversity Impact

Targets) quarterly. Targets are carefully monitored to inform inclusive workforce and


Discrimination will not be tolerated.

Michaeljohn wishes to create a positive and supportive working environment that is free

from discrimination. We will not tolerate any kind of discrimination in the workplace,

whether from a learner, a member of staff, a volunteer, a client, a supplier or a

networking partner or inter agency.

In general, discrimination occurs when someone is treated differently or given fewer

opportunities because of something over which they have no control, often a personal

characteristic like their age, size, race, sexuality, disability or just because they are

‘different’ from the majority.

Harassment, Bullying and Victimisation

MJTS is an Equal Opportunities Training School, we welcome people from all

backgrounds. Treating people fairly according to their needs. MJTS is committed

to a whole organisational approach to ‘Every Child Matters’.

michaeljohntraining @MJTS_Mcr

Harassment, bullying, and victimisation are different types of discrimination and will

not be tolerated. Michaeljohn has a separate, comprehensive ‘Harassment and Bullying

Policy’. The policies are displayed on Training School notice boards.

Harassment and bullying are often used to refer to the same sort of behaviour. In

general, they occur when someone is not treated fairly or with respect and dignity at


Bullying may be seen as a misuse of power or ‘offensive, abusive, intimidating, or

insulting behaviour intended to undermine and humiliate’. Harassment is ‘unwanted

conduct that violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading,

humiliating or offensive environment for that individual’. Text or images sent or posted

on the internet, in emails or text messages (“cyber bullying”) can amount to bullying or

harassment. Sexual harassment is a particularly harmful type of unwanted behaviour

and is defined as “unwanted conduct that is sexual in nature that violates a person’s

dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive

environment for them’. Victimisation happens when someone is treated unfairly because

they support a complaint of discrimination.

Any act of discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation will be treated very

seriously by Michaeljohn and may lead to disciplinary action.

The Training School will monitor the effects of its procedures in order to assess

whether equal opportunities are being achieved. This will also involve considering any

possible indirectly discriminatory effects of its practices. If changes are required, the

Training School will implement them.

The Law

Discrimination and harassment based on sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual

orientation, age, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity and marriage and civil

partnership are against the law. In addition, harassment can be a criminal offence.

Michaeljohn will do its best to make sure that the Training School is run within the laws

against discrimination, in particular:

Equality Act 2010

Part-Time Workers and Fixed-Term Employee Regulations 2000 & 2002

Human Rights Act 1998

Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

Protection from Harassment Act 1997

MJTS is an Equal Opportunities Training School, we welcome people from all

backgrounds. Treating people fairly according to their needs. MJTS is committed

to a whole organisational approach to ‘Every Child Matters’.

michaeljohntraining @MJTS_Mcr

Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994

Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

Community Cohesion Planning

Michaeljohn Training School recognises that community cohesion is at the heart of what

makes a strong and safe community. Michaeljohn Training school will strive to build

strong networks based on the promise of respect for diversity.

MJTS wishes to engage with the community and promote respect and equality of

opportunity between different groups.

We believe that in listening to each other we will learn more

Where racism and prejudice undermine community cohesion then we believe it

must be tackled.

Our Single Equality Scheme will be developed and our commitment to the Equality

Framework enhanced and in particular our desire to support areas of socio-

economic disadvantage in order to provide opportunities for improved life

chances. The Single Equality Scheme is updated annually. Data/statistics and

negative impacts are evaluated annually and used to inform company targets and

quality improvement/strategic plans. The results are published.

Our Community Cohesion Policy

There are three areas where MJTS can contribute to community cohesion;

1. Teaching, learning and the


‘Aim to help young people to learn to

understand others, to value diversity

and to promote awareness of human

rights, also to apply and defend them

whilst developing the skills of

participation and responsible action.’

Citizenship sessions

Equality sessions

Every Child Matters agenda

RARPA(rex) Visuals competitions

Reinforcing understanding during reviews of progress

By example

External guests/visits/speakers

MJTS is an Equal Opportunities Training School, we welcome people from all

backgrounds. Treating people fairly according to their needs. MJTS is committed

to a whole organisational approach to ‘Every Child Matters’.

michaeljohntraining @MJTS_Mcr

Embedding development of Spiritual, Moral, Cultural and Social

activities/understanding into programmes.

2. Ethos of Training School

Equality Policy

Race Equality Policy

Single Equality Scheme

Equality strategy

Charity work

Volunteering/mentoring opportunities

Equality resource and material

Access and Induction

Recruitment and selection process

Narrowing the achievement gap

between groups

Tackling under performance

Monitoring bullying, discrimination,

racial incidents and grievances

Analysing early withdrawal


The learner voice

Learner ambassadors

Focus groups

Learner feedback evaluations

External monitoring including the

Framework for Excellence

Contributing citizens

Entering competitions

MJTS Staff/Company

Workforce professional development

Dyslexia week

Healthy eating week

Positive about Disabled People Award

Membership of British Dyslexia Association

Citizenship week

Human Rights Week

MJTS is an Equal Opportunities Training School, we welcome people from all

backgrounds. Treating people fairly according to their needs. MJTS is committed

to a whole organisational approach to ‘Every Child Matters’.

michaeljohntraining @MJTS_Mcr

Progression week

Apprenticeship week

Developing Excellence

Striving to ensure that all learners achieve their potential irrespective of ethnic,

religious, socio-economic or other differences, is already regarded by

MJTS as positive contribution to community cohesion. We are committed to narrowing

and ultimately closing the gap between the achievement and attainment of learners

from different backgrounds. We will promote community cohesion through our Every

Child Matters:-


Staying safe/being healthy

Enjoying and achieving

Making a positive contribution

Achieving economic wellbeing

How we put equal opportunities into practice


Everyone has a part to play in making equality work.

The management fully supports equal opportunities and are committed to treating

employees fairly and with respect. Management has a responsibility to encourage an

inclusive and supportive workplace, free from discrimination.

Employees also have a responsibility under this policy to treat everyone at their

workplace fairly and with respect. Employees should draw the attention of their line

manager to suspected discriminatory acts or practices or cases of bullying and


Vacancy advertising

Wherever possible, all vacancies will be advertised simultaneously internally and


Associated Policies

MJTS is an Equal Opportunities Training School, we welcome people from all

backgrounds. Treating people fairly according to their needs. MJTS is committed

to a whole organisational approach to ‘Every Child Matters’.

michaeljohntraining @MJTS_Mcr

All the policies below can be obtained from our Equal Opportunities Officer, Lesley


Disability Statement Michaeljohn is fully committed to improving the accessibility of our place of work and

training and our support services for those with disabilities. The full detail of this is set

out in our disability statement.

Bullying and Harassment Policy

Single Equality Scheme

Race Equality Policy

Data Protection Policy

Pastoral support Policy

Child Protection Policy

Dyslexia Policy

Skills For Life Policy

Equal Opportunities



July 14

MJTS is the only

college/Training School in

the country to be

awarded the Equality

Framework for excellence

in equality.

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