minutes of stanford parish council meeting held on … · minutes of stanford parish council...

Post on 17-Mar-2020






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Apologies were received from Cllr A. Dadswell.


The Minutes were signed as a correct record.


3.1 Village Green

A full reply was still awaited from Captain Hardy.

3.2 Noise Protection M20

An indication of cost and details of possible noise protection

was awaited from C. Brown who had attended the site meeting on

6th December. It was agreed appropriate that a letter be sent

to him seeking to know when we might receive notification.

Cllr J. Dadswell had drafted an assessment of the noise impact to

be sent to Michael Howard, MP, on the results of the noise

measurements and highlighting what the problems are. The CMasked that the draft be circulated to all Councillors before


Cllr C. Fielding informed the meeting that within the details for

the Village Grant Scheme, such scheme covered feasibility studies

as well, pehaps for £1,000.

Cllr J. Dadswell reported that contained within the current

publication of Making Sure BR Gets It Right from KCC were

proposals for tackling the noise problem at source and erecting

barriers on their land which was encouraging.

3.3 Motorway Bridge

It was noted that the bridge had not been cleared. The Clerk was

asked to write to KCC again.


4.1 Streetlighting Account

An account had at last been received from Shepway District

Council in the sum of £373.75 which represented half the cost of

the extra lig0ting ~nd which was approved for payment. Account

of the expenditure had been taken within the Precept for last

year and also a Concurrent Services Grant had been requested to

help cover the same.

4.2 Precept 1992/93

The Chairman asked for Councillors' views as to the Precept to be

requested for this year. After discussion it was agreed that as

there were no projects in the pipeline requiring financing the

figure requested should be low, thus keeping the amount of Poll

Tax to be paid down. It was agreed to request £300 only.

4.3 Concurrent Services Grant

Notification had been received from Shepway District Council that

they were required by the Government to limit its budget next

year. Thus the amount of money available for ConcurrentServices would not be above this year's level. After discussion

it was agreed that there was not a need next year for such a

Grant but when notifying Shepway District Council that one was

not required, their attention should be drawn to the possibility

of finance being required for noise protection along the M20.


5.1 SDC: Council Summons and Minutes of 8th January 1992

Containing nothing of local interest but giving notification of

dates of meetings.

5.2 SDC: Budget 1992/93

Shepway District Council had been asked by the Government to

restrict their budget, which had been reduced by £lm.

5.3 Building Design Award Scheme: Judging Panel

A request had been received to put forward new buildings of note'~ within the area for this award. After discussion it was agreed

there were none appropriate.

5.4 SDC: Applications for Planning Permissions - Site visit to

Westenhanger Castle and other sites on 24th January 1992

Notification had been received of site visits scheduled in the

area. Cllr C. Fielding reported that permission had now been

granted for the new Manager's house at Westenhanger Castle.

5.5 KCC: Highway Matters

A letter had been received from KCC Highways Department informing

that a Highways Inspector had been asked to inspect the conditionof Stone Street and would report back. The Clerk was asked to

write again.

5.6 KCC: Water for the Future in Kent - Development Plans

The Chairman outlined the proposals for a new lake to be

constructed north of Canterbury/Sturry which had been approved.

This prospect was very necessary as it would release more waterin the area. The Chairman warned that bans on the use of waterwould soon come into force.

5.7 KCC: Channel Tunnel Rial Services - Noise Protection on ExistingLines

Containing a review of the 20 year old standards and looking for

improvements, financing noise protection on their land at 50%.

Cllr J. Dadswell said it was encouraging.

5.8 KCC: Medium Term 1990/91 Report - Environment Programme

Cllr C. Fielding would peruse.

5.9 KCC: KRAG - Minutes of 28th November 1991 meeting

Cllr J. Dadswell reported that the routes to the West of Ashford

only were covered and did not affect this area. However he

reported that the OVERUP route introduced a siding atWestenhanger.

5.10 HealthQuest - Postal Survey

A request had been received to join a postal survey of health

care. It was agreed to participate in the scheme.

5.11 Photocopier - Mrs Newlands

A letter had been received from Mrs Newlands containing an offer

to take over her photocopier as she was acquiring a new one.

After discussion on the merits, the Chairman said further

consideration was required.

5.12 Good Weekend Guide

A request had been received for places of interest in the area

to be included in the Good Weekend Guide. Cllr Fieldingoffered to look into the matter.

5.13 New Bank Charges

Information had been received from National Westminster Bank as

to their new charges. The Chairman said it was time to enquire

.as to the facilities of other smaller institutions as the largerbanks were not now suitable for the Parish Council's accounts.

He said he would make some enquiries.


6.1 Resubmission - Erection of 7 Detached Dwellings at the Old Mill

This planning application had been resubmitted. On scrutiny of

the same, the only difference from that originally submitted wasthat the Garage of No.2 house had been now been included within

the boundary of the garden and had been taken out of the arearound the Mill itself. A Parishionner informed that the matter

was due to be discussed at a meeting to be held on 18th Februaryat the Civic Centre and asked if it was the Parish Council's

intention to attend the same and to arrange for a spokesman to

be present on behalf of the village to answer questions, asnecessary, from the Chairman of the meeting. The Chairman

agreed it was a good idea for all interested parties to attend,the Parish Council would maintain its position but did not think

a spokesman would be necessary as in past meetings the Chairman

had not asked questions. Cllr C. Fielding pointed out that the

staging (veranda) which was not shown on the plans was biggerthan imagined which cuts down the access for bigger vehicles.

After further discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council's

original objections should be resubmitted as the position had

not changed even though the position of the garage for No.2house had been altered. The area around the Mill would

still be very cramped and a restricted area. It was also

agreed to draw Shepway District Council's attention to the costincurred at a figure of £370,000 for 1989/90 and 1990/91 and

estimated at £97,000 for 1991/92 for a similar project with theMill in Ashford and to send a photocopy of the budgeted figures

from the Annual Report circulated by Ashford Borough Council.It was also to be pointed out that a new access and freestandingarea for a vehicle had been constructed and to ask if planning

permission was required for the same.


7.1 Gypsy Encampments

The Chairman warned of the troubles incurred when permission is

given for gypsy encampments which produced no go crime areas

following a report on the radio that there should be more sites.


To be held on Monday, 9th March 1922 starting at 7.30 p.m. in the

Village Hall.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.

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