mingo indians

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Mingo Indians. BY: Noah and Matthew. Art . The Mingo Indians are known for their false face mask. The picture on the false face mask represents their family. They also did beadwork, porcupine quillwork and made wampum belts with white and purple beads. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Mingo IndiansBY: Noah and Matthew

Art The Mingo Indians are known for their false

face mask.The picture on the false face mask represents

their family.They also did beadwork, porcupine quillwork

and made wampum belts with white and purple beads.

The flute and drum were two important instruments.

Tools Mingo hunters used bow and arrows. Fisher man used fishing poles and spears

Chief Logan Chief Logan was the leader of the Mingo

tribe.Chief Logan was born by the Yellow Creek,

near present Wellsville, Ohio.He wanted revenge from Americans killing

his family member so he helped start the Dunmore’s War.

After the war, Logan became famous for a speech later known as Logan’s Lament.

Later in 1780, his own nephew murdered him.

His cemetery is in Auburn, New York.

FoodThe Mingo men hunted elk and they fished. The Mingo were farming people, they grew

corn, beans and sqaush and they harvested wild berries and herbs.

Shelter The Mingo people lived in villages of long

houses, which were large wood-frame buildings.

Other facts Today some believe the Mingo were Seneca.

About the Authors Noah has a dog and he plays basketball and

soccer. He has 2 brothers and 1 sisters. Matthew has two sisters and a dog.

Matthew’s favorite sports are basketball, baseball and football.

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