millenial powerpoint final

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Telling Our Sustainability Story to MillennialsKevin Walters

Aug 6-7, 2014

• Kevin Walters

• Quinnipiac University- Rising senior

• Public Relations Major/Political Science Minor

• Ridgefield CT/ Originally Mount Vernon New York

• 2nd year Intern. Brand Communications/Strategic Communications

About Me

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 3


• Who are millennials?

• Millennial Mindset

• Millennial Media Habits

• Food and Beverage: Millennial Insights

• Millennials and Environment Sustainability

• Millennials and Talent Sustainability

• How our Brands are Targeting Millennials

• Challenges

• Q&A

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Mission/Project Overview

Better understand millennials and how PepsiCo can better engage them in our sustainability initiatives

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Who are Millennials?

• Millennials (aka Generation Y) are people born between 1980 and the early


• 2025: Millennials will make up 50% of the U.S. workforce (Forbes)

• 2030 : Millennials will make up 75% of the global workforce(Forbes)

• They are more educated than past generations, with 23% having a bachelors

degree or higher

• Most racially and ethnically diverse group ever in the U.S.

Millennial Mindset

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 7

Millennial Mindset

Brand Loyalty:

• Millennials have no particular brand loyalty. Millennials switch to different brands once

they move out of their parent’s house

• More millennials will choose the lower priced product rather than any particular brand


Brand Expectations:

• Millennial consumers want to support corporations that are transparent about their


• 81% of millennials expect companies to make a public commitment to good corporate


Brand Behaviors:

• Saving money is one of their top priorities

• 60% of young adults aged 18-35 will choose lower priced items rather than their usual

brand (Packaging World)

Expectations of Employers

• Millennials are interested in an organization that conducts its business ethically. A large

group of millennials are attached to socially responsible companies.

Millennial Media Habits

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How Millennials Interact with Brands via Social Media

• Social media platforms that millennials are using to follow brands

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Millennial Digital Habits

• About 34% of millennials watch

more online video than

television (New York Times


• Only 16% of millennials watch

their shows live 100% of the


• 65% report watching TV on a

device other than a television


New York Times Survey

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Food and Beverage: Millennial Insights

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 12

Food and Beverage: Millennial Insights

• 35% of meals consumed by millennials are snacks (

• Millennials like to combine breakfast, lunch, and dinner foods

• Companies and restaurants providing smaller portion sizes. Foods that are

convenient, on-the-go, and cheap

• Gluten-free and protein trends on the rise

• More influenced by friends, family or online recommendations than older


Millennials and Environmental Sustainability

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 14

Millennials and Environmental Sustainability

• 76% of millennials will choose a product if they know it will benefit the

environment (Forbes)

• 53% of millennials say they make an effort to recycle as much as they

possibly can (DDB)

• Millennials have more knowledge about what is better for the environment

than previous generations

Millennials and Talent Sustainability

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 16

Millennials and Talent Sustainability

• Millennials want to work for a company that…

– Treats its employees well and has a positive reputation

– Provides an opportunity for a mentor and/or work coach

– Makes people feel like they have a purpose and they are helping to

change the world

– Offers a collaborative work environment

– Offers up to date technology

– Discovering Possibilities -- Jessica Garcia - YouTube

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 17

Communicating: Insights from Conn3ct

• PepsiCo realizes that millennials like a hands-off management style

• Visual Representation of Ideas

• Instant Messaging/Text Messaging

• Making a difference in their communities

• Challenges/Learning and Development

• Experience all aspects of the corporate world

• Work/Life Balance

• Summer holidays

• Fair/competitive compensation

How PepsiCo Brands Are Targeting Millennials

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 19

How Are Our Brands Reaching Millennials Externally

• Nostalgic Marketing-Pepsi Throwback Facebook page

• Do the Dew Campaign

• Brisk Bodega

• Doritos Loaded

• Lays “Do us a Flavor”

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 20

Aspen Ideas Festival

“Performance with Purpose is about how we make our money, not how

we spend the money we make.”

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 21


Co-Creation- Is there a way we can engage millennials in our

sustainability story much the way that Do us a Flavor has engaged


Human - More robust Communication about Gluten-Free and High

Protein products (e.g., stories, photos, packaging)

Environmental- Expand and internationalize PepsiCo’s on-the-go

recycling options (gas stations, parks, sporting venues)


• De-emphasize the Corporate nature of the Company

Example: Google

• Formalized mentor program

PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 22

Recommendations Continued

Digital, Mobile, and Social Recommendations

• Explore New Social Media Outlets to Display our Sustainability

Initiatives: Snapchat, Vine, Pinterest

• Enable seamless integration and transition between different




PepsiCo Millennial Presentation 25


1. Are Millennials Really 'Greener' Than Boomers." N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2014.


2."Here's What You Need To Know About Millennials." N.p., n.d. Web. 7 July 2014.



3. Karsh, Jennifer. "Reaching millennials through packaging." N.p., n.d. Web.

24 July 2014. <


4. Nanji, Anaz. "How (and Why) Millennials interact With Social Networks." N.p.,

n.d. Web. 24 July 2014. <


5. Wagner, Meg. "34% of Millennials Watch More Online Video that TV." N.p., n.d.

Web. 24 July 2014. <

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