miguel cuaderno

Post on 02-Apr-2015






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Present simple of “To be” (ser/estar)

Afirmative Negative Interrogative

I am / I´m I am not / I´m not Am I …?

You are / You´re You are not / You´re

not / You aren´t

Are you …?

He/She/It is / He/She/It


He/She/It is not /

He/She/It´s not /

He/She/It isn´t

Is he/she/it …?

We are / We´re We are not / We´re not /

We aren´t

Are we …?

You are / You´re You are not / You´re

not / You aren´t

Are you …?

They are / They´re They are not / They´re

not / They aren´t

Are they …?

Present simple of “To have got” (tener)

Afirmative Negative Interrogative

I have got / I´ve got I haven´t got Have I got …?

You have got / You´ve


You haven´t got Have you got …?

He/She/It has got /

He/She/It´s got

He/She/It hasn´t got Has he/she/it got …?

We have got / We´ve


We haven´t got Have we got …?

You have got / You´ve


You haven´t got Have you got …?

They have got / They

´ve got

They haven´t got Have they got …?

English 1º ESO


1) Complete the sentences with ¨to be¨

1. I _____ a girl.

2. My father_____ at work.

3. Alex and Dino _____ my cats.

4. Alex _____ in the garden.

5. Dino _____ on the floor.

6. My red pencil _____ on the floor, too.

7. The other pencils _____ in my pencil case.

8. My mother _____ in the living room.

9. Eli and Rafa _____ good friends.

10. They _____ good at tennis.

11. _____ they in Amsterdam this week?

12. The pupils _____ not at school today.

13. It _____ Monday.

14. I _____ at home.

15. We _____ friends.

2) Make Affirmative Sentences

1. I _____ never happy on a Sunday afternoon.

2. We _____ Scottish.

3. He _____ a pilot.


English 1º ESO

4. Mayte and Joshua _____ angry.

5. You _____ clever and good-looking.

3) Make Negative Sentences

1. You _____ Dutch.

2. Gemma _____ at home.

3. Agust and I _____ pleased about it.

4. I _____ cruel.

5. It _____ good.

4) Questions

1. _____ you from Málaga?

2. _____ Isabel Spanish?

3. _____ we ready to go?

4. _____ he married?

5. _____ you tired?

5) Write affirmative and negative sentences. Use have got. (Use

contracted forms where possible.)


She / fifteen euros. She’s got fifteen euros. She hasn’t got fifteen euros.

1 They / some new trainers..



2 John an I / a great computer game..



English 1º ESO


3 You / a pen.



4 Mark / a pet.



6) Write questions for the sentences in Exercise 5. Then write short



Has she got fifteen euros?

Yes, she has..

1 ____________________________________

Yes, they ______________________________

2 ____________________________________

Yes, we _______________________________

3 ____________________________________

Yes, I _________________________________

4 ____________________________________

No, he ________________________________

7) Correct the sentences.

Example: You not has got a magazine.


English 1º ESO

You haven’t got a magazine.

1 Do you have got a dog?


2 I hasn’t got any DVDs.


3 We has got a good TV.


4 Have got they a mobile phone?


8) Correct these sentences about yourself.

1. My name is Kim: _______________________________________________

2. I´m three years old: _____________________________________________

3. I´m from Scotland: ______________________________________________

4. I´m a pop singer: _______________________________________________

5. I´m English: ___________________________________________________

9) Write short answers.

1. Have you got any brothers or sisters? _______________________________

2. Are you from Sevilla? ____________________________________________

3. Have you got any pet? ___________________________________________

4. Are you a student? ______________________________________________

5. Is your mother French? __________________________________________


English 1º ESO

TEMA 2: Los adjetivos posesivos y el caso posesivo o

genitivo sajón



(mái)  my  mi, mis

(iór)  your  tu, tus (de tú); su, sus (de


(jis)  his  su, sus (de él)

(jer) her su, sus (de ella)

(its) its su, sus (de él o ella, para cosas)

(áur) our nuestro, nuestra, nuestros,


(iór) your vuestro, vuestra, vuestros,


(déir) their su, sus (de ellos o ellas) 

1. ITS es adjetivo posesivo para un solo poseedor que no tiene sexo aunque sí genero

gramatical: its table, su mesa (la de esa casa); its leaves, sus hojas (las de ese árbol);its

legs, sus patas (las de ese perro); its wheels, sus ruedas (las de ese auto).

2. En inglés se usa el posesivo en vez del artículo delante de sustantivos de partes del

cuerpo y de objetos particulares: He hurt his finger (Se lastimó el dedo); I lost my

book (Perdí el libro). 



English 1º ESO

(máin) mine el mío, la mía, los míos, las mías

(iórs) yours el tuyo, la tuya, los tuyos, las tuyas (de tú);

el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ustedes)

(jis) his el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de él)

(jers) hers el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ella)

(its) its el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de él o ella, para


(aurs) ours el nuestro, la nuestra, los nuestros, las nuestras

(iórs) yours el vuestro, la vuestra, los vuestros, las vuestras

(déirs) theirs el suyo, la suya, los suyos, las suyas (de ellos o ellas) 

1. Indican posesión o pertenencia y corresponde cada uno a cada persona


2. Los pronombres se forman a partir de los adjetivos añadiendo una s al adjetivo,

excepto en my, mine y en los que ya llevan la s (his, his; its, its). 

3. El artículo que en castellano precede al posesivo no se traduce al inglés:

This book is mine (Este libro es el mío).


My father spent his life reading (Mi padre pasó su vida leyendo).

She came to me in her despair (Ella vino a mí en su desesperación).

Her eyes were really beautiful (Sus ojos eran realmente hermosos).

Certainly, yours is a very curious case (Por cierto, el suyo es un caso muy curioso).

My son started his new life apart from ours (Mi hijo empezó su nueva vida aparte

dela nuestra).


English 1º ESO


This is Pepe / Este es


This is Pepe's Bar / Este es el Bar de


En inglés, el genitivo (relación de propiedad o posesión) se forma de dos maneras:

1. Mediante la preposición of, (de), que se usa normalmente cuando el poseedor no es

una persona:

The window of the house (La ventana de la casa)

2. Cuando el poseedor es una persona, se emplea una forma particular, que se conoce

como genitivo sajón (por su origen). Al nombre del poseedor, se añade un apóstrofo y

una s ('s) y figura en la frase delante del nombre de la cosa poseída:

My brother's car (El coche de mi hermano)        John's dog (El perro de John)

También se emplea con nombres de animales, nombres de países, ciertas expresiones

de tiempo, espacio, distancia, peso, etc..

The cat's ears (Las orejas del gato)        France's cities (las ciudades de Francia)

Yesterday's meeting (La reunión de ayer)    A mile's walk (Un paseo de una milla)


1.Cuando el poseedor es solo uno, el orden de la frase es:


English 1º ESO


Apóstrofo + S

La cosa poseída

 Paul's heart (El corazón de Pablo)

Cuando el nombre termina en s, se añade otra s

Charles's bicycle (La bicicleta de Carlos)

2. Si los poseedores son varios, el orden de la frase es:

Los poseedores (plural) 


La cosa poseída

My brothers' clock (El reloj de mis hermanos)

(Cuando el nombre en plural no termina en s se aplica la misma norma que para un solo


The women's books (Los libros de las mujeres)

Cuando detallamos nombrando a los distintos poseedores, solamente el último refiere el


That is John, Jim and Paul's flat (Ese es el piso de John, Jim y Paul)

¡Cuidado!. Fíjate en la diferencia:

John and Ann's cars   Los coches son de ambos

John's and Ann's cars   Cada uno tiene su propio coche

Combinado con of puede servir para distinguir el sentido de propiedad

A photo of Peter's (Una foto de Pedro, la foto es de su propiedad)

A photo of Peter (Una foto de Pedro, de su persona)


English 1º ESO


1) Fill in the right possessive adjectives.

   (My - your - his - his - her - its - our - their)

 'You look very good, I like _____ shoes.' (your)

1. I live with   boyfriend.

2. We have a very big balcony at the front of   flat.

3. Thank you for the flowers. It was kind of you to remember   birthday.

4. My dog is always licking   balls.

5. Yesterday I saw Diana with   husband. They were shopping with   children.

6. When Craig gets home from work, he likes to wash   face, take of   work

clothes and work on    computer.

7. I want to buy   flat. How much do you want for it?

8. Put the book in   place on the shelf.

9. Nicole and Tom have sold   house.

10. Who is that girl you work with? I can never remember   name.

2) Make sentences with the words between brackets and put ' s ' / 'of '.

I like Philip's car. ( the car - Philip )

I cried at the end of the film. ( the film - the end )

1- Do you like  ? ( Anne -the coat )

2- Put his name at   (The end - the page ).

3- I hate   ( the car - Bob ).

4- The bar opens at   ( the end - the winter ).

5- What is  ? (the first day - the month)


English 1º ESO

6- What was  ? ( the price - the flat ).

7- Which is  ? ( the bag - Craig ).

8-   is not very interesting. ( the Church - the Holy Grail).

9-   is not far from de sea. ( the flat - Andy ).

10- What is  ? ( the size- this T-shirt )

3) Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives.

1. Where are (you) _____ friends now?

2. Here is a postcard from (I) _____ friend Dees.

3. She lives in England now with (she) _____ family.

4. (He) _____ wife works in Tilburg.

5. (He) _____ company builds websites.

4) Fill in the right object pronouns.

1. My name is Sue. (Sue)_____ am English. And this is my family.

2. My mum's name is Angie. (Angie)_____ is from Germany.

3. Bob is my dad. (My dad)_____ is a waiter.

4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) _____ is my brother.

5. (Sue and Simon) _____ are twins.

6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) _____ is two years old.

7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) _____ live in Canterbury.

8. (Canterbury) _____ is not far from London.

9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) _____ often come and see us.

10. What can _____ tell me about your family?

5) Correct the sentences.


English 1º ESO


Chinese is a difficult language. I don’t understand them. Chinese is a difficult language. I

don’t understand it.

1. Mrs Smith is strict. I don’t like him.


2. Ana isn’t good at maths. I never copy from she.


3. We have a computer at home, but I don’t use me.


4. My teachers are very good. I like they.


5. I’m not happy with the children. They don’t listen to I.


6) Complete these sentences with a possessive adjective.    

1.   David is married.   wife’s name is Sandra.

2.   David and Sandra have two children.   children’s names are Kevin and


3.   Laura has a cat.   cat is black.

4.   Kevin has a dog.   dog’s name is Rover.

5.   My wife and I have a daughter.   daughter’s name is Barbara.

6.   You have a beautiful house. I like   house.


English 1º ESO

7.   I like all my classes but you are   favourite student.

8.   George goes to work by car but   wife goes by bus.

9.   Nancy lives in a big house.   house is very expensive.

10. The students are happy.   teacher is very nice.

7) Complete the sentences using the Saxon genitive.

1.  Jaime and Sharon are brother and sister.

    Jaime is 

2. That book belongs to my teacher.


3. Gordon Dionne has a great webpage called MyProfe.com. 

    MyProfe.com is 

4. The first book that George and Enrique wrote is called "Reto al Cambio".

    "Reto al Cambio" is 

5. Kathy has invited me to her house on Saturday and I've decided to go.

On Saturday I'm 

6. I want to buy some bread so I'm going to the shop where the baker works.

I'm going to   bread.

7. All the tourists put their luggage onto the bus.

All   is on the bus.

8. I bought the newspaper today and saw your picture on the front page.


English 1º ESO

Your picture was   newspaper.

9. This pencil must belong to somebody.

This   pencil.

10. Gordon gives class to Marga and he also gives class to Elisa.

Gordon is 


English 1º ESO

TEMA 3: preguntar por la edad. El nombre, el lugar de

procedencia, asignatura preferida…


Edad: How old are you? I´m ten years old.

Nombre: What´s your name? My name is Marie.

Lugar: Where are you from? I´m from London.

Asignatura preferida: What´s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is Maths.


1) Write answer to these questions. Use full sentences for your answers.

1. How old are you? __________________________________________________

2. Are you a teacher? _________________________________________________

3. Where are you now? ________________________________________________

4. What is your name? ________________________________________________

5. What is your mother´s name? ________________________________________

6. How old is your sister? ______________________________________________

7. Where are you from? _______________________________________________

8. Where is Cristiano Ronaldo from? _____________________________________

2) Write the questions.

1. My name is Paul: ___________________________________________________

2. He´s twenty-one years old: ___________________________________________

3. They are from China: _______________________________________________


English 1º ESO

4. I live in England: ___________________________________________________

5. My favorite actor is Brad Pitt: _________________________________________

6. Her favorite colour is green: __________________________________________

3) Write the question or answer.

1. My name is Fanny: _________________________________________________

2. I´ve got brown eyes: ________________________________________________

3. How old are you? __________________________________________________

4. When is your birthday? ______________________________________________

5. My address is Esperanza Street: ______________________________________

6. What is your telephone number? ______________________________________

4) Look at this information about Marco.

Name: Marco

Age: 15

Home town: Rome

Job: student

Education/study: 12 subjects

Now write questions about Marco and answer them. Use verbs in present.

1. ________________________________________________________________


2. ________________________________________________________________


3. ________________________________________________________________


English 1º ESO


4. ________________________________________________________________


5. ________________________________________________________________


5) Complete the questions with questions words.

1. _________ is Tom Cruise from?

2. ________ old is your father?

3. ________ is the name of your English teacher?

4. ________ is your favorite actor?

6) Match A and B (Enlace los elementos de la columna A con los de la B)

A                                   B

1. Name                        two bags

2. Last name                 Michael

3. Nationality                 British

4. Passport number       Harrison

5. Luggage                   Glasgow

6. City or town             61041502602

7) Ahora trabaje con un compañero. Asuma el papel de recepcionista. Su

compañero será el cliente. Hágale las preguntas que aparecen a continuación para

llenar un formulario como el que vimos en el ejercicio 6.

- What's your name/last name?


- What nationality are you? / Where are you from?


-  What's your address?



- Do you have any luggage (Br.E.) / baggage? (Am.E.)


English 1º ESO



- How long are you planning to stay?



TEMA 4: LOS artículos definidos e indefinidos.


El artículo definido e indefinido

Los artículos, igual que los relativos vistos en la lección anterior, acompañan a

sustantivos. En este caso, tenemos dos clases de artículos: el determinado y el

indeterminado; según si especificamos una persona, animal o cosa en concreto o no.

Sería conveniente que pudieses consultar algún manual sobre gramática

española, concretamente el tema de los artículos. De esta manera, aunque sea un

manual de español, se facilita en el estudio del inglés, y como consecuencia se aprende

más rápido.

A continuación se presenta una tabla en donde se muestran los artículos:

Artículo Inglés Español



un / una


definido theel / la

los / las

Como muestra la tabla, los artículos no distinguen entre masculino y

femenino (género),tampoco lo hacen en cuanto a singular o plural (número). Se

puede ver también que para el indefinido hay dos partículas, veremos enseguida porqué.


English 1º ESO

El artículo indefinido

Este artículo se usa delante de nombres contables, siempre que aparezcan en

singular, si el nombre va en plural no se usa artículo. Veamos algunas frases:

I have a ball. -> Yo tengo una pelota.

She is with a man. -> Ella está con un hombre.

La existencia de dos partículas para un mismo artículo indefinido tiene un porqué. La

partícula a se utiliza delante de consonantes, y de vocales que se pronuncian como

un diptongo.

a pencil -> un lápiz       a table -> una mesa

La partícula an se utiliza delante de vocales (sonidos vocálicos), o de una h que no

se pronuncie (muda). A continuación un par de ejemplos:

an orange -> una naranja        an hour -> una hora

El artículo indifinido se usa también en algunas expresiones de frecuencia, velocidad o


sixty kilometres an hour -> sesenta kilómetros por hora

five times a week -> cinco veces a la semana

El plural de a o an es some:

Some cats (Unos gatos)

Some oceans (Unos océanos)

Some se usa también para sustantivos incontables: some milk (leche, un poco de


En negativa y en interrogativa se emplea any en vez de some:


English 1º ESO

There wasn't any milk. (No había leche o nada de leche.)

Has she sent you any photos? (¿Te ha enviado fotos, alguna foto?)

Sin embargo, en los casos siguientes empleamos some en las interrogativas: en

peticiones, en ofrecimientos o cuando esperamos una respuesta afirmativa.

Would you like some coffee? (¿Quieres café, un poco de café?)

Is there some ham in the fridge, mum? I'm very hungry. (¿Hay jamón de York en la

nevera, mamá? Tengo mucha hambre. -->El hablante le está pidiendo a su madre de

una forma indirecta jamón, y espera que ella le diga que sí.)

El artículo definido

Se utiliza delante de sustantivos para especificar la persona, animal o cosa a la que

nos referimos. Puede acompañar al nombre en singular o en plural. También se

utiliza con sustantivos que ya se han mencionado.

The moon is bright. -> La luna es brillante. (sólo hay una luna)

He live in my house, the house is comfortable. -> Él vive en mi casa, la casa es cómoda.

El artículo definido también se emplea cuando nos referimos a una familia por su

apellido (the Smiths), también ante ríos (the Nile), mares, montañas; y en definitiva con

los demás accidentes geográficos.

También lo utilizamos a la hora de nombrar un determinada instrumento musical,

por ejemplo: the piano, the guitar o the flute. Cabe decir que los deportes no llevan

artículo alguno.

Cuando nombramos edificios destinados al servicio público, como puede ser un

supermercado o un hospital, utilizamos el artículo definido cuando vamos a esos

edificios por un motivo distinto al que están destinados.

The parents go to the school to meet with theirs childrens. -> Los padres van


English 1º ESO

a la escuela a encontrarse con sus hijos.

En la oración anterior, los padres no van a la escuela con el propósito para el que fueron

concebidas, que es el de estudiar. Por ese motivo se pone el artículo definido al

sustantivo. Si hubiesen ido para estudiar, no se pondría el artículo.


1) Escribe la forma correcta del artículo indefinido en cada frase.

1 Douglas is student.

2 Frances works in office.

3 apple is a type of fruit.

4 MyProfe is fantastic webpage.

5 Madrid is European capital.

6 We have internet connection.

7 Salamanca is exciting city.

8 Paella is Spanish dish.

9 Football is international sport.

10 This is easy exercise.

2) Escribe el artículo definido donde haga falta.

1 Ken works in city.


English 1º ESO

2 He leaves home at 7.00 in morning.

3 He goes to work by underground.

4 He arrives at office at 8.30.

5 He has breakfast in company canteen.

6 food in canteen is very good.

7 In evening he watches TV with his wife.

8 They go to bed late.

9 next week they are going on holiday.

10 company is sending him to USA.

3) Put a, an, some, any, the or nothing(--) in the blanks.

  1.  I need __________ volunteer to sweep the sitting-room and the kitchen.

  2.  Let's buy __________ grapes for the party.

  3.  May I have __________ water, please?

  4.  There aren't __________ strawberries.

  5.  It was __________ easy exam. Everybody passed it.

  6.  There is __________ lady at the door who asks for you.

  7.  We don't have __________ coke.

  8.  She hasn't got __________ friends


English 1º ESO

  9.  "Are there __________ trees?"

       "No, there aren't __________ (trees). It's a desert place."

10.  __________ elephants never forget. 

4)  Put a, an, some, any, the or nothing(--) in the blanks.

  1.  __________ onions aren't in __________ cellar. They are in __________ kitchen.

  2.  __________ whales and __________ elephants are __________ biggest mammals

on earth.

  3.  There were __________ books and __________ comics. __________ books were

broken, but __________ comics weren't.

  4.  "Could you give me __________ sweets, granny?"

       "Of course, love!"

  5.  I've lost __________ crayons I bought yesterday.

  6.  She hates __________ garlic, but I love it.

  7.  We would like to spend __________ week in Barcelona.

  8.  __________ pollution is destroying __________ earth.

  9.  There isn't __________ apple juice left. Let's buy __________ (apple juice).


English 1º ESO

10.  "Did they drink __________ wine?"

       "No, they didn't."

5) Underline the right answer.

1. Please give me a/an egg.

2. Have you got some/any chips?

3. Do you want yo eat a/an crater hamburger?

4. I want a/an orange cyber fruit juice, please.

5. He´s eating some/any sausa.

6. She doesn´t want some/any grapes in the fruit salad.

6) Write a, an or some

1. __________ orange

2. _______ milk

3. ________ banana

4. __________ juice

5. ___________ sweet

6. ________ egg

7. ________ water

7) Complete these sentences. Put a/an in one blank and the other.

1. I was speaking to a friend on _____ telephone.

2. ________ headmaster is moving to ____ new school.

3. My sister is taking ______ children to _____ party.

4. He ate three sandwiches and ____ large cake. ______ cake was filled with cream.

5. I heard _____ great program on ____ radio this morning.


English 1º ESO

6. ____ first man on _______moon was ____ American.

TEMA 5: EL PRESENTE SIMPLE de cualquier verbo en su forma

afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa


El presente simple

El presente simple, también llamado del indicativo, es el tiempo verbal más simple del

inglés. Se suele utilizar para hablar sobre hechos que constituyen hábitos o costumbres.

Se forma con la forma base del verbo del infinitivo. Este infinitivo consta de dos

partículas: to y la forma base del verbo, así, por ejemplo, to eat es un infinitivo que


Conozcamos en la siguiente tabla el presente del indicativo:

Conjugación Inglés Español

1ª per. singular I work yo trabajo

2ª per. singular you work tú trabajas

3ª per. singular

he works

she works

It works

él trabaja

ella trabaja

(para objetos)


English 1º ESO

1ª per. plural we work nosotros/as trabajmos

2ª per. plural you work vosotros/as trabajais

3ª per. plural they work ellos/as trabajan

La única dificultad escriba, como de costumbre, en la 3ª persona del singular; de

hecho, esta 3ª persona es especial a la hora de conjugar verbos. Como regla general

se añade s, aunque veremos que existen algunas excepciones.

Usos del presente simple

Este tiempo verbal se utiliza para expresar hechos o verdades generales.

The Sun warms the atmosphere. -> El Sol calienta la armósfera.

También usamos el presente simple para hablar de hábitos; en este caso, en la

oración suele aparecer expresiones de frecuencia, como usually o always.

We play tennis usually. -> Nosotros jugamos al tenis ocasionalmente.

You study always. -> Vosotros estudiais siempre.

Tambien lo usamos para expresar horarior o programas (como el programa de un

espectáculo teatral).

The train leaves in an hour. -> El tren llega en una hora.

Reglas ortográficas para la 3ª persona del singular

Como regla general, a la forma verbal de la 3ª persona del singular se le añade s; no

obstante,existen unas cuantas reglas para una serie de formas verbales que son


1.- Cuando el verbo acaba ya en s, o en un sonido parecido como sh, ch o x:

watch -> watches (mirar)         dash -> dashes (arrojar)

2.- Cuando el verbo acaba en o, también se añade es:

go -> goes (ir)        do -> does (hacer)


English 1º ESO

3.- Cuando el verbo acaba en y, y a ésta le precede una consonante, tenemos que

cambiar lay por i, para a continuación añadir es:

fly -> flies (volar)         study -> studies (estudiar)

Observa que estas reglas ortográficas son las mismas que se aplican para formar

el plural. También son las que se usan para formar otros tiempos verbales, por lo que

una vez que las aprendas tendrás mucho ganado.


1) Ejercicios con el Presente Simple Afirmativo

Con los siguientes verbos:Eat=Comer/Drink=beber/Write=escribir

1-Yo escribo


2-Tu bebes


3-Antonio come


4-El bebe


English 1º ESO


5-Maria escribe


6-Felipe bebe






9-Bebe (El perro)


10-Tu comes


2) Ejercicios con el Presente Simple Interrogativo



2-¿Tu bebes?


3-¿Antonio come?


4-¿El bebe?


5-¿Maria escribe?


6-¿Felipe bebe?






9-¿Bebe? (El perro)



English 1º ESO

10-¿Tu comes?


3) Ejercicios con el Presente Simple Negativo 

1-No escribo


2-Tu no bebes


3-Antonio no come


4-El no bebe


5-Maria no escribe


6-Felipe no bebe


7-No bebemos


8-No escriben


9-No bebe (El perro)


10-Tu no comes


4) Ejercicios con el Presente Simple Afirmativo,interrogativo,negativo

1-¿Que escribes? 


2-¿Qué bebes?


3-¿Dónde come Antonio?


4-¿Qué bebemos?


English 1º ESO


5-¿Dónde escribe Maria?


6-¿Dónde bebe Felipe?


7-¿Dónde bebemos?


8-¿Que escriben?


9-¿Que bebe? (El perro)


10-¿Dónde comes?


5) Completa cada respuesta con una de las palabras del recuadro.

do - don’t - does - doesn’t - am - is - isn’t - are - aren’t


1. Are you Spanish? Yes, I .


2. Do you smoke? No, I .


3. Is Annette French? Yes, she .


4. Is Mark German? No, he .


5. Does Mark speak English? Yes, he .


English 1º ESO


6. Is Mark a student? No, he .


7. Do the children go to school? Yes, they .


8. Are the children in school now? Yes, they .


9. Are we in class now? No, we .


10. Does the class start at 9.00 in the morning? No, it .


11. Do they play football? Yes, they .


12. Are they playing football now? No, they .


13. Do I speak Spanish? Yes, you .


14. Am I speaking Spanish now. No, you .


15. Do we have class in the morning? Yes, we .



English 1º ESO

16. Are we having class now? Yes, we .


17. Do you live in a house? No, I .


18. Are you living in a flat? Yes, I .


19. Is your flat big? Yes, it .


20. Do Peter, Paul and Mary sing? Yes, they .


21. Are Peter, Paul and Mary singing now? No, they .


22. Do you like MyProfe? Yes, I .


23. Do you visit MyProfe every day? No, I .


24. Are you visiting MyProfe now? Yes, I .


25. Is Gordon a good teacher? I know.



English 1º ESO

26. Do you study with Gordon? No, I .

6) Completa cada frase con el presente simple de uno de los verbos del recuadro.

buy  come  go  have  like  rain  speak  study  visit  work

1 My brother to play football.

2 It often in winter.

3 My parents from Madrid.

4 We to the beach in summer.

5 Jeremy four languages.

6 The children’s room many posters.

7 Many people Spain.

8 Susan’s uncle in a bank.

9 Most of my friends at university.

10 We always bread at the corner store.

7) Complete the sentences. Use the present simple affirmative.

1. I _____ (go) shopping with my brother.

2 We sometimes _____ (use) a dictionary in class. 3 My friends _____ (study) Italian at

their school.

4. School _____ (finish) at three o’clock.

5. You _____ (live) near me.

6. He _____ (like) rap music. 7. She _____ (do) her homework .before dinner.


English 1º ESO

8. We _____ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I _____ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. My mother _____ (teach) art.

8) Make the sentences negative.


He remembers my name.

He doesn’t remember my name.

1. I study French.


2. School finishes at two o’clock.


3. You copy from other students.


4. We think English is easy.


5. My friends play volleyball.


6. I watch TV on Saturday morning.


7. She speaks Chinese.


8. The dog likes cats.


English 1º ESO


9. They listen to pop music.


9) Write the words in the correct order. Then complete the short answers.


Students / I.T.? / do / at / Do / your school

Do students at your school do I.T..?

Yes, they do.

1. live / at / you / Do / school?


No, _______________

2. in / students / Do / the canteen? / eat


Yes, _______________

3. to school / your brother / on Saturday? / Does / go


No, ________________

4. live / near / Do / your friends / you?


Yes, ________________

5 at / school / finish / Does / three o’clock?


No, _________________


English 1º ESO



This arrow / Esta flecha That star / Aquella estrella

Los adjetivos demostrativos ingleses son:

a.) This (este, esta)                     These (estos, estas)

b.) That ( aquel, aquella)             Those (aquellos, aquellas)

Los adjetivos demostrativos se utilizan para determinar la posición de las cosas. 

En español encontramos tres distintos grados de proximidad. Esto (para lo que está más

cerca del sujeto). Eso (situado a media distancia) y Aquello (lejano). 

En inglés, en cambio, solamente encontramos dos  grados de proximidad. This, que se

utiliza para designar las cosas o personas relativamente cercanas y that, para las más


This puede utilizarse también para presentarse a uno mismo (no personalmente) o para


English 1º ESO

presentar a un tercero.:

Hello. This is Craig. / Hola. Soy Craig (En una conversación telefónica)

· Paul, this is Helen / Paul, ésta es Helen

· Hello, Helen. Pleased to meet you / Hola Elena. Encantado de conocerte.

· Hello / Hola

- This también se emplea coloquialmente para empezar un relato o para indicar el

tamaño de algo:

This is the story of Ma Baker.... / Esta es la historia de Ma Baker...

A man this fat / Un hombre así de gordo

- This / that / these / those pueden preceder a un sustantivo o ir solos.

This restaurant is expensive / Este restaurante es caro

This is an expensive restaurant / Éste es un restaurante caro

- That sirve para indicar algo que ha ocurrido o algo que alguien ha dicho.

That was a wonderful film / Ha sido una pelicula maravillosa.

You're an engineer, aren't you?; Yes, that's right / Es usted ingeniero, ¿no? ;Si,


- Like this.... like that (así, de este modo, de ese modo)

Don't do it like that. Do it like this / No lo hagas así. Hazlo así (de esta otra forma)


1) Pon 'this' o 'these'

This car is expensive. (singular)

These books are cheap. (plural) 

1.         men are from Spain.

2.         foot is dirty.


English 1º ESO

3.          scissors are very sharp.

4.         children don't have any parents.

5.         mouse is broken.

2) Pon 'that' o 'those'

Those ladies are from Mexico. (plural)

That leaf is from New Zealand. (singular)

1.        roofs are made of wood.

2.        box is empty.

3.        trousers are made in China.

4.        men are waiting for the bus.

5.        tomato is very big.

3) Complete the sentences. Use this and these.

Is this my drink?

1. ________ aren´t my trainers.

2. ________ an interesting museum?

3. ________ are new bicycles

4) Complete the sentences. Use that and those.

That is a big supermarket.


English 1º ESO

1. Are _____ your books?

2. _______ are her CDs.

3. ______ is a great shop.

5) Ahora te proponemos completar las siguientes oraciones con eladjetivo

demostrativo correspondiente:

1. Esta casa es demasiado grande. .......... house is too big.

2. Estos son mis alumnos. .......... are my pupils.

3. Esta ventana es pequeña. .......... window is small.

4. Este es mi libro. .......... is my book.

5. Estas flores son hermosas. .......... flowers are beautiful.

6. Estos zapatos son negros. .......... shoes are black.

7. Este perro es malo. .......... dog is bad.

8. Estos niños juegan en la calle. ......... children play in the street.

9. Estas son mis fotos. .......... are my pictures.

10. Esta mesa es mía. .......... table is mine.

6) Complete the sentences using this, that, these or those.

Example: I like this picture. (this, these)

1.   shirt looks great.

(That, Those)

2. Look at   man over there.


English 1º ESO

(this, that)

3.   is a beautiful day today.

(That, This)

4. Do you like   flowers?

(that, those)

5. What are the answers to   questions?

(this, these)

6. I love   shoes but I don't like  shirt.

(these, that), (those, that)

7. Let's watch a movie.

 a good idea.

(This is, That's)

8. Whose house is   ?

(those, that)

9. This book isn't very good , but   book's great. 

(that, this)

7) Type the plural form in the boxes below and change the verb form.

For example:

This car is new. These cars are new.

That girl goes to my school. Those girls go to my school.

Principio del formulario

1. This orange is very nice.


English 1º ESO

2. That student writes well.

3. That house is near the beach.

4. This book belongs to George.

5. That dog barks all night.

6. That computer is old.

7. This lesson is very difficult.

8. That person sings badly.

9. This exercise is easy.

10. This man works at my shop.


English 1º ESO

TEMA 7: Los adverbios de frecuencia


Frequency adverbs

(fricuenci adverbs)

(adverbios de frecuencia)

Los adverbios de frecuencia son palabras que se utilizan para decir con que frecuencia o

que tan seguido hacemos una acción, pueden ser usadas con cualquier tiempo

gramatical y son las siguientes:

Para (+) e (?):

Always (olweis) (siempre)...100%.

Usually (iushuali) (usualmente)...90%.

Often (ovten) (a menudo)...80%.

Frequently (fricuentli) (frecuentemente)...70/60%.

Sometimes (somtaims) (algunas veces, a veces)...50%.

Otras opciones para preguntar:

Ever...? (ever...?) (nunca, jamás, alguna vez...?).

How often...? (jau ovten...?) (que tan seguido o con que frecuencia...?).

Para (-):

Seldom (seldom) (casi nunca)... 30%.

Rarely (rrerli) (rara vez)... 20%.

Never (never) (nunca)... 0%.


English 1º ESO


1) las palabras de frecuencia siempre van antes de cualquier acción, excepto con el

verbo "to be", con el cual siempre se ponen después.

2) no interrumpen la regla de "pluralizar una acción" cuando esta acción va con "he, she,

o it".

Examples (exampls) (ejemplos):

+) he always eats every half hour.

     (ji olweis i..ts evri jalf aur)

     (el siempre come cada media hora)

I usually kiss my girlfriend.

(ai iushuali kis mai grlfrend)

(yo usualmente beso a mi novia)

He is always worry about the exams.

(ji is olweis wowri abaut di exams)

(el esta siempre preocupado acerca / de los exámenes)

Are they often doing their homework?

(ar dei ovten duing deir jomwork?)

(están ellos a menudo haciendo su tarea?)

-) he never does his work in his house.

   (ji never dos jis work in jis jaus)

   (el nunca hace su trabajo en su casa)



1) Rewrite the sentence putting the adverb given in brackets into its

proper position.


English 1º ESO


He plays on the computer. (always)

He always plays on the computer.

1. He listens to the radio. (often)


2. They read a book. (sometimes)


3. Pete gets angry. (never) ________________________________________

4. Tom is very friendly. (usually)


5. I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)


6. Ramon is hungry. (often)


7. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)


8. Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)


9. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)


10. Christine smokes after dinner. (seldom)


2) Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.

1. He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes)



English 1º ESO

2. The weather is bad in November. (always)


3. It rains in California. (never)


4. We have fish for dinner. (seldom)


5. She will see him. (rarely)


6. Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually)


7. They do not play tennis on Sundays. (always)


8. Mary watches TV. (hardly / ever)


3) Rewrite the sentences and put the adverbs in correctly.

I go to school by bus. always


I get up at 7. usually


I watch TV in the evening. often / frequently


I have lunch in a restaurant. sometimes



English 1º ESO

I have breakfast. seldom


I arrive late. never


I have homework. everyday


4) Escribe cada frase de nuevo colocando los adverbios de frecuencia en

el lugar correcto.

1.  The prices in the shops go down. (rarely)


2. My sister has wanted to go to see Alejandro Sanz in concert. (always)


3. Will ETA stop this senseless killing? (ever)


4. Brian is late to work. (normally)


5. Brian arrives before 8 a.m. (never)

5) Complete the sentences with an adverb of frequency


English 1º ESO

1. They _________ drive. They don´t have a car.

2. I _______ eat turkey. (Only at Christmas)

3. She doesn’t have a watch so she’s _________ late.

4. We __________ get up at 8:00, except Saturdays and Sundays.

5. I ________ play tennis (when I have time)



English 1º ESO

7) Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentence. Follow the


Example:      My computer has never made that noise before.   (never)

1- It’s not easy to get tickets.always

2- Why are you here when I need you?never

3- My girlfriend cooks a hot meal for lunch.usually

4- They’ll expect us to take a bottle of wine.probably

5- McVities Plain Chocolate Digestive biscuits are the best.definitely

6- I have been so happy in my life.never

7- Do you clean your nose with your T-shirt?  usually

8- I remember buying more beer.definitely

9- August is the hottest month in Spain.usually

10- I can manage to be there around three o’clock.probably

11- I’m terribly sorry, our dog’s done that before.never

12- Yes, you’re right.probably

13- Is the heating on? I feel cold in your house.always

14- You should say thank you when someone gives you something.always


English 1º ESO

15- Valencia are going to win on Sunday.definitely

8) Put the words on the right into the correct position in each line of the

story. More than one position may be possible. Follow the examples.

Jealousy and Lies  

outside - still - even - quite - still - enough - hardly ever - carelessly –

outside - strangely - still - terribly

Santi’s car stopped outside the restaurant at 10pm. 

He was still wearing his work clothes which were (still) dirty from a long day in the fish


He opened the door and didn’t  look at me as he stood net to our table.

It took  a long time for someone to speak. I  couldn’t believe

he had found us. “Have you had to eat?” he asked David.

I saw panic in David’s eyes. He is   lost for words, but now he just sat there

.  Santi   took David’s napkin   

and   threw it   on the floor,  .

“I’d like to speak to you  David.” said Santi. I felt  relieved as

both men left the restaurant and people around me started speaking again.

I was  worried and I felt  guilty when I had seen the pain

in Santi’s eyes.

both – quietly – never -  enough – curiously – quite – even – finally –


English 1º ESO

freely – still - immediately

 Santi and David   stood silently in the street, 


for the other to speak. “ How long have you been seeing my wife?” asked Santi

,  . “About four months,” replied David. “ Look Santi, I  had any

intention….” “Shut up! Don’t you think you’ve done  damage?” cried Santi,

causing late-night shoppers to look  at the two men .

David was  surprised when Santi hit him. He didn’t think Santi would use

violence. He  thought that Santi might   walk away and say

nothing.   When Maria  left the restaurant  , she saw

David on the floor. Blood was running  from his nose and onto his white shirt. 

Santi was   standing there, his body shaking with anger.

Almost  I took Santi’s hand and pulled him away.

outside - still - even - quite - still - enough - hardly ever - carelessly –

outside - strangely - still - terribly

We  walked to his car that he had left in the middle of the road,

the engine  running.   I opened the car door  and

Santi   got inside . I couldn’t tell him I was sleeping with

David for the money. He wasn’t old enough  to


English 1º ESO

understand .

TEMA 8: there is y there are. There was y there were.


EXPRESIONES DE EXISTENCIA (There is, there was, there are, there were)

There is (der is): hay (forma singular).

There are (der ar): hay (forma plural).

There was (der wuós): hubo, había (singular).

There were (der wuér): hubo, había (plural).

There will be (der wuíl bi): habrá (singular y plural).


There is a tasty cake there.

(der is e téisti kéik der)

*Hay un apetitoso bizcocho ahí (allí, allá). *Is there a tasty cake there? (is der e téisti kéik


*¿Hay un apetitoso bizcocho ahí?

*Yes, there is a tasty cake there.

*Yes, there is.

*No, there is not.

*No, there is not a tasty cake there.

There is/There are

"There is" y "There are" quieren decir "Hay" en español.  "There is" es singular y "There are"


English 1º ESO

es plural.

There is a book. (Hay un libro.)*

There are books. (Hay libros.)

*Se puede hacer una contracción de "There is" a "There's".  No se puede hacer una

contracción de "There are."

El negativo es "There is not" y "There are not" y sus contracciones.

There is not a book.  -  There isn't a book.

There are not books.  -  There aren't books.

Para formar una pregunta nada más cambiamos el orden de las palabras.

Is there a book?

    Yes, there is.

    No, there isn't.

Are there books?

    Yes, there are.

    No, there aren't.


1) Seleccione las respuestas correctas para describir los cuartos.


1.  Is there a bed?         

2.  Is there a TV?                    


English 1º ESO

3.  Are there four chairs?           

4.  Is there a table?                    

5.  Is there a plant?                  

2) Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative of there is / there are.

1. _____ an Italian boy in my class.

2. _____ an internet café opposite our school.

3. _____ five supermarkets in my town.

4. _____ a museum next to the park.

5. _____ some posters in front of the cinema.

3) Complete the sentences. Use the negative of there is/ there are.


There isn’t a flag in my classroom.

1 _____ any shopping centres in this town.

2 _____ any beaches in London.

3 _____ an American café here.

4 _____ a Hollywood in Spain..

5 _____ any rap CDs in this shop.

4) Write questions and short answers. Use there is / there are.


/ any Brazilian footballers in your favourite team? Are there any Brazilian footballers in your

favourite team?

Yes, there are.


English 1º ESO

1. / a skateboard park near here?


No, _________________________

2. / a Hollywood in Ireland?


Yes, _________________________

3 / any famous football teams in your town?


Yes, _________________________

4 / any interesting places near your house?


No, _________________________

5 / an English boy in your class?


No, _________________________

5) Write there is / there are in the blanks according to the case.

(Complete con "there is" o "there are".)

a. ___________________ an ashtray on the dressing table

and ___________________ some glasses, too.

b. ___________________ no water in the shower.

c. ___________________ two beds in every room.

d. ___________________ not a TV set in this room.


English 1º ESO

6) Transform the following affirmative sentences into negative ones.

Use the words in parentheses (see the example given).

(Transforme estas oraciones afirmativas en negativas utilizando las palabras

entre paréntesis. Siga el ejemplo)

a) There are some sheets in the closet (on the bed) e.g.,

There are no sheets on the bed / There aren´t any sheets on the bed.

b) There is a radio next to the bed (in my room).


c) There´s an ashtray on the table (in the bathroom)


d) There´s hot water in the shower (washstand)


7) Unscramble these words to form logical sentences.

(Ordene estas palabras para formar oraciones lógicas)

a) Is- a- bathroom- in- bathtub- there -the- ?


b) Not- there-in- closet- sheets- the- are- any


c) There- is-what- hotel- a- in- room- ?


d) Cockroach- is- there- room- in- my- a !


English 1º ESO


8) Describe a room in one of the hotels in the locality.

What furnitures can a guest expect to find?

(Describa una habitación de un hotel en su área. ¿Qué muebles o equipamiento

esperaría un huésped encontrar en su habitación?






TEMA 9: el presente continuo en su forma afirmativa, negativa

e interrogativa.                   


Esta lección de inglés está dedicada al presente continuo, tiempo verbal

que expresa acciones del presente pero con ciertos matices que lo

diferencian del presente simple.

Antes de ver como se usa el presente continuo, vamos a ver como se

forma. Posteriormente veremos como negar este tiempo verbal y como

formar preguntas con el mismo.

A continuación presentamos una tabla en donde se muestra la conjugación

del presente continuo. A partir de esta tabla veremos como se forma este tiempo verbal.

Conjugación Inglés Español


English 1º ESO

1ª per. singular I am talking yo estoy hablando

2ª per. singular you are talking tú estás hablando

3ª per. singular

he is talking

she is talking

It is talking

él está hablando

ella está hablando

(para objetos)

1ª per. plural we are talkingnosotros/as

estamos hablando

2ª per. plural you are talkingvosotros/as estais


3ª per. plural they are talkingellos/as están


Como ves, para formar el presente continuo utilizamos el verbo to be como

auxiliar, y el verbo principal en gerundio. Lo importante es saber construir el

gerundio, y una vez hecho esto, intercalar el verbo to be para utilizarlo como


Uso del presente continuo

Este tiempo verbal podemos usarlo para expresar distintas cosas; y en

diferentes circunstancias:

1. Para referirnos a acciones que se están desarrollando en el mismo

momento en el que se habla.

I am reading a book -> Yo estoy leyendo un libro (en este preciso


2. Tambien utilizamos el presente continuo para describir cosas que

suceden alrededor del momento al que estamos hablando.


English 1º ESO

She is studying English -> Ella está esstudiando inglés (no

precisamente ahora)

3. Podemos usar el presente continuo para referirnos a acciones que se

vienen produciendo con cierta frecuenca.

You are always working -> Estás siempre trabajando (lo hace


4. Cuando hablamos de una acción del futuro que ya hemos decidido

que vamos a desarrollar. En este caso debemos mencionar el

tiempo en el que vamos a desarrollar dicha acción.

I am going to Madrid next week -> Voy a Madrid la semana que biene

Negación e interrogación del presente continuo

Para negar el presente continuo tenemos que colocar la partícula not entre

el auxiliar y el verbo principal. Para hacer preguntas tenemos que poner

primero el auxiliar y después el pronombre personal.

I am not eating now -> Yo no estoy comiendo ahora

Are you eating? -> ¿Estás comiendo?


1) Escribe o selecciona la respuesta correcta.

1. Don't ring her now. She her favourite TV program.

A. watches

B. is watching



English 1º ESO

2. I don't enjoy TV. I it's boring.

A. watch / think

B. watching / think

C. watching / thinking

D. watch / thinking


3. I of buying the new Alejandro Sanz CD.  I really like the way he


A. think / sings

B. am thinking / sings

C. am thinking / is singing

D. think / is singing


4. I can't believe it. It again. It sure a lot in this country!

A. is raining / is raining

B. is raining / rains

C. rains / rains

D. rains / is raining



English 1º ESO

5. Mary very kind to me lately. Maybe she to ask me to help

her with her homework.

A. is being / is wanting

B. is being / wants

C. is / wants

D. is / is wanting


6. What (you/do) after class? Nothing, why?  Do you want to come

with us? We to the centre.

A. are you doing / are going

B. do you do / are going

C. are you doing / go

D. do you do / go


7. (John/go) with you? No, he in his father's shop in the

evenings. But he's meeting us later.

A. Does John go / is working

B. Is John going / is working

C. Does John go / works

D. Is John going / works


English 1º ESO

2) For each of the following sentences, determine whether the Simple Present

tense or the Present Continuous tense is more appropriate, and fill in the blank

with the correct form of the verb given in brackets. For example:

Right now, he ________ ridiculous. (to be)

Right now, he is being ridiculous.

She ______ to Sydney every weekend. (to drive)

She drives to Sydney every weekend.

1. At the moment, I __________________ supper. (to cook)

2. He ________________ the paper every weekday. (to read)

3. We ________________ right now. (to study)

4. She ________________ every day. (to study)

5. Now it _______________. (to rain)

6. They ______________ to Mexico every year. (to travel)

7. Just now we ________________ the shopping. (to do)

8. She always ________________ correctly.( to answer)

9. You ________________ never late. (to be)

10. Now I ________________ to the radio. (to listen)

11. Each Sunday, we ________________ the flea market. (to visit)

12. At present, I ________________ for work. (to look)

3) Write the –ing form of the verbs


stay staying

1. camp ____________

2. swim ____________

3. travel ____________

4. walk ____________

5. have ____________

6 write ____________


English 1º ESO

7. cook ____________

8. shop ____________

4) Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous affirmative and


1. He dad and brother _____ (cycle) to the shops.

2. We _____ (not travel) in Japan.

3. I _____ (sunbathe) on the beach.

4. She _____ (not watch) TV.

5. They _____ (not swim) in the sea.

6. Sue _____ (stay) at home today

5) Write questions using the present continuous. Then complete the short



your teacher / speak English / at the moment?

Is your teacher speaking English at the moment?

No, he isn’t.

1. your dad / work / today?


Yes, ____________

2. you / have a good time / on holiday?


Yes, ____________

3. your mum / cook dinner / now?



English 1º ESO

Yes, ____________

4. your friends / play football?


No, ____________

6) Complete the dialogues


A I’m reading

B What are you reading?

1. A. I’m going on holiday.

B. Where _____________?

2. A. He’s cooking dinner.

B. What ______________?

3. A. My sister’s going to England.

B. Who _______________?

4. A. We aren’t staying in a hotel.

B. Where ______________?

7) Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present

continuous or the present simple.

Example: My dad usually cooks (cook) dinner.

1. I ________________ (watch) TV at the moment.

2. My parents _______________ (go) to Italy every year.

3. My sister _____________________ (walk) to school every day.

4. We _______________________ (have) lunch now.


English 1º ESO

8) Complete the sentences.

I _____ (meet) some friends after work.

I _____ (not go) to the party tonight.

___ he _____ (visit) his parents next weekend?

___ he _____ (not come) with us tonight?

TEMA 10: EL Pasado SIMPLE DE cualquier VERBO EN SU



e utiliza para referirse a acciones que se desarrollaron en el pasado y que hace

ya algún tiempo que finalizaron. Su equivalente en castellano es el pretérito


I studied English.    Yo estudié inglés (fue una actividad que realicé en el

pasado y que ya finalizó)

I bought a car.    Yo compré un coche

En estas oraciones no se da información sobre el presente:

I lost my job.    Yo perdí mi trabajo (puede que en la actualidad lo haya vuelto a


I bought a car.    Yo compré un coche (en la actualidad puede que ya no tenga

el coche, que lo haya vendido)

Con frecuencia se indica el periodo de tiempo en el que se desarrolló la acción:

I played tennis yesterday.    Yo jugué al tenis ayer.

I went to Paris last summer.    Yo fui a París el verano pasado


English 1º ESO

La estructura de la frase es similar a la del presente, utilizando el verbo

principal en su forma pasada.

She listens to music.    Ella escucha música (presente)

She listened to music.    Ella escuchó música (pasado)

En las formas negativas e interrogativas se emplea, asimismo, una estructura

similar: se utiliza el verbo auxiliar "to do" en su tiempo pasado, que acompaña

al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva:

I didn't go to the party.    Yo no fui a la fiesta

Did you go to the party    Fuiste tú a la fiesta

En la formación del tiempo pasado hay que distinguir entre verbos regulares e

irregulares: los verbos regulares forman el tiempo pasado añadiendo "-ed" a la

forma infinitiva, mientras que los irregulares no siguen un patrón determinado,

hay que estudiarlos individualmente (ver décima clase).

Verbo regular    "To listen": forma pasada "listened".

Verbo irregular    "To go": forma pasada "went"

La forma pasada de los verbos es única para todas las personas, no hay una

forma distinta para la 3era persona del singular como ocurría en el presente.

I / you / he / she / we / they "listened"

I / you / he / she / we / they "went"

Forma Pasada de los Verbos Regulares       

Se forma añadiendo "-ed" al infinitivo:  Infinitivo    Forma pasada

To need (necesitar)    needed

To listen (escuchar)    listened

Si el infinitivo del verbo termina en "e", entonces tan sólo se le añade una "d":

Infinitivo    Forma pasada

To love (amar)    loved

To bribe (sobornar)    bribed


English 1º ESO

Si el infinitivo del verbo termina en "y", tras consonante, entonces esta letra "y"

se transforma en "i" y se le añade "-ed".

Infinitivo    Forma pasada

To carry (llevar)    carried

To study (estudiar)    studied

Si el infinitivo del verbo está formado por una sola sílaba, con una sola vocal y

termina en consonante, entonces esta consonante se dobla:

Infinitivo    Forma pasada

To stop (parar)    stopped

To ban (prohibir)    banned

También se dobla la última consonante de aquellos verbos de dos o más

silabas, cuyo acento recae en la última sílaba, y ésta contiene una sola vocal y

finaliza en una sola consonante:

Infinitivo    Forma pasada

To admit (admitir)    admitted

To prefer(preferir)    preferred

Por último, se dobla también la última consonante de aquellos verbos cuyo

infinitivo termina por "l", tras una única vocal:

Infinitivo    Forma pasada

To signal (señalar)    signalled

To cancel (cancelar)    cancelled


1) Completa cada frase con el pasado simple de uno de los verbos del


  arrive copy dance die  enjoy live stay study travel visit 

1 Last weekend I for the exam.

2 When I was young we in the country.


English 1º ESO

3 The concert was great. We really it.

4 There was a lot of traffic and we home very late.

5 Two thousand people MyProfe last month.

6 We were tired so we home.

7 Last year the neighbours to China.

8 When we were at the beach our dog . He was very old.

9 On Tuesday we went to Raul’s house and some CD’s.

10 Last night I with Marge at the disco.

2) Complete the sentences.

Example: I didn’t watch (not watch) TV last night.

1. On Saturday I _____ (play) computer games with my cousins.

2. My mum _____ (not cook) dinner last night.

3. I _____ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.

4. They _____ (not dance) at the party.

5. My brother _____ (travel) to Ireland last summer.

3) Write the past simple form of these verbs.

practice practiced

1. copy ____________

2. revise ____________

3. cycle ____________

4. listen ____________


English 1º ESO

5. play ____________

6. like ____________

4) Write the questions in the correct order.


night? / meet / Did / you / them / last /

Did you meet them last night?

1. film? / like / you / Did / the /


2. you / many / did / ask? / How / people /


3. a / have / time ? / they / Did / good /


4. did / weekend? / the / What / do / we / at /


5. she / DVD? / Where / that / did / buy /


6. party / on / your / go / Saturday? / he / Did / to /


7. did / yesterday? / Who / you / see /


5) Correct the sentences.

Who do you met on Saturday morning? X

Who did you meet on Saturday morning?

1. Did he went to school yesterday? X



English 1º ESO

2. Why did you to go home early? X


3. Where you did learn English? X


4. Did she works today? X


5. What do you did yesterday? X


6. Did they last night phone you? X


6) Para ejercitar el Pasado Simple te proponemos que coloques laforma

correcta del verbo entre paréntesis en las siguientes oraciones. Luego

puedes escribir su forma interrogativa y negativa y traducirlas:

1. She (travel) .................... by train to London.

2. She (cut) .................... the lettuce with a knife.

3. The film (be) .................... boring.

4. The president (speak) .................... very slow during the conference.

5. Sarah (sing) .................... perfectly in the concert.

6. Peter (decide) .................... to paint the house blue.


English 1º ESO

7. My mother (have) .................... her birthday party last night.

8. The lawyer (try) .................... to convince the jury.

9. My dog (bite) .................... Ann in her leg.

10. I (meet) .................... John at the old restaurant last week.

11.Charles (water) .................... the garden the last weekend.

12.The children (watch) .................... TV the whole day yesterday.

13.Susan (leave) .................... the house early at night.

14.The burglars (break) .................... the window with a hammer.

15.Clara (make) .................... a beautiful dress for her sister.

16.The students (know) .................... all the answers of the exam.

17.W. Shakespeare (write) .................... several novels.

18.We (stay) .................... at home because the weather was bad.


English 1º ESO

19. I (invite) .................... Thomas and his wife to my wedding.

20.My mother (suggest) .................. going to the cinema.

7) En este ejercicio podrás practicar el uso correcto de los verbos.

Reescribe las siguientes oraciones en tiempo pasado y en forma

negativa. Respeta las mayúsculas, minúsculas y signos de puntuación.

1. Sheila is at work.


2. The sun is shining today.


3. They work for an insurance company.


4. I'm having dinner.


5. Tom hopes to get a job.


6. I want to stay home tonight.


7. I know what to do.


8. Do you stay home today?



English 1º ESO

9. You have to go.


8) Write questions in simple past.

1. Anna / the window / open 

2. she / home / walk 

3. you / in the garden / work 

4. you / a song / sing 

5. she / on a chair / sit 

6. you / the castle / visit 

7. Jenny / the door / lock 

8. she / happy / be 

9. Greg / the ball / kick 

10. the car / at the corner / stop 

9) Have a look at James's last week's diary and answer the questions in

complete sentences. Put the time expression at the end of the sentence.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

football shopping meeting ring Jane buy flowers concert sailing

  cinema tennis English Italian restaurant    

1. When was his English course? → 

2. When did he go shopping? → 


English 1º ESO

3. When did he buy flowers? → 

4. When was his meeting? → 

5. When did he play football? → 

6. When did he go to the Italian restaurant? → 

7. When did he ring Jane? → 

8. When did he go to the cinema? → 

9. When did he play tennis? → 

10.When was the concert? → 

11.When did he go sailing? → 


English 1º ESO




 -El verbo "To be" en pasado se traduce normalmente como:

I was= Yo era/ Yo estaba

Aunque conserva todos los usos que vimos en el presente.

-La irregularidad está en la primera persona "I was"y la tercera del

singular "he was,she was,it was,

El afirmativo se forma así:

El negativo se forma así:


English 1º ESO

El interrogativos se forma así:

-Cuando se usa con There,significa Había

There was a house Había una casa

There were two houses Había dos casas

-Se usa para describir sucesos del pasado, así pues va frecuentemente acompañado de

adverbios de tiempo.

Yesterday Ayer

Last night A noche

Last year El año pasado

Last week La semana pasada

Last weekend El fin de semana pasado

Last month El mes pasado


1) Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative and negative of was / were.

It wasn’t my dad’s birthday on Sunday.


English 1º ESO

It was his birthday on Saturday.

1. They were difficult. They _____ easy.

2. My grandfather _____ a writer. He was a composer.

3. It wasn’t hot in England. It _____ cold and raining.

4. My cousins weren’t at the skateboard park. They _____ at the cinema.

5. Last night I _____ at home. I was at a party at my friend’s house.

2) Complete the questions.


Was the weather good yesterday?

1. What _____ your first class this morning?

2. _____ her sister at the party?

3. Who _____ his favorite film star?

4. Where _____ you last night?

5. _____ they interested in rap music?

3) Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative (√) and negative (X) of

there as / there were.

Example: There wasn’t a canteen at my primary school. (X)

1. ________ a lot of rain in the summer. (X)

2. ________ any good films at the cinema last week. (X)

3. ________ 26 people at Sophie’s party. (√)

4. ________ an English teacher at my primary school.(X)

5. _______ a big celebration for my sister’s wedding. (√)

6. _______ a lot of interesting animals in the pet shop. (√)


English 1º ESO

4) Escribe la forma correcta del pasado simple del verbo "to be" en cada


1 Yesterday the children in the park.

2 The news about the explosion horrible.

3 There a lot of people at the party last night.

4 The concert fantastic.

5 My uncle a pilot in the war.

6 This webpage Gordon’s idea.

7 Mary and Peter online yesterday.

8 It very nice of you to come.

9 Most of the people at home watching the match.

10 This exercise easy.

5) Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. I   happy.

2. You   angry.

3. She   in London last week.

4. He   on holiday.

5. It   cold.

6. We   at school.


English 1º ESO

7. You   at the cinema.

8. They   at home.

9. The cat   on the roof.

10.The children   in the garden.

6) Complete the sentences with was, were, wasn´t o weren´t.

1. Where _____ you yesterday? I ______ ill so I stayed at home.

2. I left school when I _______ 17 and started university when I ____ 18.

3. The film we saw last week ____ terrible.

4. What ____ the weather like yesterday? Oh, it ___ terrible.

5. We´ve just finished the exercise, ____ it difficult?

6. I called my parents half an hour ago but they _____ in.

7) Choose the correct answer.

1. Hugo was/were the baker.

2. Henry and Hugo wasn´t/weren´t soldiers.

3. Henry was/were a big farmer.

4. Jack and Hugo was/were village people.

5. William and Isabel wasn´t/weren´t kings of England.

6. William and Isabel wasn´t/weren´t pop singers.

8) Choose the correct alternative in each sentences.

1. I was/were on the sofa.

2. Michael was/were at school this morning.

3. The children was/were happy.


English 1º ESO

4. Peter and I was/were at the party

5. She was/were in America last summer.

6. I was/were in my bedroom at five o´clock

TEMA 12: EL Pasado SIMPLE de los verbos irregulares

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle Spanish

arise arose arisen surgir

be was / were been ser

beat beat beaten golpear

become became become convertirse

begin began begun comenzar

bet bet/betted bet/betted apostar

bite bit bitten morder

bleed bled bled sangrar

blow blew blown soplar


English 1º ESO

break broke broken romper

bring brought brought traer

build built built construir

buy bought bought comprar

catch caught caught atrapar

choose chose chosen elegir

come came come venir

cost cost cost costar

creep crept crept arrastrarse

cut cut cut cortar

deal dealt dealt dar, repartir

do did done hacer

draw drew drawn dibujar

dream dreamt/dreamed dreamt/dreamed soñar

drink drank drunk beber

drive drove driven conducir

eat ate eaten comer

fall fell fallen caer


English 1º ESO

feed fed fed alimentar

feel felt felt sentir

fight fought fought pelear

find found found encontrar

flee fled fled huir

fly flew flown volar

forget forgot forgotten olvidar

forgive forgave forgiven perdonar

forsake forsook forsaken abandonar

freeze froze frozen congelar

get got got tener, obtener

give gave given dar

go went gone ir

grind ground ground moler

grow grew grown crecer

hang hung hung colgar

have had had tener

hear heard heard oír

hide hid hidden esconderse


English 1º ESO

hit hit hit golpear

hold held held tener, mantener

hurt hurt hurt herir, doler

keep kept kept guardar

kneel knelt knelt arrodillarse

know knew known saber

lead led led encabezar

learn learnt/learned learnt/learned aprender

leave left left dejar

lend lent lent prestar

let let let dejar

lie lay lain yacer

lose lost lost perder

make made made hacer

mean meant meant significar

meet met met conocer, encontrar

pay paid paid pagar

put put put poner

quit quit/quitted quit/quitted abandonar


English 1º ESO

read read read leer

ride rode ridden montar, ir

ring rang rung llamar por teléfono

rise rose risen elevar

run ran run correr

say said said decir

see saw seen ver

sell sold sold vender

send sent sent enviar

set set set fijar

sew sewed sewn/sewed coser

shake shook shaken sacudir

shine shone shone brillar

shoot shot shot disparar

show showed shown/showed mostrar

shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk encoger

shut shut shut cerrar

sing sang sung cantar

sink sank sunk hundir


English 1º ESO

sit sat sat sentarse

sleep slept slept dormir

slide slid slid deslizar

sow sowed sown/sowed sembrar

speak spoke spoken hablar

spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled deletrear

spend spent spent gastar

spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled derramar

split split split partir

spoil spoilt/spoiled spoilt/spoiled estropear

spread spread spread extenderse

stand stood stood estar de pie

steal stole stolen robar

sting stung stung picar

stink stank/stunk stunk apestar

strike struck struck golpear

swear swore sworn jurar

sweep swept swept barrer

swim swam swum nadar


English 1º ESO

take took taken tomar

teach taught taught enseñar

tear tore torn romper

tell told told decir

think thought thought pensar

throw threw thrown lanzar

tread trode trodden/trod pisar

wake woke woken despertarse

wear wore worn llevar puesto

weave wove woven tejer

weep wept wept llorar

win won won ganar

wring wrung wrung retorcer

write wrote written escribir


English 1º ESO


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