midwest seminary of bible theology

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GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams

8 Copyright by American Mission Teams, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America



STUDENTS: If you are not born-again, please refer to the Salvation message at the beginning of your Course Commentary.

Be sure to read the Commentary thoroughly at least twice. Please write your name on each homework sheet, each quiz, each exam, and on any other work that you submit. Be sure to check grammar, spelling and sentence structure on all work you submit. Grading is based on homework, quizzes, exams, grammar, spelling, attendance, participation, etc.


{ The Bible as pertaining to the course and look up the READ: { Scriptures referred to in the commentary.

{ Commentary and text books if required for the course.

{ Homework, which can be done open note. Answers to homework { questions are found in the course commentary and/or Bible.

COMPLETE: { Quizzes and exams are to be done by closed notes. { Essay/term paper, if applicable, according to the { requirements of the study level of the student.

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 1, Intro – IV Name _________________________ 1. The primary sources for the story of Moses’ life and works are contained in A. Exodus B. Leviticus C. Numbers D. Deuteronomy E. All of the above F. None of the above 2. What is the story of the 70 elders symbolic of? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 3. Scripture portrays Moses as human and mortal. True False 4. How many people moved to Egypt under the leadership of Joseph? _______________________________ 5. The king of the 18th dynasty at the time of the exodus was: A. Thutmose I B. Thutmose II C. Thutmose III D. Thutmose IV 6. What was the name of Moses’ Egyptian mother? A. Nubia B. Hathor C. Hapi D. Hatshepsut 7. High social position never exerts its authority for the accomplishments of a wicked purpose. True False 8. What are the quality of the life we live, and the direction our lives take determined by? ______________________________

9. Moses’ childhood was unique and it was known from the beginning that he would be used by God. True False 10. Moses’ mother was named: A. Shiphrah B. Jochebed C. Puah D. Zipphorah 11. Moses was from the tribe of: A. Ephraim B. Dan C. Asher D. Levi 12. The future redeemer of Israel was born at the height of the Egyptian persecution of the Israelites. True False 13. Moshe is an Egyptian name, probably meaning: A. Son B. Redeemer C. Lion D. Ruler 14. Amram and Jochebed were not God-fearing Israelites. True False 15. Jochebed made a stand for the Lord and put the baby in a basket in the bulrushes. True False 16. The characteristics of God’s method for elevating souls for His service include: A. He gives and sends them as they are needed. B. He sees that they may be fully trained and prepared for their work. C. All of the above D. None of the above

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


17. In the elevation of Moses to service, we have a most instructive exemplification of the doctrine and working of Divine Providence. True False 18. In decision making, what is the standard that we must use? A. The circumstances B. God’s Word C. Our own experiences D. None of the above 19. Moses was not expected to be well educated because he was adopted and Ramases was the one in line for the throne. True False Name the two areas of Moses’ education that he excelled in: 20. ______________________________ 21. ______________________________ 22. Moses was the prototype of the inassimilable Jew. True False 23. The decision that Moses made to turn from a life of luxury is recorded in the Old Testament. True False 24. In Moses’ effort to stop the fighting of his two Hebrew brothers, we see that: A. He was using his authority as an Egyptian ruler. B. He was being a peacemaker. C. He was taking the part of the weaker. D. None of the above 25. Moses’ decision to join himself with the Hebrews was made: A. Rashly as a decision of youth B. Before his career was developed C. In the highest time of Jewish history D. All of the above E. None of the above

Name the two co-regents that took over the kingdom after Thutmose II died. 26. _____________________________ 27. _____________________________ Name thee areas of personal pleasures of sin: 28. _____________________________ 29. _____________________________ 30. _____________________________ 31. All good decisions are based on faith in the Word (Will) of God. True False Give three alternate names for the Priest of Reuel: 32. ______________________________ 33. ______________________________ 34. ______________________________ 35. The two sons of Moses born of Zipporah of Midian. A. Ephraim and Manasseh B. Gershom and Eliezer C. Esau and Jacob D. Joseph and Benjamin 36. In what place did Moses’ character mature? ________________________________ ________________________________ Name the four arguments that Moses gave God for not leading the Children of Israel. 37. _____________________________ ________________________________ 38. _____________________________ ________________________________ 39. _____________________________ ________________________________ 40. _____________________________ ________________________________ 41. We can see that reaching the well at Midian and all that happened afterward was a “Divine Appointment” with God. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


42. A well in olden times was a place of: A. Nourishment and contentment B. Rest and contemplation C. Fellowship and laughter D. None of the above Name three wrong motives for service to God. 43. ______________________________ 44. ______________________________ 45. ______________________________ Name three things that are needed for preparation to serve in a leadership position. 46. ______________________________ 47. _____________________________ ________________________________ 48. ______________________________ 49. How many years did Moses life the life of a shepherd? A. 25 B. 30 C. 40 D. 45 Name three things that the Moses’ vision of God in Mount Horeb revealed. 50. ______________________________ 51. ______________________________ 52. ______________________________ _________________________________ Name the five lessons that Moses’ learned throughout his life time of service to God. 53. _____________________________ 54. _____________________________ 55. _____________________________ 56. _____________________________ 57. _____________________________ 58. God’s Divine mysteries change the course of events in our daily lives, only on a natural plain but not on a spiritual one. True False

List the things that are a result of God’s faithfulness: 59. _______________________________ 60. _______________________________ ________________________________ 61. ______________________________ ________________________________ 62. There is an infinite sympathy and a seasonable intervention with God that will cause an abundant benefaction. True False 63. Moses’ call was rendered necessary by: A. Intense national suffering B. Because no one else would do it C. He was in line to be a ruler of Egypt D. None of the above 64. According to Josephus, Moses was: A. Destined to fail B. A great public speaker C. To slow minded to succeed D. None of the above 65. Productive Christian service is always done by the willing heart. True False 66. It is not necessary to anticipate the difficulties and how to overcome them in our life-mission. True False 67. God is the incomprehensible one, and yet is revealed in His discourse with men. True False From the commentary list two things God is: 68. _______________________________ 69. _______________________________ What were the three signs to attest to Moses’ Divine mission? 70. _______________________________ 71. _______________________________ 72. _______________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 2, Chapters V-VIII Name ___________________________ 1. What neglected duty brought excessive pain into Moses’ life? A. Not circumcising Gershom and keeping the Covenant requirement with God B. Leaving his wife and sons C. Not leaving accurate instructions to his family that was given to him by God D. None of the above 2. As long as Moses discarded the national sign of the covenant made with Abraham, he was essentially unfit to be the deliverer of God’s people. True False List four things that are necessary for productive Christian service. 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________ 7. The mechanics of the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart involves: A. Supernatural intervention of God B. Only the words of Moses’ demands C. Human volition or will D. None of the above 8. Pharaoh perished by: A. His own choice B. The Will of God C. The will of Moses D. None of the above 9. Pharaoh constantly and repeatedly welcomed divine revelation. True False 10. How many confrontations were made to Pharaoh before God hardened his heart? A. 3 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 11. The entire world was evangelized through the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart. True False

Name three distinct commands God gave to Moses to tell to Pharaoh: 12. _______________________________ _________________________________ 13. _______________________________ __________________________________ 14. _______________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 15. The Gospel is an invitation and also a declaration of what God commands. True or False 16. The first three plagues fell on the Egyptians only. True False 17. Part of the problem with the effectiveness of the Gospel is: A. Nobody will listen B. That we try to mix our Christianity with the wisdom of the world C. There are too many rules and regulations to follow D. None of the above 18. To fellowship with the world is called: A. Blasphemy B. Unrighteousness C. Compromise D. Self-indulgence 19. Compromise is allowed in Christian morality. True False The Word of God has to regulate our: 20. ______________________________ 23. ______________________________ 24. ______________________________ 25. ______________________________ 26. What is the first thing your children should learn? A. God’s Word B. Nursery Rhymes C. To Read D. None of the above

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


27. Compromise is the mark of a double-minded man. True False 28. Moses and Aaron undertook the challenge of the exodus according to the Divine suggestion. True False 29. Name a desert plant that has no root: A. Heath or Juniper B. Cactus C. Cannas D. None of the above 30. What is one reason that God allows discouraging situations to take place in our lives? _________________________________ 31. ____________ ___________________ is an instrument of the Lord. 32. The magnitude of redemption is never less than the Divine resources. True False 33. God’s people never go anywhere until they quit moaning about their circumstances and line up with the promises of God. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 3, Chapters IX-X Name ___________________________ 1. A promise is never stronger than the person who makes it. True False Name the four points that make up the outline of the deliverance of the children of Israel. 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ 5. ______________________________ 6. Real freedom can still be found when we are outside of the plan of God. True False 7. The position of Moses being a god to Pharaoh was for: A. Self-aggrandizement B. Moses’ self –assurance C. Freedom from a Divine salvation D. None of the above Name three ways that God’s Will is resisted: 8. ______________________________ 9. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________ 11. Worldly Christians function in: A. Religion B. Self-righteousness C. Envy and strife D. All of the above E. None of the above 12. Moses and Aaron’s ages at the time of the exodus would probably: A. Not be likely to command respect B. Be indicative of a youthful enthusiasm C. Be an incentive to fidelity D. None of the above 13. How do we receive communication from God in today’s society? _________________________________ 14. The powers of darkness have certain supernatural ability. True False

15. How were the Hebrews being destroyed by the Pharaoh that did not know Joseph? A. Infanticide B. Murder C. Sickness D. Magic 16. What was the reason that scholars suggest that the Hebrew babies were thrown into the Nile River? A. It was the only way to get rid of them B. The worshipped the “god of the Nile” named Hapi C. It saved the time of burying them. D. None of the above 17. On the initial visit to Pharaoh, by Moses, Pharaoh acknowledged God as a form of deity to be worshiped or revered. True False 18. Into how many sections are the plagues of Egypt divided? A. 3 B. 4 C. 7 D. 10 19. What do the first nine plagues center on? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 20. The Egyptian god Hapi is also known as: A. God of the cows B. God of the underworld C. God of the fishes D. God of darkness 21. The Nile River was not a fundamental source of Egyptian economy. True False 22. God inundated all the waters of Egypt demonstrating His power over the river god “Hapi.” True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


In the view of the ancient Egyptians, Heqt represented what three things? 23. _____________________________ 24. _____________________________ 25. _____________________________ 26. Frogs were so sacred in Egypt that even the involuntary slaughter of one was often punished with: A. Flogging B. Death C. Starvation D. Torture by fire 27. The Hebrew word “kinnim” comes from a root word meaning: A. To dig B. To hear C. To obtain D. To question 28. Why were the priests of Egypt unable to enter their temples to beseech their gods to end this plague? ________________________________ ________________________________ 29. The scarab beetle was actually a: A. A ladybug B. A Dung beetle C. A potato beetle D. A red beetle 30. Horses and cattle were sacred in the land of Egypt. True False List two characteristics of an Apis bull candidate: 31. _______________________________ 32. _______________________________ __________________________________ 33. The goddess Hathor was the symbolic son of Pharaoh. True False

34. What was the man Imhotep known for throughout history? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Name Nut’s five children gods: 35. ______________________________ 36. ______________________________ 37. ______________________________ 38. ______________________________ 39. ______________________________ 40. The god of grain is: A. Amon-Ra B. Nut C. Nepri D. Thermuthis 41. The plague of darkness was an insult to Egypt’s religion and entire culture. True False 42. In Egyptian mythology, who was the god of light who personified the life-giving power of the sun? A. Horus B. Heliopolis C. Hathor D. Selket 43. The tenth plague was the least devastating of all the other plagues. True False Name 3 interesting points about the plague of the death of the first-born of Egypt. 44. ______________________________ 45. ______________________________ 46. ______________________________ 47. The Passover celebrates a deliverance wrought in fulfillment of a Divine pledge. True False 48. What is the paschal lamb a picture of? ________________________________ ________________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


49. The Passover was ______________________ a ______________ of a deliverance from the cruelest bondage. 50. The month of the first Passover corresponds to what month of our calendar? _________________________________ List three things that were required the first Passover that were not required afterward: 51. ______________________________ ________________________________ 52. ______________________________ ________________________________ 53. ______________________________ ________________________________ 54. When a nation was ________________ it was always supposed that their gods had either _________________ them or were overcome. 55. The first three plagues interfered with their possessions. True False 456. The last three plagues brought _________________ and ___________. 57. Darkness increased all activity throughout all the land of Egypt. True False 58. Egyptians assigned a different god to each realm or area of being. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 4, Chapters XI-XIV Name __________________________ 1. During the Feast of Unleavened Bread the Israelites were allowed to eat leaven. True False Name two things that the Feast of Unleavened Bread teaches us: 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. How long was the Feast of Unleavened Bread kept? A. 3 days B. 7 days C. 8 days D. 10 days 5. Believers in Messiah are to: A. Be consecrated unto God B. Be separated to do God’s work C. To live a holy life for God D. All of the above 6. Unleavened Bread was the bread of the: A. Priests B. Sinner C. Gentiles D. None of the above 7. How do the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread differ from all of the other Feasts? ________________________________ ________________________________ Name the 5 grains that were forbidden during the Feast of Unleavened Bread: 8. ______________________________ 9. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________ 11. _____________________________ 12. _____________________________ 13. There are historical days that should be celebrated by: A. Individuals B. Churches C. Nations D. All of the above

14. What was the Jews unclaimed promise? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 15. Why does God command the continuance of ordinances? A. For obedience’s sake only B. For instruction of posterity C. For hierarchal rule D. None of the above 16. The Passover was a true sacramental sign and seal of God’s covenant. True False Name the two men of Moses’ generation that were allowed to enter the Promised Land. 17. ______________________________ 18. ______________________________ 19. One of the main reasons for celebrating the Feasts of the Lord is: A. So we can have rest and recreation B. To remember our ancestors C. To educate the younger generations D. None of the above 20. The shortest route from Egypt to the Promised Land was through: A. The land of the Philistines B. The land of the Gershoni C. The land of the Ammonites D. None of the above 21. The way God leads His people is never described as the way of the “wilderness.” True False Name 4 things that we must do to derive full benefit from our life’s experiences: 22. ______________________________ 23. ______________________________ ________________________________ 24. ______________________________ ________________________________ 25. _____________________________ ________________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


26. As long as we walk in the light of God’s Word, God’s protection surrounds us. True False 27. God has already planned our lives beyond our failures. True False 28. When people get hysterical most of the time they are still able to think clearly. True False Name the three pointers that Moses gives us that will work in a time of great crisis. 29. _____________________________ 30. _____________________________ 31. _____________________________ 32. There is a time to stop praying and act. True False Name 4 lessons that can be learned from looking at the destruction of the Egyptians by drowning in the Red Sea. 33. _____________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 34. _____________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 35. _____________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 36. _____________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 37. What we many times call problems are really: A. Consequences B. Opportunities C. Shadows of things to come D. Punishments for past sins E. None of the above 38. Children of Israel entering the land at the time of the exodus will depend on: A. Their response to God’s training B. God’s mercy only C. The way they treat their brothers D. None of the above

39. The song that the people sung upon their deliverance is a super testimony of the power of God. True False 40. ____________________ is always a manifestation of unbelief. 41. One thing the body of Christ needs to do is: A. Ask questions B. Loose their emotions C. Learn to respect God’s authority D. None of the above 42. Faith will get stronger when we run from circumstances. True False 43. Many of the things that we see as problems are really challenges that bring God glory. True False 44. The term midbar is defined as: A. A wilderness B. Uncultivated land with grassy pastures C. A desolate place D. None of the above 45. What was the miracle concerning the manna? A. It rained from the sky B. If melted in the sunlight C. It rained only 6 days a week D. None of the above 46. Life is not a state of trial and preparation for another life. True False 47. Shabbat is a: A. Burden for mankind B. A gift from the Creator C. A day of great labor for man and beast D. None of the above 48. God did not tell the Israelites an exact measurement for each person’s daily sustenance. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


49. According to Jewish sources, how big is an omer? ________________________________ ________________________________ 50. Gathering and carrying is forbidden on the Sabbath. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 5, Chapters XV-XVIII Name __________________________ 1. We get blessings according to: A. Our own works B. The character of God C. Our position in the kingdom D. None of the above 2. Jesus is a special gift to: A. The sinful man B. The lost man C. All of the above D. None of the above Name 3 ways that manna was designed as a type or picture of Christ: 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. _______________________________ 6. God gave an equal amount of manna to everybody regardless of what kind of people they were. True False 7. Why does God want us to be obedient to Him? A. Because we fear Him B. Because He commands us to C. Because we love Him D. None of the above Name 6 things that maximize our capacity to receive spiritually. 8. ________________________________ 9. ________________________________ 10. _______________________________ 11. _______________________________ 12. _______________________________ 13. _______________________________ 14. Spiritual elevation will not only come by saturating ourselves in God and His Word. True False 15. Engaging in secular toil on the Sabbath reaps: A. Great profits B. Profitless results C. Delight in their moral culture D. None of the above

16. Why were the wanderings of the children of Israel written? ________________________________ 17. At what place was the necessity of water supplied in an unexpected way? A. Gilgal B. Beth El C. Rephidim D. Dotham 18. Why does the soul of man have an unwavering tendency to distrust God? ________________________________ 19. When men are brought to great straits through the ordinary things of life, they always appeal to God first rather than human agencies for relief. True False 20. Why was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land? ________________________________ ________________________________ 21. Christ advanced above the earth and heavens, above all creatures and men in: A. Holiness and purity B. Power and authority C. Place and dignity D. All of the above E. None of the above 22. When we are born-again we are: A. The same B. Changed C. Made a new creature D. None of the above Name the two natures of man: 23. _____________________________ 24. _____________________________ 25. What relation was Amalek to Jacob? ________________________________ 26. The old sin nature will be present in the resurrected body. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


27. Righteousness of our own accord is the human good produced by the old sin nature. True False 28. The carnal Christian walks as a spiritual man, it is easy to tell him from an unbeliever. True False Name five forms of debris that need to be dealt with in the soul of man and in the church. 29. ______________________________ 30. ______________________________ 31. ______________________________ 32. ______________________________ 33. ______________________________ 34. The Christian life always starts with an outer change. True False 35. Self-righteousness minimizes sins like: A. Swearing B. Smoking C. Dancing D. All of the above E. None of the above 36. Who are those that overcome in the family of God? ________________________________ ________________________________ 37. Super Christians agree or maximize the power of the old sin nature. True False 38. How is hypocrisy defined? A. As outer change without inner change B. As inner change showing outer change C. As inner change without outer change D. None of the above 39. A single member of a body cannot function properly all by itself. True False

40. In today’s society, where is the real place marked for battle? A. The altar of prayer B. In Church fellowship C. In brotherly communications D. None of the above 41. God’s Word is so complex, that a single passage that you have heard over and over from childhood can suddenly have a whole new meaning. True False List what the good fight of faith is to be: 42. ______________________________ 43. ______________________________ 44. ______________________________ 45. We must pray for those who fight, earnestly, without growing weary. True False 46. The name Gershom means: A. Full of excellence B. Driven forth as a refugee C. Saved by God D. God is my help 47. How can we shorten our desert experiences? __________________________________ 48. ________________ has always been one of Satan’s strongest weapons against the church. 49. A man is truly a great man who: A. Heralds his fame for all to see B. Looks at former friends from a lofty height C. Continues with us at the point at which he last left us D. None of the above 50. Justice requires only administrative power. True False 51. Anyone can be a leader: True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


52. Moses was a great man because he could take advice. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 6, Chapters XIX-XXII Name __________________________ 1. Aaron and Miriam approved of the marriage of Moses and the Ethiopian woman. True False 2. What promoted Aaron and Miriam’s attach against Moses. A. Envy B. Jealousy C. Ambition D. All of the above 3. Josephus said that Moses married: A. An Ethiopian Princess B. The daughter of the King of Ethiopia. C. All of the above D. None of the above 4. Miriam was a very strong-willed person with leadership ability. True False Name 4 sins that many believers tolerate in the church today. 5. ______________________________ 6. ______________________________ 7. ______________________________ 8. ______________________________ 9. The most excellent and eminent servants of God are exempt from the reproaches of men. True False 10. Our greatest trials sometimes arise from the most unlikely quarters. True False 11. Who establishes the true authority in the church? A. The Pastor B. The Congregation C. God D. None of the above 12. Moses is always ruled by his emotions. True False

13. Moses seeks to defend himself against Aaron and Miriam. True False 14. Meekness can only grow upon the ruins of selfishness in all its forms. True False 15. Miriam was: A. A high priestess B. A prophetess C. Leader of the entire Jewish community D. None of the above 16. Who was the instigator of the sin against Moses? A. Aaron B. Zipporah C. Miriam D. Gershom 17. The sin of one person can impede the progress of an entire nation. True False 18. How many men were sent out to inspect the Promised Land? A. 7 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14 Name the three tribes of Anak: 19. _____________________________ 20. _____________________________ 21. _____________________________ List the three reports brought back by those who were sent out to examine the Promised Land. 22. ______________________________ 23. ______________________________ 24. ______________________________ 25. Ten of the spies looked at things from the human viewpoint instead of God’s viewpoint. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


26. Where we establish our faith will determine whether or not we receive the promise. True False 27. Ancient Canaan was not: A. A land of fruition B. A free gift from God C. A land where God was present D. All of the above E. None of the above List the 3 D’s that the Israelites faced on their way to the Promised Land: 28. ______________________________ 29. ______________________________ 30. ______________________________ 31. The true believer is never able to conquer his spiritual adversaries. True False 32. The spies that were sent out were: A. Novices B. Qualified leaders C. Only chosen at random D. None of the above 33. Because of the Children of Israel receiving the bad report, how many years did they have to remain in the wilderness after the spies returned? A. 26 B. 32 C. 35 D. 39 34. It is common, and often wise to follow the majority. True False 35. All sin is a species of ______________. 36. A good message can be given, but people hear what they want to hear. True False 37. Why did the Children of Israel fail to enter the Promised Land? A. Because they murmured and complained B. Because they believed an evil report C. God was not ready for them to go D. Because they were not strong enough to conquer the heathen nations

38. Where were the Children of Israel when the rebellion against God and Moses begins? A. Marabah B. Rediphim C. Kadesh-Barnea D. Mount Gilboa Name the 3 sources that led the revolt against Moses: 39. _______________________________ 40. _______________________________ 41. _______________________________ 42. To rebel against God’s appointed leadership is to: A. Commit mutiny B. Rebel against God C. Rebel against mankind D. None of the above What three men were discontent with the arrangement made for public worship? 43. ______________________________ 44. ______________________________ 45. ______________________________ Name the two issues that are always seen in rebellion: 46. ______________________________ 47. ______________________________ 48. There is absolutely no use in arguing or defending ourselves against disaffected people. True False 49. Very few people are more concerned about what man thinks than about what God thinks. True False 50. Why were the Jews not ready to enter the Promised Land? ________________________________ ________________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Homework 7, Chapters XXIII-XXVI Name __________________________ Name 2 questions that every believer must ask themselves concerning God. 1. ______________________________ ________________________________ 2. ______________________________ ________________________________ 3. _____________________ is always there to complain in a crisis. 4. Approximately how many promises are in the Word of God? A. 2000 B. 4000 C. 6000 D. 8000 5. Moses’ striking the rock once is a picture of: A. The hard bondages of Egypt B. The Crucifixion of Christ C. The punishment of the Gentile Nations D. The punishment meant for the Jew alone 6. The life of a Christian is a life of ________________________. 7. A contented heart will bring a reckless tongue. True False Name the 3 reasons that a man who rules his spirit is better than a man who takes a city. 8. ______________________________ ________________________________ 9. ______________________________ ________________________________ 10. _____________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 11. Deuteronomy chapters 27-30 deal specifically with the renewing of the Covenant with the new generation. True False

12. Deuteronomy chapters 26-40 mainly deal with: A. The sins of Israel B. The promises of God C. The building of the Tabernacle D. The futuristic Kingdom of God E. None of the above chapter 13. God takes care of believers: ________________________________ 14. Where does the concept of “affliction” come from? A. Sin B. Egyptian mythology C. The dust D. The wrath of God 15. God said He would make our lives trouble free if we would follow after Him. True False 16. People make their own troubles by their ________________________________. 17. God frustrates the purposes of those who come against obedient believers. True False 18. The disobedient and contentious believer is headed for: A. Ruin or trouble B. Bliss C. Strict judgment D. None of the above 19. The discipline of God is a: A. Curse B. Blessing C. Blight D. Affliction 20. Destruction when it comes equals: A. Tribulation B. Famine C. Death D. Devastation 21. There is nothing but moral imbecility in perpetual distrust or doubt. True False

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


22. Moses’ outlook on death is like a normal, worldly person. True False 23. What day was it destined for Moses to die? A. Adar 7th B. Tishri 10th C. Adar 21st D. Tishri 7th 24. What did Moses do on the day before he was supposed to die? _________________________________ 25. What did Moses do with the scrolls once they were written? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 26. From Moses’ own hands the tribes receive the scrolls of the Torah, as he admonished the men and women separately to obey the Torah and its commands. True False 27. On the last day of Moses’ life, he showed great honor and distinction to his disciple Joshua in the sight of all Israel. True False 28. Torah was read before the Jews only. True False Give the four names for the mountain on which Moses would die. 29. _______________________________ 30. _______________________________ 31. _______________________________ 32. _______________________________ 33. At what time did God tell Moses to come to his death? A. 9 AM B. 12 noon C. 3 PM D. 6 PM

34. Where did Aaron die? A. Mount Sinai B. Mount Nebo C. Mount Hor D. Mount Gilboa 35. Moses was the first man to bestow blessings. True False 36. The number of Moses' blessings excelled that of all his predecessors. True False Name the 4 times that Moses blessed the children of Israel: 37. ______________________________ 38. ______________________________ 39. ______________________________ 40. ______________________________ 41. How long did the camp of Israel morn the death of Moses? A. 60 days B. 90 days C. 120 days D. 150 days Name four things we must do to become like Moses? 42. _____________________________ 43. _____________________________ 43. _____________________________ 44. _____________________________ Name 5 specific characteristics of Moses: 45. _____________________________ 46. _____________________________ 47. _____________________________ 47. _____________________________ 48. _____________________________ 49. We should always use the examples of godly men to help us on our way toward our final destination. True False 50. What should our final destination be? ________________________________ ________________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Quiz 1, Homework 1-2 Name ___________________________ 1. The primary sources for the story of Moses’ life and works are contained in A. Exodus B. Leviticus C. Numbers D. Deuteronomy E. All of the above F. None of the above 2. How many people moved to Egypt under the leadership of Joseph? _________________________________ 3. The king of the 18th dynasty at the time of the exodus was: A. Thutmose I B. Thutmose II C. Thutmose III D. Thutmose IV 4. What was the name of Moses’ Egyptian mother? A. Nubia B. Hathor C. Hapi D. Hatshepsut 5. High social position never exerts its authority for the accomplishments of a wicked purpose. True False 6. Moses’ mother was named ________________________________. 7. Moses was from the tribe of _________. 8. Moshe is an Egyptian name, probably meaning _______________________. List a characteristic of God’s method for elevating souls for His service: 9. ______________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

10. In decision making, what is the standard that we must use? A. The circumstances B. God’s Word C. Our own experiences D. None of the above Name the two areas of Moses’ education that he excelled in: 11. _____________________________ 12. _____________________________ 13. The decision that Moses made to turn from a life of luxury is recorded in the Old Testament. True False 14. In Moses’ effort to stop the fighting of his two Hebrew brothers, we see that: A. He was using his authority as an Egyptian ruler. B. He was being a peacemaker. C. He was taking the part of the weaker. D. None of the above Give three alternate names for the Priest of Reuel: 15. ______________________________ 16. ______________________________ 17. ______________________________ 18. The two sons of Moses born of Zipporah of Midian. A. Ephraim and Manasseh B. Gershom and Eliezer C. Esau and Jacob D. Joseph and Benjamin 19. A well in olden times was a place of: A. Nourishment and contentment B. Rest and contemplation C. Fellowship and laughter D. None of the above 20. How many years did Moses life the life of a shepherd? A. 25 B. 30 C. 40 D. 45

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


21. God’s Divine mysteries change the course of events in our daily lives, only on a natural plain but not on a spiritual one. True False List two results from the commentary due to God’s faithfulness: 22. _______________________________ 23. _______________________________ __________________________________ 24. Moses’ call was rendered necessary by: A. Intense national suffering B. Because no one else would do it C. He was in line to be a ruler of Egypt D. None of the above 25. According to Josephus, Moses was: A. Destined to fail B. A great public speaker C. To slow minded to succeed D. None of the above List from the commentary three things God is: 26. _____________________________ 27. _____________________________ 28. _____________________________ 29. What neglected duty brought excessive pain into Moses’ life? A. Not circumcising Gershom and keeping the Covenant requirement with God B. Leaving his wife and sons C. Not leaving accurate instructions to his family that was given to him by God D. None of the above 30. The mechanics of the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart involves: A. Supernatural intervention of God B. Only the words of Moses’ demands C. Human volition or will D. None of the above 31. Pharaoh perished by: A. His own choice B. The Will of God C. The will of Moses D. None of the above

32. How many confrontations were made to Pharaoh before God hardened his heart? A. 3 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 33. Part of the problem with the effectiveness of the Gospel is: A. Nobody will listen B. That we try to mix our Christianity with the wisdom of the world C. There are too many rules and regulations to follow D. None of the above 34. To fellowship with the world is called: A. Blasphemy B. Unrighteousness C. Compromise D. Self-indulgence 35. What is the first thing your children should learn? A. God’s Word B. Nursery Rhymes C. To Read D. None of the above 36. Name a desert plant that has no root: A. Heath or Juniper B. Cactus C. Cannas D. None of the above

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Quiz 2, Homework 3-4 Name ___________________________ Name the four points that make up the outline of the deliverance of the children of Israel. 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________ 5. The position of Moses being a god to Pharaoh was for: A. Self-aggrandizement B. Moses’ self –assurance C. Freedom from a Divine salvation D. None of the above 6. Worldly Christians function in: A. Religion B. Self-righteousness C. Envy and strife D. All of the above E. None of the above 7. Moses and Aaron’s ages at the time of the exodus would probably: A. Not be likely to command respect B. Be indicative of a youthful enthusiasm C. Be an incentive to fidelity D. None of the above 8. How were the Hebrews being destroyed by the Pharaoh that did not know Joseph? A. Infanticide B. Murder C. Sickness D. Magic 9. What was the reason that scholars suggest that the Hebrew babies were thrown into the Nile River? A. It was the only way to get rid of them B. The worshipped the “god of the Nile” named Hapi C. It saved the time of burying them. D. None of the above 10. Into how many sections are the plagues of Egypt divided? A. 3 B. 4 C. 7 D. 10

11. The Egyptian god Hapi is also known as: A. God of the cows B. God of the underworld C. God of the fishes D. God of darkness List two things that, in the view of the ancient Egyptians, Heqt represented: 12. ______________________________ 13. ______________________________ 14. Frogs were so sacred in Egypt that even the involuntary slaughter of one was often punished with: A. Flogging B. Death C. Starvation D. Torture by fire 15. The Hebrew word “kinnim” comes from a root word meaning: A. To dig B. To hear C. To obtain D. To question 16. The scarab beetle was actually a: A. A ladybug B. A Dung beetle C. A potato beetle D. A red beetle List two characteristics of an Apis bull candidate? 17. ______________________________ 18. ______________________________ _________________________________ Name Nut’s five children gods: 19. _____________________________ 20. _____________________________ 21. _____________________________ 22. _____________________________ 23. _____________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


24. The god of grain is: A. Amon-Ra B. Nut C. Nepri D. Thermuthis 25. In Egyptian mythology, who was the god of light who personified the life-giving power of the sun? A. Horus B. Heliopolis C. Hathor D. Selket 26. The first three plagues interfered with their possessions. True False 27. How long was the Feast of Unleavened Bread kept? A. 3 days B. 7 days C. 8 days D. 10 days 28. Believers in Messiah are to: A. Be consecrated unto God B. Be separated to do God’s work C. To live a holy life for God D. All of the above 29. Unleavened Bread was the bread of the: A. Priests B. Sinner C. Gentiles D. None of the above Name the 5 grains that were forbidden during the Feast of Unleavened Bread: 30. ____________________________ 31. ____________________________ 32. ____________________________ 33. ____________________________ 34. ____________________________ 35. There are historical days that should be celebrated by _______________, __________________, and nations.

36. Why does God command the continuance of ordinances? A. For obedience’s sake only B. For instruction of posterity C. For hierarchal rule D. None of the above Name the two men of Moses’ generation that were allowed to enter the Promised Land. 37. _____________________________ 38. _____________________________ 39. One of the main reasons for celebrating the Feasts of the Lord is: A. So we can have rest and recreation B. To remember our ancestors C. To educate the younger generations D. None of the above 40. The shortest route from Egypt to the Promised Land was through: A. The land of the Philistines B. The land of the Gershoni C. The land of the Ammonites D. None of the above Name the three pointers that Moses gives us that will work in a time of great crisis. 41. _____________________________ 42. _____________________________ 43. _____________________________ 44. There is a time to stop praying and act. True False 45. What we many times call problems are really: A. Consequences B. Opportunities C. Shadows of things to come D. Punishments for past sins E. None of the above 46. Children of Israel entering the land at the time of the exodus will depend on: A. Their response to God’s training B. God’s mercy only C. The way they treat their brothers D. None of the above

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


47. _______________________ is always a manifestation of unbelief. 48. One thing the body of Christ needs to do is: A. Ask questions B. Loose their emotions C. Learn to respect God’s authority D. None of the above 49. The term midbar is defined as: A. A wilderness B. Uncultivated land with grassy pastures C. A desolate place D. None of the above 50. What was the miracle concerning the manna? A. It rained from the sky B. If melted in the sunlight C. It rained only 6 days a week D. None of the above 51. Shabbat is a: A. Burden for mankind B. A gift from the Creator C. A day of great labor for man and beast D. None of the above 52. According to Jewish sources, how big is an omer? ________________________________ ________________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Quiz 3, Homework 5-7 Name _______________________ 1. We get blessings according to: A. Our own works B. The character of God C. Our position in the kingdom D. None of the above 2. Jesus is a special gift to: A. The sinful man B. The lost man C. All of the above D. None of the above 3. Why does God want us to be obedient to Him? A. Because we fear Him B. Because He commands us to C. Because we love Him D. None of the above 4. Spiritual elevation will not only come by saturating ourselves in God and His Word. True or False 5. Engaging in secular toil on the Sabbath reaps: A. Great profits B. Profitless results C. Delight in their moral culture D. None of the above 6. At what place was the necessity of water supplied in an unexpected way? A. Gilgal B. Beth El C. Rephidim D. Dotham 7. Why does the soul of man have an unwavering tendency to distrust God? __________________________________ 8. Why was Moses not allowed to enter the Promised Land? ________________________________ ________________________________

Name two groups of things Christ advanced in above the earth and heavens, above all creatures and men in: 9. ______________________________ 10. _____________________________ 11. When we are born-again we are: A. The same B. Changed C. Made a new creature D. None of the above Name the two natures of man: 12. _____________________________ 13. _____________________________ 14. What relation was Amalek to Jacob? _______________________________ 15. The old sin nature will be present in the resurrected body. True False 16. Self-righteousness minimizes sins like: A. Swearing B. Smoking C. Dancing D. All of the above E. None of the above 17. How is hypocrisy defined? A. As outer change without inner change B. As inner change showing outer change C. As inner change without outer change D. None of the above 18. A single member of a body cannot function properly all by itself. True False 19. In today’s society, where is the real place marked for battle? A. The altar of prayer B. In Church fellowship C. In brotherly communications D. None of the above List two things the good fight of faith is: 20. ____________________________ 21. ____________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


22. The name Gershom means: A. Full of excellence B. Driven forth as a refugee C. Saved by God D. God is my help 23. A man is truly a great man who: A. Heralds his fame for all to see B. Looks at former friends from a lofty height C. Continues with us at the point at which he last left us D. None of the above 24. Anyone can be a leader: True False 25. Moses was a great man because he could take advice. True or False What promoted Aaron and Miriam’s attach against Moses. 26. _______________________________ 27. _______________________________ 28. _______________________________ 29. Josephus said that Moses married an _________________ ________________. 30. Who establishes the true authority in the church? A. The Pastor B. The Congregation C. God D. None of the above 31. Miriam was: A. A high priestess B. A prophetess C. Leader of the entire Jewish community D. None of the above 32. Who was the instigator of the sin against Moses? A. Aaron B. Zipporah C. Miriam D. Gershom

32. How many men were sent out to inspect the Promised Land? A. 7 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14 33. Ancient Canaan was not: A. A land of fruition B. A free gift from God C. A land where God was present D. All of the above E. None of the above List the 3 D’s that the Israelites faced on their way to the Promised Land: 34. _____________________________ 35. _____________________________ 36. _____________________________ 37. The spies that were sent out were: A. Novices B. Qualified leaders C. Only chosen at random D. None of the above 38. Because of the Children of Israel receiving the bad report, how many years did they have to remain in the wilderness after the spies returned? A. 26 B. 32 C. 35 D. 39 39. All sin is a species of ________________________________. 40. Why did the Children of Israel fail to enter the Promised Land? A. Because they murmured and complained B. Because they believed an evil report C. God was not ready for them to go D. Because they were not strong enough to conquer the heathen nations 41. Where were the Children of Israel when the rebellion against God and Moses begins? A. Marabah B. Rediphim C. Kadesh-Barnea D. Mount Gilboa

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Name the 3 sources that led the revolt against Moses: 42. ______________________________ 43. ______________________________ 44. ______________________________ 45. To rebel against God’s appointed leadership is to: A. Commit mutiny B. Rebel against God C. Rebel against mankind D. None of the above What three men were discontent with the arrangement made for public worship? 46. _____________________________ 47. _____________________________ 48. _____________________________ 49. There is absolutely no use in arguing or defending ourselves against disaffected people. True False 50. Very few people are more concerned about what man thinks than about what God thinks. True False 51. __________________ is always there to complain in a crisis. 52. Approximately how many promises are in the Word of God? A. 2000 B. 4000 C. 6000 D. 8000 53. Moses’ striking the rock once is a picture of: A. The hard bondages of Egypt B. The Crucifixion of Christ C. The punishment of the Gentile Nations D. The punishment meant for the Jew alone 54. The life of a Christian is a life of _________________________________.

55. Deuteronomy chapters 26-40 mainly deal with: A. The sins of Israel B. The promises of God C. The building of the Tabernacle D. The futuristic Kingdom of God E. None of the above chapter 56. Where does the concept of “affliction” come from? A. Sin B. Egyptian mythology C. The dust D. The wrath of God 57. The disobedient and contentious believer is headed for: A. Ruin or trouble B. Bliss C. Strict judgment D. None of the above 58. The discipline of God is a: A. Curse B. Blessing C. Blight D. Affliction 59. Destruction when it comes equals: A. Tribulation B. Famine C. Death D. Devastation 60. What day was it destined for Moses to die? ________________________________ 61. What did Moses do on the day before he was supposed to die? _________________________________ Give the four names for the mountain on which Moses would die. 62. ______________________________ 63. ______________________________ 64. ______________________________ 65. ______________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


66. At what time did God tell Moses to come to his death? A. 9 AM B. 12 noon C. 3 PM D. 6 PM 67. Where did Aaron die? A. Mount Sinai B. Mount Nebo C. Mount Hor D. Mount Gilboa 68. Moses was the first man to bestow blessings. True False 69. How long did the camp of Israel morn the death of Moses? A. 60 days B. 90 days C. 120 days D. 150 days

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Midterm Exam, Homework 1-4 Name ____________________________ 1. The king of the 18th dynasty at the time of the exodus was ____________________. 2. What was the name of Moses’ Egyptian mother? _________________________________ 3. Moses’ mother was named: A. Shiphrah B. Jochebed C. Puah D. Zipphorah 4. Moses was from the tribe of: A. Ephraim B. Dan C. Asher D. Levi 5. Moshe is an Egyptian name, probably meaning: A. Son B. Redeemer C. Lion D. Ruler 6. In decision making, what is the standard that we must use? A. The circumstances B. God’s Word C. Our own experiences D. None of the above 7. In Moses’ effort to stop the fighting of his two Hebrew brothers, we see that: A. He was using his authority as an Egyptian ruler. B. He was being a peacemaker. C. He was taking the part of the weaker. D. None of the above 8. The two sons of Moses born of Zipporah of Midian. A. Ephraim and Manasseh B. Gershom and Eliezer C. Esau and Jacob D. Joseph and Benjamin

9. A well in olden times was a place of: A. Nourishment and contentment B. Rest and contemplation C. Fellowship and laughter D. None of the above 10. How many years did Moses life the life of a shepherd? A. 25 B. 30 C. 40 D. 45 11. As a result of God’s faithfulness: A. Humanity is made one family B. The Covenant Promises are given to all who love Him C. His mercy will reign in our lives for thousands of generations D. All of the above E. None of the above 12. Moses’ call was rendered necessary by: A. Intense national suffering B. Because no one else would do it C. He was in line to be a ruler of Egypt D. None of the above 13. According to Josephus, Moses was: A. Destined to fail B. A great public speaker C. To slow minded to succeed D. None of the above List what God is from the commentary: 14. Incomprehensible One 15. Independent and absolute One 16. Unchangeable One 17. What neglected duty brought excessive pain into Moses’ life? A. Not circumcising Gershom and keeping the Covenant requirement with God B. Leaving his wife and sons C. Not leaving accurate instructions to his family that was given to him by God D. None of the above

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


18. The mechanics of the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart involves: A. Supernatural intervention of God B. Only the words of Moses’ demands C. Human volition or will D. None of the above 19. Pharaoh perished by: A. His own choice B. The Will of God C. The will of Moses D. None of the above 20. How many confrontations were made to Pharaoh before God hardened his heart? A. 3 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 21. Part of the problem with the effectiveness of the Gospel is: A. Nobody will listen B. That we try to mix our Christianity with the wisdom of the world C. There are too many rules and regulations to follow D. None of the above 22. To fellowship with the world is called: A. Blasphemy B. Unrighteousness C. Compromise D. Self-indulgence 23. Name a desert plant that has no root: A. Heath or Juniper B. Cactus C. Cannas D. None of the above 24. The position of Moses being a god to Pharaoh was for: A. Self-aggrandizement B. Moses’ self –assurance C. Freedom from a Divine salvation D. None of the above 25. Moses and Aaron’s ages at the time of the exodus would probably: A. Not be likely to command respect B. Be indicative of a youthful enthusiasm C. Be an incentive to fidelity D. None of the above

26. How were the Hebrews being destroyed by the Pharaoh that did not know Joseph? A. Infanticide B. Murder C. Sickness D. Magic 27. What was the reason that scholars suggest that the Hebrew babies were thrown into the Nile River? ________________________________ ________________________________ 28. Into how many sections are the plagues of Egypt divided? A. 3 B. 4 C. 7 D. 10 29. The Egyptian god Hapi is also known as: A. God of the cows B. God of the underworld C. God of the fishes D. God of darkness 30. Frogs were so sacred in Egypt that even the involuntary slaughter of one was often punished with: A. Flogging B. Death C. Starvation D. Torture by fire 31. The Hebrew word “kinnim” comes from a root word meaning: A. To dig B. To hear C. To obtain D. To question 32. The scarab beetle was actually a: ____________________________ 33. The god of grain is: A. Amon-Ra B. Nut C. Nepri D. Thermuthis

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


34. In Egyptian mythology, who was the god of light who personified the life-giving power of the sun? _______________________________ 35. The first three plagues interfered with their possessions. True or False 36. Unleavened Bread was the bread of the: A. Priests B. Sinner C. Gentiles D. None of the above Name the 5 grains that were forbidden during the Feast of Unleavened Bread: 37. ____________________________ 38. ____________________________ 39. ____________________________ 40. ____________________________ 41. ____________________________ List three persons or groups that should celebrate historical days: 42. _____________________________ 43. _____________________________ 44. _____________________________ 45. Why does God command the continuance of ordinances? A. For obedience’s sake only B. For instruction of posterity C. For hierarchal rule D. None of the above 46. One of the main reasons for celebrating the Feasts of the Lord is: A. So we can have rest and recreation B. To remember our ancestors C. To educate the younger generations D. None of the above 47. The shortest route from Egypt to the Promised Land was through: A. The land of the Philistines B. The land of the Gershoni C. The land of the Ammonites D. None of the above

48. What we many times call problems are really: A. Consequences B. Opportunities C. Shadows of things to come D. Punishments for past sins E. None of the above 49. Children of Israel entering the land at the time of the exodus will depend on: __________________________________ 50. ____________________ is always a manifestation of unbelief. 51. The term midbar is defined as: A. A wilderness B. Uncultivated land with grassy pastures C. A desolate place D. None of the above 52. What was the miracle concerning the manna? A. It rained from the sky B. If melted in the sunlight C. It rained only 6 days a week D. None of the above 53. Shabbat is a: A. Burden for mankind B. A gift from the Creator C. A day of great labor for man and beast D. None of the above 54. According to Jewish sources, how big is an omer? ________________________________ ________________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Final Exam, Homework 5-7 Name _________________________ 1. We get blessings according to what? _________________________________ 2. Why does God want us to be obedient to Him? A. Because we fear Him B. Because He commands us to C. Because we love Him D. None of the above 3. Engaging in secular toil on the Sabbath reaps: __________________________________ 4. At what place was the necessity of water supplied in an unexpected way? A. Gilgal B. Beth El C. Rephidim D. Dotham 5. Christ advanced above the earth and heavens, above all creatures and men in: A. Holiness and purity B. Power and authority C. Place and dignity D. All of the above E. None of the above 6. When we are born-again we are: A. The same B. Changed C. Made a new creature D. None of the above 7. What relation was Amalek to Jacob? _______________________________ 8. How is hypocrisy defined? _________________________________ 9. In today’s society, where is the real place marked for battle? _________________________________ 10. The name Gershom means: _________________________________

List what promoted Aaron and Miriam’s attach against Moses: 11. ______________________________ 12. ______________________________ 13. ______________________________ 14. Who establishes the true authority in the church? A. The Pastor B. The Congregation C. God D. None of the above 15. Miriam was: A. A high priestess B. A prophetess C. Leader of the entire Jewish community D. None of the above 16. Who was the instigator of the sin against Moses? Miriam 17. How many men were sent out to inspect the Promised Land? A. 7 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14 List the 3 D’s that the Israelites faced on their way to the Promised Land: 18. ______________________________ 19. ______________________________ 20. ______________________________ 21. The spies that were sent out were: A. Novices B. Qualified leaders C. Only chosen at random D. None of the above 22. Because of the Children of Israel receiving the bad report, how many years did they have to remain in the wilderness after the spies returned? A. 26 B. 32 C. 35 D. 39 23. Where were the Children of Israel when the rebellion against God and Moses begins? ________________________________

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


24. To rebel against God’s appointed leadership is to: A. Commit mutiny B. Rebel against God C. Rebel against mankind D. None of the above 25. _____________________ is always there to complain in a crisis. 26. Approximately how many promises are in the Word of God? A. 2000 B. 4000 C. 6000 D. 8000 27. Moses’ striking the rock once is a picture of: A. The hard bondages of Egypt B. The Crucifixion of Christ C. The punishment of the Gentile Nations D. The punishment meant for the Jew alone 28. Deuteronomy chapters 26-40 mainly deal with: A. The sins of Israel B. The promises of God C. The building of the Tabernacle D. The futuristic Kingdom of God E. None of the above chapter 29. Where does the concept of “affliction” come from? ______________________________ 30. The discipline of God is a: A. Curse B. Blessing C. Blight D. Affliction 31. What day was it destined for Moses to die? ________________________________ 32. What did Moses do on the day before he was supposed to die? _________________________________ 33. At what time did God tell Moses to come to his death? A. 9 AM B. 12 noon C. 3 PM D. 6 PM

34. Where did Aaron die? _________________________________ 35. How long did the camp of Israel morn the death of Moses? A. 60 days B. 90 days C. 120 days D. 150 days

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology 951 S. Kingshiway, P.O. Box 633, Sikeston, MO 63801 Phone: 618-378-3821

E-mail: amticbt@gmail.com

To: All Students

Subject: Course requirements

From: Dean's Office

Every course offered by Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology requires the following work: all

homework, quizzes, and exams included with the Commentary must be completed and turned

in at any level of education. Term papers and a reading log must be turned in before the final

exam. Textbooks assigned to each course must be read. If audio tapes are included in a

course, they must be listened to and notes taken and turned in.

TERM PAPERS: One term paper for each course. This paper must be on the course subject.

For example: if you are studying prayer, do not write on love. The following chart contains how

many pages are expected at each level of schooling.

Freshman to Associate: A minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 6 pages

Associate to Bachelor: A minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 8 pages

Bachelor to Master: A minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 12 pages

Master to Doctorate: A minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 20 pages

Do not write less then the minimum or more than the maximum pages required!

OUTSIDE READING: Reading must pertain to the course subject and must be from two or more

sources. For example: if you are studying prayer, you may read on intercessory prayer or

Christ's prayers. This reading includes books or other materials, other then your syllabus and

the Bible or textbook included with the syllabus. (Hint: use the outside reading as reference

material for your term paper).

Freshman to Associate: A minimum of 2 sources 300 pages

Associate to Bachelor: A minimum of 3 sources 450 pages

Bachelor to Master: A minimum of 4 sources 600 pages

Master to Doctorate: A minimum of 5 sources 750 pages

A reading log, which is found in the back of the Homework, must be kept and turned in by the

day of your final exam.

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Term Paper Requirements

Each term paper that is turned in must follow the following criteria.

1. A cover sheet with the following Information

a. Name of Course

b. Course Number

c. Student’s Name

d. Title of Term Paper

e. Instructor’s Name

2. Every Term Paper must have one (1) inch margins on all four (4) sides

3. The body of the Term Paper must be in Times New Roman or Arial font no larger than a

12 point.

4. Every Term Paper must be in a folder when it is turned in to the instructor.

5. The Term Paper is not to be filled with written Scripture. You can refer to Chapter and

verse and/or use part of a verse to begin your topic. However, a term paper filled with

scriptures will not be accepted.

6. Every Term Paper must include a Works Cited Page in the back of the work.

7. No grade will be given without the required term paper being submitted Before the Final


Any question that you have about the term paper requirements should be discussed with your

instructor at the beginning of the course. You will have 13 weeks to do all required reading and

write a term paper for each course. It is important that you understand the requirements from

the beginning so that you will have ample time to complete your assignments.

MSBT desires to offer education with integrity. MSBT does not defer from these requirements

for any level of education. We cannot permit any student to do less than the required work.

There are no exceptions! Students who desire a college education must be willing to do college

level work. The 'higher level of degree, the higher level of work is required. Please be aware of

this fact before you enroll in a higher level education program.

Tutoring or mentoring costs are not part of MSBT fees and are not initiated by the MSBT staff.

Such help is up to an individual student. Correspondent students must be self-motivated and

self-starting. Any tutoring cost, in which a correspondent student incurs, is that which he/she will

initiate with a third-party, totally separate from MSBT. These are costs not related to MSBT.

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Reading Log for MSBT outside Reading Requirements

Course Taken Book Title Author # of Pages Read

GBOT – 510 The Life of Moses 5th Revision, November 2013

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

This material is not to be copied for any purpose without written permission from American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc. © 2007 Copyright by American Mission Teams Evangelistic Organization, Inc., All rights reserved, printed in the United States of America


Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology

P.O. Box 633 -- Sikeston, MO 63801



Dear Proctor,

All quizzes and exams are closed book. Please allow ample time for the student to take his/her

quiz or exam. Please initial each paper as it is completed; also initial the appropriate space

below. Some courses may have more quizzes than others. The student will tell you how many

there are in each course that you proctor.

A proctor’s responsibility is to monitor the student while they answer quizzes and exams. It is

not your responsibility to grade the student’s papers.

We want to thank you for you time and interest in the student.

Student’s Name ____________________________________

Title of Course _____________________________________

Quiz #1 ________ Quiz #2 __________ Quiz #3 __________

Quiz #4 ________ Quiz #5 __________ Quiz #6 __________

Quiz # 7 ________ Quiz #8 __________ Quiz #9 __________

Midterm Exam ______________ Final Exam ________________

Proctor’s Signature _______________________________________________

Your Servant in Christ,


Student Records Representative

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