microenterprise-based routine road maintenance in china 中国基于微型企业模式的...

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Microenterprise-based routine road maintenance in China 中国基于微型企业模式的 公路日常养护. First findings and recommendations 第一次调查发现和建议 Serge Cartier, December 2007. Types of rural roads 农村路类型. Administrative class 行政等级: 32% county roads 县道 63% township roads 乡道 6% village roads 村道 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Microenterprise-based routine road maintenance in China中国基于微型企业模式的公路日常养护

First findings and recommendations 第一次调查发现和建议Serge Cartier, December 2007

Types of rural roads 农村路类型 Administrative class 行政等级:

32% county roads 县道 63% township roads 乡道 6% village roads 村道

Technical class 技术等级:

Class I, II, III 一、二、三级 Class IV 四级 Unclassified 等外路

Surface type 路面类型: Asphalt 沥青路面 Concrete 水泥路面 Unpaved 砂石路面

Based on interest, capacity and financing, this study will focus on paved county roads, both asphalt and concrete 根据大家所关心的问题和养护能力、预算等方面的考虑,本研究将只针对有路面的县道进行微型企业养护模式的开发研究

Administrative class行政等级

Guiyang 贵阳 Ganzhou 赣州

km % km %

County roads 县道 1,243 9% 4,724 21%

Township roads 乡道 3,808 27% 4,552 20%

Village roads 村道 8,994 64% 13,374 59%

Total 合计 14,044 100% 22,650 100%


Road class道路等级

County Road 县道

Township Road 乡道

Special Road 专用路


Road 村道Total合计

Class I 一级 11 1 - 11 23 0.1%

Class II 二级 144 22 1 32 198 0.9%

Class III 三级 388 16 2 33 439 1.9%

Class IV 四级 1,991 731 56 860 3,638 15.9%

Unclassified等外 2,191 3,783 160 12,438 18,571 81.2%

Total 总计 4,724 4,552 218 13,374 22,868 100.0%


Administrative class 行政等级




Asphalt 沥青路


km % km % km %

County roads县道 622 117 19% 456 73% 48 8%

Township roads乡道 1,904 693 36% 661 35% 550 29%

Village roads村道 4,497 1,544 34% 112 2% 2,840 63%

Total 合计 7,022 2,354 34% 1,230 18% 3,438 49%

Maintenance types

Major maintenance 大修 Medium maintenance 中修 Minor maintenance 小修 Routine maintenance 日常养护

Rehabilitation 改建工程 Periodic maintenance 定期养护  (中修) Minor repairs 小修 Routine (preventative) maintenance 日常养护(恢复性的养护)

First findings 第一次调研的发现 Similar characteristics to microenterprise-based model

与拉美相似的微型企业养护模式 Standard cost per kilometre 每公里制订标准的养护费用 Performance-based contracts 按照养护合同要求进行养护 Penalties for non-compliance 违反合同和养护标准的处罚 Local contracting 就近委托养护合同 Selection process for maintenance workers也有养护工人简单的选择程序 Technical training 也有简单的养护技术培训 Contracting, financing and supervision by county


However, the technical quality and effectiveness of the maintenance activities is found to be lacking


Technical quality and effectiveness lacking养护质量和效率较差

Drainage system排水系统

Vegetation control植被清理

Surface maintenance路面养护

Road clearing 道路清洁

Causes 养护质量较差的原因1. Inadequate execution of maintenance activities by workers 养护工人的养护活动不足

Limited scope of maintenance activities 养护工作内容太简单(多为保洁) Lack of sufficient appropriate tools 缺乏适合的养护工具 Lack of adequate training 缺乏适当的培训 Lack of adequate planning of activities and resources 缺乏规划和必要的养护资金 Performance indicators and penalties not applied 没有进行养护绩效和处罚考核

2. Lack of cooperation between maintenance workers 养护工人之间缺乏合作1. Individual contracts 单个工人的养护合同2. Lack of team building or managerial training 缺乏团队精神和管理能力的培养

Insufficient attention given to maintenance activities 对养护工作不重视 Labour allocations not based on labour requirements 工人的安排与工人的需要脱节 Low salaries (low productivity) 工资太低(生产力水平较低)

Lack of sufficient sustainable and continuous financing 缺乏可持续的养护资金1. Insufficient allocation of funding 分配的养路费不足2. Insufficient priority given to routine maintenance 日常养护费用的分配没有足够的优先权

Recommendations for improvement改善现有养护情况的建议

1. Improvement and expansion of maintenance activities 扩大养护工人的养护工作内容和范围 Inclusion of additional maintenance activities 把除了保洁之外的养护内容包含进来 Increased allocation of tools 增加养护工具的种类和数量 Improvement of technical training (drainage system) 提高养护技能培训 (特别是排水系统 ) Proper planning of maintenance activities 对养护活动进行规划,合理安排计划 Proper application of performance indicators and penalties 对养护绩效按照考核指标进行奖罚

2. Organisation of workers into maintenance teams 将单打独斗的养护工人组织起来1. Team contracts 将养护合同授予养护对(而非个人)2. Managerial training 增加(对养护队长的)管理培训

Introduction of differentiated standard costs 引入分类的养护费用标准 Appropriate average productivity rates (km/worker) 确定合理的平均生产率( km/人) Appropriate differentiated standard costs per kilometre 确定每公里合适的养护费用标准

Development of an adequate financing system 开发一个合适的养护预算系统1. Earmarked funding based on the length of the road network 根据养护路网里程确定固定的预算2. Prioritisation of routine maintenance 优先安排日常养护预算

1. Improvement and expansion

of maintenance activities


Maintenance activities 养护活动 Road clearing 道路保洁 Cleaning of the drainage system 排水沟清理 Vegetation control in the right-of-way 植被控制

Repairs to road shoulders 路肩养护 Repairs to the road surface 路面维修

Temporary (stones and soil) 临时性(用沙土) Permanent (cement or asphalt) 永久性(水泥、沥青)

Minor repairs to roadworks (bridges, retaining walls, culverts, etc.)

       道路工程的小修(桥、防护墙、涵洞等) Conservation of road signs and signalling 道路标志标线的维护

What activities to include? 其他需要包含进来的养护内容?

Tools and equipment 养护工具和装备 Limited types and amount of tools种类和数量均缺乏的养护工具

Individual allocation 个体养护工

What tools to provide and in which quantities? 中国养路工需要配备的工具和数量是多少?

China 中国Tools and equipment

工具和装备Units per worker per year

每个工人每年的数量Vests and hats 安全帽和背心


Wheelbarrows 手推车 1

Shovels 铁锨 1

Hoes 锄头 1

Brooms 扫帚 4-6 per year

Machetes 镰刀 1

Latin America – Honduras 拉丁美洲的洪都拉斯Tools and equipment

工具和装备Units per worker per year

每个工人每年的数量Tools and Equipment Units per worker per year

Machetes 镰刀 12

Pickaxes 镐 1

Shovels 铁锨 2

Rakes 耙子 1

Files 锉刀 24

Brooms 扫帚  2

Rubber Boots 胶靴 2

Work Boots 工作鞋 2

Trousers 工作裤 5

Shirts 工作服上衣 5

Ponchos 雨衣 1

Hats 帽子 2

Safety Vests 安全背心  2

Trash Bags 垃圾袋 12

Latin America – Honduras 拉美的洪都拉斯Tools and equipment

工具和装备Units per team每个养护队配备

Units per team per year

每年发放次数Wheelbarrows 手推车 6 1Axes 轴    2 1Hammers 铁锤 1 2Hoes 锄头 6 1Garden Scissors 镰刀 2 1Large Brooms 大扫帚  2 2Earth Rammers 土夯 1 1Bars 路障 2 1Ropes 警戒绳 1 1Buckets 桶 8 1Trowels 泥铲 2 2Chisels 凿子 4 2Sledgehammer 大锤 1 2Paintbrush 2” 2”刷子 6 2Paintbrush 4” 4”刷子 6 2Sandpaper metal 金属砂纸

30 1

Sandpaper concrete 砂纸 30 1Measuring tape 20m 卷尺 1 1Measuring tape 5m 卷尺 1 1Torch 火把 1 3First aid Kit 急救箱 1 1Helmet 头盔 8 1Leather Gloves 皮手套 8 1Hole Makers 钻孔器 3 2Cones 锥形桶 2 1Markers 记号笔 10 1

Technical training and accompaniment技术培训方面

Findings 调查发现 Technical training exists, carried out by county staff 由县交通局养护科的人员进行培训

Unstructured and informal (no training manuals)都是非正式的和不固定组织的,没有培训手册

Limited to the different activities to be carried out (no planning or priority setting)


Improve technical training received by maintenance workers and teams改善对养护工人和养护队的培训

Different road elements, their function and their importance 明确不同道路构成部分的功能和作用、重要性

Effective and efficient execution of maintenance activities (individual / team) 提高养护工人的效率

Planning of activities and management of labour and tools by the team 对养护工作做好计划,由养护队对养护人员和养护工具进行管理

To be carried out by CCB staff, possibly later training institutions 由交通局的人员进行培训,并形成制度

Accompaniment by CCB – in future best to be externalised in order to distinguish this role from that of supervision and inspection 由县交通局进行定期监督检查,考察培训的作用和效果

Performance indicators 养护考核指标

Unify performance indicators and penalties, based on road elements

根据养护内容制订统一的奖罚措施和指标 Attainable, measurable, practical/useful 这些考核措施和指标也可行、可计量、实用 Introduce scoring system 合适的考核计分系统 Ensure application of performance indicators 确保严格实用这些考核指标

Ganzhou 赣州道路构成 Performance indicator 养护绩效指标Road pavement路面


Road shoulder路肩

路肩保持 50公分宽,并保持一定的坡度以利排水,路肩应没有车辙、坑槽、冲沟,无杂草和其他杂物,养护备料要规范的堆放好

Side drain边沟

边沟应该在路肩外,比路面低 60公分,边沟底部 40公分宽,在雨季应定期检查和清理。


Vegetation should be shorter than 80 cm. 路界内植被不能高于 80公分

Slopes 边坡 边坡上松动的材料和石块应该清楚,不应有冲沟

Retaining wall防护墙






Xingguo 兴国Road


Maximum Score

最高得分Performance indicators 绩效考核指标

Road pavement路面

30 points 30分

里面整洁  (10 分 ). 每发现一处不整洁扣 1分,

路面无坑槽, 10分,每发现一个坑槽扣 1 分。

路面没有障碍物,每发现一处扣 1 分。

Right-of-way and side drains 道路用地和边沟

35 points35分

路肩平整,宽度合适,无杂草, 15分,每发现一处不合格扣 1 分。

路边坡整齐,无冲沟, 5分。每发现一处不合格扣 1分。

边沟清洁, 10分,每发现一处有杂物堵塞扣 1分。

Bridges and Culverts桥涵

10 points10分

桥头与路面平顺, 10分,每发现一处桥头跳车扣 1分。

涵洞排水顺畅, 10分,每发现一处堵塞,扣 1分。

Road works道路工程

10 points10分

道路工程(包括路基、路面、防护墙、护坡、桥梁栏杆等)的松动、破坏等能及时修补, 10分,每发现一处没有及时修补者,扣 5分。。


15 points15分

养路工能定期巡逻,及时汇报发现的问题,及时树立警告标志者, 15分,如果没有及时巡逻,发现一次扣 5分。如因没有及时报告和树立警告标志而发生交通事故,扣 15分。

Contract supervision and inspection合同的监督检查

Findings 调查发现: Inspections at least every month by CCB or TCB staff

县乡官员每月至少检查了一次 Not always based on performance indicators

但是每次检查不是按照考核指标进行检查 Penalties generally not applied


Capacity exists, at least at county level

在县一级,有检查监督的能力 Ensure application of performance indicators and penalties

确保根据考核结果进行奖罚 Possibly include performance indicators for CCB and TCB staff


2. Organisation of workers

into maintenance teams养护队的组织

Organisational modality 组织模式 Currently individuals 现状大部分是单个工人的养护

Low motivation/productivity 生产率较低 Low ability to efficiently respond to emergencies and other peaks in

maintenance requirements 不能应对突发情况和突增的养护要求 Difficult to supervise 难于进行监督

Recommended to form maintenance teams 建议组成养护队进行养护: Together responsible for maintenance of stretch of road 共同负责养护一段路

Improved ability to respond efficiently to emergencies and peaks in maintenance requirements 可以有效应付突发的养护要求

Easier to supervise 容易监督管理

Higher productivity 较高的生产率

Introduction of entrepreneurship 增强团队意识

Organisational modality 组织模式 Public/Private Limited Liability Company 国营、私营有限公司

Registered capital 30,000 CNY 最低注册资金 3万元 Enterprise income tax (20%) 所得税率: 20%

Individual Enterprise 个体户 Single-owner 个体所有 Registration with CBAB 县工商据可以注册 Individual income tax 需要缴纳个人所得税

Partnership Enterprise 合伙企业 Registration with CBAB 县工商据注册 Individual income tax 需要缴纳个人所得税 Additional employees 可以雇用更多雇员 Unlimited liability for paying debts 无限责任

Farmer Special Cooperation 农民专业合作社 80% farmers 80%的发起人是农民

Team formation 养护队 Develop clear guidelines regarding the call for candidates, ensuring

wide participation

开发一个清楚的选择候选养护人员的指南,确保广泛的参与性 Elaborate simple objective selection criteria 仔细确定评选指标

Eligibility criteria – Priorisation criteria 资格标准-有限考虑

Technical criteria 技术标准 Work experience 工作经验 Educational level 教育水平 Entrepreneurial attitude 团队精神 Location 当地人

Socio-economic criteria 社会经济标准 Family size and structure 家庭人口规模和结构 Poverty level 贫困程度 Employment situation 就业情况 Gender 性别

Scoring system 评分系统

Managerial training and accompaniment管理能力培训和监督 Findings 第一次的调查发现

No managerial training provided 没有提供管理技能培训

Maintenance teams not stimulated to work together 没有鼓励养护队共同进行养护  

Provide managerial training to maintenance teams 为养护队提供管理技能培训 Planning of activities and management of labour and tools by the team为养护人员和养护工具制订管理计划

Management of the maintenance team or microenterprise (teamwork, conflict prevention, etc.) 对养护队或者微型养护企业进行管理 (联合养护作业、预防冲突 )

Preparation of reports, paying taxes, accounting 准备养护报告、缴税、会计等

To be carried out by CBAB staff 可以由县工商据进行培训

Accompaniment by CBAB 由县工商据进行监督管理 

3. Introduction of differentiated

productivity rates and standard costs


Productivity rates 养护定额 Assumed that productivity rates per activity are similar to Latin America – to be confirmed

in pilots 假定养护定额与拉美相同 Amount of work by activity to be determined for different road categories based on

experience from pilots 根据案例县的经验,确定不同公路的养护定额标准 Average productivity rate (km/worker) to be determined for different road categories based

on experience from pilots 根据案例县的经验,确定平均的养护定额标准( km/工人) Possible criteria for road categories 可能的养护道路分类定额指标

Area of right-of-way 道路养护的范围 Pavement type 路面类型 Number of drainage and other 排水沟的数量和其他道路工程结构

roadworks Climate conditions (rainfall) 气候情况(降雨情况等) Topography 道路所在的地区的地形情况

Based on current productivity rates and maintenances levels, estimated average productivity rate 4 km/person 按照现有的生产率和养护水平,估计平均的定额为每人养护 4公里

Maintenance costs – Salary level 养护工资水平 Salary level – main determinant of maintenance costs 工资水平,是决定养护费用的主要因素 Agricultural wage rates (occasional labour) 农村人口工资(临时工)

China中国 28.5 CNY/day Guizhou province贵州 35 CNY/day Jiangxi province江西 25 CNY/day Kaiyang county开阳县 35-50 CNY/day Baiyun district白云区 20-25 CNY/day Ganxian county赣县 40 CNY/day

Minimum wage 最低工资 Guizhou province贵州 18 CNY/day Jiangxi province江西 19 CNY/day

Current maintenance salaries 现状养护人员工资 Kaiyang county开阳县 30 CNY/day Ganxian county赣县 20 CNY/day Xingguo county兴国县 30 CNY/day

Selected salary level: 30 CNY/day 推荐工资水平为 30元 /天

Maintenance costs – standard cost 养护费用标准

Salary 工资 30 CNY/day – 7,920 CNY/year 每天 30元,每年 7920元 4 km/person – 1,980 CNY/km/year 每公里 4人,每年每公里 1980元

Allowances 补助 Tools, social security and transport 养护工具和运输费用 25% of labour costs (20% of total costs) – 495 CNY/km/year 25%的人员工资

Total cost – 2,475 CNY/km/year 总费用:每年每公里 2475元 This does not include material costs 没有包括养护材料费

Standard cost for county roads - Township and village roads may be less (although salary levels will be the same, the average productivity rate will be higher)以上县道的养护费用标准,乡道和村道可能要低于上面的标准,(虽然工资相同,但是可能乡村道路的养护定额要高一些)

County Salary costs Material costs Subtotal

Xingguo 1,680 1,200 2,880

Ganxian 1,200 1,300 2,500

Kaiyang 600 600


Contracting modalities 合同授予方式 Government procurement law 政府采购法

Single-source procurement < 50,000 CNY小于 5万元的单个合同

Invited bidding (3 bidders) 邀标( 3个投标人)

Public invitation> 500,000 CNY 大于 50万元的公开招标

Standard cost 2,475 CNY/km – 20 kilometres 20公里标准养护费用: 2475元

Division of road sections into shorter stretches 将道路分为较小路段

Team size < 5-6 persons 每个养护队 5-6人

Guarantee for satisfactory completion (2%) – necessary? 2%的担保?是否必要?

Simple contract document 简单的合同文本

Ganxian county – Ganzhou municipality 赣州市赣县Section name 路段名称 Total

lengthSection length



Shexi-Youzhen 24.0412.64


Hujiang-Gutian 13.11 13.1126.21

Hujiangbridge-Shunfeng 13.10 13.10

Dahujiang-Jiangkou 29.4416.29


Nantang-Huapin 13.80 13.80 13.80

Chuanxi-Jitan 14.54 14.5423.12

Jingouxing-Baohuasi 8.58 8.58

Meilin-Datian 13.90 13.90 13.90

Datian-Zhoujia 36.15 36.15 36.15

Datian-Wangmudu 40.6115.76


Fengshu-Dalong 12.56 12.56 12.56

Xiaopin-Xiaoben 16.69 16.6922.91

Dashixia-Xinfeng 6.22 6.22

Meihu 32.03 32.03 32.03

Luchang-Qingqing Farm 2.99 2.993.62

0.63 0.63

Average 17.40 14.65 23.20

4. Development of an

appropriate financing system开发融资机制

Financing mechanisms 融资机制 Lack of sufficient and timely financing 缺乏及时和充分的预算

Lack of funding 缺乏资金 Lack of priority given to routine maintenance 日常养护缺乏优先权 Need to earmark funds for routine maintenance 需要确定日常养护专项资金

Funding sources 养护费来源 Regular vehicle maintenance fee 汽车养路费:

Collected at provincial level 征收到省交通部分 Allocated by PCD to counties (according to length of road network?) 交通厅负责分配,根据路网里程?

7,000 / 3,500 / 1,000 CNY/km for county / township / village roads 县乡村到养护费标准 All maintenance types – however, also used for construction 用于所有的类型养护,也用于建设

In general used for major and medium maintenance 通常用于大修、中修 Motorcycle and farm vehicle maintenance fee 摩托车和农用车养路费:

Collected at county level – transferred to PCD ? 县里征收,要交给交通厅吗? Allocated by PCD and subsequently by municipality to counties 交通厅分配给市,市下拨给县里?

In general used for routine and minor maintenance, but also medium and major maintenance, construction and management costs 通常用于日常养护和小修,也用于中修和大修,建设和管理费支出

Financing mechanisms – Guiyang 贵阳的融资机制

Guiyang regulations 贵阳的规定 Regular vehicle maintenance fee for major

and medium maintenance汽车养路费用于大中修 Motorcycle and farm vehicle fee for routine

and minor maintenance 80% county,

20% municipality 摩托车和农用车养路费 80%用于县, 20%用在市里 Result in disincentives and lower priority for routine maintenance 日常养护不受重视 Much higher than the proposed standard cost of养护标准高于 2,475 CNY/km Insufficient funding 养护资金不足

Administrative level




County 县 10,000 7,000 5,000

Township 乡镇 7,000 7,000 2,000

Village 村 1,500 1,500 500

Administrative levelConcrete 水泥路 Asphalt 沥青路 Unpaved 沙石路 Total 合计

Km 公里 RMB 元 Km 公

里 RMB 元 Km 公里 RMB 元 Km 公里 RMB 元

County roads 县道 117 1,169,390 456 3,194,464 48 241,705 622 4,605,559

Township roads乡道 693 4,848,333 661 4,628,071 550 1,099,978 1,904 10,576,382

Village roads 村道 1,544 2,316,479 112 168,453 2,840 1,420,080 4,497 3,905,012

Total 总计 2,354 8,334,202 1,230 7,990,988 3,438 2,761,763 7,022 19,086,953

Maintenance fee 养护费 江西 Jiangxi Province 贵州 Guizhou Province

Car maintenance fee 汽车养路费 1,542,845,100 1,000,780,000

Motorcycle and farm vehicle maintenance fee 农用车养路费 139,845,000 12,750,000

Late fee 滞纳金 25,234,800

Interest 利息 483,200 310,000

Total maintenance fee 合计 1,708,408,100 1,013,840,000

Financing mechanisms – Ganzhou赣州的融资机制

Financing routine and minor maintenance with farm vehicle fee 农用车养路费用于日常养护和小修 Much higher collection by counties (Ganzhou – 70 million CNY), but only half allocated to road

maintenance (35 million CNY) 各县征收的养路费很高(赣州 7000万元),但是只有一半用于道路养护

Sufficient funding for application of standard cost 足够的资金用于养护

But allocated funding used for all maintenance and management costs – 40% used for routine and minor maintenance (14 million CNY)

但是养路费被分配到用于各种养护支出- 40%用于日常养护和小修 Only enough to cover county roads – not including minor maintenance


Road type 道路类型 County 县道 Township 乡道 Village村道

Applied cost 标准费用 2,475 2,475 900

Road length 道路长度 4,724 4,552 13,374

Maintenance cost (million CNY/km) 养护费用需求 (百万元 /km)

11.7 11.3 12.0

Maintenance fee 养路费征收 江西 Jiangxi Province 贵州 Guizhou Province

Car maintenance fee 汽车养路费 1,542,845,100 1,000,780,000

Motorcycle and farm vehicle maintenance fee 农用车养路费 139,845,000 12,750,000

Late fee 滞纳金 25,234,800

Interest 利息 483,200 310,000

Total maintenance fee 合计 1,708,408,100 1,013,840,000

Financing mechanisms – priorities融资机制-优先权 Priority needs to be given to (preventative) routine road maintenance, which

neither municipalities currently does 应给预防性的日常养护给予一定的优先权,现在市里没有给这个优先权

Saving of 8,850 CNY per kilometre per year! 每年每公里可节省 8850元 Need to develop incentives for prioritising routine maintenance 需要建立日常养护有限的激励机制 Clear distinction of different maintenance types and their funding 区分不同的养护类型和资金需求

Funding based on use of regular vehicle maintenance fee 主要从汽车养路费筹措

Allocation based on length of road network 根据路网长度分配养护资金

Taking into account creation of a fuel tax in the future 考虑将来从燃油税中征收养路费





Periodic (medium) maintenance costs/km


Routine maintenance costs/km


Lifespan (years)


Overall costs/km


Yearly costs/km

每年每公里费用Without routine aintenance


7,000 - 10 570,000 57,000

With routine Maintenance

有日常养护 4,000 2,475 12 577,700 48,142

Next steps 下一步行动计划

Preparation for next mission 下次访问的准备工作Consultants 咨询专家 Prepare general guidelines on microenterprise-based routine road


准备基于微型企业模式的日常养护指南 Prepare technical training manual (road elements, maintenance

activities and planning, management of resources)

准备技术培训手册(道路工程、养护活动、计划、管理等) Prepare entrepreneurial manual (call and selection of candidates,

enterprise formation, managerial training)


Decisions to be taken during this mission本次访问要讨论的问题: Focus on paved county roads Include additional maintenance activities

(which?) Provide additional tools and in larger quantities Develop improved technical training Elaborate system of performance indicators and

ensure application Continue with inspection by CCB Organisation of workers into teams Application of the legal organisational modality of

Partnership Enterprises Develop guidelines for calling and selecting

candidates (technical/social criteria) Develop a managerial training Apply average productivity rate of 4 km/worker Develop road categories and differentiated

productivity rates / standard costs Use salary of 30 CNY/day Apply standard cost of 2,475 CNY/km Limit road sections to 20 km to allow for single-

source procurement Apply waiver for guarantees and use simple

contract documents Prioritise routine maintenance over other

maintenance types Ensure sufficient funding (for pilots)





开展管理能力培训的可行性采用每人养护 4公里的定额根据公路类型,制订不同养护定额

确定每天 30元的工资标准确定每公里 2475元的养护费用标准定额将每个养护合同限制在 20公里




Preparation for next mission 下次访问的准备工作GCB, CCB and consultants 交通局、咨询专家 Selection of county for pilots

选择好案例县 Selection of 2 road sections (paved county roads)

选择两个有路面的公路 Selection of CCB and CBAB staff to assist in the pilots

选择交通局和工商据的官员帮助试点县的试点工作 Ensure funding for pilots (one year)

确保试点公路一年的养路费到位 Select villages to participate in pilots and inform them of process


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