michelle carro, ph.d. associate dct 702-895-0134 michelle.carro@unlv.edu

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Michelle Carro, Ph.D.Associate DCT702-895-0134michelle.carro@unlv.edu

My story…

Spring 2004, the department decided to create a 12-month, nontenure, nonresearch position devoted solely to the development of student’s clinical or practicum competencies

May 2004, Associate DCT, Assistant Professor in Residence

Department-sponsored community mental health center (shared with the MFT department) runs 12 months out of the year

Therapists are students in their 2nd year (1st practicum)

Faculty provided supervision 9 months out of the year.

ADCT was to provide the summer supervision

Help me…Help them…

Overwhelmed &Tired Faculty Supervisor

Disappointed Student Therapists

Quality care for clients?

Summer 2005Clinical Supervision Course

Elective Cap of 5 advanced doctoral students (year

4+) Combination of co-occurring didactic and

experiential methods

Supervisors in Training (SITs) receive 2 modes of supervision Weekly individual supervision of supervision

including videotape review of supervision sessions

Weekly seminar/group supervision of supervision

Student Therapists receive two modes of supervisionWeekly individual supervision with their SIT

(videotaped)Every other week seminar/group supervision

with Faculty Supervisor

SIT grade is based on Diligent supervision (assessed by videotape

review in sup of sup & supervisee feedback)Supervision logs & notes

Supervision Agreements Client specific notes Supervisee specific notes

Additional assignments A supervision genogram Presentation on a special topic

A well-oiled machine…Invigorated Faculty Supervisor

Diligent & developing SITs

Developing student therapists

Quality Care for Clients - YES

Outcomes From the student therapist

perspective…“I really had a good experience…Supervision had a different feel to it than supervision with a faculty member, which…was beneficial.  One benefit was exposure to another…orientation…also, I think the reduction in the status differential  allowed me to feel comfortable to take more initiative and become more independent in choice of intervention and identifying specific things I wanted to work on in supervision.  I think developmentally it was a good time for me to have the experience and it contributed to my growth as a clinician.”

“[It was] a valuable experience for several reasons, but they all converge on the supervisee/supervisor relationship. The relationship formed easily because it was soothing to know my supervisor had recently been in the same position I was in and was still able to remember the anxieties and frustrations of a beginning therapist. In that sense, I felt better understood… Also, it seems the student supervisor was also taking a risk...I felt like I was embarking on a journey with my supervisor… I felt more free to voice my ideas about case conceptualizations, the most useful therapeutic approach, or mistakes I had made in session. I was able to grow more from the experience because I felt safe to risk more…

From the SIT perspective…

“One of the most valuable/eye-opening/developmental leap aspects… was the experience of supervising my supervisee while being supervised by you. This was the very first time I was consciously nested within a 4-person chain (client, my supervisee, me, you), the first time I was consciously aware of the "trickle down effect" of good sup of sup, leading to good sup, leading to good client care. It is my feeling that when that chain is strong from the top down, the whole chain of relationships is strong and held -- I think the client feels this on some deep level too.”

“It was definitely one of the best and most important experiences I had at UNLV…  First, I am starting to supervise a new person next week and I have been going through the text books, notes, contracts, etc. from the class preparing myself for it.  … Second, that is such a crazy time for students.  Classes are reduced to a trickle, teaching experiences are beginning…and dissertation work is central.  The supervision class came at what seemed like a transition from new, inexperienced, immature grad student to experienced grad student/junior colleague.  It was an exciting and unsettling time.  …I certainly could not have done it without the support and knowledge that the class provided.”

“I have so much to say… I'm not sure if I've ever fully expressed how much I valued that course, & how much it shaped my thinking about & commitment to supervision. I found the opportunity to have supervision of supervision particularly valuable. The structure made me feel very supported. …you created a safe environment that allowed us to process our anxiety & feelings of vulnerability about taking on this new role, while also challenging us to step into our new role with confidence. The practical tools were also really helpful. This course started me on a path of being much more reflective about the process of supervision, & much more willing to challenge myself, take appropriate risks in discussing growth edges & more aware of the need to build supportive relationships in my role as a supervisee and a supervisor. Finally, this course opened doors for me on internship.”

From my perspective…

Epilogue Feedback from APA’s CoA

Great course but not all students are guaranteed training in supervision & consultation

Weekly practicum/professional seminar is required for two academic years. Revision to this seminar will involve breaking these years into 6-8 specialized modules (rotating) including modules on supervision & consultation

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