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Grammar school № 1798 “Phoenix”

Project Research Work

Fire Element Symbolism

in Russian Culture and Character

Student: Mary Markelova, 10 “B” form

Supervisor: Olga Korzhakova, English teacher

Moscow 2019


1. Research Work for the Project

Annotation p.3

Introduction p.5

Research Phases:

1) Fire Element Symbolism p.6

2) Symbols of Russian National character p.8

3) Fire Element Symbols in Russian Culture and Character p.12

4) Cinquains - a class of poetic forms that are meant to convey a certain mood or

emotion p.14

5) Russian Fire Element Symbolism in English Cinquains p.16

Conclusion p.18

Electronic sources p.19

2. The Project Product

Educational multimedia presentation:

“Understanding Russia: Fire Element Symbolism in Culture and Character”

- Multimedia version

- Handouts

- Printed version


Project Research Work:

Fire Element Symbolism in Russian Culture and Character

This Project Research Work is devoted to one of the topical problems of

intercultural communication - how to achieve mutual understanding in the dialogue

of cultures. This is an attempt to answer the question - weather cultural symbols

mirror temperamental attributes of the nation and its mentality. The Project itself

has its practical aim – to improve the image of Russia in the world with the help of

literature and music.

Research Subjects : Fire Element Symbolism, typical traits of the Russian

people, Russian literature and music.

Research Objectives :

general : to popularize Russian culture, to understand the peculiarities of Russian


specific : to reveal specific features of complex and mysterious Russian character

with the help of varied fire symbols represented in Russian literature and music.

Methods : reading, data collection, data qualitative analysis, surveys and


The Work consists of two main parts:

1. Research Work for the Project;

2. The Project itself - Educational multimedia presentation:

“Understanding Russia: Fire Element Symbolism in Culture and Character”.

The first part of the Research provides information on Fire as one of the

foundational elements. Ancient Greek tied Fire to passion and power. Far Eastern

philosophies see Fire as forceful and primal. We find Fire as a symbol in religions

and in our everyday life. Fire has connection with our souls. 3

The second part of the Research is the study and analysis of Russian character and

mentality. We find “fire” elements in temperamental attributes of the Russian

people: self-willed, playful, passionate, spirited, benevolent, struggling.

The third part is an attempt to make a collection of Fire symbols in Russian

literature and music which reveal these main temperamental attributes and

mentality of the Russian people. There are some special and even unique symbols

of Fire in Russian culture. For example, Firebird (Zhar-ptitsa), the Dancing Fire

Maid (Ognevushka-poskakushka) or Danko’s Flaming Heart.

The research led to the conclusion: People like fire have varied traits of character;

Fire Element Symbolism in Russian culture mirror temperamental attributes and

mentality of the Russian people.

The unique feature of this Project Research Work is its creative “poetical” part.

There are self-written cinquain (association) poems devoted to each “fire” trait of

the Russian character.

Another peculiarity of this Project Research Work is that the educational

multimedia presentation contains fantastic music pieces from opera and ballet you

can watch and listen to.

The practical outcome of this Project Research Work - multimedia educational

presentation “Understanding Russia: Fire Element Symbolism in Culture and

Character” - can be used in Culture Studies Classes – both, by Russian and foreign

students. It popularizes Russian Culture – Literature and Music. It is a contribution

to the successful intercultural communication.

This project is expected to start the series of works under the title “Understanding




National symbols are defined as the symbols or icons of a national community

used to represent that community in a way that unites its people. This unity is

based on a common pride, which is incited by different representations; i.e. visual

(e.g. the national flower), verbal (e.g. the national anthem) and iconic (e.g. the

flag). These symbols are then used in national events and celebrations, inspiring

patriotism as they include every member of that particular community, regardless

of colour or creed.

Every country has its symbols. Usually we distinguish between national, state, and

cultural symbols. What are the symbols that Russians are proud of?

State Russian symbols include the Russian flag, the Russian National Emblem, and

the Russian anthem. Among the most famous national cultural Russian symbols we

can name the балалайка (ba-la-LAY-ka), a stringed musical instrument, матрёшка

(ma-TRYOSH-ka), Russian nesting doll, and самовар (sa-ma-VAR).

And what about something symbolical but universal? Fire as a symbol is definitely

universal. Let us look at it through Russian music and literature. We will find some

characters which can symbolize some traits of the Russian character.

It is time for some new association with Russia in the eyes of foreigners. Let

music, literature and poems help.


Fire Element Symbolism

Fire has been an important part of all cultures and religions from pre-history to

modern day and was vital to the development of civilization. It has been regarded

in many different contexts throughout history, but especially as a metaphysical

constant of the world.

Fire is one of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science.

It was commonly associated with the qualities of energy, assertiveness, and

passion. In one Greek myth, Prometheus stole fire from the gods to protect the

otherwise helpless humans, but was punished for this charity.

In ancient Greek medicine, each of the four humors became associated with an

element. Yellow bile was the humor identified with fire, since both were hot and

dry. Other things associated with fire and yellow bile in ancient and medieval

medicine included the season of summer, since it increased the qualities of heat

and aridity; the choleric temperament (of a person dominated by the yellow bile

humor); the masculine; and the eastern point of the compass.

Fire consumes, warms, and illuminates, but can also bring pain and death; thus, its

symbolic meaning varies wildly, depending upon the context of its use. It is often

the symbol of inspiration, and yet it is also the predominant symbol of hell; fire is

the only one of the "four elements" that humans can produce themselves, so it

bridges the connection between mortals and gods. Rituals often involve an eternal

flame, and kindling a fire is equated with birth and resurrection. Can be spiritual

enlightenment, sexuality - "light my fire" and fertility.

The element of fire shows up in mythological stories all across the world, often in

stories related to the sun.

In freemasonry, fire is present, for example, during the ceremony of winter

solstice, a symbol also of renaissance and energy. Freemasonry takes the ancient


symbolic meaning of fire and recognizes its double nature: creation, light, on the

one hand, and destruction and purification, on the other.

Fire is viewed by Christians, the Chinese, and the Hebrews as being a symbol of

divinity. In Christianity, fire can also be symbolic of religious zeal and martyrdom.

In Egypt it represents a sense of superiority and control. Many cultures view fire as

a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

As for astrological signs people born under the of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are

thought to have dominant fire personalities. Fire personalities are believed to have

good leading qualities and also tend to be enthusiastic, extroverted, rebellious,

passionate, brave and valiant.

There is a fire element symbolism in temperamental attributes of the Russian

people: self-willed, playful, passionate, spirited, benevolent, struggling.

Let us see what the typical symbols of Russia and Russians are. We will try to

analyze them and find some symbols with a fire element.


Symbols of Russian National character

Russian National character was formed under the influence of different

circumstances: climate, historical events of the country, cultural habits and

traditions, political and economic situation.

Russian people have an original character because they have combined some traits

from Asian nations some ones from European nations. Probably this is the reason

of appearing of a “mysterious Russian soul”.

'Spacious soul' or 'big nature' - that will be the first thing to hear from a Russian if

asked about the Russian national character. The phrase has become a

commonplace, while its meaning is not so easy to define.

"Russian people are altogether spacious people, just like their land, and extremely

inclined to the fantastic and disorderly", - a Dostoyevsky's character says in

"Crime and Punishment".

Russians are known for their generosity and spontaneity, weakness for extremes

and longing for the unknown, unpredictability and lack of order and certainty.

What are the most well- known symbols of Russia and Russians?

What traits of character do they reveal?

Propagandistic-and-stereotyped symbols created by foreigners usually support the

social myths and political illusions (bear, vodka, KGB, Kalashnikov’s gun) or they

are associated with the national every day culture (matryoshka, babalaika,

samovar, a hat with ear- flaps, three-horse sled, etc.).

In the eyes of foreigners Russia is a remote, snowed-up country full of bears and

KGB where drunk Russians playing the balalaika amidst matryoshkas and

samovars. But contemporary life in Russia has very little to do with any of that.


The bear has long been associated with Russia. Some western explorer

discovering Russia about six centuries ago wrote of some remote town full

of bears roaming the streets, and the barbaric Russian “medved’” firmly

gripped Western’s imagination. 

So the Russian bear cliché stepped in from the West, and since the 18th

century it has been mainly a derogatory image of Russian emperors (and

then other Russian leaders) in Western political cartoons and caricatures. It

should reflect barbarity and aggression of Russian people.

Yet inside Russia, the bear has a different reputation, and this animal has

had positive connotations to all Slavs. Pre-Christian Slavs believed the bear

to be their common ancestor.

“Medved’” (bear) is one of the heroes of many Slavic legends and fairytales.

Russians tenderly give the bear a human name of Misha (sometimes adding

a patronymic name out of respect - hence, Mikhail Potapych). By the way,

“medved’” (“med” - honey, “vedat’”- to know) literally means “the one

who knows where the honey is.” 

The lovable little bear cub Misha was chosen to be Russia’s mascot in the

1980 Summer Olympic Games held in Moscow and became a favourite hero

of children’s cartoon for years. The bear was adopted as the ubiquitous

symbol for “The United Russia” political party.

Matryoshka is the most famous symbol of Russia and the most popular

Russian souvenir all around the World. It is a set of wooden dolls nested into

each other. The painted image on them is most often a woman wearing

traditional Russian costume decorated with flowers and patterns. It seems

that the matryoshka has come to us from the antic world of legends and fairy

tales, though in reality the wooden doll is only about hundred years in



The name "matryoshka" comes from the Russian word for “mother” -

«мать» (the Latin root “mater “- mother). Matryoshka has come to mean

“little mother” based on the idea that the largest doll holds her babies inside

like an expectant mother and that each daughter in turn becomes a mother.

So matryoshka is a symbol of motherhood and it has a modified egg shape.

The names Matryona and Matryosha were common female names in

Russian country to the Revolution of 1917. The suffix -eshka (or –ushka-) is

frequently used in Russian to denote a diminutive form of a name.

The balalaika is a plucking string instrument that resembles a guitar, but

has a triangular shape and only three strings (or two in some cases). When

you hear balalaika’s sounds, you at once think of Russia. There is something

deeply Russian, typical folk and traditional in it. It is quiet and delicate,

gently filling you with the essence of Russia.

Samovar has traditionally been the most recognized symbol of Russian

hospitality and family comfort as well as a sign of prosperity. For more than

250 years, the samovar has occupied an honored place in Russian homes as

the centerpiece of the table, around which life revolved. Step by step a

peculiar ritual of tea-drinking emerged and was adopted in every Russian

home - people gathered to have tea parties and provided the right

atmosphere for friendly conversation and sharing news, stories, and

fellowship. Thus, samovar had both a practical and an emotional function.

“Khleb-sol” ("bread-salt”) is the most famous symbols of Russian

hospitality and the oldest cultural tradition of welcoming a visitor with a

round loaf with a salt cellar on top. Bread and salt represent the giver’s wish 10

that the recipient’s pantry will always be full. Bread symbolizes key aspects

of the national self-image.

These are typical and well-known symbols of Russia and Russians – they reveal

such traits as – strength and kindness, friendliness, motherhood, hospitality.

There are a lot of other symbols revealing Russian Character. I like Fire Bird as a

symbol of Russia and Russians. Firebird has got a strong fire element symbolism.

Fire symbols can be so various – like Russian Character. I decided to find them in

Russian literature music.


Fire Element Symbols in Russian Culture and Character

Firebird (Zhar-ptitsa).

It is a popular character of Russian fairy tales. It watches golden apples that give

youth, beauty and immortality. The Russian folklorist Alexander Afanasiev

considered the Firebird to be the personification of fire, light and the sun. Zhar-

ptitsa can also be compared with Phoenix.

Russian Firebird is described as a large bird with majestic plumage that glows

brightly emitting red, orange, and yellow light, like a bonfire that is just past the

turbulent flame. The feathers do not cease glowing if removed, and one feather can

light a large room if not concealed. It can fulfill the desires.

The most famous production of the Firebird was the production by Sergei

Diaghilev of Ballet Russe who commissioned composer Igor Stravinsky to create

the enormously popular large-scale ballet score called The Firebird. In Stravinsky's

ballet The Firebird, the creature is half-woman, half-bird. She is captured by

Prince Ivan, but set free and gives him a magic feather, which he uses to defeat the

spell of Kaschei the Immortal. Prince Ivan then marries the most beautiful


The Dancing Fire Maid (Ognevushka-poskakushka).

It is a mythical creature from folklore of Siberia, the Urals. This little girl does her

magical fire dance to show the location of gold and precious stones.

She is one of the characters of a ballet by Sergei Prokofiev “The Tale of the Stone

Flower “. The libretto is based on fairy tales and legends collected by famous

folklorist Pavel Bazhov.

Self-Immolation. (The Historical Events of Khovanshchina).

Prince Ivan Khovansky, the Old Believers (protesters against church reforms) and

Streltsy (musketeers) rebelled against the westernizing reforms in Russia in 1682.


When the rebellion crushed, the Old Believers (more than 100 people!) went into a

wooden monastery to burn themselves to death rather than surrender their beliefs.

Being interested in the Russian History, Modest Mussorgsky wrote the libretto and

the music for his last opera - “Khovanshchina”.

“Danko’s Flaming Heart”.

It is a famous story by the Soviet writer Maxim Gorky. Danko is a young daring

man. His name became a bright symbol of self-sacrifice and love for people.

Danko is similar to Prometheus, who gave the Fire to mankind. “Prometheus: The

Poem of Fire” by Alexander Scriabin was the first symphonic work where a unique

color organ was used.

The house spirit - Domovoy. (Brownie)

It is one of the most ancient Russian mythical characters. Domovoi is a symbol of

Hearth and Home. He keeps and preserves fire in it.

The contemporary composer Valery Kikta wrote a fantasy for the harp - "Near the

smoldering fireplace". Nowadays Domovoi can live nearby the fireplace in your

house or the stove in your kitchen.

The mentioned above symbols are Fire Element Symbols in Russian Culture.

There is a fire element symbolism in temperamental attributes of the Russian

people. They can be strong-willed, sometimes self-willed, playful, passionate,

spirited, benevolent, struggling.

Researching the symbols and characters inspired me to compose cinquain

(association) poems devoted to each “fire” trait of the Russian character.

Cinquains are particularly vivid in their imagery and are meant to convey a certain

mood or emotion.


Cinquains - a class of poetic forms

that are meant to convey a certain mood or emotion.

A cinquain – which, by the way, is pronounced “sin-cane,” not “sin-kwane” – is a

form of poetry that is very popular because of its simplicity. It was created by

American poet Adelaide Crapsey about 100 years ago, and is similar to Japanese

poetic forms, such as haiku and tanka.

Cinquains are just five lines long, with only a few words on each line, making

them easy to write. The first and last lines have just two syllables, while the middle

lines have more, so they end up with a diamond-like shape, similar to the poetic

form called the diamante.

The word cinquain can refer to two different things. Historically, it referred to any

stanza of five lines written in any type of verse. More recently, cinquain has come

to refer to particular types of five-line poems that have precisely defined features,

such as their meter or the number of syllables they contain in each line. The most

common of these specific types of cinquains is the American cinquain.

American Cinquains

In the early twentieth century the American poet Adelaide Crapsey, inspired by the

five-line Japanese poetic form of tanka, began to write five-line poems that

followed a distinct form. This poetic form soon came to be known as an American

cinquain (though it's also sometimes referred to as a Crapseian cinquain, after its


Some scholars define the line length of American cinquains by counting iambs or

stressed syllables, rather than by counting total syllables. By this sort of counting,

the proper line length of an American cinquain would be 1-2-3-4-1, since it would

contain one iamb in the first line, two in the second line, and so on. The right way

to count the line length is ultimately a matter of interpretation, though, since

Crapsey never specified the rules of the form she invented.


Didactic Cinquains

The didactic cinquain is a simplification of the American cinquain. This variation

is used primarily in classrooms for teaching poetry to children. Didactic cinquains

dictate both the number of words per line and the types of words used in each line.

Line length: The number of words in each line and follows the pattern 1-2-

3-4-1 (so that the first line has one word, the second has two, and so on).

Types of words used on each line: The first line is a noun, the second line

is composed of adjectives that describe the noun in the first line, the third

line has an action, the fourth line contains a longer description, and the fifth

line is a noun that relates to the noun in the first line.

Here's an example:


Blue, powerful

Waves crashing ashore

Teeming with sea creatures



Fire Element Russian Symbolism in Cinquains


Beautiful, self-willed

Glittering, enchanting, thrilling

Strikes you blind or lights your way




Playful, swift

Sparkling, amazing, encouraging

Rewards with gold hard workers

Dancing Fire Maid



Magnificent, enormous

Blazing, burning, purifying

Struggles to death for existence





Passionate, spirited

Flaming, astonishing, guiding

Dies to give you hope




Benevolent, desirable

Glowing, smoldering, warming

Unifies, gives comfort and peace

Hearth and Home



Spirited, strong-willed,

Dancing, struggling, sacrificing

Burn or light the way and unify




The research led to the conclusion: People are like fire - have varied traits of

character; Fire Element Symbolism in Russian culture mirror temperamental

attributes and mentality of the Russian people.

The first part of the Research provided information on Fire as one of the

foundational elements. Ancient Greek tied Fire to passion and power. Far Eastern

philosophies see Fire as forceful and primal. We found Fire as a symbol in

religions and in our everyday life. We can say that Fire has connection with our


The second part of the Research was the study and analysis of Russian character

and mentality. I found “fire” elements in temperamental attributes of the Russian

people: self-willed, playful, passionate, spirited, benevolent, struggling.

The third part - it is a collection of Fire symbols in Russian literature and music

which reveal these main temperamental attributes and mentality of the Russian

people. There are some special and even unique symbols of Fire in Russian

culture. For example, Firebird (Zhar-ptitsa), the Dancing Fire Maid (Ognevushka-

poskakushka) or Danko’s Flaming Heart.

This Research Work for the Project helped a lot to create a PROJECT –

Educational multimedia presentation: “Understanding Russia: Fire Element

Symbolism in Culture and Character”


Electronic sources













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