
Post on 22-Mar-2018






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Irrina al ibr Trihum.DAILY TRIKl.V

Mail ( «.,,, qq1 copy, 1 year.Hl I numW*. \.

S) Ml NATEKLl IMBI BB.1 cop''. 1'year.104 BaatbaTfl,. $4.4)0I oopi.vs do. "aWlt OOBbM. or oNer, for ou<-li "','.'.'. S.W


1 copr, I vofir.ft) Bambara. 99.00gtobta THI B*a. 1-a-

Tbe Trlbtinr la BKOitieiis. lAnt.rlrea Agcutt fot '.ibrarbi

i-ll-n. a-a. Carrat Uaram, BT. C a I .

in). UHl >_. Tu.y will alao rredr. e.e»-i.r.,.«. aadBaaaaaaaaa



OKXF.HAli m;\v»T-tFiMlgiRBlia floiRTi-1 Ir grnfiaglly ru

the ihmliMRttoaalaaarlhaBaath, r"M rraayi ara >.

tim inaiU lefl tlie Wnsl.ingt, 1. i'r a_M M 9

directly thiouj't. to BtobaMfldaad P*Mi**arg. ' aa

traot* hare juat been HM_ Bfl MTBtoahj laRraad fr*New-Orleana to I'anti.ii. fl.B) , aad froa CflBlM ir.

jBck.on.Tcnn. OthM* hafll* a*T -hpMtaaahg;airedinro.itoriiii.'thecivil .achi-..'ry, h M la 08

a.tb th* pN8__a_aaa of ti.e fNabfaaJ aaataltagl'jMTiaionai Oafaraaaa.An rxciting controvf-r^y u BOW pattdiog nt

f'hiOAgo llllllllll He ttoff fltttofl of tl.e funl« of

tbe Banitarj I'riir. A Mroir feeling exista in

tbe eomrau.-i.ty infan.rof tha aa|fl8|B_Btofl of aV. the

rooney raitfd by the F_r to ihe crectiun of B jt-

inf.:out Soldier'a liome. wlere till aiik. cri,.pk-d. or

flthatarbM dia-iblad vetowna of the aar, from the

WaMMfl Stiitf., beproperlv bakafl care of.

I.iten-ie iutere.*t isoxiited t-tV0gbOBt In>l'-ena. vendinff tt,« ,>c.-i.i.n of it.f BflflrMM Conrt of that

Slate on the valu'.lty af the act Ba] .li/'ug the bMtoflg of

(T.ut.ty bo*4* fer boti'itu't. At 1-nt ten toOBflBB ura

ii.yoiTod It it in.eily iD tl 8 Innda of tpeciiUitort.JuJirea Cowan I'.i.MIe and Btol-ria.Ctraatt JfligMBkiiare aranted i.jni.i'tiont aprilmt tl.e bortK

CH[>t. Jaakaaat, ibaai -ir. y. nr- afage, ph'.i to

bea l> of Sume* ell Jaokaou, f-11 or-tLoBM from

the ateamer L.iuUi.a ou berlint lri|> fioin Mobile to N'eW-

QriaBBR *-'1 aaa drwne_ Ba had been vaaaiaithre* tuuet * hBa i-i the aervioo. and M tlie timeof ba

deatb aat eu ro«te fyr OtilveHton. Capt. Jaeksou aa.

formeriy a n.erehuiii of AufroaTu. Ofl.Au _tvi;stiffHtiou into tne Ninotrenth 'Wurd

murder resu'.ti d y. stertlay in a rerdiet to the effeet

that tbe "dtHiearied. Jainea aoomm, oame to l.ia dfath

from atao wounria at the hamlt of John Jlurni, on the

eyeniag of the _-t!iof July, Ie'.'., at the foot olliiti-

firth-tt,. E»at Rirer. aud wefartler Leliere FrederlckIloobar an Bc-oeaAory before the fact."

'Ihe Ohio Uniou Executive Co'Jimitteo 1)BItsued a oiroular to tbe County OaaiMlttoaa, urging tl-enominationa for nicmbera of the I^>aialat_re and

coonty offn.era Ui l* inyde by the of n,_t ftiontli.

lii orterthtt ticitt. tnay be printed aud faflMial to

th* Ohio ao'.diera tba may atill be iu tae Reld on the

da.r of eleotion.Oa T-esday laat a ooniBit.pral.le forr-e of

IndlaBt, of diffiient trlbea, a'.tacked our loi ce-. nt l'latte

Brldge BtaUon. on the UverUud lelcjrraph Boute.Ihe bght laet. d two dayt. and rt-tulted ui ihe rout oftbe lodlaue, vrith haaty loet to them, and but little to

our troopa. The te'.e^raiih la mnc h lt j.irod.1 he General laBBi OlTice ha.-. Jast preparod

patent No. .'¦ f..r 4.yn0 1-rt) acr.-a to 1ontb> for that .itiwi-

tity of land doetbe St»t« at in.lemnity on account ol

landa harlng l^en a..ld in Keokuk duii'y aUBB. l*e-

longed to the .stato unler on the part of

the I'reaidr-nt the ?.altitnore Bff8BBflflaflM haie L9»a

finallymada bi foiio»a: Haataaaaa.W.B.afanaalillolleotor. BL H. Webalei; Nuvnl Okoomt, VT. t. -**«*|hnrreror. | Eulton; V. a\ Manhul, W. iMllMBli a»d

V- 9. Di.'ru t Atlorn»y, W. J. Jo:.ea.An a't' aipt wa^ iuado on Monday Rt MaBCaHng

to thro- a of catt from the tmek by foatenitig a

atiokof wood to the trtick. The train vaa fl:i«l alth

returned a.ld.era. Tb* obatrnctiou aa* di.oorei.-d iu

time to gBjajal tbe impeudiug dnii.'arThe trial of Capt. Wirz, the An ler?onrille

Jailor, waa not oomm.uoed yett*-rdny ag wat autiol-

pated. A prelltBiuary ewoiinat.unol the witneitet labeuig made, anii the caau aill j.rob*My be randy tottrlal early next week.Rohort E. Loe, late Major-Gen.-ral in tUe

Rebel artny. U a.jonrning at the OMM ll'mte, Niagr-ajyalia. It it aat'. that 0. L VailAn(,i|rbi»_ hna a'.to roneto the earxie rilaee, probably t-> hare a witbtha ooted ohleftaii..An uuane inan nanied Stockinir ritf an.l

In.tactiy killed a citUen of Sn racuae narned 8. lUibert*.aod wounded a aoldier in the armon the 18888888 Annle

JohDKia, wbile on her aay fnmi La Cietse to Hl. l'_ul,aa Tharaday.

Major-Geu. Dodire lias \xnn RNdgBRtl lo theaoaaandofalirnited St.ite* troojia in Knutita, Colo-rado. Nebnuka, Monraoa. and that portion of Daootah

lying aeat and aonth of the Miaauurl Kiver.

lt in, on inquiry, that thore is a

eoutmued reductlon of the BiT«reiB«te eruontt of Certifi-OAtet of .idebteduer-Y.the nnmber redeemed belngBincb larger than tboee uewly it4tie<].The objeot of ex-Ocn. Dick Taylcr in visitine

Waahiagt.'n ia aaid to be to aeek ae ir.terN ien- witb Jeff.Day*. Tue Eretidtut hoa not y-t giren bim peruilt-.loa.

(ien. Ord left Detroit on Tuesday on a touref iutpectlon throuirh hia niliury departam it. _a

will atabllah a inilitary poat at or near >. ,»- I'm-.-e,

HakJohn Cocbrane made a speech in RBBWar to

aterenada at Waetiiogion latt ereuing, mabii-b hetook atrong grout.di Bgaintt r-ullr i.-.-.

8enatora Doolittle, Wmmwft aud Eice, andOaa. MoCook and party. atiirted eaatward frotn hou-rer City. by aay ofSt. Loma, on tbe ^.th.

The Mayor of New-Orlcaiid has administeredtha aanegty oath to 1.076 peraons, and UU riertoui

hare been regiet*r*d aa rotert.

Oot. Dolden of North Carolina ha.« rgcov.-rodfrom bte reeeat illneaa. and ia afaiB performiog tbedutle. of hit poaitioo.A figlit took plaoe near Cincinnati, ob Thurs-

gay. between _eaeU, of IHMhaBBJi arid l'.urnt, of Cin-

ainnati, for RaOO a alde. reaulting in the defeat of the

Utter ia 14 rounda.The Clara Clarita, rl rocte to A<>.y Bar, to

Mtiat la repairiog the talegrjy.ic cable, reaehed H*li-fax ea Tharaday.ThePresident hasrocognircd Adolf Ii(.?pnthal

bb Conenl of the Prinel|.elity of l>ute for Witeoniin.

Major-Oen. Tleasonton haa heen a»^igiicd to

tha ooaaaad of tte Pi.triot af Wite;

Ooid opened yeaterday at J to, aold down to 141},tnd elaeed at IkH- Oold beailnj .Wik. Are at.Ady. lUilwayBand. Ia Bade. 8UU Stocka wara c,««r.d ai*ri.igly. Bauk

gtttckt ta- BM _tol*Baaaaag .MM were lower. l"he apee-ubM.ii. ln EailwAy ahar.a ia not to etrirngaa on yaala.-.'.ay. The

BAAriaC tbaugh abowlrg a tharp UU fruoi ThwtJty at>rnir|'irataa, U by na -aaaa weak. aud tha d.cline it enly a anoder-

au raaottoe fre_ tba adyanea reeerdrd durrag tha week.

Al tba geeead Baard tba market wa rary excit.d a.d pas-

leky. Maaay aaoaiatock beoaalaectiTe ob at I far.aat heaa boaaa i ay % but tbe rola lt below Com-p_rrlal pepat It etlabla ot tk9* per rant forb*tt to fa'.r BBBjaa'. . _....Tiba fai! U tioeki. rri»«rt. aaaa elutateled ../ aiMlflf»., borrow eltpot eont, but tbay aaodad oolu- Ia-laaaaaialawar._

Tha 8>crotary of'he Navy has oidcrd a trlalkv ha aiadu. at a wlwri iu thi* vil>> j-.^c.'a tUv

bfeBBMRfl Algonquin and Winoonta, V> laa( UtBirrrjB\f» tin englne*. The detaiL. w.l! bfl fl»BBdiu a sp.ji.ial iliapatch from WfllhiBgtaBl.

(OnilOK flBrlBR I* liMlatiltlal.Our three la-t Congrenaefi wero chiwen with

norcf.-rc'Ke, proortxra, totbfl raoiBBBk th...-

titt ov.r wwmm phttflBaB-MR Wn_t_BI| hW BBCB

oftli-in BJU H '.T-'i-lat'd Rltfl cortihitK' ¦ hwgfllocnaaa ofoan NrUoorI RaTaaae tnm Ca«tomit .ili n .ie gad wholeaaaM tatrldeatRl Pra-i.'1-ii..n fa thoai braachaa of our KrUoORI Iu-

(lu-try ino-i ixpoaed t» __barra_n_eal and.....TttiT..-.. Ol.l-Worl.l loinpelilion. Audi)." latfl Tr.'uh Coiiv.'iitii.i. nt I)ctroit,(ioiii]...-cilofrapfafleBtativaflRfthi Baaahaai kfaa af moMr.:'..itr i' .-, URIBfjfl. Mith hut one diaaCBtttlgM. .¦, a reaolve diatincUy aflIrraiag thfl wfcdo n

..ud uectewity tioombining, in eny luturo tnodi-li.Mtiotii ol'our Tirirt, tho two Objflfjtl afclf>-aid. Sii.ti, we eaaatot douLt, is tlie Mttlfld

!j iLnncnt of tlie Aini ri.'.in Lu-ir.e-^ vi.rl.l.WbaR OoRgraM >i 1816, '18, '.:", m% "M, nd

%$, Rttaarpta l to rer_e thaTari- ia Ibfl btaragt'of FrotcaUoBi Um olamarol Um leaboti flfgRBfl;..i mercaatflaopinloa wai .toaaaaal aaddeafeitBniL'that- Pratorfiafl mbmM min CtwtMtrxa, Uwrabj|drytag ui. r.'v.ii';.'fi'.in Importa, oompctU.ig rr. m.i t tu Dirrct TflZfltion to sTj.|.i>rt the llovern-

mi'i t. Jlut, in o.iii.liiil..'ilc!i:ii). i> to Uic>e ioltoOil pre_B*t1o_t, n- Um datfea a-.'P' iiuii!.' BMitaii:itl more ProttcUre, thi- l-.'V.nui' from InpoftiBtaadilj ineraaaed, RBfiloBr large Pablk DrMwaa iMitir.-ly pm.J oiT ftoni Um prooahdi of im-

paatl which had Ut-ii dflMMBOfld tis deMrucMivroi Raraaaa.

Dircctly UwrRBBtttj, tlioTariff, in dflftraaffl to

S<»uth CaroU-Bl throut ol" Nullitii'.Ttioii, WII Nmodifiad a-. to fu'l gradaa-jrj t>> vhat l Rd baaanidie.'itid by theFreoTradm II thfl UBR BbTw*ritie Ptatidfird.a ncarly BB.brfll init.Ufit ofiwcnty per eaat.! when it was found that a

Rtrenue TariiT ) k-lJ.-.l Lut .Uf the ainount ofrtvenuc wjuirtd, an.l we were citistraint'd t..

retnrn to Protection in ordflf to pay our way. Ina state of profound peace, witlmut a dollar ofPablk Dabt, wo MBN ninniiii,' Lchind-haiid atthoratoof sovi-ral Millions per annum. when

Oeagregfl, .118H, lataraed to Prateetfcni, aadili.ri'l.y and pcnnnn.-ntly BBgBMBtad|ihiN K. v.Mitit to the full e\ttnt Thi"Bkwk TariiT," which was itlftBBtilBd a5

.!(-lnict;vt' of our f n IfD Coainifi.o, uttuallyan.l j.crinanently bbBBMIfld ltThnt Tarifr «TM orcrthrown Ly fraud, a- U

Doald not l.uvi' baaa by b_g ¦aaaa. We who

>iipporti'd Mr. Clay in 1644 «nid frankly to theFaoplfl, "We ar.« f.>r Ihfl TariiT at %t it. It-nflieeB aliko for BataBBA aiul Troteition. It

yoa think *o, vote with us and intimtuiu it."Our tidvor>.Trie? evaded the i*-'ie. Their oar.-

didate tricked tho P8B__jlTR___ and otherI'rotcetioni-it- Ly hi4 cqiiivdcatiiiR lottcr to

thaa. FrancU W. Ba^flfl hflld a deLate with"NVilliam 11. Kctd in the Dutch iron repion of

Teiri-'ylvaiiiii, B_flfBtB he BMRyad to prove tbatPolk wu~ a Letter Protectionibt than Clay. IhflPflllBlUlilfJ JflBIBBR. caid, m8bb1 wo have puta 1*1*111'-y !vnt.; i I'rotfOt;ouist, ficorire M. I>l!!).-.,on th.- tii K.'t with r..)k, t.i ren-ii-r it certainthnt tboTflli- ihall not le rcpealed." TllU^i't.Jk wa- har.-ly ek-etcd; aml thurenj.on the1 uriir ol* '4'j wiir. repillfld hy tht ctitting rott of(itofi't M. Dallas.Thattrick a good f-r ttktw, and no more.

Wfl have now once more a Tanff iucideiitallyEYotaathra. Wo bmbb to k^-jp H ¦>.>. It aill

jiald fully On.. Huu.lred IbHIHm.I par aaoaaiof revenuo all-r our country ahull haia re-

covered from the cor.vulsion?! aud d.-v.i-'ia-tionp of Civil War; a_Dfl it will enahle niunyhranchei of Manuffccture to BtaBBfll and ex-

pand which would inevitahly go to the wall,under the pie--sure of forr ign competition andhravy direot taxation, if the TarifT were "rc-construi'ted'' on a Free Trar'o baflU. We givefair notioe, then, that our BSpOflfld inti-rot-. andthone affiliated or in pymp_thy with them willnotsuirender thiaProter-tion witlmut a aa-rtgayla,and do not rnean to Le Jafgled out of it. Fortbo next C(>:igre-is, we det^in it perfeeily Pftfc;and the fricndH of a drfBt__ad and lelf-cTit. :vdNational Industry will know r_o i-. R_B ahanifMlttlin are oTflTIWI tl itt tBactMaflT.

IIIK (8I.IBOK lllil.AT'l *.

The victory «f Yale in yafltaraBjr. ragBttiwas a vcry Rztraordiaarj aaa. If ti_m _ t<> L.-

Rieaptad a« the tritcnon.aud wo all ugn-e inAinerica that it i.-~thi.s rare il tbo morit im-

portant ercr pulled in thin country, and iu itsresults the HMMt crcdiUble, not merely to theictorious crtw, Lut to Auierican rowing. For tbe

iir-,t time wo have a perfonnance which MOBI

wortly to rank with the Engli4i l'iiiv.TMty row-

ing on the Tliaiues, and thotigh no dctails ofthematch bare yct OflflBA to Laud, the wholly un*

¦BROfldflBtBi time of Loth winrurj and loflflnBhowB that ro.'ingiu tliin country has eufcedon a new cra. And no mattcr what the new

eramay hiing forth, this rate and thfl BBRW tbat

won it will bfl hflld ^ I mjm in honorahle IBBMflR

branco. For our part, we BaUflVR it will Le

lotii? ticforo the work done Jflfltflfda* is ei-

cellcd. The cbampion-hip wh. h Yale haiw.m for tho third time uiay BBM from one

side to the other, hut tbe pBOfl at whi. hthis match wab pulliMl will be very slowly,if it is at all, incroa»ed.The time of the Yale crew is 17 minutes 4t|

leeonds, over tho usual three milo cour-e. Thatis 54j geconds better than tbe best time before,which was the Gemh Bankor'a on tbe aame

lake.18 minutes 37 Beoonda. It is 1 minute1*?*, setonds het*.r than tho Yale time of lai-tyear, whtn the t-ame crew Leat tho ilnrvard in19 minutea 1 lecond. And the Darvard _.l

year, though defeated, haa the cont-olation ofLeating the Oersh Bauker time 27 sect.nd.s hasImproved Gl acoondB on ita own time wben itpulled Ibbb year rs a Sophomore crew iu19 minutel 4 Becondn, and has cutdown the Unirenity timo of hjtyear 1 minute 33, aetonda. Tbe race

is an honor even to the crew thht has loat much more to the Yalenniani who win itby 27. teconda. With such a difference as that,thl Darvard crew will cheerfully admit tbat

they are very thoroughly bflfltflB. The 27.leccondri ln tima rpprwent ah-jut 400 M

litiated eyeai and to rowinf- men, whokii-iw that balf a boat'd l"agth fr.q.i ntly dc|tet-Biaea a r_ce\ the dJotaBMO will .eeni im-

raeaae. It araa Btd a eleet rm-d at ail, tven I.yAraerieaa Rtuudards; an.l in Eii-'litii.l tvo or|t!i-.'.- ii'iigtbt.100Off IM feet.aro coaa»-_Bredebad defeet

...!. . ni rejoiea thit tUa victur/ bai i-'it oaaadforererle tho tUghtlj aapertiliooi tri.u-,

|_a< nt vhich ihe r..r?ed _fata Huwanl in thoeaaad/ daja trhea beallBg qaeeUoaa treta iiatraiaed iMttraea th" twa eoDegae. Ber rafeatedde_eati ereated af-eUag rery Uka eeait-tapt oatha part ef ber riral vhteh ber firat t-o-

t..ry hy no Bteaai d-BpeDed, f'.r ii vailooked apoa l-y men «« <*",imi-'fi.i.:itui.!(; BeeMeat Whea the Tie-Otykk..> ri-jit Bted laat year, liar.-ard found a eaBBB

ofcontplaiat in tha ret'u al a. tha Tafc Uui*\vcr.-ity erear te _aaet tba Elanrard BopbocBoreton the fullaviag daj in the tdt-aaaa' n-gntta.a^litftttal v, i.i.h va deeai iiotnnly jBt-iletale but:i.,. jij, for thert B/aj bo groead vhatirrei oalahieh a elaje erev -oald oall en the Dahretafty,cr.w tu afree apaa .. B_eteh, or oaete t a e_ttav

pwhii hitiii.iii.l lie\k'itlilli.'S,.]ili..|il(iivs'to [nn .ii i U-. It ii t Uii- peai t li*- iji.mifc.t ta*

ipranaac] .>! the H tnard _Mp_NLaaa_aa over theimI ... their Dahrert-tj bai tho lagof tl.e Uat-Iwr-i'v in their huml> todtfeinl. Th.y bBTfl iu«'t

tbfl BlarV they -CBAghi to iin'.'t BMl y.'ar, and BBB

boataa Ifl a taaaaet thit, tra B-BBBB-C, ia Ihor-;OOgttlj¦.-.'.ti-f.i.'tort. Miirliastii.'ylinliini.rowd,,n thi'irf'iiiiol'tii.'viar bi'fore, V.ilc had iin-

p-trradtade-fwlepedto a ttfll freatec degrae,laad har taeeeaatfa "/ietadei bate ;|t s-*1 oea-riaced tho Darratd meu that totat good rervfaaj,u.ay aoaaaoetof Ketr-Hetaa. it k ta totatI__t.ntthe old ntory over ftm 1.tho tietOfBiti.nk leaa bm eftha taaqalahed. Aa Chartea ___X

taagbt tho Baadiaaa, u:id as the AaB-riaaaltaaght -r-ederiek, te EUrraid tdaeated TeJeint-) etraqeer-ag. l <»r ll m aad baa alan*ja beeaoaropinieothai the fir.t p'.o.l roviagjstyle on ___oefii aa vatera wa. t'nat ahieh tha;.1'. j'liu nawa of NevaBreBtvkk fcrroaghtlvith theta vheB tbej eppearad on tho'( harlea. It »a. from thaaa that Ilarvard'areva eaagbttheir a:ul their -tyle,aad f.r maajr y.'ar-, thej kepl it la thetaealTea,VaK' learatd it- taerita vheaU vaealba/lajed latheir fltftat tfeeawhOe, Kev-Teth a_wva had

taefl tbo Bt. Julin ih.'h BBll, Ood th.y, uUf,ta. *bt i.y def.-at, had ahaadoBed tho viatehedehopping Wtdtehell ttroka that formnriy davlthtgaiahed tbera. BoYala eaaat t" Hev-Tetklfur a eoacb. aad the Mettey of thaai la»t threeFlctori-t ibo-ra tha reealt.We ha.e n k'u*><1 *1> ni iii.t. to MJ on th'u race,

und on ____at_eaa nrartai gtaeralljr, bat era pra'ft-rto awitit thl full repett-L, which we _hoO re-

C4'iTe f.-r MotidayV puji'-r. >'or to-day we BBBCaBteat ta oir.-r otir ln-urtio.At oonfrratulations to

the Tala env, tad t.> Taienaiaaf in gaaeraL¦__________-_____--*¦*___.aa

Tiir iMti'i i ii titis tn iiiii'ii

Um xaVaaaat af hflflBBi nat.ire wiii paario laagarerDr. Pritehard afOlaagew belbte ba ia abtataelai Ifj hia and brtag bba vithiaaaj kn.iAnlawa tu whii'h tha aiiion ti in >t!vi a BB4M. tl..-human miiid aaa be refarred. Plitehaid i- ono'uf tboae tM paadoai oriaaiaali arho sct ltyebol-1opy at defiaace, an.l leate u-to vaader vbethetliiii.-.'d theta f" u btuaaa aatare d t__M_lp atp ..-

ahla btaa thai of the bratea. Gaetha eaeeaeelared he had aerer beard <f a ciine vhb bba did not thiak _-_a_e_feepeble tt*eota_aittiag;bat (.ofthe wa- dead betea tha thaa of PbIbmiand {-»ii!t-th ;r-t aad Pritehard. Thii ataa baah.-.-n tricd and C'livitti'd cl' tbfl niurd.r i.f hilvii. by -I'.kk poiaea. Tbare trere t»nt ttraeea*rciv.ii'!.. niuti'.c- bt tha a,t: a deaifB to n1-

eeira tl-feagb hcr deatb and hcr inothcr. a

legaaf vbkh it in imt Hear be could araath-i ol'lain; and B OMMB-V te Diarry hi-iwife'd Barteiaaid, with vheaa be bfl leaujbved in e:.-y ralathata, a-nl who cuiil.1bo no ihort- to bfaB ia4 a vtfc UktB,lio bad boon n^ ini.-frc--. Mr-.. Pritcli-ardara aot a j.-.ii"u. aat riadletire a-ft. Caa.\ _M ed of h.-r husbiiudV i.ifi.l. iity, sho bore withit. Het Bkfl-ber, c'.iijintr te Qleagov on a vi.-it.alao bociunc avareofit, and thoa-gh I^r- Pritch-1ur.l w.ii thaa bi .ireljr liffiiffcd in pOBBBBlBg hi-wife, tbe fact that Mr-. Tnylor knew of hia re-

ldti'.ne to tho iiureciiifiid, MoLefed, VBB

i'iiiiii|:h to Tini'ilatf him in'o another and ?;)..(., 1-ii-r iihiii!'.:. _____B_ghaat the ivholo protra, l.-ilir.._'f i., lii-tin^ from Ootobar litl M.'ircb, thaeeadaet ef P-itebard u to daalberateiy iu!.i-blood.d that Ua <.*>t.:: "l liii taggaet ae other]laaa theery of d.iiui-thaii tbat the bi-HNBMaaaiof bi-A erimea i* an argameat for their taape '.¦

bility. That ii ba i B _J_alpated bjr tho con-

i'i-..; ol the eriniinal, wlii.h, neverlhcl.^-,l'-av-i ii. i| iir.M'h in tht dark iis ovoi ubuutniotivc.

TL.- c(i'if.v- ion, h-i m oftaa bappeata, i- paaHjtrue aad largelp blae. Tiie aridaace aa tbetrial j.rovcd bojotti ull quettioa .Mrs.pritehaid d_ad -feaa rep flaaddeeaaef Batfaaoaj,vhich vaa fcaadfitfTamlnttf*** in the tramafib,livur, tpltaB, kiilucy, lu-art, brain, und bfood.Tkvo jilivniciaii8 who IBV h'-r Vhflt alive te.-tti-ficd ihiit -ho was eviibntly sufTcrin^ from theilejire.->iiiff fa-botl of an!iinony. For fvanioiiths, l'ritchard BIBIgitd tbat jioi.-on with thofuo.l and drink of hi.s wifo. Ba atti'iided ber

jirofcs.Monally dlU-Bg ftH that j-criod, w.-jit over

hcr, wiw A-sidnons iu his caro, and ncvir forgotto ba domonstrative in bid BBaotiflflt. He BBain lar bodroom trhOaObO BBBa the dinii.BB b.has jioieoncd. Ho carrics on hi.s intrij:uo withhcr nur-eiiiuid ail the whil.', and haktOI Mrs.l'ritihaidi.sdyinjf, be pr«--ents Mary McLeodwith jcwelry and bi. phutugnijih. When BBeldics bo goes to his rouiu and writcs in his diary.._17, Triday. I'icd l.cre at 1a.m. Mury.T.itie, _Bf owu bclovi (1 wifc, RL'.'d >. fflBrt] nojtDiiii.nt gurround.d her bedside, but like a

jiiilin, jicaicful l.mb of Owd, i)ansed MinuicJlavajt 1'iaycr on praycr till rnine bo o'er,,'cvcrla^ing love. Save BB L'.rd, for Thy BtkkT'r.on." We premiine it may bave been that

precioos entrj which togpested to the counsel!of Dr. Pii'chard a on tho gNOaai of,

|"mor»l niMUiity".the aBt-BaTI 0_9haBB___B,Mtji a Luudou pHper, lor " the iustigation of theUaviL"1 ;

H_. the eiuguldrity of tbifl BBBB doet BtO end'wi'.UUi'' erwmal, it, ax^nh W »hg __B_-Mll

witnea^e*. Two phy*icians were callod to at¬

tend Mra. rritchard. One, Dr. Gairdncr, wat

ProfeflROC of Mediciue in the FnivcrMty afG*aR>gi.w. Bfl fomid hia ,»ati«n.t excited, and iu t.-r-

ror at the id.-a that be UbOtld leave ber. He

proft-Hses that tho ORflfl BB__fll him. Ho 0V>

..,;i, ,l_wliat T M No ni.tlicin-', no stimul.iut-

-4KrUdBg Lut a pi.iin Loiled Bgg an 1 I Nt wihr. ..I." Iiitoan ngorahitflafkaad, Dr.Oalia>ri'-r leaBB tahara reflflOBfld, you AARBataaaflfput p..i-..;i. Hut whfltaTH ho r.-iiBoned or

thoaght, h-oaaaaetkM \nit!it!..-ct f imlstlnr.-,and hc n. ur BOtiflad anybody ofhhl HU-piciom-.

l>r. J.iiiu.4 Patflfiaa had a diir-Tent experi-goea. He wa ciill.d in F.Lruary la RH ltn\Tovli.r, the motlicr, and foand her d\ iug. a- bflLil'i.ved, from a powerful narcotic In the

Maabad with Mrr-.Tay.or, lay h.-r daaghtar,UJlB, Prilih.inl, and Dr. .atorsou tcstilios he

tTn ii wai ...nviiii'.'d _M wastiii.l.-r tho inilu.-neor.f;iiiiiin..t'N-. Hagoagavaj and-ayi aothiag.A aaal latar, beiiea_adtaifltj Mr.-. Plikhard,nnd findl ___ Tuylor nlreu.iy IflBd from th..

p,.i,o. BB-Bl which ho had befom BBHI h.-r

raflbring, Da _ ia__d to one a.'t of or-

dimiiy iHllilH^flHOfJ hfl lifi-flfl to ccrtify to

the <iiii4.. ol Mrn. T.iyl.-r's dflBth, aud writ.M to

tlM-teg-tm that hairdaath waa "fladaaa, un-

RSpeeted, nd iiiyntcriou*." Had tbe Bflg-trar ia tttat lettat ordand a po-t-mortem ox-

8inii:ati..n <>f MiJ. Tuylor. it would nndoiibtnliyhavo tared Mr*. PtHflhanft 1 iie, l"it the d..c BOthlag, an.l M l»r. l'.itcrson dof*

aothing Ou thfl ttand and in a lattai bfl BBI

Uaefl tviTtlcii, hc iiilinittid ho hcliiivcd Hr.Piitchii.l lia.l poiflOBfld Mr-. Taylor. aud wan

poiMtalaghii v (<-, Lut be di.l BOthlag bfljaaalwrite to the Ke^Htrar, for two rrusonfl.itRlight not have BMB wmto, and it BM cleaiya|f-i'i"t etiipntte f..r him to int.if.-re! Dr.Priuharl VTi-aphy-i'Tiiii; hi- wtftWBI under

hboBiaj Mhedidnotohaon to nad for Dr.I'.Tti IgBiB, Dr. l'ut.-r. .ni IBWBOaecfllitaite iiit.rf.Tc. arith injr iataatioa he n.ight baaaafpoiiO._g wifc aad a_b*i aiathfli both. Tho,-T it .-ii,. nt iiuiy taad liko ;i RBBBI or I .-.i'ir>'.itis thfl lit.-ial truth; it i* Dr. PatflffBOIl'l of thaibbrbbbwhich indaeed hhntoloofcon two Biarden irtthoul ra_iaghii haad t<< ,-uyth.'tn. Wflflflfl still, Dr. P..I.T-OU RfflrUI Imhflld a cou-.i!i.iti.>ii arith omb or taro otharphysfcigM «f Qli joar, nnd Ihej agraed aithbim pniffjfllalBIll d.-rorum Voold i."t

nli..w liim to iBtgffOflfl bfltweea Dr. Prftehardn-.d Dr. Pritcbard'n uifc whoin bB wa-fdilOB'inir. Hc wa-. .-cnt for Igflia OB Ull I7ih Maiflbninl f.nind th.: iritVa lyaiptoiBi Um Muaa,ballarribly aggraaatfld. Bhfl ai «!. irly dy-ing iVi.rn Rfli BM. Bl pr.- flribad f«>r l..-r,w.-nt aarajr, gad Rflithar rataraai, nor dt>nouiic'.d hcrii.iir.l.-r.r. Bfl BRJI a-xj>1 i. ;tly: Mldid not go bBflh baaBBRfl it WBB BOM tt myBadttflflfl. HM bad Lor baabaad, aha wai a imiT, I had diflebarged my d..ty!"Ili. ".liiy" baiag in l.ii vi.-v. !.. 1.1 thi-wnii: im. ii- im had ul n- ily L'i ber pmther,Lo narderedi W« eoafMi pi Rra Btterlyat a Iflfll ta vhy Dr. PBtfll "ii

BRI Bat Li'.n RfiBfltfld and tri.-d a.4 an

¦ORflBRMJ L. lorc thfl f B t t>. th.- d..i:Lle inurder.Thejadgewha tri.-dFrftahard ii.-.-iy had boii.uiht of Pataraoa'a gailt, in bbmbIi if not in\mwt tot ha daalaradi "TharaigarBlflaf _fl.a coiisidcnition hig.l r thun rala R datj vhiflhevcry rigbt*H_adfld BMB owa tolu- oeighborto j.rcv.iit tho dflfltraatiaB af haaiaa Ufog and inthat tlmy I (.aniiot Lut Mfl that Dr. pRtflriOBfiil.d."OfotM thiii/ tve are ptirc.tliaf Dr. Pritch-

ar.i'.- (atl ou tbfl ir.ilh.w. i4 l'.ir l.-.-.- t -rrilile thanthalift whi.-li Dr. 1'at. r-..n nri-t h.Tit.'furthUad. IfthMfl !". a aata iaORaat Britaia iMobi-. fcllt.w-mcn will uvoid and wboin hi- profe--ainii ii lK.iind to twvar witii uaoratka an.l

-nipl, thnt n.nn il Dr.

Wt rrr.jii.-ritly rccivc (anplalatl of oh-friic-UODI BBBB thfl ridflW..R| ull well IdUiulci, to

whi.-li wa ara raajaflalad t<> diraat thaattaa_aaof thfl pro'i.T antlio.Ttics Ly j.ul.linhuig the l.-t-tflgRdf tha c<'!!ipliaiiiant.4. Wo IBflBBfltfl.1. dc-cli.'ie. <»:ir .-(.iicc i- too jir.-cioiii to lw taken upwith ccinu.uni.Ti'iou-i cxp.i.iiitr what evcrybodyhaowi il a poblio iiuI-'an.¦('. hboat which the au-

t!i. rit are a.- well inforiii.-.l 11 tlie ptihlic, audknow a grcat d.'.il Lcttcr that sueh nuisancesbbb la dlract rkdRrtoaof tba Or^iaaaaaflb The

propti 'Aiy to pgoeafld i- ta_u_a IhaBoarplaiBtit.i Um I rta_flUaaieaari ot Pollca ortbfl Attogaajottl ¦¦ ('"iiiiii'.ii CnTiicil. The Bbgtraat.flM

wa btrttt, tfrtntrtimfri BMdfl Ly pBTB_t graatfldbj the, thongharhan ha gal Um ituihor-ity to b I iflldfl th.- laan ag do n«.t k_aar. Nordo Bffl know v. bathflf tb,' Attornci to thfl Com-mou t'oiin. il can wtkmaftt thfl ordinIBOflfl )t>Tu.iii-»tthfl pcrinit ofthfl M kjog t" .',h a BBigBBBIf bfl rannot, tben thcre i-. no romcly, aud thepatieal pablk mail ooatantadlj lateak tta ddmov.-r LnrreN, heZM and drays, or Rbaadoi theridaaralhi ind take t<> thfl paTaaaeata, Bo laagri the pr.¦-. Rt q t.m «xi t-., tha atorflkeeponwin. coi.mlt t ii< ir o'.Mi coBTeaionoe at tha ea«

pi-i. ¦. cf |..k- fi -Ly only Rl ii.".. iujm'ICOIIiJ'liillt.-. _

llalrl I'rrtaaal.

r.ov. Cortin arriv.'d at the KfltPBpalitaa Ho-ti-lcatiyj R*ia*7aaaralflBaad WI i» ti"' aftaraaaaf..r Si.-r.uya, wliirrlie wiil r.'i.niiii for aliout a f,.rt-night. Tl.o guli.'rn iltiti.<a, din irikf hit n). -<. i..¦,il.M.lrp u|k.ii theSfcictAry nf Statr-. th.' II.m. Rll BJJ-trr.W.T.\mm\WaommnpMWi W. A. KtrUaad, V. B.

¦Tarji Mr«. M. II. BtBBatt. tba datiaaroiabrcl aatlunr-Bta. furni-iiy iMartba llnnr. ButU. of Norfulk,V... nB.l Dr. D. I.') a and vrifi.', IT.iLnii'li.iii.i, at* ailt,. Vt.-tr..HitBB Iloli'l.

i,. K. Raxtflfl, Itrn.'t Oen. ('. A.'i.-i. ColWm. C Ira'aTin. blnj,.r Ab_| bfoar*, l.i-il.-i ..1.Haarj Baga, U. B a__*i K. M. Ilaeh, l. i*. Bflry,h 1 ('. _ iUtrrj, Ljont, ITancc, aie ut tliu llnioort¦aaaa,.- Qaa. K. Iniralli. I' B. Artny, and V. S. IVli/ l". S.N nr. mr M Un' Kifll. Avi'iiu* HaMt

I.l«'tt.-4 Tim. .Ln B. XharaMfl aal PaTMaatar L> M.RciiTil, V. 8. Nuvy; Lnuit A. (i.alri niiil Bit.'. I'liilvdi-lpl.ia. and M. I). I^frcca Aiid Jai.glit.r. Waablagtou,bi*M H..¦ Baaaa. W. Waia. k'ntl \Arr. Baglaadi War.l M.-Allltt-r, Mewport, aad Cat. .*!,.. II. Will..., Vi.ka-barg. ar.' at ii..1 Keur-\.irk Hn|..l.

I. ( DiK'gl.ka, l)readeii, B.iiouy, lt at the CfaU888*81H-tal.

aTha OU Blarhri.Kbw li.DW)Kn. Fiiday. Jalylfl. Wk%

Tio oil market ia eieited on aooount of th"n.-ra nf tlie drpr-ilatlona of tha pirati- Bmmmmtomk, BMt..ld«Nricf whalaoll will i.uroe a prlt-a. ln

tparm. ia! i Iiar* t^.n n.aila «.f IM M.'a. at Rl H?t p.-rl'hUoii, und 383 a+la. at an BJiaflBfl Rlaah, .JB.U*tb!.. In ahrtla. .'.7ul)bl». Northi-rn hiiN« baa* ...l.i nt

| 10. '.atl Ll '». at tn b.In iui>*. aml '-"¦') 1*1)1. »t 8< l >

_it g»iiDB. fnah (('.wit -jo.wo wk%%


SP« M !i:ai» Tl.e N. Y. fM-flflfl.wjaaarotoa oi-ia-, Jab n, i***-


Tho .spocial obj.'ot of the I .-Kcbel Oea. Pk'kT.oh.r. ln viaitinff WatMnirtu., ia to lmportnae the

I're.i.leiitfiranii.terrlew with J.fT. Davia. .*.___BBaaad in Baaaaj the B-aaHaat .atMtdty, but reoetvedno dfflnite rdMVM un.l wna H.BBMtl to .ail agala.To dnr boin_ the occnaioii afaC__ni.t, be or

(.oi:ra..wflsnut;a,ln.lttcd. Ho ttUtt ******* J*ercised atoHit tha deslr 4 lntcrriew with Mr. IBrls.

bt akMkto partienli-r niotivci are ln hnn ao

¦ta oau tuxxniae.THE THIRD INFANTRY.

The 3d U. 8. Infa.ilry bata _een ".fe"-"p.ri__jiently to duty at <ien. Otaatt- BIli.BBrtBM

!¦__¦_¦ to QOMbTOB-B..Miijor-Ccn. G. M. DodgB BBB been BaeieBaMj

to the peneral ooinmau. of ail Unltad Sfatet foreea

a. rvlrff ln KansaB. Cotondo. Nobraska, Montnaa, and

thnt BBtttofl of Decotah lylnf? we.t and so.ith of Mia-

.ouri Btrer. Majaa-flea Aifred nnnalia ha. aaaa

Baaagaal to tha cmmand of tho Diatrkt of Wu.ouaiu,

hottd.iaarters at Milaaukee, Wis.


A report from Gen. Spr.ii.ii-, Aa. i-sUnt Cuiu-misaloner ofthe Freedaien for the Htatea of Mlnsoiirland Arkantaa, aoenropanled br a r.tiinher of other re¬

port. from offlcera aotlng nnd.-r his su|>* rvi-ioa,reached Oen. lloward's Bur.-n- t«-d»y. The follow-

ir.fc c-itratt from Gen. ..prafue't report tk.iwa the 88-0______¦ !n wl.loh he holils the loyalty of a iax_e auniberof the rx-ople of tl.e Btites mcntionodi

I rei-ret to sar t'nt even now In Mia^onri and Ar-krtneaa wb.-revr'rti.. p..wer of the Gorernment ia n.'tfelt tUronrh its altttai] .rm. tka iieKroca are atl.l tiein

and tr«-at-.l aa ttortM, an.' lt la from th.-ae f .rm. r Matflownera, n..w vinlatora ofthe law. from wln.m the < ryooaatantlyeameetkafl "the iuw won't w.,rk. u.e tomgktaaad. Ba fcaia la aaaaa way he wfllBeekaatedoatefktolikertr. aaditto a; tinn it is theaettl'd iM.lirvofal'WYemsJ'.rityof fortii'-rBara awaan t.. aa-apOakbi M..te leK>a,ation aud byflurrrt rlotottoBef t.oiuw wkaltkaj Lave f-iUd tu a.-

ooapltok by ratflf-toa,In .'oniliiaioii Gen. Spripne «trniip!v orfre* the poliry

MtoBBtag or BBBaag the IflBAto in .mail qtiantiti. s tu the wliu huve proveil thcmtelvce ca-mMe of thu

alflflfa by t'.eir iiit.'lliK^i'.oe and itiduatry. He beii.-vcs

! that If tina courae were pir.'i''.l alnioat every frecdinanla Ikl IBbM aaMI fca laai-tir* by hia own labor and

BMOaiailMBBl fkaraky be ii't "f the eipcn** it ia now

toaaulBfkylkakanaaf laatoaa M the de.tit.t.'. Ea

JMia.iQri, Bf to Ju.e B. I l. tfJmUM drcw _B_fllCotcrB-taal rati'-na, while the fr_f_men. BNOBkertBg.1 dr.-kt-'nt'.','1''... Tka m>.iiey vaiue oi tl.e rationt

Ikl - dr.iw u BB-BBaJai l" |l.->i IBA RKBl.I, I'AfllK.NhD.

:. K. Dill, prtaptiatat ef Tkt Wmfkit -fppaai..!. Lagtaatrar » kra»a___g la-BBaaBaa, tgBaw-Bf tkflu, n.rtiiDesof the fo i,--.-..<i ate army. waa to-d«y P«r-

,1 ,:. .1 hy Ba I'reiid.'.'.t. .laJteina; from his protratatlonaBflMMMtlajaBTBBl BB t-Vtaaatd U.terininutioB to

kflteflBet make hia new A,'i«** an expoueut of true

i ai .i.uii. Ma aaarratatoa i. gataaaa.AB0BB8I liTOEN. Al'Ot 8-

T!ief..lluAiii)r ord.r. baaad by Gea. AagBft.i-.lay, it lntrii'Blu.g BBBttB-B e!aa. of our pnaent and

fut.irr rtoatoraiAl! BBrBBBa heretofore ledonfin'r to tbe Bafcel ami"*.

arrlrlaglatkto-tty, aBI laaedlaMly oa ikajraiTirBlreport in p*-ra..n to Ifcaaa fce.dqBB.MtB, and fur *

aaayaf their auiLinty for larin< Those ik-*' int' .- rv who have not fllrefldl BBflB eo wi lat "-iiaja* i'»m

pjj aritk ik.- r.-.|i-_viuents of t. .s ortier.THE CASK OK CAlT. WIR/.

The trial of Capt. w../. tbe AadenoBT-Dajaihr,dllaatBaaaaaBta-aaf na wa. u-BcaBflaaO. A

pr. iimuiary eiainiaatiou ol the -itueaa.-a it BBWBalagmaiie for Ihe purpose of preperinif tne ap. A-ili.-itioria t>>

tl.e rharirea pref«rred airuiiat hnn. Tiia wHdoiiliileeacommt-ni-e in the esrlr p*rt of noxt we*k.

INTEHNAI. BSTBBVI i'K< bMOBB.Tha Cuniiiil-iu'.er aflatarnal t_eraaae ha-

made tho following de.'.a.'in.:That tka lata raaa Bt wfctok a aaaaatlaa aatf kt

ni.Mie fr»m thr aii.i.ii',1 of ineome epattot t.> r.a n Ilt,whereai'iniilv aaadhf u.e Mra _» aaU atok-taae-renu A tu- ii'.d in.ip ia xot n i.l.Kiout trei-t, with.nthe ra.-aninir <>f Ihe IflrW, and MM JBrBBflpeddltog tho si.ine muat hara a p-ddier'a BeaBflfl.riimp laga, N'rcd lor Uae, ns waterBM are not tut ib..- a. BtMBBtatBtaa Infercet iaUl todepoalton bv ^«vlll(:a BHi,ka i. contiderrd a dividondwni.i'i tkaBBflaiag <>t Baattoal-UM tka Uv., and thetaxof _l*ri-.-ut BMBM _ewithh.-l.t. ttrrel' and Ba <1tu tka OniatBBtent An aaa-r-akiag aa a elai.a fcj .¦

ihird ii.rtv. aader tke Bew-Yak statntea, i,., {Muagreenieut'. aud ia aul.Ject io a r.tacip duty of . .e_te.


'J'iii. rtiinor of the _iij»oiutu_citt uf Mr.Wrhaier tl ia moruinif 4'iu_>e.l aucb an ar._a_c_e u|h.u tho I'i.' he iflflaOfld t» retall

il. ii,.1 leter iu t!ie davnnuio ti.efolio.k ii.(f nppoiiit'iien'sin which he epparently ai'iic¦'. -t a betwerut!.e tkto factiona by IMtttkatlBg tl.e reapeetiie app-lnt-iiioi.Ij ae -. nh na p_a_i_ia aiiioa,< the opiajaing otolm-anta of '-oi.'i partiea.

r...t:ii..»ter Willia-:. B. OBtflflfli ('..U-.-tor B4rWta11. Tfrkattrj N.k«l OBtoar, W.J. i: ¦>¦ Bon i r,Kddiaatea rahflai Uadtad Maaa Mankal, Wabiiia-U) I'. .: ;illlt, I ll.t.-d Mi.l.r. Lllallii 1-AltOrUlT. W, J.Joaca Ckiaf Appralaer loht I,. Meredith; AssMaatAppr.Uera, t .,'t. ii. _'. Aadattta aai Tkaaaaa luegi.nii.ii.

JOIIN cociirim: ON BBOBO iCfl BAQB..luliii (.'o<*liriine of your cBjapoke Ereaa tho

portioo of WillB.d'it thla evemnp. in ynponte to :i »err-

nude. mukieir quite a Iriitrtlik harau^ue, iu whieh lie

vioinntly oppo-u'ii tegre laO-afa. i<urinir tim OaBvat]of hia aj^eiU he w_a tttufit ntly int. rr.pied by liL-.x'*,crJL-aof Copp-'rheiul. and ratiier Ifliateiflaa iniiinflttoaa!h it auch .etitiiii.'Ula V-BB not tulf-.-ubl.-, rveu lu Wuxh-

Bgtea li*- fin-'diy aaaaaaiaa. aud retirad aaid aaaaof hSa.j, by a l'ew Bp-^laudiug vo.oe».

n:R.S(.NAl..Soiieiti.r Jardaaaf theTreaaatp Departmf-it

|.:ivea for a feiv iliikr' i- tl.e i-niiiify l.'-ni.i-

ion. Bariag Maipaaarf akaaaaa _ir. Btoto/, .upor-rtolag BjMjctol -teaaarj tgaat, wfll attaadtakia dui.ea.


The (i.neiiii Lana oiiicc baaJrAtt feeeifed tha>uiv.'.v of "Kuiii'ho l'oti-ero Oa l»a t'arrit.H." c.-iitiin-lag 10,1-0 aaaaaaa tka kaf af Baa l-aaadaaa aaaaaOl¦tlai nat-H A-t «f th.- I'liy. iiu' fltola is aaaaVaaad ta

Thoinu. Paakeaa aad Aagi-Ma i-Waa. TkaaBgaMafti,.- rataaa i* M aaeara .. aaaaftaM la_k t.y paaaafl BaaBM i -nt'd Olataa,

TliK TBBABI HY MPABIUBBT.Tiic Treaaarp Depeitat-B-t, fcr tha vea| aad*

\*f2fwTfl%m***M 8_B-k_BflBM of indebt.-dues* to aad B-tMa tlie mm. perlod re-

iakataO OBeBkaOtafaaek earMBaaaa** Three bnudredaadaaraafratoa tk-asaasl doii_rt m fiut.enni _atk>r> ii.') le.u.'d duiiiiK'he eame wee!;, nnd ta-'J.iXJOItOBiiBfO 'ltier.-yet reiuniu ab.nit ]."-»fO) for!hounty toal .mder tl.e aararal aaM of Oaagiaa hefore

th.. t'oBmiasioB.-r of Peasioaa.llo.-l'ITAI.s

AJI tho Artay Oeeetal Eloapitala iu t;,e Dt>trtot oi.r.-liiinbia, with the exo.'pti'.ii nl' aix. are to be

ra ..ied aml BaBaO iawa m tue brtkaaaakag week.

T. tka B-aaatatad \'r*u. 1WdU-B-BDTCe. TtiatJ, .Iu!) 28, Ito.. |

rioCTHKItil M ktU. (Tha followin- ordcr w,ia i- i ed le-dar: tTatll,

lotbaxwiMead-red Mlbtor Attaata, Aagaata, Btaoaaiand WeM PbIbI, _to_, MaatgaBarj. Al_.. an.l foriH.intH ooatigaa-j to tkaa aaretal pi-*ea and iietw.-.nil. n aad .'! Mtaaootra, T.tni.. aaj l^inrwanledtothatd, itinattoa ».. Naakvllto, T.-n.,.. ...Uiiera hannir taaa.ietail.'.l tot aen ii«' ou tho aereral r.-a is. aad p!..«'«d toakatgaM ikaBaM-MBaaawkatarM Ifcaaa are tuiiitaryBflaM.

TIIK HK.-l.At aaaa t-. the tfa-fBteaietBi in the

[ak-da iii.iifi:. -Oi "M P1""1 Oaa '-"O to ;« _e

gteaa Ir.'. OK roLOB D wraBMBk

M.«..i-.i..- ¦.. v .... iu hia <¦'.-,.' ..I Ordeflosied i- il* rrtoy. »B-Bt Tfcae I i* rtfc_...:' vtr_:i,ia k.,:,.,u tke limiU ¦'! iba Bevarttaaat »r

W-»tui utoB kl - ....

pornnna, a Pn.Toat Conrt la harefty aaMhMahfd IB Al*«.inilriA to have ..lolmira juriarfiitiui ln nli oaaaalnrulring the riitlila of uhia.hi. or nronarty jfi-.iliireit i>'-....nn ri'.id*nta ,,f tne di/iur.'i riforeaaid TbtaCdi.rt will rcc.-iro tlie to.timony of onlurm) piTtoi^wi.l. no uiIht litiiitAtiona thaa thoao now aCraHag tbataati'iinnv of abit* p«ra»n*. The Provoat .arabaJGaa,ofthi- Dofeatoaaouthof .fco IVornav Uoinvir.i! uiuthefxer-'it..." of thiaorder. '1 uia or;l r will n-Dirua u. (,,rmtonill ti.e Vir-ii.ia (Tmrta hare i.roi.iflit tli.-ir ; intohai ...iiiy M-itii tbe exi.tiiiK alnta ..( uBurtCapt. M P. FUtierof th.- s.v«.r,.t Di-.triot.if f.>la_ht*Tauutean, U appointed I'm-.out .) ni-.- ol a. 1« ourt.


BfrakrcTy of Omr. Ilolgra ItrBal Bjampm.Ibizrn bb! lha Ttin Whal Will .hrn tha Traapa Leatr tha Btaia.a Clroaj at Krhrl Joaratl. FittrtlAppaiateca aud tha Oath.Caaaaeattaa,

KaleioB. Mondar, July 21, tagg,Gov. Holden ha* rccovored irora bis rooeat

illuett, and it at hia poat again.Tba laiyp laDdl.of.ierB in thla city aad coanty, .ba

ooraprise the anstocracy aud leading; Kobo.l traaatbiaera, made a atrongr effort tbroug;h Oor. Holoaa Ubare the Oorerunioiit tax tuapejided, but faiied, aad aatlu.w- [iroti.ptly paylng; thf.r tuxxa totare thtirproatrM.Tkt Ki>'. mh Protjreit <.-iiutli>'!''i tu mnko fretk da

oloaurct nf tbe ileaijjTia of tho Rehel element (a tb*State jB.i.'iit I'lnmi men ai.d iiiiir.iri, t>. be j>ut iagBrtlri-t abaa the troop* are withdrawn aml th* aaaRlflM garsraiBrflt goe. Intooperation.The UnUigk Standard tayt that Kebel papert ar*

-ij.riiiguiir up in di-crent i.artu of tbe St .ta .btob..i»:i!y ili'u.i.itii o the GoTornmont and prumuigala.i-oh.ob uf aucli a ilanr-crnin. <finr.ii-t.-r that ' i.aaadinte tapnri.aaion would he juttitiuble.Moet oftho Foderal appoititeea lo S'oith CaroRa*

BT* uhbI.I'. tu ..iialify. not being in a pca-.tlur. to takatli.- uat.i prctui iri.'.l by ('onicreit. Amo.iu; thla aaa-l.»r ia tho II.m. R. I*. Dlck, /econtly appointed DtttrtMJ idfre.Tha aanouncernent that the arrokTant Rehelt of Vir-

gia.a aro to iflflMr* the full bcuotit of tho ConfiecatieaAi-tia r_iaiug mauy friondt for th* AduiiniatratMBin North Carolinn, abere the aurne rlgor ia gieatiyneeded.

A Bralal Kr. ji-r af r» Hrhol Vrieoa.WomKrporKil Killrd »l.ijor Jaha II. tiow

Wbat by a ajaullii-rn llraartrr.

Vfhflfl Btoaeman'i oaralry entarwl Hai -b'tiy,.V. '"., baB "B|.rtnr. atrl Bfl wwt tl." ; .;'> ifligM -atfea Balal bmtMm BMravMb Ba_agrlaMtra Uakm.Ii hn ll. (;,-». Banaariy co.n.n*r,dBnt at ".'. MatUifor Miiu.iry i'r.- i nt t1..t p.ii.t. aBlahaaaaaaa >f

ttograaflaalBaaiai a..d m Maraal trraai. HbaA aa i wo

[fiaeadtha >afllt»hMtMd ta*,*rd t ha. . ladbaacoyor aiii.e l>eeu heard of.A ppi.tloiiian from Sulnburr, l"ipr a I'l'iiiTt

airn thut tiee wat ih'Jt |*ad ^»*r ObarlMM bj 4 'M>*J.!rt*rtor who lui.1 ruNToil T-iik."«nce anaii <i _8 VIaJo*fo.-B88B8bri.tai.ty, aud fl-8 " BMhwaahi l*th*1 .'t.i

wliio bo wat ridlngthroi.f»h a pir>o thii-'. ¦¦-.

Of al the MaaadN- a i.o sitleDiatical.'y atrr.-d aagfrog" our brare ...l.i.ora ln tho prlsor. p*-nt rjf I ->.) S* il*.

tLore araa nnm- mo:.' B__B8aR BBafl more d mmtt agIhaRMawhMhaa.aMhaia wMlatai bt_,tha* aHe it na, wtio. wl.rn A^wod if MR r^t.oct aaM 11 >t Wa

giTon thi-tturrtHl Aid r'ylna; tTn...n ..ri-onera m D*

oombar. MH *a _¦ MBBBflflflM VMfl M NftMl".V., (;_,!-n t^iem, g!re tb.-m .iiiartart*ti.ra, .U

more (Lnn they .l-'-orr-." Ho t. o .>« ro,i»>'i ¦". - tn

lhaaahl-h.aaadflMBBaara al our o.;.t ipa _Ma w:.^b

tliftattcmpiod a i. v> urrod on B_g r>UT -»f Na-yonil.orl.iat. W\ hupc :!.e teport of hi. dr-.'.n .t aa_

f.iiiinli-il. fo; aucti a M I - ih.-uil BM l>-' ? rui.i_4tolirr.

Iron. tkr rtia.ia.ippi »allry-l'k« fatiaa

Moai8i Maia.Ml ad laiiav, affllj H -1'"

An «:t -. il ri.m N ... ,...,' i: > l.ilnaof co...... f..r IkaXflM i"l WO B_ Ht L IM I.Miiijtlit ;.). balaa p*M*d .(. Im ^i baalaA ttaamet fi^ ,irln -ii Kivur b&a _r l a

\i. I, . -i ,tii aa t»i >-..Tba blaflkphl* aaifcM t BflahflflaaA 1!i" BMflhaB

ttota aaguflg a*i* r*r* b* .... bM *ll Mthraaattaa ono-

lifiia l'l" ipinion ia tw..'«r.-.'i.' lima llm ui i.i. Jkuf th* ..'t".i Ail' be iu.

Tbatruop*¦.« at bfaaiflbt*, S.0>») :-i iin mt. a la

aappmad vlB b* dlrUeal tnta aaaada rui-l paatafl "a

tlio coniitrr li» BMlatalB U'n aii.I[^ i'.i:itlu io t.» Ariiro At Cairo, *fl RB M ^ hb" *.

be iu .Aii"'l VJi.

Monm. nl. af «?.¦. *.rnia1.S«_aro.iA, VMAaB, ..! %\ '"'-I

T.i.-.T.-r.. a. Cl'iint m»d Si id BriVfld hrrathla I--."...,-, Bfli' d -.'.bj :.'.;..ii l Opera BaaaaAftrraard kagar** raoajBaa :.. th* la g« tat ...««ftiiic-nt parlura oftb* Di.Hatal, ahar* i !«7'' i"*i.or of th* liM CaabloBofth* |.. iaaab_abi.j »aiul.. a ..l aflthtttlaafioaBy graM d bl "

Btii.fl 4 arbrtiT rv, r/.-.r .,t |Ba B >'. IVOflflflNir: Wi-ri'kii in >i»'ir jotiriia! oi" t.--' n «. -.

for tbJtoiio and full i.t.o. ail "n!y tn. '...y aflB \* j«r-arxHiod f.r the't..o.if the l;fe of tl.t H.i. Wi1Iiaj_II. llVflrd. M-ot.jVit m Vl..i ;t t.i L-i \*7|iaIikiioi t BaaMfl CarhaMI 1.1 a uni flaaarvlaf .»¦' it ic.a*tt tiuail ahuie ot BaUsal Ho ia BBV, 1 n .. L

tfiag ln haapHal aiak. I prayaM ihagflaahaa MMflli* t.ikou up fi-r liini, wn a 1 a .". il ».' ti)V'ory n'tpotrlfuily y<< :r«,

tiy>, ih _Lantait, Ba aaBraaalaflfOi?t V, i<. /..-'.-.!.., Raa IWI, la B '-¦

I.iin's Lbttbi .«) Mosbi ,..Thfl dloariaflrtt.r from La t'< M abj »n. aap|..- 1 laM Bft i wjooeof our ..rtic. ry. bi.'I flhaVI t!m' BBB BaarafM flflMloiuiiiltti'd M)d Hfl! ul tha

BflQBfl \' at Bw io nv \Tkt«.i>.A btpt (.). :-(*4l.i'tn. CoL ln tn BL Muafll CbataMaal .y. \-.

('ou).m.i t.i.r BMort ..f tbo ooBratloaa >< ni am*¦aad froa tA. .». >.t' .arouat ih« .iti. ot aagaaaflaflrlt. r.-i ilin .1.

1 r«.iii in.i.-li grat-foil bj t'.a'i.-tn.i. ind -n. ;i ya h*»a

dif|iL.Nfd. umi il. -ii.' ti.rvi'i'-'.i t. f nta I.. j .-.fBaafthabrara uBtcara _d ioouof yoti.- i'imumiau.I t»r

Ib* lalaabla *aiTl*r toth* eoaatrg.Tio ...I .>» .f yaii.r li»>- ... eoapartaaaa ..

daroBgc n.rlioi. u|an, e... n.y ia . ralil >¦.- M ».>"«

oaajaug.fBtaailM r-i.e Mtt-lngra** aaa] .*i,-.arf-.irtbo**aha«g<aM«dyeaiawtara. l bopoyoa * "-;»"_a« t.i ln.rr-.--i R a taa***** traaa. aa nraeb .n p ........« r**tr*_ha*l -t. Maurcba n-.. lulhorio m taa

I'.iur.ti.'.iaahichyoaataagaaatioa. 1 i! * ,%- wajota loti.T wriit.'i. BB*M Ua* aiu'" ia (..«.. Ma ongiaM

you, aud i i f. Bl a' al jJ Maottaai H ..'

\i-ry r-.tionifaMy. f. ~t >¦ wil.ert i.r. .

ll ¥.. l.i, ..-i.-.-.l

fy_at«._n of HfRBUBtm tOiV'*-s.i.j.v. Aaaaa 1,1 p. _- R*. .» MM R*n ¦.

it. i.t. i BaaVg, hugaat*, Ifgaaa nMtow .. " .*r_M_Mhaat_ tha UaaOaa*** 1 aaaa rf

I'm.iii. At 'ji' aa. Ui aaal baa I .. '.

.iatg,bgth*B*r »:. A. ia.. B. D.. af Aabaga 1S..u.inary, N. V. TaB*_aj ov-iiim. I_ta*_l It.I ¦»**.Uf, WoduatJay. hagaal hOgaRtaiaali .«-r aa* »r

iliB(Jra.liiati-.iglU..Mtat-.-iU.a.i,i'i >) K .-. 1 8. il laaa

o; OBBBBB, N. Y. »Vad Ly na l ( ._ n oy t v *

hflflahfl Oflh. rraol.'ti laaaa Ih_a_g, t*

aji.. .«bal.«ti * a ta*..lAaflaaa bf oa ttou >

ln. b.rJo. IgaabrrFal.. K. Y..C_u ol

Pftrnii by K B. o..j. o: ( >n a, -' a.

a. m. Tl.e l.i'ei.iy t.». tMaa « n lx ...rBB*d .< '."

gtMaBaa.laaaaaaaaTtbaAlaaal »' <... v-

Tb. prp.i'> niai>ti..g of t).« Aluumi .". l i>-

A,|urta,At 9a. m.. al tha L**tare-i t al -

|liju.llT.iir.ri. 4 H.'. . .-, r t! - Al .Bi a . ¦'

beopotialll.* Loi'lnro r.M,_ al th. feagi .>

i.I..t.'.u.y «r-,-i-r. ... r- | .'¦-. ta tptf. li '*

i.^iitar tl.a.r BBBBM iBBBjaRMMg vn air 'i 1 fl

ui-rtiago: ti.a A-..>->.¦ i.m. -It MMblMlhal tga

AaaaMRMIa m. A'nwfuuaoia b.i«Ik»i eJatH ..lan-lAi.d Bi.Mng. »tBaBM.iMaa . aaataM 4

tignlit*fartbrri. .yi. -.¦ - .* **

p..rtifr..'utl.AiieA...... H- .,-.¦ ¦. I -"

jrx-k .j!t tr.ia. thi aall u. i. ,¦'¦' '"¦ '« "'

(-BjiMaaharsSl-aradoCal .. .;¦ - * .'" . .ill i« '-AMUtuuliN iraaaB.t '

,4lrohflbly af tb* Baaat ojaality attnitiaMc -


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