memory notes

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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Information Processing Model Encoding- the processing of information

into the memory system Storage- the retention of encoded

information over time Retrieval- the process of getting

information out of memory storage

Encoding: Getting Information In Automatically processing- unconscious

encoding of everyday information such as space, time, frequency and well-learned word meaningsWhat did you have for dinner last night?

Encoding: Getting Information In Effortful processing- encoding that

requires attention and conscious effortRehearsal- repetition of informationSpacing effect- spread rehearsal over timeSerial position effect- the tendency to recall

best the last and first word on a list

Encoding Effectively

Encoding Meaning- making connections between new information and what we already know

Visual Encoding- we may struggle to remember formulas, dates, and definitions, yet we easily remember visual images


Unless our working memory rehearses or meaningfully encode sensory info, it quickly disappears

Typically, we can store about 7 bits of information in our short term memory

Long Term Memory

Memories that are permanently stored Flashbulb memories- a clear memory of

an emotionally significant moment or event

Implicit memories- retaining learned skills or conditioning

Explicit memories- memories or facts and personal events that you can consciously retrieve

Retrieval Recall- memory demonstrated by

retrieving information learned earlierFill in the blank

Recognition- memory demonstrated by identifying items previously learnedMultiple choice


Retrieval clues- any stimulus linked to a specific memory (place, event, feeling)

○ Read page 190

Déjà vu- eerie sense that “I’ve experienced this before”. Cues from the current situation may unconsciously trigger retrieval of an earlier experience.

○ Read page 191

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