meerkat & meerlicht a next step in transient surveysvikram/bne_talks/groot.pdf · 2017. 3. 12. ·...

Post on 26-Jan-2021






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  • MeerKAT & MeerLICHTA next step in transient surveys

    MeerKAT 1st light: 16 dishes

    Paul Groot

  • MeerKAT 1st light: 16 dishes

  • MeerKAT: First 64 dishes of SKA Mid-1

    MeerKAT: ● 64 dishes (13.5m) of the SKA Mid-1. 75% ZA resourced● Now: 16 dishes operational, commissioning, no science● March 2017: 32 dishes, first science runs● Late 2017: 64 dishes operational, 5 year science program

    L-band: Tsys = 22 K, Ae/Tsys=6.5 m2/K

    UHF: Tsys = 29 K, Ae/Tsys = 4.8 m2/K

    S-band: Tsys < 30 K (tbc)

  • MeerKAT Science

    ● Five year science program● 70% of time allocated to Legacy Surveys (>1000 hrs), 30% open (ZA) time

    Legacy Survey Science PIsLADUMA Galaxy Evolution (5000hrs) Blyth, Holwerda, Baker

    MeerTIME Pulsar timing , GR Bailes

    MESMER Molecules in EOR Heywood

    Mhongoose HI emission Local Universe De Blok

    TRAPUM Time domain transients Stappers, Kramer

    Fornax Fornax Cluster Spano

    MeerGAL Galactic Plane Survey Thompson, Goedhart

    MIGHTEE Radio Continuum Galaxy Jarvis, Taylor

    ThunderKAT Image plane transients Fender, Woudt

    → Vast majority of time will be spent on

  • ThunderKAT PIs: Woudt (UCT) & Fender (Oxford/UCT)

    ● Fully commensal program on MeerKAT● Image plane transients on all (Legacy) programs● Dedicated data spigot allows 1-5 second images → Basic cadence of the survey● Science is on transients: explosions and outbursts.

    GRBsFRBs(ERBs)GWs SNTDEsetc.

    XRBsDNe CVsNovaeSN .IadMe starsAGNSymbioticsetc.

    Catastrophic Recurrent

    See recent work on Cataclysmic Variables in radio-optical by Deanne Coppejans.

    MeerLICHT: Take the 'follow-up' out of transient surveys

  • Radio emission of dwarf nova CVs

    Coppejans et al., 2016, submitted

  • Multiwavelength Science



    Accretion Disk

    Donor Star

  • Multiwavelength Science

    X-rays to UV

    Radio to Infrared

    Optical to UV

    Optical to Infrared

  • Transient = Multiwavelength

    Wavelengths trace components; Wavelengths trace physics

    Radio Optical Total Energetics

    Jets yes/no?

    Jet flow velocities

    Magnetic Field strengths

    Circumstellar densities

    Relic shells

    Outflow evolution

    Radial velocity curves

    Binary components/masses

    Redshifts if extragalactic

    Donor stars

    Time evolution


    Jet launching Relative delays Relative brightness Population correlation Rates

  • MeerLICHT

    ● Optical wide-field telescope (2.7 square degrees @ 0.57”/pix)● Prototype of BlackGEM-type telescopes; technically identical● To be installed on Sutherland, SAAO in '20inch dome' (Early 2017)● 60s cadence, filter sequence: g,q,r,q,i,q,u,q,z,q,etc....

    Twinned to MeerKAT radio array: 'always-on' optical-radio synoptic survey

  • MeerLICHT & MeerKAT



  • MeerLICHT



  • BlackGEM & MeerLICHTBlackGEM/MeerLICHT telescope

    ● 65 cm main mirror● 110 Mpix camera (1 chip)● 7 second readout

    ● Carbon-fibre structure● Fornax 200 mount● Fully robotic

    ● Status: Assembly and testing phase (ML)

    ● Commissioning: Feb 2017

    MeerLICHT● Operational: Q1 2017

    BlackGEMPhase 1 (2018)● 3 telescopes (8.1 sqd)

    Phase 2 (2020)● 15 telescopes (40 sqd)

  • CCD & Filters● STA1600, 10.5k x 10.5k CCD, 9 μ pixel : 110 Mpixel chip ● Scale on sky: 0.562”/pix, total field of view: 2.7 sqd/telescope● Readout time: 7 seconds (at 1 MHz on 16 ports), RON: 5.5 e- ● Status: Final, first delivered and integrated in cryostat

    Filters:Sloan u,g,r,i,z filters plus broad-band q (440-720nm)Status: delivered to spec (Astrodon)


  • Delivered parts M1


    CCD inCryostat

    Cryostat window

    Filter wheel


  • Data processing & products M1MeerLICHT

    ● 220 Mb per exposure → 13 Gb/hr → 150 Gb per night of raw data → 15 Gb database entry per night

    ● All data transported by fiber in real time to the IDIA in Cape Town(IDIA = Interuniversity Center for Data Intensive Astrophysics, PI Russ Taylor)

    ● On-the-fly processing using SkyMapper – MeerLICHT – BlackGEM pipeline→ Will include Zackay & Ofek algorithms, implemented by Paul Vreeswijk

    Static products (images & catalogues) available for all MeerKAT PIs.


    ● Dedicated data spigot → IDIA → imaging at 1s cadence

    ● Separate data base. User side join with MeerLICHT

  • MeerLICHT ConsortiumPIs: Paul Groot (Radboud U.), Patrick Woudt (UCT)Consortium repr.: Rob Fender (Oxford), Ben Stappers (Manch.), (Rudy Wijnands (UvA)) Project Scientist: Elmar Körding (Radboud)Project Managers: Marc Klein-Wolt (Radboud), Vanessa McBride (UCT)Instrument Scientist: Retha Pretorius (Oxford)


  • MeerLICHT in SKA eraLifetime

    ● MeerLICHT can operate for 10+ years● F.o.v. SKA-Mid = MeerKAT = MeerLICHT

    Network in SKA Partner countries? → Capacity building

  • Coordinated Facilities● B&E 2015: 'Plethora of optical synoptic survey facilities' (SRK)● B&E 2016: 'Cambrian Explosion of radio survey facilities' (Frail)

    And yet....only 1 coordinated experiment

    We must do better....

    Possibilities: ● MeerKAT + MeerLICHT + UltraSAT / Cutie (UV cube) + XMM?

    ● ZTF + Apertif + Swift + UltraSAT ?? (not a new thought...)

    ● VLASS + ?? (SDSS?, MeerLICHT_US?, Chandra? )

    ● BlackGEM-15 + ASKAP?

  • An Exercise● Parkes Multibeam: 13 times 14'x14'

    ● For Chime: 2.5° x 100°

    ● For VLA: 30' x 30'

    13 commercial 50cm/f8 telescopes + mounts = 13x 50 kEuro = 750 kEuro: 0.7 “/pixel, 1000 x 1000 pixels for 13' x 13' fov.

    13 times SHOC (Andor iXon EM CCD @ 10 Hz) camera = 750 kEuroFor 1.5 MEuro: full optical system

    40 50cm/f3 telescopes, no mounts = 40x70 kEuro = 2.8 MEuro40 times 4k x4k camera, 2.25”/pixel = 2.8 MEuro For full system: 5.6 MEuro

    Single 60cm f/8 telescope + mount = 100 kEuroSingle 4k x 4k chip (at 0.55”/pix) = 50 kEuroFor full system: 150 kEuro (!!!!)

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