meditation for self love and inner guidance - … · this meditation was adapted from one of my...

Post on 26-Aug-2018






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This meditation was adapted from one of my teachers Master John Douglas’s Meditation on Power Development Modern Techniques, Tools and Strategies to Boost Energy, Balance &


Meditation for Meditation for Meditation for Meditation for Self LoveSelf LoveSelf LoveSelf Love & & & & PowerPowerPowerPower

This meditation on Self Love and inner guidance will guide you through all the main energy

centers of the energy body by combining gratitude, the expansion of the heart, crown and

grounding for balance and enable a deeper sense of connection. The So Hum (So Ham, Soham

or Sohum) Mantra Meditation, when done sincerely, is very effective in bringing about a

complete transformation of individual consciousness.

The effect of this brief meditation whether stated inwardly or out aloud, will develop your Self

Love and a sense of connection to all that is. So Hum literally means "I am That" (So = "That"

or "Thou" or "Divinity"; Hum = "I am") and the mantra’s aim is to bring about this union

between your individual consciousness and Divine Consciousness.

1. Sit comfortably facing east preferably and close your eyes. Take at least 5 slow, deep

breaths. Visualize breathing in from your abdomen to your collar bones, and

breathing out from your collar bones to abdomen.

2. Place the tip of your tongue on your upper palette to strengthen and seal your

personal power and self-connection.

3. Say a brief prayer or invocation and whatever is meaningful to you.

4. Be aware of your heart chakra (openness center). Think of something that makes you

grateful and happy and focus on your heart. Say silently, Thank you for being my

center of love, mercy, and compassion. Thank you for the love for all that

is. Namaste. So Hum. Take a moment to feel your gratitude for this center.

5. Be aware of your crown chakra (oneness center). Think of something that you are

grateful for, that makes you happy and focus on your crown. Say silently, Let me be

a channel of Divine Energy. Thank you for being my center of Divine connection and

illumination. Namaste. So Hum. Take a moment to feel your gratitude for this


6. Be aware of your third eye chakra (vision center). Say silently, Thank you for being

the center of my inner world and empowering my higher knowledge. Namaste. So

Hum. Take a moment to feel your gratitude for this center.

7. Be aware of your throat chakra (communication center). Say silently, Thank you for

being my center of communication. Namaste. So Hum. Take a moment to feel your

gratitude for this center.

8. Be aware of your solar plexus chakra (self-love center). Say silently, Thank you for

being the center of my power and will to align with my soul and Divine

will. Namaste. So Hum. Take a moment to feel your gratitude for this center.

9. Be aware of your sacral chakra (vitality center). Say silently, Thank you for the being

my center of vitality and creative power. Namaste. So Hum. Take a moment to feel

your gratitude for this center.

10. Be aware of your root chakra (center of grounding and connection to Mother

Earth). Say silently, Thank you for being my center of abundance, supply, and power

of the earth. Namaste. So Hum. Take a moment to feel your gratitude for this


11. Visualize a tube of white light surrounding your body from the core and center of the

earth to the core and center of the Universe. Feel the white light flowing through you

from top to bottom and bottom to top.

12. Look slightly and comfortably around 45 degrees upwards with your eyes closed.

Silently Say, to my Soul, higher self, I am highly connected and receptive to the

teachings and learnings from my Soul and higher self, Namaste. Please reveal some

guidance to me at this time.

13. Sit quietly for a few minutes before gently opening your eyes. Feel your personal

sense of connection, gratitude for all that is and smile at your heart. This feeling is a

feeling that is your own personal feeling and sanctuary that you can go back to

whenever you wish.

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