medico-legal aspects of injuries: mcqs

Post on 18-Nov-2015






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Grievous hurt, assault, causes of death due to injuries.



  • Grievous hurt includes which of the following injuries ? A. Injuries which keeps the patient away from work for 10 daysB. Fracture of radius C. Abdominal trauma D. Laceration on the thigh

  • ANSWER : B, Fracture of radius.

  • 2. All of the following are the examples of grievous hurt except :

    A.Fracture tooth B.Avulsion of a single nail C.Facial burns D.Emasculation

  • ANSWER: B, Avulsion of a single nail.

  • 3. Grievous hurt includes all of the following except : A.Emasculation B.Permanent privation of hearingC.Privation of any member or joint D.Inability to follow ones ordinary pursuits for a period of a week

  • ANSWER: D, Inability to follow ones ordinary pursuits for a period of a week.

  • 4. A 25-years-old person sustained injury in right eye. He developed right corneal opacity following the injury. Left eye was already having poor vision. Corneoplasty of right eye was done and vision was restored. Medicolegally such injury is labeled as : A.Simple B.GrievousC.Dangerous D.Serious

  • ANSWER: B, Grievous.

  • 5. Which of the following sections defines dangerous weapons ? A.Section 320 I.P.C. B.Section 324 I.P.C. C.Section 326 I.P.C. D. Both (B) and (C)

  • ANSWER: D, Both (B) and (C) Section 324 I.P.C., Section 326 I.P.C.

  • 6. The punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means is given in : A.Section 320 I.P.C.B.Section 320 Cr.P.C.C.Section 324 I.P.C.D. Section 326 I.P.C.

  • ANSWER: D, Section 326 I.P.C.

  • 7. Section 320 of I.P.C. deals with : A.AssaultB.HurtC.Grievous hurtD. Causing grievous hurt by a dangerous weapon

  • ANSWER: C, Section 324 I.P.C.

  • 8. Culpable homicide has been defined in : A.Section 299 I.P.C.B.Section 299 Cr.P.C.C.Section 304 I.P.C.D.Section 304 Cr.P.C.

  • ANSWER: A, Section 299 I.P.C.

  • 9. Murder has been defined in : A.Section 300 I.P.C.B.Section 302 I.P.C.C.Section 304 I.P.C.D.Section 300 Cr.P.C.

  • ANSWER: A, Section 300 I.P.C.

  • 10. If a sentence for imprisonment for life has been passed on a convict, the appropriate Government may do one of the following things : A.Increase it to death sentenceB.Commute it to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 yearsC.Exile the offenderD. Ask the offender to work on barren lands for life

  • ANSWER: B, Commute it to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14years

  • 11. Legally speaking, any offer, threat, or attempt to apply criminal force to the body of another in a hostile manner is called : A.InjuryB.Grievous hurtC.Assault D. Hurt

  • ANSWER: C.Assault .

  • 12. Dowry death is defined under : A.S. 498A I.P.C.B.S. 304A I.P.C.C.S. 304B I.P.C.D. S. 302 I.P.C.

  • ANSWER: C, S. 304B I.P.C.

  • 13. All of the following are true about dowry death except :A.The death of the woman occurs within 7 years of marriageB.The death must occur either by hanging or burnsC.The minimum punishment is 7 yearsD.The maxumum punishment is imprisonment for life, and not death sentence.

  • ANSWER: B, The death must occur either by hanging or burns.

  • 14. What is the punishment for dowry death ? A.The minimum of 7 years, but which may extend to imprisonment for lifeB.A maximum of 7 years C.Maximum 7 years and a fine of Rs. 100,000 D. Capital punishment

  • ANSWER: A, the minimum of 7 years, but which may extend to imprisonment for life

  • 15. Section 113B of Indian Evidence Act deals with :A.Presumption of death of a person if he has not been heard for last 7 yearsB.Abetment of suicide of a woman within 7 years of marriageC.Absent of consent in case of rape, if female asserts she did not consentD.Presumption of dowry death

  • ANSWER: D, Presumption of dowry death

  • 16. Attempt to commit suicide is defined under : A.Section 306 I.P.C.B.Section 307 I.P.C.C.Section 308 I.P.C.D. Section 309 I.P.C.

  • ANSWER: D, Section 309 I.P.C.

  • 17. The minimum amount of air usually accepted to be able to cause fatal air embolism in adults is:A.5 mlB.100 mlC.250 mlD. 500 ml

  • ANSWER: B, 100 ml.

  • 18. The minimum amount of fat necessary to cause fat embolism : A.5-10 mlB.12-120 mlC.220- 300 mlD. 320-440 ml

  • ANSWER: B, 12-120 ml

  • 19. The fat in fat embolism is derived from : A.The bone marrow after trauma B.From the plasma by agglutination of chylomicronsC.Infusion of exogenous fatD. All of the above

  • ANSWER: D, All of the above

  • 23. Major diagnosis criteria of fat embolism syndrome are : A.A petechial rashB.Spastic paraplegiaC.Respiratory distressD. Gangrene of lower legs especially the great toeE. Cerebral signs such as stupor, seizures, or coma

  • ANSWER: A, C, E. A petechial rash, respiratory distress, cerebral signs such as stupor, seizures, or coma

  • 24. Which of the following are examples of justifiable homicide ? A. A police officer killing an escaped armed convict, while attempting to recapture him and the convict was going to shoot at him to avoid recapture B. A jailer hanging a condemned criminal C. A person killing another in self defense D. Homicide committed by an insane person E. Police officer accidentally killing a person due to firing to suppress riots

  • ANSWER: A, B, E.A. A police officer killing an escaped armed convict, while attempting to recapture him and the convict was going to shoot at him to avoid recapture B. A jailer hanging a condemned criminal E. Police officer accidentally killing a person due to firing to suppress riots

  • Grievous injury includes A. EmasculationB.Privation of hearing C.Privation of sight D. Disfiguration of face

  • ANSWER: A, Emasculation.

  • 230. Effused blood does not clot in the A. Pleural cavityB.Pericardial cavity C. Abdominal cavity D. Stomach

  • ANSWER: A, Pleural cavity.

  • The commonest organism of infection in a wound resulting from trauma is A. StaphylococcusB.Streptococcus C.Pneumococcus D. Pseudomonas

  • ANSWER: A, Staphylococcus.

  • Endotoxic shock is produced frequently by A. Staphylococcus aureusB.Streptococci C.Pseudmonas D. E. Coli

  • ANSWER: D, E. Coli.

  • The most common site of thrombosis is A. Deep femoral veinsB.Portal veins C.Dural venous sinuses D. Anterior tibial veins

  • ANSWER: A, Deep femoral veins.

  • 240. The common cause which predisposes t pulmonary embolism A. Acute infectionsB.Immobility & rest C.Blood dyscrasias D. General debility

  • ANSWER: B, Immobility & rest.

  • Systemic air embolism is seen in A. Penetrating wounds of lungsB.Penetrating wounds of liverC.Penetrating wounds of heart D. Lacerations of the brain

  • ANSWER: A, Penetrating wounds of lungs.

  • 246. Amniotic fluid embolism causes death by A. Pulmonary embolismB.Coronary embolismC.Cerebral embolism D. Consumption coagulopathy

  • ANSWER: D, Consumption coagulopathy.

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