medical. medicinal. eastern advertisements the …€¦ · i niti...

Post on 15-Aug-2020






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Tiib undersigned take this occasion to remind thei r rrtemUand the public generally, that ill conneetiun with the officeof (ite Daily Intelligencer, they have a Job Office expressl)Atted up for i he execution of all kinds ofFI,AINAlVDOKIVAIIfBiVTALPBINTfN«.Their materials being mostly oew, and embracing the U

teat styles or Job ?ype, and tne«i i«igo ana welt selectorstock «r paper, cards, inks, Ac., being purchased at tino«vest Cash pi ices, and the Job Office being a distinct ileMnnwit, caiefulty and efficientlyminaged, they canguataitee to their customers entire satiafrcuou, as regards lb*

t'VenlMCM, Accuracy aaad PronaptarM,with which their work will be done.They are p replied to executeCards, ProgrammerCirculars, Postkrs,Labkls, Coxckrt Hit. I>9,Bill Hkads, Hall Tickets,Hills Lading, Sticam soat Hula,Hark Chkck», Acctiok Hilu,orprr Boors, Drat Tic kkt«,.Not« Frriout Hooks,i>KieiM Railroad Blanks,Kk<tirTS Hotvi. KKai«Tsan,1'RoTxrrs, Si'xmonr,1inters, Elkcv;ok Tickets,

And every other description ofletter-press Printing. Alsoa:i kinds or work in

COLOR* AIVDBRON/E8.0CWAI1 orders from a distsnce promptly attended to.



Apollo Building. N. W. cor. 5th & Walnut,Cincinnati, Ohio.

I iacorpornted, 184§.rpH K attention of I lie public is respectfully called to theX superior facilities affii'ded at this Institution, forqua-lilyin" individuals in a therough practical mauuer for thcotmiinj; rooui and business pursuits.Instruction. Hook-keeping by Double Entry..A complete

practical course of Instruction!)! given in the art of keep¬ing scientifically Double Entry Hooksiu the different de¬partments oi trade, coniineice and manufactures, cotnpre-licndi n« the Torpis i n u-e among the ino-»t eminent establish¬ments *i»~aged individually or partnership in business,whet her ptosperous 01 adverse; in the purchaseand sale olmerchandise at wholesale and retail^m, ortiugand export-in* on tlieir own account, on commission or on joint specu¬lation, i uc Iudirft speculationsiu stocks, real estate, Ac.,wiih sb-amboating, bank insurance, railroad, aud books 01

joint stock and chartered associations generally.Commercial calculations embrace every variety of coni-

putat fins (teriainiiig to business operations, beiiij: taughtmccoi timg to the most approved methods.Interest, Dis¬count lujuulions, arbtratiou of Exchanges. Ac.

Mercantile C*rr**poniience.Such exercises are introduc¬ed on I his subject are calculated to iinpresa businesshabit .and a genuine busmes# style ofcorrespondence upontite mind of the student as well as familiarize hini withLoiiime> tial technicalities aud phraseology. Including proforma Invoices, Account sa'es, bills of exchange, Ac.

Practical fenmanvUip..One hour is devoted in teachinga systematic style of bushiest writing, combining freedomwill: a horougii command of hand and pen, accuracy ande'egaiice with eate and rapidity, and perlect legibility withbeauty ol construction.Commercial L*w Political Economy..Daily Lec¬

ture* are given o>* these important topics, as connectedw'tb the avocations of the merchant in the operations ol

commerce, and piactical workings of trade, embracing thesubject of Partnership, principal audageut, negotiable in¬struments, sales, debts, guarantees, etc.; also on the lawsol wealth, currency, foreign and domestic exchanges, creil-it, piofit, interest, inter nationaltiade, Ac.The couisecan be completed iu from eight to twelve

weeks. |I nit i action being given individually,applicants can enter

at any time.A knowledge of the ordinary English branches is all the

requisite preparatory qualifications.The business acquaintance or the Principal enables him

to tender a si stance those wishing to procure situationon sraduatiug.Good i>oai d cau be obtaiucd in the city at 8*2,50 to $3,o«i

per week.Diplomas ui.der sea! arc awarded the graduatesTJfflMSt.For partial course, books, s aliouery, 4*c., in-

clusive. frib.OO.For flitt course, books, stationery. Diploma, 4*c., inclu¬

sive. d'AOO. JOH.NGUNDRV,j »nb <33.I yd Principal.Cincinnati Wholesale Paper

Warehouse.KST.YKLiSllKD 1 «4 t.

\\f K offer for sale a well selected stock or PAPEHM ('AKDS «nd PRINTING INK, HOOK HINDERS*I.KATH Elf. and every description ol PAPER-MAKERS'MATERIALS.Having been thefrr*t, by several yrarr, to establish in the

West a Paper business complete iu all its parts, we lir-vcformed permanent connections with tlie best manufactb-irrs in tills country, and receive cur supplies directly fromIhem. The prices and terms we now offer are as tavorahie as the same goods can be purchased for in the Easterncities.We have the exclusive agency for the superior WHIT¬

ING PAPERS manufactured by PLANTER A SMITH.OWEN *V Ht/RLHUT, and tbeCAREW COMPANY, being the highest grades of Writing Papers made in thiscountry.Our Mock embraces every description of Paper used iu

the West. We have but one uniform price to all. Ordersby mail will be filled at the same prices as if bought *11

or: -»in. Simples will be sent by mail Tree of cost.autfil. BUTLERA BROTHER,

Wholesale Paper Dealers,27 Pearl Street.




Paper, Cards, Card Boards, Ink,DI.*A«lll)VO roiVDICRf, r*LT«»n, WIRE C I.OTII, &C.

Peail Sheet, Cincinnati, O

AMONG tbeir slock, imy bfl luund WRITING, AN1)HLANIi BOOK PAPER, the laigest assortment in

the West, ol every description.Printiug Paper, all sizes. Eng. dr Amer. Tissue Paper.Book .. " Copying"Col'd. Medium6c D'ble. Med. Blotting "

Ass'd. " .. Filtering"Envelope. Druggist"Plate aud Litliopraph. MarUle"

Manilla, genuine. Glazed and OUt"Hardware Paper. Cloth"

Hani " Card"

Match Box *' Hoofing Paper, propared andTea44 unprepored.

Shoe "Wrapping Paper, all sizes.Dry Goods 44 Tobacco 44 44 44

Knvelopes ofevery description, Ac.Ac.BOAHDH.

Perforated. Bindeis', Bonnet, Press and Straw Boards.Also, Agent Tor Lightbody's SurERioR Printi no Ink,

Book, and Coi.ored Ink, dev.Card*, and Card Bonrdit

Bjtka Pkari. Fackd Cards,Extra People's "


Pont sr.AtN "

Satin Surfaced Card Boards.Ivort 44

Printrrs4Satin Enameled "

Porcelain 44

PkarlSuRricKD Colored Card Board*.riic above Cards aud Card Boards, are manufactured ex¬

pressly for ourselves, andareofa most beautiful surface andftinsh; they do not peel in working, and are afforded at a

lowei rate, than any Cards heretofore offered In this mar¬

ket, and as low as they can be purchased in the East.D3T"l)ealeisand consumers in Paper aud Cards, are res-

pec fully invited to examine our stock. All our goods are

received direct from manufacturers, which onables us tosell a* loiv, if not lower, than aiiy other house iu^Paper made to

Co-Partnership:OW. HE1SKELL* Co. have associated E. B. SWKA-

. RINGEN.Jr..with them as a partner,the partnershipcommencing on the 10th ins:. The style of the firm will beHFlSKKI.Ld- < O.



Advice.P you are trouble*! with a cough; pain in tbe breast or

ary affection ol the Lungi.Use Brentlinger's Com¬pound Synipof Boneset.

If you ara afflicted with Rheumatism, have receivedbrui» es or sprains, er your hands or feet are frost bittenor chipped.Use the Berger or Spine and Muscle LIui-ment? »ndShoc.Nl you be affeeted with Scrotals, or any dTsease

sluing ?rom impurity or tno blood, or t! e injudicious use

of mercury, by all means i :ocure Brentlir.ger's Fluid Ex¬tractor Sarsapatilia aud l-andelion.These remedies have been tried by hundreds, and in a!l

ca*es have given satisfactory evidence of their superioreflltiicy over every other medicine in the cure of thesecomplaints, for which they arorecommended.To be had at

BRENTLINGER + ARMSTRONG'SApothecary, Monroe street,sdjoiningtlie McLure House,


Saddlers Hardware.AND COACH TRIMMING.

JUST opened, a large assortment of Saddler's Hardwarea>-d (.'each Tiimmiug'. Coach ard Le'ther Varnish,

Busgy Bows, Hubhs, Spokes, Fellows. Carriage and TireBum, Malleable Irons, Patent and Euamelled Leather,rml everything used by the trade, to which 1 invite the atftiiiinn of the public. JOHN KNOTE,

mal3 Old_Stand, 163 Main st.

Cordage.f\n Coils Manilla'd aiir«,at fittaburib prices:%J\J 'JO do tarred hemp * do do

lf» do untarred * do do?2 reels Packing Yarn?

1 do Italian liemp Packing Yarn;. 0 dozsu Bed cords and Plough line;. f

&00 lb-' Hroom Twine;1000 lb~ sup'reotton Seine Twir**i

nibsoflilngi10 reels hemp Bed cord;70 bales Oakum;10 brls Pitch aud Rosin;

A general assortmert, comprising Blocks, Hooks andThimble*, Aochors,Caulking nallatsaud chisels. Lard Oil,M>'Ps, Caulking cotton and tow, etc.

CHAS. H. BEKRY.«1 .ifCorner Union and JYdtrr Sta.

Bound to Shave!DK JAQUKS LKCOULTRK'S celebrated warranted

Razni s. They sliave with the greatest ease, and are

tbe best ever brought to this market. Just receved atC. P- BROWN'S

!9 New Jewelry Store. WashingtoH

The Oil of Grape Vine.

THIS Oilis . result oftwenty years'investigationFrench ^ian, and it now extensively used In

Frsr.ce. both orts « purpose ofkeeping the hairglossy,andrestoringit in bald places.This Oil is particularly recommended, as it willrendei

the "ntt,glossy, and pliable,besides mafcinf It abou;two shades darker.Prepared only by Dr. Fontain, Pans, ?»cts per. bottle.

For toy J.B. VOWELL. 2i Union si-


Shall Happlm*.and Health, or Misery mud

MOST STARTLING_CONSIOERATIONS!Reflections for the Thoughtful.

Strange that countless human beings exitfc anddrag through life as do the beasts of the Held, orthe insects of the earth, evincing no more thoughtor reflection than though the noble (acultics of mindwere not vouchsafed to thorn.Many such arc husbands and fathers, upon wham

mo dependent the health, the well-being, und thehappiuess of a confiding and affectionate wife, withperhaps a family of children.


In that pitiable condition as not even for one day tofeel the happy and exhilerating influence incidentto the enjoyment of health.She ma}* not be an invalid confined to her bed,

or even to her room ; as her pride, ambition andenergy induco and nerve her to take personalcharge of her household, even when her health willnot admit of it; but sho is nevertheless perceptiblysinking from day to day, and always ailing.Thus, day after day, and month after month tran¬

spire. Her health daily sinks, till finally even thehope of recovery no longer remains. Ana thus

THE BLOOMING BRIDE,Hut a few years ago in tho flush of health andyouth, and buoyanoy of spirits, rapidly, and appa¬rently inexplicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, de¬bilitated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves un¬

strung. spirits depressed, countenance bearing theimpress of suffering, and an utter physical andmental prostration.Somotimes this deplorable change may and does

arise from organic or constitutional causes. Butofleaer, by far oftener, to gross and inexcusableignorance of the simplest and plainest rules ofhealth as connectod with the marriage state, thoviolation of which entails disease, suffering andmisery, not only to the wife, but often

Hereditary Complaints upon the Children.. UNTO THE THIRD AND FOURTH OENERATION,"Transmitting CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA,HYPOCHONDRIA, INSANITY, GOUT,KING'S EVIL, and other disease*,

DREADFUL ?NH£RITANCEfrom the Parent*.

And must this continue 1 Shall we be wise inall that concerns the cattle of our fields, our horses,our sheep, our cows, our oxen, the nature andcharacter of the soil we possess, the texture andquality ofour goods and merchandise ; but in all thatconcerns ourselves as human beings, with humanfunctions and passions, subject to great derange¬ment, involving our future peaoe and all that concerns the hestlth and welfare of thowife of our affections, and the mother of our chil¬dren ; in all that concerns tho mental and physicalwell being of those children, we should be im¬mersed in the darkest and most


How long shall this ignoranco prevail so produc¬tive of its bitter fruits T How long shall the wifeand mother be ignorant of the nature, character andcauses of the various womb and sexual complaints,embittering her days by suffering.suffering oftenprolonged to years, oventuating in a complication ofdiseases utterly and hopelessly incurable 1 Shallwe for ever close our eyes to the results of physio¬logical scienoe by which we may arrive at an

understanding of ourselves as men and women,subject to serious life-long enduring diseases, andperpetuating them to our children.LET EVERY WIFE AND HUSBAND FONDER!No husband or wife need be ignorant of what

concerns them most to know to secure their healthand happiness. 1hat knowledge is contained in alittle work entitledTHE MARRIED WOMAN'S



One Hundredth Edition. 18mo., pp. 050. Price 50 Cents.

[on fine faper, extra BINDINO, $1 00.]First published in 1847 ; and it ia not

3URPRI8INO OR WONDERFUL,Considering that EVERY FKMALB,whether MARRIED OR NOT, can her©acquire a fall knowledge of the na¬

ture, character and cause* of heroompladnts, with the variouslymptomi, and that nearly

HAIiF A MILLION COPIESshould have been sold. It is impracticable to con¬

vey fully the various subjects treated of, as thevare of a nature strictly intended for the married,or those contemplating marriage.UPWARDS OF ONE HUNDRED THOU¬

SAND COPIESHave been SENT BY MAIL within the last fewmonths.


Buy no book unloss Dr. A. M. Mauriceau, 129Liberty Street, N. Y., is on the title page, and theentry in the Clerk's Office on the back of the titlepage ; and buv only of respectable and honorabledealers, or sena by mail, ana address to Dr. A. M.Mauriceau, as there are spurious and surreptitiousinfringements of copyright.

Upon receipt of One Dollar " THE MAR¬RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM¬PANION" ia sent (mailt* free) to any part of theUnited States, the Panaris* and British Provinces.All Letters must be poet-paid, and addreased toDr. A M. MATJBICEAU, Box 1234, New-YorkOitv. Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Street,Mew-York.

For ..*««.»,i W1L0K dr !«RO.,dec2-dtw6mo. corner Main and Unionists.

JOHN H. THOMPSON,31 Monroe stteet.

DR J. B. :MARCBISI'SCELEBRATED CATHOLICON,For the reliefand cure ofSuffering Females/

It stands pre eminentTor ilie curative power-in ail tlie diseases forwhich it is recommended usually called FemaleComplaints; or theseore Prolapsus, Uteii, or

Failing o( the Womb;Flour Albus, or Whites,Chronic luflammatif.nau.l Ulceration of theWombj Incidental Hem*on hagc, o r Flooding;Painful Suppression, andIrregular .Menstruation,Ac., with ail th»ir ac¬companying evils, (Can.cei excepted,) no matterhow severe or of howong standing.The Catholicon far

surpasses other reme¬dies, <.. ociii* moie cc.««uut less expensive, and lea¬ving the system in a'better condition. Let ail interest,.dcall and obtain a pamphlet (tree) containing ampleproof rroin the most respectable sources, or the bcnelicialresults or its use; together with letters from highly experi¬enced Physicians, wl.o have used it in their piaclice, andspeak from their own observations.RKFKRKNCKS-PD Peckham, M D, Utica.N Y.

iL D Fleming, M D. C-auandaigua. N Y.M II Hills, M D, Rochester. N Y.D Y' Foote, M D, Syracuse, N V.Prof Dunbar, M i), Baltimore. Md.J C Oi rick, M D, Baltimore, Md.W W Reese, M D, New York City..W Prescott, M 1), Concord, N Y.J P Netvland, M D, Utica, N Y.Kev J C S Heard, Glenn Springs, S C.

KyPamphlet* gratis at our store,KKKNTLINGKR& ARMSTRONG, Ac'ta.

Druggists. Washington Hall, Monroe St., Wl.eeling. Va.Alsoaold l»y .M1CHKAL DUNN, Moutulsvillc, and by

most ofthe leading Druggi*fs in the adjoining counties.

Letter aitdre*>>ed to car. of Mr. Curtis Hutch, Areiitat/tare*'na, Ohio.To l»r. Makciiisi:.1 have been tenjears troubled with Female Complaints.prolapsus uteri,and all tl.e aitonding difficulties; at times rendering my liteinosi miserable. J have had (he attendance of some of thebest physicians, w»?b hut little success; the most theycou d do was to relieve.a cu»e was out of the question.For five month* before commencing with your medicine'1 had nut been able to per'orm any labor, could walk buta few steps at a time, and scarcely went out or doors.inshort, I was completely prostiafed, both in bodv andmind, and expected to ding out the re«tof iny days in aurre ring .md misery Hut, reading your advertisement. Iwas induced to try your invaluable medicine callcd Ute-riim Catholicon, as the last resort. It had not used ita week before I f It like another woman. IJy the use olthree bottles 1 was enabled toperlormall the labor fOr sixin tha family witheise, and could walk any where in theneighborhood without injury. Nothing but a sense of on-

duty to you and to the afflicted, has induced me to state myease tothe public. 1 can safely recommend the prepara¬tion to all those suffering like myself.

(Signed,J 51 r*. Sarah A. BlfHor.Freedom, Portage county, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1953.

J. H. MARCH1SI «v Co., Proprietors,A»ir2.6m. Central Depot. 304 Hrordway, N. Y.

JiiKUi-TIVJU DISU-ASitiS.IT has now become a settled fact, acknowledged br the

best Physicians ofour city, that in the cu* c or Sctolula,Tetter, and many other diseases, Krekamkoeh's FluidExtract or Sarsaparilla. ako Dandelion, is decidedlyabove allother preparations. It speaks for itselfwheneverused; and although we have never taken the pains of hav.ingit published through the papers, or appointing agentsfor the sale or it, yet we are almost weekly receiving or.

ders Trom Vermont, New York. Ohio, Kentucky and otherstates, by persons, who by some chance means have heardOfits wonderful curative powers. The following is from a

gentleman of Vermont a few days since, who used itfor a

very serious disease:.Diea* Doctor:

The two bottles ofmedicine I got from youwhen in Wheeling, have nearly cured me; please send mrsome more by Kxpress.

Yours Respectfully.It is now prescribed by neatly all the Physicians of out

city, rot as a quack medicine, for we have made them ac¬

quainted with the component parts; and we now say to allsuch as we have not the opportunityof making it knownto, that it is entirely free from all minerals, and is not inthe least Incompatible with any of the preparations orlo-dine, Fowler's solution, or other properties.To be had at PaxtonA Lake's, and F. Yahrling, and sold

wholesaleand retail byltRENTLlNGER A ARMRTRONC.

Monroe street, opposite Washington Hall, Wheeling Vs.July 21.

Cod Liver Oil.JUHT received i C boxes Samuel Simes' manufacture

or pure Medicinal Cod Liver Oil; the best article of thekind bi ought to this or any other market.

HRENTL1NGER & ARMSTRONG,«s*?i-iyr>d Opposiie Washington Hall.


The Nonpareil Nerve and BoneLINIMENT,


LATE OF MORGANTOWN.It it taxed upon the broad principle the.I any remedy ichichwill relieve an exiernal pain, icill, if -properly com.

pounded, be equally succe*»ful ill remocini( inter¬nal affection*; a poicer ichich it Uauifully

developed itt awl peculiar to theSOSPAUEIL LISIMEST.

ARB YOU SUFFERING-KO.Yi Bheumatism, Sore Throat, Croup, DifficultBreathing. Tooth-Ache, Tic Do!oreux, Pain in the

biea.-t or Side, Sliaiu or Spasm, llead-Ache. Infiammalion, StiffJoiuU, Cuts, Bruise*,Poison Sores, FeverRores,Pain or ci ainps in the Klouiach, i holera 3Ioi bus, CholeraInfantum, Cliolic. Lame Bach. Chilblains, bites ol Poi.on-ous Insecta or Babid Dog*, Aguc-cake, Ague in the //leastor Face, burns, bruises, chafing, chapped hands, corn*,Contractions ol' the Muscles or cords, cuts or any kind, weakness. Paralysis, Piles. Bar Ache, Ulcer*,Sail Bheum, Scurvy, Sore tfipples, Sore Lips. Veneiealsoies, Scarlet Fever, orauy similar dLrase, you may lestas>uied thai in this article you have

A SOVEREIGN REMEDY,which not only removes pain almost instantaneously, butpenetrates to the scat of and entirely

ERADICATES THE DISEASE.Somo will laugh at the idea ol any composition curing

such a number ot diseases.* but if yo . but reflect that thesediseases, though numerous in name, all arise hoiu similarcauses, the proposition will tcciu less extravagant; butwere It ten times moreso tub facts which stare us in tl.elac* would.torre the cai.did to acknowledge its merits! forall who have used it themselves, or wituessed its mugiceffects ou others, unite in declariug it just what its name(Xonpaieil)indicates, the beit Liniment knoicn.

TO THOSE WHO THINK.Have you never noticed the strik 115 s mitarity between

many external and internal diseases having enUiely difier-ent names? .And has it never occuried to you that a rem¬edy mighl be preimied which should be equally applicableto both? This remedy is now otreied you in the ohha-kic l Likimknt, Which does not insult your understandingby claiming to have beei. found in some burning mountain*of Mexico or mighty cave* of the earthy but i« simply XheOrFSPRiNo or Scicxcitl being mild and simple in its actionand yet tevcaling in its effects a power nlinosl inciediblc,.reaching the most hidden sinews of ninu or beu«t,.and yet being innoxious to the weakest inlant. It is alsoby far the cheapest ljuimenl iu the market. being put up inbottles txice u* large nb the majority, and one-fourth laigei*than the larger, besides being moie than Tour times its

wtroiitf; we theielore offer it to you with pi ids and con¬fidence, as an a 1 tide exactly suited to the wants ol rich orpoor, high or low.

he unprecedented size in which tho Nonpareil Linimentis put up; and the vast expense or the n ateiiaU used iu it,makes it impossible for us to pay foi lUe printing ol thehundieds ot certificates wo m glit publish, nor do we deeniit necessary, as theatticie wherever it is used will certifyfor ilsell.We would however refer those affi:cted ones who have

soolteu been gulled by foiged cei tifitales and big assertionsto the following names, being but a lew of the many per¬sons whose character for candor anil veracity nerds nopauegyiic from us, and who having fully tested its virtuesiu the different diseases tor which it is recommended, areprepaied to speak ol its merits as it deserves.Sold in Wheeling by jaiues Baker, Kells & Caldwell, T

11 Logan (£££0, IFBAIcKee, Patfeisou @ Co., and by thoprincipal Druggists of Virginia, and Pennsylvania..

.August 17, 'u3

From the Fairmont ( Va.) Hepublican..An Jnvalvaulk Mudicink..It is but seldom we find

among the many lem^dies offeied to the public tor the cureof disea*e, one we can consent to commend, orwlmte vir¬tues we aie able to discover, and have always >eduouslyawided giving utteiance toauythiug that might lead anyone to suppose that we placvd any laith in their preten¬sion*. Hut with reference to a remedy maiiu actuicd iuthis place, and which has become as familiar to the publicas household words, we speak ft0111 knowledge ot its in¬trinsic excellencies, its adaptation to many of tl.e ills oflie, and the security with which it may he used. Wesneak of the Xonpaieil Xerveand Hone Liniment, prepar¬ed by H. II. Carr «fc Co., ft 0111 a preset iption furnished byUr Watton Carr, late 01 Morgantowu, and now of Wheel¬ing, 0111* ot the most eminent Physicians 111 Viigiuia. ThisLiniment is based upon the broad piinciple that any leine-

dy which will leliev* external pain, will il pioperly com¬pounded, be equnlly efficacious in lemovir g internal allec-tious, a principle that lus been successfully developed..It is simply the offspiing of Science, bring mild and sim¬ple ill its action, end yet revealing in its effects a powernmre incredible, reachins the m»st hidden sinews of manand beast.and yet being innoxious to the weakest infant..It is also by the cheapest Liniment iu the market, beingput up iu 1 Ottlcs twice as large as the majority. a» d «.r»c-

fuuith larger than the largest, besides being mote than lourtimes as stioug. We commend it to those iu want or a

sale and certain remedy."jinn Know 'llijai'll."

An Invaluable Book lor 25 Cents"Livery Family should hav a Copy."

cot'iKS *wld in le&s ihull three months. AUvUv new edition revised and improved, iuat issuedDK HUSTKK'K MKDICAL .MANUAL AM) IIAN1)

BOOK FOU THK A FFLICTKD.Containing an outlineo! llic oiigin, progress, treatment and cuieo! every fonnor disease, contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse*by *elt abuse, or by sexm-l excess, with advice for theirprevention, written in a familiar styleavoidirg all niedicatechnicalities, ai:d every tiling that would offend the eurodecency, from the ic;<ull ol some twenty yeais successlupractice, exclusively devoted to the cure ul diseases o; a

Jrlicateor private natuie.To which is added, icceipts for the cure of the shove

diseases, :utda treat i>e uii the catu-es, symptoms and cuieol the Fever und Ague, lor twenty five cents a copy; sixcopies one dollar; will hefoiwaided to any pail ol theUnited States, hy mail, free of postage Adiiiess, postagepaid, Cosdcu(g} Co., Publishers, or box IDC, Host Oflice.Philadelphia.. t his is, without exception, the most comprehensiveand intelligible work published, on the class or diseases olwhich I' ticats. Avoldingall technical terms, it addressesits. If to the reason of its leaders. It is lice from all objcctionahlc matter, end no parent, however fastidious, carobject to placing it in the hands or his »oiis. The authorhas devoted many years to the tieatiuent of ti>o variouscomplainti* treated of, and 'with too little breath lo puff,"and 'too tilth* presumption to impose,' he hasofleied tothe world ai the ineiely nominal price of2o cents, the fruitsot sonic twenty years most successful practice '.Herald.

*A'«i teacl-cr or patent should be without the knowledge,imparted in tins invaluable work. It would save years ofpain, moi tification and sorrow to the youth under thei*chaige '.People*m Advocate.A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, in writing ol 4P»»*»

ter'a Medical Manual,'says: 'Thousands upon thouss*'t'-01 our youth, by evilexample and the influence of the l>avsions, have been led into the habit ol self-pollution without realizing the sin ard fearful comscqucnces upon themselves and theii posterity. Tlie constitutions ol thousandswho are laising families have been enfeebled, irnot brokendown, and they do not know the cause or the cuie. Ai ything that can bo done so to enlighten and influence thepublic mind as to check, and ultimately to remove thiswide-spie&d source of human wretcliedrcss, would conferthe greatest blessing next to the religion lo Jesus Christ,on the piesent and coming generations. Intc nperane, (orthe live of intoxicating drinks,) though it has slain thous-sands upon thousands, is not a gieater scourge to the hu*man race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afliicled,and, believe me, your co worker in the good woikvo j areso actively engaged in.'One copy will be forwarded (securely enveloped and

povta^e paid,} on receipt of 25 cents, or six copies for§tAddress, COSDKN @ CO., Publishers, Box 190, Philadelphia.

Booksellers. Canvassers and Hook Agents, supplied onthe most libeial terms. malG-ly

Centre Wheeling Drug Store andApotheca.

RICHARD RLUM has purchased the entire stock andfixtures offhe establishment occupied by F. A. Kient-

linear. Centra Wheeling, ami by additions to his stock ispictured to furnish city and country customers with thepurest and best Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuff*,on the most reasonable terms.

Prescription Department.He will attend promptly to the tilling of prescriptions,

which will be carefully compounded at all hours.Perfumelies, imported flavaua cigars, and a veriety ol

fancy article* on hand. (jantl


Farmer, Farrier & Stage Proprietor.GEO. W. MERCHANT'S


As the most remarkable External Application everdiscovered.

"They can't Keep House without it"Experience of more than sixteen vear* ha* established

tlie fact that Merchant's Celebrated Gargling Oil, or Unl-versal Family Embrocation, will cure must canes, and re¬lieve all such as

Spavins, Sweeney Ringbone, Windfalls, PoLEvil, Callous, Cracked Heels Galls of allkinds, Fresli Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fis¬tula, Sitfast, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness,Foundered Feet, Scratches or Grease, Mange,Rheumatism, Bites of Animals. External Poi¬sons, Painful Nervous Affections. Frost Bites,Boils, Corns, Whitlows, Burns and Scalds*Chillblains, Chapped Hands, Cranips, Con¬tractions of tlie Muscles, Swellings, Weaknessof the Joints, Caked Breasts, tfce. Ac. etc.The unparalleled success of this Oil, in the cure of dis¬

ease* in Horses and Cattle, and even in human flesh, isdaily becoming more known to the larniiiur cornmunity.It can hardly be credited, except by those who have beenin the habit of keeping it in their stable." and bonnes, whatavast amount of nain, surTerihg and time, are raved bythe timnly application of this Oil.K#~ Be *ure the name of the pole proprietor. GEORGE

W. MERCHANT. Locknort. N. Y., i« b.own in the *ideof the bottle, and in his handwriting over the pork.

All orders addressed 10 the proprietor will br promptlysesiionded to.Get a Pamphlet of tlie Arent. and see what wondfr*

accomplished by the ut-e of' this niedidueSold by respectable dealers fenknlh', ill the Untie*.

States and Canada. Alwo by

D3-SOLD BY T. H. I.OGAN & Co., General Agents,Wheeling, at wholesale and retail. Also- by J. 31 Hticeland 6c Co., Wellsborgb; J. J. dc G. G. Hopkins; Eldere-villei Armstrong, Boyer dc Co., PowhatUn. dcSdaw6m

Co-Partnership.THK undetsigncd have this day formed a co-partnei-

chipundet the name and style olS C. Baker 4- Co., ami2 ill continue the Steamboat agency and Boat .Store busi¬ness at the old stand, No. 23 Water street.



8300CIIAM KIXCJK."finiATKVliK coiirei Jia the iivultIt ami happiness olIt the people, Is at utl times oi the .io»t vatuahlc Im-

po» tance. I take It Tor granted that every peisoti will doall in their power to save the lives oItheir child icu, andthat every person will endeavor to promote then ownheulth at all sacrifices. 1 leel it my duty to solemnly assure you that WOIt.US, uccoiding to the opinion of i In¬most celebrated Physicians, aie Hie primary causes ol a

large majority unite diseases lo which cliildieimi'd adultsare liable. U you have an appetite continually changeableirom one kind ol rood toi«iiuiliei , liad Iheath, Pan ill the.Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and Fullness olthe Heliy, Dry Cough, Mow Fevet, Pulfe¬member that all the>e denote Woums, and you should aloucc apply the remedy.

HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP,An article rounded u..on Scientific Principles, compounded with purely Vegetable substances, being oerlecHy salewhen taken, and can be given to the most tender infantwith decided beneficialiefTect. Where Dowel Complaints A-Di&vrhtca have made them weak and debilitated, tlio tonic properties 01 u-y Worm Syrup aie such thai it standswithout au equal in the catalogue or niediciucs, in givingtouo and stieugth to the Stomach, which makes it an In(all;hie remedy tor those afflicted with Dyspepsia, the as

louishiiigcutes performed by tuisSyiup alter Physicianhave failed, is the bcsL evidence of its superior elllcacjoverall others.

theitapeVorm.This is the moat ditticult worm to destroy of all that

infest the human system, itgiowa toanalmost indefinitelength, becoming so coiled and listened in the intestine.*and stomach, effecting tho health so sadly ns to cause MVitus Dance, Pita, clc , that those aflliclod seldom if over

suspect that it is a Tape Worm that is hastening themto an early grave. In order to destioy this Wot in, a veryenorgetic treatment must be nuisued, it would tlteie'oie t»eptoper to tuke ti orK ol'my Liver Pills, so as to lomovrall obstructions, that the Worm Syili|> nn>y act directnpon the Worm, which must he taken in doses ol two ta¬ble spooufUls three times a nay. These directions followedhave never been known to tail in curing the moat ouiturute c«i>c ol Tape Worm.

nkaii 'i'iik roLi.owiMi:And you cannot be iudiirurent lo this appeil. Human¬

ity calls upon you to do your only. It i.soulyone out olthe uiany ihousaudK who In* a sren its w<mdei ltd ell'ccts.

Dr. J. N. Hobeuv&ck,.Sin.(.latitude to you, the inventor ol a highly valuable medicine, prompts this humbletestimony in its favor, as be'ng a sal* gentle, yet power¬fully effectual remedy for Worms. Having had much ex-

peiicuce in knowing lit: cfleets of varioua preparations,my wile, who was well skilled in minis let ins 10 chiltlienin disliess; pronounced it tho beat sue had ever u»ed,audwould use 1:0 other while your* could he hud. A daugh¬ter ol outs became seriously d-sensed. Met" symptomswere alarnrng, but her mother at once sought out a icuic-<ly lor Worms. Having obtained youta, by the tline shehad taken halfa bottle, Ol Sir, thejoyit gave an effectiou-ate mot hot, tu see the improvement in her child, she helug about five or six years old Sho passed mi immensequantity of Wot in:*, bet sickly countenance now hiighteu-ed, her spirits returned, and in a short time a lovelychild, threatened with decline an death, now gave prom¬ise Of health. Thai.ks to a kind Providence whow Lie*slug attended youi Syrup, restoicd the child V. ithconfi¬dence 1 recommend it to all patents whose children aie

suffering with Worms.JAS. K. HOWKN, Miuist**!* of the (iospel.Late Pastor ofthe Southampton lluptiai Chinch.

(CF"Caction..Hen.ember thei., Paten's and all others,that Hobensack's Woiim Sviuy is tho only Medicine inuse that will eradicate Worms, with certainty, and will

| notdi«agtee with the most delicate stomach, lie carefiilthat you get the genuine at tide, and see that the siguatuie,4J. lloBKMHAi-K.' is on every bottle.

IIODCNHA* K'S I.l VKK PILLS.No part of the system is more liable 10 disease than the

I.I V'hH, it serving as a filterer to puii y the olood, or

gi ving the ptoper fcccietion to the bile, so that any wionsaction ol the L.vct effects the oilier important pans ol fhc-syslein, and icsulls variously in Liver Coui»laiut, Jauudice. Dyspepsia, etc. We should, tiicieloic, watch everys..iiiploni that might indicate a wrougai lion ol the LiveiThese Pills being composed of Hoots and Plants furnishedtiy nature to he-l lite sick, namely: lai, au ttxpeclvaut,which augments tne secretion from the Pulmonary mucus

membrane, or piomotes the discharge of aectetod mutter.

.Jtl, an Alterative, which changes in soma inexplicable andinsensible manner tue certain tuoi nid action ol tne system.3d, a Tonic which give# toueaiid stieugth to lite nervous

s< stem, 1 cuewing heaith and vigor t» all patlsol he body,-lib, a Cathartic, which acts la perfect iiarntoiiy with tr.eother iugiedienls, and operating 011 the owels, and expelling the whole massol corrupt and vitiated matter, am!punlyiugthe blood, which destrojs diseaso and tcsloicshcaitu.

TO FEMALES.You will find these Pills an iuvuluahle medicine in man)

complaints 10 which you ate subject, in obstructionscither totul or partial, they have been found ol inestimablebenefit, restoring their luiictiouat arrangement lo a

health > actio.1, purifying the blood uud other fluids so el-

tcctually to put to flight all complaints which may arise

from semale it egula tines, as headache, giddiness, dimnessof sight, pain iu the side, back, etc., and offotrd the publicaw the best Pill.-, lor all diseases, upon the lollowilig

MEDICAL EVIDENCE.We, the uiidei signed Physicians, having had the receipt

ortheir niauuiuctuic submitted to us lor inspection, saysttiut the mgicdicuts o: wl:icli tlx,)' me composed makesthem the best Pill In use lor all diseases or the Liver, luiput itie> of the Llood, <tc. We say this not only from our

own judgement, hut also from Ilia 1 or 'honest medical au¬

thority 11 tiie United States. Alt diseases requiiing iheuscofan Mleiati\c, Diaphoretic and Purgative Aledicine.thai came under our notice, been treated with Hitvbove Pills with Ihe must satisfactory success.


CCIfPuichate nove but those having the signature, 'J.I N. K,' upon e-cli box, as all others ate

worthless mi tut ions.Agents wishing new supplies, and all others wishiu" to

become agents, must addic&s the pioprictor, J.N. Ht>uk.nhai k, ut his Lu bo rut 01 y, No. 120 Noitli Second Stieet,above Kate, Philadelphia.Sold by all Diuggiata and Meichautsin the U. 8.Pamphlets giving certifiuitesot cures performed in dif

rcicul sections ol the countiy, by the above medicines,can be hud gratis 01 the agents.Sold by J. liaker, Wheeling, wholesale and letail agent

or Western V#.; W. L. J;riggs, West Liberty} J. her-tell, Hradleytowu; J. Caning, Triadelphia; W111. Hnsack.Kouy's Point; Dan'l Ferril, Coral Cove. Pi ice each

cents. mailD-ly

Throw Playitic to the Dogii.l*ulvcrmnchcr'M1IYUKO KLKCT1UC VOLTAIC CHAINS.

Producing instant ieliet from the most acutc pa.n and per-luaneutly curing all Nemal^ic diseases, Kheuma-

tiam, puiiiinl and Swelled Joints, Mcuialiiaof I lie Face, Deafness, blindness, St.

Vitus' i ancc, Palpitations of t'.tuHeait, Periodical He; daclics,Pains i lithe Stomach. In¬

digestion, dyspepsiaUteiine ftuus,


These chains were first introduced in (he city or NewYoik less than one year since, and alter heing subjectedtu thoiough tiials in every hospital iu;the city, and appli¬ed by liis. Valentine .Molt, Post, Caruochaii, Van liuienn.dutbeis. it was d.scovered that they possess stiaii^cand wot.dcrfnl power in the iclief and cuic of the aboveclnss ot diseases, and their sale, and the success that hasattended their use is unparalleled.Previous to their introduction into this count!)', tney

were used in eveiy hospital in Euiope, and atcsccured bypatents in France, Germany, Austua, Piussm aud Eng¬land; and also in the United States."THINK CLOSE AND PONDER WELL"The principles upon which It is claimed that the chains

pioducelheii marvellous cures aie, fiist.that all nervous

disease* .lie attended and produced by a deficient supply or

nervous fluid, and an agent that roembles closely electric¬ity or electro magnetism; and second.that the clcctromagnetic chains, by being worn over and upon the partmid oigan diseased, furnish to the exhausted nervous sys¬tem, by it» powerful stimulating effects, the nervous fluidwhich is required to produce a healthy act.on thiough theentiie system. No disgusting nostium is allowed to beta¬ken while using the chaius, but a rigid observance ol thegeneral laws of health arc required Hiisk friction uponti.e part diseased adds much to the cffect ol the chains, byincieasing their magnetic flower.

ONE THOUSAND DOLLARSwill bo piven to any person .v ho will pioduce so manywell authenticated certificates or cure, both from intelli¬gent "patients and tcienlific physician*, as ha\e been ef¬fected by the use of Pulvermacher's Electric Chains..They nevei fail to perform what they are advertised to doand nopeison has ever been dissatisfied who has giventhem a tiial

IN FEMALE DISEASES.More than one hui.died permanent cures or Piolapsut*Uteri have been efTecled within lie list year by the use of,these chaius. Hy applying one end of the chain over theregion of the abdomen, and the other Uf on the spine, juslabove the hip, tl e usual severe symptoms incident to thatdisease ai cat once removed.

MODE UF USE.The chain 51 ould be moistened before use with common

vinegar, and then one end of the chain should be applieddiicc'.iy to the seat or the pain or disease, and the otherend opposite to it.HIS NOT DECEIVED! The Electiic Chains arc not

to cure all diseases; but tor Nervous Diseases it is claim¬ed that NO Medicinal Agent in the world hasprodixed so

many cute* in the lust year as the Elcctric chain.INSTANT RELIEF from the most acutc pain, is pro¬

duced at the moment ol application much more effectuallythan can he produced by opium, in any of its loinis.

Call and obtain a pamphlet (gratis)ONE WORD MORE.

These cbailis are the same wh eh have lately been sentover to the kmperor of the French, to be tiicd by his ownphysicians in cases or cholera, etc. and which have provedso eminently successful. J. STKlNERT, sole Agent

corner Prince stieet and Jtroadway.K3"JAMK.S RAKER, and Hreutlinger & Armstrong,

Wheeling agents. dclT-lyr



Wheeling Chemical Laboratory.Corner of Main and 3d sts.,CENTKK WHEELING.

HAVING completed my arrangements, I am now pre¬pared to monuracture

PHARMACUT1CAL CHEMICALS.At my Laboratory, rear of building, corner Main and 3dstreets. All preparations warranted pure and preparedaccording to U. S. Dispensatory. Among the numerousarticles 1 mention:

Acids, chemically pure;Antimony preparations.Amnion *

Aq. Amnion fff.' concentrated ror blistering;

Aromatic waters, orafl kinds;Alcohol, absolute;Extract's (Alcohol;)3/ercuiiai preparations, Calomel, etc.;Sweet Spirits Nitre;Chloroform, etc , etc.

All Druggist Pbarraacufica! preparations prepared ac¬

cording to the II. S. Disoensatory, and sold at manufactu-rer'sprices. ap23-ly RICH 1). KLUM.


THE undersigned have entered into partnership, for thepurpose of carryingon the wholesale tobacco business,

under the firm of Logan, Carr 6c Co.LLOYD LOGAN,JOS. G. HAKER,WATTSON CARR,

marSO H. H. CARR.


MA Y be rouHucti.iuUy consulted at Ills Lock InfirmaryNo.31 South flay St, hetweou Lombard und.-econd

mi», ..ppoMte tl»e Kxchnngc lluildiugs, and City Post Ol-fico. ttallimore. Aid This medical institute, establishedover nnecu yeais in this cily -by tegular Physiciuns as a

iHuge fi nut mockery, is widely celebrated for speedy andrflectivn cu e.s ol' va: tous cL»w es of diseases, but especiallythose ki o\vu sa

SECRET DISEASES..Hid is only advertised to proven the afflicted, particu*

Inriy stiauxers. f.oui tailing into the -.Whiied Sepulchres*and othei aliudes of Chur.etanisui blazoned tho

public prints as tho only place*. AVhere a cure can be oh-lamed lor uerta'u diseases. Laltimoro, like other largecities, is iuve ted with tins tribe, and straiigeisshould bo

Uf|C''o'v&k'20 YEAR'S HXl'BUIENCEIn an extensive piaetice devoted 10 this branch or medicalscience, enables l)r. II. lo insu u a piomptaud permanent,euro, in iuy ot ti.e different forms ol Privatk Diskabics.i\'o Money rtqiiilM if a cure i< "ol rfftcted.

DR. (iOKI)ON HARRIS.A member of Ihe ;Mcdiial UliirurgituI Facul'.y, tHadJttieoi ii«i vn11| l/nivcrnttv, clnas l&ih an Honorary Graduateo> the Washington University ot .Maryland} lormorlv Su» .

g'eon oi tn.*. Lusenburg Institute)u Now ®,'cai!8» ,,'V*piietor ot the Lock Infirmary, No. Jl South bay St., Hai¬

timore, having been established in this city overlo yeais,presents a claim on public .confidence beyond ammadvei-

Dr. II prom he* no more than he can 1??/°.' *"}} *'!who place themselves under his charge will bo sacreui)shielded by the cegts ol professional honor.Aware ol the il.liiculty with the public lo discriminate ill

a newspaper ad vei tiscmcut between thegenuine and SKJliuiPhvsiciaiiaud the spurious pretensions ol the designing a ml

dangerous Quack, Dr. 11. will cheerfully give, when appli¬ed to, such private reference a* will fully satisfy all whorequire his services. .

CHRONIC OR SECONDARY F! RMS..Many have suffered lor month*, and even years, under

l»:e effects ofau improperly cured disease, wi* hont know¬ing it to be a socondu.y loi m. The usual symptoms aiesoi e throat, ulceration of the tongue and lips, Itching andtenderness about the u>>se, blotches or eruptions upon tholace, ami body- nodes upon Ihe hones, a sensation ol Heav¬iness, deafness, dull pains in the head and limbs, etc.Cases vary much in character, heuCe but feiv of the synip-tomsare some times experienced, any Oi.e ol them is justcause of alarm. Upon the peilect Constitutional cure ol(be oldest and most iiiveteintc of such cases, Dr. /I. is willling lo stake Ins h #uor and reputation.

total or partial suspension ol those functions, esseit-liat to propagation of the species, a lutal barrier to connu¬bial ties, is the costly price ol excess, unbridled passions,or the violation or nature's laws, by indulgence ill a tIce,olteu coutractod I'roin associates at school, lamiliarity olcorrupt domestics, or the .example ol those who, innocentof harm, entice their companions the practice or thesehabits, which lihe "The worm in the butl," saps the foun-tainof xitality and blights the bright hopes ofiiie; therosy wreath ol Love withers around the heart, the warmimpulses of emleaiiiig sympathy are chilled, and

MAT 1MONY,wli ch should eve be contemplated with pure and unsulli¬ed delight, pieseuts au incubus lo the mind, lilliugit withloaiful appufheuH ms, oi e.vcile* only lecliugs or distrustor repugnante. The c.veriions or parents and guardianslo retain their youthful chaiges m ig oniicanpoii this sub-ject, has too often piuved a ul&cund lata! philosophy; lethonest co. lidruce In* shuivu them in icason's eariy dawn,ni.d guided by the light of ti nth. the pitralls or ignoranceand subseuiiciit mi>ery will be easily avoided.

PROMETHiAN FIRESconsume the Melf-imniol.tlo victim ol'a sccluded habil..His l«*e piv»ents a hi .sted heatli, upon which iio rruils ofgcnsu jjrowj no tl.».ver oi iniettcct can bloom, where theatinosj heir IS tainted with disease, the soil parched byuiumiuial heat, barren and obnoxious lo the eyeThough sad the picture, it is not overwrought! its origf-

na'.s ate utmost dailj presented to the charge ol Dr. liar,is, and even in the public thoroughfare, the disceruiugeye

can mark I'rcquent corroboration or its truth.Moral regard in discharge ot duty must obviously pre*

eludes an entire removal of the veil from this me aucholypictuie ot humati Irailty, bonce hula lew or the symptomsattendant u>on this hliyhtiug malady can here be given.

THE SILENT MONITOR.Symptoms are silent guttles to the locality and advance old scase, following in the train to so:t abuse; weakness olthe oigans, loss ot manly vigor, want ol' natural suscepti¬bility, pain iu the head and limbs, pimples on the face umlneck, dimness ol vition. o: want ol lustre iuthweye. pule-nesso complexion. with general lethargy and impotence,aie a lew of the most prominent physi%al evils.

EFFECTS ON THE MIND.Through dciai-gcmeut or the ner*'ous system, the mind

is uusti uug, memory fails, the power or concent ratingthought is lust, imbccilityaiid idiocy often supervene, leav. tig the ihroiie ol intellect diearand desolate. Timidityand irresolution with melancholy ratuity,.throw a gloommound the scene* ol lile; haunted by invisible torment*,the burthen oflife becomes insupportable, and he plungesdesi-erately into the gull or intemperance or suit Ide.

THE TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE.Commiserating the misfortune of this c ass or unhappy

persons, Dr H has sought with untiling zeal through Ihewide iange of medical lore, for the last 20 years uii anti¬dote for these prolific evils, and can pioudly say hisetrortshave not been uuciowt ed with success. Abundant pristis constantly given in his practice, or I he infallible eflicacyol these remedies. Hy a happy combination ot treatment,physical tlebility is removed, constitutional soundness restoied, Ihe weakened oi cans established in pristine strrugihand vigor, and '.he torpid faculties of the miud aroused iuto healthfulactivityKmeebied manhood may here find a certain restorative

ar.d the bright beams or hope shall soon dispel tho murkyclouJsot gloom, liisent hi ailed from servile rctiers, thevictim otunhallowed passions springs iutoa new existence,and :calizes the sweet fruition of lus brightest anticipaU

l)r. Harris may well congratulate himself upon the hap¬py ir.suit or his researches, and rejoice that lie is jternii t-teil to dispense u balm to the afflicted, a position more en-viable than the jewelled throne orearth's lotticst polcu-" 6"

A WORD TO THE not shame or false del:cncv keep you back, but te

ileci that >ou> life and reputation are at stake; rememberthai ihe veneral poison is death to your constitution, andthieatens not only your physical powers and mental facul¬ties with dcsTiuction, but closes the door to connubialjoys, blights the prcsnocts or the riture, and wraps yourbody and soul .n the dark mantle or despair. The oppor¬tunity ofembrse ng the aid ol'a regular and skiirul Physiciau is before you, one who has made this branch of metlical science h s prolouud study, and who has been favoredwith extended opportunities or comparing theory wi'hpiactice, and did prop>iety permit, could adduce tho gratelul testimony ol'lhou ands who have been rescued by histimely assistance liom the abyss of impending rum Allapplicants aie sacr jdly guarded from exposure by the aegisol professional honor.

..TO FEMALES.Dr. H. has given particular attent.on to Female Diseases,

His evpetience enables him to relieve sapklt and :ii*kico-

itt, all Irregularities, Xerrout Derangement, Constitution¬al IVeahueiti, General Debility, etc.QCVPrompt attention given to letters, and treatmeiu

marked with skill and delicacy.tCf"CoramunicatioiiS8acredly inv'olate.

PERSONS AT A DISTANCE.Mav consult Dr. II. tin ougli letter, (postpaid,) and by des¬cribing symptoms, icceUe advice, treatment and medi¬cines, the same as if present; while their communicationswill be observed with honorable confidence

All Medicines lorwarded with prompt attention by sarest ro-jte to the indicated address, carelully securedagainst damage or curiosity, and accompanied by plain andexplicit directions.N. H..The pecuniary position or Dr. Harris enables

him to make charges moderate.P. S..His Office isarr«nged;with"privatc consultation

rooms, rendering it avail ible^to either sex.05TAdvice to the poor free or charge.Addiestt Dr. G. HAKK1S, Baltimore, Md.apr4-1y

Dr Hall's Celebrated Pulmonic ElixirFOR the permanent cure ol coughs, colds, consumption,

bronchitis, asthma, influenza, croup, whooping cough,iuflamatiou oflhe bronchea audhoarseuess, caused by pub.ic >peaking; and all affections cf the organs of respira¬tion.Warranted the'pleasantcstand best mcdicinc for diseas*

eso the lungs ever sold in America.In presenting this medicine to the public v. e have the

satisfaction to know Unit we not only present them withan invaluable autiJote for the class of diseases it profes¬ses to cure, but one which is perfectly harmless ill its ef¬fects upm the constitution, uu can lie administered with¬out any fear of mineral poison*--, for it contains none..The Inct, that a large portion of the suffering, and deaththroughout t e country, is caused by disease of thc.prgavsol respiration, consequent upon exposure and cold; lias in¬duced us to put it within the reach of every individualwho may need a reu.edy that has proven itself so invalu¬able.This medicine is the result of a long experience, and

study or those diseases of t he lungs which are so frequent inour changeable climate; and we claim it to be in advanceof all medicines ever before discovered for those peculiarcompl lints, an Improvement upon all, anjJL consequently>uporiorto all of he is.

We shall make 110 o.vtravagan* assertions of its efficacyin curing diseasea. 1-ke the venders of too many nostrums,who deceive all who trust them, nor shall wo hold out anyinducements which cx|»criei)ce docs not justify.

II patients will persevere in ths use of this medicine,and use ii. as directed, they will be cured in every instancethat it is not beyond the power of medicine. 1'here arenun crnus persons now enjoyingthe ¦.lessings of health andrenewed life, as it were, who otuerwiso would have longsince l»ren in their grave, but for the timely and perseve*ring use ol this invaluable remedy. Itis not pretendedthat it is infallible in every stage ol consumption, but woknow it to ba better adapted to the various diseases of therespiratory organs than any other Medicine ever oflercd tothe public. All we ask is a trial, and in every instance, itused Ireely nccordingto the directions, and if perfect satis¬faction ii notgivn, the money will be returned.Genuine signed E. H.\LL CO. For sale by JAMES

HAKE!!, Druggist, Wheeling, Va. Also, by Druggistsgenerally throughout the country, apfl-Iy

DR. DYE'S RELIEFFor Coughs, Colds, Ifourseness, Bronchitis and

Incipirnt Consumption.17UFTEEN years sucrcxs in the use of this Syrup, iu

; private practice, for the various affections or theBronchia and Lungs,is deemed sufficient recommendationiu presentingit to the afflicted, to insure a trial of its ef*ficacy.There is nothing in this Syrup that will nauseate,so there

can be lib danger ingivingit to the youngestchild, or in itsuse in any quantity under'any circumstances. It is pleas*mt mi'd and effectual.Price00 cts. per bottle.Prepared by Dr. J. S. DYE, Hartford,Con.For sale by KKLLS CALDWELL,

dCC3fl Sole Agent*.


id.'fiattrie Juice, pre-^^*pared from Rennet, or the

Fourth Stomach of the Ox,alter thedliections of En-ron Liebig, the great Physi¬ological Chemist, by J. S.Houohton, M. D., Phila¬delphia. Pa.This is Nature's own

Rkmkdy for an unhealthystomach. No art or man

can equal it>curative powers. It contains no Alcohol,Bittkrs, A cm*,-'or NjlC»k«»d« Drugs. It is extremelyagreeable to the taste, and may be taken by the .nostfeeble patients who cannot eat a water cracker withoutacute distress. Eeware of Druookd Imitation*. Pepsinis NOT A DRUG.

Call on the agent, and get a descriptive circular, gratis,giving a large amount or Sr:KKTiricEvtD*ifcit, from Lie-big's Animal Chemistry} Dr. Combe's Physiology or Di¬gestion; Dr Pereiraon Food and Diet; Dr. John W. Dra¬per. of New York University; Prof. Dungllson'sPfcyaiolo-gyj Prof. Si Hi man, or Yale College; Dr. Carpenter's Phys¬iology; etc., together with repoita ofcork* from all partsofthe United States.

1. H. PATTERSON, 33 Monroe street, WHEELING,Wholesale and RetaiMgent. maT*?ft-d©wtr

NEW SUCJAK.QQ IIHPS. new crop Sugar, teccived jer steamboatsCO Forest« ity, and for sate by

TALLANT dr DKLAPLAIN,dec!9No 09 Main It.



Furniture t'ovcrinua. Arc..AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.


la No. 169 Chcatnut St. Philadelphia, Corner fifth street,oppcaife the Slate Howie.

IIK has always in store a full stock o(French Hrocateilsjall widths Laco am! Muslin Curtainsand colors} orevery style ami price.

French Satin de Lainesi Table 4- Piano Covers &c.iIndia Satin Damasks* Gill Cornices}French Moquette; Gilt Pins and Hands*Do Plushes} Gimps, Fringes}

Coids. Tassels. Ac.N. V. Painted ivtbfDOIVSHADES, of ail styles ami

|>iiceK} lluir Hollands; Shade Fixtures, Brasses, 4-c.t amieverything complete for Curtains, of the newest Palisstyles, and at tlie lowest price*.

Persons sending the height and icidth of their window/mine*, can have their CurtatiiH made and trimmed in the(test manner; see Fashion Plates in August number of Go.doy's Jwidy's Hook.steamer*, hotels, CAR >" UILDERS, and dealers gener

ally, supplied at the lowest wholesale price*.W. II. CA RRYL,

Importer orar.d Dealer in Furnishing Goods,1C9 Chestnut street, corner of Fifth,

mirI'M)*uAcw Opposite the Stale Kou*r. PhUada.


IN BRlTi8l', FHE.N'Cll AND AMKKIOAN DRY GOODS,No. HO, North Third Street, S. West corner of Race Street.


w A LTISK C H u u K., J11.,Upholnterr niidPapcr fllnutfiutf Warehouse,

Ao. 22U Baltimore St.t near Charles St.,HAS in store, curtain material and trimming, such as

I rocatell. satin damask, satin de Jaiues, Worsteddamask. Cornice, etc.


p'?l.n a,,lJ ^Sured plush, hair cloths, velvets, gimps,weoplug, piano and table covers, transparent shades, etc.


Fine and low priccd, suitable lor par'ors, halls, drawingrooms, chambers, etc., t^ether with decorations, views,border, etc , all of which will be sold on pleasing terms.

mnrgfl-l vd

.faper Warenouse.


No. 11 Cliff Street,NEW YORK.

Are Hole Aacuta in the 1/uilod minica forMuspratt's superior Hleachiug Powder.Victoria Mills CMebratei Writing Papers.Busseil '* Superior " "

Genesee " 11 Printing 11

Kawlius & Sous' English Tissue "

First quality Ultramarine illueThey are also Ageuti for the principal Paper Manufnctur-

era in this country, and offer for Salo by far the most ex¬tensive and and desirable stock or I'apcr and Paper Ma lilt'

facturers* Materials that can be found In this or any othercountry.

Their business is strictly wholesale,and Writing Papersare sold by the case only.Their extraordinary facilities enable-thenr to oflcr nil

Goods, both Foreign and Domestic, at the lowest possiblel»riccs.Paper made to order, any slie or weight. Liberal ad¬

vances made on consignments of Paper, Paper Makers'stock and other merchandize.The highest nmiket piice paid in cash for all kinds 3

Hags. augt-ly.%Villi:tuiM anil Brother,


CounEu Cary and Peari. Streets,Richmond, Va.

tES"OfTcr their se-vices for the sale of all kinds of Pro¬duce and Manufactures. Goods for them inny be shippedby the Halt. A Ohio Kailroad to Baltimore and consignedto Jacob Brandt, Jr., agent for the Powhat tan SteamboatCii.j or Charles Pendergast, agei.t of the Balto. and Kicli-moml line or Packets, either of whom will receive andforward them without charge.

REFERENCEStJas R. iiaker, Esq.Aaron Ivelty, 4

K. Brady, *

Morgan Nelson, 4 f Wheeling.Dr. M. H. Houston,Messrs. Sweeney t&.Son.JMessrs. Lewis* Geo. Casaan,*)

* J. G. ScllniamV Soji, ^ Baltimore.4 Love, Martin 4* Cc. J

Judge Juo. Brockenbrough, Lexington, Va.janlS:lmd

Humphreys, Hoffman & Koons,COMMISSION MERCHANTS,

FOR THE SALE OKFlour, Pork, ICucou. Mccd» nu4 Produce

Generally,No. 47, North Wharves, and 95, North Water-St.,

PHII.ADEI rilJA.IE?"Liberal advances will be made on receipt Bills La

ding.Refer to Mrxxr*. FortsvTits & IJohkixm, Wheeling. jnl3

da.-vlEii nowiiVrvoT"Brokerand General Claim Agent,

WASHINGTON, D. C.,WILL give prompt and personal attention to Claims

before the Department, undother business entrustedo him. KefertoE B. Swkarinukn. ap2>-ly


Cheitiiutati, bcloiv ?ih,PHILA]>Jb'LPXIVA.

BOARD SI,go PER DAY. mvgfr-dly*0 ilCMteru and soulheru :Uerclniuu

Sexton, Seal & Swearingen.OilM'OKTRICS «fc JOItBEKS

OF FANCY DKY GOODS.No. 11, S. 4th st. between Market and

Cliesnut fSts. Phil'a.J. W. Sexton, L. Seal, A. Van Swearlngen.

OFFER to purchasers, the largest assortment or Fane)Dry Goods in the city. It comprises in part of

Hosiery of all kinds and qualities.Gloves, Undershirts, Dress Shirts and Collars.W oollcn yarns or different shades and colors.A fine assortment of Shell do do Buffalo and IniitAtion Combs.

Brushes orall descriptions.Dress and Tailors Trimmings orall kinds. .*

Burnetts, six cord col'd Spool Cotton.Perfumery orall kinds.As well as a great many styles ofgoods ofour own Impiir

tation, which we cannot here mention, and which are wellworthy the attention of byers. We feel we can make it tothen-interest to give us a trial. septB

JOHN H. BROWN & CO.,Importer* Wholesale Dealers in

British, French and AmericanDRY GOODS,

IYo. ?Iarket8lrect, Phllndelphia;tilStlyd

FRANKLIN HOUSE.Chestnut Street, between 3d and 4th,

PHILADELPHIA.Ben* II. Woolman. Proprietor.

A first Class llotel. Prices reduced! From £2,00 to$1,60 per day. mar!7-lyd

IVillinm l>u Ily, T. A. Jobua & .«.,Wholesale dealers, in Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Leg¬

horn, Panama and Palm Leaf Hats.ALSO FUR, SILK, AND WOOL IIA7S,»8 Market Street, Pui(.a&ici.1'iiia.

marl7-t vdCUMIOUN. A. I'OlVTOd.

Colhoun & Cowton,pnoDVCEVuniniatiioN mekihaivtn

ron tjik pa.^c or

FLOUR, DACOS, LARD, CLOVER 8KKD, &C.,Broad St., 2Ca*t tide, bet. I{ace 4* Cherry,

PHILADELPHIA.Liberal advances made on Consignments, and when re

ceivcd by car loads, firftor d ravage.KEFKK to Forayths^fe Hopkins, Wheeling, who will

makR advances on consignments. aplft-lyJfeujuuiin Ifl. Lightl'oott

Hats, Caps, and Ladies' Riding HatsNo, 41, North Second Street,

PHILADELPHIA.CSeo. W. ¥>n<Ty. I*ateofCrir»tnitSt. mar17-1yd

LL O YD & CO. ,

Claim, Pension and Bounty LandAGENTS,

Fifteenth street, opposite the Treasury,WASH iNGTON, D. C.,

.n«h ndvnnced on Olnlniv, See.

CILA I MS before Congress or the United States that havej been abandoned by other agents as icarthie**, have

been successfully prosecuted by us. Letters addressed as. bove, post paid, will be promptly attended to..pl6-tf


THIS large and convenient house, having been thoroughty repaired, and refitted with entirely new furniture ofhandsome nnd comfortable style, is now open for the ac-commodntion of guests.The subscriber invites the natronoge of the public; and

those who favor him with their company may be assuredof a hospitable reception, the best fare, anu such comfortsand attentions as will make bis house compare favorablywith the best kept hotels in the District or elsewhere.Omnibus es constantly pass to and from the Capnol,

running until eleven o'clock at nightap22-Cin W. M FITZHUGH

Notice to Housekeepers.NEW CAKPKT8 AT KCUDCGU I'RICEH,1 R C\f\C\ YARDS of Carpets at No. 143, Main street.lO^UUU The Subscriber respectfullyinforms his customeis and the public generally, that he hos just returnedfrom the east, and is now receiving the largest, best, andmost beautiful stock of Carpets, Rugs, Oil C)oth8, etc. etc.ever offered in thi3 city, embracing almost every variety o(styleand quality that can be found in the Eastern markets,from the finest English Velvets down to a common Hagearpet. This stock has been selected with great care, aud pur-chased under the most favorable circumstances, which willenable me to sell them much lower than the same quality «>leoods were ever sold in this city. Those in waut or goodsin my line, will please call and select from my stock orover10,COO yards, witli 150 different patterns, varying in priceroni J2fc. to $2 per yard.xcpLl J. C. HARBOUR, no. 1,43, Main at.

i] Dr. Todd's Pills~

CAN be had fresh and genuine at the following places inthe city of Wheeling and vicinity, via:.At the Drug

stores or James Baker: Kells & Caldwell; Brentllnger ACO} Dr T H Logan &* Of Freillc Yahrling, Wm fl/cKce iV.Co: (Ritchietown); F A Brentllnger Centre Wheeling); athe <Shoe store of Todd & Devol, market square, and atthe Drug aiore or the proprietor, corner of Qulncy andFirth streets.They can also be had at P Dunn's, Grave Creeks A Be-

dillion'8 and Jacob Gooding's, National Road; .Benj. I,Craven, west Alexandria; Wilson Stringer's, west Wheel¬ing; and Ely Looman's, Bridgeport, Ohio.These pilts need no further recommendation than a ah

trial; they have now been In constant use ror more thantwenty years, and ir you wllll only give them a chance theywill sneak for themselves.try them. 25c j»er box; $2 perdoa; >20 per gross. ianB

IOGAN, CARR & CO., have just received 170 boxesJ of tobacco, in addition to their large stock. Call

roundat No. 81, and see a specimen of the . Callfornigolden bar Tobacco," intended for all "who love a gooathing." AIM, a largf lot oriinported Sa^aH juat i oh andfew



CANFIELD, BROTHER, & Co.229 Baltimore Street, Comer of Charles,



AVE opened their new store with a splendid stock 0Goods.

GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES!From tlie most celebrated imkersiu London, Liverpool

Mid Geneva.on extensive stock always kept on handevery one or which is guaranteed to perform accuiatetime.

SILVER WARE OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE!Silver Tea and Coffee Sets, Goblets* Cuus, Tuuihleu

Castors. Walters, Spoons, Forks, Fie and Cake Kitlve,'Ice Cieain Knives, Napkin Kings, Fivb Knives, Salt LVl*.lars, «yc., ol new designs.

PLATED WARE.Coffee and Tea Seta, Urns, Tea KettleK. large and sinaii

Waiters.Oval, Oblong and round shapes; Castors, C*UBaskets. Kpe.'gnesa, Flower and Fruit *iuud*, *vc.

DIAMOND WORK!A superb collection or Diamond Bracelets and Kim

Broaches. Crosses, Finger Kings, lull suits of Diamond*'suitable for \\ edding Gifts.

rich jewelry!This branch ofout* business is not surpassed by any ««.

tabli-nient in I he country; having workmen employed uu-der our own supervision, constantly making new styles-anil by every steamer we are supplied from the Kuiopeatlactones, which enables us togive to our customers 11latest fashions, and at low prices.

FANCY GOODS!Writing Desks, Work l.'oxes. Chess Men, Card Ba»-

kets, Cologne RoLil.'S, elegant Vases* Parisian Mar >leStatutes, Paris Hiouzes, Fine Paintings, Papier Machic,Tables and Work Stands, Porte Mommies, superior c«.logue, French Perfumeries, Rosewood j»nd leather Die*.siug Cases, English Soaps, Tooth Crushes, Hair Crusheddec.

superior albata ware!New Patterns ol Forks, Spoons, Ladles, etc. of this arti

cle, wnich is fast superseding silver ware.SPLENDID MANTLE CLOCKS!

Bronze and Gill Mantle Clocks of elegant designs, black,yellow, drab aid white marble do; Fiench Porcelain du;richly dccorated.Watch Tooi.s and Materials, of the heat quality, coi»-

stcntly kept on hand and carelut-.y selected.For the convenience of customers we have erected «

large, spaciou* stoic, giving custodiers every facility ft,rinspecting our extensive slot.k of Goods. Adjoining uktretail sales room, we have filled up another room, overKM feel in depth, for the Wholesale Department.ttJf"Ever> article Tumi our establishment is warranted

fo he as good as represented.lCff"PciSOllt visiting CalliniO e. will do well to exainlii

our assortment. Orders from the country will beattei»lcd tofaillifullv and promtiv.

GA.\ FIELD, IIROTHE»« * Co.,llaltimoie st., S. West corner of Charles

Sign of the Golden Eagle.Baltimore. March 24.-dwlv.

F A N i! 1l ii W O I^!X.FREDK. PICKEV & SONS,

250 Baltimore Street.Importer* of English, German end French Fancy,

HAVE now in store.their Springassoortnient or PorltMommies, Violins, Peicussion Caps, Accordeoiu,

Tooth and Nail Brushes, Rosewood and Kuflato BaitBrushes Combs of ovcry ricsciiption, Cutlery, Kant /;ultons, Perfumery, Fancy Sonp?, "Work tfoxes, Jeuciij,etc., elc.

hi the Hosiery line a full assortment or While, 1!townand mixed col foil i hose, Lisle, Thiead and Silk J ho?*,lotion hose or every description, Lisle Thread andSilfchoseorevery description,Cotton, Thieaduud SilkGlotrt,Filley & Stewait's Patent Thread, t olton, Thread aojSilk Laces, Silk and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Seek lic«etc. etc.

Dealers will find our stock the most exteusive incity, and our prices as low as any house in tlie the countrjmar24-dwtr

v. J. LKKKW. a. SaNDKR.A. MU


CHARLES FISCHER & CO.,No. 333 Market Street, iehceen Hotcard and Eutcu tit.


German, French and English GoodsSUCil AS

Hosiery, Drawers, Buttons,Gloves, Shawls, Tapes,Laces, Fringes, Bindings,Threads, Sewing Silk, Spool Cotton,Under Shirrs, Suspenders, Ribbons,

Turkey Red Yarn, etc.. etc-Scythes, Slates, Violins, Accordeons,Jews-Harps, Perc Caps, Guitars, Harmonicas,Marbles. Look's glasses, Flutes'. etc. etc.A complete rssortment or Combs and Fancy Goods.nnr^S-lvd@tw



OK. CHAM BERLIN would say to his friends and» patrons throughout the West, and to all young men

desirous of learning Book Keeping, that be has disposedor his interest in the Pittsburgh Commercial College, amipermanently located himself in Baltimore, and is now atthe bend or one or the most flourishing Institutions in tlieUuicn. The racililies here ottered foi acquiring a com¬plete Mercantile education are equal if not superior, tothose or any similar College in the West. Individualswishing to obtain situations when qualified, will find it totheir advantage to prepare themselves at this establish¬ment, as a large number or gentlemen (among whomatrseveral from the West) have recently completed theircouise of study, and obtained desirable situations as BookKeepers in this city. For particulars, terms, etc., writiand have a circular forwarded by»gfi-d®w1v

Drakeley & Fentort,(jfSTA BL1SI1KD 1836.)

COMMISSION MERCHANTS.For the sale oT Hon Products, Flour,§BtTTKa, Wool,Window Glass and Country Produce, generally. Tl*«willalsc give attention topurchasirgon commission.

3S7 Baltimore St>% corner ofFaca.BALTIMORE, Md.

m»r2.5- lvd@\\JOHN SULLIVAN & SONS,


ton, Flour, Whisht, *»d WkstkrhProduce

Camden St., near Light St. Wharf,aplt>-ly HALT! MOKE.

A. SISCO,Ao. 95 Baltimore Street, opposite Holliday Street,


WHOLESALE and Kclail manufacturer of Odd F*Ilows, Masonic, Sons of Toiii|ieraiice, Red Meu'stmJ

other Regalia, Maimers, Flags, Jewels, etc.. AlilitujGoods of all kimls. aplMy

Stein & Brother,Manufacturers and Wholesale Pollers in

CLOTHING,Xo, 316 Baltimore Street, txticeell Uotcard cud LiitrtyStl.mnr2S-3m BALTIMORE.



mar28 Cumberland. Md.> DVtlH A. CLABAUHU. W. II. CLABACON

FOUNTAIN HOTEL.FT1HE undersigned having purchased the lease and cffectsJL of that old established house, t ho Fountain HuTCt*Light street, Baltimore, and ha\iug repaired andre-fui-nislied at a heavy outlay, now offci to their friends and tl'frtraveling public an astublishinent second to noi.e in cootlortand convenience.The Ladies* Ordinary, md the suites of rooms attached*

will be found to *ffovd the comforts or home to NiniliM*-wiiilc the situition of the lioufce guaiantees quiet repose toall its patrons.

It is t e most central situation for the man ofbusineM,being in the centre of business, affords as convenient ac-ce>s to all the Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landing*any other hotel in the city.

It will be the drsire and pleasure of the proprietor topromote the comfort of the jsue-jta ot the house.ap^-ly CUBAUQH Oe UHOTHKIL_

Solid Daguerreotypes.THIS latest discover) is the wonder or the age. Th»

picture assumes all ihe roundness and solidity oflife.It also appears life-sixe, and in every point resembles tli»living keing. Natuie is perfectly mocked, even to an in¬dividual hair. Taken at WHITEIIUHST'S, over (Janip*bell's Jewelry store. llaltimore street, in the city oPBalti-ntote; also, in his Washington Gallery, and will soon l»ointroduced in all of his galleries, which may ba found inall the piincipal cities in tfee Union.Mr. fPi i itkhurst has the honor to announce that he lu»

just received a letter from the President or the-UnitedStates, informing him oftheaward of a Medal, Certificaie,and a copy ofthe Juried reports at the World's PZir, hon-

don. rn*r30-uJOIIS W. BEI.L. BKNJ. DAXBT*


COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Howard St., opposite Centre.

iy!4»1y HALT1MORK.TJIOS. J. CAUtfOK.J f JustI'll CABitOit

T. J. CAK80N Ac CO.,Western Produce and General!

Commission Merchants,41 & 42. Light Street,

JIaltimokk,An*' 36, Water Street, New-Yoik.

Liberal advance* made rn consignment".___


Aud Wholenaledealers iu Flab.74 i Uovsley's Wharf,BALTIMORE, Md.

lCff"Advaiicea nude on consignments of Provisions an*merchandise generally. isj*r2»-ly

IlopkiusAc Fairchild,Merchant Tailors,

220 Baltimore Street,BALTIMORE,

INyiTE the attention ofthe citizens of Wheeling to then1extensive assortment orctoths, cavsimeirs aliu vest

ings, selected with great qare, from the latest importa¬tions.

READY MADE CLOTHING.On the second floor of their store they keep a largei as¬

sortment ot elegantly finished clothing, made by the bp*'hand and cut in t he most fashionable style. mar16 lyd~llaire7^i«^OM7^n^TIldny^k.Jo.,


STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS,No. 1 lianorer *treitt near Market,

.BALTIMORE.Richard Hake, NaXiki. HoludaY,WlLLlAM PlICRSON, JaMKS Ro»I*SOW.(OrRefer to the Merchants of Wheeling. niargg -t

MARTIN & HOBSON,Flour and General Cummisiion Mrrchonltt


top related