medical factors

Post on 30-Dec-2015






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Medical Factors. Dietary choices The choices that people make about food depends on many factors including Dietary and medical needs Religion Ethical reasons. Coronary heart disease. An angina attack happens when blood cannot get to the heart to supply it with oxygen. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Medical FactorsDietary choicesThe choices that people make about food

depends on many factors includingDietary and medical needsReligionEthical reasons

Coronary heart disease An angina attack happens when

blood cannot get to the heart to supply it with oxygen.

This happens when the arteries leading to the heart become narrower due to fatty deposits. A heart attack will result if the artery is completely blocked by a blood clot.

Factors which increase the risk of coronary heart disease are

High blood pressure Smoking High cholesterolYou can lower cholesterol levels by Reducing the amount of

saturated fat in your diet Increase the amount of fruit and

vegetables you eat Take regular exercise.

Diabetes Diabetes is the third most

common long term disease in the UK. It can lead to complications such as

Heart disease Kidney disease Blindness Nerve problems Diabetics cannot produce

sufficient insulin to control the glucose level in the blood

There are two types of diabetes

Type 1 can be treated with injections

Type 2 can be controlled by diet and or injections

To prevent diabetes you should have a balanced diet and take regular exercise.

Lactose intolerancePeople can be intolerant

of many foods. Lactose intolerance is common and affects about 70% of the worlds population.

It can be temporary or permanent and is caused by a lack of lactase the digestive enzyme which breaks down lactose found in cows, sheep and goats milk into simple sugars.

If you suffer you should avoid milk products and replace them with soya products.

AllergiesAll allergies involve the

immune system, and are usually more serious than food intolerance.

Symptoms of allergies are

CoughingDry throatNauseaFeeling bloatedVomitingWheezingRunning or blocked noseSore/red eyes

Nut allergiesIn some people with a

nut allergy, a very small amount can trigger anaphylaxis.

This is a severe reaction which causes the airways to swell and lowers the blood pressure.

It can result in death if not treated quickly.

Food labels must state if they contain nuts.

Coeliac diseaseThis is intolerance to

gluten which is found in wheat, rye and barley.

Coeliacs cannot absorb nutrients if they eat gluten.

Corn rice and potatoes do not contain gluten. You can also buy special gluten free products in most shops.

ReligionFollowers of some

religion are required to follow certain rules.

Kosher or Halal meat is slaughtered in a special way.

Jews-No shellfish or pork and only kosher meat. No dairy products and meat in the same meal.

Hindus-no beef or beef products

Sikhs-No beef or could be vegetarian

Muslims-No pork, only Halal meat.

Ethical issuesSome people avoid meat

due to environmental issues or health risks.

Some people avoid beef due to concerns over BSE.

Some avoid chicken and turkey due to the bird flu issues.

Some people avoid fish due to the overfishing. Or prawns because this fishing is very energy expensive and wasteful. Producing unnecessary greenhouse gases.

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