medical and school externships 2016 part 2. externship interest form fill out form today if possible...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Medical and School Externships

2016Part 2

Externship Interest FormFill out form today if possible or at the latest by

Monday, December 8. Please return completed form to Susan (Hedco 273).

For medical you must provide at least a first and second choice for geographic area and type of placement

Note any particular interests, circumstances, etc.

How to find an in-state externship

Fill out externship form and indicate you would like a medical and/or school placement in the state.

Be as specific as possible.

Consider your professional future and what will best serve to get you the job you want following graduation.

Susan will review once all are in and start to make contacts.

Timeline for In-state Externships

Schedule to meet with Susan by February 15 to identify sites that fit your expectations

Do not contact any site in Oregon – Susan will make first contact with Oregon sites to verify that they are taking a student from UO

Application process and deadlines vary depending on the site

Note that some application deadlines are not until summer 2014 (e.g., VA Portland)

How to Find an Externship Out-of-State

Existing ContractsCheck infoCDS - There is a small number of out-of-state

sites with whom we have a contract for both medical and schools.

New Contracts Do a web search -- Look for geographical area you are

interested in, then search for a hospital, SNF, rehab place that offers the type of services you are interested in (peds, adults, acute, outpatient, etc.) or a school district/EI agency.

If you want to do your externship in an area where you can stay with family/friends - - Ask your friends/family for names of hospitals, SNFs, school districts, etc.

Timeline for Out-of-State Externship

New ContractResearch potential externship sites – please, do not

contact site before you have met with Margit and Susan.Margit and Susan will have two office hours next week to

discuss details with anyone who is ready to make contact with a new site. This is especially important if you plan to contact a site over the December break.

Contact potential site during winter break or early winter term.

You will be responsible to make contact with site and

Identify contract person for Margit and Lindsay

Find out what the application process is

Making Initial Contact for Out-of-State Placement

Medical externship >> first contact usually via phone.

Schools externship – first contact usually via email.Contact Director of Special Ed or Director of Speech

Services.Create an email trial.

Some medical and school sites have a designated person for student placements.

Other medical sites >> try contacting one of the SLPs and find out who the person is you need to talk to

Must have a firm yes to move forward

Making Initial Contact for Out-of-State Placement

Before you make phone call, familiarize yourself with

Objectives for Medical or School Externship Link to document or school externship (CDS 609\Sept. Exp. overview.doc; CDS 625 - 626\CDS 625\STUDENT TEACHING overview.docx)on infoCDS

Requirements to be met by the supervisor of the medical or school externship – Link to document on infoCDS for medical – info in the above document links for schools.

Once you have a contact, email the following information to Susan

Full name of the site with address

Phone number

Contact person – first and last name, title

E-mail address of the contact


Required by most medical and some schools.Start building resume/cover letter(s)Mostly via e-mail

letter/e-mail of intent; resumeSome require interview (in-person, via phone)Many sites have specific requirements – Susan will review

once assignment has been confirmed (usually fall term) Additional immunizations

Drug screening

Health insurance

CPR for Health Care Providers

Criminal Background Check

Facility-specific training (e.g., HIPAA, bloodborne pathogens, electronic medical records)

Professionalism: First impressions are

critical No typos! Tone of email/voicemail

Be pleasant, knowledgeable, and gently persistent Placing an extern is not an

obligation or first priority – it is something done in addition to a person’s full time job

Track all contacts Keep a log Who you spoke to, gist of

conversation and next steps

Interview etiquette Be on time Smile Dress appropriately Project confidence Do your research

No excuse with the internet Read the notebook (with site

descriptions) in records room Have questions ready you

would like to askExternship placements are an

important step to a job placement!


More information on infoCDS > Practicum > Off-campus Placements > Medical Externship


SCHOOLS - Local placement how to (slide 1/1):

(4J, Springfield, Bethel, South Lane, EC Cares and Lane ESD)

Sign-up on sheet today indicating to Susan that you would like a local placement.

Indicate any preferences – middle school, life skills, etc…

Placements will be made by the end of May for SE for next fall.

DO NOT contact local SLPs or schools yourself.

Certain protocols must be followed for them to host.

SCHOOLS - Distance placement how to: (slide 2/4)

3. Look on infoCDS to see if we have a current contract. Can do this step in reverse order if you would like to know

districts with contracts first. COE handles all Oregon school districts. CDS handles all others.

4. Get contract person contact info. from the district and supply to Susan by March 1st. Likely not the SLP or Director of Special EdFull name of the site, address, phone number, fax

number, contact person – first and last name, and title, and the email address of the contact

SCHOOLS - Distance placement how to: (slide 3/4)

5. Check back with Susan regarding contract. Be amazingly gracious to the team that works to put these in place –

Margit/Lindsay/Lalla (SE Fall 11 24/13/5) (ST 12 24/15/4) Needs to be in place by June 26th. If no contract by that date a local

placement will be discussed.

6. Once contract is in place – SLP will be assigned by district Confirm current ASHA CCC Provide district with any required documentation

7. If a Portland area district is preferred email specifics to Susan by January 1st (earlier is even better). She will make all contacts and be in touch regarding placements. It is not guaranteed a Portland area placement will be made

but every effort will be put forward on your behalf.

SCHOOLS - Distance Placement how to: (slide 4/4)

May have to complete other district specific trainings /requirements prior to starting.4j has several required on-line trainings

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